72.72% Naruto's Hashira Journey / Chapter 8: Bell Test

บท 8: Bell Test

*RING!!* *RING!!*

Naruto woke up, rubbed his eyes and squinted his eyes to looked at his alarm clock on his dresser. "3:30 AM" he muttered. He turned it off and started taking a bath

He entered and turned on the shower, as he let the water wash his body

'This will be my first fight against a Jonin. I have to give everything I've got. It's time to see the results of my hard work!' he thought, with a determined look on his face he resumed his shower






After the shower he quickly gets dressed in new clothes. A dark-brown gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy chocho zubon pants that extend into tabi socks, a pair of zōri with red straps, and bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around his calves resembling kyahan and a checkered, black-and-sea-foam-green haori. He looked at his dresser and opened the drawer and took out a pair of hanafuda earrings and puts them on, he got all of it as rewards from the system. He went to the kitchen and fixed himself some breakfast

'I get that Kakashi-sensei told us to not eat breakfast, but you can't fight on an empty stomach... But why do I get this feeling that Kakashi-sensei would be late again?...' he thought, sweat drop

He begins eating sunny-side eggs, three strips of bacon, two toasts, and a glass of orange juice. After eating, he begins preparing a bento for lunch once the test is over. He looked at the time and saw it was now 4:42 AM, he equipped his katana around his left waist, he looked at the mirror and stared at his new look, with a small smile he nodded, he went to the door and exited his apartment, locked it, and headed out of his apartment towards the training grounds













(Training grounds)

He arrived at the designated location and starts looking around for the others

'Look's like I'm early...' he thought

He put down his bag and waited for his teammates. He thought 'status'



Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 12

Level: 28


Strength:high chūnin

Chakra:high jonin (Uzumaki heritage)

Chakra control: high



(Shadow clone)

Wind: (Great Breakthrough)(Violent Whirlwind)(Vacuum Sphere)

Earth: (Mud Wall)(Hiding like a mole)

Lightning: (lightning style: shadow clone)

Genjutsu: none

Taijutsu: high chunnin

Fuinjutsu: storage seals, weight seals

Sage art: none

|Breathing styles|

Wind Breathing, Thunder Breathing


"I didn't receive any rewards when I leveled up but it's a good thing I still trained my strength and increased my chakra" Naruto said, he sighed and added

"I need to boost my training. I should find Guy-san, he can help me increase the difficulty and improve my taijutsu, I could ask Kakashi-sensei for help too. I wonder how him and Lee are?" He said as he imagined the two of them screaming youth

He heard footsteps and saw his teammates finally arrived. Sakura still sleepy, Sasuke just kept a straight look

"Good morning you two!" Naruto greeted them back, waving at them smiling

"(Yawn) Good morning Naruto..." Sakura said, rubbing her eyes

"Hn" Sasuke nodded

"Now all that's left is Kakashi-sensei"

Sakura notices his new look and commented

"I like your look, Naruto. Especially your earrings" she said 'Sasuke-kun still looks better though' she thought

Naruto smiled and said "Thanks, I got these from a friend" not mentioning them about the system

She nodded and Sasuke just looked at him and didn't say anything

The three of them started waiting for Kakashi












(6 hours later)

"Yo! Good morning!" Kakashi greeted them, happily waving

"YOU'RE LATE!!!" The three of them yelled madly

"Well, a black cat just crossed my path, you see" Kakashi said with the lamest excuse he could think off

Sakura still mad at him being late, Sasuke narrowed his eyes angrily, and Naruto just deadpanned looks at him

Sensing the tension he coughed and puts his bag down and placing down a clock on a tree log and sets it off for 12:00

"All right, it's all set for 12:00" Kakashi said

He tooks out two bells and shows it to them

"Today's assignment is to take these bells away from me by noon. Those who won't get them wont get lunch and will be tied on those logs and I'll eat my lunch before your very eyes" he announced

He looks at the team and saw their hungry, disappointed faces except for naruto

'so that was the point...' Sasuke thought

'for not eating breakfast...' Sakura finished Sasuke's thought

'i felt sorry for the two' Naruto thought, looked at them with sympathy

Kakashi looked at Naruto who was not bothered and asked

"Naruto, you didn't looked bothered at all. Did you eat breakfast?" He asked

Naruto looked at kakashi and said

"Hai! I did" Naruto said as Sakura and Sasuke looked at him surprised

"Why?" Kakashi asked

"You cannot fight or complete missions on an empty stomach; it will slow you down, reduce your stamina, and give you low energy. I also believed that telling us not to eat breakfast was a lie" Naruto explained

Sakura and Sasuke's eyes widened then they looked at kakashi who is standing motionless, looking at Naruto for a few seconds

'seems I underestimated him'

"...Those were valid reasons and yes I lied" shrugged, kakashi said and eye smiled

"W-wait, Sensei you lied to us on not eating breakfast?!" Sakura screamed

Sasuke was still shocked and berated himself for not figuring it out

"Wait, what? Breakfast is an important meal of the day. It boosts your energy and helps you concentrate on the task at hand. This is common sense." Naruto said dryly at the last part, looking at them deadpanned

"Naruto's right, without it you guys can't focus while being hungry and getting tired easily" Kakashi said, still with his eye smile

Sakura was upset, and Sasuke grumbled instead of speaking

"Ok, but I have a question. Why are there only two bells?" She asked

Kakashi answered her "There are only two, so at the very least, one have to go to the logs. That person who didn't get the bells will fail and be sent back to the academy"

All three of them gasped and kakashi continued

"So give it everything you've got, use shurikens, kunai's, anything as long as you come at me with the intent to kill me or you won't get a bell" he said serious at the last part

"Now enough talk. If you wanna pass then take these bells from me. Begin, when I give the signal"

The three of them had various expressions. Sakura was nervous, Sasuke with a focused look, and Naruto with a determined smile

"Ok, ready..."


Kakashi shouted and all three of them scattered and disappeared to the trees












Kakashi standing near a river waited for one of them to immediately attack but nothing came

'Looks like they hidden themselves good, but let's see if they figured out the true meaning of the test...' he thought

Sakura prone herself to hide on the bushes, Sasuke at the branches, concealed by the leaves, and Naruto hides himself sitting on a tree branch at the far right, watching Kakashi and thinking what to do

Kakashi then reached for the pouch on his waist. The three of them tense up on what he's taking out. To their suprise it was a book called 'Icha Icha Paradise', he then started to read on the spot

The three genin saw the front cover and had looks of disgust on what he was doing

'Ok, I have to figure out how to do this. Kakashi-sensei is a Jonin with more experience than all of us so our chances against him are low if we go against him individually. Working together might work and increase the chances of getting the bells. I need to find Sasuke and Sakura to make a plan' he thought with a focused look

Naruto suddenly saw the system panel and saw it's task


Pass Kakashi's test by getting the bells

Notice: new breathing style if task is complete


Naruto's eyes widened and his mouth drew a smirk. Feeling more motivated he decides to act now

He suddenly heard a scream coming from Sakura's position. He ran through the branches, once he arrived at her location he saw Kakashi standing over an unconscious Sakura. He remains hidden at the trees and observed

"I didn't think she would faint it's just a D-rank genjutsu" Kakashi said with a blank face he continues to read

'What? She fainted to a D-rank genjutsu? How the hell is she even Top Kunoichi and even a Kunoichi at all?' Naruto thought baffled

Suddenly multiple shurikens and kunai's hit him on the spot but he quickly replaced himself with a log. Sasuke who threw it immediately ran knowing Kakashi now knows his location. He stopped and tried to gather his thoughts, thinking a plan on what to do

"Sasuke~" he heard behind him

He quickly turned around and saw Kakashi looking at him intently. He immediately backed away and threw two shurikens. Kakashi not taking him seriously caught the shurikens with two of his fingers. He tried again but Kakashi just sidestepped away from it's trajectory

Frustrated, Sasuke rushed and engaged Kakashi in taijutsu who is still reading his book. Sasuke threw a punch but was blocked by Kakashi still not looking, he tried to kick his head but Kakashi also blocked it, he tried an axe kick but Kakashi blocked it as well and threw him away. Sasuke landed and tried to attack him again but was dodged again by Kakashi. Kakashi quickly realized that Sasuke was trying to get close to him instead of attacking. This continued for a few minutes as Kakashi playfully dodged his attacks while Sasuke almost got the bells but was yet again unsuccessful, gritting his teeth he backed away and weaved a few hand seals

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" Sasuke cried out and blew out a large fireball. Kakashi surprised that Sasuke knows a C-rank ninjutsu and was able to use it effectively, he was consumed by the flames on the spot

As the flames and smoke cleared up, he didn't see Kakashi's body, which put him on guard

'He's gone!!'

He looked around trying to spot Kakashi

'Where!? Is it above? Behind? To the side?'

"Below you!!" he suddenly heard Kakashi's voice

Hands suddenly sprouted from the ground and Sasuke was caught by the ankles holding him in place

"Doton: Shinjū Zhansu no Jutsu!"

"Wha-" he got cut off as he was dragged to the ground causing dust to rise up

As the dust cleared up Sasuke gritted his teeth and tried to move but couldn't, his body buried to the ground only his head was visible

He looked up and saw Kakashi squatting in front of him with a amused face

"Well that caught me off guard. Normally a genin shouldn't have that much chakra to do a C-rank Jutsu" Kakashi said

"Tch! Once I'm outta here I'll beat you" Sasuke said arrogantly

"Hehehe. From what I've heard you haven't even beaten Naruto in a fight" Kakashi retorted

Sasuke's right eye twitched at the reminder, he just stayed silent and looked away angrily

Suddenly Kakashi senses something above, he quickly looks up and sees Naruto in the air with his right leg up. As he was falling he put his body weight to his leg and delivered an axe kick towards Kakashi

Kakashi dodged it but due to the strength of the kick the ground cracked and caused a dust cloud

Kakashi exited the dust cloud and was suddenly attacked by 3 shadow clones engaging him with their katana's. He quickly backed away and took out a kunai on each hand and deflected their attacks. Sparks appeared as Kakashi blocked their slashes causing him to go on the defensive. He ducked as a clone tried to slash his head off, immediately kicked it and parried a another slash towards his shoulder. While Kakashi defends himself, the third clone attempts a pincer attack with the second clone. They rushed forward; Kakashi noticed and was surprised by their speed. As the two katanas got ready to slice his torso in half, he immediately substituted a log that had been sliced clean. Kakashi panted and attempted to regain his thoughts

'Damn. This kid isn't letting me breathe, and these clones are fast. His speed is no joke, I guess I have to take this seriously' he thought as he deflected another impending slice towards his face.

Having had enough, he blocked the attack, grabbed the clone by the throat, and flung it at the second clone with enough force to cause them to collide and dissolve. He sets his kunais in an x position and clashes with the third clone, breaking its defence and swiftly stabbing it in the throat, forcing the third clone to dissipate.

"(Huff) (Huff) For a genin, he strikes hard... His kenjutsu has flaws... but with enough training he will be a force to be reckoned with including Sasuke" Kakashi panted, impressed by his students skills (except Sakura)

Speaking of Sasuke, he looked towards where he left him, he saw nothing but an empty hole on the ground

"Smart. He kicked the ground enough to dig him out and used shadow clones to distract me while he freed Sasuke and ran away" he deduced

He holstered his kunai and patted his pants and sleeves, He then saw a cut wound, not serious but enough to draw blood on his forearm

Impressed, Kakashi thought 'Well this is getting more and more interesting. Let's see what they'll do next'













"Naruto, let go of me!" Sasuke yelled. As he was carried on Naruto's back

They started running to his clone's location in order to regroup and discuss of a plan. Naruto shrugged Sasuke's demand and said

"Hold on, we need to regroup with Sakura I left a clone to wake her up just incase Kakashi-sensei went back to her" Naruto said

"Why should we regroup with her? I can take down Kakashi myself" He arrogantly said

"You can't even beat me in taijutsu classes. What are your chances facing him alone again" Naruto retorted back

"..." Sasuke didn't refute but just scowled

"Look, I'll explain the plan when we get there"




After running for a few minutes they arrived and saw Naruto's clone standing guard. Confused he asked

"Hey where's Sakura I thought she would wake up by now?" He asked as he puts down Sasuke

The clone sighed and pointed back. He and Sasuke glanced and saw Sakura's body lying on a tree, still unconscious



"... Yeah, she's not waking up. Been trying to for a while, so see ya" the clone said as it dispersed



The silence lasts for a minute until Sasuke breaks it

"... You got a new plan?" Sasuke asked as he glanced at Sakura again. 'useless' he thought to himself

"(Groan) Guess plan B it is" Naruto said with an annoyed expression

"As much as I don't like it. Let's hear it" Sasuke said, crossing his arms

"All right listen up since Sakura is practically not of use to us from the original plan. Plan B involves the two of us, we have to work together in order to get those damn bells. So one of us has to engage Kakashi-sensei up and personal while the other sets traps and join to try to overwhelm him, then once we trapped him we should be able to snagged the bells from him" Naruto explained

Sasuke thought for a second and agreed, liking the plan

"You got enough ninja wires on you?" Naruto ask

Sasuke nodded. Naruto nodded back and smirked

"Then let's do this!"













Kakashi leisurely walks while waiting for the genins next attack. He stopped and sees Naruto coming out of the trees and approaches him with a serious look

"Ho~ Are you feeling confident, Naruto? If I have to guess Sasuke is anywhere around, you could end up like what I did to him," Kakashi taunted him

Naruto ignored the taunt and remained focus. "Kakashi-sensei, your next opponent is me!" he challenged as he drew his katana out

Amused. Kakashi accepted his challenge and drew out a kunai, reverse gripped. "Well then, let's start"

"Here I come!" He yelled. Naruto started charging towards Kakashi with speed of a high chūnin. He reared his katana and swung hard as Kakashi blocked it

Kakashi continues to block and parry Naruto's slashes where he was being pushed back. He decides to retaliate, going on the offense as he sends slashes and occasional stabs to him as it was now Naruto's turn on the defensive

The clash and backed away immediately. Naruto took a deep breath, enters a jigen-ryū stance and with a burst of speed he rushes towards Kakashi

"Wind breathing First form: Dust whirlwind cutter!" He yelled as he created a horizontal wind cyclone slash

"!!" Kakashi shocked, his eyes widened. He managed to evade it, although he was not unharmed. His mask, jacket, and even his arms received cuts, leading him to bleed all over when he tried to cover himself with his arms

He felt pain all over his arms. He panted but still shocked on what he just witnessed

'What the hell was that?! He has wind chakra nature and has perfect chakra control over it" Kakashi observed Naruto from a safe distance. 'He has a lot of chakra reserves to do that type of jutsu. If I had not moved away... I'll be sliced into pieces' he thought


Naruto puts his katana on his shoulder and looked at kakashi with a crazed smile

"Let's keep going!" He said with glee, finally using his full strength without the weights. He was excited to see how far he's gone

'I got a brooding emo Uchiha, a fangirl, and now a battle crazed kid. The Hokage hates me' Kakashi thought

He was cut off as soon he saw Naruto charging towards him again. This time he's getting serious. He gripped his kunai tightly and rushed at him. As soon as they come close they clashed blades again trying to overwhelm each other

They traded slash after slash. Traded blows with one another. Kakashi noticed that Naruto's kicks are strong and hard. 'He hits like Guy' he thought

Naruto swung again "Wind breathing Second form: Claws purifying wind!"

Naruto unleashes four slashes at once, catching Kakashi off guard and sliced him up. He saw a log that was been sliced instead of a body

"He substituted again" now on high alert Naruto looks at his surroundings

On a nearby tree, Kakashi leans behind it and tries to catch his breath

"Damn... That was... A close one" he said breathlessly

He was suddenly attack by a volley of shuriken and kunai. He immediately moved out of the way and the tree he was leaning on was stabbed instead. He look towards and sees Sasuke smirking at him

Confused, Kakashi looks behind him and saw Naruto with his katana up about to slash him. He immediately blocked the incoming slash and was yet again attacked. This time by Sasuke with two kunais on each hand

"Is the trap ready?" Naruto whispered, earning a nod from sasuke

Sasuke charged at kakashi aiming to stab him. Kakashi redirects the momentum and throws Sasuke off balance causing him to lose the kunai. Naruto rushed in behind Sasuke and swung his katana upwards, he dodged it and was pushed back by Sasuke and got kicked on the chest

Kakashi looks at them and was satisfied with what he saw. 'they're finally working together as a team' he thought, proud of his students

"Let's go, Naruto!"


They charged at kakashi again pushing him to defend himself, slowly backing away. Dodging, deflecting slashes and kicks, the two are pushing him to the corner. Kakashi decides to spice things up he backs away to gain distance and weaved hand seals

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" He blew out a fireball larger than Sasuke's

The two saw this, Naruto started weaving hand seals

"Doton: Doryūheki!" He slammed his hands to the ground and sprouted a large earth wall. The fireball collided to the wall and caused smoke and dust to risen

"Sasuke go!" Naruto said

Sasuke instantly went to Kakashi's position and battled him with taijutsu

Kakashi blinded by the dust cloud he was suddenly punched on the abdomen. He blocked the second one and started to fight back. They traded blows as the dust cloud started to settle

Kakashi saw shurikens coming towards him, he sidestepped to avoid them

'Now!' Sasuke thought as he finally saw an opening

He quickly weaved hand seals. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" He pumped his remaining chakra to this and blew out a bigger fireball unlike before

Kakashi notices the approaching fireball and attempts to evade it, but he is intercepted by two of Naruto's shadow clones, who catches him by choking him from behind and holding his legs

"Wha-!" He was engulfed in flames as the fireball hit him and the shadow clones. Sasuke saw this, knowing the plan, and searched for Kakashi, who was panting between two trees, him in the middle and the trees on either side of him

Kakashi looks at Sasuke and says "Well that got me out of breath. But nonetheless I'm impressed by your teamwork, you both got raw potential"

Kakashi suddenly stops himself and thought

'Wait, where is Naruto?' he looks around Sasuke and saw Naruto isn't there. When he took a step back, he stepped on a wire, activating the trap. Kakashi finds himself tied up tightly, still standing in his position, his legs on the ground and his arms raised in position, he sees the wires tied on the tree's branches and such

"(Grunts) Clever...plan. Looks like I underestimated you guys" as he struggles to break free but finds it tough. The more he struggles the tighter it gets

"It was Naruto's plan after all" Sasuke smirked, but panted due to chakra exhaustion

"Naruto, now! while he is still tied up!" Sasuke screamed as he noticed the trap worked.

Kakashi heard the sound of thunder and lightning. He quickly saw Naruto running towards and In front of him. Lightning dancing around him. Naruto opened his eyes and it is glowing blue

In an Iaido stance he took a deep breath, his leg muscles hardened, his blood rushed as he felt thunder coursing through his veins

"Thunder breathing First form: Thunderclap and Flash!" He yelled

Naruto dashed forward at Kakashi in blinding speed with lightning trailing behind him. Before Kakashi could react, Naruto has already appeared behind him, sheathing his katana


He fully sheaths his katana as the surrounding trees around them get sliced in half, especially the ones holding Kakashi

Kakashi felt his bindings loose quickly checked himself for any injuries but found none. Confused, he looks at Naruto who looks at him back with a smile he raises his left hand showing Kakashi what he has. Kakashi's eye widened as he saw the bells on Naruto's hand

'He was able to get the bells so fast that I couldn't see how fast he was going, he's got good talent in lightning chakra nature. That Jutsu could be a B or possibly an A rank including his wind style, as expected of sensei and Kushina-san's child' he thought as he looked at his surroundings and saw the aftermath

"Good work Naruto you got the bells but the real question is, who's going back to the academy now that you got one bell?" He asks crossing his arms, looking intently at Naruto

Naruto fell silent and thought of what he was going to do. He looks at Sasuke who is still standing watching them, shocked at what he just witnessed. Naruto smiled and walked to Sasuke who finally snapped out of his bewildered expression and looks at Naruto confused

Naruto hands the two bells to Sasuke. "Well... I wouldn't mind spending more time at the academy" he says

Sasuke looks at the bells on his hand. He snorted and tossed them back at Naruto, who caught them

"You did all the planning and you caught them. I'll be going back to the academy" he said

Kakashi smiled at this and coughed, getting their attention

"Well then. You guys..... Pass" he smiled at them

Surprised and confused they asked why they pass

"That's because the true nature of this test is about teamwork. The two bells are purposely set up to make you fight amongst yourselves. It is whether you can forget about your own interest and successfully work together" Kakashi explained

Naruto and Sasuke now understood and were glad they teamed up

"Now that you guys passed we will- wait a minute where's Sakura?" Kakashi asked with a question mark floating over his head








As if thunder struck their heads, they finally realized

"WE FORGOT ABOUT HER!!" the two of them shout as Kakashi sweat drops

(Timeskip no Jutsu)

The three of them are back at the meeting point and are eating lunch Infront of Sakura who was tied to a log watching them. Naruto being the kind person he is feeds Sakura some of his food. She blushes as she hears her stomach growled louder and thanked him as she starts eating

"Oh before I forget, in three days we will perform our duties as Team 7, I have to report to the Hokage about this. And Sakura I'll have to give you strict training to compensate for your poor performance" he reminded them

"H...hai sensei" she said weakly

"Naruto" Sasuke called him out

Naruto looked at him, munching on his lunch


"...that Jutsu you did. What was it called?" He asked

Naruto swallows his food and says "the one where Kakashi-sensei is trapped?"

Sasuke nodded, curious. Including Kakashi who was also curious. Sakura puzzled

"It's called Thunderclap and Flash. The first form of thunder breathing" Naruto said

Intrigued. Sasuke wanted to ask more but Kakashi beat him to it

"How did you perform it. I didn't see you use hand seals" Kakashi asked

"I'll tell you guys some day" Naruto dismissed it and went back eating

Kakashi nodded and looked at Sasuke who is feeling dissatisfied but nodded as well

/Congratulations Host. You have leveled up and passed Kakashi's test. Your rewards are...

















Water breathing and Adamantine Sealing Chains/

To be continued

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C8
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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