On the creation of Nereideia, the first four ancient God beings to exist were the Goddess of Water, Salacia; the God of Aero; Tian Yu, the Goddess of Fire, Annunitu; and the God of Terra, Terrion. Each had their own unique purpose and creations.
Annunitu, with the fire from her heart, was the one who brought forth humans. Tian Yu crafted everything in the sky: clouds, weather, and all flying creatures.
Terrion formed the ground, mountains, plants, animals, and all terrains. Salacia shaped the seas and all life beneath the waves.
Despite their magnificent creations, the gods and goddesses felt that the world lacked a powerful being to guide and inspire humans. They decided to create a new race, the dragons, imbued with their essence.
Each deity contributed a part of their core to the creation, resulting in four dragons called the Sovereign Dragon.
Hmm... If I don't upload any chapters tomorrow it means that I used my LOA! So don't worry