85.41% Pokemon: Trainer SI / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Sinnoh-3 [ATHUL]

บท 40: Chapter 40: Sinnoh-3 [ATHUL]


Hotel Reception, Celestic town

Inside the hotel, the atmosphere was lively with chatter as guests checked in and mingled. But, I overheard snippets of conversation between two individuals discussing their excitement about visiting Celestic Town. Recognizing them, I couldn't turn my focus away.

"You know, I'm thrilled to finally be in Celestic Town. I'm hoping the ruins here can provide some insight into the origin of Pokémon. Did the Kalos have contact with Sinnoh in ancient times? What about the Kree empire of the past?"

"Now, now, Juniper, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Even I don't have all the answers about the ruins. Centuries of wars and lost knowledge have obscured much of their history. But I'd be happy to show you around."

"Thank you, Professor Carolina. I appreciate it."

I watched as Professor Carolina, the main host of the fair, and the researcher Juniper made their way towards me. Officer Jenny saluted Carolina, who returned the gesture before turning her attention to me.

"So, you must be the newcomer from Bharatsa," she remarked, her tone carrying a hint of admiration. "I must say, young man, you've certainly stirred up quite a commotion among the old guard. It's about time they recognized your achievements."

"Thank you very much, Professor Carolina. It's an honour to meet the authority on legends and myths of our world," I replied respectfully.

The elderly woman nodded in acknowledgement, her gaze unwavering as it lingered on my scars.

Her interest was easy to guess, and I couldn't help but feel respect for her and her future influence. I guess, I am changing if the first thing I am thinking about is the influence she holds.

Fuck you Dregen.

Ah! It feels so cathartic. Back to the old woman.

With Cynthia as her granddaughter, who is destined to become the Champion of Sinnoh in a decade, Professor Carolina's influence in the Pokémon League is or will be formidable. Moreover, as the spokesperson of Celestic Town, a place with ties to the legendary Pokémon Arceus, her importance extended beyond regional boundaries.

You will be surprised to know that every country or region in history mentions a celestic town and its connection to Arceus.

Sensing the tension in the air from her obvious looks at my scars, Professor Carolina abruptly changed the subject. "We'll have time to talk later, Mr. Archer. Right now, I'm occupied with other matters. Why don't you accompany Juniper and meet some of the other young researchers?" Her tone was gentle, yet authoritative.

Taking the cue, Juniper, the no-nonsense 18-year-old researcher, seized the opportunity and pulled me along. "Come on," she exclaimed eagerly, "there's someone who's been dying to meet you for the past few days."

 With that, we headed off to meet the next individual to cross paths with me at the fair.


Streets of the fair

As Juniper pulled me towards two young men, both adorned in lab coats, I couldn't help but notice their contrasting appearances.

One had a rather bland hairstyle and wore glasses, while the other sported a more vibrant look with a purple shirt tucked neatly into his trousers.

Juniper didn't waste a moment before announcing our arrival to the duo. "Elm, meet the kid who nearly broke your record as the youngest breeder. And Sycamore, this brat here is on the verge of surpassing your title as the youngest researcher."

Sycamore, the future professor of mega evolution, reacted with hands on his heart, "Hey! It'll only be by a few months, at best," he retorted, before turning his attention to me with eager curiosity. "So, how did you discover three new evolutions and develop a man-made evolution item? And can it be applied to another Pokémon?"

His sudden barrage of questions left me feeling slightly overwhelmed, especially considering the stark contrast between their youthful appearances now and the future them I knew from the anime.

Elm, standing beside Sycamore, attempted to calm his excitable companion down, but the curiosity in both of their eyes was easy to notice.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I began to explain the process behind my discoveries.

"Well, it all started with a bit of luck, the black augurite that I found seemed to match the Life index of Scyther line. Then followed with a combination of research and experimentation," I began, choosing my words carefully. "I managed to evolve Scythe to kleavor."

It was genuine truth, it took me referencing multiple research papers on scythe line, their energy data reading on metal coat and then a few papers on evolution, then I found a rather ironic solution, A simple slash move is all it takes to catalyse the augurite which is solidified from scythe remains.

Sycamore leaned in eagerly, hanging onto my every word. "And the man-made evolution item?" he pressed, unable to contain his excitement.

I nodded, acknowledging his enthusiasm, perhaps with a bit of mine too. "The creation of the man-made evolution item was a groundbreaking achievement, but it was the one, I am most proud about."

That's true. It is only now I realise that I am a genuine researcher to make this item. 

"It required a deep understanding of Electabuzz physiology and multiple approaches to find the perfect formula. After numerous iterations and refinements, I finally succeeded in developing an item that could trigger evolution in this specific Pokemon under certain conditions. It took me years of continuous data and research to make it."

Elm, the more reserved of the two, listened intently, his breeder mind processing the information. "Fascinating," he remarked, his tone measured. "And you believe this discovery has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of Pokémon evolution?"

I nodded, a sense of pride swelling within me. "Absolutely. I believe that with further research and refinement, this technology could unlock new possibilities for Pokémon trainers and researchers alike. Imagine being able to unlock the full potential of any Pokémon's capabilities through controlled evolution. Imagine giving the capacity to make an alternative to evolution stones, one that can be mass-produced."

Sycamore's eyes sparkled with excitement, while Elm nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, it's a promising prospect" he agreed, "But it is not feasible. While aiding evolution is one thing to truly research it in deep as you suggest will take massive amounts of research spanning centuries. After all, even today we don't understand a single thing about specific mechanisms of evolution."

I replied, "Perhaps, but it is a first step, nonetheless. After all the centuries of research start from this step, but I also believe in humanity's potential to fast-track such things easily. "

 Of course, there is the added clause of them not trying to make themself go extinct, a prospect that was done by numerous people throughout pokémon history.

Seeing the discussion cooling down, I released all my Pokémon.


Elm, who was beside me, eagerly jumped onto my Pokémon, commenting on each one's breeding and care, even pointing out Slaking and Electivire's abnormalities.

"Your Electivire's charge is far too concentrated, it's quite incredible actually," Elm remarked, his tone filled with admiration. "At this rate, given his young age and exceptional body composition, I could see him having a chance at becoming a champion of his species."

The praise lifted my spirits, knowing Elm's reputation as a breeding genius in the field. However, his expression shifted to one of concern as he observed Slaking.

"Your Slaking's abnormal consciousness—is it not a trained ability?" Elm's inquiry was sharp, his eyes searching for answers. "The muscle growth that should have taken years seems to have solidified throughout the three evolution stages, suggesting hormonal induction."

I was momentarily speechless at Elm's deduction of my Slaking's breeding plan

. Quickly, I had Rotomdex display the daily data of Slaking and the regime changes. "Yes," I confirmed, "I used varying hormones across all three stages to establish a normal 8-hour and 16-hour cycle for him."

Elm nodded thoughtfully, clearly impressed by the data. He turned to me, his expression serious. "So, are you planning to start weaning him off the hormone therapy yet?"

I gestured to the document containing the data plan for Slaking's progression, indicating my intention to do so.

Elm scrutinized the plan, making a few suggestions. "While the plan is good, consider removing the withdrawal symptom suppressors in this stage and replacing them with sleep or Rest moves..."

As Elm continued to explain his reasoning, I found myself nodding in agreement, understanding the logic behind his suggestions. However, Sycamore, who had been silent until now, couldn't contain his confusion any longer.

"Hey, you two lost me a few minutes back," Sycamore interjected with a laugh. "Save the technical talk for later; for now, let's stick to topics I can understand—like evolution."


Sam's POV, Celestic town

As I served glasses of juice to the visitors at our section of the fair, I couldn't help but observe the scene in front of me.

Samantha had informed me that our large area, almost as big as a small mart, was allocated because my brother Archer was going to be the star of the announcements tomorrow.

I watched as Archer interacted with his new friends, a fucking miracle to me considering his tendency to be a loner.

Elm, the renowned genius in Pokémon breeding, was said to surpass even the freak of our family. Then there was Sycamore, hailing from the Kalos region, rumoured to be on the verge of attaining a professorship due to a secretive project of his.

Despite my initial doubts, I could understand Archer's motive for befriending them. Introducing them to me and involving them in our work here served to make relations—a move that, while somewhat self-serving, forced Archer out of his comfort zone and into the realm of social interaction. A thing that I am happy about.

It was easy to witness a social circle forming among the diverse array of bright minds, businessmen, and researchers present at the fair, all brought together by Archer's introductions and the innovative products showcased by our electronics factory. Such is Archer's aim for me to understand this and if need be replace him.

What a shitty move, Bro.



As Archer took centre stage to introduce ATHUL and its innovative products, the crowd hushed in anticipation, eager to witness the star of this year's announcements.

With confidence radiating from him, Archer began, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, allow me to introduce you to ATHUL—our venture into the realm of electronics, driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence."

With him, came Rotomdex showing holographic projections of his presentation.

"As a collaboration between esteemed shareholders- Lt. Surge and Minister of Commerce George Waters, ATHUL stands at the forefront of technological advancement, poised to redefine the way we interact with the Pokémon world."

Yeah, very subtle bro.

"As our first offering, I present to you the Portable Charger, a marvel of engineering designed to cater to the needs of Electric Pokémon trainers and enthusiasts alike." Archer lifted the device, its sleek design gleaming under the spotlight. "With the ability to convert electricity into the ideal charge preferred by your Pokémon, this portable charger ensures maximum efficiency and convenience, whether you're on the go or amid the wild."

The crowd erupted into murmurs, by the sounds of it, they were impressed by ATHUL's first product. Trainers exchanged excited whispers, envisioning the possibilities of such a device for their own Pokémon teams.

"Next, I present Electrizier—the world's first man-made evolution item," Archer continued, his voice resonating with confidence. "With Electrizier, trainers can now unlock the full potential of their Electrabuzz, facilitating evolution to Electivire."

Gasps of amazement rippled through the audience as Archer showcased the Electrizier, its design sparking intrigue and excitement.

Trainers exchanged knowing looks, recognizing the game-changing implications of such a groundbreaking invention. After all, one man-made evolution item means more kinds will come in future. 

You can depend on the scientist's insatiable curiosity or the businessmen's never-ending greed for it.

"And finally, we have the Pokephones—a versatile range of devices designed to enhance communication and connectivity within the Pokémon world," Archer announced, gesturing toward a display showcasing the diverse models of Pokephones available.

"From the basic touch screen model equipped with essential utilities to advanced iterations boasting cutting-edge features, the Pokephones promise to revolutionize the way trainers interact and stay connected."

"With the Pokephones, we have three distinct models tailored to meet the diverse needs of our esteemed trainers," Archer continued, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "First, we have the Original model—a sleek and stylish device available in a variety of vibrant colours."

"As the brainchild of ATHUL's own research and development team, the Original Pokephone features the groundbreaking social media platform developed by yours truly—Pokebook. With Pokebook, trainers can connect, chat, post, and meet new people from around the world, all at their fingertips and completely free of charge."

Gasps of excitement echoed through the crowd as Archer unveiled the Pokebook feature, showcasing its intuitive interface and innovative functionalities.

Trainers exchanged excited glances, eager to explore the possibilities of this- What did Archer call it again? Right, A revolutionary social media platform.

"Next, we have the Custom model—a versatile device that builds upon the features of the Original Pokephone," Archer continued, his gaze sweeping across the audience. "With the Custom model, trainers have the freedom to tailor their device to their specific needs and preferences."

"Whether it's increasing the size for better visibility, adding scientific scanners for enhanced research capabilities, or incorporating any other feature requested by the customer, the Custom Pokephone offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options."

As Archer spoke, the crowd nodded in understanding, recognizing the value of such personalized technology in their daily lives. Trainers murmured excitedly amongst themselves, discussing the endless possibilities offered by the Custom Pokephone.

"To demonstrate the poker phones, I present to you Metagross," Archer declared, releasing the shiny Pokémon into the air.


Metagross dazzled the audience with its impressive presence and most importantly its shiny nature that gave him a royal look/ He acted by sending multiple models of the Pokemon to everyone present.





I watched with a smile as everyone was exploring various features of the Poke phone, while it had the features of Pokegear in Honen, it was entirely different removing all the buttons entirely making them sleek. However, in my opinion, the greatest feature is the content, The social media to games like Sugar Crush, and Angry Birds featuring the myriad bird Pokemon.


"Last but certainly not least, we have the Apex model—the pinnacle of technological innovation and luxury," Archer announced, his voice tinged with excitement. "While the Apex model comes with a price tag that ranges in the millions, it boasts an extraordinary feature that sets it apart from all others."

"We've introduced Rotom Synchronized Technology— shortly called Rotech a revolutionary advancement that allows the Apex Pokephone to synchronize with your very own Rotom."

"And now, allow me to introduce my own Rotomdex," Archer exclaimed, pointing at the device in the air.

"Hello everyone, I am Rolodex, and I am the best."

Wow, that serious face got straight to the point.

 The Rotomdex roamed around, showcasing its intelligence and functionality, from providing valuable information to assisting in Archer's journey and research endeavours.

A collective gasp swept through the crowd as Archer showcased the capabilities of Rotom Synchronized Technology.

Trainers, breeders and the researchers exchanged looks, captivated by the idea of having a Rotom Pokemon integrated into their device.

While most are crushed by the price, I could understand the cost considering the materials themselves range in millions not to mention the work involved.

Then again, the apex model is meant for the rich and influential as a status symbol.

A model that all but hinges its profits on the pride of Humanity. Come on, how much the profit can be?






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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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