49.57% The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 56: Romonus' Plan and Latia's Project.

บท 56: Romonus' Plan and Latia's Project.

Romous gave Tobio a few moments to recover from the mana surge coming from his Longinus getting suddenly unleashed. Romonus knew that what he had just done had forced Tobio onto the path of the Supernatural as Canis Lyacon would draw attention to all. 

Azazel already knew about him, but Azazel was not blessed with future plot knowledge. Romonus was and it is still useful even now. For now, he reached down and helped Tobio to his feet. 

"Welcome to my home Tobio Ikuse. I am sure you have questions and I am here to answer them. To answer the most important one, I kidnapped you." 

Tobio's face instantly filled with horror at the implications. Romonus was said to be a Demon and what else could a Demon want? He fell on his butt again and started to hurry away. 


Romonus feeling in a joking mood walked forward and he activated his Devil Trigger. In a burst of purple Demonic Mana, he becomes a massive Demon standing over 15 feet tall. His 6 titanic wings surged with power as his spiked Demonic Form towered over Tobio. 

(Image here)

He slammed his hands on either side of Tobio and leaned in to look at his face with a grin full of demonic teeth.


He canceled his transformation and returned to his human form. It was a miracle that Tobio didn't piss himself because when he entered his Devil Trigger state his power was unleashed completely. 

Tobio shivered uncontrollably so Canis Lyacon jumped on his head and slapped him. Feeling the dog that jumped out his chest slap him he got his nerves back. Romonus laughed as he rarely got a chance to use his Devil Trigger. 

Once he settled down Romonus looked down at Tobio. 

"Calm yourself, I am a Demon, but I don't want your soul. After I tell you what I want to tell you I will send you back home with a few conditions. Fair?" 

Tobio nodded in fright. 


Romonus sat down while Canis Lyacon took Tobio's head as his resting place. 

"I will give you some big pieces of info so take that as you will. Your name is Tobio Ikuse because of your grandmother's marriage. However, before she got married her maiden name was Himejima." 

Hearing that name made Akeno shoot up. 


Romonus nodded. 

"Exactly. Akeno, meet your cousin second removed." 

Tobio turned to look at Akeno who was now staring at him. When he finally got a look at her he realised something. 

"You look just like my grandmother when she was young." 

Romonus nodded. 

"Yes, the women of the Himejima clan all look quite similar because they take after their ancestor Amaterasu. As for the men of the clan, you all take after your sire Ikutsuhikone her 4th born son. Effectively, you got god blood just very diluted. 

Even now Akeno hasn't even tapped into it." 

She looked a bit down as she had been trying. 

"It's not easy. Every time I get more wings I feel closer to it, but it's tricky because there just isn't a lot to tap into." 

He understood that. 

"Don't worry about it, I am not getting onto you. If you a Naphalem can't tap into it you might as well have no god blood at all. The power it gave has been lost to time more than likely. Unless." 

He turned to Valerie who smiled. 

"I wake it up again." 

He grinned as she quickly became his lucky charm as she was the answer to a lot of problems. 

"Righto. Tobio, I won't keep you longer than need be. I will tell you this. You were chosen to be the possessor of a Longinus. Canis Lyacon, the god-killing blade. What you do with this power is your choice." 

Romonus didn't give him any chance to ask questions as he teleported him back to his High School. When he did that Miria smirked at him. 

"You just doomed him right?" 

Romonus chuckled. 

"I am a Demon remember. I am not evil, but I am ruthless. Just the simple fact that his Longinus is active will mean he will never have a normal life again. Not to worry though, when I used my Devil Trigger I took the chance to cover him in trackers, so I know where and how he is at all times." 

Valerie smiled sadly as she knew that was the fate of the Longinus wielders. The seal placed on his Longinou would break eventually if not by Romonus then by some darker force. 

"It's for the best right?" 

Romonus nodded. 

"Yes. I just ripped off the bandaid as this is the life as a descendent of the Himejima Clan and a Longinous wielder. The following week or two will be hard on Tobio, but he will be forged in the chaos to come." 

Hearing that word again Vespera asked about it. 

"You use the word Chaos a lot, does it have a meaning?" 

Romonus shook his head. 

"Nah, I just like it. Anyways, now that Tobio is unleashed I got a Chinese boy to find. This means we will all have to go." 

Shirone brought up a big point. 

"Your birthday is next month. What about it?" 

Romous was going to skip it. 

"I will pass on it. As I said last year I will not be doing a big event like that again because everyone wants to engage their daughters with me. I love the attention, but a man needs to find himself, not others.

Ok now, the Chinese Supernatural community is ruled by 10 major Cultivation Sects and several minor ones. As everyone knows Cultivators are assholes. If they look at you and they like you they will feel entitled to your body so kill them. 

Take their Spatial Rings, corpses, Treasures, and collect their souls for me if you can. I need shadows for my army as my Necromancy is quite empty." 

Miria, Vespera, Akeno, Valerie, and Shirone all pondered on his words and accepted them. Grimaldus would be going with him while Kharn would go with one of the girls as backup. 

Akeno brought up a question she had. 

"Are we going to be fully alone or will be working in teams?" 

Romonus pondered on this. 

"I will have Archaon and Grimaldus, with me so we will do it like this. Akeno you will move with Shirone. Miria, you are with Valerie. You will have someone to keep you up to health. Vespera go with Kharn. He will give you back up as he has been hard at work too." 

The Badger grinned as the bond between him and Romonus had grown stronger. He had been fed Romonus' Demon blood refined in potions making him effectively a Demonic Honey Badger now. 

Romonus clapped as everyone had a partner. 

"Alright then, take an hour to prepare. We will be in China for a month and if you need help call whoever is closest to you." 

Everyone agreed as Romonus instilled in them a sense of pride, not arrogance. In the meantime, he pulled out his phone and started making phone calls. Some plans had been changed which was why Roygun had not come to live with him.

She was going to, but since Serafall revealed the users of the King Piece Devil society had been in chaos. Three were held by Ajuka, 1 by Romonus leaving 5 in the hands of the Great King Faction.

They had been forced by Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall, and Falbium who were no longer playing nice to hand over each King Piece except for the one Romonus still owned. Once they were confiscated all users of the King Piece had their status' removed including Roygun.

This included Bedeze Abaddon, Roygun, and every top 10 competitor except the King of the Rating Games Dihauser. This had caused an issue as Roygun had wanted to move in with Romonus' but Serafall had convinced Romonus and Roygun to hold off for a time. 

Roygun now joined Serafall's side and was training under Serafall to recover her strength to where it had been with the King Piece. As for the rest of his lovers, they all had been hard at work. 

 He often visited Latia and vice versa, but she was still in her apprenticeship under her Uncle. Venelana was in a similar situation to Roygun in that Serafall had pulled her to her side as the Satans were gathering stronger allies. 

Rias had begun to be taught by her Mother as Romonus' was not returning to the Bael Castle for a few years. When Venelana wanted to see him they often sneak away to Hotels in Japan because she knew why he was staying away. 

He and Zekram were at odds and Romonus was not going to give anyone a chance to mess with him. The reason the Satans like Serafall were gathering allies was that Romonus' was constantly causing turmoil. They did not want a war, but it seemed that the stronger Romonus' became the more enemies and allies he made. 

Already he had secretly reached the level of a Super Devil and exceeded them in others. No one currently knew of Valerie of the Sephiroth Graal, but that made him almost unkillable to the weaklings. 

One of his biggest fears of being overwhelmed by numbers mostly was taken care of. Once he gathered enough allies he would be able to clear house and take over Devil Society under his banner. 

He had no desire to rule the entire world, but his right to rule the Underworld was set in stone. For now, Romonus pulled out his phone as he had a favor to ask of Latia who might be the girl he loved the most. 

He wouldn't tell anyone that though. 


Deep under the Artiroth Mansion, Latia was currently overseeing the construction of the project she had started 10 months ago after Romonus left. Here, she had set up a massive underground forge by tapping into the energy of the Underworld. 

Her forges down here were burning hot, and she alone would be not enough to manage them all. Rather than hire Devils or Humans who could steal her knowledge, she created automatons. Not sentient like Grimaldus, but loyal programmed machines that had basic functions. 

Each one was modeled after Necrons which made them efficient. The skeletal robots worked away to melt down the tons of Magisteel and Laval Mithril her Uncle and clan supplied her with. Since Romonus went on his journey she had been trying to one-up Archaon which was hard. 

However, in the middle of the forge, the metal was melted down, refined, and forged by her Necron servants. It was then used to add to the gigantic beast of glowing metal taking form in the middle. 

A K'daai Destroyer was taking shape, but she was not going to scale. She was going to outdo the Chaos Dwarves by making a more stable, and less cursed machine of war. 

Latia was inside the bull-like head of the Destroyer as she worked to program the AI. Soul Stones were the issue because they were such a dark thing that only the most evil of prisoners were allowed to be turned into them. 

She had acquired several, but she had yet to use any for her K'daai Destroyer. Just as she was coding the AI core she heard her phone ring with her favorite sound. She smiled as she took the phone and answered. 

"Romonus my love, how are you?" 

"Better after hearing your voice my darling. How is our baby coming along?" 

She smiled as he had helped her in his spare time on her Destroyer. 

"She is coming along great. I say the construction is around 73% complete. I still got to program the weapons, the soul, and so many things. It would be helpful if my Uncle and you were not so busy." 

Romonus sighed. 

"I still wish you would live with me, I don't like being away from you." 

She smiled as she activated the FaceTime function. When he joined the call he saw she was once again dressed in her protective clothes, but her body as a Devil was starting to mature rapidly. 

Already her chest was pushing against her clothes far more than when he had met her. 

"You look gorgeous Latia. I wanted to inform you that I will be in China for a time. I probably miss my birthday." 

She shook her head. 

"Don't worry about it, we will celebrate on our own. When you come back do you mind coming over and placing the runic engravings? They would go along great." 

"Of course, happy to help. And not to sound ungrateful or anything because I love Grimaldus, but why do you get the giant Destroyer?" 

She smirked at him. 

"Because I am the Artificer, you are the Alchemist. Why don't you go and clone yourself a monster." 

Suddenly he froze as he had ideas now. 

"You know what, why didn't I think of that? I will do just that." 

She winked as she stopped the coding as she was done. When she made an AI she always ensured it would not go rogue and this was done. 

"I can't wait to see what monster you create." 

Romonus had the same idea. 

"I will see you in a month. I want to be present when you activate the Destroyer." 

She smirked as this was going to be her familiar. Her Destroyer when she needed to get things killed. 

"I can't wait. See you then." 

When the call was cut, Romonus then called Serafall. When she picked up she was in her office with 20 Devil commoner women who had been recruited by her. Each one was receiving proper training to speed up her workload. 

She had no time to waste behind a desk so this eased up the time wasted. When her phone rang she answered. 

"Romonus my big man, how are things?"

"Excellent. I found the perfect Knight Candidate and a treasure of legend. I will spend a month in China to find it."

"Sounds interesting. You want me to tell Venelana that you will be off the radar?" 

"Right, tell Roygun too if you can. When I return I will show you what I found." 

She smiled already curious. 

"Got it."

Once he hung up he made several more phone calls. He called Sirzechs to inform him of his new Super Devil Class Power, where he would be, and why. Sirzechs hearing what he planned to take the weilder of the True Longinous felt it was a worthwhile endeavor. 

What Sirzechs said next surprised him. 

"In that case mind take Grayfia with you. Another Satan Class fighter will make things easier yes?" 

"It would, but why?" 

Grayfia took the phone from Sirzechs and answered herself. 

"Because if we send Surtr, Mathers, and Souji with you, you 4 will just start Chaos wherever you go. When you 4 get together nothing goes well. You have met Baewolf before, but you haven't fought with him before. 

The same goes for Enku and Bahamut which is why I am going. To keep trouble to a minimum." 

Romonus shrugged. 

"Understandable. We leave in 15 minutes, and I have a favor to ask. Don't wear a maid's dress. Dye your hair black and wear something to make you not stand out." 


Grayfia with Demonic Power changed her maidout to fit into something that Romonus still wore. His Victorian hunter suit which she copied from Venelana. Using the same spell Rias used she made her silver hair black, made herself look younger, and changed her eyes from red to blue. 

When that was done she turned to her husband Sirzechs. 

"How is it?" 

"You look entirely different. Help him out please." 

"I will." 

Grayfia then teleported to Romonus' safe house as he had told only his trusted. When she appeared at his side he took in her appearance and could barely recognize her. 

"Good. Grayfia you are too famous to move around because everyone knows who you are. My Peerage is discreet and while I am starting to pick up fame, I am still quite reclusive. With this no one will blame us." 

"I understand. Should we use fake names?" 

He shook his head. 

"No, we can simply use magic to hide that. Everyone gather." 

At his words Akeno, Shirone, Miria, Vespera, and Valerie all gathered with their parnter. Kharn ran next to Vespera while Grimaldus and Grayfia stood by Romonus. 

"Here is the deal. The weilder of the True Longinous is the descendent of the original Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms. I don't know his true name, but I will be able to track him because of the overwhelming Holiness from the Spear. 

If I can recruit him alive, that is great, but if not I will take the spear for myself. Any questions?" 

Grayfia and everyone else shook their heads so Romonus opened a teleport circle under him, Grimaldus, and Grayfia. Everyone else opened their circles as they would separate into the North, South, East, and West. 

When they all activated their teleports they all vanished and appeared in China. Romonus, Grayfia, and Grimldus appeared in the West which was heavily rural. Cao Cao was born to poor farmers on a mountain. 

That was all that was said and China was massive so they might not find him. However, Romonus had something that no other Devil or Demon had. A new powerful affinity for Light and Holy Magic given to him by Valerie.

"Grayfia, you know how my brother has a True From as a Super Devil?" 

She nodded. 

"I know." 

"I do as well. Watch?

Romonus activated his Devil Trigger and returned to his true 15 feet height in a burst of dark purple Demonic Mana. His normal Devil Trigger seemed to be far more pronounced than Dantes' as Archaon wrapped around him changing to match his new giant form. 

He opened his hand and summoned Ruin Maker which also got larger to match his size. Grayfia seemed both surprised by his form, but expecting it. Sirzechs and Ajuka had their True Forms why wouldn't Romonus have one? 

"Not scared?" 

Grayfia scoffed. 

"Of course not." 


Romonus raised Ruin Maker and stabbed it into the ground. Using his Blade as a focus, he surged his energy into the ground creating a gigantic profane magic circle. The Dark Purple circle made use of several magic types as his grandmaster Dormuteth had taught him to mix magic types. 

Once he activated it he drew out some of the tortured Vampire Souls still being tortured by Ruin Maker. 

'100 out to do it.' 

When those 100 Vampire souls were pulled out he spoke in a Lost Tounge of Forbidden Magic taught to him by his mentor. 

'These souls are offered as tribute. I seek the lost blood of Cao Cao, the spear that stabbed Christ himself.' 

As he continued to mumble the dark offerings Grayfia saw as the 100 souls burned in the circle. Romonus was not sparred either as he felt hundreds of years of his Life Span were going to be taken. 

However, the modification of Valerie made his life span unaffected by the forbidden magic. Once the souls were burned away the information he sought surged into his mind. 

The Price he had paid for 100 Vampire and his power was enough. He took a deep breath as the information was deposited in his mind. Of course, it was blurry as Dark Magic was forbidden for a reason. 

However, his mind was as enduring as the mountain and unbreakable as Adamantium.

"Found him." 

Romonus honestly did not realy thunk he would recruit Cao Cao. The True Longinos was the greatest Longinous made by God. Despite the fact that Romonus did not want to rely on the powers of God, Romonus was adapatable. He wondered what he would pick when he met him. 


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