45.45% The Jack Of All Trades System In Remnant / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 simple? or more?

บท 5: Chapter 5 simple? or more?

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice


















We come back to the protagonist after achieving his first quest and obtain the hatchet and 100 lien from his game system awards, and from the quest giver Gundy, 50 lien and a dagger. During this time, he is now on the road, about to go to sleep as the sun shines orange, and about to start going dark. Dave walks and follows the road with the hatchet at hand, a dagger on his belt, and a pouch of 150 lilies.

Dave is greatly happy about his accomplishments in this world for only 2 days, as he recalls. Knowing more, Dave notices as he looks at the screen panel in front of him as Dave thinks and thinks about what he just learned and processes it through his mind, making sure what he understands is correct.

"Hmm, this is interesting; the system rewards and Gundy's rewards are separate." Dave thought.

After completing the first quest, he learns a few things: one, the system and the quest giver rewards are separate rewards, which is a weird thought, but as he thinks more about it, it is normally the quest giver that gives the reward, but in game it just shows that there is an item in your inventory after completing the quest.

Is it trying to do what it tries in the game? Dave thought, for Dave thinks it is some what reasonable, since in some RPGs, after completing a quest, you will get the item right in the inventory after completing the quest, but this is the real world, which is that it's confusing Dave and how this logic is.

He simply stated it in his mind and mumbled softly. "Probably magic bullshitery," as long as he understands that the system rewards and the quest-giver rewards are separate. The second is to be able to go and speak with the people around him in order to have a quest, which is for now, that's how to trigger the quest. RPGs in his world have slowly made quest categories like main quest, sub quest, chained quest, daily quest, weekly, monthly, etc.

Currently, the quest that he accomplished is somewhat subpar, or what he thinks it is, but for now, a quest is a quest. With all that in his head set and able to organize his thoughts, Dave then looks at the screen, which pops up a new screen panel.

[Due to your constant walking for 4 hours, you earned 2 points in DEX.]

"Nice!" Dave gives a thumbs up.

"Ok, he said there should be a nearby village if I keep going," he mumbles as he keeps walking. He indeed found another village only a few minutes away.

As he reaches the village, just as he was about to enter, he is then blocked as his arm is in front of him. Looking at the side to see who is the one who blocks him, Dave sees a man who seems to be geared up, and Dave looks up and down to give a further inspection. He is pretty geared up with a weird gun that has a pointy blade attached to it. Dave simply raises his brow, "Um... Yes?"

"To where did you come from?" The man that asked Dave is the same one blocking his path, asking in a serious tone.

"From the other side of the village, just passing through," he says with a smile, for Dave to try to act normal.

But the man humming in question was suspicious of Dave as Dave rolled his eyes and let it groan on his thoughts, "Damn charisma, alright, gonna give a good few words."

Dave Chuckled and then scratched his head and pointed over to the direction that he just took the path from to his current location. "I go to the village over there, as you can see. The reason I'm there is because I want to travel around the world, but..."

He groans in the seldom and sadness as his expression is sad: "I encountered a bunch of burglars along the way. So I was empty, but luckily the villagers were kind enough to give me something."

Dave looks at the man that guards in front as he still hums, and then looks at the axe that Dave holds and points at it. "And the weapons?"

"Oh, the weapons are just simple wood-cutting axes. Since I help the villagers in return for some small cash, and they give this to me so I wouldn't be in danger, it's better to be armed yourself in these places, am I right?"

"Hmm... true." The man scratches his chin and glares intently as he stares as if he is observing Dave, and then steps to the side. "Well then, if you're just a traveler, where do you need to go?"

"Odd asking me that," he said in his thought. Dave is starting to need to keep on guard and then remains the calm and smile figure he is making with his expression. It felt like a scary suspension: why do the gaurds need this information, cause it's none of their business? But with a sigh, fave speaks, "nothing much, but I'm going to vale and try their culture there."

"Hmm, Alirght, come in." The man finally lets him in the village, and then Dave enters in but keeps his guard up and then goes in, and then Dave turns his head and smiles once more, "Guard patrol?"

"Of course, it's the job of the huntsmen to guard the weak," he said with a stern look, which Dave didn't waver, but he is already suspicious and just looks up and looks at the stats above his head, which widen in shock slightly.

[Malvin Vender Lvl.] 7]

[Race: Human]

[Class: bandit]

[HP 15/15]

[Strength: 16]

[Dexterity: 18]

[Constitution: 12]

[intelligence: 9]

[Wisdom: 7]

[Charisma: 15]

"Ah, I see." He quickly nodded with a smile again, able to retain an image of confidence and make no sudden changes as he walked around the village.

He looks around and nothing to look suspicious as of yet as Dave looks to the right, people buying and selling, and then he looks to the left, seeing people taking a rest and casual chatter in the streets, but he keeps his guard up, knowing there is a thief; if there is one, there should be multiple near by.

He then looks up at the heads of the people to see who is the bandit and who is not.

He didn't turn his head around much and let his eyes scan around as he observed, but cautiously looking at the woman, a slender woman with a mischievous grin, her auburn hair pulled back into a messy braid. She wears a patchwork cloak that camouflages her in the shadows, and her eyes dart around, always assessing her surroundings.

[Sly Fiona Lvl 15]

[Class: Bandit]

Dave moves his eyes in the other direction and sees a burly man with a tangled mane of black hair and a scar running from his left eye to his chin. His eyes gleam with a dangerous intensity, and his leather armor is adorned with crude markings.

[Titus Must Lvl 12]

[Class: Bandit]

Dave moves his eyes to the other side. A tall, wiry figure with a black eye patch covers his left eye, a relic from a past encounter. His long coat is dusty and worn, and he carries himself with a quiet, dangerous confidence.

[Barney Linnie Lvl 15]

[Class: Bandit]

Dave holds his hachet tightly, remains his expression neutral, and sees another one. As he looks at the top of his head, he sees a rugged man with a stubbled jaw and piercing blue eyes that seem to glint with malice. His dark hair is unkempt, and he wears a tattered black cloak that billows around him as he moves. Scars crisscross his arms, evidence of countless skirmishes.

[Meral Kha Lvl 13]

[Class: Bandit]

"Hmm, they are full of them," Dave thought.

However, it didn't take long for Dave to see an inn with a sign on the front door, which is more like a logo, and quickly enter the inn. He then looks at the man behind the counter and then looks at the person's appearance, which is that of an old man with a long, big beard and a bald head, but Dave doesn't go to the specifics of his outfit further as he immediately looks up top of his head and looks at the class itself specifically.

[Class: innkeeper]

"Good. It's useful when encountering suspicious people," Dave thought, for it will give him an advance heads-up when strangers are on the perimeter in future travels.

"How much for tonight's stay?" Dave says with a smile as he walks closer towards the counter.

The old bearded man gives him a stern look as he looks at Dave up and down with a suspicious look, while Dave prays silently in his mind that his cursed charisma won't affect too much of this current situation as the bearded old man points to the stairs that lead to the next floor and says, "25 lien, 10 for additional meals."

Dave grabs 35 liens from his pouch and his hand and places them on the counter.

"One meal for tomorrow," Dave said.

The innkeeper then nodded with a somewhat guarded-up stern look he was expressing toward Dave and then took the lien and the key, which he said was "room 8."

"Thanks." Dave walks out, grabs the keys, and walks up the stairs, getting inside the room.

As he enters, he sees that the room is not bad, since it's a world almost around medieval, it's much better looking, with a bed that's not comfy but manageable, a wooden desk, and a wooden chair with a deem lantern on.

With Dave finished appraising the room, he closed the door behind him and locked it, then walked towards the bed and sat on it, putting the hachet on the bed beside him, and let's out a sigh with an exhausted look after managing to keep up the natural expression. He tried to keep up from the outside, but never thought he saw a lot of bandits in the village.

"I should get out of here tomorrow morning" He then looks out of the window, not seeing anyone focusing on Dave.

He then grabs his hachet and places it beside the bed, leaning it against the wall. He then lays down on the bed, looks at the ceiling, and then sighs, closing his eyes.

After a few minutes later, he then opens his eyes up and then speaks, "System, do I need a sleep?"

[Answer: affirmative, however, the action, sleep, is not a necessity, if needed, sleep will only recover health quickly, nothing else].

"Not a necessity, huh?" Dave hums as he reads the screen panel that is in front of him, slides it to the side, and disappears. Then he sits up and gets out of bed, starts doing a few warm-ups, then stretches his body and then makes his body flexible.

"What time is it today?" Dave mumbles as he then slides in, and the screen panel is in front of him.

[9:00 pm]

With that, he then slides away from the screen again. He doesn't like to sleep when he was in the original world either, so with this in mind, Dave is extremely happy that he does not need sleep if he needs to recover HP faster, which is a win-win in his mind. With this much time he could use, he would rather spend it as much as possible.

"Alright, let's check the status first." He then opens up his status screen again and sees his stats.

[Dave Lvl. 1]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack of All Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Strength: 5(+5)]

[Dexterity: 2]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl.] Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl.] Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 1]

[Titles attained:]


"Hmm, alright, which ones first?" Dave thought. As Dave played video games, it's really good to balance them out, but from what he sees, he is still level one and needs to level up.

"Hmm, dexterity perhaps... how can I train for that?" He thought, but the system pops up in front of him once again.

[Solutions: Several hobbies are known to improve manual dexterity, such as drawing, painting, woodcarving, sewing, needlepoint, crocheting, and knitting.]

"Oh, that's not bad, but I don't have those with me," Dave mumbles.

"Constitution, isn't that for training hardness to be tanky and for HP as well as stamina? How the hell can you train that?" Dave mumbles again.

[Solution: The Constitution is primarily trained through combat.]

[Any of the combat styles, melee, ranged, or magic, can be used to train constitution.]

"Right, is it the only way? Now that I think about it, should I try running? I was just walking, maybe I'll try that when I'll be outside tomorrow," Dave thought. He then looked at the status screen again.

"Intelligence is probably reading a book, but wisdom, that's something I don't know how to acquire," Dave mumbles, but the system pops up another screen and shows texts on it.

[Would the player like to give a detailed explanation?]


"Yes," Gave says as he nods.

As he said yes, a very long screen with a scroll bar due to how long the information is given, and Dave reads the screen panel.

[solution: Here are some methods on how players could train to increase these attributes:]

[Wisdom Points Training]

[1. Meditation and Reflection:]

[The player can spend time in quiet meditation, reflecting on past experiences and contemplating philosophical or moral dilemmas.]

[Engaging in this practice regularly helps the player gain insights into the world around them and increases their understanding of people and situations.]

[2. Learning from Mentors or Wise Figures:]

[Seeking guidance from wise mentors or sages in the world can be a way to train wisdom.]

[These mentors can impart knowledge through stories, teachings, and advice, helping the character develop a deeper understanding of life.]

[3. Solving Moral Dilemmas:]

[The player could be faced with various moral dilemmas throughout the story.]

[Their choices and actions in these situations could contribute to their wisdom growth as they learn from the consequences of their decisions.]

[4. Reading Ancient Texts or Scrolls:]

[Discovering and studying ancient texts, scrolls, or prophecies can grant wisdom points.]

[These texts could contain hidden knowledge about the world, magic, or even life philosophies.]

[5. Experiencing Nature:]

[Spending time in nature and observing its beauty and complexity can be a form of wisdom training.]

[Being in natural environments can provide the character with insights into the balance of life and the interconnectedness of all things.]

[And etc...]

[Intelligence Points Training]

[1. Studying Ancient Lore and Runes:]

[- Delving into ancient libraries or ruins to study ancient lore, languages, and runes.]

[Each discovery of a new symbol or piece of knowledge could grant intelligence points.]

[2. Puzzle Solving:]

[engaging in complex puzzles or riddles that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills.]

[Successfully solving these challenges can increase intelligence points.]

[3. Alchemy and Experimentation:]

[The player could experiment with alchemy, concocting potions or elixirs.]

[Understanding the properties of different ingredients and their combinations could boost intelligence.]

[4. Learning new skills:]

[Acquiring new skills or trades that require mental acuity.]

[Whether it's mastering a new language, learning a musical instrument, or honing a craft, each skill learned contributes to intelligence points.]

[5. Investigating Mysteries:]

[The character could be drawn into solving mysteries or uncovering hidden truths.]

[Piecing together clues, analyzing evidence, and making deductions all contribute to their intelligence growth.]

[And etc...]

Dave couldn't read it all, but it was enough for him to understand. However, he then sighs, "I don't have anything other than to just meditate, but I don't like doing nothing."

"And to hell with charisma, be talking and practice speech in the mirror like some sort of Sims 3 or 4" Dave sighs as he then swipes his finger to the side to make the screen panels disappear.

"It looks like I'll just go for strength tonight; I'll be able to acquire the others in other ways once I get enough lien to buy," he said to himself in thought.

And starts doing push-ups.

Since he doesn't need to sleep, he might as well do some strength training while he is here, and he does pushups in about 10 minutes. With the title of the survivalist, Dave didn't get tired easily despite his low stats. Additionally, the tilt gives extra strength, which the average man can do now. Dave was able to do a hundred pushups in the space of 10 minutes.

After finishing his push-ups, he then rested on the floor, gasping for breath and shirtless due to how sweaty he had become as droplets of sweat came from him, dripping off his face.

He sees a screen pop up right in front of him as it reveals a text before him.

[Due to excessive 100 pushups, players acquire 1 strength point]

Dave chuckled tiredly as he saw the text from the screen in front of him: "Heh, good." He then let himself rest for 30 minutes. Once he was ready to go, he went for another cycle of push-ups.

And he does this for eight straight hours.

The sun rises outside the inn as the glistening light comes over to Dave's window. He then rests one last time as he finishes his cycles, looks at his status screen, and then smirks a bit at his accomplishments, "very unbalanced. But it's okay, just one at a time."

[Due to the player's vigorous training and doing 1200 pushups in total, you earn 12 STR points.]

[Dave Lvl. 1]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack of All Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Strength: 18(+5)]

[Dexterity: 2]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]

[Skills:][Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 1]

[Titles attained:]


This moment, it's enough for him to not be pushed around, it's sensible and sufficient for the present.

Dave then, at that point, stands up and afterward groans as he then clears out the perspiration with the sweeping of the bed. Since he doesn't have a towel, Dave should utilize what he has at present, spruce up his shirtless self, get his hatchet or iron ax, put his dagger on the belt he had, and afterward leave the room, heading down the steps.

He noticed some people staring at him as he descended the stairs; most of them were stern and extremely hostile. Naturally, Dave gave off the impression of a passerby and maintained a neutral expression as he simply looked around with his eyes. He then walked towards the counter, where he saw the innkeeper, and then put his arm on the counter and looked at the old bearded man, the innkeeper.

"When's breakfast?" Dave said.

The innkeeper shot Dave a stern look and said, "Hmph, be there in a minute."

Dave nodded, said, "Got it," picked up a chair, and sat down near the counter. His eyes darted left and right, surveying the tops of the suspicious men's heads while he just reclined in a relaxed manner. Around levels 12 to 15, most of them are bandits, about which he merely sighs internally.

He hears a wooden bowl placed down with a slight thud, and Dave turns around and sees a bowl of soup, watery-like soup with a somewhat good look; at least it doesn't look gross.

Grabbing his bowl, Dave asked the innkeeper, "What's this?" before grinning at him.

"Onion soup," said the bald-headed old guy with a long bearded innkeeper, "eat it while it's hot."

Dave licks his lips and picks up a wooden spoon, saying, "Oh, nice! Onions!" He didn't think he would be able to eat his favorite onions here on Earth.

Then he casts an inquisitive glance toward the innkeeper. "Hey, just wondering, is there anywhere I can buy some armor or some clothes here?"

The innkeeper groaned and cleaned dishes behind the counter. "They are all closed down, there hasn't been any supply or wondering traders around here for months," he remarked.

"Hmm, I see..." Dave said. Then he sighs and then asks another question: "Is there anyone who needs some help?"

"Hmm... Well, there is a cave close by; it's a small dust mine," the innkeeper said as he turned his head.

"A dust mine?" Dave said in his thoughts, and as always, right on time, a screen pops up in front of him.

Dust mines are the items called dust that are being mined. Dust is a crucial element in Remnant, used for various purposes like powering weapons, creating Grimm-repelling barriers, and enhancing the abilities of Huntsmen. [It exists naturally in crystallized form underground, necessitating extensive mining operations.]

Dave understands the importance, well, in a slight understanding at the very least, and then goes back to the focus of the innkeeper: "Want me to mine?"

The innkeeper sighs in mild exasperation, "No need; it's just that the mine has been abandoned. Due to the large number of grimms roaming around, huntsmen and huntresses can't reach here, so we have been dealing with this ourselves," but Dave observes the tone in which he says it.

Dave wondered, "Ourselves?" He decides to put it off for the time being since he believes he is overanalyzing the term.

"Can you do that, young man? All you need is to grab some left-over dust that might still be salvageable," the innkeeper said, handing the young man a small map of the hamlet in place of the larger one he had been carrying. "Over here, in this thick forest, there are mostly small grimms, but there have been sightings of mediums or even a large grimm spotted roaming around," he added, pointing with his finger to the location of the mine.

"Of course this is something you can refuse," the innkeeper says, crossing his arms after giving him the offer, to which Dave just smiles and then stands up and grabs his iron hatchet.

"If it's just getting those things, I don't mind, but I don't do it for free," Dave said with a smile.

After letting out a small sigh of mild exasperation, the innkeeper stops and nods to Dave, saying, "Straight forward; don't worry, you have some cash; how about it?"

"Deal" after Dave mentioned that he sees a screen appear in front of him with a mission on it.

[Quest accepted]

[Quest: Dust secure!]

[Description: The innkeeper wants to salvage the dust that was left in the mines; the player must go and retrieve the left-overs.]

[Required amount: as many as possible will vary the reward of the quest giver.]

[System rewards: 2 level-ups]

"Nice! I really need to level up; I can't just keep staying a level noob." Dave smirked slightly, stood up, and then gave a w-finger salute. "I'll get it done."

"Careful of the grimms, but you seemed well equipped with weapons. Be sure to go quietly." The innkeeper crosses his arms and then sees Dave walk out of the inn. Dave was then out of the inn and then looked around for any more bandits; fortunately, there were quite a few this morning. He sighs and just has to keep cool. He is at least confident in a 1-on-1 fight with his current strength, but he better not want attention; being in this village is already enough.

After that, he slipped out of the village. Dave was relieved that there was no fence and that there were only guards on the main road, which made it easier for him to slip away. He then made his way into the forest.

He glances around as he moves more into the forest, and that's when he eventually locates the mine. "looks like this is the one that the old man mentioned."

Then, with his axe in his other hand, he goes inside the mine. He then goes inside the mine and peers around, but it appears like nobody is there at the moment. Dave then continues to walk as he descends down into the mine. He discovers some abandoned mine carts and a few pickaxes as he continues to stroll. He keeps looking into it while returning his attention to his mission of locating any dust that can be salvaged.

The mine is silent but not empty, it seems as though the former workers abandoned it and never came back. Dave remained aware of his surroundings and wondered with a keen gaze. Dave looked around warily and remarked, "It must have been dangerous if they had left this all behind."

He then notices some crystals that are scattered after searching the mines for a few more. Subsequently, he moves towards the crystals, cautiously taking one and examining it.

Dave asked, "Is this the one?" as a screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Salvable, unpolished, but affirmative, take caution when obtaining the dust crystal, for there fragile and easily exploded]

He then begins gathering up the dust crystals and exploring the caves some more, saying, "Good, it seems like I found it."

Despite being able to find a lot around the ground, and a bunch of few carts it was hard to carry, as he grab the crystals with him he found a sack bag which. Is a bit worn out but as he placed them inside and try carrying it to his back, it seems to be still usefull and desided to continue further to the mines as he grabs the dust crystals seeing the different colors of them.

After finishing, he lets out a sigh. Carrying a sack of crystal dust, he was ready to walk out from the mines when he heard a tiny sound, like pebbles being struck by something. Dave winced and looked around, but there was nobody there. He looked around for a few moments, freezing in place, but came to understand that his cause must have been tension. Dave looked up, aware that he should exercise caution, and noticed a little scorpion with three stingers and a huge bright eye. Dave looks surprised by this and opens his eyes wide. Fortunately, he didn't drop the bag and let out a shocked cry as he pulled out his axe.

He screamed "Ooooooh, SHIT!" And says, "Nah! Oh hell, nahh! I'm out!" as he swiftly retreats, spins around, and takes off running.

With all of his strength, he dashes forward, and Nevers turns to face him. But, more of the high-pitched, little screams emerge from every tunnel, coming at Dave from all directions.

"Fuck! Guess that's why this shitty place got abandoned!" he exclaimed to Dave, detesting bugs at his core as he ran with all of his strength. With his Dexterity of 2, Dave rapidly grew exhausted and gasped as he ran. He knew there was nothing he could do about it. Then, as he was running, he realized something, so he swung the big sack and picked up one crystal.

He asked, "These things are explosive, right?" before hurling a red crystal in the direction of the gang of black bugs. Subsequently, he lifts his hatchet and throws it, causing a massive explosion in the mines when the axe's blade hits the red dust crystal.

(Author: And we are back with the DND rolls. I'm alright, I want to have a strength and dexterity check, and rolll. Dave got a 14 for strength and 15 for dex, which is freaking not bad, but we still have the modifiers, so with quick calculations, 15 and 11, which is not bad.)

(Author: PS, I'm not very well aware of DND basic rules, this is for the comedy.)

The huge swarm of overgrown bugs has been destroyed, a lot of them, but not all of them, but due to being a fire crystal that Dave tosses by random luck, the flames still flicker on the ground as it blocks off the huge swarm for a brief moment, at which point Dave takes the opportunity and just runs again. While running, he was lucky to be alive, but he was too exhausted to run on, so he gasped loudly in the cave, where it was difficult for him to get air, which did not assist Dave. He tried not to care that he was sitting on a hard, inflexible floor and that he couldn't help but drop the sack of dust crystals carefully on the ground before resting his butt.

He was about to close his eyes, thinking of taking a little nap, when, as if by divine intervention, a screen appeared in front of him. Not just one, but several appeared before his weary, restless face.

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[Level up]

[Level up]

Dave suddenly leveled up, which appears to have surprised him, but he was nevertheless happy about it because it allowed him to effortlessly demolish many of his adversaries with the explosion he created.

And the tiredness from just a moment ago just kind of disappeared, like it was leaving his body.

"A level up!? What perfect timing!" he exclaims with relief as he gets to his feet, grabs the sack, and turns to leave the mines, only to realize that he is without a weapon.

He yelled, "Ah! My hatchet!" before shaking his head. "Argh, I threw it... Maybe I'll just buy another..."

But Dave.

Whenever he plays resource-based survival games, he usually hoards stuff and finds things to carry with him in case they come in handy.

He said, "Fuck it, I'll go back for that shit," and he had the bag of dust crystals with him in case he needed it. Fortunately, he had a dagger with him, so he pulled it out and charged in. While he was at it, he opened his system, which suddenly appeared as a screen in front of him, and swiped the air with two fingers.

[Dave Lvl 3]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Free points: 6]

[Strength: 18(+5)]

[Dexterity: 2]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 1]

[Titles attained:]


He answered, "3 points per level? Good." His constitution is rather fine for the time being because of his title, but he looks at every single one of his stats save wisdom and charisma. His lowest is dexterity, so he puts his points up to dex. the majority of it. When he has used all of his points, he checks his numbers and resumes running while reviewing everything.

[Dave Lvl 3]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Jack Of all Trades]

[Title: Survivalist]

[HP 15/15]

[Free points: 1]

[Strength: 18(+5)]

[Dexterity: 7]

[Constitution: 2(+5)]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Inventory: none]


[Versatile Memory Lvl. Max]

[Adaptive Instincts Lvl. Max]

[Axemanship Lvl. 1]

[Titles attained:]


After thinking to himself, "Yeah, that should do it, so I wouldn't be sloppy and I would be good in combat with this," Dave moved on, sliding the screen away with just two fingertips, making it vanish, and descended farther into the mines, taking the dust crystal still inside the big sack. He pulls out two dust crystals from his pockets in case he needs to make a fast throw.

As he delves further, he hears the unsettling crawling things, which his system just revealed to him as a sulfur fish, which Dave can't help but think about. This gets him a little sidetracked, so he shakes his head and stops running when he hears the overgrown, black, crawling bugs approaching him. He lifts his dagger, seeing through the darkness to the black, skull-shaped characteristics on the crawling bugs.

Fearful? Yes, he is, but that iron hatchet was just recently acquired. Even though his weapon isn't all that great or anything, Dave can't just give it up because he can't just leave after having it for a little while. Once more, he hoards things.

Then Dave gets shivers of disgust when he sees the big black crawling bugs with enormous masks composed of some kind of skull and three tails, coming towards him like a swarm.

He exclaimed, "Ugh, I hate bugs."

After that, he pushes the enormous sack that he continues lugging to the ground, picks up a few dust crystals, throws the yellow dust crystal, and then uses his mediocre power to fling a small stone.

(Author: Roll! Hmmm, 14 on strength plus +5 modifier, and a 3 on dex, with a negative modifier of 2, bruh, you throw the dust, okay, but you miss the stone in order to collide with it, however, manage to kill one of the sulfur fish.)

Since sulfur fish are often weak creatures from the beginning, Dave was lucky to kill one of them with the strength of his pebble alone after missing the stone needed to ignite the explosive dust crystal.

[Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp] that you killed

He grinds his teeth and throws another one, saying, "Damn it."

(Author: you roll a 20, sheesh)

His second stone not only caused a great explosion, but it was also thrown toward the yellow dust crystal. The crystal was thrown by the stone with such force that it passed through it and, in a head-on impact, killed two or three more individuals. Large lightning strikes zapped the crystal of yellow dust, causing it to erupt. A surge of current energy surrounds the mines, killing sulfur fish and fries many more to death.

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[Level up]

His hand clinched in enthusiasm and delight at his tactic, which is essentially hurling explosive dust crystals left and right, "Nice! I'll just have to continue this pace," he muttered in contemplation.

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

This was short-lived, unfortunately, as Dave became increasingly agitated when he tossed the crystal with the red crystal and then violently threw another stone at it.

(Author: ah, rolled a 1, you missed by a long shot, bro.)

And because of how dark it was, the stone struck the mine wall with tremendous power. Though it is unavoidable and too difficult to see in the dark, Dave only grunts, "Damn, oh, wait a second."

Instead, he unleashes a powerful throw of a white dust crystal upon the red dust crystal.

(Author: rolled another 1, bruh, how can you miss those shots!)

He missed again by a long shot and then rolls his eyes with. Frustration and tosses his only weapon the dagger, and hits the ice.

(Author: finally! A 20!)

In a very astonishing maneuver, the dagger strikes the white crystal on the ground with such force that it explodes in a big volume of sulfur fish and likely freezes with a loud crashing of the dust crystal. even killed them since they were incased in ice.

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[Level up]

"Let's fucking go!" He says with a smirk, just as he reaches his hand to his pocket but is out of dust crystals to throw. So he was about to grab more in the large sack beside him, but just as he was going to, a few of the sulfur fish dashed in a jump towards him, specifically, they were four sulfur fish.

(Author: you rolled a 16, nice,)

But Dave spotted it and leaned to the left; the first sulfur fish dropped directly past him. The second one, he saw and caught by the tail, not knowing if it was poisonous or not. Dave is not an expert on bugs, so he just thinks it's okay to grasp it by the tail. Naturally, he felt disgust as he impulsively grabbed the second sulfur fish. "I hate bugs," he remarked.

He threw the second and third sulfur fish into the air, colliding with them and sending them to the floor.

He also grabbed the tail of the fourth sulfur fish and threw it to the ground, then kicked up his foot and crushed it with his shoe.

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

Dave searches the dimly lit tunnels because he didn't want to endure this much longer than necessary. When he raises his head, he sees the gloomy cave of the mine, where Dave wishes he had brought a torch. He then discovers the knife he flung, rushes to recover it, and examines the red crystal that he failed to ignite.

He noticed the iron handle still holding the blade firmly in place on the earth. "My hatchet!"

Naturally, Dave is attacked by a swarm of sulfur fish, but he yells at the bugs to move out of the way.

He threw the dagger and the red dust crystal.

(Author: rolled a 9 on strength but ermm... Modifier of +5 kinda op kinda need to fix strength in the fanfic and tweak a bit anyway, he didn't it, and rolled a 16 for dex, good for you)

With a stroke of luck the two objects clashes and ignited in mid air inside the cave and was given a large explosion, killing a lot of the sulfur fishes.

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

[You killed Sulfur Fish, 10 Exp]

Many of them were burned out by the flaming blasts, so Dave grabbed his iron hachet and dagger and dashed out of the mines to with the big sack of dust.

With everything in him, he ran.

until he gets to the door.

Very exhausted. Nevertheless, he completed the task and believed it was over.


He is obscured by a thick shadow, which causes Dave to glance and furrow his brow. Dave glances up at their status screens above their heads; there were five men there.

And they're all bandits.


"Are you kidding me?"









To be continued....

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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