52.17% Fake Player / Chapter 24: These Ceaseless Changing Times 4

บท 24: These Ceaseless Changing Times 4

|||Leading up to the [Message] given by Momonga|||

November 29th, 2135 World: Helheim. Location: The Great Tomb of Nazarick - 10th Floor.

"And lastly, but certainly not least, our final destination. The Throne Room of Ainz Oown Gown and the Crowning Jewel of the Great Tomb Of Nazarick. Nestled within the deepest part of the tomb, no one but the members of this guild has seen it... until now." Momonga narrated.

The set of massive double doors rumbled as they opened by themselves, having recognized the authority of the Guildmaster, allowing for two Players to enter. The first was Momonga, the Elder Lich, who strove forward unimpeded and proudly. Following behind him was none other than Kasumi, or Destana, as she was called in game.

Where Momonga took on the appearance of the archetypal dreaded Overlord, Destana was his antithesis. Twelve pure white, beautiful wings sprouted from her back, allowing her to float gently after the magic caster. She stood at just a head and a half smaller than Momonga's avatars' towering height.

The Aerosphere was adorned in regal blue, silver, and gold. She wore a white toga-like dress underneath, which was complemented by silver and gold accented armor pieces on top. The armor included elegant gauntlets, a stylish chest piece, and crafted greaves, all armored in silver with blue accents.

The digital representation was an exquisite beauty and was endowed with a supple chest and lovely curves that were all the more pronounced due to the tight-fitting attire. The avatar's stunning features were equally divine, with a heart-shaped face adorned with regal cheeks and a flawless complexion. The glimmering emerald eyes, with their star-shaped pupils, were captivating, while the ruby-red lips added to the avatar's allure. The locks of brilliant golden hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, completing the avatar's enchanting appearance. A smile played at the angel's lips, which could be both pure and enticing, depending on the observer's perspective. The golden jeweled circlet resting on her forehead added to her regal appearance, while the white marble staff with its beautifully crafted bulbous pointed end added to her mystique. The white halo floating above her head completed the angel's celestial image.

Her appearance was simply angelic. Momonga realized the accidental pun as he thought of this.

"Woah…" Destana let out breathlessly.

Gliding into the room, her eyes immediately sought to take in everything. The sheer size and splendor of the room was practically overwhelming.

"It's just... amazing... I mean…! Just, wow!" Destana stuttered out, too excited and happy to put it into words. For what else could she say? It was grand, it was magnificent, and it was truly beyond words.

The angelic Player had seen some amazing scenery and locations in her time playing YGGDRASIL, but what the Great Tomb of Nazarick had to offer was beyond compare. She never thought something of such grandiosity and scale was even possible, imaginary or otherwise. It was almost as if someone took a piece of fantasy and somehow molded it into reality.

"Man, whoever designed this knew what they were doing! It feels so real and amazing that I can't believe it." The Aerosphere praised wholeheartedly.

"It is, isn't it?" Momonga puffed out his chest in pride and preened at her words.

The Throne Room, much like the rest of the Tomb of Nazarick, was delicately and painstakingly handcrafted. Every member contributed in some way, whether it be ideas, materials, or actual coding and design. It stood as the culmination of their contribution, and it was always nice to have their work appreciated.

For a few minutes, the two said nothing. Destana was completely awestruck by the marvelous room. Her avatar twirled and took to the air as she sought to capture every nook and cranny of the Throne Room from the sheer size of it all to the immaculate details in the architecture. Momonga watched silently behind her, a small giddy smile tugging at his lips every time she let out a small squeak or gasp in awe upon seeing more of the room. Pride filled his chest at her reactions.

Destana drifted towards the Throne of Kings, circling it and admiring the crystal throne as Momonga moved at an easy pace.

"So, you're like the Guildmaster and the king of the guild? This is your throne to sit on, right?" She asked him.

"Technically, anyone can sit on the throne. It's not just reserved for myself. Also, please don't call me a king. I'm just the Guildmaster, not a king." Momonga countered.

"Sweetie, you literally have a crown on top of you and a personal throne." Destana pointed it out. "Name me something kinglier than that, Momonga-sama~" She sing-songed.

"Uggh, not you too." He lamented. It was bad enough that he had to hear this kind of constant teasing from his friends.

"Awww, why not? Momonga-sama has a neat little ring to it." Destana chirped. "Besides, if you're king, then that makes me your queen! The great Destana-sama, I quite like the sound of that."

"Of course, you would." Momonga huffed, but in good humor.

In response, she showed an emoticon with its tongue sticking out towards him, which only made Momonga chuckle under his breath.

A brief respite took over the Throne Room as the couple simply basked in silence. It was broken by Destana as she drifted closer to the undead Player.

"I really had fun on this date, Satoru-san." Said Destana, speaking up and looking at him, affection radiating from her gaze. Her voice was soft and full of appreciation.

After their memorable encounter last time, Destana revealed that she wanted to see if there was a chance between him and her. Against all odds and even surprising himself, Momonga decided to give the two of them a shot. It was certainly slow and difficult at first, with the occasional road bumps, and there were times where he allowed his usual pessimism to plague his mind, but he fought through the doubt. If not for himself, then for her at the very least. Through a miracle or chance, here they were, many months later, officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Even now, he still couldn't truly believe it.

It was a gradual process in those early months. The two of them began their relationship as committed partners, growing together and learning to accept one another's presence. It was pretty obvious right away that neither he nor Kasumi had ever been in a committed relationship before. Because it was all new territory for them, it took a few trials and errors, to put it mildly, before they settled into a routine.

Gradually, over the first year, they warmed up to one another, and Momonga especially grew to take comfort in the entire situation. Honestly, he still wondered if everything was just some elaborate dream or fantasy, as he still couldn't believe he, of all people, would ever be lucky enough to have a significant other. Especially someone as spirited as her. Guess the saying holds true: opposites do attract.

Despite working at the same company, the two occasionally had schedule conflicts, which made the initial stages of their relationship rather difficult as the two warmed up to one another. However, this only served to make the moments they did have together all the more precious. It took some time before they were able to work out a compromise that would allow the budding couple to spend time with one another while navigating the usual roadblocks that can arise in any relationship.

Destana, unlike her partner, was not a complete introvert, and her leisure time was not limited to playing video games. To his surprise, she had always been a casual player. Balancing work, leisure time, and a relationship was a challenge for Momonga, but to his ever-increasing surprise, he was able to manage it to a certain extent. Kasumi's patience and willingness to build their relationship gradually, one step at a time, were also invaluable.

Sometimes Momonga wondered if she was too good for someone like him. It was far from the first time he pondered such a thought. Only for her to lightly reprimand him and tell him, 'Don't think like that' before giving him a kiss or an equally tender affection.

Now, after their second year together, their relationship was still going strong.

However, if there was one thing that the undead Player felt was lacking, it would be on the actual 'dating' front. Most of their dates were outside, usually hanging out at the bar she frequented, drinking, eating, and chatting about whatever was on their minds. Occasionally, they would find new restaurants and enjoy whatever was available. They would also have sporadic virtual dates, though it was just them playing together in YGGDRASIL as he thought it would be convenient for the two of them when they couldn't go out in person, not that she seemed to mind.

Momonga always enjoyed spending time with her, but he never got the impression that they were doing anything special. He constantly felt as though something was missing. As if he were acting improperly and could do something more.

A date was supposed to be something special, something the two could look back on and reminisce about. It was supposed to be a treat for both parties. Or at least, that was what the salaryman defined as a date. And he felt he was failing when it came to that aspect.

Momonga remembered expressing this to her once, feeling as if he was lacking in his duties as a boyfriend for being unable to treat her to something nice or special.

Kasumi was touched by his thoughts and perceived concern. She told him in no uncertain terms that it didn't matter. To her, it was of no consequence if they were spending their time in either a restaurant, in YGGDRASIL, their own homes, or even in bed - the latter much to Momonga's embarrassment and her amusement.

So long as they were together and they were having fun, that was all that truly mattered, in her opinion, and that was enough for her. An attitude that only further endeared her to the undead sorcerer.

He admired her patience and understanding towards him, which only intensified his desire to come up with a proper idea for dates. He knew that his girlfriend deserved nothing less than the best, and he wanted to express how grateful he was to have her in his life. Though he knew Destana would disagree and point out how hard he was being on himself, again, Momonga thought it was necessary to make up for the rather lackluster second-anniversary celebration they had a while back.

As he pondered ways to show his appreciation, an idea suddenly dawned on him. A plan to treat his girlfriend to a special date, one that should definitively show her his appreciation. After seeking some advice from a certain silver-haired hero, Momonga decided to show off Ainz Ooal Gown's base: The Great Tomb of Nazarick. As these two things held a special place in his heart, it felt only fitting.

When the idea was first suggested to Mononga, he would admit that he was apprehensive, unsure of how she would respond to a tour of all things. But those fears were banished instantly upon hearing her excited answer. And so, on their next available free day, Momonga took her with him on an exclusive tour of the entire Tomb of Nazarick.

The journey began on the 1st Floor and proceeded downward to the 10th Floor, leading to the innermost chambers. It would be an understatement to say that she was thrilled. Throughout the extensive tour, she was filled with an exuberant enthusiasm, akin to that of a child in a candy store. Momonga graciously regaled the rich histories and origins of each floor, starting from its inception and continuing with the fascinating tales of the various NPCs that inhabited the different levels to all the neat little facts and tidbits he could muster. Destana was entirely captivated and spellbound from beginning to end, soaking up every detail he presented with starry-eyed wonder.

He showed off everything the Great Tomb of Nazarick had to offer. Everything from the tonally thematic detail of the 1st to 3rd Floors, which were specifically crafted to complement the Heteromorphic and villainous aesthetic of their creator, Ainz Ooal Gown, to the intricately beautiful centerpiece that was the 4th and 6th Floor, which hosted a lush and verdant landscape illuminated by a day-night cycle that was utterly breathtaking to behold. The glittering stars that adorned the ceiling of this floor only added to its otherworldly beauty. As they descended lower, Destana was treated to the 7th and 8th Floor, which held their own spectacular beauty, especially the amazing canvas that was the night sky filled with luminous stars crafted by none other than Blue Plant. Then there was the 9th Floor, the Royal Suite, a space that was packed to the brim with luxurious features and meticulously crafted details. Finally, there was the grand Throne Room on the 10th Floor, which was a truly majestic and all-encompassing space located at the very heart of the tomb.

He was a little worn out by the end, Momonga wouldn't deny it. What with Destana constantly quizzing him on everything she saw and dragging him along whenever something caught her eye. Nevertheless, she enjoyed herself and had a great time on the entire tour, as did he. That was all that mattered in the end for him.

"Helloooo? Earth to Station Momon-kun? Do you copy?"

The remark was spoken with a drawl that dripped with amusement and mischief that was all too familiar. The insistent poking finger on his chest and badly mimicked radio static sound only emphasized how accurate his assessment was.

With a chuckle and a nervous scratching of his skull, a habit he picked up from a crimson Player, he allowed himself to fully focus on the present, reminiscing over everything that led up to this.

"Sorry about that... I was just thinking."

"Oh? Is our date so tiresome that you'd rather be daydreaming? How dastardly! Or maybe you're thinking about someone else, hmmm?"

Despite the words spoken, his girlfriend never lost her usual cheer. It only seemed to grow with every syllable, ramping up to worrying degrees, if he was honest. It never ended well for his heart and mind when the angelic Player decided to have a bit too much fun. Especially at his expense, more times than not.

As if to prove his instincts right, Kasumi moved from her position next to him, if slightly ahead, to directly ahead, forcing him to focus on her and her actions. She turned to face him and walked backward, her hands crossed behind her at her lower back. Comfortable and aware of his eyes on her, she leaned slightly forward to emphasize… ahem… some of her assets, an emote with a cheeky smile hovering above her all the while.

"Now now, Momon-kun, such behavior is no good! You shouldn't be thinking about anything but my cute, adorable self while we are together!"

Momonga allowed a short chuckle at her antics, a smile growing involuntarily as exasperation set in.

"I am, Kasumi-san. I was simply thinking of how we ended up here... together."

Her stride faltered for a brief moment, as if the jovial energy that had been filling her had suddenly dissipated. The exasperation that replaced it was palpable and seemed to match, if not surpass, his own. She let out a deep sigh and met his gaze, crossing her arms defensively. Finally, she spoke, her voice laced with resigned concern.

"Dear... how many times must I tell you that you don't need to doubt your qualifications to be with me? Seriously, when will it sink into that thick skull that I have chosen you and you alone, no matter what? Sheesh, I love you, and you love me. What else needs to be said?" Her words dripped with mock exasperation and affection, as if she had been forced to repeat this same sentiment over and over again.

Frankly, hearing her open declaration of affection was more than a bit embarrassing, but he would be lying if he said that it didn't make some part of him feel warm and fuzzy. Still, he felt he needed to clarify something.

Speeding up his strides to close the handful of meters that separated the two, Momonga allowed himself to slow down. He gently took hold of one of her forearms. As her grip on herself loosened, he guided her arm to the side before letting go and slipping his hand across her abdomen until he encased her in a one-arm hug.

Momonga could sense the surprise emanating from her, for he was not one to openly display affection. Nonetheless, he would at least try for her. The Aerosphere reciprocated with a warm embrace of her own, and they held each other tightly for a few more moments.

He couldn't see her face, but he didn't need to. He had spent enough time around his better half to know what made her tick. At the moment, she was likely flustered, always shocked by the physical intimacy that she hadn't begun. Still, he wasn't done. Leaning forward the smallest bit, he positioned his mouth near her ear before making a single declaration.

"I love you, too." Momonga whispered, his voice full of sincerity and warmth. Something that was often left unsaid but always understood.

He could feel her body quivering, and she snuggled deeper into his shoulder, attempting to make herself smaller. He permitted her to do so, knowing full well how shy she could be beneath her confident and cheerful exterior. In fact, he found her shyness even more endearing than his own, but he refrained from expressing this sentiment aloud, lest he attract retaliatory teasing from her.

She was a glass canon, if there was one. A 100-attack strength in teasing, but an absolute 0 in defense.

"...No fair."

Her voice was small, more of a whisper than anything else, but he couldn't hide the mirth that it caused in him, his face morphing into a joyful smirk.

"All is fair, in love and war."

With that closing remark of his, all conversation between them ceased, and a tranquil stillness settled over them. Even as they parted ways, holding hands this time, a peaceful contentment enveloped them, impossible to put into words.

After a while, Destana was the first to break the silence, all the while opening the channels for further conversation.

"Y'know, I've said this before... but thank you. For everything you have done."

"Hmm? There's no need for that, it's just a simple tour."

Destana's eyes glossed over. She turned her eyes upward, her gaze drifting lazily from banner to banner. Slowly, but surely, a small, wistful smile bloomed on her face.

"I'm not talking about our date, however wonderful it might've been. No, I'm talking about everything…"

She tried to say more, but nothing more came out. For a second, she stood with her mouth slightly parted, as if urging words to spill out. Ultimately, it just made her look adorably clueless. Momonga gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, showing that he was there for her. That was all she needed as she mustered up her resolve. With a single calming breath, she allowed herself to say what she truly felt.

"Thank you for giving this a chance. And I know that we've only been dating for about two years, but if I'm being honest, the time we've spent together has been the happiest part of my life. It might be corny, but I just want you to know, I can't imagine a life without you!" Destana passionately declared.

Momonga would be lying if he said that her words didn't make his heart skip a bit, a complex blend of emotions blooming in his chest. He was so overwhelmed by the unexpected surge that he failed to notice the mischievousness that filtered into her smile.

"Which is why, for all that you have done, I think it's only fair I give you a little reward~" Her teasing tone returned with a vengeance.

Still distracted, Momonga failed to steady himself for what came next. She distanced herself from him before she changed before his very eyes. In a flash of light, Kasumi's avatar took a drastic turn for the… risque.

Where before she held the bearings of a regal angel, now she donned a different persona. One that had been carefully crafted by the angelic Player for the sole purpose of pressing her boyfriend's buttons and flustering him... And if she enjoyed seeing him blush more than usual, no one could say that she was vengeful for her earlier embarrassment.

Her dress and armor had vanished, replaced by what only Momonga could describe as a lingerie negligee. The garment hugged every curvy detail of her body, draping down to her knees. It was semi-transparent, revealing everything except for her privates. The silky white material was adorned with sparkling glitter and decorated with snowflake patterns, giving it an ethereal, almost otherworldly quality. She also wore long, transparent gloves that extended up to her elbows and high, lacy stockings that ran up and covered her legs. Both were adorned with adorable patterns that matched those on her negligee, giving the whole ensemble a cohesive and playful feel.

With a few more quick commands from her menu, her twelve magnificent wings stretched out, casting a small but powerful luminosity behind her. The ambiance was now set perfectly. Previously, there was no question about her beauty, but now she was downright bewitching. Her emerald eyes emanated an ethereal glow that captured the attention of the undead Player, rendering him unable to look away. Her star-shaped pupils were replaced with burning pink hearts, affixed solely to him, smothering him with affection.

It was a mixture of sinfulness and purity that created one hell of an image that the Overlord was burning into his mind. Destana's new appearance left very little to the imagination, and Momonga was gobbling it all up.

Momonga was beyond thankful that YGGDRASIL was limited in facial animation, or else he would look like an idiot with his eyes wide and his jaw on the floor as he stared unabashedly at the alluring sight in front of him. He wanted to turn away, but his traitorous mind wouldn't comply. He would be a damn liar to say he didn't somewhat enjoy it, especially considering their relationship.

Destana twirled in the air, graceful as a nymph, motes of light trailing behind her as she lowered her feet to the smooth marble floor. She took a step forward, putting extra sway in her steps. The light fabric of the negligee swayed with each step she took, gifting her boyfriend with a rather tantalizing view as she sashayed towards him.

However, she knew that what captivated Momonga the most was the delicious pound of flesh that was her thighs and legs.

No MMO-RPG worth their salt was complete without some kind of provocative or downright sexualized piece of clothing or costume that was passed off as armor for Players to wear and ogle at. It was an unspoken rule, one that persisted since the dawn of video games themselves! And YGGDRASIL was no exception.

While certain actions were restricted to prevent any 18+ or inappropriate acts between Players, there was just enough elbow room to use what she had to her advantage. Namely, certain actions a Player could do to their clothing that didn't breach YGGDRASIL's clear and strict regulations.

From restriction comes innovation. And sometimes, having some clothes on was just as effective, if not more so, than having none on at all.

Her hand went to her flowing golden locks, and with a flick, they flowed. Her majestic hair flowed in the air with sprinkles of light trailing after her, all courtesy of the cash item she had equipped and the special effects from her menu that allowed her hair to sway even though there was no gust of wind within the chamber.

"See something you like, dear~?" She purred, every syllable dripping with sultry cadence. Spreading her hands open, she rolled her hips with every step, presenting herself fully to him. Her smoldering heart-shaped pupil gaze focused solely on Momonga.

His gulp was audible, which was all the answer she needed. A teasing-smile emoticon popped up on top of Destana, reflecting the user's pleasurable smile.

Who knew that the famed leader of Ainz Ooal Gown was such a fan of thighs and legs?

Well, she did. Which explains why her wardrobe has had more skirts and stockings added to it in the last year than ever before. Either way, seeing him flustered was a familiar and welcoming view, and it made her smirk grow to see him in the same position that she had held not long ago. Part of her will admit she very much enjoys the more assertive side of her boyfriend, but there was an order to this!

She wasn't going to allow him to show her up. Now, she just needed to keep up the pressure.

Unfortunately, she missed her next stride as Momonga's reaction continued to unravel.


Destana expected several responses, from outright embarrassment to sputtering, even silent bewilderment, to perhaps even a wolf whistle, however unlikely that was.

She had fully designed and planned for this, dressing herself in such a style to maximize the effects. Sexy, scandalous, alluring, those were but one of the many considerations she made when putting this together.

But beautiful? She could safely say she wasn't expecting that from her boyfriend. What caused her to nearly make a misstep was how he conveyed it.

It wasn't a comment made as empty flattery, instead, it was the breathless sort of observation that was likely involuntary. Which made it all the more genuine and embarrassing. Destana could feel his gaze on her, as if she were the most captivating thing in the world.

It wasn't often that her boyfriend was emotionally expressive, part of why the last couple of minutes had thoroughly shifted the emotional power scale to his end.

Performing an impressive recovery, she hid her misstep as an exaggerated sway of her hips. She just hoped he didn't notice.

Finally, she found herself entrenched in the Guildmaster's personal space. Leaning against him, she allowed herself a small mental cheer when she saw the floating emoticon denoting a blushing face and his turned head to mean her outfit was exceptionally effective.

It was only her newfound position and previous emote gazing that drew her eyes to the crown that rested on her boyfriend's head, its polished silver sheen standing out against his mostly dark outfit. The bare bones of a plan began to form in her mind, a plot to get back at her involuntary tease of a skeleton and finally put him in his place.

It was a matter of pride at this point.

"How unfair! I am your Queen, yet I am without a crown to grace my head!"

She allowed her countenance to be overcome by a childish pout, huffing in a manner befitting a petulant royal.

Whiplashed by the sudden shift in tone, Momonga took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

"May I remind you that you already possess a circlet?" He pointed out.

To his amusement, her pout only seemed to intensify.

"That is not the same as a crown, and you know it!"

He honestly wasn't certain about the validity of the statement, but he decided to relent. Momonga knew that an argument with her, no matter the severity or levity, would always end in his loss.

"Alright, then. Do you want to have one commissioned? I can have Amanomahitotsu-san forge you one easily. Or, I'm sure I can find one in the Treasury."

She gave an uncommitted hum, shifting her head from side to side as if in deep thought. Finally, she seemed to nod before looking him straight in the eye and pointing at his head.

"I want that one!"

The gaze of two deep red orbs was directed upwards, fixated on the Crown of Worlds which rested atop his head. This World Item was earned by him and Ainz Ooal Gown for their triumph in conquering The Great Tomb of Nazarick. Despite its immense value, the crown boasted a simple design. Comprised of metal bands plated with gilded silver, they intertwined at the center to form a sharp point where a solitary gem sparkled. The crown's surface was adorned with glowing runes, an ancient knowledge of magic that had long since been lost to the ages.

"Hmm, you know for a fact what this item is and its importance, so why should I hand it over?"

The tone he used was neutral but gleamed with hidden amusement. While the majority of the player base in YGGDRASIL would've likely taken great offense to being asked to give away a World Item, even if temporarily, Momonga trusted Destana wholeheartedly. Enough to give her his Crown, but he wasn't going to fork it over without some resistance.

The angelic Player remained unfazed before his cold rebuttal and, in fact, seemed to become more energetic.

"Well, if you want your present in full, I'll need that crown of yours!"

She spoke in a singsong way, tempting him with promises of further rewards in response to his compliance. Of course, such methods wouldn't work on hi— what was his hand doing?

Before he could realize what he was doing, he had already unequipped the Crown of Worlds, holding it in a loose grip in her direction.

"Thank you, Momon-kun~" Destana happily exclaimed, her attitude inflamed by his thoughtless actions. Before he could take it back, she had already appropriated it and equipped it, all in a single smooth motion.

With the silver crown resting on her temple, just under the white halo, she made a speedy dash towards the throne. Her movements were filled with such unrestrained giddiness that she almost tripped on the steps. After that particular close call, she fully ascended to the centerpiece of the room before bending over to give the throne a quick inspection and then sitting down.

As she was doing this, Momonga's crimson orbs were firmly fixated on her fleeing backside as she raced towards the Throne of Kings. Especially when she briefly bent over the Throne of Kings and involuntarily gave him a very nice view.

'Damn... Was this what Peroroncino-san meant by 'hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave?' If so...'

It would appear that the lord of bones wasn't just a man of the thighs after all.

With the crown safely in her possession, she made herself very comfortable on the throne and prepared for the next step of her master plan!

Destana's new position allowed her to have an overview of the whole room, with her gaze fixed specifically on Momonga. She looked down at him and, once she was certain she had his attention, slowly and sensually crossed her legs, making a show of it. She propped her elbow up against the armchair of the crystalline throne and rested her head against her hand. Leaning back onto the throne, the seductive Aerosphere gazed down at him in a haughty manner before finally addressing him, completely relaxed.

"My my, isn't someone being a naughty little boy? Do I see a bone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Gazing upon your Empress with such a lecherous gaze, the nerve!"

She scoffed disdainfully, as if the thought itself were offensive, while also putting in the effort to make her voice low and sensual.

"Hmm... Although, I suppose you have earned a reward for your loyal servitude." She said, her voice dripping with honey. "Come, my loyal consort! I shall grant you the honor of kissing my divine form! For I am Destana, Empress of Nazarick and the Supreme Ruler of this Tomb!" The scantily dressed angel loudly declared, her beauty and power on full display.

Silence graced the Throne Room as Kasumi sat upon the throne, sitting tall and composed despite her outlandish behavior. She wore a placid smile, patiently waiting for Momonga's reaction - the squeaky sputters, the adorable flustering, or the soft denial of her audacious statement. Typical reactions that she knew her boyfriend would undoubtedly make and ones she oh so enjoy basking in.

However, what she heard instead was the steady and measured footsteps of the undead Overlord, as he made his way up to the throne without any fuss or commotion.

Each step he took echoed throughout the room, and with each sound, Destana's front slowly cracked. In no time, the Guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown himself stood before her. Destana leaned back into the throne in his presence, quelled by his towering presence.

'Was he always this big?' She couldn't help but squeak. Admittedly, she was currently seated, but even then, Momonga's massive form made her feel quite diminutive. His towering presence was even more apparent now that she had lowered herself by sitting down.

Finally, the true ruler of the Tomb of Nazarick spoke.

"You're doing it wrong."


Her dumbfounded response only made him chuckle. He took one of her hands in his own and pulled her into a standing position, all the while keeping her close with a hand on her waist.

"May I have back the crown?" Momonga gently requested.

Distractedly, she unequipped the World Item and handed it over, still confused by his words and lack of reaction to her plan.

With the Crown of Worlds back in his possession, Momonga discreetly accessed the main control menu and issued a command for Sebas, the Pleiades, and a contingent of maids to converge in the Throne Room. With the task accomplished, he turned his attention back to his girlfriend, who had snapped out of her confusion but was still pouting.

He couldn't help but grin at her as he pulled her close, savoring the warmth of her body. With her face no longer buried in his robes, he almost didn't hear her remark at his behavior.

"Killjoy, not letting me have my fun. Stupid, skeletal servant, not listening to his Empress!"

The rest of her grumbles became indistinguishable, but he was certain that they were variants of her previous statement. It was adorable just how moody she was acting.

Their embrace was cut short, however, when the Throne Room doors creaked open, revealing the NPCs he had secretly called for.

"Huh?" Perplexed, she turned her head to investigate the source of the noise. To her surprise, a man who resembled a butler was at the forefront, accompanied by six knights who were adorned in maid-like attire. A legion of maids followed diligently behind them, marching in an orderly fashion. Before she could ponder the situation any further, she felt an unexpected pull downward.

Momonga took advantage of his position to usher Kasumi back to the Throne of Kings, but the outcome was vastly different. He took a seat first and gently drew his precious angel towards him, guiding her to perch on his lap. Her head nestled against his chest, where his pectoral muscles would have been if he weren't a skeletal being. His embrace was tender, yet it exuded an intangible layer of protection, assuring the woman in his embrace of her safety.

It took her a moment before she realized the position they were in, her body fidgeting inadvertently and nestling herself further in Momonga's embrace. His rich obsidian robes partially shrouded her, like a blanket of comfort. She was fortunate that YGGDRASIL didn't support facial animation, or else all would've seen a blush slowly overtaking her face. Her plan had backfired rather spectacularly in her face.

Before she could speak up, Momonga had this to say.

"What is a coronation without subjects to bask in your glory?" He whispered enticingly in her ear, sending a pleasurable shiver running up her spine at his sudden baritone voice.

"Come forward." He ordered the NPCs. They walked forward before stopping at the bottom steps of the dial.

Destana couldn't help but fidget a little in front of the crowd of lifeless, staring NPCs. Several dozen pairs of eyes bore down on her, creating an overwhelming sense of scrutiny. She leaned further into Momonga's embrace, snuggling up to him for comfort. Momonga couldn't help but inwardly chuckle at her display of vulnerability. Despite her bold exterior, she was quick to revert to her shy self when faced with daunting situations, which only served to endear her to him even more.

Momonga took a moment to clear his throat before addressing them.

"Hear me, my loyal subject of Nazarick! I, Momonga-sama, am here to deliver to you all a royal decree! Rejoice, my loyal subjects, for today you have earned the privilege of gazing upon her, whom I declared to be my equal. Your king commands you! Kneel! Kneel before your Queen, your Empress! The divine and radiant Destana, the Archangel of Beauty!" Momonga projected in his 'roleplaying' voice, one that was deep and powerful, epitomizing his Overlord persona. His booming voice reverberated throughout the inner confines of the Throne Room.

The NPCs immediately did as they were commanded as the maids dropped to their knees and bowed wholly to the throne. Sebas and the Pleiades dropped to one knee, performing a knightly kneel, bowing their heads, and radiating complete servitude.

Momonga leaned back into the crystal throne, a satisfied smile on his lips, and basked in his girlfriend's stunned silence. He allowed it to persist for a few more seconds before wrapping it up.

"You are dismissed. Return to your regular duties, but I bestow upon you an additional task! Spread the word, from the lowest levels of Hell to the peak of Heaven itself, that Destana has joined our ranks, as the Lady of Nazarick and the Empress of the Tomb! Now off, be with you!"

Coordinatively, the NPCs stood up in unison and marched out through the entrance of the Throne Room. The two Players silently watched them leave, and just like that, it was back to the two of them.

"Now that is how you make a declaration." Momonga whispered, his voice warmly smug. However, Destana only half heard him, recovering from her stunned state.

"S-show off" Destana pouted, a tiny stutter infiltrating her voice.

She even slapped his chest for good measure.

"When the hell did you get so smooth?" She demanded, as if he were to blame for his smoothness. Though, from his position, her glare was as dangerous as one from a little kitten sitting on his lap.

Momonga chuckled, amused by her reaction. "I'd say around the time I realized how easy it was to handle you." He answered, shifting slightly in his seat and bringing her in closer, though she didn't seem to mind the closeness.

"Me, easy? As if." Destana scoffed as if offended.

"Hmm, you're right, you are quite the pain to handle sometimes." He remarked, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Excuse you?! Is that the way you speak to your beautiful and caring girlfriend, you insensitive brute?!" She slapped his chest again, chastisingly, which only brought another round of laughter from her skeletal cushion.

"Also, what was that 'kingly' shit back there? I thought you said you weren't a king, hmmm?" She pointedly probed, no doubt trying to find a way to get back at him.

Momonga simply dismissed the query with a shrug.

"Well, I figured it's alright to indulge, and it seemed only appropriate for my Queen of Hearts." He emphasized.

With what he had just displayed within the Throne Room still fresh on their minds, Momonga sought to capitalize on the mood once again to tease her and remain on the offensive. However, all he received was a blank stare in response.

"Err, what?"

"Huh? I... you know. Like, since I'm a king, that would make you a queen. And I love you with all my heart as well. That means you're very close to my heart, and... So you know, a queen of my hearts…" The undead Player explained, his once unshakably confidence slowly chipping away.

Again, Destana just stared before finally commenting on that.

"Not going to lie, babe, but that's a bit corny even for me." She snarked.

"Whatever. I still won in the end." Huffed Momonga, holding the victory over her head.

"Fine, fine I'll concede. For now!" Destana immediately rebuked.

With a swift movement, she pulled away from his hold and repositioned herself on his lap. She faced him, standing on her knees and locking her emerald eyes with his crimson orbs.

"Don't think you're in the clear just yet, buster! Just wait, I'll be making you pay for this later, with interest as well. That's a promise." The Aerosphere vowed.

"There you go again, teasing me. Should I be afraid?" Momonga challenged back.

Destana let out a small "hmph," but he could all too easily hear the smirk in her voice. Leaning forward, her near-naked form pressed enticingly against his skeletal ribcage as her arms snaked around the back of his neck, pulling their faces closer together. The angelic Player rested her head against his broad shoulders.

"Who said anything about that being a tease~?" She insinuated with a throaty purr right into his ear, and with it came a promise of a good time.

Momonga suppressed the pleasant shiver that ran down his back, threatening to escape his lips as an exhilarated breath.

'Down boy! Don't let lead her by your head!'

If there was one thing that came from being in a relationship with someone like Destana, it was that there were no such things as breaks. Whether or not that was beneficial to Momonga's overall health, he couldn't quite say.

No real segway or topic followed, so the two just decided to linger and unwind, lulled in by the enjoyable surroundings. It was around this time that Destana returned to her normal attire, much to Momonga's silent disappointment.

Conversations quickly picked up, but most of it was quaint and aimless, talking about their days, troubles, plans for the future, and so forth. Until Destana brought up a topic regarding a certain someone.

"Say, babe."

"Hmm? Yes, what is it?"

"If it's not too much to ask, is Emiya-san here by any chance?" Destana inquired.

Momonga blinked at the sudden request.

"Is there a reason why you wish to see him?" He asked curiously.

"Oh! I never told you, right? I met him once, back when I was still starting out." She revealed.

"You did?" Momonga perked up. "Huh? What a small world." The Guildmaster muttered.

"I know, right?! Anyway, I had gotten ambushed by some PKers, and... well, Emiya-san must have been traveling nearby, because he decimated them without breaking a sweat! Unfortunately, he was gone before I could have a chance to thank him. Destana gave a sigh, lost in memories for a brief moment. She seemed sad at the thought of a good deed going unrewarded.

"You know, he doesn't do it for the sake of praise. He'd probably just smile and thank you for thanking him." The Elder Lich's words didn't seem to dissuade her. Instead, they further emboldened his girlfriend.

"That doesn't mean I shouldn't still do it!" Her cute pout and glare were enough to make a deep rumble leave his chest, adoring the sight.

"Indeed. Well, I suppose I could arrange a meeting, but I'm not sure when our schedules would match. He did have all those raids to take care of, taking up the next few time slots." The skeletal Player pondered to himself, occasionally muttering sounds of annoyance, lost to the world. Unbeknownst to his quiet pondering, Destana's face pinched into a confused frown.

"But, didn't you say that he was always around? I thought he was the most active in the guild!" Her words cut through his fugue, stripping away thoughts of time management and leaving him flatfooted, not expecting her interjection.

"I... yes, he is, but... he isn't? I mean, he is always online, but lately, well..."

Destana couldn't help but find his stutter adorable. The urge to tease him was only tempered by the unease she heard in his voice.

"He's been a bit elusive of late. We haven't talked much as of recently." He explained, the lighthearted tone in his voice was replaced with a soft, somber timbre.

"Really? But from the way you always mention him, I thought you two are as thick as thieves!" She replied, easily taking note of her boyfriend's change.

"Yeah, we were—are, I mean..." Momonga quickly corrected, but she easily picked up on it. To her, it sounded as if even her boyfriend wasn't quite sure of where they stood currently.

"What do you mean? You guys got into a huge fight or argument?" Destana asked, trying to learn more about the situation.

"W-what? No, no! Nothing serious like that..." Momonga was quick to clarify. The thought alone was absurd.

"It's just... different..."

He gingerly scratched the back of his skull, a nervous tic he had unconsciously picked up from a certain false hero. Despite his best efforts, he found himself struggling to articulate the precise nature of the situation. There was an unmistakable sense of disconnect between him and Shirou, a subtle but palpable gap that seemed to have emerged between them. They were still friends, but it felt as though Shirou was actively avoiding him, which struck him as absurd given their long-standing bond.

"Different? Different, how exactly?" Destana inquired.

"It feels as if things aren't the way they used to be. That thing's changed..." Momonga voiced.

"I mean, it's kind of expected, right?" The Aerosphere tilted her head. "You've got work and your own life to worry about, and he has his own stuff to do. So, of course, there's going to be gaps in time between when you're online and when you're offline. That's normal."

"Perhaps..." He muttered, yet he seemed unsure.

His fingers tapped against the armrest of the Throne of Kings, another habit of his that Destana picked up whenever he was hesitant.

"But I can't help but feel as if there's something more... As if he's slowly slipping away. And there's little I can do to stop it."

The room grew quiet after the confession. Although his emotion was concealed by the stoic visage of an undead Overlord, Destana could still see the obvious internal conflict. Without a word, she jumped off of his lap as her wings managed to right her midair. She turned to the seated Player, her hands taking his into hers as she bent her knees while floating. Their faces were at eye level. The angel's thumbs rubbed over his skeletal palm, gentle and rhythmic.

"If you're not sure, then [Message] him. The first step to any solution is talking it out after all."


"Of course! If not now, then when?"

"But, this was supposed to be our time; our date—"

Destana let out a scoff. "Please, I'm not the clingy type that's going to demand all of your time, babe. It doesn't change the fact that today has been wonderful!"

"Besides, it's hard to continue having an enjoyable time when you know your boyfriend is thinking of another guy." She remarked with a sly chuckle, snickering at the insulation.

Momonga gave his girlfriend a flat stare. Leave it to her to make it out in such a manner, though it did manage to rouse some cheer in him. The corner of his lips twitched upwards into the barest smile.

Nodding, he slowly rose from his throne. Destana quietly let go, drifting a fair distance back to give him his space and privacy. He placed his hand to his ear, sending a [Message] to Shirou. He waited for the call to connect as seconds passed in silence. Given that he was aware of his longtime friend's reputation for being prompt with responses, this fact made him uneasy. Momonga reconsidered sending another just as it finally connected. Shirou's voice came through the link, loud and clear.

"[Momonga-san?]" Came the voice on the other end of the line, sounding both confused and surprised at the same time.

"[Emiya-san.]" Momonga returned, finding himself happy to hear from his friend. Despite being only gone for a bit, hearing his friend's voice brought back a sense of familiarity to the undead Player.

"[Is there something wrong? I wasn't expecting a call from you since our last conversation.]" Shirou asked, unintentionally bringing up another point of contention.

Momonga winced at his perceived failing. He had sought out his best friend for advice on how to plan a special date, figuring he had some experience. Despite not talking about his past all that often, Shirou had revealed a long time ago that he had been in another committed relationship for years, with two women no less. The revelation was only really memorable due to Bukubukuchagama's reaction at the time. Momonga couldn't believe a human could produce such a high-pitched sound!

Grateful for the guidance he had received, Momonga promised to repay Shirou the following day. He had even prepared a few quests for the two of them to tackle together, which he had carefully noted down in his quest log.

But he had forgotten, and no doubt he kept his friend waiting. The crimson archer had likely waited long after he failed to show up, probably in hopes of it being a delay.

It was one thing to forget, but breaking a promise and failing to apologize? Even among friends, that wasn't something that was easily ignored.

"[I'm very sorry about leaving you hanging, Emiya-san! I'll be more than happy to make it up to you shortly, I promise! I was actually curious about something else. Do you know when you are next free?]"

As the line went dead, the passing seconds dragged on, each tick of the clock filling Momonga's stomach with a cold dread. Had he come off too strong?

Before he could berate himself over his lack of tact, a voice returned his question.

"[It's fine. Also, isn't my schedule common knowledge among the guild? If it is a matter that needs my immediate attention, then I- AH!]"

The short exclamation jolted the Guildmaster, concern and guilt quickly came to the forefront of his mind.

"[Emiya-san! Are you alright?! If this is a bad time, I can call another lat—]"

"[I-I'm fine. A stray attack clipped me.]" The human's voice was strained, his focus split between the conversation and what was undoubtedly a challenging battle.

"[Emiya-san, if you are having trouble with an enemy, we can join you! That way you won't be distracted, and we can have this talk in person!]" Momonga offered, a plan quickly forming within his head.

While he had failed to keep his earlier promise, fortune seemed to be smiling upon him on this particular day. He was thrilled at the prospect of joining forces with Shirou, and together they'd defeat whatever it was that was giving his friend trouble. Additionally, this presented a golden opportunity to have Destana and Shirou, two of the most important people in his life, finally meet. Afterward, they could complete the quest he had planned, further cementing their bond through an afternoon of questing and adventuring.

Momonga couldn't think of a more perfect way to conclude the day and the date, with the two people who meant the most to him by his side. In essence, it would be like killing two birds with one stone.

"[I'm afraid that's a bit impossible, Momonga-san.]" Shirou answered, snapping Momonga out of his good mood. His voice was oddly relaxed.

"[W-what?! Why not?!]" The Overlord exclaimed, a [Gate] spell ready to be used.

"[Servant Boss.]" He simply stated.

Momonga's eyes widened at this news, and, were it possible, the red orbs would bulge out of his sockets once he learned the extent of what was going on at Shirou's end.

Having fought alongside Shirou against Berserker and the one known as Rider in the past, he was well aware from experience that Servant Bosses were notorious for possessing some of the more esoteric abilities available to any entity within the game.

"[The dungeon or area I'm in is some kind of pocket space that's isolated from the rest of Niðavellir that the boss trapped me in. From what I gather, it's similar to the time we were stuck in [Depiction of Nature and Society]. I doubt conventional means such as [Teleportation] or the like would even work. Trust me, I already tried it.]" Shirou explained, drawing on an experience that Ainz Ooal Gown encountered once before for reference.

The World Item [Depiction of Nature and Society] was unique in terms of mechanics within the virtual world. It allowed the user to manipulate space, creating a small pocket dimension to trap a Player or Players within. What made it truly dangerous was that the user was allowed to manipulate the dimension with several dangerous environments and overworlds for the trapped Players. Those trapped within couldn't escape it using conventional means such as [Teleportation] or [Gate]. At least, not without the interference of another World Item.

In the context of Players trying to infiltrate the pocket dimension, the same principle held true. Once trapped within its confines, there were only two means of escape: either by meeting one's demise or by discovering a concealed exit route located within the corresponding dimensional realm. Given Shirou's present circumstances, the parallels between the two scenarios were strikingly evident. As a result, it was reasonable to assume that the guidelines governing Caster's predicament would be similar in nature.

"[Surely, there is something we can do to help, at least. Something that I can do...]" He tried, frowning. The thought of him being utterly powerless to even help his best friend didn't sit right with him at all.

"[What can you do?]" Shirou returned. Again, his voice relaxed almost to the point of monotone.

Momonga had no immediate answer.

"[There's no need to get riled up, Momonga-san. This situation will resolve itself in time... one way or another.]" Shirou continued, acceptance and resignation subtly hidden within his tone. Yet, Momonga could tell.

In his head, he already knew that there was little that could be done. His friend may be among the strongest Players to exist in YGGDRASIL, but even he was far from invincible. All it would take was a particularly sturdy wall for Shirou's blades to dull upon. A battle of pure attrition. And from the sounds of it, Momonga would wager that Shirou was doing it on his own.

He knew his friend was right. Rationality dictated that he ought to allow the matter to settle. Sometimes, a situation could either be fortuitous or unfortunate. It was a coin toss. Such was the nature of YGGDRASIL, and in this particular instance, it was the latter. If, or perhaps, when, he loses, Shirou will be forced to relinquish an item on him and then respawn elsewhere. The prospect of forfeiting the rewards from vanquishing a Servant Boss was not to be dismissed, though.

Far be it from a tragic fate, it was simply how the game was played. Shirou, and consequently, Ainz Ooal Gown, had encountered their fair share of insurmountable battles and defeats. This particular one would be but one of several misfortunes they had endured before, but this time, Shirou would have to face it alone.

Deep within himself, Momonga acknowledged that this was not a dire matter that he should be so riled up about or make a big issue of. It was far from the first time he experienced a loss, and if Shirou wasn't concerned over this, then neither should he. He would do well to heed his friend's words.

He should just... let it go—

So why, then... Why did it feel as if Momonga was failing his friend?

It wasn't just simply about the boss or the raid, or about winning or losing. No, it was much more than that.

He was well aware that, if he quit at this moment, he wouldn't be able to work up the courage to bother his friend once more.

He would simply bow his head and allow time to take its toll, afraid of the changing tide.

The thought was sickening, a scene befitting a coward. The thought was disappointing, reminding him of his faults.

—But then again, emotions were rarely logical.

"[Can you try holding out? I think... maybe there's another way... We can...]" He stuttered, racking his mind, trying to come up with a solution, but he needed a bit more time.

The barest inkling of an idea was forming, but before he could voice it, his friend continued.

"[It's fine, Momonga-san.]" Shirou said, something he had heard time and again in the past.

Before, it was a voice of confidence, a form of reassurance. That everything would be okay, that they would make it through.

But this time, they were words that attempted to pass off the situation as a trivial matter.

It would be what he said next that would pull his heart into a vice grip.

"[Besides, it's not like this is the first time I've fought alone.]"

What truly pained the Elder Lich was how assured he sounded. A resigned acceptance of not only his situation but Momonga's own.

As if stating an irrefutable fact.

"[Enjoy the rest of your date, Momonga...]" He bid farewell in one last regard.

"[Shirou—!]" Momonga cried out as the [Message] ended abruptly, leaving him in silence.

His bony digits clenched tightly into a fist, quivering with the turmoil of emotions swelling within him. Momonga wondered if the game developers had implemented aftertaste mechanism, as the bitter taste of disappointment lingered in his mouth. The Guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown remained motionless, shrouded in a deafening silence that lasted several agonizing seconds, leaving him uncertain of what should or could be done.

He found his body leaning back, sitting back down as he sagged against the crystal throne. Lethargy permeated his body from the news given to him.

"Satoru-san…" Destana called out, her voice soft and gentle, pulling him out of his reverie and reminding him that he was not alone. She had been observing everything from the sidelines, and though she could not discern what had occurred, she could feel the waves of sadness emanating from her boyfriend. Closely hovering by his side, she placed a tender hand on his shoulder, her worry palpable.

"Sweetie, talk to me. Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong?"

The Overlord opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to find the right words to say to her.

"This... isn't something you need to worry about, Kasumi-san." Momonga finally said, his voice hushed. He wished not to burden her with his affairs.

She didn't answer immediately, and for a moment, he believed she would stay out of it until the angelic Player had this to say.

"Bullshit." She bluntly returned, knocking him out of his stupor at her crass language. She casually floated in front of him.

"Maybe it isn't my problem, but I am your girlfriend, and if it's clearly hurting you, then that makes it my business." Destana declared, her words direct and unwavering, cutting to the heart of the matter.

Crossing her arms, she glared down at him, waiting until he explained himself.

"So talk." She all but ordered.

Momonga knew that she wouldn't budge, no matter how much he would try and persuade her otherwise. If anything, that would only incense her further. Over the course of their relationship, she has been dedicated to bolstering his self-esteem in any way she can. She has always made an effort to be there for him, especially when he was feeling down or stressed. She would unfailingly be the first to notice when he was out of sorts, and she would patiently coax him to confide in her. She did so even when the issue at hand wasn't her concern.

Many outsiders would've found her behavior to be intrusive and bothersome, constantly sticking her head where it didn't necessarily belong. But Momonga found that quality of hers to be beautiful and laudable. She was caring as she was stubborn, and he loved that part of her.

With a deep breath and a sigh, he moistened his lips and readied himself to recount the details. He began from the very start, carefully articulating each thought and doubt he had been carrying, all while his patient listener attentively absorbed his words. As he spoke, he felt a slight relief wash over him, as if a small burden had been lifted from his chest. His concerns were not about himself but rather about Shirou. It took a few minutes to bring her up to speed on the situation, although he shared only a highly edited version of the events.

"Ok, ok, let me see if I got this right." Began Destana, pinching the bridge of her nose at the information.

"You feel as if your friend, Emiya-san, has been a bit of a recluse recently. A feeling that sprung up a few months ago You've felt as if he's grown distant from not only you but also the guild as a whole, for no explicable reason. And despite harboring these doubts, you've yet to fully act on them. And so, every time you've tried asking him about it, he basically says, "I'm fine," and you leave it at that. Am I understanding the situation correctly?"

Momonga slowly nodded at her summarization, already internally wincing. He knew that tone of voice of hers better than anyone and knew he was in for a major scolding.

"What about your friends and guildmates? Surely, if you've picked up on it, then that means they must've also noticed his odd behavior popping up. Have they tried talking with him? Have you heard anything from them?" She questioned.

"Unfortunately, no. As of late, I've only spoken with a few of them, but they haven't had much luck either. We haven't had much time to come together and discuss it as a collective." Momonga admitted awkwardly.

This month alone has been particularly challenging for a majority of the guild, with numerous conflicts in their schedules and online presence. Apart from the guild members he encountered in the game, even Momonga was uncertain who was currently online or offline, and vice versa. Furthermore, the duration of their game time fluctuates significantly between guild members. To make matters worse, Shirou was on his own and typically did his own thing. It has been some time since all of them were present online and accounted for.

Momonga had briefly conversed with the other forty-one guild members on the matter, but the discussions failed to reach any concrete conclusion. Some have tried talking with him about it but were met with similar responses and left it as it were. With everyone having their own lives and personal issues to contend with, the matter was never properly resolved and stalled for as long as it did.

Some members, like Amanomahitotsu or Nishikienrai, were uncertain about the course of action to take and chose to remain passive, waiting and observing. Those who were spending more of their time outside of YGGDRASIL, like Touch Me and Ulbert, were also unavailable. Other members, including Punitto Moe or Luci*Fer, made the decision to stay away from the issue as they did not perceive it as particularly serious or significant. They claimed that Shirou would let everyone know if it was dire or truly an emergency. Momonga quietly fell into this camp. The remaining members held divergent views and continued to be doubtful but were unsure of how to approach him.

Whatever their stance, all were equally uncertain about the root cause or reasoning behind the issue and could only offer conjectures to support their concerns. A worry that was gradually becoming well-founded.

"So let me make sure I understand correctly. Emiya-san is clearly not himself and is obviously struggling with something, yet he refuses to open up about it. And despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary, neither you nor anyone else in the guild has had the courage to confront him directly. Instead, every time someone tries to broach the subject, they get stopped stone cold, and everyone just backs off, even though it's clear that he's not being entirely truthful. As a result, this loner behavior of his is only getting worse due to all of y'all's unintentional negligence fueling it because you and the others are too chicken to dig deeper and get to the bottom of it. Does that sound 'bout right?"

Momonga recoiled as if he were being physically struck. He felt a mortal wound as he looked away, unable to refute her words despite how accurate some of her assessments were. Destana's blunt statements wrapped up the entire situation succinctly, leaving no room for Momonga to defend himself.

"I-well, basically... yes..." He answered in a small voice.

Destana raked her fingers through her hair, inhaling a deep breath.

"Alright, then here's my next question... Why, in the name of all that is good in this shitty world, haven't you all pushed to ask him what's wrong?! Heck! You said that he's online every day! I don't know how or even why, but that means he's always available! Instead, you all are just pussyfooting around it and sitting on your asses, twiddling your thumbs! You're letting this persist because... reasons!" Her exasperation was palpable, as she flung her arms up in the air, making her point with fervent emphasis.

The angel glared at him, waiting for what possible answer there could be to justify this type of behavior.

"W-we've tried!" Momonga tried to defend himself.

"You're asking him, not talking with him!" She stressed the difference.

"I—we... don't wish to intrude any more than we need to. Maybe... maybe, there's a reason for all of this. M-maybe it isn't as bad as it might be? P-perhaps this is just a small, rough patch? We... I... don't know what's going on, but Shirou has always done right by us. I—we... trust him to handle himself." He explained.

"But what if you're wrong?" Destana immediately challenged.

Momonga was unable to produce an answer. His silence, however, was all the answer she needed.

Destana didn't say anything, leaving the room quiet and tense as she fixed him with a hard stare.

"If you were in a situation where you risked losing a friend, would you rather it because you stuck your nose where it might've not belong, or because you sat on the sidelines?" The angel posed, dropping such a question onto his lap and completely catching him off guard.

"W-what? I-I don't get..." He stuttered.

"Please answer the question." She swiftly cut off.

"W-what does it matter? The results will be the same, won't they?" Momonga answered after a few seconds of deliberation.

"But the roads taken are vastly different. One is because you made a choice, regardless of the consequences. The other is you being a damn coward." She answered with a sudden sharpness and an uncharacteristic layer of sadness laced within her voice. Something Momonga filed away for later

"Are you really his friend?" Destana questioned.

"O-of course I am!" Momonga fiercely returned without hesitation, almost offended.

"Then why haven't you tried harder?" She asked simply.

Momonga opened his mouth before closing it. An action that was repeated several more times. What could he even say?


Because he knew whatever he could scrounge up and scrape together as a justification would sound no different from an excuse.

Destana was right, they had all the time in the world. It wasn't as if Shirou could just leave or ignore them, so why then was this problem persisting? Momonga or any of the others could've approached him and gotten to the crux of the matter if they insisted enough, even pushed the matter if need be, but why was nothing being done?

They had many options they could have chosen from, but they chose not to. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they felt it was unnecessary to interfere unless specifically requested. They were content to wait on the sidelines until needed. But, what happens then if Shirou chooses to keep it all to himself?

Shirou has consistently exhibited remarkable capabilities, extensive knowledge, and a trustworthy demeanor. Whenever there was a need for information, assistance, or any other random justification, Shirou was always present and approachable. There was a presence around him, always so inviting and approachable. He was a constant in their chaotic lives and they took solace in that fact.

Momonga only remembered a handful of occasions where Shirou came to them for anything. Advice or questions, yes, but never help. Never truly.

This half-hearted negligence wasn't born from a place of maliciousness, nor was it from a sense of carelessness, but, ironically enough, from a place of trust.

They trusted him, to prevail, as he had always done, and to be the pillar of strength he had always shown himself to be.

They trusted him, but there in lies in the issue. They trusted him too much. Too much trust breeds assurance, and with it comes complacency. One that festered across all of them.

Ainz Ooal Gown can be likened to a grand temple, a towering edifice that embodies the trials and tribulations of its members. Their core and beliefs served as the bedrock upon which the guild was established. The stones that have built it up were the members' deeds and accomplishments, while the walls that aligned the foundation were their name and reputation. Each member plays a crucial role in upholding this grand structure, something more significant and greater than themselves. They were the pillars that hold Ainz Ooal Gown aloft, the foundation for which it has risen to such great heights.

And Shirou?

He was among the greatest of them, viewed as an unshakable pillar. The sturdiest of them all, but even stone can chip and crack, giving way over time.

He has always been there for them, through thick and thin. Yet, in his hour of uncertainty, the same couldn't be said of them for him. It was not failure that struck Momonga, and in some ways, it was far more egregious.

They were complacent. They would wait, but by then, it would've been too late. Or maybe, it already was...

Momonga could say nothing. In retrospect, it should've been obvious something was wrong, but instead of doing something about it, he did nothing. It wasn't just him either, but the others too, to varying degrees.

An overwhelming sense of shame filled him. He looked away, downwards, slouching as it hit him.

Destana fixed him with a long stare as Momonga grew stricken, falling to the prolonged stiff silence. She took a deep breath and sighed, her body sagging slightly. Her hands delicately caressed his skeletal cheeks as she kneeled to him, breaking him out of his self-imposed stupor and bringing his eyes to hers.

"Momon-kun, Satoru, baby, darling, the love of my life and father of our future children..."

Momonga instantly choked on his breath at the last bit, sputtering to try and speak up, but Destana continued as if nothing happened.

"I love your kind and gentle nature. You always show consideration for others' opinions and feelings, sometimes even more than your own. While this may not always boost your self-esteem, it demonstrates your thoughtfulness towards others. You have a talent for seeing the best in people, and that's one of the things I admire about you. That's why I fell in love with you in the first place... but sometimes, you can be such a dunderhead!" She chastised at the end, her voice going from soothing and understanding at the beginning back to her usual self. The twelve-winged angel even hit him on the cranium with her fist.


"Hush dear, I'm still talking." Destana politely but sternly objected, pressing a single finger against his skinless lips to silence him.

"When someone you know is clearly troubled and their response to questions asking what's wrong is "I'm fine" like that, 95% of the time, they are not fine!"

"I thought you said that rule only applies to women?"

"It applies to guys as well, but that's a bit beside the point!" Destana softly rebuked, steering the conversation back on track.

"Your faith in him is commendable, but no one is infallible. Sometimes a person can be blind to their faults or so wrapped up in their actions that they do not recognize the harm that is inadvertently being done to not only themselves but others around them. And it might be too late before they fully realize what has happened. Is that not why friends look out for one another?

I know I'm not a guild member and that I don't know Emiya-san as personally as you do, so it's probably not my place to say anything on this, but I will say this much. You're his friend, just as he is yours. You once told me that he was your hero – that you looked up to him above all else. You told me all those stories about where you stumbled or had a shortcoming, and who was it that always had your back? That's right, it was Emiya-san.

He was with you every step of the way, right there beside you. And now, it's his turn. He needs you, even if he doesn't know it or even wants it. Maybe it is nothing, or maybe it is! Whatever it may be, are you just going to turn the other cheek simply because you think it might be none of your business or because you don't know?!

Well, screw that! After all, meddling in affairs not your own, but with the desire to help those that didn't ask for it—that's the truest essence of being a friend!" Destana proudly proclaimed, a single finger pointed upwards.

In that fleeting moment, Momonga's eyes grew wide with the sudden presentation of a cherished memory. A memory that he would hold dear until the end of his days. It was the day that he had first met Shirou, when he had saved him all those years ago. The moment that cemented their bond of friendship for years to come.

"W-why did you save me from those PKers? N-nnot that I'm not g-grateful or anything. It's j-just a bit weird that a max-level Player like you would save a low-level noob like me." Momonga confessed, fighting to control his nervousness.

Shirou took a moment before replying, his eyes shifting sideways before he turned his gaze towards the descending sun. It was as if he was lost in thought, perhaps reflecting on past memories.

Finally, he answered Momonga's query.

"Truth be told, I don't have a real reason. I heard some commotion and found you being bullied by them, and my body just moved on its own. I guessed... I jumped in to help because I could."

"Y-you saved me on a w-whim?" Momonga couldn't help but voice, incredulousness leaking through words.

He paused, looking back at the undead Player fully.

"Old habits, I guess. After all, it's not wrong to help someone in need. You could even say I have a penchant for meddling in other people's business whenever I see someone in trouble." Shirou added. The soft sound of his chuckles echoed at the end.

Momonga said nothing, his head leaning back and hitting the back of his throne with a soft thud.

"I'm such an idiot." He muttered chastisingly.

"I would say only a half idiot, but a well-meaning one." Destana quipped, trying to add a bit of levity to the situation. This earned a half-playful snort from him.

He bowed his head and looked back at Destana. His crimson orbs blazed with a newfound intensity and determination. From his throne, he rose, reaching his towering height. His posture was straight, no longer hesitant.

"We need to hurry! Emiya—no, Shirou needs our help!"

"But didn't he say that it's impossible for anyone to waltz right in? Plus, he's fighting alone. Who knows, what if he already died and respawned?" Destana pointed it out, her smile dimming as she thought it through.

"He won't." Momonga instantly replied as if that were a fact. "Even in his current state, if he's half as capable as I know he is, he won't lose so easily. Which means we need to hurry! But I can't do it alone. I need your help, Kasumi-san!"

"I would be a poor girlfriend if I turned down my boyfriend's heartfelt request for help when he needs it the most. I'm with you, all the way!" Destana affirmed confidently, taking his hands in hers.

Momonga couldn't help but smile, infected by her energetic essence. Hope swelled within him as he began operating his menu, his mind already racing for the proper course of action. The faintest glimmer of an idea formed during all this time.

Of course, there was still a part of him that was uncertain. That ever-present cynical voice inside his head, the one that constantly doubted, spoke. It spoke of how it would be a waste of time. That Destana was maybe right—that Shirou has either died and respawned elsewhere or was very close to it. That his effort would be wasted and for naught.

Perhaps it was nothing, or maybe there was something there that caused the shift in his friend. He cannot say, and that was why he'll get to the bottom of this, one way or another. Better to try and fail than to live with the regret of not having tried at all. And if he did fail, then he'll bear the consequences and face them head-on.

As he should've done in the first place.

"I need you to head down to the Treasury and pick something very important up. We'll need it if my idea will even work."

"The Treasury? Don't I need to be a member of the guild to be—"

Her confusion was soon answered when she received a notification to join Ainz Ooal Gown. Destana immediately accepted, and not a second later, Momonga tossed her a [Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown].

"I've written down a list of instructions on how to navigate through the Treasury without setting off the traps, as well as the item in question. Also, since you're a part of the guild, as Guildmaster, I've permitted you to use [Message] on all members. Send a [Message] to these available Players with what I've written as you make your way to the Treasury and tell them I sent you." Momonga instructed, never once missing a beat as he handed the instructions to her while operating his menu.

Of course, he knew that he and Destana, along with the few others already online, might not be enough. He needed backup. Thankfully for the Guildmaster, he had one such method.

"Are you sure your friends will be okay with this without you consulting them first?" Destana couldn't help but voice.

"Probably, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Momonga brazenly dismissed, which earned an amused grin from Destana.

She equipped the [Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown] and prepared to set off when she turned around in shock to see Momonga hovering over the logout screen.

"Wait! Where the heck are you going?" Destana called out.

"I'm going to make some calls. I'll be back."

Leaving on that note, he disappeared in a shimmer of light. While Destana was confused by what he meant, she would leave it up to him. The angelic Player shook her head and got to work; her boyfriend was counting on her after all.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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