73.33% Mistaken Identity || Star Wars Fic / Chapter 22: Hellish Journey

บท 22: Hellish Journey

Jaden climbed into the AT-TE, the air inside thick with the stench of smoke and death. Dead clones lay slumped over consoles and sprawled across the floor. The scene was grim, but Jaden had no time to dwell on it. He moved quickly to the control panel, dropping to his knees and prying open a maintenance hatch. The manual activation of the emergency power required going underneath the console and manually connecting the external power source. Sparks flew as he reconnected the wires, and the console flickered to life.

Jaden stood and surveyed the diagnostic readout. The engines were down, the main power was offline, weapons were disabled, and the hydraulics were shot. He let out a heavy sigh and called out, "Scout, Lock, get in here!"

Scout and Lieutenant Lock climbed inside, their expressions mirroring the seriousness of the situation.

"What's the status, General?" Lock asked.

Jaden pointed to the screen. "The engines and main power are down, the weapons systems are offline, and the hydraulics are damaged. We need to get this thing operational. Lock, coordinate with the clones outside to handle the external repairs. Scout, you'll help me inside."

Lock nodded and left to organize the clones. Scout stayed by Jaden's side, her eyes scanning the damage. "Scout, how are you on fixing tech?" He asked.

"Better than any Padawan in the temple," she responded with a snort. Though she was inflating herself a bit, there were a few people that were much better than her; Skywalker for one.

Jaden nodded. "Start working on the weapons systems. We need them online in case we encounter any threats. I'll tackle the engines and main power."

Scout nodded and moved to the weapons console, tools in hand. She began by dismantling the damaged targeting computer, her fingers deftly working to replace fried circuits and reconnect severed cables.

Jaden crouched beside the engine compartment, the tight space making it difficult to manoeuvre. He used the Force to steady his hands and guide his tools, realigning the misaligned couplings. It was gruelling work, his muscles straining with each movement. The sharp edges of the components cut into his fingers, drawing blood. He winced but kept working, his focus unwavering.

Next, he moved to the main power source. The generator was a mess of tangled wires and scorched panels. Jaden scavenged parts from less critical systems, cannibalizing components to make the necessary repairs. He replaced damaged panels with reinforced durasteel plates and patched the cooling system with a makeshift sealant concocted from various fluids and adhesives. Each task was long and gruelling, requiring precision and patience. He cut his hand again while tightening another bolt, the pain sharp and immediate. He pressed on, he could've used the force to do all of this but when he tried it felt strange, it didn't feel natural. Plus doing multiple tasks that require precision and concentration was a bit beyond him now.

Scout called out from the weapons console, "I've almost got the targeting system back online, but the power relays are still fried. We need to reroute the auxiliary power."

"Good work, Scout. I'll handle the relays next," Jaden replied, moving to the hydraulic system. The damage was extensive. He used the fusion cutter to trim frayed ends and soldered the hydraulic lines back together. The heat from the cutter singed his skin, and the cramped space made every movement difficult. He used the Force to hold the cables still while he made precise adjustments to patch the system.

Outside, Lock and the clones worked tirelessly to repair the external damage. They replaced damaged armour plates and reinforced weak points. The sound of welding filled the air, only drowned out by the constant barrage of rain. Finally, after hours of work, Jaden reconnected the main power conduits. He held his breath as he flipped the switch to activate the engines and generator. The hum of machinery roared to life, and he allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction.

Scout joined him, wiping sweat from her brow. "What about transporting everyone to Monsoon Mesa? This is designed for forty people max," she asked, her worry evident.

Jaden placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'll think of something. Don't worry. Just focus on getting everything operational." Scout nodded and went back to her work, though the concern lingered in her eyes.

Jaden turned his attention to the power relays, rerouting the auxiliary power to the weapons systems. It required delicate adjustments and precise connections. His hands were shaking, but he used the Force to steady them. Each connection brought a spark of life back to the AT-TE, bit by bit restoring its functionality. Hours passed, and Jaden's body screamed for rest. His hands were bloody, his muscles ached, and his head throbbed from the constant strain, of using the force. Finally, the last connection was made. The AT-TE's systems were fully operational. Jaden slumped back. He looked over at Scout, who had finished her tasks as well.

"It's done," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Scout gave him a tired smile. "You did it, Master."

"Lock, jump in the pilot's seat and check the movement," Jaden instructed, his voice steady despite his exhaustion.

Lieutenant Lock nodded, climbing into the cockpit and powering up the controls. The engines thrummed to life, a steady, powerful sound that reverberated through the AT-TE. Jaden jumped out of the vehicle, landing on the wet ground with a splash. He began inspecting the exterior as the massive walker started to move.

The AT-TE lurched forward, its legs lifting and settling with mechanical precision. As the walker continued its test movements, Scout jumped up and down next to Jaden, grabbing his arm in excitement. "It works! It really works!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. Jaden allowed himself a small smile, feeling the weight of their situation lift slightly. "Yeah, it does," he agreed, watching the AT-TE manoeuvre with surprising grace for its size.

Jaden now had to consider how he'd fit everyone inside. He looked to the nearest Clone Sergeant. "Take your squad and gut the inside of it. Take out the seats, anything not vital. We need to make as much space as possible."

"Yes, sir," the clone responded.

Jaden walked in the opposite direction with Scout on his heels. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I have an idea of how to transport everyone," Jaden replied.

They made their way back to their base and headed towards the construction bot that lay outside. At max, it might be able to fit 50 people on there, but that should be enough if the clones walked and rode on top of the AT-TE. He'd need to make some adjustments to both the construction bot and the AT-TE. The construction bot was essentially a movable platform, not built for speed or long distances. They'd also be sitting ducks if they were ambushed.

Jaden got to work immediately, using the Force to remove a large piece of durasteel from the ground. He stripped it and began fashioning it into walls around the construction bot to provide some protection. Scout helped him, her hands steady as she welded pieces together.

Aubrie and Zule soon came outside to see what he was doing. "Is everything okay? Is the AT-TE working?" Aubrie asked.

Scout nodded her head rapidly "We fixed it and it's ready to move!" She said excitedly.

"What is this then?" Zule asked in her deep voice.

"I'm modifying the construction bot to carry more people. We need to make it more secure and add some extra power cells and repulsor lifts," Jaden explained.

Without hesitation, they joined in. Zule used her new arm effectively, lifting heavy components and holding them in place while Jaden secured them. Aubrie and Scout scavenged for extra repulsor lifts and power cells from the surrounding wreckage.

Jaden's use of the Force was constant, lifting and positioning materials that were too heavy to manage by hand. Aubrie could sense the strain it was putting on his body through their bond. He had not allowed himself to fully heal and was already pushing himself again. She didn't voice her concern but continued to work. They worked tirelessly, reinforcing the construction bot's platform and securing additional power cells to extend its range. Jaden directed them to add extra repulsor lifts to ensure they could handle the added weight of the civilians. He paused only briefly to catch his breath, his body protesting the continuous exertion.

The modifications were arduous, each task requiring meticulous attention. Jaden's hands were a blur as he connected wires, calibrated repulsor lifts, and tested the power cells. By the time they finished, the construction bot looked markedly different. It had sturdy durasteel walls for protection, additional repulsorlifts for stability, and enhanced power cells for longer journeys. Jaden stepped back, surveying their work with a nod of satisfaction.

"This will do," he said, though his voice was weary.

Zule tested the repulsorlifts, watching the platform hover smoothly above the ground. "It's ready," she confirmed.

It had taken hours for them to finish. The sun had risen when Jaden left the base that morning, and it was already beginning to set by the time they completed the modifications. Just as they began to think about resting, a commotion sounded out in the hall behind them. Jaden frowned and headed inside, with the Padawans following him.

Inside, a conflict had erupted between the clones and the Jabiimi. Those well enough were pushing against the clones, shoving them, shouting curses, and throwing rocks. Jaden tried to get them to stop by shouting, but his voice was drowned out by the cacophony of their anger. Frustrated, he extended his hands, reaching out with the Force, and with a powerful gesture, he parted his hands, and the clones and Jabiimi were pushed apart.

They looked shocked when they saw Jaden, and his display of power seemed to pacify them. "What's wrong with you all?" Jaden shouted. "You've survived a city being purged, and instead of being thankful, you're acting like savages!"

"They are hoarding food, telling us we can only eat at designated times! Like we are some sort of prisoners!" one of the Jabiimi shouted, pointing at the clones though he still looked afraid of Jaden.

"Look around you! Do you think we have food to spare? They are doing this so you won't starve, and on my orders!" he clarified, his anger bubbling beneath the surface.

Aubrie stepped up next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He felt feelings of calm and tranquillity flow through the bond they shared, which did much to help him calm down. Jaden took a deep breath before addressing them again. "You've all been through much, but do not give up hope now."

"Our planet is doomed. Stratus controls so much of it we will all be executed for remaining loyal," one of them cried out.

"We have received a transmission from Republic High Command," Jaden said loudly. "We cannot receive it here, but we will be able to listen to it at Monsoon Mesa. They will tell us our orders, and send reinforcements. They have not abandoned us. The Senate knows what's happening and will have a fleet of new ships ready to reinforce us!" Jaden said, trying to inspire hope in them all.

"Monsoon Mesa is a week away at least. Many of us can't walk," the first man who spoke stated.

"I have spent the day fixing up our transport. We have it ready, and we will be moving out tomorrow. I promise you that you'll no longer have to suffer. I'll take you to Monsoon Mesa where you'll be safe," Jaden assured them. Some were still unsure, but many were placated by the idea of leaving this place and went back to their seats.

Jaden took a deep breath, glad the situation was now resolved. "Sergeant, start packing everything and load up the most injured first. I want us ready to move by dawn," he instructed. The Sergeant saluted and began organizing the clones to pack and prepare for departure. Jaden looked over at Aubrie, who gave him a reassuring nod.


Jaden instructed everyone to get some rest before heading into the next room to do the same. However, sleep eluded him, and he found himself fiddling with the scrap, trying to make a splicing kit. If he could hack into the droids' command subroutines and override them, he could make things a lot safer.

As he worked, he noticed the Padawans spread out across the room. Scout was by the window, struggling to stay indoors ever since the incident. He was surprised she'd managed to be inside the AT-TE for so long, chalking it up to her strong character.

Zule and Aubrie both lay down, shaking. He could feel the negative emotions emanating from them, likely having nightmares. He understood; he'd had them as well, which was why he stayed up.

With a gasp, Aubrie woke up, slightly sweating. She dreamt she was being buried again, crushed under tons of rock. When she woke up, she breathed a sigh of relief, but the dream still affected her badly. She moved closer to Jaden, asking what he was doing.

"Trying to make a splicing kit," he replied, not looking up from his work.

After a few minutes, Jaden put down his tools and said, "Perhaps now is the best time to talk about the bond."

Aubrie agreed and explained, "A Force bond is a deep connection between two Force-sensitive individuals. It allows them to feel each other's emotions and, in some cases, thoughts. It's common between masters and apprentices."

Jaden asked, "Can we get rid of it? Does it mean I have to train you?"

Aubrie shook her head. "I don't know how to sever it. Usually, the master does it. But it's your choice what this bond could mean for us."

Jaden nodded thoughtfully, considering her words. Aubrie stood up and headed back to the blanket she slept on. "Goodnight, Master," she said softly.

Jaden watched her go, then returned to working on the splicer, the room was silent except for the occasional rustle of blankets and the distant hum of machinery. Jaden placed the finished splicing kit beside him and leaned back against the wall. He closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of rest.


The next day, the group began their journey across the hellish landscape. Thick mud and bogs made every step treacherous, while heavy rain and harsh terrain compounded their difficulties. The horizon was a blur of grey and brown, with visibility barely extending a few meters in front of them. Each step was slow and gruelling.

The clones marching next to the AT-TE struggled through the mud. Their boots sank deep with each step, making it hard to maintain balance. Despite their training, the relentless terrain took its toll, and the effort to pull each leg free of the sucking mud was exhausting. They moved forward with grim determination, supporting each other when one stumbled or fell.

Jaden had made several modifications to the AT-TE to aid their journey. He added spare repulsorlifts to the bottom of the hull, allowing the walker to lift itself whenever it got stuck in the mud. This small but crucial enhancement kept them from being immobilized. He also added several turret nests near the main cannon, providing additional defensive positions for the clones and Padawans to fend off attacks from above.

Jaden and Scout sat on the hull of the AT-TE near the front, both deep in meditation. They stretched their senses out as far as they could. Scout, a prodigy in precognition, focused on their surroundings, while Jaden concentrated on the path ahead. Aubrie and Zule sat close by to ensure they didn't fall due to the tank's jolting movements.

The journey was arduous, filled with bad conditions and sleepless nights. The group faced constant rain, making the mud even more treacherous and the nights cold and damp. They had close calls with enemy patrols, once narrowly avoiding detection by hiding in a thicket. Another time, they engaged in a small battle. Thanks to Scout's ability to pinpoint enemy positions, they made quick work of the opposing forces with the AT-TE's cannon.

Despite their efforts, the damaged engine and cooling system required numerous repairs. Jaden, often exhausted, worked tirelessly to keep the AT-TE operational. The strain of traversing the harsh environment was taxing on the already weakened systems. Each day brought new challenges, from fixing malfunctioning repulsorlifts to sealing leaks in the cooling system. The terrain was unforgiving, and their progress was slower than hoped.

One night, a particularly fierce storm hit. The wind howled, and the rain lashed against the hull of the AT-TE. They were forced to halt and take shelter, the storm too dangerous to navigate through. The clones set up a perimeter while Jaden worked on yet another repair. Aubrie stayed by his side, her presence a steadying influence. Despite the hardships, the group pushed forward, driven by the hope of reaching Monsoon Mesa and the promise of safety.

As the days wore on, the fatigue was palpable. Each repaired part, each small victory against the elements, was a step closer to their goal. The journey was far from over, but with every kilometre, they edged closer to safety. The civilians had it bad as well, boxed into cramped conditions for days on end. There was a waste disposer onboard the AT-TE, but Jaden had disconnected it as it was non-essential. He soon changed his mind when the smell became unbearable, making it hard to meditate. However, the odour from their cramped bodies soon became intolerable, so they made another stop to allow everyone to wash while the clones helped the injured. This brief respite provided much-needed relief from the stench and discomfort.

Jaden knelt next to a rapidly flowing river, washing his face. Aubrie approached, their bond having strengthened over the days, which only deepened her concern for him.

"I never realized leading would be this difficult," Jaden commented.

"You've done well. We are close to safety now, and over a hundred people will be alive because of you," Aubrie said as she cupped his face. "You saved me as well, gave us all hope in a situation where there was little."

Jaden chuckled humorlessly. "You see me much better than I actually am. I'm not even a Jedi."

"If there was ever someone worthy to be a Jedi, it would be you," Aubrie insisted, moving closer and putting her arms around him. She took comfort in physical contact with him, though she didn't fully understand why.

Further away, Zule watched them with a blank expression. She observed them for a few more moments before turning and walking away, her thoughts as turbulent as the river Jaden knelt beside.

A week without sleep and constantly using the Force had made Jaden nearly exhausted. He was pale and had constant nosebleeds, harsh headaches, and trembling hands. Aubrie had constantly been imploring him to rest, but Jaden declined and said he would once they arrived. The Padawans, while versed in the basics of the Force, were not that strong. Aubrie and Scout were exceptions as they were prodigies in their fields, but outside of that, they had the strength of typical Padawans—which wasn't much.

Aubrie hoped they would arrive soon, and mere hours later, her wishes came true as they finally came within the communication range of Monsoon Mesa. They were ordered to identify themselves, and Jaden answered, stating their identities and their mission. After a tense moment, they were welcomed to the base; As they entered the Jabiimi base, Jaden and his group were greeted by a bustling hub of activity. The base consisted of sturdy prefabricated buildings, various military vehicles, and soldiers in Jabiimi uniforms. Everyone began exiting the vehicle, with Jabiimi personnel coming forward to help get the civilians settled. Jaden jumped down from the AT-TE, but his knees gave out from under him, causing him to fall. Lieutenant Lock quickly came up to him and asked if he was okay, helping him to his feet.

"I'm fine," Jaden nodded, though his exhaustion was apparent.

A man with long brown hair and a brown beard approached them. "I'm Captain Orliss Gillmunn," he introduced himself.

Jaden introduced himself as well, "General Katarn."

Orliss looked curious. "Where did you come from?"

"I'll tell you everything, but I need to do something first," Jaden said, turning to Lock. "Do you have the message?"

Lock handed him a small chip. "Do you have a holoprojector capable of receiving and decoding messages?" Jaden asked Orliss.

Orliss nodded and led him to the command centre, where a massive round holotable dominated the room. The room was filled with tactical displays, and officers moved efficiently around the space. Orliss inserted the chip into the holotable's receiver, and moments later, the projector hummed to life, displaying the awaited message from Republic High Command.

The message from the Republic flared to life, and the Supreme Chancellor stood before them in holoform. His image flickered slightly, but his voice was clear and authoritative.

"Citizens of the Republic, Jedi, and brave soldiers of Jabiim," he began. "The Senate is acutely aware of the sacrifices you are making. Your unwavering dedication to the cause of freedom and justice does not go unnoticed. Both the Jabiimi and Jedi alike embody the true spirit of the Republic, defending our way of life against tyranny and oppression."

The Chancellor's tone shifted. "You stand as the bulwark against the forces that would see our freedoms dismantled. Your courage and resolve inspire us all. Every battle you fight, every hardship you endure, is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Republic. Together, we will ensure that democracy and liberty prevail across the galaxy."

Aubrie, Scout, and Zule entered the room, their eyes widening as they saw the hologram of the Chancellor.

"As we continue this struggle, remember that your efforts are crucial to our ultimate victory. The sacrifices made on Jabiim will not be in vain. The Republic stands behind you, even in these darkest hours. Our resolve is unwavering, and your actions today will shape the future of our galaxy."

The Chancellor's expression became more serious. "Your orders are to continue your current operations. Hold the line and bring victory to the Republic. Your bravery and perseverance will be remembered." The message ended, and the hologram flickered out, leaving the room in a heavy silence. Jaden felt a cold weight settle in his chest. The Chancellor's words, while seemingly supportive, carried an underlying implication that the Republic had all but given up on Jabiim. They were being left to fend for themselves, their sacrifices noted but without any tangible support on the horizon.

Orliss broke the silence, his voice tense. "Is that it? Are we really supposed to just keep holding out?"

Jaden nodded slowly, his face grim. "It seems so. We're on our own."

(AN: I'm thinking of doing a little time skip after this. I think it's appropriate, get right into the gritty stuff and continuing the war. It's gonna be different from canon, if you're wondering about certain plot holes like Anakin still being on the planet, there is always a back up plan to get him off planet so not to worry. Try not to think about it too much I don't. I hope you've liked the little mini arc of character development. It's been pretty long to write but I've been doing my best 🥲. Anyway I hope you liked the chapter, next chapter will be more battles and Jaden finally training for the first time in a while. Don't worry the holocron didn't get destroyed.)

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