41.17% TV/Movie world hopping / Chapter 12: [12]

บท 12: [12]

"Here…let me try something." I said softly to Padmé as I saw her walking with a lopsided gait, almost like she had a case of saddle legs, as she limped her way over to the sonic scrubber. 

I walked up behind Padmé resting my hand against her navel, softly chanting a minor diagnosis spell along with a healing spell and a constreptive spell, to prevent unwanted pregnancy. 

"Th-thank you…" Padmé whispered while leaning back against my chest. 

"It's a little late…to ask this but are you on any pregnancy prevention plan?" I asked Padmé, filling my voice with as much sensitivity and care as I could. 

"Hehehe-HAHAHA." Padmé giggled before breaking out into loud laughter and turning around to face me, her brown/green hazel colored eyes sparkling with laughter. 

"Haha, For your information the Queen and all of her handmaidens…have implants that guarantee prevention of pregnancy, in case we're ever kidnapped or attacked by lustful scoundrels like you." Padmé continued to softly laugh as she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and ran her fingers through my hair. 

I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at her clinginess and show of physical affection along with her comfort at being with me, completely naked and in a vulnerable position. 

"That's a good precaution…last night…that was your first time." I stated softly, which made Padmé blush fiercely while she looked down at my chest. 

"This is pretty." Padmé changed the subject stealthily as she removed one of her arms from my head, and grazed her fingers down my body, before brushing her fingers over the Charms of Bezel tattoos on my chest. 

"Thank you, this one here is for luck, this one here is for empowerment, this one is for telekinesis…" I told Padmé as I gently moved Padmé's hand along my tattoos explaining their meaning, as I gently lifted Padmé and I up off of the floor using telekinesis.

"Oh my! Is this you? Are you a Jedi?" Padmé asked me as she looked around excitedly while also holding onto me a bit tighter. 

"Haha, I ain't no fragging Jedi…I'm a wizard…a magic user." I found myself laughing before replying to her in mock anger. 


"Like a witch?" Padmé asked me while sounding unamazed. 

"Haa, yeah like a witch." I sighed in reply to Padmé while feeling a little pout starting to form on my face. 

I noticed Padme develop a slight smirk and a victorious look in her eyes. 

"You better get cleaned up, I want to go check on Ani, help him with his Pod and get him registered for the race." I told Padmé while slipping from her hold. 

"Are you sure about having a child…take part in such a dangerous race?" Padmé asked me while looking up into my eyes with a worried almost combative glint in them.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her question.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, aren't you worried about Anakin? you seemed to really care about him yesterday." Padmé expressed petulantly while crossing her arms over her chest.

"I do…I also know he needs to free himself or else he'll always feel like a slave." I told Padmé while walking over near my bed picking up my nanite reactor from the floor and attached it to my chest, activating it once more, Siri automatically activating casual stealth mode for me.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

'Siri, set up a map to Anakin Skywalker's location please.' I commanded Siri who gave me a navigation line to Anakin on a minimap like in GTA5.

[Affirmative Sir.] I heard Siri reply to me in a small voice.

Coming to…what could only be called a shit hole, with small crumbling hovels piled on top of each other and people ambling around in rags while children played in rags with what looked like sun dried cow shit.

"Yippie! You're here!" Anakin expressed loudly as he hugged me and then went to hug Padmé, but stopped short just as he was about to hug Padmé as he turned into a blushing mess.

"Hey kid." I greeted Anakin who grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from the hovels to his Pod.

Padmé stuck close to me as she looked around with sadness and a desire to help people in her eyes.

I reached out and grabbed her hand giving it a comforting squeeze and an understanding smile.

"I'm sure you're Queen…will be willing to send out humanitarian missions. Once her own planet's safety is secure." I said to Padmé with a little smirk on my face that made Padmé's cheeks blush, though she stared back at me with a fierce look in her eyes, as she nodded to me in response.

"This is my pod, I've been building it for awhile in secret, it's got a double…" Anakin started explaining to me but I zoned out slightly as I didn't really need or want to know all of that.

"That's awesome Ani…you're such a good mechanic being able to combine all this stuff and make it work." I told Anakin, making him blush even more fiercely when he saw Padmé looking at him.

"I-I haven't actually started the pod before…I need a working power cell." Anakin told me and I heard Padmé make a small derisive noise.

"Anakin…why don't you take Padmé to see her friends from the store." I told him and he nodded rapidly, looking around making sure no one was in sight, I activated my Omnitrix and turned into Upgrade, merging with Anakin's pod racer, upgrading it and creating an Arc reactor to power it out of some access parts and radioactive material, harvested from the pod itself.

I smirked as I returned to normal and inspected my handiwork. I'd given the pod a black and yellow look like Bumblebee from transformers.

"How did you do all of this in the time it took for us to walk to and come back from Anakin's home?" Padmé asked me as she crossed her arms over her chest while looking at me intensely.

"Magic." I replied with a wiggle of my eyebrows and a roguish grin, that made Padmé blush slightly.

"Wow!" Anakin said with his mouth hanging open as Artoo made a whirring sound and C3PO tried saying something but his voice came out broken and unintelligible.

"Thank you." I replied to Anakin as I ruffled his hair playfully while looking down at the boy who looked up at me with an excited expression on his face while he looked between me and the pod.

"Go ahead…just know she's gotta little go in her, so ease into the throttle while you get used to her." I told Anakin while patting his back which made him smile at me and bolt towards the pod.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at watching Anakin cruise around the desert at fast speeds reminiscing when I used to do something similar with Quads, two wheelers, trucks and cars.

"I like your real smile a lot better than those fake ones." Padmé said to me as she held my arm to her chest and rested her cheek against my arm.

"I like it when you don't hide who you are under that royal guise." I shot back at Padmé that made her smirk and look up at me with a slight blush to her cheeks.

'The hell am I saying and doing…I'm destroying cannon…by making Padmé fall in love with me.' I thought to myself while questioning what I was doing getting so close to her.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

After Qui-Gon was done with Anakin I sent him off to bed with a couple of stories about races that I participated in that had the boy positively glowing with intrigue and excitement as he hung off of every word.

The biggest surprise though was how sexy Shmi Skywalker is, even if she is a bit worn down and has wrinkled skin as she looks Like Hayley Atwell with black hair and sky blue eyes.

"Thank you for what you're trying to do for us." Shmi said to me softly as I was about to step off of the final step onto the sand ground.

"No problem, beautiful…" I said as I lazily waived over my shoulder and headed back to my ship for a night's sleep.

"Hey!" Padmé said as she ran up beside me grabbing my arm.

"Uhh, hey…shouldn't you stay with your entourage?" I asked Padmé a bit awkwardly while rubbing the back of my head as Padmé held my other arm tightly, as we walked past some guys who stared at her hungrily, which made me fire a wave of lightning at the five dudes electrocuting them to the point they fell down onto the ground convulsing.

"I-I j-just thought we could spend some more time together…you know…in bed, and was that really necessary? All they did was look at me like most men look at me." Padmé replied to me as we walked together back to my ship.

I couldn't prevent the little snort that left me as I tilted my head in Padmé's direction.

"I didn't like that they were looking at you that way." I replied to Padmé then looked away when I saw a bit of a pleased look in Padmé's eyes.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

As soon as our feet touched the ramp of the ship Padmé pressed me up against the wall of the cargo hold and smashed her lips against mine.

"What would your Handmaidens think if they saw you in such a ravenous state for my attention, your Majesty?" I asked Padmé teasingly as I grabbed Padmé by her hips, sliding my hand down to her ass, squeezing her ass and picking her up, turning around and pressing her up against the wall as she wrapped her legs around me.

"Just shut up and kiss me." Padmé whispered in a growly voice.

As she slapped her hand against my nanite reactor making the Nanites melt away and return to the reactor before she reached down and lifted her blue and gray tunic up over her head.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Padmé and I took the elevator down into the cargo hold where I pressed a button that opened a compartment that had a fold up speeder bike inside like the one Anakin drives in one of the Mortis episodes.

"Wanna drive?" I asked Padmé who smiled happily while taking to the controls of the speeder bike as I sat behind her on the speeder, placing my hands on her breasts for hand holds, which made Padmé whimper softly as she was still extremely sensitive to stimuli, thanks to my channeling my mana into her body to enhance her pleasure.

Padmé and I met Shmi and the others while I asked Shmi to lead me to where the main betting and gambling takes place.

"Follow me." Shmi said in a reserved way while Padmé stayed with Anakin, Qui-Gon, Jar Jar and the two droids.

Coming up to a betting counter manned by a violet skinned Twi'lek, putting 50k in unmarked credits on Anakin winning and Sebulba losing with the odds of Anakin winning being 300 to 1 and Sebulba losing a 1000 to 1, which if things followed cannon would earn me 65 million in credits, or 1.6 mil in Peggats.

"I would like to thank you for your faith in my son and your kindness." Shmi suddenly said to me as she guided me into a private room that had cushions on the floor along with a cushioned bench/bed type thing.

Shmi dropped to her knees in front of me onto a pillow, while she skillfully removed my cock from my jeans, her hands were surprisingly soft for such a hardworking woman, her soft but well worked and experienced hands, slowly stroking me to hardness as she looked up at me adoringly and indebted.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

"It sounds like the races are starting, we better get back so we can wish Ani luck." Shmi said to me as she licked my cock clean and tucked it back into my jeans, before using her thumb and index fingers of her right hand to wipe the excess cum from her lips and chin, before wiping it off on her sand colored robe.

"After you." I said while motioning to the door for Shmi to lead the way for me, making her nod.

"Mom!" Anakin hollered excitedly before running over and hugging her, and I watched as Shmi leaned down and kissed his cheek.

'That's a little grody.' I thought to myself while noticing Padmé shooting an accusatory look in my direction while looking between Shmi and I.

'Whoops…wait, why should I care? I'm a free man!' I thought to myself as I shot a little wink back at Padmé that made her glare at me cutely.

Watto flew over to me.

"Ah my favorite offworlder, it's good to see you. Are you ready to make some more bets in the more prestigious area?" Watto greeted me while rubbing his fingers in a universal sign of money.

Once we were away from the others, Watto spoke to me.

"Ah, yes! I expect my winnings to be brought to me by the end of the day, so let me introduce you to the other high rollers." Watto said in a threatening manner with his grating voice.

"Well of course, but that's assuming you'll win." I replied to Watto friendly enough as I smiled wide enough to show teeth. give a

'This will be interesting…I think.' I thought to myself as Watto brought me to a tower like construct with a circular contraption like an innertube built around it.

The platform rose up into the sky and we moved to a large party of various races, while I carried my credit card with only slightly less than 50k unmarked credits inside.

There were so many things going on from men and women openly having sex with each other, to betting on people and things like it was just another Monday.

The only things I ended up getting on were a modified Luxury 3000 yacht, which is a large Starship.

It was modified with a military grade class .5 hyperdrive, and a back up first class hyperdrive, an extremely extensive and expensive medical bay, a far better than factory shielding array, signal jammers/scramblers, sturdier hull armor, and a full weapons package that included two automated twin barrel turbo lasers mounted on both the underside and top of the ship, not to mention that it has a fairly lavishly decorated interior.

The ship wasn't new or anything special but the evaluation of it by a third party indepente shipyard inspector priced the ship with mods value between 250k to 300k range in credits.

Since I was almost guaranteed a victory due to Anakin's plot armor it seemed to be a sure bet and it offered me the room and space I desired.

Sadly the bet took 40k of my unmarked credits to make me the only better onit.

The other things I bet on…and I use the word things lightly as instead of things I bet on a mother daughter Twi'lek pair, the mother is albino and gorgeous while her daughter who was guaranteed to be virgin and looked like Talon…but also a fourteen year old girl at the same time, for 500 credits…then I bet on a pair of Tortuga twins that must be related to Ahsoka somehow as they both looked like they could be her twins, except for a slight difference in montrail and lekku coloring patterns.

The twins bet cost me 2,000 credits, both were also insured to be virgin and of the age of 18.

Watto and I even had to put our bet under a basic written contract under which is insured by the Hutt's with only a slight 'protection of property fee', once all the vets were made and all the contracts were signed and officiated.

I moved to join Padmé to watch the race that was already in progress, moving behind Padmé wrapping one arm around her waist while sliding the other down her trousers, slowly teasing her pussy and fingering her loving the way she tried to suppress her moans.

"Wh-wh-nnn are you ahh doing?" Padmé moaned softly making Shmi look over at us and smirked, while moving to protect Padmé's modesty with her own body from the view of others.

Not that they could really see much as it wasn't like I was stripping her naked for all to see.

I couldn't help but cheer loudly as Anakin won the race by a mile thanks to my help with modifying his pod.

Eventually I moved to greet Watto who was buzzing around on his wings angrily while the others followed me, and I felt a little reassured that Qui-Gon was on my side.

The annoying flying alien tried to accuse me of cheating but eventually relented, giving me the boys controllers for Anakin and Shmi control chips.

'Yeah no idea how these things work so…who is the best to give them to?' I thought to myself while I passed off the remotes to Padme immediately as I didn't want to accidentally press the wrong buttons.

"Uhh, would you mind taking these for me? I don't want to accidentally hit the wrong button and kill Ani of Shmi." I mumbled out to Padmé which made her giggle and look at me softly before standing on her toes to plant a kiss against my cheek.

"I think I'm in love with you." Padmé whispered to me softly, making me gulp slightly and look into her warm brown/green hazel eyes.

"Umm, Can Anakin's mother move to Naboo…That is if she wants to?" I asked Padmé as I looked at mother and son clinging to one another which made my eyes water.

"Of course." Padmé reassured me as she caressed my cheek lovingly.

"Now…I think it's about time you take me to your ship so I can fix it for you, and show you how much better having a wizard for a lover is than having a Jedi." I said to Padmé with a slight smirk on my face, as all the people I had gambled with started showing up one by one, some handing me credit chips which are basically prepaid credit cards, a keycard in the case of my new starship, along with a data pad that served as proof of ownership for the shio along with the controllers for my new slave girls, making it so I had there were six new slaves in total.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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