40.9% Gotham's Dead End Bar / Chapter 26: 26: Speeding Kryptonian

บท 26: 26: Speeding Kryptonian

Kara was having the time of her life. She knew she was being slightly naughty at the moment. Breaking the Watchtower's rules and all that. But there was something about flying around the station's halls that had her tingling with excitement and giddy giggles.

When was the last time she was able to simply throw caution to the wind? Especially when flying with someone who didn't share her species' gifts. Kal wasn't nearly this fun. He was always so serious. He definitely wouldn't approve of her fooling around like this.

Perhaps the last time Kara could remember flying like this with someone else was with her extra-dimensional twin. But she hadn't seen 'Powergirl' — who now went by Paige — in a while. Paige had taken a step back from the typical hero business of their family. Last Kara had checked, she was using her unlocked psionic potential to help other heroes as a counselor.

It was slightly unfortunate in Kara's mind. She quite liked her 'twin'. They were the same person, after all. They'd become about as close as dimensionally identical copies could be during the time they were both working for the Justice League. But Kara was also happy Paige was coming into her own in her new life on this Earth.

The point was Kara rarely had the chance to fly with someone like this. Sean wasn't actually flying at the moment, but Kara didn't doubt he could if he wanted to. At some point, she'd have to convince him to take to the actual skies with her. But for now, she was content with him just keeping up with her.

He didn't seem to have any trouble at all doing that. No matter how fast Kara flew, Sean walked at a steady pace at her side. Down a corridor fast enough to blow open the automatic doors of the station. Sean just smiled and walked. Around a corner sharp enough to break a baseline human's neck. Sean didn't deviate at all. Even straight vertical along the station's flight access shafts, Sean looked like he was taking a casual stroll in the park.

A wide grin had overtaken Kara's face. They circled the sizable station's decks at speed, not slowing for anything. More than once, Kara blasted past some hero or another. Their reactions didn't fail to make Kara laugh out loud, a sound that was stolen by the wind of her flight.

A very visibly confused Aquaman paused in his personalized aquarium to watch them blur past. Plastic Man stretched himself into a kite that briefly caught the wind of Kara's flight and sent him tumbling through a hallway. His Dopplering, good-natured scream made Kara giggle. She zipped around The Question — who stood still in the middle of a hallway, seemingly lost in thought.

He jolted at the disturbance and Kara heard his quietly stunned exclamation as she turned the next corner, "What… the… fuck…?"

"Language!" Kara called back to him.

Sean chuckled, amused, "I think he was entirely justified in swearing just now. We are kind of turning the station on its head."

"Swearing isn't nice…" Kara pouted.

"From his perspective, neither is blasting down a public hallway at 100+ miles per hour," Sean pointed out.

Kara blushed slightly and looked away from him, "Ah… I've gotten carried away again."

"So long as you're having fun, I don't think that's all that much of an issue," Sean reassured.

"Still… I was supposed to be giving you the tour. You probably haven't seen very much at the speed I'm flying," Kara said sheepishly.

"No, not really," Sean chuckled. "So, the training rooms?"

"They should be around here somewhere. I've gotten kind of turned around with how many laps we've done," Kara giggled.

She slowed to get her bearings. Soon enough, they were back on the right track. Still, Kara couldn't resist flying a little faster than she normally would have.

"I'm going to be in so much trouble~" Despite that, Kara couldn't keep the smile off her face.

Sean just smirked at her, "Most likely, yes. I very much doubt Batman or your cousin will be all too happy with our little stroll."

Kara thought for a moment then shook her head, "Oh, well."

Sean laughed, "That's the spirit! Girls deserve to have fun, even Kryptonian ones."

"You should tell Kal that," Kara's nose crinkled slightly. "It's all duty and being a paragon with him. Don't get me wrong, I like saving and helping people. But I want my own life too. And even when it's not 'boy scout hours', he thinks Western movies are the peak of cinema culture.

"I mean, the Spaghetti Westerns he's shown me are good but I can't STAND the American ones. How is it possible that Americans are the WORST ones at making Western movies?! It doesn't make sense!"

Sean nodded sagely, "It's truly one of life's greatest mysteries."

"Even in other lives?"

"Oh, yes. It's something I've noticed constantly."

"So the constants of life include: Death and taxes — the two famous ones —, paperwork — as you told Barbara earlier, and now, Spaghetti Westerns always being better than American ones?" Kara asked with a grin.

"That sounds about right," Sean considered seriously. "I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting right now. We'll update your list as they come up."

Kara finally couldn't contain her giggles anymore, "That's silly. You're silly."

"I'd take slightly silly over too serious any day," The way Sean said it made Kara think he was declaring a solemn vow.

Kara matched his demeanor, holding her head high, "I happen to agree."

Her faux-serious act didn't last very long before she was giggling again. She finally slowed to a stop as she laughed. Sean matched her pace as he had been during their entire 'stroll'. Kara floated in front of a door she had always thought was much larger than it needed to be.

Letting out a fond sigh, she turned to continue Sean's tour of the Watchtower, "Here we are. The training rooms. Wanna see inside?"

Sean shrugged, "Why not? Let's see what the Justice League is working with."

"It's pretty impressive in most ways," Kara nodded before suddenly freezing in place. "… Uh oh."

"Uh oh?" Sean raised an eyebrow at her. "What's wrong?"

"I can hear Kal's footsteps. His stride is really recognizable," Kara explained. "And he's actually walking instead of flying so he must be kinda mad…"

Sean shot her an amused smirk, "I wonder why."

Kara wrung her hands a bit nervously, "Do you think it's about our little flight around the station…?"

"It's certainly a possibility."

"Oh, pooh… I didn't want to introduce you to him yet anyway…"

Kara thought for a moment before deciding on a course of action, "Quick, follow me!"

She darted into the hall that contained the training rooms with Sean hot on her heels. Looking around, she zeroed in on the female locker rooms. She nodded to herself, grabbed Sean's hand, and physically dragged him that way.

Sean went along without complaint but an amused smirk stayed glued onto his face, "Isn't hiding kind of useless? You know, considering Kryptonian X-ray vision and all that?"

Kara shook her head, replying distractedly, "Not on the Watchtower. I think Batman had all the walls lined with lead or something."

"That sounds exactly like something he would do," Sean chuckled.

"In here!" Kara called unnecessarily. She was still pulling Sean along behind her, after all. Before she could fully think her course of action through, she zipped through the locker room and stuffed herself and Sean into one of the lockers.

"Are these lined with lead as well?" Sean asked.

"Yes, but they aren't completely soundproof! So we have to stay very, very quiet!" Kara hissed.

She knew Kal had already heard them. He must have if she could hear him too. But she hadn't said 'where' they were hiding. Hopefully, he didn't hear any of their words at all. There was no real reason he should be focusing on his super hearing at the moment. In all likelihood, he heard them but he didn't 'hear' them.

That didn't stop Kara from fretting and worrying in the cramped little space she found herself in. As opposed to her cousin, she now had a good reason to be focusing on her hearing. And she could hear Kal's footsteps — that recognizably perfect walk he had — stop before the door that led to the training rooms.

She heard him hum but not say anything meaningful, "Hmm?"

The grand door opened and those perfect steps resumed. Thankfully, they didn't head toward the ladies' locker rooms. Kal was much too upstanding to consider intruding on a lady's privacy like that. Kara sighed a quiet sigh of relief as he began to check all of the training rooms instead.

"Ah, Diana? Apologies for the interruption. Have you seen Kara?" Superman asked, fading into the background as Kara realized the rest of the situation she'd put herself in.

It started with that sigh of relief. Then Kara realized how tight the space in the locker was. Why, she could barely move an inch. And something… no, someone was pressing very close against her.

Kara suddenly lost focus on her super hearing. It came to her attention that she was staring intensely into Sean's eyes. Oh… O-Oh my… They were gray. Rich and deep and so very gray… Amusement danced within their depths like lightning in a thundercloud.

Slowly, she looked down at the space between them. Or perhaps that should be the 'lack' of space between them. Because as far as Kara could see, there was none.

She was pressed right up against Sean's body. Her chest against his. His hands had found their way onto her hips at some point. A leg had slid between hers to spread them in a way that made Kara's heart skip for reasons she couldn't discern. His breath, lips almost grazing hers, made her shiver and tingle as if she was suddenly very cold and very warm at the same time.

"So…" Sean smirked. "You come here often~?"

Kara could only say one thing, "… Meep~!"

She tried again, "… Meep?"

How strange. Her mouth didn't seem to be mouthing. Her words weren't doing the usual thing they did with the words and all that. And her brain… Well, her brain might as well have been silly putty at this point.

Kara's face must have been as red as Krypton's Sun. She never knew another person could feel so warm. She never knew her heart could beat so fast or that her tongue could get this twisted and tied. And why, oh, why was her special place getting w-wet too?!

"I must say, I didn't think you had this in you, Kara," Sean said.

"Meep…?" Kara 'replied'.

"Well, this is slightly typical, isn't it? Almost cliche… A classic really."


"No, no, I love it for you. Really. Ambition suits you. Why, I don't think even Barbara could bring herself to be this forward just yet."


"Oh? Not on purpose, you say? I find that a bit hard to believe."

"Meep meep!"

"Well, if you insist, I suppose it must be true. I'll take you at your word, Kara. It's almost a shame. I was enjoying the forwardness on display here."


Kara didn't have a clue how she — how THEY — had ended up in this situation. So close to each other in such a small space… Having a conversation with only one of them able to speak… Sharing breath and heartbeats…

She hadn't meant to do this when she shoved them into the locker! Honest! She just didn't want Kal to meet Sean yet! She wasn't ready! At the same time… her heart wasn't ready for this either!

In the back of her mind, she noted that she heard Kal leave the training rooms. He apparently thought he'd just missed them and went to continue his search elsewhere. But Kara couldn't bring herself to do anything with that information. She didn't even know if she wanted to…

She was struck frozen by Sean's proximity, by the intense closeness they shared. Something about it made her EVERYTHING flutter. Her stomach was doing little flips. Something in her mind seemed to be cheering at the top of its metaphorical lungs. Even her s-special place was pulsing with an excitement that Kara couldn't explain.

What… was this feeling? And what was it pushing her to do…? Something inside her seemed to know instinctively. But that part of Kara wasn't sharing its knowledge with the rest of her. So she was left to gape like a fish out of water, almost completely speechless and unsure what came next.

Sean's hands squeezed lightly (Oh gosh his hands were still on her hips~!!) and he said softly, "You okay, Kara? Too much, too quickly?"

Kara nodded so fast she almost headbutted his nose, "Meep!"

"Alright, I bet we can get out of here now," Sean chuckled. "Your cousin has probably moved on by now and maybe that will restart your speech center."

Kara breathed a sigh. One of relief and… disappointment…? Why was she disappointed? Sure, this closeness was nice but it was also SO INTENSE~! She didn't know if she could take it just yet. Just yet…? Why did she think of it like that?

Kara shook her head to help clear her thoughts. This whole situation was strange. And confusing. And exciting! But she honestly didn't know up from down at the moment. This required… research.

The 'research material' Barbara had provided her hadn't been what Kara expected. She expected something educational. It'd certainly been that. Just… not in the clinical way Kara anticipated.

No, instead, Barbara had sent her stories. L-Lewd stories. They'd made Kara's blood run hot and something inside her flutter and pulse. Just like being so close to Sean did, now that Kara thought about it. How strange… Were the feelings related somehow?

Thoughts for later, Kara decided. She nodded, "Meep."

Thankfully, just as he had so far, Sean seemed to understand her poorly articulated points. It was all Kara was currently capable of. As utterly mortifying as 'meep' was, she couldn't get her tied tongue to say anything else to stupid sexy Sean.

Though on another note, Kara could certainly understand why Barbara seemed to love calling him that now. Especially when his smirk quirked crooked like that. Oh my…

"Then shall we?" Sean asked, shifting somehow even closer to Kara. "Get out of here, I mean."

"Me-…" Finally, Kara managed to find her voice. "A-Ahem, w-we should…"

"There, there, Kara," Sean consoled. "I'm sure we'll find ourselves in another situation like this soon enough~"

The promise of that statement left Kara breathless for some reason, "O-Oh…?"

Before Sean could say anything more, anything with that stupid sexy smirk of his… Kara shook her head to clear it again, "Ahem, never mind~!"

She turned in place, only to freeze again. Something… was pressing up against her butt now. Kara thought that was just part of Sean's leg! Now, she wasn't so sure. Curiously, she couldn't stop herself from rubbing back against it slightly, her prior intention of getting out of the locker lost momentarily.

"Kara?" Sean asked, sounding quite amused. "Weren't we supposed to be getting out of here?"

"Just… Just a moment, please," Kara's request came out oddly breathless and distracted. "O-Oh my~…"

She didn't know exactly what was currently poking her. But she had a creeping, tingling suspicion. One that made her heart skip a few good beats as she thought about it. It was so hard. So hot. But… did they really get this big…?

Just then, the door to the locker swung open. Light suddenly shined on their precarious situation. Kara stopped dead. She slowly looked up, dreading who she would find looking back at her. Good news. It wasn't her cousin. Bad news. It was the woman whom she looked up to like a big sister, staring with a fond smirk at the situation she'd caught Kara in.

"D-Diana…" Kara choked out robotically. "What a pleasant surprise. I didn't think I would find you here. Actually, what are you doing here?"

Amusement was thick as syrup in Diana's voice and just as sweet, "You're in my locker, Kara."

"Oh…" Kara didn't have anything to say to that, trailing off.

"Yes, 'oh'. Hiding from Kal?" Diana asked, her smirk widening.


"And will you introduce me to your hiding companion here?"


"Excellent. Let me just freshen up. I won't be a moment. And it'll let the two of you do the same."

"Wait, don't-!"

That was all Kara managed to get out before Diana — Wonder Woman — shut the door to the locker in her face and left her younger friend to stew in her embarrassment. She was left inside the locker with a VERY amused Sean while she listened to Diana muffle chuckles of her own on the other side of the door. And Kara… pouted.



Kara was looking everywhere but at us. A wicked blush obscured her features with cherry red. An appropriate color, considering her innocence.

Wonder Woman — Diana — hadn't taken long to 'freshen up'. Really, I had to think she was just using that as an excuse to get her amusement under control. It was still practically pouring off of her from the situation she'd found me and Kara in.

I had a certain amount of amusement of my own to deal with. Kara was, simply put, adorable. There could be no arguing that fact. Her innocence plus her curiosity plus the naughty streak I'd seemingly inspired in her added up to absolute adorability.

The fact that she didn't want me to meet her cousin just yet made perfect sense. As did her not wanting to answer for our little 'stroll' through the Watchtower. But the method she'd chosen to avoid those consequences left much to be desired. It did put us in a very interesting situation though.

I couldn't have arranged it better if I was trying. Honestly, first the classic Ecchi scenario of being locked in a locker with someone. Then all of the embarrassment and potential happenings that came with that scenario. And now, the locker just so happened to belong to Kara's friend and mentor figure in Diana.

It was a perfect storm of embarrassment for Kara. And that showed best in how she was still blushing and pouting at both of us. I did take a bit of pity on her though. I managed to push my erection out of my mind. So at least Diana wasn't treated to the sight of me stepping out from behind Kara with an extremely noticeable bulge in my pants.

I'd quite enjoyed our time in the locker together. Again, Kara was so innocent that I doubted she could have done all of this on purpose. Her reactions in the locker confirmed that even further. But even without meaning to, she was all but begging to be seduced like this.

I hadn't wasted the opportunity to start doing just that. I liked Kara. She was sweet and wholesome. Beautiful and adorable at the same time. And so, so much fun to tease.

Locked so close against me, a little teasing went a long way. Just a bit of strategic physical contact — more than 'merely' being pressed up against each other so closely that we shared breath —, a few teasing words, and the hint of something beyond her usual innocence was enough to have her melt into a flustered Farm-Girl puddle.

Oh, I was going to have so much fun with her. It'd been a while since I had the chance to properly 'corrupt' someone. Well… not really. Innocence was — perhaps unsurprisingly — a common encounter in my disparate lives. It was the starting state of human life, after all, and the sheltered types seemed to fall quite nicely into my strike zone.

Why, even in just my last life, I remembered showing the princess how much fun being naughty and bucking her father's authority could be. But it had been a while since I met someone as wholesomely innocent as Kara. She was almost supernaturally so, likely something to do with the developments of Kryptonian society before their collapse.

Or maybe she was just that type of girl. That was rarer but still happened often enough. I'd thought it earlier, but Kara kind of reminded me of Ruby Rose. She was an utter cinnamon roll with a heroic streak who acted quicker than she thought and who wouldn't know kinkiness if it bit her on the ass. She even had the whole 'overprotective older sibling' figure and 'super speed' powers like Ruby did.

The real key with girls like Ruby and Kara was 'corrupting' them without ruining what made them so special and lovable. Their 'cinnamon-roll-ness' was an important part of their personalities. You couldn't just expose them to lewdness and leave it at that. They required a… delicate touch.

Diana shared a look with me. Laughter absolutely danced in her eyes. I'm sure the look I sent back to her was much the same. Kara's embarrassment was adorable, her pout was charming, and it seemed neither of us could resist teasing our shared friend.

"So…" Diana started. "Just how did you both end up in the locker?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time…" Kara grumbled.

"Yes, I'm sure your options were appropriately limited. It's not like you were hiding from Kal and so even just being in the ladies' locker room would have done it," Diana sassed subtly.

Kara pouted even more, "… I wanted to be sure."

"Well, I'm certainly not complaining about the results," I smirked.

"W-What results?!" Kara suddenly squeaked, her eyes snapping to stare at me.

"We didn't get caught by your cousin," I answered 'innocently'.

"Ah… Yeah, those results…" Kara looked away again.

Eyes twinkling, Diana looked like she was barely restraining herself from laughing out loud, "I cannot deny that your solution seems to have been effective, Kara."

"E-Exactly~!" Kara eagerly took that as an excuse and ran with it. "So there's nothing more to say on the topic!"

"I wouldn't go that far," Diana said. "It was effective this time but I very much doubt it would have worked against anyone but Kal."

Kara winced, "W-Well, it's not like I hide from people all that often…"

"That is true," Diana allowed. "Perhaps you need more practice. As well as more practice avoiding distractions while hiding. Perhaps your companion would be willing to help with that?"

"I could certainly be persuaded to 'distract' Kara again in the future," I agreed.

Kara pouted, "No distractions… They're distracting."

"That is the point of them," Diana pointed out with audible amusement.

"Think of it as hero training," I suggested.

Kara glared at me. It was about as effective as a glare from a puppy, "You're just trying to get me in the locker with you again, Sean. You just want to make my heart go 'doki doki' again."

I smirked, "Perhaps. I found the experience very enjoyable. Didn't you?"

Kara looked away yet again, "… I don't have to answer that."

Diana finally lost it at her friend 'pleading the fifth', chortling softly, "Oh, Kara, you are entirely unprepared for an opponent of your new companion's level."

Somehow, Kara managed to pout even harder, "It's not fair, Diana. Sean's picking on me. I don't know how but I know he is. He made me feel all funny and warm and tingly and I don't even know how to turn the tables on him~!"

Diana smirked in amusement, "Shall I take you under my wing then, Little Kryptonian?"

"Please~?" Kara turned on the puppy-dog eyes in an instant.

"Any objections?" Diana asked, turning to me.

I chuckled, "It'd be more fun if you didn't. Let her learn to swim in this strange new pond on her own. I promise not to lead her too far astray~"

Diana grinned, "Very well. Apologies, Kara. It seems as if you'll be on your own. I suspect you're in good hands though."

"The best hands," I said, matching her grin.

"Diiii~annaaaa~" Kara whined. "So unfair~ Barbara won't help me either. She just gave me 'research material' that makes me all hot and bothered and confused…"

I blinked at that. Had Barbara been scheming? Trying to introduce the Farm Girl to lewdness as a contingency plan for when she finally makes her move? Or perhaps… backup? Naughty, naughty Bat. Amusement sparked inside my mind. I'd have to think of a way to make good use of this new information.

Diana simply nodded, "Then study hard, my friend. You will need it."

"Oh, pooh…"

Viscerally amused by our still-pouting friend, Diana and I shared another look, "You know, I don't think we've been officially introduced."

Diana nodded, "Very true, though your legend proceeds you, Mr. Barkeep."

"As does yours. Legends do tend to do that."

"Quite often in my experience."

"The same in mine."

Just that little exchange seemed to get something across to Diana. A familiar wisdom. A few shared experiences. Perhaps a perspective that most others would lack.

Diana Prince was no mere woman. She was Wonder Woman. Perhaps THE most famous woman on this Earth. And due to her cultural background, the recognition that name brought didn't mean the same thing as it would to the other heroes of the Justice League.

She was an Amazon. When she said my legend proceeded me, she didn't mean it as 'fame' or 'infamy'. No, she meant legend quite literally, a font of myth and character. She was a being born of legend herself. And she recognized the weight our stories could carry.

"Sean Caine," I greeted, extending a hand toward her.

"Diana Prince," She returned the gesture.

Our hands clasped. Daughter of Zeus and Consort of Death. The universe watched with interest. And yet, despite the gravity of the moment, nothing seemed to happen. Only Diana and I felt the small clash and twist of legends colliding.

Drawing back, I smiled, "It's nice to finally be meeting the other members of the Justice League. I was starting to think the Bat was trying to keep me to himself."

Diana let amusement show on her face, "I don't believe he would do that. He seems to be slightly conflicted about your presence in his city. Intrigued, vexed, and resigned in equal measure."

"I tend to do that to people," I chuckled. "I'm aware I can be a contentious person. And all of the — as Barbara calls it — 'Eldritch knowledge' I bring to his attention probably doesn't help."

"Hmm, I don't know about 'contentious'. I've found you to be quite pleasant," Diana hummed.

She smiled, "And I must thank you for what you did for Cheetah. I don't know if I will ever be able to call her a friend again but knowing she is doing better is enough for me."

I waved, "That was nothing. And if you still want to rekindle your friendship, might I suggest using my bar as a place to peacefully meet with her?"

"I'll keep that in mind," Diana said, considering my words. "Perhaps something like that will happen in the future. I'm unsure if Barbara would even speak to me…"

"I could act as a go-between for the two of you," I offered.

"That…" She nodded slowly. "Though I am still slightly hesitant, I believe that would work out for the best."

I nodded, "We'll work something out then. At your pace. I know how difficult it can be to reconnect relationships that have grown strained. But whenever you two need it, you can count on the Dead End to act as neutral ground."

Diana treated me to a small smile, "You have my thanks, Sean Caine. This debt shall not be forgotten."

I didn't say anything to dispute the 'debt' Diana felt she owed me. She was the kind of person that took that kind of thing very seriously. Dismissing it outright would have been seen as a grave insult.

It was much simpler to simply accept the debt, use it for something slightly more than it was worth, put myself in debt to Diana, and start an amusing cycle of debt and fulfillment. That strategy always led to the most interesting relationships with people like Diana.

"Consider it done," I nodded. "I'll pass the message along to Cheetah. She hasn't shown back up yet but I don't think it will be long. That reminds me. I still need to see about contacting the god responsible for her curse…"

"Urzkartaga," Diana growled slightly. "That deplorable god-creature. Why do you need to contact him…?"

I shrugged, "I happen to think he's interesting. And likely misunderstood. Tell me, was he ever hostile to either you or Cheetah? Was he even the original reason for the wedge driven between you two?"

"Ye-…" Diana trailed off, considering the matter more closely. "… I suppose he wasn't. Or he was the direct reason for the difficulties in our friendship but not the true reason. That falls to Veronica Cale and Godwatch."

"Exactly," I said. "As far as I could tell from the curse, he never meant harm with his actions."

"Then why did he curse my friend?" Diana asked, visibly frustrated.

"He wanted a wife. It's in his nature as a potent male spirit," I explained. "I believe him to be selfish, yes, but not ultimately malicious. Just acting according to his nature. I'm sure you know how gods can fall into the same thing over and over throughout the ages due to the myths and legends that make up their being."

Diana shook her head slightly, "I do not like it still, but I understand. I know more than most that gods are beings of familiarity and pattern. I shall not begrudge your decision. So long as he comes to understand that Barbara is now off-limits to him."

"That's fair. I'm just interested in having words with the being who made himself a catgirl waifu. Maybe you could join our conversation and try to impart the importance of consent upon him," I suggested.

That finally made Diana smile again, perhaps a bit viciously, "Ah, yes. I believe I would enjoy that. He may not."


Ah… It seemed a certain someone was feeling a little forgotten about right about now. The watchful, pouting eyes of an angelic, Kryptonian Farm-Girl stared down at me and Diana, floating there as if she'd been put in a time-out corner of her own making. Kara's stare was practically audible. And her pout was vicious.

As it turned out, Kara's pout was also practically audible, "You two sure seem to be getting along…"

Diana let out an honest bark of laughter, "HA~! Oh, Kara, you don't need to worry. I won't steal your new companion from you."

"W-What~?!" Kara instantly sputtered. "I wasn't worried about that! Totally wasn't! I'm glad you're getting along! But you can't just ignore me like that!"

I chuckled, "Sorry, Kara. Would you like to be included in our conversation?"

She grumbled and pouted but still floated closer, "… 'Wasn't very nice at all…"

"There, there, Kara," I soothed, reaching out to pat her head.

She immediately melted into my expert headpats. I'd had plenty of practice on the Batkids. And Kara was now finding out firsthand just how pleasant a good head patting could be. Diana watched with amusement practically painted on her face as her younger friend float-leaned against me and almost purred with fluttering eyes.

The door to the locker room opened and Kara didn't react at all. Thankfully, it wasn't her cousin at the door. Another female hero of the Justice League walked in, all black with a skintight bodysuit, sheer fishnets, and blonde rocker girl hair.

What was it with female heroes and fishnets? Okay, maybe it was only Black Canary and Zatanna but both of their usages of the sheer stocking medium were iconic. I only wondered about the subject briefly. I certainly wasn't going to complain.

Black Canary paused as she saw how I had Kara at my 'mercy', "Am… I interrupting something?"

"Not if you know what's good for you," I joked.

"Yes," Diana played along with a smirk. "I believe Kara would object to any interruption at the moment."

Canary stared at me and Kara for a moment before asking, "Should I add this to his file?"

I snorted, "I think Batman already knows about this power of mine, considering I've used it to suborn three of his sidekicks at this point."

"Ah…" I could see the moment Black Canary gave up on trying to make sense of me. "Very well. Carry on."

"Actually, it's a good thing I caught you while I'm here," I said. "I have something of a proposal for you. Well, you and John Constantine mostly. But I assume you can pass it along to him more easily than I can."

"You have me in strange company," Canary noted. "What do John and I have in common that would make you seek us out?"

I smiled, still fondly patting Kara's head. She was blissed out, almost completely lost to the world. Adorable. Absolutely adorable. Kara easily gave even cute, deadpan, little Damian a run for his money.

"That's simple enough," I answered. "You were both in bands. And I run a bar for heroes and villains. So I was thinking the only logical thing to do was invite the two of you around to perform if you wanted to."

Diana made an interested sound, "Ah, that sounds like quite the entertaining prospect. I may have to stop by that night if the idea pans out."

Canary hesitated only slightly, "I'll… think about it. I'd have to get the old band together. And I can't speak for John. It's possible though. Perhaps we could figure out something temporary together."

"Well, you know where to find me when you two reach a decision," I nodded. "Even if you don't perform, you're both welcome at the Dead End anytime. Feel free to stop by for a drink and a story."

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Barkeep," Canary said diplomatically. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I did come here for a reason. I'll just get out of your hair. Diana. Always a pleasure."

She collected a few things from her locker and quickly left the locker room. I got the feeling she wasn't the most comfortable around me. If the Justice League did have a file on me, that wasn't much of a surprise.

I hummed, "I think that went about as well as I could have expected."

"Yes," Diana agreed. "Whether she agrees to your idea or not will just have to wait to be seen."

"What do you think, Kara?" I asked, already knowing the reply I'd get.

Kara didn't even open her eyes, "MMmmmmm~…"

"That sounds like a vote of confidence to me," I chuckled.

"Sean…? Kara…?" Barbara's voice invaded the locker room, carrying a warning in its tone. "Do either of you. Wish to explain. Just why. The whole! Freaking! Station! Is complaining about a speeding Kryptonian?!"

"No…?" I called back. "Not particularly."

"Well, you're going to!"

Kara absently moaned something almost unintelligible, still mostly distracted by my head pats, "Uh oh~ We're~ in~ trouble~…"

Diana chuckled at our predicament as Barbara came stomping into the locker room to glare at us, "I suggest you think quickly, Sean Caine. Very quickly indeed."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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