16.66% Gotham's Dead End Bar / Chapter 10: 10: Harley CuckQuinn (18+)

บท 10: 10: Harley CuckQuinn (18+)

[AN: Okay, this is the last of the daily chapter releases. I've caught up to where the story is at on QQ so I'm letting it rest for now. I want to rebuild my backlog so there's going to be a short break. I'm thinking the next chapter will come out Sunday. After that, it'll be 2-3 chapters a week (likely Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday).

If you feel you can't wait that long (lol thank you for the compliment), early chapters are always available on my Patreon. Chapter 14 should be going up there shortly (sometime in the next few hours). Pat reon.com/dryskies_btb for those so inclined. If not, I totally get it. Supporting me monetarily will always be optional.


Harley stared down at Sean with a predatory glint in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

Her eyes lidded and she purred, "Do it, Gothboy~ Make~ my~ day~"

Upon his offer to KILL her infatuation with Mister J, Harley had jumped Sean. She bowled him to the floor — mounting and straddling him like captured prey. Her legs on either side of his body pinned him in place. Her hands on his chest held him down. There was no escape in sight for Sean. Not that he was looking for it.

Inside, Harley was a mess of emotion, excitement, and euphoria. Even more so than usual. Her heart was fluttering. Her mind doing pirouettes on a razor's edge.

For so long, she'd been a slave to Mister J's influence over her. Obsession ruled her heart and mind. Every time he called, she came running back. Every moment of happiness was underlain by a constant current of fear that he would come back into her life and ruin everything all over again.

It was painful. It had hurt Harley and the people she loved most. She knew it was wrong, that it was unhealthy. But she just couldn't help herself. Even when she was happy with Red, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop herself from leaving if Mister J even spoke her name.

It was torture, pure and simple. And Gothboy had just offered her a way out. His offer was a lifeline while she was being waterboarded. It was an end to the pain and suffering of being so tied to Mister J.

Gothboy reminded her of Mister J in some ways. He was a force of personality, charisma, and chaos in the best of ways. People were twisted by his words even when he didn't try to influence them.

Thankfully, in all the ways that mattered, they couldn't be more different. Mister J was sadistic, taking pleasure in cruel jokes and the hurt he inflicted. Harley knew he didn't care one bit for her. And even then, he always had her coming back for more.

Gothboy was laid back. Relaxed. Chill, even. He was content to be left with his bar and an absence of trouble. He didn't have Mister J's abominable ambitions. But that didn't make Gothboy any less fun. It was a different kind of fun, to be sure, with much less guilt involved in the aftermath, but fun for Harley to enjoy all the same.

Sean blinked at finding himself beneath Harley, "Uh, right. Done."

Harley blinked as well. That was it? So simple? Nothing to it?

She thought of Mister J. Thought of him calling her name. Where once it would have set her very being aflame with pride and a need to please, now it just filled her with disgust. That deplorable man thought he could control her? He wasn't even that funny!

Harley gasped. H-Had she really just thought that? She had! Mister J wasn't even that funny! His jokes were played out! Hurting people wasn't a substitute for a punchline! That was how she knew Sean wasn't bullshitting. He'd really done it. She was free…

She laughed. Free and clear, it resonated through her whole body. Her mind and soul became more clear with the noise. It was as if she was shaking off years of crapped-up gunk and junk. She'd never felt so good!

"Yeeeeeesssssssss~" Harley hissed aloud, declaring her satisfaction and newfound freedom to the world.

"I didn't think this was bothering you so much," Sean observed.

Harley laughed and cackled and giggled all at once in mad euphoria, "Hahahehehehohoho~! Bothering me? It was killing me! You don't know how much you've set me free, Gothboy!"

"Harley…? Baby?" Ivy asked hesitantly from behind them. "You're okay?"

Harley skipped up, ignoring Sean for a moment. She rushed over to her girlfriend. Still laughing happily, she picked the nature goddess up and twirled her around in her arms. For a very petite woman, Harley was much stronger than she seemed.

"I'm better than okay, Red~!" Harley singsonged. "I'm fantastic~! Fabulous~! Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious~! I won't have to worry about leaving you when Mister Bastard escapes Arkham~! See?! I can even curse his name~!"

Ivy gasped, "Ah! Was that something you were worried about?!"

Harley grinned, "Not anymore~! All thanks to Gothboy here~!"

"What did you do, Mr. Barkeep?" Harley heard Freeze ask in the background.

"What I said I would. I KILLED her infatuation with the Joker and any influence he still held over her."

Harley didn't pay Freeze or Gothboy's answer much mind. She had her girlfriend in her arms and a mind free of Joker. Holding Ivy by that green ass she loved so much, Harley leaned forward and kissed her like a soldier returning from war.

Ivy's surprise quickly melted into the kiss. Harley was insatiable. There weren't much better aphrodisiacs than being freed from what was essentially just mind control. She nipped and nibbled and just about devoured Ivy's lips. Harley left her girlfriend a panting mess of blooming flowers and sex pollen.

Pulling back, Harley couldn't have stopped grinning even if she wanted to, "How do you like them apples, Red~?"

Dazed and confused, Ivy just blinked, her lips still working against an invisible opponent, "A-Apples…?"

She was so stunned and stupefied by Harley's kiss that an apple sprouted from the vines in her hair to plop comically onto the floor.

Harley threw her head back and laughed at the top of her lungs. Nothing could kill her high. She looked over her shoulder at Sean, "Don't think I've forgotten about you, Gothboy~! Get your pelvis ready because Harley CuckQuinn is going to pound it into dust~!"

"I don't think cucks are the ones who are supposed to be doing the fucking," Sean deadpanned.

"Think again, you glorious goth fucker~!"

Harley set Ivy down on shaky feet. She turned to Sean, settling into a stance Catwoman taught her. She was primed to pounce. In more ways than one. Selina said it was the same stance she used to lure Batman for their first time together.

A hand on her shoulder stopped her briefly, Ivy saying, "G-Give him one for me too, baby. If he can make you this happy, he deserves that much."

Harley smirked back at her, "You say that like you aren't next~"

Ivy startled slightly, "W-With Sean or with you?"


Leaving Ivy sputtering was her favorite thing to do. It just boosted Harley's mood even more. She settled back into her stance. Like a big cat, she prowled toward Sean. He just stood there, watching her. Amusement showed in his expression.

"Perhaps we should leave before things get… graphic," Freeze said to Nora.

"Is this what the mating rituals of supervillains look like?" Nora wondered. "It's fascinating. Victor, will you try it with me?"

"… I will begin practicing the pouncing stance. Selina taught it to everyone."

"Oh, how interesting~!"

"Come along, dear," Didi soothed Ivy, helping her on still-shaky legs. "This is special to Harley. And I do believe if we stay, we'll be just watching for a while. How does a dawn cap sound to keep us occupied in the meantime? Knowing Sean, even Harley won't be enough to wear him out."

Ivy giggled, "With how Harley's acting right now, I highly doubt that."

Didi's eyes just twinkled, "You'll see."

"Are you truly fine with this? Aren't you and Sean… something?" Ivy asked.

Didi laughed, "Oh, yes. To both questions. Sean and I are certainly something. But jealousy and monogamy aren't really my forte. So long as everyone's happy, so am I. After all, we'll all be together in Death eventually."

Harley stalked toward Sean. If she had a tail, it would have been held erect behind her, swaying side to side. Her predatory expression was back on her face. And she was determined to make Sean realize how much he'd just done for her.

"So Harley… just you and me, huh?" Sean smirked.

"Just me and you, Gothboy~" Harley matched it. "You know what you've done, right?"

Sean played at ignorance, "Maybe you can enlighten me."

Harley purred, circling him, "Oh, I will~ I'll 'enlighten' you until you can't feel anything from your calves to your nipples~! You're gonna know damn well how thankful I am for giving me and Red a real chance at things without Mister Jam-Titty in the picture~!"

Sean's mind bluescreened, "Jam-Titty…?"

Harley took that opportunity to finally pounce. It was super effective! In an instant, she'd taken Sean to the ground again. Her grin never wavered. Her excitement only surged higher.

She ignored where they were — still in the bar with just the floor to cushion their imminent 'activities'. She ignored Freeze hurriedly ushering Nora out the door. She ignored Ivy and Didi settling in with drinks to watch.

Right now, there was only one thing on Harley's mind. Gothboy had done what she thought was impossible. He'd cured her, freed her from that loathsome bastard. That was the kind of thing that deserved all the thanks in Harley's mind. So she was jumping the gun, stealing a march. She couldn't hold herself back anymore.

They hit the ground hard. Neither flinched. Sean's clothes were shredded to bits faster than he could blink. A body of lean muscle was revealed beneath Harley. Something thick poked up against Harley's ass. Something very thick…

She paused to look behind her. Yeah, that was Gothboy's dick. She turned back around only to reverse immediately after, doing a doubletake. Holy shit! That was Gothboy's dick?!

That thing was a weapon! A blackjack! A bat! A Goddamn bludgeon! It looked like it could be used to brain a midget or club a seal!

Gothboy's dick blew Mister J out of the water. As much as Harley hated the Joker, she had to admit he had nothing to be ashamed of in that area. He was a bit above average, a healthy six inches he really didn't deserve. But compared to Gothboy, it might as well have been a pinky finger.

"Hoooooooo~lleee shiiiiitt…!" Harley exclaimed breathlessly, drawing out each syllable.

"Why, thank you," Sean said, playing humble and failing miserably. "I'm rather proud of my friend downstairs."

"You should be! Little Gothboy isn't looking so little after all!"

Seriously! The thing was practically as thick as Harley's wrist! Her legs came undone from around Sean's waist. Before she realized what she was doing, Harley found herself sinking between Gothboy's legs.

She stared at the looming member in awe, "You're gonna split a little girl like me in two with this thing. Heckers, Gothboy, you're gonna split Red and B-girl in two with it! And they ain't small at all…"

Sean chuckled smugly, "Surely, you're exaggerating."

Ivy piped up from the background, "She's really not. You could give most of my vines a run for their money. It's quite frightening, actually."

"There, there~" Didi soothed beside her. "We'll be with you every step along the way. Three against one will at least allow us to hold our own."

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to tag out if I wanna thank him properly," Harley said almost absently.

"I-Isn't this a bit much for my first time with a man?" Ivy asked.

Harley didn't hear what the answer to that was. She let herself be entranced by Gothboy's monster. Leaning forward, she let it fall against her face, trying to get a good measure of it. In her awe, she did so in the lewdest way possible.

A wrist-thick shaft pressed against her cheek. Her chin nestled snugly into the base of Sean's cock. Even then, the tip went past her eyes to stand menacingly over her forehead. Harley went crosseyed, still trying to stare at the absolute beast shadowing her face.

Sean groaned. His cock throbbed, getting even harder. Harley didn't even think that was possible! She couldn't help but gasp. She felt the blood inside it pulse, hot on the skin of her cheek.

"Even Wonder Woman couldn't wield this weapon. You could slay a god with this, Gothboy," Harley muttered, her lips brushing up against the shaft as she spoke.

"Been there, done that," Sean grunted distractedly.


"Huh? Oh, yeah, Marika was wild like that. I mean, I didn't literally kill her with my dick but I sure showed her how to shatter an Elden Ring…"

"What, so you haven't cockslapped some divine bitches to death with this thing?" Harley joked.

Sean paused, "Uh… No comment?"

Harley's mind stuttered, "Right… You know, you ain't making this big boy seem any less intimidating here, Gothboy."

"You're not a goddess, right? You'll be fine," Sean said dismissively.

"D-Does his dick have literal god-slaying properties?!" Ivy sputtered from the 'audience'.

Didi just smirked, "No comment~"

She fell silent for a moment, "… Harley, baby? I think we've bitten off more than we can chew."

"Fat chance!" Harley recovered her enthusiasm and confidence at that. "Those gods? They were bitch-made! Me and you, Red? We're bad to the motherfuckin' bone! We'll show him how girls from Gotham do things!"

She didn't wait for a reply, from Ivy or Sean himself. Harley's fingers wrapped around the stupidly thick shaft. The weight was heavy and intimidating in her palms but Harley wouldn't be deterred again. Her mind was made up. She was going to show this mean old thing who the boss was here!

The kisses she pressed into the hard cock before her eyes were almost angry. Hard and fast, she kissed her way up and down its length. She glared at the stupid thing like it owed her money all the while.

Stupid fat fucking fuck-machine… Stupid hot hardness… Stupid tempting taste on her lips… Don't get cocky, you stupid cock! Harley CuckQuinn ain't that easy!

The reminder of the nickname she'd given herself brought Harley's mind to lewd, welcome places. She moaned into that magnificent meat, her mind wandering to what this monster would do to her girlfriend.

This thing… It would wreck Red! Ruin her for any other guys! She was a virgin when it came to guys and this beast would take her 'first'! Red wouldn't stand a chance! It would conquer her mind and body! It might even steal Red away from her!

'And I'll be stolen right along with her,' Harley thought in realization.

Oh, gods… To see Red stretched around this THICK FUCKING COCK, writhing in beautiful ecstasy? Harley felt herself drool. And not just from the lips she had pressed against Gothboy's cuck-conquering cock.

It. Would. Be. Frickin'. Glorious! This monster of steely flesh giving her girlfriend what Harley couldn't…? Making Harley's gorgeous green goddess cum undone over and over again as it pounded her, BRED HER?! Fuck!

Harley's insides were made of jelly, her womb was pulsing with white-hot, passionate fire, and her pussy was practically squirting already!

The forced 'anger' bled out of her kisses, replaced by worshipful passion. Her tongue came out to join her lips, running up Gothboy's length. She lavished and lapped at every inch of his skin, imagining that she was already preparing him for Red.

This thing was going to give her Red so much pleasure. So much ecstasy. Honestly, Harley was more excited about that prospect than getting a taste for herself. Yup, a change of plans was needed.

"Red!" Harley gasped, having to forcefully remove herself from Gothboy's cock to speak. "Get your pretty green ass over here!"

Ivy jumped at the demand, "W-What?! N-Now? Oh, uh, I… uh… Am I ready…?"

"I can help with that," Sean offered.

"Go on, Red," Harley encouraged. "I'm getting him all ready, set, and steady for you~! I wanna see you come apart on top of this bitch-breaking stud cock~!"

Ivy gaped at her for a moment. She was certainly a sight worth gaping at. Already, Harley's lips were swollen from cock kisses and her eyes were wild. Combined with the huge statuesque member next to her petite pretty face, it was a scene straight out of those hentai comics Harley liked so much!

But, by Mother Nature it got Ivy going! She downed her drink in a single gulp, drawing slightly on the liquid courage. Even without it, she would have joined them. Maybe Harley wasn't the only one with a bit of cuckquean in her…

As she got up to walk over to them, Sean pulsed that strange aphrodisiac aura of his. If Ivy wasn't primed before, she certainly was after that. It washed over her and Ivy could have sworn she felt her womb drop into an impossible ready position. A NEED to BREED filled her body and mind. Ivy shuddered with a breathy exhale. She could already feel herself leaking down her thighs.

"That cheat code of yours is entirely unfair," Ivy commented, trying to be nonchalant and casual about this whole situation.

Sean just smirked up at her. From his place on the floor, he reached up and grabbed Ivy around the back of her knees. Ivy squeaked as they were made to give out and she found herself kneeling about Sean's face.

"You love it," Sean said, his words muffled by a very intimate part of Ivy's sinfully aroused body.

"O-Oh my…!" Ivy gasped.

His breath teased at her skin. His hands were surprisingly strong, holding Ivy in place by the curve of her waist and hips. Flowering petals dripped nectar onto Sean's lips. Ivy wiggled in place slightly. Each movement sent shocking brushes of contact from her groin to her core.

Her inner thighs rested on either side of his face. Ivy had been in this position before. She was no stranger to a bit of face-sitting. But with Sean, a man? It was unique, fresh, and novel in a way that made her brain tingle pleasantly.

There was no stubble on his cheeks but Ivy could somehow feel how masculine his jawline was. So different from Harley's… She couldn't ignore that she was currently riding a man's lips. Or — peeking down at Sean's crotch and Harley — that her girlfriend was currently worshipping that same man's monstrous member.

A man's sexual organ was a new sight for Ivy. But not an unwelcome one. Ivy had no idea they could be this massive but she knew from the way Harley reacted that Sean was very much an exception from the norm.

It was crude. Imposing. Intimidating, even. But at the same time, it was undeniably attractive. Not in the same way Ivy was attracted to Harley's sex but just as stimulating. Harley was beautiful and delicate — a work of art. Sean's member was a force of nature — something primal to be enjoyed in awe and blissfully helpless submission.

Seeing it next to her girlfriend certainly didn't hurt how tantalizingly attractive Ivy found Sean's cock either. It painted a mentally stimulating picture. Combined with Sean's aphrodisiacal aura, Ivy could feel herself drooling. From both pairs of lips…

Then Sean's mouth made full contact with her dripping quim. Ivy gasped and moaned and all but melted. It was shockingly pleasurable, somehow gentle and demanding at once.

Just the whisper of his lips and tongue on her petals was making Ivy realize the true bliss that came with the opposite sex. She'd never been more thankful for being bisexual.

Oh, Goddess, he was so skillful with that tongue of his. Not a single inch of her was left untouched — untongued. His kisses made her pussy flutter. His gentle nibbles made her heart race. His strong hands on her waist, holding her in place, stole breathless moans and mewling whimpers from her lungs.

Sean feasted, drinking deeply of Ivy's nectar. His tongue dove between her flowering lower lips. Sweetness poured from her core, coating his tastebuds.

Harley was never shy about how good Ivy tasted. It had to be something about her unique biology. She was honeysuckle and sweet fruit juice, distilled and made into a sexual nectar to show her arousal.

Sean certainly seemed to agree. The sounds he was making were so… so lewd! Ivy felt her skin turning crimson at his audible wet slurps. G-Goddess… Was that her…? It sounded more like Sean was drinking from a fountain! H-How shameful…!

While Ivy lost her mind to a lewd soundtrack of pure pleasure, Harley did her best to watch and worship at the same time. Still kneeling between Sean's legs, her eyes were locked on her girlfriend's face. Just as her lips were locked on Gothboy's stupid womb-dropping, slut-pounding, rockhard monster-cock!

Harley felt like she was trying to wrap her lips around a damn waterpipe! It pulsed against her tongue. Her petite hands and lithe fingers cradled his balls. Even they were heavy enough to take more than a bit of effort to hold! How the Hell did he walk around with this thing?!

Harley knew she was swooning. She didn't care. Gods, it was beautiful. Perfect. Harley was pretty sure she'd found her new mallet. She could certainly see herself smacking Mister Jam-Titty upside the head with this weapon.

She giggled giddily at that thought. Really, when you thought about it, Gothboy's cock was just the final step in KILLING her infatuation. No other man could match up to Gothboy after this.

Ivy would be feeling the same thing soon enough. Harley was sure of that much. But first, she wanted to prepare this beast for her naive goddess of a girlfriend. She wanted to worship the weapon that would slay Gotham's 'Man-Eater'.

Herley's lips stretched wide around the tip. Her tongue ticked the cockslit for a moment. Then she tried to force herself down its length. Surprising herself, Harley succeeded. She swallowed a third of Gothboy's cock before she had to come up for air.

Resting her mouth at the very tip, Harley gasped for breath. She swore she could feel common sense and reason leaving her with each heave of her chest. She wanted to go again! So she did. This time, she made it halfway down.

'That's right~!' Harley cheered in her mind. 'Who's that bitch?! Harley's that bitch~! Suck it, Gothboy! I'm gonna suck you dry~!'

Smug eyes turned upward. Harley paused as she saw her girlfriend practically dancing atop Gothboy's lips and tongue.

'Oh… Oh, fuck… That's so fucking hot~!'

Harley almost instantly decided she couldn't wait any longer. She practically hopped off Gothboy's monster-cock, her lips coming unglued from around the tip. Giving it a squeeze with both hands, she got her partner's attention.

"Ivy~! Ivy~! Get your pretty pussy down here~!"

Ivy was too dazed to put together a coherent reply, "W-Wha…?"

Thankfully, Sean was quicker on the uptake. With barely any effort, he lifted Ivy clear off of his face. She squealed in surprise as he manhandled her into the position Harley wanted. Mounting Sean reverse cowgirl, that mind-breaking cock pulsed from Ivy's pussy to her navel.

Harley grinned up at her girlfriend from the other side of the monster, "Ready, Red-… -y?"

Ivy sputtered, trying and failing to find her words, "I-I-… Is that-… It'll break-… Oh, my Goddess!"

Sean lifted Ivy by his grip on her hips again. Moving in almost unnatural synch, Harley aimed his cock for her quim. Ivy's nectar immediately soaked the tip, running down the shaft like a waterfall. Sean slowly lowered her.

"Oh, yeah~" Harley moaned. "Split her open~ Stretch that cunny good, Gothboy~! Oh, fuck, you look so good on his cock, Red~! Fuck~! Fuck~! I think I'm cumming just from watching~! Squirt by proxy~! Fucking sympathy cummies~!"

While Harley's moans took center stage, Ivy was by no means quiet, whining and whimpering sensually, "So big~ So so so so so big! Oh, Goddess, you're going to break me!"

"Easy now," Sean soothed and reassured. "You can take it. Look at you, doing so good and putting on a show for your girlfriend~ You're a natural, Ivy."

Down and down, Ivy went. A shockingly huge member pierced all the way to her core. Her inner walls stretched, taking the shape of Sean's cock. Ivy didn't even know how this was possible! She felt like she was on the verge of breaking, falling apart in a blissful mess of sex-ravished ivy.

Harley had the best seat in the house. Her face was practically pressed against the place Ivy and Gothboy were joined. Her mouth hung open in awe. She shook and shuddered, mimicking every little twitch of Ivy's body.

It was without a doubt the hottest thing Harley had ever seen! Beautiful, delicate petals were pushed apart by thick meaty steel. Denying any sense of logic, those pretty lips took it all. Every inch, every vein, bit after bit of masculine SEX disappeared into Harley's girlfriend.

Harley was cumming hands-free just from the sight of Ivy being so thoroughly ravished. Her girlfriend would never be the same again. Hell, Harley would never be the same again! And the thought pooled in a pleasurable puddle between Harley's knees.

Finally, after what felt like hours for all involved, Ivy came to rest atop Sean's hips. She just sat there and shivered. So much~ So big, so thick, so deep~! Her mind was playing a futile game of catch-up. Halfway to being broken already, the overwhelming sensations left Ivy a drooling, spasming mess.

Even with a (not-so)metaphorical rod up her spine, Ivy swayed in her sitting position. Before she could potentially collapse, Harley wrapped her in a supporting hug.

The sudden contrast of sensations was too much. Harley was too soft against her skin. Sean was too hard within her deepest depths. Feminine on the outside, masculine inside, Ivy had no choice but to fall to pieces with a husky moan.

The wild look in Harley's eyes hadn't faded a bit as she watched her girlfriend cum on cock for the first time. Her grin was eager, her mind and body were ready, and she was more than willing to indulge in their current depravity. Holy fucking cuntballs, Batman~! Harley could barely breathe through how horny she was!

She almost wished they'd done this sooner. But a large part of her knew it wouldn't have been nearly the same without Gothboy and his monster Gothboy D. He'd already done so much for them and now he was fulfilling Harley's new biggest fantasy to a tee!

"I think I love you, Gothboy," Harley declared excitedly.

"Oh, G-Goddess, I can't even t-think~! I can't~! I can't~! O-O-Oh, I can't~…" Ivy moaned.

Harley took the chance to silence her girlfriend and slip plenty of tongue into her mouth. Ivy's moan was muffled and only intensified for it. Her eyes fluttered back in her head. Harley threaded her fingers through Ivy's hair and tried her best to match what Sean was doing to the lower half of Ivy's body.

Sean chuckled, "We've barely started. Wait until I really get moving."

Ivy couldn't hear or process his words. The world could have ended around her and she wouldn't have noticed or cared. It would have made sense even, with the way her mind was coming apart at the seams. Still, Harley surely heard him. She freed one of her hands to flash him an eager thumbs-up.

Even though he didn't need it, Sean took the permission and ran with it. He'd been content with the gripping tightness of Ivy's pussy. Stretching her out to take him for the first time was certainly pleasurable enough in its own right. But it was only the beginning. So with a shift of his hips beneath Ivy, Sean moved.

He lifted Ivy by her hips. Instinctively, she rolled them in his grip. Below, his hips cocked at the ready and thrust slowly upward in time with her rolling descent.

For a few torturous moments, Ivy was left empty. Sean pulled out and it felt like he took her brain with him. She whined into Harley's kiss, only to be filled all over again.

Nectar poured from a perfectly-stretched emerald cunny. It coated Sean's shaft and made a sticky, sweet mess on his crotch. So much that it could have sustained a man dying of thirst, Ivy's arousal cleared a way forward for Sean's thrusts. As easy as can be, he slid back into her depths.

Back and forth, Sean sawed away within Ivy. Each thrust pushed and pulled at his nerves, filling his whole body with pleasure. She practically sucked him in with each thrust. She hugged every inch and took him so well. Impossibly wet and hot and tight, a sleeve of molten silk swallowed Sean's cock.

Their position gave him easy access to all of Ivy's most sensitive spots. The curve of his erection maintained constant contact with her G-spot, grinding it into oblivion. Her clit was the same. Her flower was stretched wide enough for it to rub against the underside of his shaft every time he pushed deep inside her.

The tip of his cock kissed a sensitive spot deep inside Ivy. Not her cervix but hidden just behind and below it in the very depths of her canal. That touch in particular — that gentle grinding kiss — sent Ivy spiraling to heights unknown.

As Ivy melted in blissful submission — into the kiss and atop the cock — Harley jilled herself to rapturous completion again and again. Her fingers worked herself furiously. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to. This was heaven! Kissing her girlfriend silly as she squirted herself stupid on Gothboy's monster-cock!

They were SO doing this again! Maybe next time, Ivy would be interested in a bit of role reversal too. Even if she wasn't, Harley was more than happy with this.

She'd given the nickname to herself as a joke but Harley was really living up to 'Harley CuckQuinn'. Hell, the nickname made this whole thing even better! Punning while cumming?! Sign her the Hell up! Who knew cucking yourself with monster-cock would be so hot~?!

Harley shivered at the thought, 'Fuck~! Cumming again~!'

Meanwhile, Ivy hadn't stopped cumming for a moment. Over and over in a continuous cycle, Ivy peaked. The constant, pounding stream of highs made her mindless and impossibly weak. Her mind was practically in orbit at this point. Even the dips between peaks were high enough to leave her gasping for air

Sean's thrusts, Harley's lips, Ivy found herself drowning in sensation. It overtook her completely. Soft and hard. Eager and steady. Her mind was fraying. She was a mess of ecstasy being pushed higher and higher, farther and farther from reason or sense.

It felt like Sean could have gone on forever. His cock was only growing harder. His body wouldn't tire or rest for a single moment. Like an unceasing engine of pleasure, Sean pistoned himself into Ivy's thoroughly wrecked cunny.

Ivy's glorious green ass clapped against his crotch with each thrust. Her rosy-capped tits bounced, rubbing against Harley's smaller ones with each thrust. Her taut tummy flexed, a small bulge appearing there every time Sean buried himself deep inside her.

Just when she didn't think she could take anymore, it all came to a climactic finish. Sean grunted, his thrusts coming harder and faster. With a rumbling groan, he hilted himself deep within Ivy, practically seated against the entrance to her babyroom.

It was like an explosion. It WAS an explosion. A burst of searing heat flooded Ivy's core. Then another and another in an unending torrent of life-giving seed.

Ivy peaked and then peaked again, squirting enough around Sean's cock to almost match what he was shooting inside her. She went stiff atop Sean's throbbing and cumming rod. The only hint of life in her mind was the way her body REACTED and reacted hard.

Harley joined them an instant later. She moaned loudly into the kiss, her body vibrating in orgasmic bliss to match her girlfriend. Pressed tight against Ivy's body, Harley could have sworn she felt Gothboy cumming inside her too.

Sean held Ivy down tight and fast, gluing them together at the hip. His cock throbbed and jumped with each spurt. He bucked beneath her as if he was trying to get even deeper. An intimately familiar white flash covered his vision as he spilled a river inside of Ivy.

By the time Sean's climax was finished, allowing Ivy to stop climbing to impossible heights of pleasure finally, she was sore. Her whole body was tense. Sean's cumshots turned to a gentle, pleasant trickle, and Ivy was allowed to relax. Almost immediately, she collapsed forward and just let Harley support her.

Caught off-guard by suddenly taking all of Ivy's weight, Harley fell backward with a startled, squealing giggle. Sean's cock slid out from Ivy's depths. It still stood as tall and imposing as ever.

Harley was more than content to enjoy her girlfriend's insensate, boneless cuddles, "Red, Red~! Look~! You're cream-filled now~!"

Ivy was just finding her words again, mewling and mumbling, "Uuuuuuuhhn~ I certainly feel stuffed to the leaking point…"

Sean was left high and-… well, not dry. Nothing about his cock could be considered dry right now. But as a familiar hand wrapped itself around his now-free cock and a familiar pair of lips suddenly nibbled at his neck, Sean was happy to leave the two girlfriends to their pillow talk.

"Hehehe~!" Harley giggled. "I'm dating a donut! Was it as good for you as it was for me, Red~?"

"Harley… Baby…" Ivy deadpanned. "I can't feel my tits and my toes might as well be in another area code."

"I'll take that as a yes~" Harley singsonged. "We should totally go again~!"

"Oh, Goddess, no! You're going to kill me!" Ivy said in a panic.

Harley pouted, "Oh, pooh. It looks like we can't anyway. Didi is taking her turn now."

Ivy sighed in relief, "And thank everything holy for that. Seriously, baby, I can't move. Another round would have left me paralyzed from the waist down."

"Well, I'd just take care of you then, Red! Nurse Harley has a nice ring to it, doesn't it~?" Harley teased.

"Harley, please stop. I think I physically can't get horny again so soon," Ivy groaned.

Away from the pillow-talking girlfriends, Sean leaned back into Didi. Her bare breasts pressed into his back, having undressed at some point while he was preoccupied. Nimble fingers played over his drenched cock. Equally nimble lips nipped at his neck.

"Are you proud of yourself, Dear~" Didi rasped sultrily.

"Very," A smirk quirked Sean's lips.

"But you're not yet satisfied," Didi stated instead of asking.

Sean couldn't help but chuckle, "Not even close. They were good but I'm much more experienced than both of them combined. They never stood a chance."

Didi sighed dramatically, "I fear I'll be in the same boat."

Sean raised an eyebrow, "Really? I would have thought you were at least as experienced as me due to your long unique existence."

He could hear her roll her eyes, "No one wishes to have sex when they're dying, Sean. Or at least, no one worthwhile. I can think of a few but quite frankly, sex was the last thing on my mind with them."

"I've gone out in the throes of passion once," Sean commented absently. "You're right. It's overrated. Not nearly as fun as it sounds. It's very similar to what I imagine overdosing on stimulants to be like."

"What a lovely mental picture, Dear," Didi deadpanned.

Sean snorted, "Right, even if you're Death, that's not the best sexy talk."

"It's not," Didi confirmed.

"Well, how about I make it up to you," Sean offered.

"What do you-…? AHH~ Sean!" Didi didn't even get the chance to finish her question.

Sean spun and lifted her upright into his arms. Looking up at her, he took in the perfection that was Lady Death. Dark makeup, black hair, and so much pale skin lit a fire in his soul. A fire that refused to be quenched by anything or anyone but his Didi.

"You're beautiful, Didi," He said, setting her down on the bar they usually worked behind together.

Didi smiled, "Thank you, Sean. That isn't something I hear very often."

"And isn't that such a shame?"

"I suppose."

"Well, Harley and Ivy have thanked me… Now, I think it's my turn."

"What do you mean?" Didi cocked her head cutely.

Sean elaborated, "How much have you done for me, Didi? In this life? Through my many deaths, even if those weren't you personally? I don't think it could be put into words."

Didi blushed slightly, the color very noticeable on her pale cheeks, "It was no trouble, really."

"Tell me, Didi, how do you see our relationship?"

"Well…" She hesitated. "I've always wanted to be close to someone. To have someone to be there for me. I'm there for everyone as they pass and I don't hate that. But sometimes, I long for the same. I suppose that's why I picked you. You're familiar enough with my concept to understand me."

"So you see me as someone to lean on? A pillar of strength and companionship?" Sean clarified.

"That sounds about right," Didi nodded.

"A lover? A big brother? Both, since we're not related by blood?"

Didi's blush intensified and she stammered, "T-That's entirely improper, Sean… Even with your reincarnations, I'm much older than you. H-How could you be my… b-big brother…?"

"Easy," Sean smirked, leaning close enough to kiss her. Close enough that his breath tickled her lips. "I've been in this situation before. I'm probably much more qualified for the job than any of your actual siblings.

"You get to keep playing the responsible younger sister keeping her wild big brother in check. And I'll be there for you to lean on. Really, it's not all that different from what we've been doing. Now, you'll just have the option to call me Onii-Chan~"

A strained whimper tried to escape the back of Didi's throat. Her blush went nuclear. Still, she forced herself to speak, "And… if I want more than a sibling relationship…?"

"Well then, it's a good thing we aren't related by blood~" Sean purred.

He turned her so she was parallel to the length of the bar and slowly pushed her backward, giving her plenty of time to resist. Didi didn't. He mounted the bar between her legs once she was lying supine. Her legs instinctively found their way around his waist.

Didi's blush reached from her cheeks all the way down her neck. She stared up at Sean as he kneeled over her from within the locking embrace of her legs. Still hard, his cock fell atop her loins, reaching up along her abdomen.

She gulped. She hadn't realized how big it was until it was right lying on top of her. Even in her hands, he didn't feel so intensely masculine and strong. Or maybe she just hadn't noticed that she hadn't been able to encircle the impressive girth completely…

A jeer from Harley reminded Didi that they had an audience, "Boooo~! Don't fuck on the bar~! People drink there~!"

Sean just rolled his eyes, "If you're so concerned, you can clean it when we're done, Harley."


"With your tongue, you depraved little cuckquean."

"Oh yeah~! Now you're talking~!"

Shaking his head, Sean returned his full focus to Didi. The rest of the world seemed to fall away. Even the majority of her being — elsewhere doing what she always did — felt disconnected. Unimportant compared to what was happening here and now.

"H-How… How do we… do this…?" Didi stuttered.

"However you like, Didi."

"Then… Make love to me?"

"Are you asking me or is this your request~?" Sean teased.

"Make love to me," Didi said, finding her courage.

It was illogical but a part of Didi feared that Sean would reject her. She knew he wouldn't. He was, at the very least, fond of her. She could feel it through their connection. But even for the Endless, the heart was not so logical a thing.

Didi was so used to people leaving her. It was what they did. It was her self-imposed purpose for existence. It was the way of things for as long as she could remember. She was there for them in their most vulnerable moment. But that moment could never last forever. Eventually, they passed on. And Didi was left on her own again.

Sean sensed her hesitation and its source. He was the very definition of well-traveled. Wise even if he didn't act like it. As he said, he'd been in this situation before. Not exactly the same, but he could recognize abandonment issues when he saw them.

He had no plans for leaving Didi. Ever, potentially. He didn't even plan on dying again. 69 was such a nice number…

He'd be here for her for as long as she'd have him and then a little bit longer. Now, he just had to get that commitment across to Didi. He'd fuck it into her thick skull if he had to.

For such an ancient, well-grounded entity, Didi wasn't used to worrying about herself. For her entire existence, she'd been the one people leaned on. Sean was here to show her that wasn't the case with him. That an Endless series of fleeting connections wasn't all she had to look forward to.

He smiled down at her, putting everything into the expression. Kindness. Stability. His gratitude for everything she'd done, for everything Death had done for him. That connection they shared between something incomprehensibly Endless and something more comprehensible but no less potentially Endless.

"Didi," He started fondly. "What do you think would have happened to me if you left me keep drifting?"

Didi blinked at the seeming non sequitur, "… I don't know."

"I don't either. But I have a feeling I would have kept drifting forever. Between one life and the next with nothing to anchor me. What I do know is that you changed that. You anchored me, Didi. And I don't think I'll-… No… I WON'T ever let go of that anchor."

Didi stared up at him in shock as his declaration settled into her mind. The beautiful blush that colored her pale skin crept even farther down her chest. It reached for her ears.

Sean continued, "I feel I've been showing you that since we met but you haven't quite internalized my intentions. So I suppose I'll just have to state it plainly and make it clear to you…"

He paused for effect. At the same time, his hips drew back, dragging his cock down her tummy, over her clit, to pose before her entrance. He leaned down over her. One of his hands took hold of both of hers, drawing them above her head and intertwining their fingers there.

"I'm yours, Didi."

So close, his words were like a knife, stabbing thrills of startled, disbelieving happiness into Didi's mind. He pushed forward, punctuating this declaration in a way that couldn't be ignored. Her hands in his, her body laid bare before him, her pussy yielding to his slow, steady thrust, Didi was reduced to nothing but bliss and acceptance.

She came undone. She couldn't bring herself to deny Sean's words. Conviction and commitment radiated through their bond. He said it and so it was so. He was hers…

'And I'm his,' Didi realized within her mind.

Everything hit her all at once. Physical sensation, emotional reassurance, and the way Sean's soul stood strong for her to lean against Endlessly. Her body surrendered to him. A constant, gentle pressure stretched her upon his cock.

Just as he'd come into her existence, Sean invaded her most sacred place. Just like then, Didi accepted him, holding him there, cradling him. His hand in hers offered the support she so desperately needed. For once, Death of the Endless was just along for the blissful ride.

Sean thrust. In and out, he filled her with firm conviction. Pleasure overtook Didi's being. The rest of her existence faded into the background, nothing but white noise behind the moment. Her back arched.

Didi moaned, trying to put everything she was feeling into the few simple words she could manage right now, "Oooohh~ Sean~ Yeeess~!"

It should have made no sense. Sean understood. Didi knew he did. Laying atop her, his hips drove him deep. Her legs flexed around his waist, pulling him in even farther. For a moment, they stayed like that. Connected to an Endless extreme.

Sean pulled back. Didi tried to whine. All that came out was a pitiable whimper. She shook her head, her eyes closed as she tried to convey her complaints. Before she could find the right words, he was back.

Into her depths, Sean's cock carved a path. Didi let herself be molded around him. She hugged every inch of him. Her inner folds clung to his hardness. Unyielding, his cock flattened them into pleasurable submission.

So full. So stretched. Almost artfully sore and deliciously tender. So much contact. He was touching every bit of her. Inside her all the way down to her soul.

Didi had never felt so… felt. Seen. Sean knew her. Taught everything by their connection. Both physical and something more.

Sean rolled his hips. Didi found herself matching him. Over and over again, they CONNECTED. Truly. Deeply. Completely. They came together and Didi came apart.

Intense, rolling waves of pleasure wracked her body. She gave herself over to them. He pushed, rolled, and thrust deep inside her. He was unstoppable. Steady. Steel for Didi to lean herself upon and give herself over to.

Sean's forehead touched hers. Didi knew she would be staring into his soul if she opened her eyes. She did. She saw everything. It was overwhelming, even for the Endless. Lives Didi would never experience. A unique rarity. An impossibility. All culminating in this moment. In HER.

Didi surged upward to kiss him. She could do nothing else. Her lips met his. Despite initiating the kiss, she quickly submitted to Sean's lifetimes of sexual experience. Her world sparked and crackled, white flashes exploding on the edge of her vision.

It was like he was taking her by the hand, leading her on a road he'd walked many times before. A road that led higher and higher into heavenly ecstasy. He was there each time she came, coaxing her through it and not letting her fall. All Didi could do was follow Sean farther up. Past everything she thought was possible.

She came and came, building and building to a peak she couldn't yet see. Sean groaned into their kiss and the peak came into sight. A shuddering breath escaped Didi. A hot moan against Sean's lips.

His pace never changed. Still steady and firm, not quite slow but not too fast either. Perfectly pushing Didi ever upward. But Didi could feel him getting close.

His cock swelled inside her. She could feel every throb, every pulse of his blood through the sizable organ. Just a little bit thicker. Just a little bit harder. It was enough to send Didi tumbling in a sexual freefall.

Unable to control herself, Didi came. Heat swelled from her core, expanding like the light of an oncoming train in the night. She felt herself coil tighter, tighter, tighter! Just when she thought pain would join her immeasurable pleasure, Sean sheathed himself inside her and came as well.

An outside source quelled the heat from her core. Not in a way that quenched or cooled it but as if Sean's climax finally allowed the pressure of Didi's to release. Glass shattered. The bubble popped. The dam burst. Didi was swept away by a sudden wave of… EVERYTHING.

Rope after rope, pulse after shooting pulse, Sean filled Didi's deepest depths even more than she thought possible. A flood filled her core. Didi all but screamed a moan against Sean's lips.

She clung to him tightly. She never wanted to let go. With short, grinding rolls of his hips, Sean coaxed her through their combined climaxes. By the time she could finally think again, Didi was spent for the first time in her existence.

"O-Ohhh~" Didi moaned, still clinging tightly onto Sean. "I've never felt anything like that before…"

Sean chuckled, stroking her hair, "I'd be worried if you had. I don't exactly stick to 'mortal' marital arts."

Didi just hummed in response and enjoyed their embrace. In the background with their audience, Ivy stared in dumbfounded shock, "Did… Is that what he did to me?!"

Harley giggled, "Yeah, Red. Hot as fuck, isn't it?"

Ivy could only nod speechlessly.

"Hey, Red, think you can stand yet?" Harley asked her stunned girlfriend.

"Not well, but I think I could manage," Ivy absently replied. "Why?"

Harley grinned, hopping to her feet eagerly and taking Ivy with her, "'Cause it's clean-up time~!"

Ivy squeaked, "Ah~! Harley, no!"

"Harley, yes~!"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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