75% DC: Reborn Thea Queen / Chapter 3: Heir

บท 3: Heir

Unbeknownst to Thea, she was under the watchful eye of yet another adoring villainous figure. Nursing her internal wounds, she remained confined at home, her spirit dampened for three days.

In her room, she turned to her computer to explore the vast expanse of information online. The lineup featured Superman, Batman, and A.R.G.U.S. This discovery left her with a pounding headache.

The unmistakable truth: this was a DC universe. Her familiarity with this world was sorely lacking. Vague memories of numerous parallel universes came to mind—the convoluted landscape of Earth One, Earth Two, and Earth Fifty-Two. The world's framework felt devoid of any context. The central city near her own Star City would be transformed into a sieve by the Flashes. She had the urge to capture stupid screenwriters.

Sighing, she realized she had no intention of saving the world. All she sought was a quiet life as a beautiful individual—or should she say, a beautiful woman? Watching the heroes silently save the world, she wondered: wouldn't the world remain safe with Superman around? If Superman couldn't manage, the Flash would soon emerge to sort things out. There wasn't anything particularly dreadful about her situation. After all, the world wasn't out to get her. Her mindset remained unperturbed.

"Dear, would you like to accompany me to the dinner party?" Moira asked with a hint of bitterness.

Looking into her mother's eyes, filled with warmth, Thea felt a pang of sorrow. Over the past three days, Moira had been trying to explain herself, seeking forgiveness from her. With their concerted efforts, their strained relationship seemed to be emerging from the shadows—or at least, that's what Moira believed.

After spending three days holed up indoors, Thea was getting antsy. Seizing the opportunity to venture out, she hoped to ascertain what advantages her biological father could offer. In the original storyline, Malcolm had focused all his attention on Thea due to Tommy's death. But now, with Tommy alive and well, despite Laurel's constant pressure, he was still breathing. Though Malcolm couldn't lavish all his attention on her, there was a hint of it.

In an effort to comfort Moira and put her at ease, Thea eschewed her typical neutral attire. She clenched her teeth and donned a floor-length skirt that concealed her feet. Struggling with high heels, she eventually switched to flats. Thankfully, her naturally long legs and slim physique worked in her favor.

----Scene Break----

Mother and daughter arrived at the venue together—a rather ordinary charity dinner. Moira continuously introduced Thea to various wealthy businessmen and influential officials. While Thea hadn't quite defined her future path, connections were better than nothing. Even if Oliver returned, he'd likely remain disinterested in the family business. Her own residence might also represent a repository of guilt in his heart.

Taking over the Queen Consolidated was a considerable responsibility for Thea. The company's weapons research and development department rivaled Batman's Wayne Enterprises. She recalled the Atom's suit being a fruit of the Quinn Consolidated weapons research and development division. Was it ambition or sheer desire? The power at her disposal, gained through her transformation from male to female, begged the question: would Oliver object if she were to relinquish such a substantial company for compensation?

In this moment, following Moira's introductions, Thea greeted the assembled guests one by one, displaying impeccable manners and refinement. In the future, she could serve as Oliver's assistant when he became the mayor, showcasing her remarkable capabilities.

Observing the sea of guests, she couldn't help but wonder how many of their names were etched in the small journal of the Green Arrow. This seemingly ordinary book possessed an air of enchantment. In theory, it was the diary of Robert's adopted father — Oliver's father-in-law — intended to be singular. Yet, the peculiar thing was that Moira also possessed a miniature copy, and even Prometheus in the fifth season had raised suspicions about the existence of such a list diary.

Adding to the intrigue, every diary shared nearly identical dimensions and specifications, featuring the same emblem on the cover: a city subway map. Could it be that Malcolm had commissioned a batch of these journals from the Red Star Printing Factory to maintain organizational consistency? Were members each given one?

Oliver's personal tragedy was once thought to be a closely guarded secret. A story veiled for five years, until he discovered that numerous members possessed the diary. As she lamented about her penny-pinching older brother, another sibling came forward to greet.

"Hey, Thea, you haven't been seen for the past couple of days. Heard you were under the weather?"

Only Tommy could initiate a conversation with such charming inappropriateness. Truly, an outsider might find it shocking, but that's because they aren't privy to their brotherly relationship. Tommy wasn't showing much interest in this so-called gala. He sported a uniform and a white shirt unbuttoned halfway, sans tie. Casually swaggering in, he accompanied Laurel, who donned a black gown, a shoulder bag slung over her arm, and a silver necklace adorning her neck.

As Thea watched the two, lost in their own world, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings, she turned away, realizing Tommy's subtle implication: he wasn't and would never be particularly interested in her, just hoping not to damage their platonic relationship. A message meant to discourage any romantic overtones. It seemed Malcolm hadn't told him the truth? Or maybe he just hadn't been home lately, too busy canoodling with his girlfriend day and night? She really wanted to grab him and yell out "You're overthinking, I was only acting, understood!?"

But of course she couldn't actually say that. What expression should she have now? Feign remorse knowing the truth about his mistaken impression? Look sad? Upset? Her scalp tingled anxiously.

Tommy regarded me nervously, afraid that he might trigger too strong a reaction. It was nice to have someone who understood. Laurel had grown up with Tommy and Oliver since they were young, occupying a unique space in their relationship. She was familiar with me as well. What she didn't know, though, was that no matter who she eventually chose, I would become her aunt. A magical twist in the plot indeed.

Laurel generously gave Thea a warm hug, easing the awkward tension. The two women chatted meaninglessly for a bit.

Regarding Oliver's epic love, the future Black Canary, and eventual official partner of the Green Arrow, Thea felt conflicted. Oliver loved Laurel profoundly it was said, carrying her photo for 5 years on the island, their bond stronger than metal apparently! But in those 5 years, Oliver had rolled around in the sheets with nearly every woman Thea knew. Was that really the way to show true love?

And Laurel had strung Tommy along for 5 years before finally accepting him. Unexpectedly, the moment Oliver returned, she'd promptly swing back.

The charm of her long lost brother had clearly broken through the atmosphere, and Thea decided not to get dragged into their love triangle troubles anymore. If she somehow managed to save Tommy later at his critical juncture, she would make sure to lock down their messy romance for good.

She had no idea how many season the Arrow show had before it wrapped, wouldn't it make things more wonderfully complicated if Laurel's sister got pulled onto the hero team as well? A love square? Maybe the stress would finally make the Arrow throw up his hands and just run off with Tommy to live happily ever after!?

Ugh, how nauseating! Bored by her absurd mental meanderings, Thea politely bid the two goodbye for now and went off looking for some breathing room on her own.

----Scene Break----

Moira and Malcolm found themselves engaged in a non-violent yet far from ordinary conversation within a hidden room at that moment.

"Malcolm, are you actually considering involving Thea in the company's operations? You must have lost your mind! She's still just a child, she should be focused on finishing high school! She deserves a happy life instead of getting dragged into the corporate world and its deceptions," Moira protested angrily.

"Listen to me. She's contesting the fact that she's the only heir to Queen Enterprises at the moment. You think your coddling is doing her any favors? Look at what's become of Oliver you raised! A hedonistic, aimless wanderer with no sense of responsibility. That's your biggest failure as a parent!" Malcolm snapped harshly.

Hearing this, Moira smiled mockingly "While your Tommy turned out much better I suppose!"

These words slightly embarrassed Malcolm. The comparison wasn't exactly fair. After all, Oliver and Tommy were both notorious playboys. Expelled from four different schools, Tommy had managed three, and neither ever completed their education. Engaging in relentless competition in every aspect—parties, women, recklessness—the two had spent years in a rivalry of victories and losses.

Reflecting on his own approach to parenting, Malcolm decided it wasn't worth debating who had done a worse job.

"Very well, let's put that aside for now. Eventually, you do agree that Thea will have to take over all of this, don't you?"

"Of course not! I love Thea, she's my daughter!"

Malcolm's voice carried a deep conviction. "She's my daughter as well."

Their exchange left a momentary awkwardness hanging between them. As they approached the windows, they observed the trio of Tommy, Laurel, and a third person engaged in a discussion in the hall.

"Didn't you tell Tommy about all this? Why are those two still messing around?" Moira gazed at the cozy trio questioningly.

Malcolm sighed that he hadn't seen his son at all since the funeral. What was he supposed to do? Text message the news to him? ' Oh hey there Tommy! You now have a younger sister'. He couldn't pinpoint when their relationship had shifted from reverence to the current neutrality. His son's expectation of him was simply to act as a cash dispenser.

"I haven't had the chance to tell him yet, but I'm prepared to..." Before he could finish his sentence, Moira interjected with urgency. "You're utterly deranged! Can you imagine what might happen if they keep going down this path?"

Malcolm grimaced anxiously. What if Thea did something crazy for revenge or to ruin everything? With his current unhinged mental state, his thoughts raced frantically with crank theories about the thousand ways this could all go catastrophically wrong, leaving him anxious and sleepless at night. He could only arrange to have her watched round the clock, but that wasn't sustainable long-term.

And Tommy hadn't shown any inclination to speak with him, leaving him no openings to explain any of this. Should he just truss up his son in ropes with a bow and an arrow aimed at his head to force him to listen to the whole story!?

The complicated interpersonal dynamics were depressing Malcolm, but he continued explaining his rationale. "My parenting may have failed, yet we're both still alive. The mistakes of youth can be corrected. I'm planning to send Tommy to Merlyn Global soon to start working. And you should have Thea enter Queen Consolidated as well. Let's see what our scions can accomplish there. If Thea performs strongly, she can potentially inherit Merlyn Global someday too."

Huh? This pronouncement made Moira's eyes gleam - women do maintain certain advantages after all. Upon hearing her daughter might have a shot at inheriting the mighty Merlyn Global, Moira instantly discarded notions of a happy high school experience for Thea. Although she had watched Tommy grow up herself, Moira resolved to make things happen for her own daughter's future. Pausing in contemplation, she quickly responded "Alright, you have a deal - I promise I'll go back and talk to Thea about it."

Malcolm ordered once more "We can't directly assist them, it will depend on their own capabilities."

Moira nodded in agreement, though both were actually quite dubious, since neither of their children exhibited any outstanding talents thus far. Thea had been an obedient daughter before. Her home and school life were devoid of any remarkable traits. Tommy's specialty was spending money, and his money-making abilities could only be rated as so-so.

----Scene Break----

And then, unexpectedly…

"What!? Mom, you want me to start working at Queen Consolidated tomorrow? I'm only 15 years old!" Although Thea had mused about inheriting the company, she didn't expect to be installed in office so abruptly! Did child labor laws not exist here!? And she understood absolutely nothing about business.

Returning home, Moira considered the notion fairly absurd, but she had already agreed to it. And comparing Thea to Tommy, she reckoned her daughter had better odds of success. Naturally, the gamble couldn't be revealed to her little girl. She gently admonished, "Dear, you're all grown up. The company belongs to you and only you. Whether it's for your late father or brother, you must shoulder these burdens as soon as possible. You can't run away from it; this is your destiny."

Whenever someone declared "this is your destiny!" melodramatically in a TV show, invariably it signified a huge mess coming that couldn't be avoided. Moira's spiel felt a bit like the Lord of the Rings scene with Galadriel. Destiny named, refusal futile! Still Thea hesitantly asked "What exactly will I be doing there?" implying that while we can't back out of this now Mother, at least hook your daughter up with a decent role for appearances sake?

Indeed, Moira agonized over what someone so young could plausibly accomplish. Barely fifteen, no degree, not even a high school graduate yet - what job could she handle? Although Queen Consolidated was a family-run business, outside shareholders existed too. Installing a high schooler in upper management would be a blatant act to feed ammunition to rival news outlets. Her husband's tragic demise was still generating lurid headlines daily, only having died down slightly the past couple days. Did they need to stir up another media frenzy focused on the Queen family's bizarre antics!?

These qualms couldn't be confessed to her daughter obviously. Reveal the awkward truths now and Thea would surely balk completely at the whole charade, refusing to participate at all. She could only utilize some stalling tactics initially.

Hence Moira declared seriously "You'll understand the arrangements when you arrive. I'll have my secretary first show you some background materials on the company, so you gain a general grasp. Tomorrow I'm taking you to meet the executive team."

---- -----

Moira's secretary arrived and went swiftly, handing Thea a large stack of materials. Moira instructed her to take everything back to her room for close examination.

Obeying her mother's command, Thea lugged the pile of heavy documents back to her room. This represented the foundation of her entire future life ahead. She would need to scrutinize it all carefully. Concurrently, she took out a notebook and began recording the profiles of several key executives, making some basic personality assessments based on their work history and tendencies. It was wise preparation to anticipate who might be assigned to oversee her role tomorrow.

What...why only document a few top executives? Would she perhaps be stationed as some junior gate guard instead? How could that happen as the sole heiress? Surely her mother wouldn't arrange for her to become a mere security guard!? This wasn't some fantasy novel.

Thea slowly analyzed the current situation of Queen Consolidated in detail. The conglomerate employed over 30,000 people globally, with branches all over the world. Core operations centered around steel smelting and nonferrous metal mining. Their steel holdings accounted for 7% of US production and 4.1% globally - titanic tycoons within the industry.

Concurrently, the company had adopted diversified investments into areas like weapons R&D and biopharmaceuticals as well, achieving moderate results thus far. However, review showed minimal conversion of the heavy annual research spending into meaningful engines driving economic growth. The whopping sums poured into those initiatives remained an enormous burden draining finances instead.

Glancing through the various reports on hand and comparing against prior year data, Thea noticed the corporation had been aggressively purchasing real estate assets over the past year. The once abundant cash flows were displaying a contraction trend as well, hardly signs of healthy operations. Cross-checking recent plots acquired against a map of Starling City, she discovered they were all located downtown in the destitute Glades district. Recalling the original plot lines, it seemed Robert had directed Moira to conduct those acquisitions? In order to prevent Malcolm from utilizing a seismic device to level the Glades, the Queens had secretly been buying out property holdings there bit by bit. What sort of demented strategy was that!?

Robert had known Malcolm for decades as a close friend. How could he fail to realize this man possessed no moral baseline nor compunctions whatsoever!? Yet Robert had hoped owning the very land Malcolm sought to obliterate would somehow restrain him through their affectionate bond? How ludicrous. If human lives held no meaning, ownership deeds would hardly inhibit a madman like Malcolm either. Robert's fatal slip was neglecting to explicitly warn Oliver about his old comrade's vile ambitions in his message. Exposing the whole truth immediately in Season 1 could have resolved everything in a single episode without dragging out to twenty three

Reviewing the dense property purchases only amplified Thea's headaches. Soon, Malcolm would attempt an imitation of Whitebeard's shockwave tilt against Marineford, but with the entire Glades as his target, hence the urgency of securing control over the region.

Star City was literally a disaster zone. In the show's first year, Malcolm had unleashed his quake gambit. Over 500 lives were lost, including his own son Tommy, stopped only by the Arrow's intervention. The second saw Deathstroke bring an army of Mirakuru super soldiers to run amok, transforming downtown into a bloodbath. By the third, the league of assassin set off a biological WMD attack. And in the fourth, the magical Damien Darhk shipped in over 15,000 nuclear warheads, ready to ignite Armageddon. What bright hopes could she reasonably hold by snatching up all this land in such a beleaguered place, beyond praying for a miracle!?

Perusing the ongoing property purchases with pen in hand, Thea felt increasingly bleak about the situation. Even after Robert's demise, real estate grabs in the Glades showed zero signs of abating. In barely two weeks, Moira had sealed deals on three additional plots already.

It appeared his grieving widow was faithfully carrying out her late husband's wishes to the letter, albeit with no tangible returns realized so far. And the implication was Queen Consolidated would persist dumping mountains of cash into this endless money pit for years to come. Either the corporation possessed secret backup organs to survive the fiscal blood loss, or they were fated to make agonized expressions of utter defeat sooner or later.

No wonder then that by Season three, scientist tycoon Ray Palmer found it effortless to acquire the floundering Queen Consolidated. Maintaining such a reckless financial trajectory, they were lucky to even survive eight more years. The conglomerate seemed extraordinarily flush with funds presently, yet it was their own wealth being foolishly squandered away. If future events unfolded similarly, Oliver wouldn't even inherit table scraps, let alone feast on his girlfriend's company. And the promising job of security guard could vanish too. The nonsense had to be reversed.

Of course, rectifying matters would be vastly easier said than done at this stage. Lacking evidence, Thea could hardly persuade anyone that daddy dearest would go cuckoo later and try pulverizing half the city into rubble. Not a soul would believe such a outlandish tale.

Her only recourse was rising to a senior leadership role someday capable of vetoing continued land grabs in the Glades district. As for preventing Malcolm's crazed rampage itself, perhaps their familial bond might restrain him when the time came. But what about the successor villains in following years? Too many unpredictable factors lingered ahead. She was hardly at a level yet to declare invincibility upon the world. There remained five long years separation from the show's opening events.

----Scene Break---

The next morning, Thea got up early and applied light makeup. Fortunately, her inherent aptitudes were sufficiently durable. Soul transition side effects had minimal impact on fine motor skills and delicate tasks. Selecting professional attire posed slight difficulties though. After all, this marked her first formal workplace debut, so appearances mattered greatly. She picked a beige women's business suit with straight navy blue office skirt falling just past the knees - modest without sacrificing smart capable vibes.

Rummaging through the shoe options, Thea grabbed a pair of black high heels under 5 cm tall and took a few experimental steps. Feeling fairly stable in them, the initial discomfort had faded substantially by now. The native Thea personality grew more dominant daily. Get changed for the big day.

After coming downstairs, Moira had already waited quite a while. She understood her daughter's flighty temperament all too well. Past Thea exceeded in procrastination and manufacturing excuses to shirk unpleasant duties.

Anticipating heaps of pointless resistance to the mandated employment, Moira prepared multiple streams of gentle persuasion and encouragement. Hence she was stunned seeing her little girl descending the steps readily without the slightest fuss, no scissors nor gasoline in hand! Dressed professionally too! This boded very well, elating Moira greatly.

The two Queen women motored to the company building, Thea quizzing her mother along the way about the corporation's latest situation. After all, some critical contexts could never be conveyed merely through written reports. Moira swelled happily that her daughter was exhibiting such thoughtfulness - asking strategic questions signaled having digested the provided info quite attentively. If it had been Oliver, he probably couldn't even locate the buildings entrance.

In order to compensate somewhat for the cold indifference displayed toward Moira recently while acting, Thea deliberately accentuated her affectionate side this morning.

Beaming dazzlingly, Moira almost danced to the company doors. Over twenty long years, neither child had pleased her so deeply. One son knew only indifference while causing endless trouble, the daughter finally brought sunshine and joy like the moon. Although Oliver had died, sensitive Thea comforting her spirit replaced the tragic void significantly.

Brimming with optimism far beyond normal levels, Moira scheduled meetings with several key figures, pulling Thea along into the corporate halls.

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