53.12% Playing With Magic / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Metamorphmagus

บท 15: Chapter 15: Metamorphmagus

Previously on Playing With Magic

OK, now I can go find Tonks. I didn't want to just walk up to her in the Great hall or creep around either. The problem was that she wasn't much of a library person either. But it's the weekend now, I have time to find her.


Jonathan Grey (MC)


Heading towards the Great Hall with the intention of finding Nymphadora Tonks. My plan was straightforward: locate Tonks, change my hair colour like she does, and hope she'd be intrigued enough to help me practise my abilities. Then settle the deal with a [Firm Handshake]. But first, I had to lose my tail for the nth time this week. It's reached the point that some students asked to escort me to McGonagall's classroom just to be safe.

"Don't let the mud-blood get round the corner, he must know the hidden passageways, that's how he keeps disappearing." That sounded a lot like Draco. Looking back I confirmed it, wait, is that Zakarias Smith with them? He's Hufflepuff. They were supposed to be the best of us!

After turning the corner I used my go-to stealth combo, [Invisibility] and [Muffle], like I always did in these moments, and just waited for them to run past me before using another path. It's kind of ironic, they say midbloods aren't worth their time but would take time out of their weekend to chase one.

I may have stayed away from the main cast since school started but some people still didn't like the fact that I was doing so well in lessons and getting so many points for the house. I had already gained around 150 points in just the first couple of days so some people just wanted to 'let me know my place'.

As I moved, I focused on sensing Tonk's unique magical signatures. Surprisingly, I detected her signature not far from where I was, but it wasn't coming from the Great Hall as I had expected. Instead, it led me to an abandoned classroom. Its door had a silencing charm, muffling the sounds of magic being practised on the other side.

I pushed the door open quietly and stepped inside. The room had the furniture pushed to the edges, Tonks was in the midst of casting spells, she hadn't noticed my arrival or the door opening for that matter. Her current form was casual, her hair a vibrant shade of turquoise that reflected…whatever emotion it was supposed to.

"The charm-," I started, which caused her to yelp in surprise and instantly turn to my direction with her wand pointing straight for my head. "-on the door wouldn't be my first choice, it will still let out some sound, silencing wards would have been better."

She blinked as she regarded me, only slightly lowering her wand and becoming less tense as she realised my age.

"Practising some magic?" I asked with a friendly tone in my voice, hoping to ease the surprise.

 "Morgana's left saggy tit." She muttered under her breath before taking a breath, "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed, a mix of admonishment and relief in her voice. "How did you walk in so quietly without me noticing?"

I offered a smile. "Sorry to interrupt, I was actually looking for you," I explained, completely sidestepping her question, my gaze shifting briefly to the wand still in her hand before meeting her eyes again. "I've discovered something...unique about my body and thought you might be able to help me understand it better."

Tonks, her initial shock fading into a deadpan stare, lowered her wand and clenched her jaw in what I would assume was annoyance. "I prefer guys around my own age or older, thank you very much. So run along now little firsty."

"What?- No, I mean magically, like yours." She must get hit on a lot just because she's a metamorph-magus and thought that I was doing the same. With all my ability to use LegilimensI really don't like going into people's heads, the sheer amount of sexual images and thoughts I had to delete from my mind because of the test I did against other students is absurd. I know I had sexual thoughts when I was their age but some of the things I saw were just…ugh. Maybe I'm too vanilla.

"Oh? And what might that be?" Her eyebrow now slightly raised, the previous annoyance turning into curiosity, but she still remained on guard. Have the Weasley twins pranked her before?

"Well," I started by putting my hands up to show that they were empty, then changed my hair colour using wandless magic. "See? It's just like yours. Can you show me what else I can do with it?"

Her hair changed colour as she raised the other brow, lowering her wand even more. "Huh, is that it?" Seeing my confused look, she continued. "I mean can you change other stuff, like hair length, ears, nose, y'known?"

"I haven't really tried, and I kind of didn't want to either. Just in case I got it wrong and I was stuck that way," I told the now pink-haired girl before casually walking forward and reaching out my hand, her wand didn't go back up so that's good news. "I'm John, by the way, Johnathan Grey, but you can call me John."

Switching her wand to her left hand, she shook mine, "Tonks, just Tonks. Nice to meet you."

[Bloodline ability assimilated]


[Allows the witch or wizard the rare, innate ability to change their physical features and appearance at will, without the need for spells or potions.]

"It's nice to meet you too." Wasn't this supposed to take a while? Why did it auto-complete? Is it because I was already good enough at self-transfiguration to alter my appearance at will? Might as well use it.

"So if I tried now, would you be able to fix it if I get stuck?" I asked.

"Sure," she shrugged. Clearly not bothered, we both knew all she would have to do was take me to Madam Pomfrey anyway.

"Alright, here goes…" I changed my facial features to match hers, which caused her to give me a weird look. "How's that?"

"That's weird," she muttered to herself before addressing me, "change back now before I hex you, people don't always like when you change into them."

"Oh, sorry," I changed back smoothly. "So?"

"That was good, especially for a first try. It took me a while to get to the point that I could change into a person and not even miss a single feature." She looked up at my hair and noticed it hadn't changed like hers did before looking back at my eyes suspiciously. "Are you sure this was your first time using it? I think I would have heard someone changing their hair colour all the time."

"I'm muggle-born. If I had changed my hair like you all the time, it would have been a big problem. I had to learn to control myself." That seemed to placate her a little.

Gaining a frown, she asked, "You learned to control it…in the muggle world?"

"Oh yeah, meditation. I did it sometime because I heard it helps with stress relief and stuff." I shrugged. "It turns out it helps with other stuff. I think that's why Occlumency was so easy."

Her frown became even more pronounced. "You know, Occlumency." I nodded. "How old are you again?"


"You expect me to believe an eleven-year-old knows Occlumency," Tonks said, to which I shrugged. Tonks regarded me for the next few seconds - enough to make it weird. So I broke the silence before she broke her sanity. "So what were you practising?"

"Just some seventh-year magic, you'll get there at some point. You've learned your little trick, just keep practising, and you'll be alright. If anything happens, go to Madam Pomphrey." She said dismissively. "I'm a little busy right now, you should get going now, your friends-."

"Let's spar a little," I interrupted with a small smile before she could finish her sentence."Let's see if my age has more bearing than my ability to use magic most my age cannot, shall we."

"What-," Quickly summoning my wand from my wrist holster, I sent out a stunner. She was forced to throw up a shield, the [Protego] was quick to appear and strong enough to withstand the spell, but she was in her final year and would soon be an apprentice of Moody, so I wasn't surprised. If anything, she could have just dodged and then returned fire, but it might be because I'm eleven, she probably wants to size me up to see how much I can take.

With a small frown, she sent out a disarming charm, and as soon as I sidestepped the spell, I had to duck under a stunner heading straight for my head. Now she had a raised eyebrow and a smirk. A smirk I returned as I got into a more obvious ready stance than my usual casual/ready demeanour I normally walk around in and saw that she was getting into a stance of her own. 

"This is going to be fun," it's about time I stretched my legs a little.

"Nah, this is gonna be an ass-whoopin'," she shot back.

"For you, maybe."

I didn't immediately make it obvious how outmatched she was. The first few spells we exchanged were only disarming charms, knockback jinxed and some other childish ones like the dancing jinx. All of which we both dodged. Amidst the flurry of spells and counters, I decided to escalate the challenge, just to push her a little.

Using [Conjure Familiar], I summoned a spectral wolf off to my right to flank hers. Tonks, focused on my initial direct assaults, was momentarily caught off guard by the appearance of the ethereal wolf. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the wolf coalescing into form, poised and ready, but she didn't lose her composure. If anything it seemed to make her more focused if the squinting of her eyes and slightly lowered stance was anything to go by.


As she was using her knockback jinx to try and deal with the wolf, I had the wolf jump over her first spell while simultaneously extending my hand toward one of the chairs that were pushed to the edge of the room. Grasping it with [Telekinesis], I quickly sent the chair sliding across the floor aiming to sweep Tonks's legs from under her.

Tonks, having just dealt with the [Conjured Wolf], half turned to face this new threat, her reflexes sharp. I made sure the chair scraped across the floor to make a little noise, it was always supposed to be a distraction, and it was enough. Her balance wavered as she managed to deflect the chair with a hastily cast [Pretego], but the shield was only aimed in the chair's direction.

Seizing the moment, I advanced, sending out a quick [Stupefy] that hit her shoulder and an [Arresto Momentum] to slow her descent to the floor as she dove into dreamland.

"Night-Night, Nymphadora."

[Win your first magical duel: +50 SP]

[Participate in a magical duel: +10 SP]

[Effectively assisted in the education of another: +2]

[Current SP: 25,654]

Good haul for just one practice duel. I never really got any points for playing sports on the no-maj side, I guess it has to do with being in an actual fight. I'll have to try hand-to-hand combat to find out.

With a gentle wave of my wand, I used [Rennervate], the reviving spell, to ease Tonks back to consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she looked disoriented.

"Wake the fuck up, samurai, we have a city to burn."

"…What?" She looks so confused right now.

"Never mind, only people of culture would understand," I replied with a sad shake of my head, like she had somehow disappointed me.

"What does that even-" Tonks groaned, "You know what? That doesn't matter. What troll hit me?" she continued, her hair shifting through a kaleidoscope of colours as if reflecting a dizzy state. "And watch your language."

I couldn't help but chuckle, offering her a hand to help her sit up fully. "I've gone through life assuming I was at least better looking than a troll," I quipped.

Tonks accepted my hand, pulling herself up with my support. She brushed off her robes, wearing a grin that showed she took the outcome in stride. After a moment of collecting herself, she asked, "Was this a test for the student programme?" 

"Student programme?" I blinked. "This was just a personal challenge because I was bored. What student programme are you talking about?"

"Y'know, the Ministry of Magic student programme?" Seeing my confusion, she continued. "It allows Hogwarts students to get first-hand experience in different Ministry careers?"

"First I've been told of this. Is that why you're practising magic here instead of going to Hogsmeade or something?" I asked.

Tonks nodded, "Pretty much, yeah. I'm trying to be an auror so," she said, before gesturing to the room, "here I am practising."

"You did alright. Spatial awareness and reflexes were good enough to react to the chair, could have used a [Protago Totalum] when you half turned to cover you on both ends, just to be safe."

She regarded me for a few seconds. "Who are you?"

I continued, "You should probably work on your ability to sense magic, that way you'd be able to start dodging spells without even having to see them."

"...Seriously, who are you?" Tonks was now eying me suspiciously. "You said you were muggle-born, yet you beat me, a seventh-year, in a magic duel. Used a spell I've never even heard of to conjure a…ghostwolf-"

"-Spectral wolf." I corrected.

"-and you still expect me to believe you are some random first year that's only known about magic for a few months?" At this point I was getting a deadpan expression like she had found someone giving the dumbest lie in existence to get out of trouble. 

"How very Auror of you." I responded with a smile. "But no, magic seems to come easily to me. I'll help you with your magic sense and give you some pointers." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"The real question is," I said with a challenging smirk as I backed up, wand ready. "Do you want to go again?" My smirk, now a full-blown grin. "Or is the little firsty too much for you?"

"Seriously, who the fuck are you?!" she asked with a grin of her own even as she got into a stance of her own, accepting the challenge.

"Language." I admonished with a smirk that seemed to irritate her for some reason.


Ministry of Magic

Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Amelia Bones' Office


"So let me get this straight," Amelia Bones, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, peered at Dumbledore across her desk in disbelief. "You're telling me that you believe Hogwarts is under a potential threat, due to an object that was entrusted to you by none other than Nicolas Flamel. A threat that could very well have gotten through Hogwarts' wards somehow through one of its current inhabitants, whether they be willing or not."

Dumbledore, with a serene yet grave look upon his face, replied. "That would be correct, yes. With it being of great importance, I knew that it would require your attention and discretion. Is this room secure?"

Amelia already had her wand in her hand before he finished his sentence, activating the security and secrecy wards. "Can you elaborate, Albus? What is the object exactly? What kind of threat are we discussing here?" she inquired, her tone laced with urgency.

Dumbledore nodded. "It is an object of great power, one that, in the wrong hands, could be used to grievous ends. Nicolas and I have taken great pains to ensure its security over the years, but recent developments have led me to believe that its safety, and consequently that of the school, may be compromised."

Amelia regarded the headmaster for a few seconds. "Albus, you just said a lot of words and still barely told me anything. I don't have time for this. What exactly is the object? And what kind of threat are we discussing."

"Ah, my apologies. The object is the philosopher's stone. It is a ruby-red Stone that is used to create the Elixir of Life, which made the drinker immortal, as well as transform any metal-."

"-Into gold. I know what it is, Albus," Amelia interrupted rather irritatedly, "Why do you have it in the first place? In a school of all places. There are kids there, and everyone from around the world wants that stone."

"Why, to study it, of course. I am a scholar, after all. Imagine the wondrous cures it could create that we have been unable to create even with the magic we wield." Dumbledore started. "Or if it could be duplicated, we would never need so many rooms in St Mungo's. Imagine a miracle potion that could cure werewolves of their affliction. It would have been wondrous."

"That only tells me the great things that could be done with it, it says nothing about why you thought a school would be the best place for it to be. A school of children. One of which is my niece." Amelia responded firmly, "Firstly, I believe a thorough investigation is necessary to determine the nature and intent of any parties interested in this object. Secondly, we may need to enhance the security measures at Hogwarts, as well as around the object itself."

"Oh, I don't think that would be necessary, my dear," Dumbledore replied casually.

"Excuse me?" Amelia shot back incredulously, now looking at the headmaster has grown a second head, "You came in here, to tell me, that there was a threat. To a school of children." Her tone getting more aggressive by the moment, "And you are telling me that an investigation and increase in security measures won't be necessary? Albus…have you lost your bloody mind?!"

"Ah, you see, I plan to get your permission to have an emergency international portkey made for obvious security reasons so I can return it to its creator." Dumbledore said in a placating manner, "If there is no stone then hopefully the threat goes with it, that is all I meant my dear."

"Consider it done, Albus," Amelia immediately responded with a sigh to calm herself down, her voice remaining resolute. "I'll arrange for a team to escort you so that there are no issues, and we'll coordinate with Hogwarts to bolster its defences should it be necessary. Your concerns are my concerns; the safety of the students is paramount. Let me know if anything seems suspicious."

"Of course, my dear," Dumbledore stood, a gesture of both appreciation and farewell. "Thank you, Amelia. Your dedication is, as always, invaluable. I will provide you with all the information you need. I will wait outside for your Aurors to escort me when the paperwork is complete."

As Dumbledore left the office, he could swear he heard Amelia mutter the phrase, 'for fuck sake'. Regardless, a moment later she had signed relevant documentation and was already in motion, issuing orders and setting things in motion. Soon enough, Dumbledore was in France, meeting with an old friend.


"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change."

— Albert Einstein.


Author Here

Dumbledore seems to be covering his bottom for when the school gets attacked? I mean why tell a person, who is going to tell other people to escort you, then put it in a report that other people can read? Dumbledore's moving different.

Also, John became a metamorphmagus, no big deal. The reason the assimilation happened so fast was that he was already really good at self-transfiguration, it just made sense that he would get it alot quicker.

How was the spar? I just hope it gave a good picture of the duel. I always preferred fights that gave me a better picture of what was going on instead of just, 'they fought for a few seconds and he won'. Unless the fight is too inconsequential or the character is fighting multiple opponents, in that case it makes sense that each fight might be cut short. The fight was short because of the skill and power difference, there might be longer ones in future as I improve. If there is anyway you think it could be improved, let me know.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


If you want to support me, join me on Patreon. Any and all support is appreciated.

Pat reon (.com) /Lightest_Reader


Thank you for reading.

Stay awesome.

Until next time.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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