43.75% Playing With Magic / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Hogwarts

บท 12: Chapter 12: Hogwarts

Previously on Playing With Magic

"We have now arrived at Hogsmeade Station! We have now arrived at Hogsmeade Station! Please watch your step as you depart, thank you!"


Hogsmeade Station


Johnathan Grey


As the four of us scampered off the train with the other students, I caught my first glimpses of the big friendly giant himself. Robie Coltrane- I mean Hagrid. He was a lot bigger than the movies but looked just like he did in movies.

"Firs' years students! firs' year students! Gather round over 'ere!" Hagrid's booming voice echoed. Holding up a lantern. We joined the gathering crowd just as he seemed to spot someone. "You alright there, Harry?"

If it wasn't for his jovial demeanour, these kids would most likely have very brown pants right now. The guy is absolutely huge. I knew he would be, but damn.

"...wow. Who's that?" I was asked as Justin stared in astonishment at his sheer size.

"That's Hagrid, Hogwarts groundskeeper."

"is tha' all o' yeh?" his voice called out, as he waved his massive hand. "All right, come on now. Follow me. Mind your step. It's gettin' dark out here." he said, motioning for us to follow him, leading the way towards the awaiting boats by the water's edge.

As we walked, I could easily pick out the main characters. There were Malfoys and his crannies grouped together. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville. I know if I'm the only transmigration here when the sorting starts.

"All right now, no more than four to a boat," Hagrid announced, his voice carrying over the excited chatter of the students. The four of us piled onto the boat, settling in for the ride. The enchantments on them were all linked to Hagrids, so the kids couldn't wonder off.

"Do we have to row the entire way there?" We're in the magical world, we had to teleport to get our school supplies. Why would we suddenly have to row, Justin?

"No, just watch."

"Everyone ready?" Hagrid asked as he looked around at us. "All right- FORWARD!"

And we were off.

As we made our way across the lake, before docking on the other end, we caught our first glance at Hogwarts. We stared in awe, it was breathtaking. The tall grandiose towers, the walls and the light illuminating in the night sky. But I was also feeling the sheer amount and quality of magic I could feel from it, and it was amazing.

"Here we are," Hagrig informed as the boats came to a stop at a small harbour. We all clambered off. "Come along."

As we followed him I noticed a few students stumbling on a few roots. So I brandished my wand and cast a floating [Magelight] above us, earning me a few gasps in surprise, gratitude and awe…and maybe jealousy, if the look on Malfoy's face was anything to go by.

I cancelled it as we reached some stone steps. Soon enough we made it to some large oak doors and Hagrid wrapped his massive hand.

The door groaned open to reveal the Deputy Headmistress.

"Firs' years Professor," Hagrid said motioning to us.

"Thank you Hagrid, I'll take it from here." She responded with a nod as she redirected her attention to look at us all.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said, her voice crisp and authoritative. "Follow me, please. I will show you to the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony."

We fell into step behind her like little ducklings. As we walked, the animagus took the opportunity to give a brief explanation of the intricacies of the Hogwarts Houses and the significance of House Points.

"There are four houses of Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. They will be your new family for the duration of your stay," she began. "Each house has its own unique qualities and values. Gryffindor values courage, bravery, and chivalry. Hufflepuff values hard work, dedication, and loyalty. Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, and wit. Slytherin values ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "Throughout the school year, you will have the opportunity to earn House Points for your house through various achievements and acts of excellence. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the House Cup. Rule breaking however-" now she was downright glaring "-will result in a deduction of points and detention if necessary."

We had reached yet another doorway and I could hear the chattering of the hundreds of people on the other side.

"Wait here quetly. I will be opening these doors in a few moments for the Sorting Ceremony where you will wait for your anme to be called. I highly suggest you all make yourself presentable." Her eyes lingered on a few, indicating she was specifically talking to them.

After being introduced to some ghosts and some eleven year old drama. She was back and we made out way in.

It reminded me of playing Hogwarts Legacy for the first time. Floating candles with disappearing candle wax, four large tables with house sigils and the enchanted ceiling showing the night sky. Come to think of it, why use the astronomy tower if you could just enchant the ceiling and watch the stars in a comfy warm room? It's an exact copy of the actual sky anyway.

I was brought out of my musing when McGonagall placed the stool down, and the hat shortly after. It soon started singing its song, which I only half heartedly listened to. I had already finished my seventh occlumency shield but I was going to let it filter through my memories anyway. Well, the non-magical memories that is. All it would see is me being hardworking, studious and helping people study so it was almost obverse where I would end up.

I did want a conversation with it though, I wanted to know if Dumbledore would shake it down for information on students every year. Or if he used it to get information on student's families to be used against them. You can never be too sure.

"When I call your name you will need to sit on the stool and put on the hat to be sorted." The cat animagus said as she was about to read from a parchment she had ready. "Abbott, Hannah."

I observed as she went through the list, the hat sorting students into different houses with varying intervals. There were some students here that I don't remember from the movies but for all I knew they might have been in the books. With my surname starting with 'G' it wouldn't take long before-

"Grey, Jonathan." Yep, here we go.

After making my way to the stool, I could feel the hat's legilimency a second before it was fully placed on me. It wasn't forcefully, more like a gentle glide through my mind, or at least the memories I allowed. As soon as it fully made contact with my head though it shouted-


No conversation, no chit-chat, no long speech about the founder and the reason for its creation. Didn't even let me get a single word in. I just had to walk away as my tie and robes changed colour to match the house's blue and bronze.

The Ravenclaw table erupted in applause as I made my way over. The other houses politely applauded as well, not as much Slytherin though.

I sat next to a few boys who were whispering amongst themselves. "Hi I'm Terry, Terry Boot." the closest one whispered.

"I'm Eddie Carmichael." The other added.

"I'm John, nice to meet you." I responded with a small smile as my attention went to the teachers table. I wanted to check Quirrell's turban so badly but I wasn't sure if they would detect me doing so. If Voldy is easily detectable I would know that Dumbledore had all the info but went ahead with his plan anyway. If not, then at least he has an alibi for why he didn't know.

The relevant people were then sorted into the same houses as their cannon counterparts with Harry doing the hat stall. Among them were the others I hadn't heard of but I had already checked their magic levels and nothing seemed outrageously out of the ordinary like mine, so it might just be me.

'System, am I the only trasmigator in this reality?'

[You are the only transmigrator in this collection of multiverses]

'...hmm, I'm not even going to delve into that one, no sir. I'm good. Cross that bridge when I get to it.'

Soon enough, the sorting came to an end when Blaise Zabini was sorted into slytherin. This prompted the headmaster to make his way to his feet.

"Welcome," he began, his voice amplified by magic, echoed softly through the vast chamber. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words…. Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

A ripple of whispers and confusion spread through the room as Dumbledore's words hung in the air. Which then came to a halt and some surprised gasps from first years as the food appeared.

Then, with a twinkle in Dumbledore's eye, he continued, "Let the feast begin!"

The welcoming feast was nice and hearty. The house elves definitely knew what they were doing.

"I'm not really a fan of pumpkin juice," I complained with a mutter, to which my cup was switched with one filled with water.

"Thank you," I smirked. Got to love house elves, super helpful. Well, when they're not constantly insulting you to high heaven.

When we were done, Dumbledor stood once again and said, "Just a few additional words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you."

Good to know we are now seen as livestock of some kind.

"First-years should note that the forest is off-limits to all pupils. It is called the Forbidden Forest for a reason."

First things first: Don't go (get caught) in the Forbidden Forest.

"I have also been asked by the school caretaker, Mr. Filch, to remind you all that no magic should be used in the corridors. Please keep this in mind." He said, indicating to Filch.

That sounded a lot like 'use wandless and unnoticeable magic in the hallways' to me.

Why does Filch even work here if he not only hates kids but hates kids that can use magic? It's the worst possible combination for him. It makes no sense.

"Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house should contact Madam Hooch." He continued as he gestured to Hooch.

Nah, I'm good. I like flying and plan on figuring out wandless flight like Voldy, but the sport just doesn't do it for me. And why is it just brooms? You know what, I'm going to make a shield like Captain America's and put charms on it so I can fly like the Silver Surfer and static shock. Or maybe enchant a sword to fly around like a cultivation novel young master.

"I must also inform you that there is a section of the third-floor corridor that has been cordoned off and is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

Yep, I'm sure children won't see that as some kind of challenge. Snape, you really need to stop forgetting to give Dumbledore his medication, his sanity should not be treated as a joke.

"And finally, please Welcome Professor Quirinus Quirrell as our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor-"

At this point, I just stopped paying attention. I needed to find a way to get basic information from people without using magic. Let's see…

[Ability: Observe (Red)]

[I see dead people-*cough* See the basic information about people, objects and locations.]

[This skill allows users to analyse and gather information about objects, creatures, individuals or environment.]

[Cost: 5,000 SP] [Discounted to: 500 SP]


[Current SP: 25,539]

I didn't want to waste points on it so I only got one of the uncommon versions. It's a shame there isn't a Death Note in the system. The combination would have been legendary.


[Quirinus Quirrell - Wizard (Harry Potter)]

[Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.]

[Partially possessed by Tom Riddle]

Seems about right. One part of me wants to deal with this myself and end the age before it truly starts but the other side wants cannon to play out, only stepping in when people start dropping off the map. Then get points for saving their lives. Milking the system for all its worth…actually that sounded different in my head.

Wait a minute.


[Reality: Wizarding World Universe - Home to the Harry Potter series.]

[A world in which witches and wizards practise magic.]

[Alternate reality in which Tom Riddle, the dark lord Voldermort, would have won.]

Well, there goes my idea.

'System, does that mean he is no longer going to win because of a butterfly effect or does that mean I have to stop him?'


Not really hard to figure out considering I only get points for good deeds, but it would have been nice if the system let me know these things.

I already know where most of the Horcruxes are, so unless they have been moved, I can still deal with them. Not many things need to stay the same for Voldy to take a long nap.

After the school song was…butchered mercilessly, the Ravenclaw prefects came over and ushered us out to our respective common rooms. After making our way to the west side of the castle and up a spiral staircase we reached the Ravenclaw common room entrance, a door with a large Eagle knocker.

The lead of the two Ravenclaw prefects, a girl by the name Helena Belby, turned to address us, "Unlike other house that have passwords for their respective entrances, you will have to answer a riddle to enter the Ravenclaw common room."

As if on cue the knocker asked in a smooth feminine voice, "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?"

"If you don't know the answer-" Cedric Corner, the other prefect chimed in,"-you will need to ask someone else to help you. Does anyone want to give it a try?"

When none of the other students replied, I said, "An echo."

"Correct." The smooth voice replied as the wings curled around the eagle and the door opened. While the other students my age were looking at me in awe, I was just wondering if that was what Ravenclaw sounded like back in the day.

Soon enough, we were in. Huge windows with blue and bronze silks draped slightly over them, placed around the large circular room. The walls are adorned with silk hangings and bookcases are filled with volumes of magical texts, contributing to the ethereal atmosphere caused by tonight's moonlight that seeped through.

Towards the back of the room stands a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. Not quite tall enough to reach the domed ceiling painted with stars, but still unmissable. I don't know why they couldn't just have it enchanted like the Great Hall though, it would have made it look alot better.

Oh, hey Professor, nice [Disillusionment Charm] you have there.

[Professor Filius Flitwick]

[Human/Goblin] [Charms Master]

[Hogwarts - Head of Ravenclaw House, Charms Professor]

"As you can see, it's quite spacious." Helena started. "The boys' dormitories are to the left and girls to the right. There are charms in place to stop boys from heading over to the girl's side. But on the bright side, unlike other houses, you guys get your own rooms."

That's good.

"Your schedules will be put on the board over there." Cedric gestured toward the board in question as he took over. "Be sure to copy it down so you don't forget. If you guys have any questions, be sure to ask either of us."

"Before we head off to bed, a few words house our head of house. Professor Flitwick." Helena concluded.

As soon as she finished her sentence, Professor Flitwick cancelled the [Disillusionment Charm], revealing his presence as he shimmered into view, standing on a conjured stool.

He greeted us with a warm smile. "Welcome, welcome, new Eagles!" His voice, though small, carried a cheerful tone that filled the room.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Filius Flitwick, along with being your head of house, I will also be your new charms professor."

"Each of you has been chosen for this house because you possess the qualities that Ravenclaw most values: intelligence, wisdom, creativity, and a thirst for knowledge."

Is it still classed as a thirst for knowledge if it's just gossip? Because the more I heard Padma talk at the feast and on the train, it sounded more like she was into the…gathering and spreading of unverified information.

"Ravenclaw is not just about having a sharp mind. It is about the courage to pursue the unknown, the strength to ask questions others dare not, and the wisdom to know that we can always learn more, no matter how much we already know."

Hmm, technically that still also applies so I guesss that's why she ended up here.

"Here, in Ravenclaw, we encourage curiosity and innovation. We don't fear failure, because it is simply another step towards discovery. You'll find that some of the wizarding world's greatest inventors, scholars have learned from their own failures to succeed."

He ended his speech with a warm smile. "Welcome to Ravenclaw. I am delighted to see what contributions you will make, not only to our house but to the magical world."

After a subtle nod to the prefects, he put the charm back on and left the room.

"Alright, boys? Follow me, I'll take you to your rooms. The doors are open. You'll need to find the room with your luggage." Cedric said. We followed along as the girls made their way to Helena in the opposite direction.

It was a short walk to the rooms, we just had to go up one flight of stairs. Or they did, I had mine in my inventory so I would just take the one with no luggage. At the end of the corridor was the communal bathroom.

Once I got to the room that would be mine for the next few months, I immediately jumped on the large four-poster bed.

The room itself was simple and had all the basics. Bed, desk, chair, small bookshelf and wardrobe. To top it off, there was an arched window for a sweet view.

Before going to sleep though, I lazily brandished my wand and got started on an alarm Charm and some wards. Nothing too crazy, just weak proximity and intrusion wards powerful enough to stop Newt-level students. Then I was out like a log.


"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle."

- George R. R. Martin


Author Here

John makes it to Hogwarts, finally gets the "Observe" ability and catches some Z's. Oh, and Voldemort was supposed to win in this reality. Had to have seen that coming though. An entity powerful enough to give him a system that only rewards good deeds wouldn't have interfered if the good guys won. John would have gone after Voldy anyway. He wouldn't have been able to avoid it.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


If you want to support me, join me on PAT REON. Any and all support is appreciated.

P..a.t..r.e.o.n (.com)/Lightest_Reader


Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

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