58.33% Reborn in Classroom Of The Elite with a lust system / Chapter 7: A very interesting day

บท 7: A very interesting day


'This damn alarm man. I forgot to switch it off' I sighed mentally with a frustration. 

I yawned slightly as I sat up on my bed. I picked up my phone and looked at the clock. 

'7 am? Oh yeah I did change the alarm time.' I kinda forgot. 

Yesterday after Karuizawa little trip to my room, I wasn't able to sleep well especially after the result of the exam came out. So I did what any logical man would do, I decided to watch the TV and to my absolute surprise, there was a Champions league match.

It has been quite a long time since I was able to watch a UCL match. It makes me sad but what can I say, my life is stuck in an infinite loop. 


I got up the bed, cracked my back and went to take a shower. 

Afterwards I went to the kitchen and started preparing my breakfast, sat down at my table and started eating the food. 


I picked up my phone just to see it was Ichinose. Weird...

[Hey Kamado-kun, congratulation on getting the highest rank amongst the first year]

[Thanks Ichinose]

Today is gonna be 'a very interesting day' if I am being honest. But oh well what can I do, that's how life work. Every day something new happens whether it is good or bad you just have to move on. 

I took a look at the clock.

'7.15 am. I guess it is time to leave.' 

I decided to walk today mainly due to the fact my head hurts a little bit from my sleepless night and I don't want to use teleportation and accidentally teleport to Antarctica. 

'Hey system do you have something to help with this headache'

[Yes host you could use the all healing potion to cure it]

'I have one remaining right?'


'Give it to me'

I took the potion and instantly felt weird. Nausea, dizziness, slight hallucination, extreme headache; I was feeling all of it at the same. 

I tried to stand up but failed to and fell on my knees. 

My breath got heavier, my mind got blurier and blurier but then everything was back to normal. 

'Fuck' I tried to stand up and took a deep breath. 

I kept panting for a while before my body got back to normal. 

'Holy shit I forget how extreme this was.' 

I took a look at the clock and started changing in my uniform. 

[Host don't use any high-ranked magic for the next 2 hours]

'Yeah I know, it's not my first time taking this potion'

I picked my bag up and left the room. I went to the nearest elevator and walked in it. The door was closing down, however a familiar scream caused me to stop it. It was Kikyou.

"Oh hey Kikyou, how are you?"

"I am fine. Thanks for stopping the door from closing down." She answered back while panting slightly as she was running. She got tired from this small run, she doesn't have this much stamina. 

"Yeah it is alright, but why are you running tho?"

"Oh I just wanted to talk to you."

?? She wanted to talk with me??

"Congratulation on winning yesterday practical exam."

Winning? I guess it was like a competition.

"Thank you."

"I am honestly surprised you know. I knew you were strong but not that strong."

"So what's your secret in getting strong huh?"

"My secret?"

"Yeah you know like how you got strong?"

"Let me think..." 

We reached the last floor of the dorm and walked out of the elevator.

"I guess you could say hard work."

"Hard work?"

"Yeah you know like a lot of training."

"So you have been training since you were young."

"Yeah...I guess you can say that"

We left the dorm and started walking towards the direction of school. 

"Wow, so since your childhood days you were strong."


"You must be like some kind of a prodigy or something." 

We kept talking along the road as she asked me questions about how I was during my middle school days and I did the same. 

I learned that she went to the Sakuragaoka Academy and she still was the same as she is currently.

We finally reached the school and walked inside. 

While walking in the corridor, I could see a lot of students were looking at me. The boys were looking at me with fear and anger while the girls were looking at me with 'lust' and 'excitement'. 

I could hear a few murmurs but I ignored them and kept talking to Kikyou. 

We finally reach our end destination and entered the classroom.

And even in the classroom, it was the same. Some of the boys were looking at me with anger while others were looking with pride and respect. 

Why were some even angry at me? Like what did I do to them? These motherfuckers just popped out to hate not gonna lie.

"Alright Yuta-kun, I will see you later." Kikyou said with a smile that will make most of the boys heart melt. 

"See ya" 

I went to sit on my seat while Kikyou went to talk with her group of friends. I could see Karuizawa looking at me with a weird look. 

"If you want to say something, you can just talk instead of glaring like that you know." I said to the girl next to me. 

Horikita was slightly surprised by this. 

"So what's the problem Horikita?" 

"I am just confuse to see that out of all students in this class, how did someone like you get the highest rank?" 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I guess you can understand this by yourself?"

"No I don't"

"Just look at you."

"What's wrong with me?"

"A lady killer who is also extremely strong, smart, talented and young? You seem almost too perfect."

"So you are saying that I am an attractive man? I didn't know you were like that Suzune."

"First of, I am not denying that you are an attractive man, I am just saying its weird that you are almost too perfect and secondly I didn't give you the right to call me by my first name." She said with a cold expression. 

"Calm down Ice-Queen. So what's your ranking?"

"Don't call me Ice-queen. And for your question I am a D+ rank."

"D+ rank? You are quite weak Suzune."

"Weak?" I could see her getting a little mad at this statement. 

"Yeah you are kinda weak."

"You do know that most students are F-rank. Only a few got higher than that, and I have the third highest in the class."

"And that's your problem."

She kept looking at me this time confused by my statement. However before she could say anything, Chabashira entered the classroom, signalling to us all that the homeroom is about to start. 

"I guess everybody is present in class huh! That's good to know since I have something important to tell you guys." Chabashira said in a monotonous tone but it was enough to get everyone attention. 

"I am pretty sure most of you already know about the ranking the school gave you. Let me make a few things clear for everyone here."

"First of all the rank is based on your potential not your strength. This means that you have the potential to reach this rank. So for example if your rank is E that mean that your maximum current capabilities is that of an E rank mage. Our job at this school is to help you attain this maximum potential you have. If your rank is F or below that, consider yourself as failures."

"Secondly the house of fire needs a leader to represent them during expedition. You guys will vote for this. It will be on the forum."

"And thirdly, congratulation to you, Kamado-kun, for getting the highest rank. An S rank means that you have the potential to be one of the best sorcerers in the world but don't let this get to your head."

"I guess that's all I have to say, also for the vote, I will recommend you guys to vote for the highest rank student."

Hold on now? I am the highest rank student right? Why would she want them to vote for me?

"Well then I guess class can begin normally."


It was already lunch time. Gotta say it, Chabashira is hot but boring asf. 

I was currently eating my food with the girls and Hirata. 

"Kamado-kun are you alright? You look a bit down." Satou asked me. 

"I am bored. There is nothing interesting today."

"Thats true, today's class was extremely boring." Shinohara answered. 

"Now that I think about it, why don't you show us a few tricks you know."

"What do you mean by that Matsushita?"

"You know like you are a low S rank mage, so you should have more abilities than us to be honest."

"Yeah Kamado-kun, can you show us a few trick please, its not everyday that I will have the chance to talk to someone who can become one the best in the world." Satou said in unison with Matsushita. 

Almost all of the girls started to plead me to show them a few 'tricks'

"If Kamado-kun doesn't want to do it, I don't think we should pressurize him like this."

"Hirata-kun is right, I don't think its a good thing." Kushida followed up.

"No its fine, I can show a few trick, its not that much."

I could see a lot of them having a curious and excited face. 

"Alright let me see, so I have this ability that allows me to see the past of someone but it works differently but I have to hold their hands." 

(This was the ability he was purchasing when Kei, Honami and Amikura sensed the system)

"You are lying." Karuizawa said with a doubtful expression.

"You want to try"

"No, try it with another person."

"Alright so you want to try it?"

"Me! I want to try it." Satou said while waving her hand. 

"Alright I will whisper it in your ear so that nobody hears it. So put hand in my hand." She shook her and followed my instruction. 

I closed the distance between our face and began whispering in her ears. 

"So Satou-san am I saying the truth or am I lying?"

"You are saying the truth...but how?" 


Before anyone could say anything to what they just saw the bell rang. 

"Oh would you look at that? Its already time for classroom."

"Wait Kama-"

I teleported back on to my seat leaving them behind. 

Suzune was slightly surprised to see me appearing next to her. 

"Yo Suzune, you alright?"

"Ho-how did you, you know what nevermind. And also don't call me by my first name."

"Calm down babygirl"

"Babygirl? You know what just call me Suzune. I don't want to hear this name again."

"Aight aight sweetheart."

"Sweetheart? What did I just say about calling me with these kind of name?"

"You know you look extremely sexy and cute when you are mad."

She blushed slightly but still kept her calm attitude. 

"I am pretty sure if it was another man you would have already beat him up right?"

"Yes you are right." 

"Then why don't you try and fight me?"

"I know my limit, I am pretty sure I can't beat you in a one on one match."

"I thought you were confident in your skill."

"I am confident but I am also not stupid. I know my limit."

"So you are scared to fight me?"

"No I am not." She look down a little bit. 

"My brother always told to know my limit." She murmured silently. 

"And that's why you will never become strong."

She looked at me surprised by what I just say. 

"In a way you just said that I am stronger than you, you know why I am stronger than you."


"Its cause I don't listen to other people opinion."


The class was completely empty for some reason. 

I put my hand on her right cheek. However there was no reaction from her. 

"You are trying to become like that brother of yours aren't you?"

This caused her to be slightly surprised. 


"Your brother is the school council president right?"

"Uh- yeah"

"I guess he is a good role model but I don't think trying to becoming exactly like him. Just look around you, you are alone in this class during lunch. What would happen if I rape you right now?"

A slightly fearful look formed on her face when she heard the rape part. 

"I would...try to fight back"

"So aren't you going against what your brother just said?"

"No...I mean YES but it's a different scenario right now!!"

"No its not."

"Yes it is..."


"Stand up."


"Stand up." She got up from her seat and looked at me in the eyes. 

I pulled her closer to me, turn her around and hold both her hands with my right hand and started rubbing her pussy. 

"ahh~ l-let me go!!!"

"Fight back."

Tears began to form in her eyes. However she didn't try anything. 

After sometimes I let go off her. 

"Why didn't you fight back?"

"I-I don't know. I was afraid."

"And why were you afraid? Your dignity was on the line yet you tried nothing right now."


"You know what Suzune you have a lot of potential but you are dumb to realize it."

"Listen up, every night as from tomorrow, you come and talk to me about anything. By that I mean what you like or dislike, something like that."

"...and why would I do that?"

"Because I want to know more of you and be closer to you."

She blushed heavily after hearing this. With her teary face and blush she looked extremely cute. 

"You know Suzune you look extremely breedable right now."

The blush on her face just became deeper. 

"Also do you know why nobody is back in class?"

"The bell sound was for the end of the teachers meeting. The lunch period is about 1 hour extra. Sensei earlier talked about it."

Shit I wasn't listening, I was half asleep. 


It was already the end of the day. Suzune kept looking at me during the class but didn't say anything. 


I took out my phone and started reading the message. It was from Suzune. 

[I lended you my pen earlier and you forgot to return it.]

[Oh yeah sorry about that.]

[No problem. Can you come and give me my pen later?]

Does she really need that pen? 

[Sure but right now I am busy, can you give me your room number?]


[Alright so I will be there at 6-7pm]


I looked down to see Sakura Airi. 

"Oh sorry I didn't see you" I said while lending her an arm to lift herself up. 

"I-its okay." She said before she began running. 

I think this might be my only chance to fuck her. 

'Her diary.' I picked her diary up and started reading it. 

'Interesting...very interesting"

I took her diary and began to ran towards the dorm. 

I closed my eyes and started sensing which room she is in. 


I teleported in front of her door and knock on it.

She opened the door slightly nervously. 

"Oh-uh..kamado-kun what do you want?"

"Your diary." I said while showing her, her diary. 

"Can I come in?"

"Uhhh....Yes sure."

"Thanks." The inside of her room was simple, clean and neat. 

"So uhm Kamado-kun did you have something to say?"

A wicked smile formed on my face. 

"Take off your clothes."

"What?" She was surprised by what I just said. 

"That's what you wanted right? I read your diary. Take off your clothes."

"...yes" She removed her blazer and began to unbutton her shirt. 

Her voluptuous chest sprung out of her shirt. She then removed her skirt, leaving her only with her underwear and black leggings. 

"Removed all of it." She didn't say anything however she followed my order and undressed herself completely leaving her completely naked for the pleasure of my eyes. 


Author Note

Im so tired ffs man. I wanted to stop going in class however my fucking english is forcing me to enter the class. (The rests are chilled asf tho)

Anyways hope you guys enjoy the chapter. 

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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