Bianca and Winston were doing their best to prevent the thick tree roots from disturbing Ayame. After all, if Ayame ever failed in her evolution, the viral energy in her body would run rampant and cause her humanity to reach below 50%. If that ever happened, becoming a zombie would be an inevitable result.
Bianca and Winston knew that if Ayame died, then the two of them would be next since the two of them weren't that good in combat. Any of the two of them could die but Ayame couldn't as she was their hope of completing the game.
With that in mind, the two of them went all out!
Winston channeled the viral energy in his body toward his two pistols and pressed the trigger, "Fire And Ice Phoenix Barrage!"
The fire and ice bullets transformed into fire phoenixes and ice phoenixes respectively as soon as they came out of the two pistol's muzzle. Afterward, they all headed towards the thick tree roots!