As they reached the outskirts of the untamed lands, Wuyi observed that the trees remained largely barren. Occasional buds hinted at the coming spring, but the eastern territory was still gripped by winter, with snow accumulating in the shelter of larger boulders. Wuyi's eyes scanned the mystical forest ahead.
Utilizing the Statue of Harmony, he quested within the forest, realizing that quite a few beings had their eyes on him and his group. He led the formation another third of a li, the warriors following in pairs, effortlessly navigating the sparse underbrush. The trees towered above them, their expansive branches reaching high into the sky.
As they neared their destination, the Statue of Harmony warned Wuyi of looming danger—visions of a clawed creature ambushing the column flashed in his mind. He raised his right hand to signal a halt, then stretched his arms wide—an exerting task in armored cloak—and waved them downward. "Dismount," he commanded.