35.13% Strike the Blood: The 4th Primogenitor / Chapter 12: Nekomatan

บท 12: Nekomatan

Third Person PoV

Kojou was standing near the lift along with Yukina, when Nagisa and Asagi walked inside the building too.

The two had in their hands groceries, seeing them, Kojou moved aside a bit and said, but was beaten by Nagisa.

"What's this? Kojou-kun is also coming home now?"

"Yo! Asagi, Nagisa, this Is Himeragi. I was helping her buy some hardware. Himeragi, this is my little sister, Nagisa and my girlfriend, Asagi. "

Seeing the girl behind him, Nagisa got excited and ran up to her.

"Oh you are here too, Yukina-chan!"

Now both Asagi and Kojou were raising their eyebrows, as none of them had told the name of Himeragi to her.

"You two know each other?"

Kojou questioned, and Nagisa answered immediately with her natural energy.

"Yes, she transferred into my class and we met yesterday, and we became friends.

When I heard she was moving next to us, I was surprised."

All this talk happened while they were in the elevator. As Nagisa was retelling what happened, Himeragi's mind was in a mess.

'Akatsuki-senpai, has a girlfriend! That wasn't in the file!'

That information was not told to Himeragi as if she knew about it, then the identity of the real observer would be known by both Himeragi and quite possibly Kojou.

As only the people in their school know about their relationship. Whoever the real observer was is undoubtedly smart.

That was what Asagi had deduced till now by watching the face of Himeragi.

'Her face is easy to read, she doesn't control her emotions. The possibility of her being a distraction is only cemented now.'

Asagi was silent till now in the conversation.

After coming out of the elevator Nagisa still does not know the original identity of Himeragi, uttered the following words.

"Yukina-chan, we are having your welcome party!"

At that both Kojou and Asagi sighed internally, they both didn't discourage that idea as they knew that she doesn't back down once she gets started.

"You don't have to do that for me-"

But the sword shaman was cut off by the chattering of Nagisa.

"But you just moved in, you can't make food for yourself right?"

"Okay! Accept it Himeragi, Nagisa isn't going to let you off." Kojou said

"Are … you sure about that?"

"Of course! The three of us can't eat all of this I brought with me!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of Nagisa and support from Kojou, Himeragi finally accepted the offer.

"Then, I will take up on your offer."

"Then please come after dropping your stuff!"

After that Nagisa started blabbering about hotpot and talked way too fast for either of the three to understand.

At that Asagi moved forward and pushed Nagisa inside the house.

"Come fast, Kojou. I don't know how long I can hear her yap!"

Kojou sighed and nodded to Asagi and helped Himeragi drop her stuff back at her home and then came back.

Nagisa was currently making the dinner while Kojou was doing his school work. Asagi was helping Nagisa with the preparation.

Himeragi was finally out of her shocked state, and was looking around the house. She was intently looking at the picture of Kojou winning a basketball competition.

"Senpai, You were on the basketball team?"

"Ah, yes! In the past though, I gave up due to an injury."

Kojou lied smoothly, he wasn't close with the observer to tell her the truth about why he left the sport.

Finally the dinner was set and the four ate heartily, Nagisa was shy due to the praise given to her by Himeragi.

Surprisingly Asagi was very quiet through all of this, she was more focused on knowing everything about Himeragi, as quickly as possible.

Hence she was observing the observer. Kojou saw this and hence tried to steer the conversation towards Himeragi's past without being too obvious.

Which was very hard due to the fact that Nagisa didn't know about Himeragi. Still dinner was quite nice and soon after Himeragi went back.

Asagi was washing the dishes while Nagisa was lying on the sofa, muttering how full she is.

"Do you think Yukina-chan had fun?"

"I think she did, and don't try to sleep there!"

Kojou said but his words didn't affect Nagisa by much. Kojou sighed and looked at Asagi.

"Tell her about Himeragi. I am going to the convenience store to get something to drink, the fridge is empty of drinks."

"Fine. Bring me ice-cream."

Asagi answered, still doing the dishes.

Just as the door was opened by Kojou to go out, Nagsia waking from her nap said

"Bring me ice-cream too!"

"Girls and their fascination with ice-cream!"

Kojou muttered before giving a nod to Nagisa and closing the door behind him.

Just as he reached the hallway, he found Himeragi standing in front of him.

Her hair was wet, droplets of water falling on her shoulders. She was only wearing her school shirt, with no bra. And quite possibly only her school skirt and going commando.

The shirt was badly buttoned as if done in a hurry, and due the wetness of her body it was clinging to her and was near translucent, giving Kojou quite a nice view.

"Where are you going senpai?"

The wet sword shaman asked

"Did you jump out of the bath to follow me?"

Kojou answered her question with his own question.

"Yes, I am your observer!"

'That isn't the answer to every problem, girl!'

Kojou mentally growled, being equal parts amused and annoyed by the actions of the middle school observer of his.

"At least dry yourself and wear proper clothes. The view is very much tantalising, but not proper for going to a convenience store."

Hearing that, Himeragi looked at her body and then blushed, heavily. She then glared at Kojou, finding herself in a bind.

Looking at her troubles, Kojou reassured her.

"I will wait here."

Himeragi looked at him for a few seconds and then went running back to her room, with the blush still on her cute face.

After Himeragi came after drying her hair and wearing her school uniform, a dry one, the two went on their way to the convenience store.

"So,where are you going senpai?"

"Convenience store."

Himeragi looked at him in confusion.

'Don't tell me she doesn't even know about this!'

"Himeragi, next day get a book called How to Live Alone 101 for dummies."

Himeragi huffed at that and said

"Of course I know about that. It's just that I never visited one so late. It's like breaking curfew."

"Yeah, you live in a dorm, makes sense. Where were you born?"

"I don't know, everyone In the High God Forest is an orphan. Gifted children are brought from the nation and then trained to become attack mages."

"Sorry." Kojou was now feeling a bit bad hearing that, even he had a few friends.

"Ah don't worry, I wasn't lonely. I have many friends there."

Himeragi said, seeing that change in Kojou's voice. Just then they were passing by another arcade which had a crane game outside.

Seeing the toys inside it, Himeragi was elated.

"Is there something about that crain game?"

"So it's called a crane game, it's just that the nekomatan toys inside it were really popular in my old school, due to it's anime."

Looking at her happy and innocent face, Kojou sighed and said

"Leave it to me."

And rolled up his sleeves to play and win the rigged game.

Kojou managed to win the white nekomatan toy. Just as they were about to pick it up.

A familiar voice asked the two of them

"You two are Saikai Academy students, right? What are you doing here late at night, turn around."

Kojou looked at the reflection of his English teacher in the game machine and thought about how he could escape from this situation.

'Letting these two meet now will be bad, if I remember correctly, LKO and Natsuki-chan's organisations are competitors.'

Just then a huge blast happened away from here. The smoke and fires were high enough to be seen from far away.

The witch turned around at such an unexpected thing. Seeing an opportunity, Kojou took the attack mage's hand and ran while urging her to do the same.

After a bit of running they reached a bridge, below which was a monorail track, they had a clear view of the ongoing fire.

Just as they were about to go back dismissing this as a natural fire, a large bird of fire made its appearance.

"Senpai, that was a-"

"Familiars, and a pretty big one too."

'Although small compared to mine '

Kojou mentally patted himself on the back for such a good double meaning joke.

As such he ignored when, the sword shaman threw away her weapon case and told him

"Sorry,senpai. I am going to see what has happened here. Please go back home."

Kojou remained silent as she would probably say something like stay back senpai, you can't make any big moves as you are the 4th Primogenitor.

Himeragi, seeing that Kojou didn't talk back, jumped over the fence doing a backflip and landing on top of the monorail which was carrying shipment.

"Did she really think she can outrun me just because she is on top of a monorail?"

Kojou said incredulously. And saying so left the bridge, jumping on top of the building and keeping an eye on his observer.

Himeragi just as she reached near the fire started to find the familiar. She found the giant flaming bird, perching on top of a small tower.

And near it was a man standing, dressed like an officer worker, with a troubled expression on his face.

The man ordered his familiar to attack. The bird opened its mouth and gathered energy to shoot a beam of fire.

The beam at impact created a small explosion, but from that explosion, a translucent hand emerged, catching the bird.

The bird lost its wing and was struggling to fly, the hand once again captured the bird, and it gradually absorbed it, the defeat caused the energy of the bid to be scattered around.

One such globe of energy hit the monorail track, making it fall down in the water, Himeragi jumped off and landed on the ground and immediately started running towards the man, to try and stop him.

Just then she saw what was happening to the bird.

"It's magic is getting absorbed?"

Just then Himeragi heard a sound of something being slashed and blood coming out.

She reached to find the vampire lying down on the ground injured.

Before Himeragi could help the vampire, a deep voice with a touch of fanaticism rang out from behind the container.

"A witness didn't expect that!"

A man with a fixed monocle on his left, blonde short hair and a large battle axe in his hands.

"Please stop fighting, hurting demons who are disabled is against the Treaty."

"As I would follow a treaty made by heretics!"

The blonde man rebuffed Yukina with zeal in his eyes.

He raised his axe to finish off the vampire, but with a resounding clang his axe was thrown back by Yukina.

She raised her spear at him in a threatening manner.

"Is that a Schneewalzer? The secret weapon of the LKO powered by divine vibrations, capable of hurting even the Primogenitors. Unexpected!"

The man's voice reached a higher octave and he told her with glee

"Very well, I combat deacon of Lotharingia, Rudolf Eustach requests a fight!"

"Why is an exorcist from the western church hunting vampires?"

Yukina questioned, but she received only a war cry with which the axe weirder lunged at her

Jumping back a little, Yukina chanted to unleash the power of her weapon.

"I, sword shaman of the High God, as a priestess of the Lion beseech thee, Dawn light of exorcism, spirit wolf of snowy mist, grant me the divine might of thy steel, that I may smite a hundred evil spirits!"

With that blue light showered on the girl, making her glow ethereal. With the chant the true power of the Schneewalzer was unleashed.

Yukina also now rushed at the deacon, the axe and spear met with a noisy crash. And within a few thrusts the combat deacon was finding himself on the backfoot.

One particularly strong thrust set him a few feet back, but his face rather than concern was of excitement.

"Such speed and power, is this the power of a sword shaman from The LKO?"

All the while he was parrying the spear of Yukina. But then suddenly Yukina's spirit medium powers activated, granting her a few seconds of foresight, allowing her to block an attack.

She was sent back and received a minor cut on her thighs.

"Magnificent! I have watched the secret spell of the LKO. Get her Astarte!"

A blue haired girl jumped high in her air, her emotionless voice rang.

"Accept. Execute Rhododactylos."

A translucent arm emerged from her back, attempting to capture and crush Yukina.

She managed to put her spear and keep the arm away from her. The arm of the blue haired girl and the Schneewalzer were reacting violently.

Astarte screamed and another arm emerged from her back, and went to punch the attack mage.

Yukina's arms were not available and she wouldn't be fast enough to dodge the incoming attack. She knew this due to her foresight activating again.

'Oh no! I wouldn't be able to dodge it. Will senpai miss me, if I die!'

That last thought was a surprise to her too.

"Alright, that's enough fighting for today!"

Kojou said seeing enough of Yukina's fighting ability.

And a hexagonal diamond appeared between the punch and Himeragi.

The punch was unable to shatter the shield and then the shield burst into little diamonds and shot like a shotgun.

The arm was shredded. The blue haired girl screamed and fell down as if in immense pain.

Both the combatants looked at the source to find Kojou walking towards them, in a leisure stroll, with his hands in his pockets.

But Yukina was able to discover that his eyes were not blue but red. Kojou came to a stop near Yukina and looked at the deacon.

"Why don't we all stay calm, and try to talk like civil beings."

But the blonde man was interested in other things.

"Your magical power is greater than even nobility's. Are the rumours about the 4th Primogenitor staying on this island true?"

"Who knows? You're free to try and figure it out though."

Kojou said unfazed.

By then the Astarte and risen up

"Restart, Ready, Re-execute, Rhododactylos."

The two arms appeared again, and rushed towards the senpai and kouhai.

Seeing that, Yukina said

"Senpai, move aside."

But Kojou didn't move, making Yukina worry

"Come Mesarthim-Adamas!"

The deacon and Astarte were stopped by the sheer magnitude of the familiar summoned by Kojou.

And Yukina was in shock, sensing the magic power rolling off in waves from Kojou.

"So, have you changed your mind yet?"

Kojou said just before the diamonds from his beast vassal, shredded everything in front of him, including the two enemies.

But surprisingly, the two managed to survive and escape somehow, which was made possible due to Kojou not moving even after seeing them running.

AN:- Finally some action! Write them reviews!!

Vegeta_Kakarot Vegeta_Kakarot

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