25% Knight's Journey in Westeros / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Arthas vs Arthur

บท 5: Chapter 5: Arthas vs Arthur

Tywin walked with his children towards the dungeons that currently held -possibly- his most promising recruit.

He did not expect things to escalate to such an extent.

'But then again he is but a boy. A talented and skilled boy, but a boy with boiling blood no less. I shouldn't be surprised at his hindsight.' Tywin thought.

Once he got close to his destination, he heard a shout that put him into a pause.

"Why!? Why did you do this? We could have defended you in court!"

"*sigh* Lyanna... it is not that simple."

"Of course it is! The laws of the Seven Kingdoms hold it all together. With my father's help you could have walked away out of this with no problem."

"And what cost?"

"...what?" she asked confused.

"What would it cost me to earn your father's favor?"


"I'll laugh if you say friendship."

Lyanna had a realization at his words. And Arthas took notice.

"You realize it then. That's right Lyanna. That is what they wanted. And I wasn't about to give them the satisfaction. As much as I would have loved for your father to judge me, he might not even get a seat at the court. Lords Tywin and your father would not have been allowed to defend me. Tywin even more so..."

"...we couldn't have been sure..."

"Lord Lannister has expelled much of his political power and goodwill just getting his son out of the Kingsguard. Anymore than that guarantees him the ire of the King. And stepping in for me will give the madman exactly that."

"As for your father, he would be pressured to stand aside. Robert hates me just by being close to you and through Robert, Jon Arryn will be forced to pick the whoremongering Lord's side. The fact that the Knight's of the Vale were the ones to come for me is proof of that. After all, Harrenhal belongs to the Riverlands and Blackfish is here. "

"The nail in the coffin is the presence of five too many Lords that were present during my arrest. And not one of them bat eye."

"You see Lyanna... I wasn't about to give them the satisfaction of taking what is mine. Not without a fight!"

Tywin held a scowl within as he saw the two in embrace with the She-wolf openly crying at his chest.

'Such potential. And so young to boot.' he thought. He glanced at his daughter who now sported a glint of jelousy as she looked upon the young couple. Tywin knew that if he is to ever earn the boy, he must be bound through Cersei. After all it is the only thing to match a daughter of a great lord.

Tywin was sure it was the only way to win. As he is privy to something that the other houses didn't yet know.

'The Old Wolf hesitates. If my spies were right, he wrote a letter breaking the marriage contract between the Starks and the Baratheons. But held it back as he is conflicted. Uncertain. Lost... I wonder what would you choose Rickard? The father or the lord?'

"Come, we are leaving." His stern words voided all protest from leaving their mouths. Be even still, Cersei kept her eyes at a certain blonde man a little longer.

~~~ Break ~~~

Morning came and once the sun rose, everyone clamored into the arena hoping to catch a seat before the trial by combat even begun.

The arena was overflowing with spectators. There were even those trying to take bets from the coming spectacle. But silence descended when one of the portcullis rose. From within stepped out someone who was said to be the finest sword that the Seven Kingdoms could offer. Ser Arthur Dayne.

A wail of anguish left Lyanna as soon as he saw who championed for the accusers. A fact that was made worst when Arthur clearly held the ancestral sword of house Dayne, Dawn.

Rickard could only hold his daughter solemnly by his side. Not knowing what to do for her. '...is there even anything to be done?...' She was soon surrounded by family as neither Eddard nor Brandon shyed away from the judging eyes of the Lords and ladies that were taken aback by her reaction.

The crowed exploded into action, whispers and speculations flew around as people tried to find out how an unclaimed bastard even earned the ire of the crown and once more was how deep the relationship between the She-wolf and him truly was.

Up atop the auditorium sat the King himself right next to his eldest son. He wore a satisfied face as he smiled widely bearing his yellow and decaying teeth while looking down at Tywin. He had heard of the plight of his lord and their fears regarding the brutality of a Lannister the day before. He had thought he finally had Tywin by the noose only for his dreams to be set aflame once he found out it was just an unclaimed bastard. And so he thought to let it be, but to his surprise and eventual joy, his son picked up the problem and had come to set it right. Aerys admits, he liked how things have developed.

'I would have preferred his screams as he burned to death but a beheading will do to.' thought Aerys.

The second portcullis rose, and it once again ushered silence. From within walked out Arthas wearing his signature armor with with a bit of modification. His right arm has a bulkier frame starting at the shoulders all the way to the his armored fingers and looked reinforced. His helmet held beneath his arm and a greatsword at the other. His steps echoed through the arena as it was the only thing people could hear at the silence that had gripped everyone. He saw Lyanna at the side clutched closely by her father and surrounded by family.

The tears in her eyes caused his heart to clench. He had grown close to her throughout his time in Harrenhal but he must stand by his words as it will only benefit him in the long run. Seeing who his opponent is was enough of a confirmation as to who was behind this act against him.

'honestly, Rhaegar had no subtlety. Who else would send Connington, a lord to be honest, to spy on someone.'

Arthas thought that the mad Prince hidden behind his beautiful songs is finally beginning to surface.

Arthas shook his head as he saw Arthur Dayne drew Dawn from it's sheath. It's pale-milky white blade shines brightly even in broad daylight.

But it wasn't what drew Arthas' attention. 'This bastard isn't underestimating me. Good.' he thought. Despite the aloof expression in the knights face, Arthas is fully aware that he has Arthur's full attention.

'I have grown exponentially over the passed days. I should be able to match him blade per blade now. But...' he took a glanced at Lyanna who continued to look at him with fearful eyes. 'I can't end this too quickly. I need a show of strength. I need to match him blade per blade. Anything less and the people will call my victory as a display of tricks instead.'

He gave Lyanna an aloof smile but he only cringed when he saw her break even more. 'She must have thought I was taking this lightly. My bad.'

Facing his foe, Arthas' expression hardened. It was calculating and cold. It was enough to unnerve someone like Arthur Dayne himself but the Sword of The Morning was a title well earned. Proven when he gathered his wits and stood against the unrest within him.

Arthas slowly gripped his word with his other hand and then unsheathed his blade intimidatingly before the crowed.

A gasp of awe escaped everyone as whispers and talks, ranging from gossips to speculations to downright accusations sprung from the masses.

Valyrian Steel.

Arthas was pained having to show his sword Infront of someone like the MadKing but he had no choice. He has no intention of underestimating his opponent. Gifted or no.

'That's something only the young, stupid and hot headed people do. I'm a grown man. A learned man, from a lifetime of mistakes.'

"Tell me Dayne...why are you here?" his words surprised everyone.

Though Arthur was confused. He answered no less. "The prince has instructed me to bring you to justice." His answer braught a scattered cheer from a few.

"You daft Dayne?" people choked on their cheer. "I didn't asked what they told you to do. I asked 'WHY' you are here. Or was that too much for your old virgin self to understand."

Someone snicker, that was all it took to break the silence. And not like the scattered cheers, these were twice more as people tried and failed to hold their laughter.

Amidst the laughter Dayne answered through gritted teeth. "I am here because my prince command it off me. And that is all a Knight needs."

"...wrong..." Arthas whispered and again there was silence.

"What?" asked Dayne.

"A man who follows another without a thought is no knight Dayne. That's just a follower, a servant, a slave...even a pet will do. No... A knight requires more of a man. Such is what their duty entailed after all."

Arthas then turned to priest. "Let us begin, his owner must be waiting."

After one last insult. Arthas donned his helmet as he assumed his stance, standing sideways, he held held the grip low with the blade pointed upwards towards Dayne.

Both men stood at the ready, the crowed vanished as well as the words of the Master of Ceremonies. Neither removing their eyes at the other.


They moved towards each other in a flash. Swords clashing as their blade grinded against each other. And with a shove both were thrown back. Arthas by one step, Arthur by one too many.

Arthas lunged with a swipe at the neck. Unbalanced Arthur fell on purpose and rolled out of the way.

Arthur raised his sword to defend, clashing against the overhead strike from Arthas.

Arthas stepped closer putting more pressure on the blade. Arthur let the blade slide to his side and rose as he held the sword with both hands and did an upward slash. Arthas pulled his blade back, redirecting the blade slightly as he spun out of reach.

They exchanged blows for a minute, from parries to blocks, evades and strikes but their exchange ends up in misses and no one was truly winning. It was with silvery flashes and dust being blown by a small breeze that told everyone present that those were all killing blows.

People grew in excitement with each killing strike not hitting it's mark. A storm of swords that many knew would claim the lives of anyone who would come too close.

It was a duel outside of their reach. The two who were clearly a league of their own.

Another powerful clash caused the two to take a couple of steps back. The two stopped again looking over the other.....then again the clashed. But this time they ended up thinking the same way, that they ended up taking a step back hoping the other would press. Surprised they raised their blades to a stab, again they were surprised but both took a small jump back wanting to reassess the other.

They circled each other shifting from southpaw to orthodox stance. Their blades pointed at the other. After a handful of seconds Arthas made his move.

A dash bought him close with his sword held back. Arthur was so focused on Arthas' blade that he missed the shoulder rush. Taking an unexpected hit to the chest, he rolled out of the way from an upwards slash.

He raised his blade to guard from a downward slash but fell for the faint as Arthas smashed the hilt of his blade to Arthur's helmet.

Arthur being disoriented resorted to rolling out of the way as he doesn't know what was coming next, but Arthas expected it. As soon as Arthur stopped. He felt three heavy strikes at his forearms, one more strike to his sword hand and one more to his blade.

Arthur's eyes leveled as Dawn flew out of his grasp. He rush in as desperation kicked in. Throwing himself at Arthas' waist while clutching the sword arm within his grip.

Arthur received a knee to his chest but he expected it. Taking Arthas' unbalanced stance Arthur pushed out of him and ran for his sword.

Arthas rolled to a knee and spun his sword then gripped it like a spear and threw it. Just as Arthur dove for his sword he instinctively pulled his hand back as a blade hearly took his fingers off, landing in between him and Dawn. This brief hesitation led to him being lifted off by his waist then thrown to the side. He rolled to a stop and rushed forward as he drew fist and was met with Arthas' own.

Their fist met first to a standstill but neither wanted to budge. Instead they settled with arms raised to a fist fight and then fought on.

Amidst the exchange of the two the crowed had gone crazy as cheers and hollers echoed across the old fortress castle. They had not seen such exchanges before after all. The match was so captivating that even the highborns themselves were sometimes dragged in to the crowds energy. And those that weren't were silently watching every exchange.

The hype raged on as armors shook from each fist thrown at the other. But slowly and surely, the people soon saw the difference between the two as knights realized the predicament one of the them had found himself into.

Minutes later, the duel was finally coming to an end as the victor was slowly rising above his opponent in every exchange.

Arthur Dayne, the finest swordsman of the Seven Kingdoms was said to be a once in a lifetime prodigy who was knighted with great honors... is now losing.

As great as a knight he is, it was a mistake to exchange fist against Arthas. As the knight had no knowledge of utilizing such form unless buying time to reclaim his sword.

Another hook landed on Arthur's helm, nearly knocking it out of his head. Arthur retaliated with a hook aswell only to stop short as his head was thrown off by an uppercut.

His helmet flew off as Arthur was launched on his back showing his battered face and his beaten form. With one eye bleeding from the brow and bruises across his face.

He breathed heavily trying to catch his breath. And then he heared it as did everyone else.

"Yield." demanded Arthas as he slowly walked towards Arthur.

Still determined Arthur clenched his jaws as he rolled on his belly and then slowly dragged himself towards Dawn. Arthas clutched him by his ankle and then tossed him further away.

Arthas then went for his sword and drew Dawn along with it. With both swords at hand he again walked towards Arthur who could barely raise his body. Placing the tip of Dawn next to Arthur's neck. He demanded one more time.


Arthur was barely moving as his body ached from the duel. He turns to look and saw that the crowed has hushed into silence, awaiting his answer.

He then looked to see his prince only to see a frowning expression in his face.

"Do not looked at him!" shouted Arthas, drawing his attention. "He is not the one you should be drawing your answers from! Look to you sister!" shouted Arthas.

Arthur turned to see his sister. Ashara looked so broken. Tears openly flowing with her hands upon her chest. Her lips shook in a barely held whimper. The very image clenched at Arthur's heart to the point he let out a single tear.

For Ashara, her brother had served as an indominable pillar of strength for all her life. But now he looked far from it, like the fallen ruins with cracks and missing rocks. She cried out one last wish for him to hold on to life.

"PLEASE!!!" she wailed.

And Arthur's answer came instantly. He looked to Arthas and said.

"I yield..."

The people were bursting in their seats and with excitement, in confusion and expectations aswell as despite Arthur's declaration, Arthas had yet to remove the sword from his neck. But all turned to look at the upper seats overlooking the arena. For from up above stood Rhaegar Targaryen at the receiving end of Arthas' glare.

Silence sprung for a while until Ser Arthur declared with more heat in voice. "I yield!"

Rhaegar then looked towards the priest and then sent the man a nod. The priest then made his announcement.

"With the gods and men as witness-"

The Priests' voice was drowned out as the crowed stood and cheered at the outcome of the match.

Lyanna jumped over the fence to the arena under her families protest. Yet she refused to listen and ran straight for Arthas. Arthas of course was occupied as the man was helping Dayne on his feet, when he was nearly tackled by Lyanna who latched on to his chest.

The hype grew as catcalls, whistles and even joyfull laughter joined the cheers. And through it all Arthas simply hugged back at his friend.

If it was just speculations before, it was cemented to everyone present then that the Lordling clearly has a relationship with the Northern Princess. A scandal for sure. And as many expected, Robert didn't like it.

Tywin clutched his fist with eyes filled with determination as he watched the outcome of the duel. As soon as he saw the sword he had decided then and there to abandon the pursuit of other families for his daughter's hand. He had always hoped that the boy would pull through the ordeal but much to his joy and surprise, he actually broke his expectations.

The sword duel was as incredible as expected from two prodical knights. But to Tywin, Arthas has something else that others had yet to take notice except for a select few. Incredible strength. The boy despite being younger outmatched a grown man blade for blade.

It showed in their duel as Arthur's grip was loosened greatly to the point he was disarmed.

Tywin understands that there is strength in blood. The Cleganes of the West and the Umbers of the North were proof of a strength based bloodline. But unlike those two, Arthas posses a unique beauty to him adding to his Valyrian treasure, which overall makes him more than a worthy match.

He looked to his daughter and decided to make his move before it's too late.

"Come with me." He said as he rose.

Arthur was carefully placed on the stretcher. And assoon as he laid down, Arthas placed the sheathed Dawn atop the knight.

To the surprise of the Starks and several Northmen present, Arthur smiled and gave a nod as thanks before he was ushered out by the maesters.

Ashara of course decided to make a scene as she kissed Arthas at the cheek Infront of everyone and then left with a grateful smile.

Releasing a breath, Arthas patted Lyanna's hand currently snaked around his arm as he decided to lead them towards his camp.

Many were in the way of his path as too many people wanted a chance to see the rising star himself. Luckily for him, the Northerners and his own squires cleared enough path for him to be able to reach his destination.

Once inside the tent. Arthas exhaled once more as he sat at his furred arm chair with Lyanna right next to him and the rest surrounding them.

"I'm glad you're alright." whispered Lyanna.

"So am I." He responded. Making Lyanna grip him tighter as her head rested on his shoulder.

After a few moments of silence. "I have matters that I wish to address with you, but you seemed tired enough as is. So I will leave you for the night. I shall have someone escort you to our camp tomorrow morning instead." said Rickard.

"My thanks for your consideration Lord Stark. I shall see you then."

Rickard nodded. "Lyanna, come. You shall see him on the morrow."

She stood up with reluctance. But before she left, she gave him a lingering kiss at the corner of his lips. With a soft and sad smile, she left with the rest.

Sif decided to help her Lord out of his armor once they left but it was already too late. As Arthas himself had fallen asleep where he sat.

With effort and several help, they managed to remove his armor without waking him. Seeing that her Lord was safe and sound, Sif gave his forehead a soft kiss and whispered.

'Rest my lord. You did well. Very very very well.'

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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