16.66% Knight's Journey in Westeros / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Tourney of Harrenhal - 1

บท 3: Chapter 3: Tourney of Harrenhal - 1

Arthas walked out of the arena with the loud cheering of the crowed along with the respect of a few knights.

After entering the prepping room and being either avoided or congratulated for his performance, he returned to his tent and rested.

Sif was confused as she massaged his Lord's back and neck where he sat. He just sat there, looking at his hands. She knew he wasn't in any pain for sure but the confusion in his eyes strikes at her curiosity.

She asked after mustering her courage. "Is there anything wrong mi'lord?"

"...no my dear. Just confused."

"Confused mi'lord?"

"Aye, confused. I had expected my body to burn out due to my performance in the melee. But so far... I am not feeling anything of the sort."

"It must be the hype of the battle mi'lord."


'no...I feel too calm for this to be adrenaline.'

"Aye mi'lord. I have seen it. Men usually rush to the nearest brothel they could find and release that burning rush in them." Sif said as she slowly pulled his head back, softly leaning him on to her chest.

"Hmmm...that makes...sense? I guess."

Arthas soon succumb to her kneading. As his eyes drifted off. Once asleep Sif looked at his face with so much love. Tracing his eyes, his jaw and then his lips. Slowly she lowered herself towards him but she suddenly stopped just as her eyes morphed into sadness and regret.

"If only I was younger..." she whispered.

With her piece said she started cleaning him up by removing his armor and then washed his body afterwards with the help of Mordred.

Outside Gawain and Percival began cleaning his armor as well. Though the armor was heavily scratched, it sustained no significant nor any detrimental damages.

All around their small camp everyone one was working. And working happily to be more accurate. The little ones were helping by prepping the squire's armors while tending to the camp.

The squire's armor is actually more leather than steel emphasizing mobility. They don't have the monstrous level of strength and speed of their teacher but their fighting style is taking on a strong foundation. As such they have a full hard boiled leather armor with steel pauldrons, bracers and greeves.

After getting himself ready, Gawain stepped quietly into his mentor's tent. In one corner, he saw Mordred and Sif softly lay down Arthas into the bed now sporting an oversized white tunic and green breeches.

"Mordred, it's time." he softly announced.

"Of course, I will be with you as soon as Percival arrives."

"Very well, I will await you outside."

"Thank you Gawain"

Once Mordred stepped out, she was greeted by Gawain as Percival jogged to them just in time. They after all had a squires tourney to win.

While his three squires left to make heads turn, Arthas was blissfully sleeping. Feeling too soft globs in his face he ended up taking a deep breath through. Taking in an unknown taste, he subconsciously sucked at what ever it was.

Unknown to the lordling, Sif was struck in an unexpected position. She had thought to fix her master's sleeping form when her breast brushed against his face. Much to her surprise, he inhaled her scent but what had her covering her mouth to stop a moan from leaving her was when he suddenly latched on to her nippled and started vigorously sucking through he thin clothes.

Feeling hot and emboldened, she placed her self right above him as she started grinding her cloth self against his massive erection. The clothes they had prevented any form of penetration. But the stimulating feeling that coursed through her was more than enough to keep her going.

Minutes later, she reached her climax making her ruin her undergarments.

Her arms shook as her lower half draped atop Arthas. With a slight drool in her mouth, she looked to Arthas' sleeping form with half lidded eyes.

She then gave him a soft kiss despite her shaky arm and then left to fix herself up.

The next morning she stood outside of her tent looking through the work done by the others. Everyone was lively as they went about their assigned duties with many of the kids expressing their wish to become Knights aswell.

It was halfway through the morning when she was met with an unexpected visitor.

Tywin Lannister walked into an immaculate camp. Far from the shambles you would usually find in such great numbers. Looking around he saw at least a dozen children and at least half a dozen mothers. On one end sported a cart filled with supplies, food and water. And not far from it is another cart filled with steel weapons.

'They are well dressed. Even more than the Northerners. And from the looks of it are already used to heavier workloads.'

Turning his gaze at another corner. 'That is far too much steel for so few people.'

"I'd like to speak with your Lord." He asked one of the nearest mothers. She looked stunned and hesitant but before Tywin could push once more a far more mature voice cut through.

"Just a moment Lord Lannister. I shall see if he is available for your convenience."

Tywin watched as the woman left. She is beautiful, one that match her regal posture. 'A highborn servant? I didn't know the boy had a caretaker.'

Tywin was then ushered in to the camp and was met face to face with the very person he came for.

Arthas stood as he held a sword that looked like he was personally cleaning.

"Greetings Lord Lannister."

"To you as well Ser Arthas." Arthas guided Tywin to a seat, where Sif began placing drinks. 'a knight wealthy enough to serve Arbor gold.'

"Please, be merciful to the wine. We will beggar ourselves just to provide another." Arthas said in a jesting manner.

"Work for me, and you won't have to be." Tywin said with assurance with a hint of jest.

"I admit, I was not expecting you to be the first to approach me."

"Then it is their loss knowing you knew of what I came here for."

"I do."

"Then tell me Ser Arthas, how much would it take for you to join the Westerlands."

"Nothing less than a lordship, Lord Lannister."

Tywin raised a brow. "You ask for a steep price."

"Possibly yes, but my skill will be on open display throughout the tourney. I can assure you, what you would see will be worth it."

"Hmmm. Then you shall have no problem proving yourself then."

"Nay Lord Lannister. Proving myself is the very reason I came to this tourney."

"That is good to hear. More validation for me means renown for the west should you join."

"That is true Lord Lannister. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, tell me Lord Lannister, why are you truly here?"

"To thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Yes to thank you. I am sure you would have heared by now how his Majesty tried to make my eldest son a member of the Kingsguard."

"I have."

"I had put a stop to it. But in truth it was merely a stop gap. I knew the King will try again, everyone knows that the King will try again. You defeating Jamie with such ease, had put him low in the eyes of every knight in the Seven Kingdoms. Even more so in the eyes of the Commander of the White Cloaks."

"And with this, you believe him safe from joining the King's guard."

"For a time, I do."

"...you under estimate the things the mind can conjure in the eve of madness, Lord Tywin."

"...no one would be foolish enough to invite him through their ranks. Specially of how humiliating that defeat was."

"You sound so sure."

"Yes I am. You are a foreigner so I could not fault you for thinking that. But my son has received nothing but praise from his tutors. Many even went so far as to label in as the second Sword of The Morning. Even boldly announcing it everywhere they went."

"...and yet he fell too easily. I see. So the people who knew him had their expectations basically shattered like myrish class."


They stared at each other for a minute neither wanted to back down. In the end, it was Arthas that conceded.

"Very well Lord Lannister, if you wish it to be so, then so be it."

Tywin nodded at his words and then motioned for his men. The two men returned holding a chest in between them. Which Sif opened after receiving nods from both Tywin and Arthas.

She gasp at the amount of gold within.

"Consider this a token of my gratitude."

"You are welcome Lord Tywin."

And with that Tywin left swiftly. Arthas then sighed once he left. '...you underestimate him, Tywin.'

"My lord?" Arthas' attention snapped to Sif. There was a quiver in her voice. An dunspoken fear in her shaky eyes.

Arthas smiled softly. "Don't worry my dear. This is just a show of power. Nothing more." he said as he waved her worries off.

"As you say my lord."

He frowned at her answer. She sounded like a servant. And to him, it sounded so wrong. He walked towards the chest. It wasn't the biggest but neither is it small by any standard.

"I want you get clothes for everyone. Proper clothes."

"My lord...?"

"Start with that, then you can find out how much there is here."

"Yes my lord."

~~~ Break ~~~

Arthas was walking around the ancient castle when he heared a commotion. He soon found himself standing close to what appeared to be a handful of men bullying another.

Scratching his head as he sighed, he walked forward and then harshly pulled at the colars of the bullies and then tossed them off.

He then turned towards the whimpering ...boy?... at the ground. The scene struck a familiar feeling within him but he then felt a slight sting in his head so he didn't dwell much into it.

"Hey!" *sigh* "What the hell did you think you were doing!?"

'of all the people to get involved with...it had to be idiots.' Turning to face the bullies he saw their insignias dictating their affiliations. But to Arthas, he only recognized the 'two towers'.

"Yes?" asked Arthas.


"He asked what you were doing!?"

"He did." supplied Arthas.

The boy gritted his teeth at frustration. "And yet you didn't answer."

"Ah yes, my apologies. After all it was obvious what I did... if he had to asked, then I fear for his mental capabilities."

The tree were stunned at the blatant insult. After all, no knight just insults another knight. Yet this man did.

"We are squires of honorable knights. You don't just get to toss us like trash and get away with it!"

"Hmmm.....I see. So, three men ganging up on one man who was no longer capable of defending himself... So much for honor..."

"Why you-"

"What is going on here?" a voice Interrupted. They all turned to see none other than Lyanna Stark holding a trainee sword.

The three squires then realized their growing predicament and decided to take their leave. Lyanna was fully aware of what had happened, she after all had thought to help. But just as she was about to step in their way, she felt Arthas' eyes at her. As she turned to him she only saw him shake is head no. Though she didn't like it, she followed no less. Once they were out of hearing range, Arthas spoke.

"I'm impressed." Arthas said.

"Impressed at what?"

"To think you would control yourself enough to actually stand aside."

"Believe me, I didn't want to. I had half a mind to tear them to pieces." She growled out.

"And yet you didn't."

"Because you told me not to!"

Arthas shook his at her answer. "You could have if you truly wanted to... And that is what I am impressed at."

Lyanna was confused and it showed at her reaction as her head tilted sideways, making Arthas smiled softly at her.

"You showed restraint, showed discipline. That and it was driven of self control. Not of fear or uncertainty. Not a lot of people your age could say the same."

"You mean cowardice ..." She hissed out.

"What made you say that?" asked Arthas as he frowned.

"It's what my brother would have said."

"And you believe him?" *sigh* "Your brother's main solution to problems he doesn't understand is violence or flaunting titles. And for that he lacked what is the most incredible quality in a person."

"What's that?"

"Understanding. Friends, family, allies, from rivals to foes and enemies alike. People can still extended one another understanding. From there, no matter how it ended up, be it by blood or not. You take one small step towards peace, for you or for others. With that you are already ahead of your brother for that matter."

"Are you saying I should just let it go? Let what they did to a fellow Northerner be simply forgiven!?"

"Hahaha, not even close my Lady. Understanding is different from simply letting something be. Letting something be, is something you do to discard whatever it is you find either insignificant or unnecessary. Understanding is accepting, be they be good or bad. What you do with that acceptance, is entirely up to you."

Arthas could tell them at the girl was mulling over his words. That was enough to be impressed at the girl.

'Girls really do mature faster than boys.' he thought.

"You know I noticed it before but I never truly put it to words until now." Lyanna said.

"And that would be?"

"You don't talk like them. Not like the rest. There is a, maturity, in you."

"True, but then again..."

"You're right... it doesn't matter what I know about you. In the end, it's up to me to decide whether I heed your words or not, right?"


" ...*sigh*... Come on Howland. Let's get back to camp."

"Yes, my lady." Howland Reed answered.

Before they left however, Lyanna walked up to Arthas and them gave him a lingering kiss at the cheek.

"Thank you." Lyanna whispered.

"You're welcome."

Arthas walked away and then disappeared to the crowed. He had some things to do after all.

Unbeknownst to them, three people were skulking not far from where they stood. Though Eddard Stark was relived that nothing untoward happened to his sister. The two next to him were seething. Brandon out of humiliation. And then Robert out of jelousy.

~~~ Break ~~~

Within his camp, Arthas performed feats of incredible skill before a small gathering of a crowed.

What made his performance even more incredible is the fact that he switches from one weapon to another. And no matter which weapon he held. He showed great skill in their use.

And while everyone was impressed, Arthas was confused. There is something more to his gift something that is invoked into him permanently everytime his skill in wielding weapons grew.

And that is another confusion for him. Gandálfr was said to give complete weapon mastery. And yet he is growing, he can't reason it as some kind of muscle memory as the ability itself gives muscle memory. Allowing a NEET to turn into CHAD when weilding a weapon. So Arthas asks himself. What was this spark of power that is growing within him.

Arthas is in deep contemplation of his ability. So deep in fact that everything around him had vanshed into the background. Making the obviously growing crowed unknown to him. Knights even had bought their squires and together they watched as Arthas performed incredible feats of swordsmanship as if he was fighting someone.

His stances range from both local and foreign to completely gobsmacking movements that had them entertained. And soon even Lords showed up.

The first to arrive was house Stark accompanied by a scowling Robert Baratheon, standing right next to them is Tywin and flanked by his sons on one side and his daughter on the other. Then came the Dornish, led by Oberyn and Ellia Martell. With such an assembled host it wasn't long before the Prince himself showed up followed by both Ser Barristan and Ser Arthur of the Kingsguard.

Minutes passed until, for some reason. Arthas' suddenly picked up pace. His blade now produced a singing sound as his strikes became faster and faster by the passing minute.

Another hour passed and then...*thud!*...his footing became heavier. His swings have gained another level of strength that some of his double handed strikes could generate enough force to produce a slight breeze to those nearby.

Minutes later, he again picked up pace as now his swings soon began leaving behind a silvery trail. His attacks becoming sharper and sharper with each strike.

Any self respecting knight, warrior, lord or heir felt astounded at what they are seeing. The young man is growing at an exponential rate never before seen. But their musings were cut short as for some reason Arthas showed a sudden decline in his performance. Slower, sloppier, and shakier.

While most simply thought he was tired proven by the sheen of sweat that now dampen his clothes making them cling to his body. Ser Barristan and Arthur Dayne along with Lewyn Martell noticed something different entirely.

It was faint but the sing of his blade was there, his footing were more rigid than firm making his swing sloppy and the silvery trail cuts off once his focus wavered. But all through it all they could not put it into words, but it wasn't the fatigue that was causing it... and then they received the most unexpected answer from the most unexpected source.

"He is combining them..." Lyanna Stark whispered in awe.

"My lady?" Ser Arthur couldn't help but ask.

All turned their attention to her as she bowed in embarrassment due to being bought in the spotlight. She then took a deep breath as she answered.

"He had thought me a bit of swordsmanship during our brief moment together in our travel. Men are physically stronger that much was true, but women are inherently nimbler not including a few exceptions. He said that for me to prevail against any foe, I must learn to use what I have to it's fullest."

"Westeros teaches it's men stances and fighting techniques, one that utilizes any of the three, speed, strength and strategy. We could mix possibly two at a time. But no one could truly weild all three. Not even our finest knights." she said as she gestured to Dayne, Martell and Selmy. Who surprised the crowed by nodding. "And that is what he is doing. He isn't sacrificing one to increase his skill in two, no, he is either going to grow in all three aspects, or non at all."

They frowned at her words. Not liking the hidden aspect in it. But then their denial were cut short as Barristan Selmy's voice cut through the whispering crowed.

"She's right." he said.

Minutes passed in relative silence as Arthas once again surprised a great many people when slowly but surely, his growth became visible to both their eyes and ears. Slowly it became more obvious as the hype of the crowed increase in fervor.

And then Arthas stood still for a handful of seconds. With determined eyes, gritted teeth. And a grunt of power. He drew for his final swing. His blade swung as his muscles flexed in strength, his sword leaving a silvery trail that was followed by a gush of wind. And finally the echoe of his singing blade that rung across the silence.

And then they cheered.

The crowed cheered as the lords and ladies clapped in politeness for his outstanding performance. Arthas simply smiled softly, hiding his surprise and embarrassment from the crowed.

His eyes took in the gathered crowed as some people began throwing coins as if it was form of entertainment instead. But while his younglings were picking up the coins, Arthas' eyes were fixed on someone else entirely.

Golden blonde hair that shone it's own light, wrapped tightly into a french braid that draped above her shoulder. And a pair of deep green eyes that could be mistaken for gems. A cute nose followed by her red and luscious lips. And her body that despite its youth, had begun showing off her growing figure. And with can be seen of her curves was that she would be a class of her own. Her beauty easily outshone everyone else's.

But before he could delve too deep into the girls beauty, he shook himself off of it. Giving a small bow to everyone. He then walked into his tent with drooping shoulders. Showing clear signs of fatigue.

The crowed soon dispersed except the lords and ladies of House Stark.

It wasn't long before they were ushered inside by Sif herself where Arthas was standing and waiting. And as soon as he saw them, he knew that it was going to be a long night.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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