100% Reborn in DC & Marvel world as supreme saiyan / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Sorcerer Supreme VS Supreme Saiyan (part -1 )

บท 10: Chapter 10: Sorcerer Supreme VS Supreme Saiyan (part -1 )

[ this is the first time I'm writing such a long fight I did lot of home work for this so reviews can be helpful for me to improve also for each ability the characters use I have added a relevant pic or gif in paragraph comments so do check it if you don't understand ]


Next day everyone gathered in a seperate space created by the ancient one and the Sorcerers for today's battle

Kyle was standing on the sides with indifferent expression waiting for dr.strange to come... looking at him his student came to great Kyle

"Umm....hello?" Artemis first greeted him nervously then followed by others they were still kinda awkward around him...everyone except one person

Wondergirl rushed infront of him and looked at him with sparkling eyes and wide smile, if she had a tail it would be wiggling uncontrollably...she definitely had a fan girl type aura surrounding her...

Kyle narrowed his eyes at the other members for explanation...she definitely wasn't acting like this yesterday so why now?

Robin sighed and said "she was the direct student of wonder woman and you know what happened to her...well even before all of this she respected people stronger than her but after she learnt you killed Steppenwolf.....she basically became your FAN!"

wondergirl nodded frantically at his statement...Kyle eyes twitched he doesn't have time for this fangirl bullshit!

Thinking it would be a hassle if he speak with her Kyle guestured his students

"Hey wait! Don't drag me! Let me talk with him!.....mhhhhh!" immediately Superboy and ms.martian dragged her away despite her strong protests

Looking at her friend acting like a fan girl Artemis sighed....."anyways where's miss Starfire and black canary?"

"Oh they are just behind me look" Kyle pointed his behind him

There were two women....No two zombies crawling on the ground....

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Zombies!" Artemis couldn't help but scream

"Wait! those two look familiar atleast their superhero costumes look like..... Starfire and black canary?"

"What have you done to Them!!" Artemis interrogated Kyle

"We were just training they should be tired that's all" Kyle simply shrugged, well he wasn't lying he made them continuously use their energy attacks on him the whole night so.....

"Tired? They look half dead!!" She couldn't help but scream

"Sigh.....you have no idea how to be gentle with women do you?" While they were arguing the ancient one walked towards them looking at the two zombie superheroes she waved her hand and a beem of light entered them being them back to normal

Getting up the two women looked at Kyle with different expressions

"Hmph! I'm never going to train with this rude monkey ever again!" Starfire stomped her feet and turned away

while black canary rushed to Kyle and grabbed his arm

"Are you sure about today's fight you still haven't leveled up your ability right?" She asked with a worried face

She was right even with a whole day of using absorbtion he still couldn't reach level-4 meaning he couldn't absorb energy or magic.....Kyle was certain that he was infinitely close to leveling up he just need the right opportunity he can only hope this fight could help him break through

"No problem the level up was just a back up plan I don't necessarily need it to beat a 'street magician' "

"Please be more careful 'to fight a Sorcerer with preparation time is the worst thing one could do' these were the warning dr.fate always told us and you are going to fight someone who is his equal "

Kyle was well aware of that, even if Dr.strange lost so badly to hulk it's because of the sudden attack with preparation he could even somewhat fight against Superman much less hulk ofcourse he would loose 9 out of 10 time but the mere fact that he can win atleast once against a bloodlusted superman is already terrifying..... while Kyle was thinking this


Black canary gently kissed his cheeks and smiled at him "just do your best alright, no matter what happens or where you go I'll follow you "

Looking at her sincere words Kyle slightly opened his mouth he wished to say something but suddenly flashes of his past life came to his mind....he shut his mouth and turned around

"Don't bother I don't need a useless luggage to carry around" he said without even turning back as he walked towards the arena

Looking at his back black canary still had the gentle smile but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes

"It seems he can't be true to himself for some reason.." the ancient one stated

"It's alright it's been only few days since we met.... it's selfish of me to force my feelings towards him...." Even she didn't know why she said that to Kyle but after the watchtower incident These few days with Kyle were the most peaceful times she had recently.....she wants to be embraced by his strong arms and ....

'no no! what the hell am I thinking!' she blushed lowering her head

The ancient one ignored her actions and looked towards magik who was also looking at Kyle's back but with a displeasure

"I heard you spread the rumour about the fight to everyone...did you do it to humiliate Kyle assuming he would loose?" She asked

"You know he.... attacked this place right but instead you let him stay and train in this place!" magik replied

"I know you always have vengeance towards your enemies but belive me Kyle is not one of them as long as you treat him well he's a powerful ally"

"Hmph! It's not just that I hate his attitude he thinks he's the strongest or something! I want to see his face after loosing today!"

Ancient one just shook her head in disappointment "you're making an awful lot of assumptions now"

Magik didn't know why but the ancient one seems to be.... betting on Kyle rather than her own student?

Kyle on the other hand unaware of any of this stood at the place created for their fight, there was powerful barriers surrounding them so they can fight all out without holding back

While everyone was eagerly waiting a man wearing a red cloak appeared from the sky floating slowly towards the ground

Looking at their sorcerer supreme appearing the crowd cheered although they didn't necessarily hate Kyle they would obviously support their own leader

Clap* clap*

Not caring about the cheers Kyle clapped his hands "does the 'street magician' need to have a grand entrance to get more coins?"

Dr.strange ignored his comments and started "remember your promise if you lost you'll have to leave this place else I will have to force you to..."

"Oh don't get ahead of yourself 'street magician' I'll crush every single spell you throw at me "

Both stared at each other the air around them turned tense as everyone awaited for the legendary battle to start

At that time the ancient one announced

"Both parties are not allowed to kill each other the match will start now!"

Immediately after the announcement Kyle disappeared from his place and rushed towards strange in a blink of a eye

He condensed a ki blade in his hand and pierced it at the right side of his chest to quickly neutralize strange without killing him but before his blade was about to hit him


A portal appeared between them and kyle's hand condensed with ki blade went through the portal while strange was completely unharmed and then


The same portal appeared behind Kyle his own hand with ki blade was coming straight for his head.... fortunately it was blocked by Kyle's ki shield, without wasting a second dr.strange immediately condensed a magic sword and swiped at Kyle with the later easily blocked with one hand

Kyle then sent a kick towards stranger's abdomen but a magic shield appeared and blocked his kick but the impact itself was strong enough to push dr.strang several meters he then used his 'cloak of levetation' to balance himself by floating up

Kyle narrowed his brows "you're able to react to it huh is it a spell?"

One has to know that Kyle's speed was so high that even someone like Steppenwolf who had 10,000 years of battle experience was unable to react to him...but somehow dr.strange who's just a mortal was able to easily react to him

"Why do you even think I'll expose my secrets to you?" Strange asked in amused tone

"Well you don't have to since I can clearly see them anyways"

[Observe lv2] Kyle activated his 'observe' skill to analyse stranger's spell

[Thought acceleration]

[A spell that accelerates the caster's thought process to thousands to million times than a normal human]

Similar to gamer's mind observe is a system skill he got from the beginning itself it's what he uses to see the names of other people above their heads he could analyse anything from things to spell etc. just like now

'so thought acceleration is what he used to react to my near light speed huh... intresting '

Kyle thought

While Kyle was analysing strange continued his attack he quickly made some hand signs and put his hand on the ground

"Bolts of Balthakk"

Immediately streams of golden lighting spread across the ground and rushed towards Kyle at lighting speed

Strange didn't stop inorder to stop Kyle from flying above he raised his right hand above and flicked his fingers...


Immediately dozens of portals appeared above Kyle's head each portal had a magic artifact that dr.strange took from the kamar taj treasury

Magical Spears, swords, blades, axe, staff all appeared out of each portal threatening to attack Kyle from above while he was being surrounded by lightning on the ground

Looking at the artifacts the ancient one's eye's twitched "who the hell gave him permission to take away all the weapons from the treasury!!"

Magik on her side giggled "well since strange had prepared so much that rude monkey is definitely going to loose!"

The ancient one again sighed "I'm more concerned about loosing all those weapons to that guy"


In the stadium Kyle smirked "hmph did you take a whole day to collect these fancy knifes and forks?"

Saying so he flicked his hands and dozens of sphear shaped ki balls surrounded him as they shot up wards to interfere with stranger's incoming weapons each of these ki attack's has condensed energy enough to destroy a continent ofcourse they can easily destroy normal magic artifacts

While he placed his one hand at ground filled with lighting... a purple beam hit the ground

[Create lv1]

And immediately all those lighting bolt's turned into vines and rushed to wards dr.strange the quickly crawled over his body and strangled his hands and neck

"Rings of Raggadorr" dr.strange barely managed to use his spell and immediately circular rings appeared on both of dr.strang hands and cut through the vines then strange condensed seven of these and attacked towards Kyle

Kyle responded by creating multiple 'destructo disk' towards the incoming rings as both cancelled each other, Kyle didn't stop using his previous attack as a cover he immediately planted few ki blasts in to the ground to target his back

While strange condensed a large energy spinning disk and sent it towards Kyle which the later easily dodged

Kyle used his [create] skill and sent a purple beam at strange he intended tourn strange into a chocolate similar to how buu turned everyone in his verse into chocolate and ate them

while 3 ki blasts Kyle had previously planted appeared out of ground behind dr.strange and attacked him while the purple beam was closing on him from the front, it was a two way attack Kyle came up with to counter his portal ability but unfortunately


A mirror dimension appeared behind dr.strange and blocked the three ki blasts while he created a portal to send the purple attack to a distant mountain... instantly the whole mountain turned into chocolate

Kyle without giving him a break immediately used instant transmission to appear near strange and tried to grab him but.....


Instantly the distance between him and dr.strange expanded indefinitely his surroundings turned upside down as the reality itself started to change "is this the sorcerers reality alternative ability.....hmm definitely weaker than reality stone or even scarlet witch but not bad"

He used his full speed to zoom to the edge unfortunately the surroundings keep on becoming a loop making it impossible to reach the end

[ Skill 'high speed fligh' has been leveled up ]

[High speed flight lv3]

Well atleast his skill leveled up!

The reality around him looked something like kaleidoscope constantly changing into different geometric shapes "well i don't have time for this bullshit so.....I'll just shatter it!"

Kyle condensed his ki power into his fist and punched at full force

[ Skill ki punch has been created ]

[ Ki punch ]

Immediately the entire pocket dimension shattered but Kyle couldn't relax he felt like he was still trapped inside another pocket dimension...

He immediately felt like his body is getting frozen before he could react he was completely frozen Inside a Massive ice dome

[Observe lv2]

[Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon]

[a spell that called upon the powers of Ikthalon to conjure extreme cold temperatures reaching beyond absolute zero]

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kyle roared and released his ki surrounding his body completely evoprating the ice but unfortunately the evoprated ice once again started to condense around his body... Kyle thought for a second and he pushed his ki to the absolute boiling point as his bod also started to produce extreme heat any human or even saiyans would have disintegrated by doing so but he has buu's regeneration ability

As flame started to spread over his body the ice formation started to slow down

[New skill 'Flame body' has been created]

[Flame body lv1]

he already got what he wanted in this dimension so there's no point in staying here any longer he once again condensed his ki fist and shattered the pocket dimension

Unfortunately he was still struck in another pocket dimension he used his ki to sense dr.strange unfortunately ki sense wasn't able to penetrate through the pocket dimension's wall same with his observe skill both were too low leveled as of now.....but Kyle didn't stop he continued using his ki sense at full throttle

"It's time to test how fast the gamer system can level up my skills in a life threatening situation"

Suddenly the entire dimension was surrounded by dark mist soon there was no light even the light he produced by using ki was getting absorbed by the strange darkness....

'last time it was ice now it's drakness huh'

Kyle used his observe skill on it

[ The Vapours Of Valtorr ]

[ The spell can summon the powers of valtorr a diety from dark dimension to conjure an overwhelming dark mist that not only concealed everything within itself, but also blocked out all sources of light - blinding his enemies ]

Well it doesn't matter as long as he has ki sense he could survive here the problem is breaking out it seems strange had trapped me inside a loop of multiple parallel dimension unless I find his location I will quite hard to escape here no matter how many pocket dimensions I break dimensions so Kyle continued using his ki sense to find him

At that time multiple demon like claws appeared out of nowhere and attacked Kyle he was easily able to dodge them using his ki sense but multiple demon beasts came out of darkness and attacked him

Dodging them he used his observe' skill

[Observe lv2]

[ Demons of Denak ]

[ Denak a mystical entity that rules over all of the demons that reside in the Raggadorr dimension this spell allows the user to summon demons and control them ]

"Damn it does this bastard only Know how to borrow other diety's powers?"

Kyle got annoyed "what do you think these mere beasts can do?"

[Multi targeted ki blasts lv1]

Immediately multi targeted ki blasts as several beams of ki appeared and killed all those demons but the demons continued to re spawn without an end.... unfortunately for them Kyle also has infinite stamina as he continued shooting them down with ki blast

[Skill Multi targeted ki blasts has been leveled up]

[Multi targeted ki blast lv2]

Kyle continued concentrating on his ki sense and finally

[The skill Ki sense has leveled up ]

[Ki sense lv3]

Immediately his he was able to sense beyond the pocket dimension

[ The skill observe has been leveled up ]

[ Observe lv3 ]

Oh another level up it was a pleasant surprise.....now he was able to easily sense dr.strange location

He was sitting at the middle surrounded by multiple pocket dimension like a loop "found you" Kyle immediately used instant transmission and appeared infront of dr.strange and grabbed his neck

"The planetarium show was pretty fun but now it's over" Kyle stated

Dr.strange simply smirked "unfortunately for you the show's not over"

Proof* his body disappeared into several butterflies

"A clone?" Kyle asked with a little surprise

Several meters away from Kyle Dr strange appeared "i never thought you'll be able to escape the loop...it was one of my strongest cards created to fight hulk"

"Well if that 'cheap planetarium show' was your Trump Card then...I'm disappointed" Kyle was delebrately provoking strange he had already grown quite a lot during this fight if this battle goes on Kyle was confident he could become way stronger

'it seems broly's true potential and gamer system abilities can fully be capitalised during a real intense battle'

Seeing his excited expression dr.strange had a chill run through his spine 'what the hell is wrong with this battle maniac!' he thought

"Well if you don't come at me then I will!" Saying so he pointed his ten fingers at air and several red laser like ki beams projected out of each of his fingers the beams didn't instantly attack dr.strange but with their fluid movements created a laser prison around dr.strange

[ Multi targeted ki beam lv2 ]

After the level up this skill has completely changed, his original blue colour ki blasts turned into fluid red laser like beam similar to freeza's death beam

The lazer like beam continued to move in a caged formation restraining dr.strange

Let's call this technique "cage of light" just like in the canon Kyle thought

"Didn't you like to trap me in your little dimensions let's see how you like being trapped!"

Strange tried to create a portal but one of the moving death beam interfered forcing him to back off

"No no no if you don't want to be cut in half don't try to use portals~"

While strange was struggling to dodge the death beams Kyle flicked his hands and multiple small balls of ki appeared surrounding dr.strange

"I heard you're good in academics right? So I hope you know how nuclear fission works right?"

Saying so he flicked his hands and one of the small ki balls hit another ki ball and split into four then the four split into eight and the they continued to multiply infinitely


But when the ki balls hit dr.strange they caused huge explosion soon dr.strange was completely immobilized by death beam while continuously getting bombarded by those fission ki balls

[New skill 'ki fission' has been created]

[Ki fission lv1]

Dr.strange was barely holding on by condensing shields

"I'm the sorcerer supreme this much is not enough to take me down!"

Saying so he crossed his hand and chanted "Winds of Watoomb!"

Immediately a spiralling tornado surrounded dr.strange and engulfed all his ki attacks, both his death beams and ki fission balls immediately got dispersed with strang as it's center the tornado acted as a protective barrier

Kyle narrowed his eyes "is that strange tornado stopping my ki attacks?"


[Winds of Watoomb : a spell that called upon the powers of Watoomb to conjure powerful mystical air current it can disrupt energy or mystic attacks]

So it's disrupting by ki? "Alright then let's see how much output it can disrupt?"

Saying so he cupped his hands to his sides and concentrated ki to a single point "ka-me-ha-me...."

Seeing the incredible dense energy condensed in Kyle's hand Dr.strange mocked "fool this wind currents disrupt ki attack how are you going to hit me past these wins barriers?"

Kyle smirked "funny why do I even need to pass the barrier?...the most peaceful place during the Strom is it's center!"

[Instant transmission] Kyle immediately appeared above the tornado and released his "ka-me-ha-me-ha!" Attack at the center towards dr.strange

The tornado got ripped into shreds and exploded rom with in

Huff* Huff*

Dr.strange who barely managed to survive with a portal was breathing heavily while floating but before he could react a long hand stretched out of the same portal he escaped and spiraled around strange locking him

"Oh being able to extend my arm thanks to buu's physique is quite useful" Kyle smirked at his stretched out hand through the portal dr.strange escaped


Soon dr.strange closed the portal along with his hands.....which immediately got cut by the space closing

"Huh buddy did you just cut my hand in a friendly match?" Kyle aske with an innocent expression

"Hmph! Stop pretending I know you can regenrate" dr.strange scoffed

As expected a purple slime covered his hand and immediately a new hand was grown looking at his regenation speed dr.strange eyes twitched in annoyance




While the battle wasn't over the onlookers were already at their wits end, they couldn't comprehend what kind of ridiculous fight took place right before their eyes..... being a sorcerers themselves they could clearly understand the terrifying power of all the spells dr.strange used in the fight just looki at it send them chills

Even if they trained all their lives they won't be able to perform even one of those high level spells that literally summon the power of dietys from other dimension but strange was able to cast dozens of them so far

"As expected of the sorcerer supreme.....but I'm more freeked out by the other guy!"

"Yea he's able to easily break through all of strange's spells....and from the looks of it he can still fight "

"Yea did you see him regrow his hands like nothing i doubt he's even a human?"

"And to think we were about to turn him in to our enemy...(gulp*)" At his statement everyone gulped thinking about what happened in the entrance that day

On the sides the young justice league members were watching with all kinds of different expressions

"Sooooo cooool!!" Wonder girl was looking at Kyle with sparkling eyes

"Ahhhh! You have been saying the same thing since the start of the battle Can you please stop it now!" Artemis could no longer take wonder girl's fangirling any more

On the other hand Superboy was looking at the battle with complecated expression before the battle he was still reluculant to accept Kyle as a teach but after seeing his abilities and battle skills his thoughts changed

Few distance away from them

"How is this possible!? Why hasn't Kyle lost yet?" Magik was looking at the battle with surprise she was certain strange with prep time could easily beat Kyle

"It's because you have severely underestimated Kyle if anything he hasn't even shown his full abilities" the ancient one stated indifferently

"No I don't believe a nobody like him can beat the sorcerer supreme this match is still not over!"



On the stadium dr.strange looked at Kyle and finally decided

"I have watched your fight multiple times and analysed every one of your skills and prepared spells before hand as counter you merely broken one of my arrangements "

Saying so strange made hand signs and immediately several large magic circle appeared around kyle as the turned into a gate and in an instant a enormous amount of green flame surrounded Kyle the temperature of these flames were so high that they were able to even burn his ki and body

[Observe lv3]

[ The Flames Of Faltine : The Flames of the Faltine was a magical spell that calls upon the Faltine to conjure mystical flames that can burn anything down even energy itself ]

Strange didn't stop he condensed a mirror dimension around the green flames trapping Kyle

Strange is well aware of Kyle's teleportation so he started chanting one of his most powerful spells

"The Fangs Of Farallah"

A huge mouth of a terrifying demon appeared in the sky as if trying to swallow everything

"It's farallah's mighty jaw with this I can trap anyone and imprison them even with your teleportation skill you won't be able to escape " dr.strange warned him it is to indirectly say if he sensed Kyle trying to use his teleportation he would immediately imprison him

Well Kyle didn't care about any of his warning his body was burning due to the green flames while his body was continuously getting regenrated due to buu's ability but even in this situation his excitement continued to grow

Badhum* Badhum*

His saiyan instincs were reaching their absolute peak Kyle knew this was the best chance to break through to super Saiyan form

Basically in order to achieve super Saiyan one need to feel enormous rage on top of harsh environment to push him like Goku getting cornered by freeza, Vegeta training in a lighting planet, broly beaten up by SSj blue Vegeta

Kyle already had enormous rage stored inside him all he had to do is let it go combined with his current harsh conditions of being burnt alive...in theory it should work

Kyle summoned all his rage and started rising his ki to the absolute max


the entire world shook a terrifying power was brewing inside the mirror dimension Kyle was sealed

" What's going on?" Dr.strange narrowed his eyes same with the ancient one she also sensed this terrifying power

Golden ki slowly started to emerge along with his uncontrollable rage Kyle started to completely loose control...at that time

[Gamer's mind activated]

[Forcefully calming the user's mind]

Immediately Kyle's anger disappeared like nothing along with the rising power that everyone was sensing

The golden ki that was about to be transformed also returned back to normal

His super Saiyan transformation failed!

Kyle looked at the notification with blank face his face twitched in annoyance

"YOU DAMN TROLL!!!!!" his screams ecoed throughout kamar taj people who were already confused at the situation.


I tried to make the battle as detailed as possible so it became much larger than i thought what do you guys think should I make fights short? The battle will be over in next chapter also there will be R18 (sex) scenes in that chapter - Kyle x black canary

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