"Let me have a look at that!" Said Lucius snatching the picture from Devyn and then looked at the picture speechlessly as he was shocked to see the face of a pretty young straight faced lady that he had never expected to see as his wife-To-be . She looked very pretty and young. Even calling her pretty would be an understatement as her beauty doesn't look real.
"You still have not answered my question dude. How can you reject to marry such a woman who absolutely can not be called beautiful because it is an insult to her as it is an understatement to her level of beauty. Or you're telling me that you have not even send a picture of her?" Asked Devyn.
"No, I haven't." Said Lucius.
"No wonder you were complaining about marrying her. But wait, why would they, in their right minds think of selling this girl of to a family they didn't even know about just like that without even thinking twice. From the information Levi just brought, one could she that she is an excellent girl who has several traits that are very hard to come by so why would they readily accept the proposal of your parents to give her to you in exchange for their land?"
"Hmmm. That is the mystery of this whole matter."said Lucius buttressing with Devyn's point.
"Ahem!" Just then, Levi cleared his throat causing the two men to simultaneously turn their heads in his direction, facing him.
"There's more. Turns out that Mrs. Monica Montgomery, Miss Zelma Montgomery's stepmom and the second wife of Mr. Frediano Montgomery, Miss Zelma's dad, got married to Mr. Frediano when her mom passed away when she was very young. She can into the marriage with a daughter who was born during Mr. Frediano's first marriage. Miss Zelma's mom inherited her parents fortune, which is the vineyard they currently own. As expected Miss Zelma was to inherit that fortune as it was her mom's which stirred up the hatred in Mrs. Monica because her daughter was Mr. Frediano's first daughter and he is currently managing everything so she didn't get why all the fortune was to be inherited by Miss Zelma so she did everything she could to turn Mr. Frediano against her and succeeded in the end. Hence she was able to convince him to accept the proposal so as you guys have money they would succeed in getting a reasonable excuse to take Miss Zelma out of the will." Explained Levi calmly to Devyn, who was extremely shocked and Lucius who was also shocked but did well in hiding it.
"What do you mean? How can they be so heartless?" Said Devyn still not able to get over the shock.
"Hmmm." Said Lucius not knowing what to say before pouring himself a glass of wine and another until he had had four glasses of wine.
"Woah! That's enough. If you keep on drinking at this rate, you will get drunk. Slow down." Said Devyn, heeding his advice to Lucius but Lucius refused to listen to his advice and kept on drinking glasses of wine and other hard liquors until he got very intoxicated.
After a while, Levi and Devyn had to leave as it was getting late. But they couldn't leave Lucius on his home so Devyn called his mom to get someone to take care of him.
*Ring, Ring*
Mrs. Nicole rushed towards the ringing phone in a haste.
Few minutes later, she returned to the room where the rest of the Rhodes family sat to have a conversation about all that happened.
"Devyn just called me to inform me that Lucius got drunk and is not in a good condition now so we should send someone to take care of him. I think I should send Zelma to his place as this would be a good opportunity for them to meet. What do you all think about it?" Said Mrs. Nicole upon returning from where she received the call.
"Hmm. I think that might be a good idea but you have to go there because you know how this is, he might harm her because of the anger he has towards us." Said his father.
"Alright then, I'll go tell her family about it."
Said Mrs. Nicole before rushing out again to inform Zelma's family.
Nicole; "Hello. Mrs. Monica, I have some good news that will really help us."
Monica; Hello. Really? And what would that news be?
Nicole ; "Well, Lucius' friend just called me to tell me that he is not in a good state as he is really intoxicated and needs someone to take care of him so I want Zelma to go take care of him now, if that would be possible. I know it's late but besides we can go there in the morning to introduce themselves to each other. This might be the best opportunity for them to meet each other."
After those words silence followed before
Mrs. Monica replied,
"That is perfect. I would go wake her up to go there immediately and don't worry, she's a good girl so she won't complain. Send me the location."
"That's wonderful. I'll do so. Bye." Replied Mrs. Nicole before ending the call.
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