13.95% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 12: Love And Its End

บท 12: Love And Its End

The court was full, buzzing with lords and ladies from almost everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms. Robert seemed to be more… diligent. He wasn't piss drunk for once as Cersei Lannister was publicly berating him. Edward Stark was present as well, probably doing all the work…

Joffrey was giving me a weird angry look; what was new? Jaime Lannister had a slight frown and smile as we exchanged looks.

Never mind that, I needed answers.

"Prince?" I questioned, raising my voice. "I know damn well I ain't no bloody prince. This is just an amusing act everyone's playing on me, isn't it?"

"No, nephew!" Renly laughed, wrapping his arm around my head. "You are THE prince Edric of House Baratheon."

"... I'm Edric Storm, I always was." I refuted, shaking my head.

"Edric 'Storm' of House Baratheon." Renly Baratheon corrected, chuckling as he pulled away. "Embrace your new title… it's certainly nothing to be ashamed of."

"No… I refuse!" I made my way forward as the court split apart to make a path for me. "Who the hell decided to legitimise me?"

"I did." Robert Baratheon replied simply with his battlefield, thundering voice as he looked straight at me. His blue eyes seemed keen… alive. "What of it?"

"You didn't even consult me in the slightest… for that matter, I never asked for any of this!"

"See, even he finds it absurd." Cersei Lannister started, frowning as she turned to Robert. "He's a warrior, not a prince. All you've done is thrown him into a game he never wanted to play-"

"He is my son!

Robert Baratheon roared so loud that the entire hall and beyond heard him loud and clear. There was silence for what seemed like an eternity. No one dared to speak before the King. Well, it seemed like no one did. 

I dared.

"Your son? Where were you for the first ten years of my life?" I waffled. Truthfully, I didn't give a shit about his neglect… I just needed ammo to get myself out of this arrangement. "Where were you when I learned to walk, wield the sword, shoot my first arrow? I don't need you to start acting like my father; I was doing just fine without your care. I was born as Edric Storm… and will remain as such till the day I die!"

"He has his father's bravery, no doubt…" One lord gossiped. 

"I've never seen a boy be so determined to remain a bastard."

"Edric, the decision has been set in stone." Eddard Stark stated.

"What is all the fuss, boy?" Robert Baratheon questioned, stepping forward. He stopped until he was only a meter away, staring down at me. He was colossal, still, towering over me by three or so inches. "I named you my trueborn because you displayed valour, determination and charisma befitting of a prince. You can cry, run from it, make a fool of yourself… but nothing will change. The only choice you have is to embrace this decision."

"You don't get it, do you? By legitimising me, you're pitting me against every fucking Lannister associate in this city." I didn't back down, looking up to him as I spoke the blatant truth. "Because of that, you'll be making my life a thousand times more difficult for no damn reason. You may as well have hit me with a damn warhammer… reverse the decision, for the love of the Seven."

"Let them try." Robert Baratheon spoke plainly before smiling. "Don't start shitting your boots, Edric. Your claim is not nearly as strong as you may believe, you are fourth in line… hardly worth plotting against and inciting my fury. Regardless, you defeated fifty knights to claim victory in the melee… what is this hall of fools to you?" 

Looks like I showed off too much and got my ass into contention for the throne. I would have loved to have turned around and ran right back to my ship, gone to Storm's End for a bit and probably fucked off somewhere to Essos after doing things my way. But… escaping wasn't an option, especially during this crucial point in time. I had already resigned myself to keeping the Realm's peace.

"..." I sighed, resigning to my fate. "So… who am I betrothed to?"

"That is the spirit, who indeed!" Robert Baratheon pat my shoulder before gesturing to the side. "I suppose now would be a good time to get yourselves acquainted."

I looked at Sansa Stark, who stood beside her sister. "Isn't she already betrothed to Joff?"

"No, the younger, you fool." Robert laughed. "Arya Stark… you two are not all that different. Wild as children could be."

"..." Arya??? Not only did I not intend to marry anyone in the hall (other than Raiden Shogun but that's another matter entirely), but also… Arya? We were far from a perfect match.

"Uh, about that." I raised an eyebrow, glancing at my 'betrothed' who scoffed at me. "I already have a girl in my heart. Besides, she is of the noble House Stark while, despite being a prince, I am still a legitimised bastard. I believe there is a far better match somewhere else…-"

"A girl in your heart? Forget about her… what can a boy like you know about love, anyway?" Robert laughed. "I am your King and you will follow the arrangements that I've made for you. Not only will you follow them, but you will do so dutifully. If I hear that you've dishonoured the Hand's daughter even once…"

So I have to abandon Alysanne for Arya?

Who the hell did he think he was?

"No… no. Fuck you, fuck your arrangements and fuck legitimisation."

I shook my head, turning to the gate. Before I was even within ten metres, it was covered with a line of guards. I did not have a single weapon on me, and my body was still sore as all hell from the melee…

"Get out of my way."

I stared down on them, trying to intimidate the guards.

"You may be the champion of the melee, but you can barely walk, prince…" One of them countered.

"Let him go." Robert Baratheon commanded, shaking his head. "The prince needs time to himself, so it seems."


I scoffed, walking straight out.

"I think my nephew is still tired from the melee and his wild night." Renly Baratheon laughed, stepping behind me. "Come, this is a time for celebration! This is all you could've ever wanted… stop acting so bloody rebellious, it gives everyone a bad impression of you."

"Like I give a damn." I countered, frowning. "I should've never come to this shithole."

"... It's not nearly as bad as you paint it, Edric." Renly Baratheon reassured me as he caught up.. "You have even greater freedom than before, except for your choice of girl. You don't have to endanger yourself and stay in the capital, either. You can return to Storm's End… or even travel the Seven Kingdoms. As a prince, you would be welcome anywhere."

"... None of it was my choice," I replied, turning to him. "If I wanted to be a prince, fair enough. But he didn't even care about what I thought…"

"Wasn't it your choice? You came to King's Landing and shined like the brightest star in the sky." Renly Baratheon stroked his chin. "After offending and even killing so many knights, accident or not, you would've made quite the number of enemies… this new title serves as a shield of impenetrable armour. Even the Lannisters wouldn't be daring enough to openly threaten you-"

"Openly… but now I have to be paranoid over every little thing."

"Given how much you seem to detest your heritage, mayhaps you won't have to." Renly remarked. "As for the dove you fancy, it's unfortunate but even she would understand why you must move on and let your feelings wither away. You have duties to fulfil now."

"... I can't have a simple life anymore." 

I stated as I continued my walk down.

"You never strived for one."

Renly Baratheon didn't give chase, stopping at the gate.

Robert didn't look at all concerned with Edric Storm's rebellious attitude… for that matter, he found it amusing.

"That's my boy, alright. The fury of a Baratheon!" Robert Baratheon laughed. "He will learn to accept who he is in time."

"I don't understand why you would even do such a thing…" Cersei Lannister made an expression of disgust.

"... I will hear no more of it!" Robert Baratheon turned to Cersei Lannister with a frown. "Edric Baratheon is more than worthy of the House name. That much should not even be up for dispute."


Making my way to my ship, I felt so defeated. Yes, to most people being a prince might seem bloody brilliant… but this was the Game of Thrones territory. At best, I wanted to be the arrow that decimates the Great Other. Nothing more… and here I was, thrown straight into the wheel by the ever-so-wonderful Robert.

He took away my freedom, put me in serious danger and has the balls to tell me who I'm going to marry and stay loyal to.

That decision… was mine to make.

Besides that, the hypocrisy was ludicrous. He, himself, cheated on his betrothed and wife countless times, and here he was telling me to be a damn saint.

It's not that I couldn't stay loyal to a single person; in fact, I am all for marriage… but that one person had to be special to me. There were only two girls whom I even considered for that position, and neither of them were Arya. Effectively, Robert wanted to shape me in his image like I was a messy chunk of play dough.

I wasn't fucking play dough…

"Welcome back, prince." Dorian chuckled as he stood by my cabin door. "How's the fancy mancy court today?"

"Shut up and go outside."

I ordered, walking straight inside.

"The first bastard in history furious over his legitimisation… you are rather special." Dorian remarked behind the door.

I sat down on my bed and contemplated everything…

What did being prince mean, post Eddard's discovery?

Would I be the sole heir?

Yes… I fucking would.

Unless Robert got with Margaery or something…

Ugh, it was highly likely I've thrown myself into a corner that I can't run away from. Imagine my dumb, irresponsible ass as King… it's the last thing I want. The weight of the entire Realm on my shoulders, imagine that. The plotting, schemes, corruption, wars, Dany pulling up… so much stress for no damn reason.

I just want to be the GOAT Knight, backer of a stable King, the 'hero of the world' and have the option to retire from the whole thing when it's over and just relax with a loving wife by my side. I had no business being in contention for kingship.

As the Jon Snow meme goes, 'I dun wand it…'

I really didn't.

I chuckled at my own joke…

"Why are you so vehemently opposed to your new position?" Raiden Shogun inquired, towering over me as her piercing violet eyes met mine. "Being a prince is a blessing, not a curse… no matter how you twist it. If your goal is to defeat the Others, having greater influence over the Seven Kingdoms will do nothing but aid you. In truth, you should not even attempt to evade the throne… you should strive to take it for yourself!"

"Could I even be a good king?" I questioned, laying down as I looked at the wooden ceiling.

"What a foolish question… could you be a good king? You could be the finest King to ever take breath or the very worst… what of it? It is all up to you. You've already decided to save the world; what could be a more noble deed? For that matter, you questioning yourself shows that you see it as a great responsibility - one held to the utmost regard. This is a trait of only the finest of rulers."

"You're glazing me…" I replied, smiling slightly. Did I blush? Probably.

"Glazing? As in, making you flustered?"

'D-riding…' I chuckled, not saying anything.

"... I see. It's another vile jest, isn't it?" Raiden Shogun smiled slightly, turning away. "You are too bold for a retainer, I must say."

'... I'm not as bold as I'd like to be.'

I thought, shaking my head. 

"Honestly… I can't put it into words how much I appreciate you. Whenever I'm down, it's you who raises me right back up… every time… I wouldn't even be here without you." I admitted, sitting up. "It feels like so long as you believe in me, I can accomplish anything."

"That is all I can do as I am now, guide you forward towards achieving all of your goals." She replied, turning back to me. "Even if my rebirth is not possible to begin with, I'll still find solace in your growth."

'... Really?'

She'd be happy to disappear along with me… never being able to take breath again? If so…

I heard footsteps, pausing as if I hadn't been talking to myself (to the oblivious eye). A knock followed.

"It's me, Arthur. You're not too busy, are you, prince?"

"Not really. What's up?"

I was very busy… but then I recalled the heated row we had with each other. I wanted things to be right between us. I stood up from my bed and fixed up my shoddy appearance.

The door opened and Arthur presented himself, making a rather serious expression.

"I may have overreacted in the melee…"

"It's fine." I smiled, shaking my head. "You honestly had a point… I wasn't quite myself for most of it. I was blinded by my fury and vengeance. It was all I bothered to see. I didn't want to kill any of them, truthfully… it just happened. It didn't help that I was wielding Robert's warhammer. But… if I hadn't fought like that, I would've been surrounded again and lost. It's unfortunate what happened."

"So you did everything to win?"

"Well, look at me… I can hardly lift my arms." I nodded. "They were willing to kill me, too. I had that impression."

"I see… so you're saying they were bribed to ensure your defeat?"

"Better yet, my death." I replied, frowning slightly. "King's Landing is a place shrouded in darkness. Everyone is trying to reach the top… or stay there, once they do. My success threatens House Lannister, giving plenty reason for others to conspire against me."

"You've never been a bigger threat." Arthur acknowledged, nodding. "... So, did you retrieve my sword?"

"I got carried off to the Red Keep." I chuckled, shaking my head. "Though, it should be somewhere there. As I recall, the Kingsguard were the ones to take care of my equipment."

"Given that you returned so swiftly, I don't assume going there is an option?"

"... Eh, we'll go later today. I want to meet with Alysanne first." I stated, smiling slightly.

"Are you certain that's a good idea?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're betrothed to a proper lady now… being seen with anyone else would give the wrong impression."

"Isn't it a principle of a knight to be courteous?" I countered, stroking my chin. "I won't abandon my bond with Alysanne just because Robert decided I should marry Arya Stark."

"Calling it a bond would be an understatement… it's more than that." Arthur refuted, sighing. "It's unfortunate but you can't be with Alysanne. You're not a bastard anymore, you can't do whatever you want."

"So… I can't love? I never agreed to any of his arrangements." I frowned, shaking my head. "Besides, I am behind all of his trueborn children in terms of claim, why can't I choose who I want to be with? Why is it that I have to discard everything, on his whim?"

"Because he is the King." 

"Then… what if I became King?" I questioned. 

"... Well." Arthur certainly didn't look like he was ready for that rebuttal. "Then you could change your fate, I suppose. A King should certainly be able to choose whom he marries."


Yes, what if I did become King? What if I ensured that those 'trueborn' children were exposed for being bastards, leaving myself first in line… and then the agents of chaos would most certainly wish Robert dead. What is a less stable Realm than one with a legitimised eleven-year-old bastard sitting on it?

Besides that, Arya Stark is two years younger than I am. Our marriage date would be in the distant future… giving me plenty of time to cancel it.

But then… I'd still need House Stark's support. Without it, my hold would be much weaker. What if I married both? One for duty and the other for love? The Faith certainly wouldn't like that, probably branding me as a lustful fiend or something along those lines. I'd be in a shit position regardless…

What if I held everything together with the best advisors I could have, just long enough for Dany to come in and then I could walk away? Maybe serve as a great knight or something, leading her army? Then I could defeat the Others, or at least… have the best shot at it.

That… seems like a plan, not going to lie.

'Oh god.'

The realisation struck me… I was thinking like a Game of Thrones player. A rather strange one, at that. I didn't care about maintaining power, only using it to achieve my ends. Yet, I was a player nonetheless… 

Yes, that's right, I am one. I had to be.

I just had to convince Alysanne to stay by my side.

"You seem in deep thought… I can't say if it's a good thing or not." Arthur raised an eyebrow. "I believe you've been making silent expressions for the last minute or so."

"I've gained clarity on this matter… not all is lost." I smiled, nodding. "Let's go."

"If you say so."


In the end, Rolan ended up tagging along as we strolled through the streets of King's Landing. I didn't know where to look, really… which was quite disheartening. Though, the joust would begin today so I was certain I could find her somewhere then. Instead, Rolan insisted that we check out the Street of Silk. That, we did.

It was a street lined with brothels of varying expense.

Rolan's speciality…

"Eh, what do you say, Edric?" Rolan grinned slightly. "As prince, you ought to have some special privileges… let alone wealth."

"Rolan… the fact that I'm even here makes me look questionable."

"Since when did you care about public opinion?" Rolan stroked his chin, raising an eyebrow. "Are you accepting your role as prince now? Oh, my… how dutiful!"

"There's nothing wrong with being untainted by the filth in this city." Arthur countered. "Look at how many brothels there are… this is a city of sin."

"Love and passion shouldn't be sin."

"Love and passion? Mayhaps for the one paying."

"We had this debate earlier…" Rolan sighed, shaking his head. "Though, you can't tell me if Edric walked in there, handsome as he is, that there wouldn't be anyone interested."

"Edric is not so depraved, fortunately."

"Hey, I'm a handsome young man of nobility as well…" Rolan added.

I noticed a burned building in the distance, stepping closer to it. There was a crying old man right before it… on his knees as he sobbed. I took a closer look at the building, noticing that it seemed to have taken a strong blow up top. It had a similar appearance to the other buildings, disregarding the fact that it was ruined… a brothel? Likely.

"What happened here?" I muttered out loud, raising an eyebrow.

"The storm… from the previous day." He stuttered, looking up for a moment. "The Gods showed their wrath… hurling a bolt of lightning… my girl… my precious girl… why did she choose that path?"

I remained silent, not knowing what to say.

"What a tragedy," Rolan remarked, sighing. "Imagine how many wonderful girls died in that incident?"

"Have some respect." Arthur punched him in the back of the head.

"Weren't you against brothels and their depraved workers?"

"... This is different. They're still people. What happened here was a great tragedy."

"Lightning struck, and violent flames emerged, burning the building whole so swiftly that no one managed to escape." One man remarked, walking up. "A tragedy… some say it was Father's judgement for all the sinners."

It was no God… 

It was the Storm.

It was me.

"Old man… you need help?" I asked, taking out some gold dragons. "Anything you need, a drink, food, a place to stay-"

"Gold dragons?" The man observed, turning to me. "What good is it now… where was it when I had something to live for? Will they return my daughter to me?"

He struck my hand, tossing the gold dragons all over the place.

"Suit yourself…"

I frowned, walking away. I wasn't very emotionally intelligent when it came to the sorrow of other people… in truth, I shouldn't have even offered a helping hand. All I did was make things worse.

I heard footsteps behind me as people ran to gather the gold dragons off the floor. I heard shouts, the sound of punching… were they fighting for it?

"Like flies to a delicious piece of dung." Rolan remarked, chuckling. "No use in helping the blind."

"We should do something…" Arthur remarked, looking back.

"No use in that." I stated, shaking my head. "We'd only put ourselves in the line of fire."

Besides, I was injured. If shit went south, it wouldn't look good.

"So… before we leave this street, Edric, can I have a little bit of allowance? Just a slight bit to push me over the edge, you know?" Rolan asked… of course, he was still determined to get with a whore. "I'll be forever indebted to you."

"Place high in the joust, and I might consider it."

"High… define high?"

"High enough," I replied, putting up an expectation that he shouldn't be able to meet.

"Now that's quite cruel… I'll have to dig deep into my own pockets, by the sounds of it."

"Mhm, you would have to." I nodded. "I am not endorsing you to waste your money on a one-time experience. If you want to do it, go ahead… but it won't be at my expense."


After rejecting Rolan, I made my way back to the Red Keep to pick up all my gear while the others returned to the ship. Looking back, Robert knew exactly what he was doing. My entrance attracted far too many eyes than I wanted it to.

"I'm here for my equipment." I stated, facing Robert Baratheon.

"Look at who has returned… it took less time than anyone could have anticipated." Littlefinger jested.

"... Kingslayer, go show him." Robert Baratheon grinned, not saying much more.

Jaime Lannister didn't say anything until we were alone, making our way to the armoury. 

"How is life as a prince?"

"Awful." I admitted, though my tone sounded almost sarcastic.

"That Arya Stark… the spirited Stark girl who looks like a boy, what a fate." Jaime Lannister chuckled, shaking his head. "Though, you two are rather alike. You never know how a young flower may blossom."

"Mhm…" I didn't say much to that.

"Though, you did say you'd walk away from a forced arrangement. Where did that boldness go?" Jaime Lannister questioned.

"I've thought about it, deciding to take a more patient approach. Walking away would do more harm than good."

"Would it? What would you seek by staying?"

"Making the most of my new position." I smiled, scratching my hair. "If I ask for training sessions, you're inclined to agree now, aren't you?"

"... I would be, yes." Jaime Lannister nodded. "Though, you're still not satisfied with your martial prowess? At this point, I don't believe there's much I could teach you."

"Physically, I'm amongst the best. But my skill with anything that's not a bow is average at best."

"You don't truly believe that, do you?" Jaime Lannister chuckled. "Your throwing skill, ability to anticipate your opponent's blows and dodge them accordingly… that last show of consecutive blows at the melee were precise and intentional, breaking apart the red priest's defences with each blow. You are the most skilled fighter I've seen at your age, by far."

"Well… I'm glad you think so highly of me." I smiled. "Though, I don't think that I'd be able to beat you."

"No, you wouldn't… but I imagine you would be rather irritating to fight in single combat." Jaime Lannister remarked. "I would not leave that fight without any wounds, at the very least."

"When I recover, we can see how it goes." I grinned slightly.

"I'm surprised you can even stand. After the melee, it was discovered that the lance which struck you was not entirely blunt… its very point was made of sharp steel." Jaime Lannister stated, frowning slightly. "The honour of Vale the great vale knights… who would have thought? So typical. Those who wear their honour like armour tend to have none of it beneath it."

No wonder why it took me out cold…

My body is tough as nails, though. The blessing of being a titan.

"There are exceptions, though."

"Eddard Stark…" Jaime Lannister nodded. "No one can question his honour, except for that bastard he had. I wonder what kind of woman enticed Eddard Stark to break his code? Or was it that Catelyn Stark was too dry for young Ned…"

This man is mercilessly a cunt.

I chuckled. 

The best liars would be the ones that no one expects to lie… like Eddard Stark.

"Doubt it, wasn't she considered beautiful?" I questioned.

"At times of war, far away from home, men tend to act as they wish. Murdering innocents, taking from those who cannot defend themselves, burning their homes to the ground… there are no laws in regards to warfare." Jaime Lannister replied, shrugging his shoulders. "The rush one gains from battle can make a man do things he would later regret. Having an affair or two is hardly worth acknowledging compared to the rest."

"I see…"

Soon enough, we reached the armoury and I got hold of my precious goldenheart bow, placing it on my back. My armour, once again, was fucked beyond repair so I decided that I'd get a new set. As for my swords, they were clean and sharp.

"I appreciate whoever took care of my weapons." 

I remarked, grabbing the sword and sheath of my sword and returning it to its rightful place at my waist. As for Arthur's sword, I held it in my hand by the sheath. I left the warhammer where it was since lifting it in my current state wouldn't be worthwhile.

"All done?"

"Yeah, just about. The armour can stay." I observed the single-horned stag helmet. Well, one and a half. All thanks to Thoros.

"Actually… I'll take the helmet."

It was custom-made for me by the blacksmith, after all.

"To call that helmet impractical is putting it lightly." Jaime Lannister observed.

"Yeah… but it looks glorious." I smiled, shrugging my shoulders. "When people saw Robert at his prime, they weren't thinking about how impractical the helmet looked, did they? They were filling their breaches at the sight of him. The helmet certainly helped distinguish him in battle."

"One tug at the antlers and you'll be getting dragged along."

"I'd dare someone to keep holding it when my warhammer smashes against their arm."

"Rarely will you be faced with a single opponent in battle." Jaime Lannister remarked.

"Yeah… I guess so."

I didn't want to get into a debate. Though, I did agree that the antlered helmet was impractical but equally badass. 


"Father… why am I betrothed?" Arya Stark questioned over breakfast, frowning deeply. The thoughts of being a lady made her sick. "I don't want to be a lady. I never did. You know that… he doesn't even like me, nor do I like him."

"Edric didn't want to be a prince either." Eddard Stark replied, speaking with a reassuring tone. "The King wished it so and both arrangements came in hand. You can't say you don't like him without having met him properly. Edric seems to be as fond of fighting as you and has the same blunt, honest, way of speaking… mayhaps he won't need you to be a lady."

"You're so ungrateful, didn't you see Edric fight in the melee? He bested every knight… there's no one else like him." Sansa Stark countered, frowning at Arya. "He fought like a hero."

"Why do you care so much? He's not your betrothed and you have your prince. Or… do you like him more? You're… jealous." Arya Stark remarked, smiling slightly as she came to the realisation. "I heard you let him kiss you but he didn't do it."

"... Shut up, horseface." 

Sansa Stark threw an apple at Arya Stark, missing her and hitting the wall instead.

Arya Stark countered by throwing an orange, smashing it clean against her face.

"Stop this fighting, the both of you." Eddard Stark sighed, shaking his head. "Sansa, return to your room."

"... Yes, father." Sansa Stark nodded, turning away. Her infatuation for Joffrey Baratheon had landed on another… far more heroic boy. Her thoughts of recent times had only been about him. 'Why couldn't it be Edric and I? We would be so perfect… a beautiful lady and brave knight, like all the songs and tales.'

She believed that Edric Storm truly loved her, only hesitating because she was betrothed to Joffrey already. 

"Arya." Eddard Stark sat down beside his daughter, looking her in the eyes. "Though this may not be what you wish for initially, try to give it a chance. I believe Edric to be as good of a match as you could hope for."

"Didn't he say he likes a girl already?"

"I liked someone else as I married your mother, as well. Duty tends to overshadow what you like, however. Sometimes that duty even turns to love."

"I guess…"

"Give it time." Eddard Stark advised, standing up. "You know I only want the best for you."

Arya Stark nodded. "Fine… but I don't have to act all lady-like, do I?"

"Be yourself." Eddard Stark sighed. "You are a wolf by blood. Forcing you to do something you wouldn't like only makes it your heart's desire to do the opposite. I can only hope Edric does not find your ways discourteous."

"Who cares what he thinks?" Arya Stark pouted. "I didn't choose to be his lady."

Eddard Stark couldn't hide his smile. "You are just like my sister was."


After taking my equipment, I started making my way back to the port.

The morning had almost ended, meaning that the joust would soon begin. The streets were full as people were making their way to the field, though, they got thinner the further I went. Once I was at the port, something felt wrong…

I moved my head.


A bolt scraped past my cheek, piercing into the ground. 

'An assassination attempt?'

I turned, using its trajectory to calculate where the attacker was. At the balcony of a house, a robed individual turned and ran. Though, as I gave chase, the individual had left the house and vanished into the vast crowd.

I looked inside of the house, seeing only a frightened woman.

"He… he… forced me to let him in."

I couldn't tell if she was lying or not, deciding to return to the ship before another incident like that happened.

'Bloody crayon-eater… he could've ended me right there.'

If I wasn't a little bit scared, I'd be lying. Could I not walk the streets safely anymore? Who the hell wants me dead in the first place? So many questions… so little answers.

Outside, I saw a peculiar banner hanging on the ship. It was split into four, the top left had the Baratheon's stag in gold on a black field (Bastard Baratheon), the top right had a black three-headed dragon on a field of red (Blackfyre/Bastard Targaryen), the bottom right was the Florent's fox but golden in a circle of flaming orange flowers and black field (Baratheon-fied Florent) and the bottom left was a black turtle on a red field (Targaryen-fied Estermont).

The left diagonal side used black fields and gold/orange for the sigils… the right used red fields and black for the sigils.

The more I looked at it, the more I loved it.

It was brilliant… even better than I could have hoped for.

Dorian was waiting at the deck of the ship, observing the cut on my face with a look of concern.

"The first attempt on your life?" Dorian remarked, frowning a little.

"Possibly. Mayhaps the second… or third. I haven't been keeping count." I replied honestly, shrugging my shoulders. "Did Alysanne send this banner?"

"Her father did." Dorian replied, taking a letter out of his pocket. "He also left this, written by your little dove."

'Why couldn't she wait for me?'

Why did she leave a letter? I was certain she'd rather meet me in person… right?

I opened the letter, reading through it word for word.


To prince Edric of the House Baratheon, formerly known as Edric Storm.

By this point, I think you should have your banner. It's hardly fitting now, though… a prince like you ought to wear the complete Baratheon banner with pride. Regardless, I hope you think it's good. I spent so much time trying to get every little detail right… but it was worthwhile… because it was for you.

Although I never fully understood how you felt about me, I certainly know my feelings for you. You are the bravest, most hard-working and charming boy I could have ever hoped to meet. When I first saw you, I didn't see why being a bastard meant that you had to be shamed so terribly. I wanted to reach out… and I did, helping your clumsy dancing. You were so sweet… I wondered, how could everyone dislike you without knowing your true nature? 

During those days, things were so much simpler. You'd practise archery, we would share tales of heroes from books and myths and I would sing you songs. You weren't nearly so loved… as I recall, hardly anyone acknowledged you in a positive light. Remember when you won that archery contest? Everything changed… you finally got your flowers for all of the hard work you put in, you were acknowledged and even loved. The more people gathered around you, the harder I found it to reach you.

When I saw what happened in the melee, I was angry beyond words. How could so many knights dishonourably rush a single boy in the middle of the day, with thousands of eyes as witnesses? Then the Storm broke the sky as you defeated every knight, one after the other. Even when you fell to the ground… even after enduring all those wounds and fighting with such ferocity, you still stood up and took down the final contestant with skill and determination that only a true warrior could possess.

My heart was full of joy as I saw your knighting ceremony. With that, you had become the youngest knight in all of history… a feat which no one could hope to reach. If I had been in love before, I worshipped you now. All the maidens present dreamed of you and, in the end… I held onto the belief that you were waiting for the right moment to say how you felt. I hoped that you felt the same way… I hoped that you loved me too.

I remember when you rejected Cynthea, I was beyond happy. Everyone said she was prettier than me with her golden hair and shining blue eyes. Besides that, you had already kissed her… something which you hadn't even been inclined to do with me. To this day, I don't know if you have the same strong feelings as I do to you.

Then, you were named prince with a betrothal to the young Arya Stark, a lady of a Great house. How could I possibly contend with a person so much more important than me? The ladies of great houses were princesses in comparison to lower-class ladies like me…

That was the moment I realised that you had outgrown me. I wasn't worthy or important enough to ever be your wife… and that's why I've written this letter. I know you wouldn't let me go if I said farewell to your face… no, you'd hold me as tightly as you could and I would eventually give in to the thought of staying. I… like to believe you would have, anyway.

In the end, I would only be an obstacle to your duties. A burden, even… and that's why I must leave. It would be better for both of us, I think. You get to build a proper bond with your betrothed and truly begin your duties as prince. As for me… I stop dreaming of someone I can't hope to reach.

I have faith that you'll be the prince the Seven Kingdoms have always wanted once you accept who you are. You'll be loved, your name will be sung across the Realm and you'll protect its people like a true knight would.

Farewell, Edric Storm… the boy whom I loved with all my heart.

Sincerely, Alysanne.


I felt like ripping the letter to shreds… I felt like crying… I felt like chasing after her, no matter where she was.

I wanted to reach Alysanne, embrace her… and tell her how I felt. I wanted to kiss her for the first time and let her know that she's the only living girl in the world that I'd ever marry. 

"... You hesitated. You thought she'd always be there… until she wasn't." Dorian remarked, stroking his beard.

"Where did they go?" I asked, folding the letter and putting it in a pocket.

"No point in giving chase."

"Where did they go?"

Dorian sighed. "They set sail an hour or so ago."

"We're going." 

"You can't be serious… you're going to miss the last, most important event of the Hand's Tourney over some pretty girl?" Dorian's eye widened. "You have a lady now."

"Fuck the Hand's Tourney." I replied, feeling a fire ignite within. I was going to make things right…

"We're going."

"... Tell that to the ship's captain." Dorian rolled his eye, turning away. "Our ship is faster than most so catching them shouldn't be impossible. Though, we'd have to know where they're going."

"Where else other than Tarth?" I countered, walking up to the captain. "Set sail, at once."

"I've been given orders to keep the ship in King's Landing by the Crown." The captain replied, shaking his head. "His Grace, the King, does not wish you to leave the city so suddenly."

"Set sail now." I drew my dagger, pointing it at his throat. "I won't ask twice."

He gulped. "As you wish… prince."

I sheathed it.

"I don't mean ill to you, I promise." I stated, frowning slightly. "I just… can't sit around here waiting."

Golden cloaks gathered at the sight of my ship preparing to leave. Dorian prepared some throwing knives, threatening to kill if any of them stepped on board. Before the scene turned violent, the ship left the port and sailed into the Narrow Sea.

As I returned to my cabin, Raiden Shogun berated me for my rash actions. Her usually indifferent expression seemed affected, even her eyes glowed with violet fury.

"Why go so far for Alysanne? She's a lesser lady which is only deterring you from achieving your goals. As I said, mortal love is fickle… and so, you shouldn't strive towards it. It only leads to tragedy."

"I… love her. That's why." I replied, acknowledging the feelings I've been building up. "She's the first girl who ever acknowledged me. When everyone else ignored me, insulted me and spat in my face, she danced with me. Whenever I was with her, I was truly happy…"

"... And so, you'd give away everything to be with her?"

Everything… maybe I would.

As the ship continued to sail, another came into view.

"That is their ship." Dorian remarked, smiling slightly. "You are in luck, prince."

"Keep going…" I told the captain.

Although I was slowly getting excited towards making things right, the sky had suddenly gone dark. Very dark.

It was a bright day… how did the sky become so unsettled?

"What in Seven Hells…" The captain remarked, his eyes widening in shock. "This storm is like the one yesterday…"

Ominous clouds gathered, the waves struck more fiercely and lightning finally cracked through the sky. The sound of thunder boomed far and wide. The crew of the ship began to panic, fearing for their lives. Even I was a little concerned.

'Raiden… what is this?' I turned to her but she gave me the same indifferent stare, shrugging her shoulders.

Crack… BOOM!

The lightning suddenly grew more violent, striking more often and with an even more thunderous sound.

Sch… BANG!

The ship ahead was struck directly…




It was struck a grand total of four times, setting it afire and breaking half of it apart.

"The world is not always fair." Raiden Shogun remarked. "It seems… that your love has ended in tragedy."

My eyes widened in disbelief…

It couldn't be…

That was the wrong ship… right… 

As I remained in a daze, the storm began to calm down and we reached the broken ship. There was not a single survivor as the water had either drowned everyone or the lightning had struck them to death. I went straight down, dropping from the ship and began to search for Alysanne. 

I desperately looked through everything that remained… but nothing resembled her.

There were several terribly black bodies which had been cooked from top to bottom…

In the end, everyone had to drag me back on deck.


Everyone kept silent as I knelt down, my long wet hair covering my eyes… 

My vision was blurry…

I didn't want to believe it…

"It was the wrong ship…" I remarked, standing up. "It had to be the wrong ship."

"No, Edric. That was the very same ship her father left on." Dorian replied, shaking his head. "Unless she had remained in King's Landing alone… she would have been with him. It's unfortunate, I know, but-"

"It can't be…" 

I felt like crying… I wanted to deny the truth, I wanted to change reality. 

I wanted to dream of a world where we could be together.

I wanted it to be real.

"Why… why… why… WHY!!!"

Crack… BOOOOM!

I screamed out loud, at the top of my lungs as tears streamed down my face.

Yet… no matter how much I cried out, no matter how much I deluded myself into believing that she was still alive… nothing changed.

She was dead.

The first girl I loved… she was dead.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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