2.85% Hitoyoshi And The Prison School / Chapter 2: Welcome to Hachimitsu Academy Part 2

บท 2: Welcome to Hachimitsu Academy Part 2

Matsuri's heart almost came to a complete halt. The cafeteria was filled with highschool girls. All sitting together, filling the table up. And nowhere for him to sit. But honestly its not like he wanted to really sit with them anyways. Not that he dislikes girls, he just can't talk to them (outside of his family at least). 

As he was walking down the middle path lane of the cafeteria, he was getting stares from the girls on the sidelines. He could hear them giggling, and whispering. 

Matsuri had blush on his cheeks, shrinking his head between his shoulders as he made his way through the middle. 

"W-Where do I even sit…" Matsuri thought to himself. Just as he was about to give up…

"Hey you!" A voice called out. A males voice. 

Matsuri looks around. He swore he heard a males voice. He then looks up and spotted a male with light blue hair with his hand raised. Beckoning him to come over and sit with him and the four other boys around him. 

Matsuri breathed a sigh of relief as he approached them. He was glad that there were boys in this school, so he wouldn't be the only one left. 

Looking at the boys he'll be sitting with, Matsuri took notice of their distinct look. 

On one side of the table were three of them, one next to the blue-haired boy had longer black hair and with glasses. 

The one next to him had a uniform but his face was almost completely obscured by a white hood, but if Matsuri could make out part of his skin, it sure was pale looking. Almost as if he was sick or something. 

The boy next to the hooded individual was rather an...odd looking one. At least to him. The teenage boy was large, much larger than the rest of his friends around him. He was rather obese, rolls of fat can be found around his body parts. Even his ears were rather large, at least his earlobe was. 

The other boy next to the blue hair was at least average and normal looking. He had sleek blonde hair but his blue jacket was open that revealed his white shirt. If Matsuri had to describe his look, it would be that he's a delinquent. A bit rude, but he would not say it out loud. 

Matsuri sat next to the boy with blue hair. "T-Thanks."

"Don't mention it." The boy with blue hair.

Matsuri was just getting comfortable when he noticed that all of the boys were looking at him with almost narrowed eyes. Almost as if they were looking him up, Zenkichi was starting to feel uncomfortable from their stares, especially the glasses-wearing boy.

"Um...c-can I help you guys?" He said with a weary voice. 

"Well, you sound like a boy." The glasses boy said.


"But his frame looks less muscular honestly, no way he can't be a boy." The blonde boy interjected. 


"Come on guys knock it off, I mean he is a boy with just a...weak frame." The blue-haired boy said.

"..." At this point Matsuri didn't say anything, he was just looking at them with a surprised look with a blush flushed on his cheeks. 

"Maybe have small breast *cough*."

The poor boy choked on his drink. The blue-hair boy rushed to his aid by patting his back. He slammed his fist on the table and looked at the boys with an attempted angry look. 

"I'M A BOY!!!"

"Wha...seriously?" The blonde boy said with a disappointed look. He then looks at him one more time. "You sure look like a girl. I mean where's your muscle?"

"...well excuse me for not living up to your expectations." He said with a blush as he angrily looked the other way. "Perfect. Just perfect"

"H-Hey listen. Sorry about that, it's just that w-we were...uh...c-curious."

Matsuri made a side glance at the boy...he couldn't really blame them honestly, they were just curious, but the blonde boy could at least be nicer.

"It's okay...I guess." 

 "So you just enrolled here as well."

"Um...y-yes. My name is Matsuri Hitoyoshi. What's yours?"

"I'm Kiyoshi Fujino." The boy introduced himself. "This guy next to me is Shinjo," The blonde boy waved at him with a small smile. "The boys across from us are Takehito, but he preferred to be called Gakuto. The next is Jouji, but he prefers Joe, and lastly is Reji Andou, but he prefers Andre."

All of the boys waved at Matsuri , but then immediately returned to looking at...whatever it was they were looking at. That also includes Kiyoshi and Shingo. Matsuri wasn't sure what they were looking at honestly, but he felt like he shouldn't ask, but he was about to get his answer when Kiyoshi spoke up.

"You know, I heard there were a lot of chicks here before I enrolled, and to be honest, that's why I signed up."

"W-Wait. What?" Matsuri asked. 

Kiyoshi looked over to Matsuri. "It's the reason why we enrolled here to be honest."

"Hey Matsuri," Shingo joined in. "Did you join the school as well because of the girls?"

"Wha!?" His face flushed red. 

"Come on man, think about it, the ratio level of the girls is like every boy's dream, I mean look at them." 

Matsuri looks at the girls that they were all looking at. He had to admit, they were rather attractive. The girls' uniform were camel blazer, over white, long-sleeved plain button-down shirt, a red lace cravat on the collar, a red plaid school skirt, and black dress loafer.

Some of the girls however, chose not to wear the cravat, but just the cream colored jumper over the shirt in place of the blazer. 

His face flushed a deep crimson red when he caught one of the girls raising their legs, crossing it over the other, revealing her panties that snuggled onto her bottom. 

Matsuri's eyes wandered over to the other side, but he soon regretted that when he found his gaze landing on the girl's rather impressive ample chest. That burst through their uniforms.

"Over two hundred chicks for each of us…" Joe said with a cough at the end.

"Outrageous! Absolutely outrageous!" Gakuto said with a rather shocked tone of a man for all the wrong reasons. Catching a glimpse of girls skirts being lifted in such a way that revealed their panties when she bent over across the table. 

"I had so many dreams of this place before I enrolled here." Shingo remarked as he took a peek at the girls one row down from them. Under the table she was spreading her legs, giving the boys a good view of her downstairs area. 

"Shall I throw away my virginity in the middle of April." Kiyoshi said as he looked among the girls. 

Matsuri's face was completely red, still minded absently sipping on his drink. He didn't know what to think of about this conversation that was going on. Just what was going through these boys' minds. He was starting to sweat and started to feel a little off. 

"Um...hey Matsuri?" 


"You okay?" He asked worried about the new boy.

"Huh? Oh! Um...y-y-yeah...I-I was j-just-"

"Will you lot be quiet," Gakuto yelled at the boys, earning a flinch from Matsuri. "You're making it hard to concentrate!" 

"Huh? Concentrate on what?" Shingo said with an uncaring gaze.

"Do you jest? Looking for flashes of breast and accidental panty shots!" Gakuto yelled as he turned back around looking at the girls.

Matsuri didn't know what to think of anymore, were these guys really that much of a perverts. He has to admit, he really did think these girls were attractive, with their accidental shots and ample bosom. For a thought, he imagined the girls being in seductive or sexy poses. Bending over to get a good view of their bottom and panties that fit snugly on their bottom. Girls changing their outfits halfway revealing their lingerie bras.

Joe violently shoved the thought away with a blush by shaking his head, no one needed to know how he thought of the girls. Especially around these guys.

"Hey," Kiyoshi spoke out. "Have any of you guys spoken to a girl before?"

"None!" Gakuto yelled in response with a familiar shock tone.

"Same." Joe said with a cough. 

"M-Me too…" Andre said with a small blush on his face. 

Matsuri did not know what to think of at this point. "Just what's wrong with these guys?"

"What about you Matsuri? Have you talked to a girl before?" Kiyoshi asked the boy. 

"Hmm!? Huh...well not really, actually. B-But it can't be that hard to talk to girls right…I mean, these girls aren't going to bite you or anything...I hope." He said hoping to lift their spirits. 

This caught Kiyoshi by surprise, not the type of response he heard from him.

Gakuto on the other hand, was not convinced by his speech. "Hmph! You speak as if it is easy to achieve such a rare goal! If it is so easy as you say it is! Then you do it! Prove that you can talk to a girl!" 

"Huh!? Um...w-well actually I-I can't really...I-I mean-" Matsuri stuttered in his words.

"Hmph! Saying such words like that and already backing out like a coward! Surely you already know of the outcome."

Matsuri did not appreciate that one bit. With a blush and a pout as he slams his hand on the table and angrily looks at the shocked Gakuto.

"Fine! I will!" He said with a firm voice, getting up from his seat. Earning a surprised look from the boys. 

"Me too!" Kiyoshi followed along Matsuri. "I'm going in!"

"What!? You fool Kiyoshi! Just sit here and watch like an adult! Don't follow the same doomed path like Zenkichi!"

Matsuri looked at Gakuto with an annoyed glare with a little blush. "Didn't need to describe me like that."

"Yeah man, it would be rough having the girls hate you so soon after enrolling."

"He's right, you two should hold off." Andre added.

"Shut up!" Kiyoshi yells at them. "I always wanted to do things with girls! It's been my dream to do all sorts of things! Watch the way we live! Let's go Matsuri!" Kiyoshi turns to the boy before he turns and heads over to the first girl he would talk to.

Matsuri followed him, with his knees shaking. His heart started to beat faster. "W-W-W-What am I doing!? I just got mad at him for calling me out like that! B-B-But I thought I just-No! S-Stay calm! I just n-need to talk to them right! J-Just speak to them! Right!"

His mind was interrupted when he spotted Kiyoshi trying to talk to two girls. One with light tan brown hair that was tied as a pony tail in the end. The other had short black hair. 

"Um...I...Um...huh…" Kiyoshi was already stumbling on his words. "Crap! I didn't think ahead of what I was going to say!"

"He doesn't know what he's going to say!" Matsuri thought to himself with a panic tone. He quickly rushes over to the poor teenage boy's aid.

"Um...s-sorry about my friend here," Matsuri said with a bit of stutter in his words. "H-He's a little shy…" He said, but then noticed the stare he was getting. 

The two girls were looking at him with curious gazes. They were whispering in each other's ears, giving the boy a look while giggling. He was already not liking this.

"Hey," One of the girls spoke to him. "Are you a boy or a girl?" 

"Eep!?" He accidentally squeaked. Covering his mouth with a blush. His eyes turned over to the girls who giggled at his squeak. His face flushed red, deep crimson. 

Before he could say anything to fix the problem, but was interrupted when another girl came into the scene. 

"Hey, you two. Do you have a minute?" The girl said as they reluctantly followed her. 

Kiyoshi was completely defeated, Matsuri however was in the worst case. He still felt utterly embarrassed by his quirk. 

"Hey, what was that?" His eyes slowly turned to Kiyoshi who was giving him a curious look. "I never heard a boy say that before."

"Um...I-I...I gotta go!" Matsuri exclaimed in a panic as he ran past the girls who were confused by the boy's behavior. 

Kiyoshi was left rather confused. The other boys were just as confused as Kiyoshi though. Just what was that just now. Certainly wasn't the type of scream they hear from a boy no less. 

"What was that all about?" Shingo whispered. "Are you sure he's a boy?"

"He's a boy," Joe said with a rough voice. "But with feminine features."

"Fools. I told them that it was pointless. Kiyoshi tried to zealously try to speak to them, but was rejected. But Matsuri suffered the worst. And not a single lass tried to speak back to me!" Gakuto said while messing with his hair strand. 

"Um...maybe it's because you're repulsive?"


Kiyoshi came back after his second attempt failed. He rested his head in his arm in utter defeat. "Complete annihilation."

"BEHOLD! Even Kiyoshi is like that! How sad but it is the reality! Us six boys are completely hated by the female students!" He proclaimed with a hopeless tone in his voice.


"Umm...senpai what is it?" Asked one of the girls from earlier outside of the school building. 

"Did you two see the distributed fliers yesterday?" Said the third girl who took the two away from the two boys.

"The underground student council?"

"Speaking of which...we did...but I thought it was a joke…"

"It's alright if it's a joke but…" She trailed off as her head faced upward towards the top of the roof.

The two girls look at where she was looking at and notice a small number of crows on top of the railing. "If you see a crow, you mustn't speak with the boys...because they are living in this academy." She said with a grave tone as they both continued looking at the crow.


Matsuri was inside the classroom, filled with girls. Sitting in row. Luckily he was not the only one, Kiyoshi was with him. But honestly he did not felt like talking to Kiyoshi at the moment.

He was not mad at him, but mad at himself. His blush was still on his cheeks, trying to calm himself from his earlier accident. 

"Can't believe I did that," He thought to himself. "What a way to set a good impression Matsuri, you idiot." He scolded himself. 

His eyes shift over to the window, he looks at himself in the mirror. His eyes looked over, from the feet to his leg, his body, and face. His eyes shifted in mood. 

"Mom...dad...I know you guys told me to be confident in myself...but...sometimes I just hate to admit it but..." He thought of himself.

His thoughts went back to what happened at the cafeteria. More specifically with the boys trying to talk to the girls. He can confirm that they were all out perverts. But there was nothing he could really say about it. All he could do was just watch them eye the girls, hoping to spot a panty shot or something.

While not all of them were bad, there was one individual who at least seemed to have a conscience of sorts.

"These guys...they really do try...at least Kiyoshi but…" His mind then worked it way back to when he was making his way to the classroom. "Now that I think about it, on my way here, I was getting a lot of odd looks from the girls. I mean, I would expect that at least but...why were they running away from me?" He thought to himself. 

He didn't exactly have enough time to think about that as he heard the bell ringing. Signaling that the class was over. 

Matsuri got up from his seat, packing his stuff up. He made his way out of the classroom and down the hall. Per usual, the girls were all trying to avoid him at all cost, it made him pretty uncomfortable and unwelcome. But he minded his own business. 

As he continued down the stairs, he passed by one of the classrooms, he stopped midtrack as he took a peek inside, not making himself known. He spotted Kiyoshi, speaking with a girl. The girl had chestnut brown hair that was cut to a length above her shoulders. Her skin was pale that added to her innocent aura. She wore the same uniforms that all the female students wore at the school. 

"Looks like he was able to talk to one. Good for him. Better not disturb hiwm." He thought to himself as he left with thoughts to himself.

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