8.82% Monsters of My Making / Chapter 1: Prologue

บท 1: Prologue

"Expect the unexpected." Was what Aria's mom always said to her.

And what did that lead to you may wonder? Well, her staring at fucking Veldora that's what.

"There's no way I could have expected this, right, Fenrir?" Aria said, looking away from the stunned dragon and towards the towering, intimidating black and white wolf next to her.

"As expected of you Mother! Even with such power you're still modest." The wolf named after the Beast of Ragnarök wagged its tail as it stared at her with a look of admiration, respect, loyalty and many other emotions that made Aria roll her eyes.

'How did it come to this again? Oh yeah, I went to the Bermuda Triangle with my bestie to see what all the hype was about. But who would have guessed that a spawn of Cthulhu with a whole ass Eldritch cult lived there, with the latter being the missing people who sacrificed us to the eldritch abomination.' Aria thought, recalling what happened after after she died.


"What the hell?" Moments ago she and her bestie, Maya, were screaming their heads off as they entered the maw of Cthulhu's spawn, but now she was floating(?) in the void surrounded by colourful bubbles(?). She touched one of the bubbles, popping it, and was immediately assaulted by a rush of information, "Those are universes."

Each bubble contained a universe, and Aria had popped one such bubble. Trillions of lives snuffed out with just a poke.

"Yet I do not feel anything. No guilt. No pleasure." She felt calm, indifferent even. The madness and insanity from seeing the eldritch spawn had also vanished. "What a boring feeling this is."

That's right she felt bored. To the adventurous Aria, boredom was her number one nemesis. So when she saw a floating screen appear before her, she couldn't help but grin, even if it felt forced due to whatever was forcing her to keep calm.

[ Congratulations! >> You died! ]


[ World of Reincarnation: TBD (Click to Spin) ]

[ Cheat: TBD (Click to Spin) ]


"I only get one, huh? Well, one is better than nothing, especially when each cheat sounds overpowered in its own way." Aria gazed at the roulette that couldn't even be described with the mere word 'big'.

Her eyes traced along the names of some of the cheats; Kyuubi Jinchuriki, Vampire Progenitor, Heretic God Successor, Saitama's potential.

There were more, but she had never seen most of those names.

With an amused glint in her eyes she clicked the spin button.

The roulette was taking a long time, Aria didn't know how long the wheel was spinning for, but she was sure it had already been more than an hour.

After what seemed like hours the roulette finally started slowing down, and Aria noticed some truly interesting cheats.

[Cthonian Immortal Primogen]

[Essence of Mad Doctor]

[Madara Uchiha Template]

[Host of Phoenix Force]

[Gamer System]

[Creation God of Primal Chaos]

All of them were interesting, and each had their strengths, but if Aria had to choose, she would go for Cthonian Immortal or Gamer System. "Essence of Mad Doctor is also good choice if I remember its information correctly."

As for being a Creation God in Against the Gods…Fuck that shit! She didn't want to die the Heaven Smiting World Devouring God Slaying poison or whatever the thing was called.


[Essence of Echidna]

"I guess this works too." Aria had a baffled look, as she was unable to recall the ability of this Essence.


[ World of Reincarnation: TBD (Click to Spin) ]

[ Cheat: Essence of Echidna

*You gain the body of a monster that stands at the apex of what is possible to be born from the world and then some. This monster body is of your own design and includes a host of thematic powers which you also may decide upon. This form at minimum is able to take on an army of mortals and could stand up to modern military units and have a good chance at triumphing. That is if you choose mundane earth to be born from. You may pick a different world to be born of, this choice is permanent once made but will strengthen you to the apex of that world or close enough to it. Any particular world can be chosen whether it be one from fantasy, science fiction, or a from the ground up creation of your own.You can transform into your monster body at will and near instantly and have a hybrid form that sits in between your human and monster forms.

*Your monster form has the ability to create and manipulate a variety of supernatural substances that can bind and trap things. Slime, silk, oil, even mud is something you might use. Anything encased within will be preserved indefinitely unless released needing no sustenance. This material is supernaturally strong and will never decay.

*You can shift the monster form and tinker with it by having it undergo a metamorphosis to change itself. During this you or the monster form will surround itself with a cocoon and shift over several hours or more depending on the changes made. This cocoon is obscenely tough but not invincible.

*You have a complete genetic archive of all life of the world you chose through its entire history up to its present. This archive grows and updates the more species you encounter and take samples of. You have a mastery of life and can mix and match parts, genes, species to your hearts content and produce them without a partner or implant them in a target who can then be bred to create more. You do not require a partner to reproduce as you are able to spontaneously create any of your creatures through some method. You can obtain more forms of life by encountering them and sampling a member of a given species. You will never encounter any issues with absorbing genetic material that might otherwise be hazardous.

*These creatures need not be restricted to what is naturally possible. In the same vein you are able to develop Biotech with the same ease and sophistication as a civilization might build a machine. You may if you desire be biomechanical in origin offering the best-of both worlds. In that case your dominion over life is extended to technology as well and is capable of being as advanced as whatever you chose as the world you chose is. These creatures are innately loyal to you and cannot be willingly turned against you, that includes converted life. Any that are killed you can decide to preserve their essence and bring them back reborn anew. If you wish you can have the creatures you produce as extensions of yourself rather than fully fledged entities or pick and choose.

*You are able to turn others into monsters that you have made or have the genetic data for.

*You can with an amount of effort create lesser Echidnas which will have all of the powers and form you have as an Echidna on a weaker scale. They and their children regard you the same as any spawn you might have created personally. ]


"Holy shit." Was all Aria could say. Before she starts doing anything with her cheat, she decides to spin for the world she's going to reincarnate in. "So much for being able to pick a world to be born in."

A few minutes later the wheel stopped spinning,

[ Central World (Tensura) ]

"Let's go!" The grin on Aria's face couldn't be wider.

The reason for her happiness was because she was sure she would be at least at the level of a True Dragon in the Central World. The key word in her Essence was 'world', it didn't say apex of the universe. So if Aria reincarnated in say, for example, Earth Marvel, there would be dozens of beings stronger than her as she would only be at the apex of the world and not the universe.

The risk would be even greater depending on the timeline, as if she reincarnated during the time of Captain America, she wouldn't be as strong as she could be if the Aliens and Gods were on Earth.

"Well there are the Eternals, so I could be wrong." Aria shrugged, focusing on the new screen that appeared as a result of her Essence.

[ Beginning character creation… Please create your monster form. ]

"A monster form…Echidna…Hmm…Since I can change it in the future let's keep it simple for now." Right as she finished her words, a 3d model of her monstrous form appeared in front of her.

At an imposing height of 60 feet, the monstrous form took the form of a silver serpent. It had one hundred heads, each crowned with a horn, amber eyes, and from its back extended three pairs of feathered wings boasting a similar colour as its scales.

"Heh, and Mrs Martha said I had no creativity." Aria smiled, as she remembered her stuck up art teacher.

[Your human and hybrid forms have been created based on your ideal self. Please confirm if your character's appearance is acceptable.]

"Are you really asking me that?" She rhetorically asked, staring at her human form, which could only be described as sexy.

She was around 187 cm tall, her skin was rosy and unblemished. Her legs were thicc—she was probably missing one more C—Her hips were quite wide and her breasts resembled colossal and squishy melons.

She had lustrous silver hair and snake-like amber eyes. On the sides of her head were two horns pointed outwards, and one on the centre of forehead. Her ears were also slightly pointed outwards.

Though what caught Aria's attention was the satanic or eldritch like runes on her back. Even though she was just looking at a holographic model, the throbbing in her head persisted. However, overall, she only had one thing to say about her new form;


"Smash." Aria blurted out, the 3d model vanishing and another screen popped up.

[ You have been granted a chance to spin for additional powers as a result of your Essence ]

[ You have 3 spins remaining (Click to Spin) ]

[Note: You can get extra spins by pulling a flaw ]

"Interesting~" Aria, who now looked like her new human form, put one arm under generous bosom, as she stroked her chin with the other.

The roulette this time around was significantly smaller than before. "Spin baby."

Thirty seconds later it stopped spinning,


"…." Aria didn't say anything and just spun the wheel again.

[Living Anomaly]

"Oh~ I know this one." She smiled and clicked spin once again.

[Body Supremacy]

"That is definitely good." Aria nodded with a pleased expression, this would allow her to control her huge body and magicules easily.

Her eyes drifted to the note, after a moment of hesitation she muttered, "Spin three flaws."

[Flaws Rolled]:


[Sin of Gluttony]:

[A voracious appetite consumes you, a hunger that goes beyond mere sustenance. This gluttonous desire craves not just food but an excess of everything life offers. The insatiable need to indulge extends to knowledge, experiences, and pleasures. It becomes challenging to partake in moderation, as the relentless craving for more never subsides.]

[Chaos Magnet]:

[You attract chaotic events and disturbances. While this may create unexpected opportunities, it also brings constant disorder, making it challenging to maintain order in your life.]


[You derive a certain satisfaction from causing moderate pain or discomfort to others. While it's not an uncontrollable urge, there is a subtle enjoyment in witnessing the distress of those around you.]

[You have gained 3 extra spins (Click to Spin)]

"Sin of Gluttony…I guess that does describe me well. The others are not too bad, I should be able to handle most things I will encounter with my current power." Aria mused, while feeling relieved that she wouldn't be a full-blown sadist. She wasn't attracted to the idea of being the second coming of Kirei.

"Though imagining someone unable to handle Mapo Tofu does give a feeling of schadenfreude." Aria added with a thoughtful expression, before spinning the wheel.


Aria tilted her head in confusion, although she enjoyed the Overlord anime, she didn't dive into the novel and focus much into the magic system. All she recalls it being is a tier system, with super tier spells being able to summon eldritch spawns.


A shiver ran down Aria's spine, recalling that she just recently died to one. "Fuck…Am I traumatised?" She couldn't help but wonder, before shaking her head and spinning again.




[Essence of Blank]

"And here I was hoping to get a roll that can give me an affinity with anything." Aria amusedly thought.




[Great Sword Proficiency]

"Nice." Aria nodded appreciatively and checked out the new screen that popped up.


[ World of Reincarnation: Central World (Tensura)

Cheat: Essence of Echidna

Additional Powers / Abilities :

Cleaning: You're capable of cleaning up any dirty or messy situation. Any substance is cleaned up such as oil, garbage, and mud can be cleaned up in an instant and the user can even induce the same state to another. To simplify the user's ability allows them to vanish, purify and clean anything that is dirty.

Living Anomaly: The user is a living anomaly, an enigmatic being that exists within a system while escaping its rules. You have the ability to casually shrug off and break rules, from the laws of physics to causality, allowing you to become free from the bonds of fate, and are unbounded to all alterations and restrictions, along with being capable of imposing your actions upon reality. In simple terms, even the most impossible of acts gain a probability of occurring when you get involved with it.

Body Supremacy: You have complete and total control over your bodily capabilities, both biologically (e.g., muscles, bones, veins, neurons, etc.) and systematically (e.g., reflexes, instincts, coordination, psychomotor movement, etc.); being able to move athletically and acrobatically with remarkable grace in conjunction of sustaining a willful enhancement of your own biological systems to maximize your performance.

Metamagic: A special form of magic that is used to add different effects to regular spells, increasing the power or advantage of a Magic Caster.

Essence of Blank: By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit: Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

Great Sword Proficiency: You are a master of the usage of great swords, you can effortlessly wield large swords such as the zweihänder, zanbatō, and ōdachi.

Flaws: Sin of Gluttony | Chaos Magnet | Moderate Sadist ]


[Transporting you to your destination in…3]



"Just like that?"


The moment it hit one, Aria felt an invisible force physically yank on her body, and soon she found herself rocketing through space at light speeds!

And she didn't know if it was just her imagination, but she could have sworn she saw a final panel that read;

[Rejoice in thy rebirth, mortal, touched by the spawn of the Great Old Ones]

~Flashback End~

'And yeah, that's what happened.' Aria concluded, as she glanced at Fenrir, her first creation through her Essence of Echidna, before shifting her attention back to Veldora who came out his stunned state.

"Majin! You have guts to enter the dwelling of I, Storm Dragon Veldora!"


A/N: As I mentioned in the note, I'll be posting below what I've written so far for Way of the Demon King. Leave some comments and enjoy.


[Congratulations! >> You died!]

"Huh?" For a few seconds Maya dazedly stared at the floating screen, before realisation struck her, "I'm fucking dead…And by the hand—tentacles of Cthulhu's spawn at that. I knew I shouldn't have listened to Aria this time around."


[ World of Reincarnation: TBD (Click to Spin) ]

[ Cheat: TBD (Click to Spin) ]

[ Note: You can get 3 extra cheat spins by pulling a flaw ]


"You know what? I love you Aria. Hopefully you're also getting this chance." Maya thanked her bestie, wishing her well, before spinning the wheel to choose her world.






Maya silently stared at the screen wondering if this was also part of Aizen's plan. There was no way, right? Aizen couldn't have possibly become a Multiversal-level entity in the future and is now helping his past self, right?

"Might just be the after-effects being Eldritch-touched." Maya quickly dismissed the idea in favour for spinning for her cheat. "Give me something good Lady Luck, I'm already going to a world where everyone and their mother can flatten earth, the least you could do is make me the second coming of Galactus."




[Archer Oda Nobunaga Template (Type-Moon)]

"Eh?" Maya was left speechless at she rolled. It was just so random and unexpected that she didn't know how to feel. Though she was wondering one thing, "Are Shinigami gonna be considered beings of Divinity or Mystery, or perhaps neither?"

The chances of the former were less than one per cent, while the possibility of the latter was higher, though Maya didn't hold much hope for either being possible. However, even then, she wasn't disappointed, as she could have gotten something really shit.

More importantly, "I won't be suppressed by Gaia or Alaya, or whoever the hell makes it so that servants NP's don't just blow up the planet. *Cough* I'm talking about you Artoria."

Feeling that her luck may not be as bad as she thought, Maya decided to spin for flaws to get more spins.

[Flaws Rolled]:


[Compulsive Gambler]:

[You have an irresistible urge to take risks and make bets, even in life-threatening situations.]

[Sin of Lust]:

[An overwhelming surge of passion courses through your veins, magnifying desires of a sensual nature. ]

[Antagonist Magnet]

[You attract the attention of powerful adversaries, making you a target for those seeking to prove their strength. Danger lurks around every corner due to your magnetic allure for conflict.]

"The first one would suit Aria, she did after all make us go to the Bermuda Triangle despite being aware of the disappearances. As for Sin of Lust, hopefully I wouldn't need to get boned by a man, I'm Yuri through and through." Maya said to herself, as she recalled the experiments she tried with Aria and some other girls in their college.

Shaking her head to get rid of explicit thoughts, Maya focused on her last flaw, "I guess Fate wants me to be the protagonist." She joked, deciding to leave the consequences of the Flaw to the future Maya.

For now, she had cheats to roll for.




[Essence of the Shura]

"An Essence?" Maya raised an eyebrow at that. She knew what an Essence was, and she had seen it a lot in fanfics, however, this is essence was one she had not seen or heard of.

"But based on the name it should be an Essence that helps with combat…and killing." Maya unsurprisingly felt indifferent at the mention of the latter, and continued to spin

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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