22.22% The Rejected Son Of A Billionaire / Chapter 2: Missions Completed

บท 2: Missions Completed

"So... you returned." My mother in law said with a displeased look seeing I had returned. I just nodded toward her while heading to do my daily work around the house, she sneered unhappily.

Currently, she is the only one at home. Haley went to school, while Hannah went to her work. This left only her to look after the house. I went on to finish up everything, before thinking of my next plans.

I of course didn't plan to divorce Hannah, I understand how the human mind works once the person they disdain rejects them. They would feel some type of way. this is what Alex wanted.

{Host, you have a mission.

Quest: The Annoying Mother-In-Law

Description: You have such an annoying mother-in-law, and currently you're alone at home. get her favorability to increase by 5 points.

Reward: [Dragon Swallow Phoenix] 

Punishment: [[Eye Beyond Sight] will be sealed for 1 year]}

{Note: you have until Haley and Hannah return home, or else the mission is considered to have failed.} the system said, causing me to freeze slightly, before heading to look at my mother-in-law, who was currently rubbing her head, looking at a dress.

"Mother-in-law, were you not heading somewhere today?" I asked softly while knocking at her door. making my mother-in-law throw an annoyed glare at me,

"what do you want?" She asked, to which I sighed softly, she hated me.

"I was going to cook and wanted to know if you had anything you wanted to eat," I said softly. at my words, she got up and came up to me, glaring at me

"just where did you get the ingredients for the food you cooked?" She said, leaving me stunned for a second.

"you mistaken, you can watch me cook," I said with a bitter smile, which made her look at me with an unbelieving look. but she followed me, and after closely looking at the ingredients, she watched me start cooking, she closely watched me and was stunned to see my cooking skills, and after I served her the meal, she couldn't help but look at me in shock

"When did you..." She didn't know what to say, too stunned for words. She looked at me with a lost look

"that's a secret..." I said with the best charming smile I could offer. she looked at me with a stunned look for some time, unable to say anything 

"Oh, you need not worry. I found a place to work. So, with my first paycheck, I will use it to get out of your hair." I said with a smile, she took a bite of the food, and for a moment she felt like the meal was blandless... 

"Mother In Law, thank you... but I'm sorry, I should have done this sooner. I guess I was trying my best to hold onto a family." I said while shaking my head, before going on to wash the pans I used to cook. these pans could easily be cleaned, so they were no struggles for me.

"..." My Mother-in-law said nothing, she glared at me for some time before walking away. I said nothing while simply looking at a screen floating before my eyes. there I could see my Favorability Meter.

{Hannah Favorability Meter: 1

Hayley Favorability Meter: -3

Hazel Favorability meter: -26}

'her favorability improved by 4. just one more point.' I thought while finishing up the dishes. I looked over and saw her eating the food. I went to the living room, where I placed my phone down, and went on to have a bunch of holograms of papers appear. a hologram of a pencil appeared, which I took before taking the papers to go through them.

"You were not joking about getting a job," Hazel said with a stunned look while looking through the paper I was reading. I looked over my shoulders and smiled slightly.

"Oh... while am at it, can you give me an estimation of how much stuff I owe you? we should also form a contract. at the same time, I should start working on getting that divorce." I said with a bitter smile, making her look deep at me for a second

"Why now? why for years have you hidden your cooking skills?" She asked with a weird look, I thought for a moment at her words before slowly speaking.

"I realize it's impossible to make someone like you so long as they don't want it. it's a pointless effort that has been beating me down for years. It's time I go out there and hopefully find a family that would accept me." I said softly, making Hazel feel slight guilt... she understood where I was coming from.

Her mother-in-law was such a jerk, for years she had tried to gain her approval, but no matter what she did, it was all pointless. She was left unable to speak for some time... she became the thing she hated most, her mother-in-law.

"You also need not worry. I will get out of your hair tomorrow, I will go find an apartment... My boss values my cooking skills, so hopefully he would do me a favor and pay me ahead of time." I said with a smile, 

{Congratulations host for completing the Quest: The Annoying Mother-In-Law

Reward: [Dragon Swallow Phoenix]}

[Dragon Swallow Phoenix]- This ability allows you to grow stronger by having sex with a female. so long as they orgasm, you absorb the essence from it and use it to gain their capabilities, such as bloodline, abilities, and talent. At the same time, your strength would grow. the speed of growth depends on the differences in strength, and yes they too shall grow stronger.

"You don't have to move out so early... you can leave when you're ready." Hazel said trying her best to sound kind. She didn't want to be her mother-in-law, so for that, she forced those words out.

"What?" Alex had a dumb-founded look at her words, he looked at her as if someone else had taken over her body, causing Hazel's face to darken in rage.

"I mean you better be out of here by the end of the month." She said angrily before walking off, leaving me sighing softly while returning to the papers.

'she is so annoying... I'm guessing the system will try and have me sleep with her or something.' I thought with an annoyed look, but I shook my head and returned to the papers. soon Hayley returned from the magic academy,

"Alex, cook me something to eat while I go freshen up," Hayley said calmly. In my past life, I had taken on many missions, among many of them, was playing the chef to get near important people to kill or steal something from them. becoming their head chef was a role I liked to play a lot,

I went on to cook enough food for everyone in the house to eat their fill, knowing Hannah normally comes home a few minutes after Hayley. As expected, she came, and smelling the food, she went to freshen up.

hazel who had eaten a few hours ago couldn't help but come back downstairs to eat, soon the family of 3 was sitting at the dinner table enjoying a meal, and catching up about their day, while I simply sat in the living room, going through my papers.

"What is he doing?" Hannah asked while looking at me who was going through papers, this wasn't earth where one simply had to give the other party their information. in this world, one had to sign many agreements, and if the agreements were broken one would be punished depending on what they agreed the punishment to be. so one couldn't just quit their job without reason or else they might have to pay a heavy fine.

"He is filling out his work contracts," Hazel said softly, a weird look in her eyes seeing just how much of an outsider Alex was. She hated the fact she was seeing so much of herself in Alex,

"So he wasn't joking?" Hannah said slightly stunned, before frowning. she thought for a moment about all of this, before speaking.

"Alex, you don't have to go. you can stay." She said stunning everyone. In truth, Hannah wanted Alex to remain as her husband because that way people wouldn't be so open about wanting to marry her. Yes, they would act behind everyone and try to sleep with her, but for those, she simply turned away, while secretly being with her girlfriend.

"Let's speak in private about this," Alex said softly, making Hannah frown slightly. normally when she asks Alex for something, he says yes to her without another word. This was the first he ever remotely said no to her. She frowned, growing displeased, but she said nothing and just finished up her plate before having Alex follow her upstairs to her room.

"What are saying?" She asked with crossed arms once the door was shut, Alex sighed softly before he went on to speak.

"I know you want to use me so you can keep seeing your girlfriend," I said causing Hannah to freeze, as she never expected to hear such words. She looked at me, and seeing the sad look in my eyes, she realized why I wanted a divorce 

"I knew for a few months now... I realized I was trying to fit in a household that would never accept me." I said making Hannah go quiet for a moment.

"You're not going to tell my mother?" Hannah asked, to which I shook my head,

"You're happy, thats what I always wanted to do for this household. and now I will leave, and hopefully find a family that would love me." I said making Hannah look at me with a complex look. 

marriage between those of the same sex was frowned upon by many. If Hannah being Lesbian were to spread, her wealth would disappear in a few days. She was rich, she had a 2-story building with 6 rooms, each room having its own bathroom. this house was pretty much a mansion. She was even running a business worth millions, 

"Where are you going to go?" Hannah asked softly, feeling slight guilt. At my words, she remembered just how much I had been trying to be the perfect husband. when she was sick, I tried to take care of her to the best of my ability before my mother-in-law pushed me aside.

during her life as an adventurer, I would look after her injuries. when she was stressed, I was the one who gave her a massage, using a special technique of the Williams. form doing her cooking, driving her around, and so on. Alex was at her side trying to do his best for her.

"I don't know... the unknown awaits me. I don't mind still being considered your husband... but when I do find someone to love, I want a end our marriage." I said making Hannah slowly nod her head slightly.

{Congratulations host for completing the Quest: Show Your Worth

Reward: [Lustful Touch]}

[Lustful Touch]- Your touch will make a woman crave more from you The more time you spend with a woman the stronger the effect gets. this increases the pleasure one feels from you by over 1,000%

"thank you for picking me off the streets, I can never repay you all for how kind you have been to me," I said while holding out my hand for a handshake, Hannah looked at my hand for a moment, before shaking it slightly and let it go after 2 shakes.

With that done, we left her room and she went downstairs, lost in her thoughts, while I took a seat and went on to return to my paperwork. Hazel and Hayley looked at Hannah who was lost in her thoughts, before asking her what was wrong.

"Nothing... but I think I will miss him," Hannah said softly, making Hazel's face dark with disgust. but she tried her best to cool herself down and just threw a death glare at Alex...

{You Have a New Mission

Quest: The Unloving Wife

Description: Your Wife doesn't love you. you've been married for 3 years and you're still a virgin, this is some Simp behavior right here. Lose your V card before the end of the night.

Reward: [System Shop] 

Punishment: [You will have a unique dream. in this dream, you would be replaced by one of the females in [2 girls and 1 cup]. this dream will be on replay for a year.}

{A/n: 2 girls and 1 cup is a porn video...}

after finishing up their meal, Hannah went to her home office, where Alex soon came inside and went to stand behind her back.

"you don't need to do that?" She said while I massaged her back, 

"You all think I know nothing about business, but I can see you have been struggling lately. and with tomorrow coming around, you have been more stressed than usual." I said softly my fingers moving like magic, and Hannah let out a soft sigh of pleasure feeling the stress leaving her body.

"Your skills have improved." She said softly, to which I just smiled. Of course, they had improved, with my eyes, I could see her body parts which were most stressed out. So, I know what muscles to target. and adding my knowledge from my past life, the old Alex was nothing compared to me.

"There are 3 ways I see you can save your business. you own one of the biggest Cleaning services, but why do you limit yourself to only houses?" I asked, making Hannah confused by my words.

"There are many things that need cleaning. cars, streets, airplanes, and many more. the first way to save your business is simple, expand your reach to clean all types of stuff, instead of simply houses. becoming the cleaning empire." I said causing Hannah's eyes to widen slightly.

"Second, your prices are too high for the common people. you should create a V.I.P. wash or something like that which would target the rich. and a common wash that would target the common people. this way you would have a flow of incoming from both the rich and poor." I said causing Hannah's eyes to widen even more

"Lastly... why not work with other businesses, such as those that create rugs? work together for them to create rugs that could be easily cleaned by you, yet harder to clean by others." I said making Hannah look up to look at me in shock

"since when did you think of this?" She asked, to which I smiled slightly

"a long time... I just never had the strength to voice it. tomorrow, simply say you're working on putting these tests to work, and thats why this year's profit has been so low." I said stunning Hannah for some time.

"Thanks..." Hannah said softly, sitting back and just enjoying the massage,

"I'm still your husband, I will support you to the best of my capability," I said softly, Hannah whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened her eyes her body shaking slightly. her legs tightened, while her breath began to grow quicker. when she heard my words, it suddenly caused her body to feel weird. the more my hands flowed across her back, the more this feeling grew.

"weird, your body just grew tense, is everything alright?" I asked seeing her breaths growing heavier. she opened her mouth for a moment, and through slight difficulty, she spoke

"go... I need to rest my head." She said while pushing me away, I was stunned slightly, but I nodded and went, closing the door behind me. As soon as Alex left, her hands moved in between her legs, where her pussy was dripping wet.

She let out a soft moan while placing her legs on top of the table, as she began to rub her pussy to get rid of the itch, she removed her shirt and began to play with her breast. She closed her eyes, but as soon as she did, her mind wandered to Alex. She was stunned, but the more she thought of him, the more turned on she was 

"Alex..." She said softly, before freezing when the door opened. at the door, Alex entered with a bottle of water, only to freeze at the sight before him. Hannah quickly covered herself up. with a face turning red from embarrassment which she tried to cover up with rage, she wanted to lash out. but her eyes landed on the tent between Alex's legs...

"You have been so stressed out, I guess you had no time to be sexually satisfied..." I said while closing the door behind me, and making sure to lock it. Hannah panicked slightly seeing me walking towards her,

"what are you doing? get out or else I will kill you." Hannah said while sliding backward in her chair. But Alex walked up to her, easily reading her body language, she was not going to attack him. 

"we you always getting turned on from my massages?" I asked, making Hannah panic grow. she wanted to explain, but before she knew it, I was before her, lifting her chin with my finger. she swallowed her saliva slightly, at a loss for words.

"You're my wife, even if you don't want my dick, it falls upon my shoulders to make sure you're satisfied. I have some pride as a man." I said softly, Hannah's face grew bright red. 

"Get away from me you perv..." Hannah who was trying her best to hold onto her senses found her mouth sealed by Alex's mouth. her eyes widened slightly. She tried to push Alex away, but her body couldn't bring out the strength it needed to push him away. her mental defenses were shattered, this kiss was too powerful. her arms wrapped around Alex's body, not wanting to end the kiss.

the kiss lasted a good minute before she broke apart, their lips connected by a string of saliva. with water-filled eyes, Hannah looked at Alex with a look that said it all... she wanted his dick.

Alex didn't keep her waiting, removing his pants, he pulled out his dick. Hannah swallowed her saliva at the 8-inch dick which was being aimed at her entrance. but before he could even put it in, Hannah's body shook from simply having it come into contact with her. her body shook before she had an orgasm. my dick was covered with her liquid, luckily I had removed my pants or else they too would have been covered by it.

"You came from just contact... you such a pervert." I said with a smile, 

"N-no, thats not true," Hannah said weakly, only for me to seal her mouth while stabbing forward. Hannah's body suddenly hunched forward, her head facing the sky with her tongue sticking out. her body shook madly, while she had an even stronger orgasm, leaving her body feeling weak all over...

"I just put it in," I said making Hannah's face bright red in shame. Smiling, my hips began moving. Hannah's body which was already at its limits began twitching, suffering more an orgasm with each trust.

"No, I'm going to die!" Hannah screamed, the pleasure was too much. She wanted it to end, yet at the same time, she wanted it to keep going. she grabbed her head, her tongue sticking out, and her eyes almost rolled completely back.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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