Leon stood across from the prince's posse their color coated armors reminded him of the super sentai cartoons he smirked well at least he could recognize soon of their weapons choices brad had pretty much gone the Rhona ghina route equipping his unit with a drill lance and six drill drones, Greg seemed to be brandishing the battle axe.
Chris was carrying a saber cute,
Jilk seemed to be the only one carrying weapons of actual war so he would make sure he went down hard the prince was carrying a sword and shield.
" Where's your armor punk." Said the crowd.
" Luxy." Asked Leon.
" Of course master right now." Said the drone.
Out of the sky came a large machine landing on the ground before the group the machine stood at least two meters taller than the other three which were about three meters in height.
" What the hell is that thing." Asked the crowd surprised by the machine that just dropped down.
" This is the alt-eisen and it's about to set this crowd on fire." Said Leon.
" Competitors get to your armors." Said the official.
Leon climbed in the armor
" State your names." Said the official.
" I am Leon Foe Bartforde." Said Leon.
" And I am Brad Foe cliff." Said Brad.
" Ha you bare witness to excellence now prepare to die." Said brad he lunged at Leon with his spear only for Leon to boost around him.
Then brad launched his drones at Leon who used his Auto cannon to shoot down the Spears before he drove the steak driver on the alt eisen's right arm into the armors gut.
" What the?" Said brad.
" Bang!" Said Leon before the canister behind the steak injected a charge into the armor and caused it to explode.
" Oh no!" Said Livia.
" Relax he's okay I just shorted out his magic engine." Said Leon waving the alt eisens hand.
Everyone was stunned the machine that Leon was piloting was moving faster than an armor it's size should Leon smirked.
" Okay who's next?" He asked in a casual tone.
Everyone sweat dropped.
" That guy just got lucky brads always been weak." Said Greg as he mounted his armor and approached Leon his red armor carrying a warhawk.
' Greg if I remember correctly he's the groups muscle head the thing is he supposed to be talented but relies on outdated crap not that my units worth the talk;however my unit hasn't repeatedly been patched up.' thought Leon.
" Heh I won't fall for that same trick as brad." Said Greg.
" Good because I've got more tricks than that up my sleave." Said Leon.
" Either way your going down." Said Greg.
" Check thyself before thy wreck thyself." Said Leon.
Begin said the official.
Greg came charging in with his axe but found his efforts fruitless as the axe was parried by the revolver steak before Leon drove his auto cannon into Greg's armor and he unloaded a few rounds of ammo before Leon boosted into the air and came down with a diving kick to Greg's chest the kick knocked the armor back which it's playing was banged up before Leon boosted head first as the alt eisen's horn glowed and it cut the arms and legs off the armor.
Greg however like in cannon wouldn't give up the fight so Leon of course played the smug bastard role and said " you know when you exit your armor you forfeit right." He said.
" Geh?" Greg said in surprise.
" Greg has forfeited the battle the winner is Leon." Said the official.
" Hey I didn't forfeit!" Said Greg.
" Then why'd ya step outta your armor." Asked Leon in a casual yet mocking tone.
" God damnit." Said Greg.
Next to battle was Chris out of all the princes Entourage he was the only guy who wasn't convicted however he was still stupid enough to go after a highschool girl who looked like she could be a fifth grader.
He stood with his saber in hand I challenge you to a duel.
" Fine." Said Leon in an exasperated tone.
He turned to Luxion.
" Luxion send in the shishio blade." He said.
" I never thought you would ask." He quiped
From the sky a large samurai sword descended and the alt Eisen grabbed it.
" It's time to duel." Said Leon with a quip.
The official gave the signal to begin and ad Chris lunged at Leon the young Bartforde parried and countered with a cross cut the swordsmen dueled until Leon through cation to the wind and he used the shishio blades hidden ability he swing the sword in an arc and sent a force pressure blade into the blue armors legs taking them out before holding his sword level with the blue armed head.
" Hah hah?" Said Leon in a Reference to old fencing movies.
" I have lost." Said Chris.
" Cheer up dude theirs always next time?" Said Leon.
" Your right I still live to fight another day." Said Chris.
The next match will begin after a recess.
The crowd was mortified not only that but mighty pissed Leon had decimated the three best fighters in the academy now all that was left was jilk and the prince.
Leon was talking with Livia and Angelica.
" You really are impressive you managed to beat brad and Greg and even bested Chris in a sword fight where did you learn to sword fight anyway." Said Angelica.
" Well I may have picked up a few tricks here and there." Said Leon if he told her in his past life he had learned sword fighting and sharp shooting from his uncle shed send him to the Looney bin.
"Master your sister has rigged the Alt Eisen with explosives?" Said Luxion.
" Really well then she must've been blackmailed by Jill to do that I always knew he was a man-cunt " said Leon.
" watch your mouth there are ladies present." Said Luxion.
" Welp then let's kick that jabrone's ass from here to kingdom come eh." Said Leon.
To be continued
welp looks like Leon has finally got the chance to test the alt Eisen he also has gotten the attention of two beautiful boxing woman and to be honest five guys against one girl that's totally unfair and not to mention wrong on so many levels tell me what you think about leons sense of justice byeee