My Anime Phone In Modern Time My Anime Phone In Modern Time original

My Anime Phone In Modern Time

นักเขียน: itachi1010

© WebNovel

ตอน 1: A Shitty Life

A young man could be seen stepping out of an old dirty car, a car that would make everyone question how that thing was running. the young man grabbed a bag out of his car before running towards a mansion, looking at the order he was delivering one more time to make sure he was at the right place. the young man knocked on the door. It took a moment, but a huge tall black man opened the door,

"Deviler for Tyron." the young man said, to which the black man nodded cooly while taking the order. just when he turned to grab his order to pay the young man, the young man's eyes landed on a light-skinned girl. she was an extremely beautiful woman, she was like a model. a person 10/10

"... Lisa?" the young man said in disbelief, stunning Tyron who looked at him and back at the light-skinned girl.

"You know my girl?" Tyron asked with a raised eyebrow, causing the young man's face to pale slightly as he realized what was happening.

"She is my girlfriend, we have been going out for 1 year..." He said stunning Tyron who looked towards the slight-skinned girl to explain. Lisa was of course stunned, not expecting to see the young man, what were the chances? but she got up after a moment and walked up to Tyron's side

"We were, I just didn't know how to break it to you," Lisa said, causing Tyron to smile slightly, before taking his order and pulling out a back of the condom he had ordered.

"Tyron stop it," Lisa said stopping Tyron before he could do anything. Tyron laughed slightly before grabbing her butt, fully enjoying her body before the young man's eyes. but Lisa quickly had Tyron go wait for her while she dealt with her Ex.

"Alex... i'm sorry. but we are from two completely different worlds. this is your fate, a delivery driver." She said softly, was she to lower her standards and date a broke man all her life? with her looks, she could easily get herself a millimolar, and she fully planned to do so. Tyron for one is such a person, his father was a professional football player, and Tyron was going to follow in his footsteps. his future was bright.

"..." Alex looked at her for a moment, before he turned and just walked away. Lisa seeing this wanted to stop him, but what could she say? the fact thing was for them to cut ways today,

Alex got in his old car and began to just drive off. As he drove, he couldn't help but look around his car. a trashy car, that could break down at any moment. it was an old car that belonged to his parents before they passed.

Alex's parents died when he was 15, ever since he was Alex on his young. his grandparents had all died, and his other family members avoided him. For the past few years, he had been struggling to support himself. no one would, for the longest the only bright thing in his life was Lisa, but his heart was crushed in the most painful way possible... why was there even a reason for him to keep going at this point?

As if the world was mocking him, the car suddenly died on him. seeing this he just laughed to himself before he just screamed at the top of his lungs. Why him? why did it feel like the world was just after him?

even before his parent's death, his life sucked. It was not like his parents were the loving kind, they were scum. after their death, Alex wondered if their death was a blessing or not. even now he couldn't say if that would be a yes or no.

"..." Alex's life grew lifeless, their light slowly disappearing. but at that moment, his phone suddenly lit up. guessing it was his boss, Alex took the phone and saw it was a strange pop-up. 

his phone looked weird, it was like no other phone on the market. it had a thick back that looked almost like those old TVs. it was also extremely slow. but at this moment, it was speaking about some available updates. 

Alex didn't care and just tried to close the screen as at that moment his boss began to start calling. he tried to leave the popping up, but it would not allow him, forcing him to hit the update button and watch as the bar quickly filled up, which normally would have caught him off guard. but at that moment, he didn't know what he was going to do... 

the screen suddenly went dark, leaving him speechless for a moment before he sighed. everything in his life was falling apart. even his phone was falling the partner. stepping outside in the rain, he allowed the rain to quickly make him wet from head to toe. while he questioned his existence, a bright light suddenly caught his attention. looking back into the car, he saw his form was releasing golden light. stunned, he realized it might explode, and quickly took over... but nothing happened.

stunned and confused he slowly looked back into his car, only to see his phone had gone through a major transformation. With slight unease, he went on to take the phone, and closely studied its transformation. the once black phone had turned into a pure white. it was thinner and had this feeling as if it came out of the future.

He was of course stunned, how could such a thing be possible? he turned on the phone, and there he saw the lock screen which was of 3 empty boxes. just as he was about to unlock his phone, an image of an anime girl appeared within the girl. it scared him slightly, but he was quickly stunned upon realizing how this anime girl was...

"Congratulations, you have gained a wonderful gift. the Anime Smart Phone. I'm Your voice assistant. Call Me Nami!" from the phone... no, it didn't come from the phone but appeared within my head. this creed me out... but not enough to drop the phone. how could a phone hurt me? I was more curious than anything else.

"Before we do anything, let me first go over what this smartphone is capable of doing," Nami said before she went on to explain almost everything. starting with what the phone allowed me to do.

after picking my main 3 anime, I would be able to use real-world money to buy anything from the anime world. form bloodlines, items, abilities, techniques, spells, and even knowledge. the phone came with unlimited battery life, a super camera, and a few other things that could be unlocked with enough money.

but before I could pick my 3 anime, I was given the chance to pick 2 things from a limited selection of anime. These 2 things would be free, but the world this anime came from couldn't be picked as a part of the 3 animes.

"... before I picked, how do I know i'm not going crazy?" I asked softly, to which Nami caught off guard by my question thought for a moment. before she had the phone suddenly float out of my hands. just as a car was driving by, the phone flashed its light at the car, causing the car to slowly pull over.

from the car, a middle-aged man slowly came over with an uneasy look. I was stunned and quickly stepped into the ran to go greet him. but at that moment, the flashlight went off once more, causing the middle-aged man to cover his eyes at how bright that light was, but the light went off the next moment.

"My apologies. my phone is acting up." I said softly, the middle-aged man looked at me and the car for more.

"that phone of yours is bright... do you need help? if it's a simple battery I could help." the middle-aged man said, to which I happily welcomed him over to look at the car. lifted the hood, the middle-aged man closely looked at what was wrong with the car before shaking his head.

He explained how the car had died, and after thanking him for his help, I went to sit back in my car while he left. the phone flew back into my hands before I nodded slightly in understanding. after which, I had to sit back and think deeply about what I wanted.

"just one ability and that verse can't be picked in the 3?" I asked, to which she nodded, wanting to know what I would pick.

"let's say I pick something that comes together. would I get the whole pack or just one of the things?" I asked to which Nami thought for a moment before speaking.

"If you want it, then you can pay for the whole thing. it doesn't have to be any, I will just set your current balance in the negative, making you unable to buy anything until you pay it fully off. but I will recond not doing this. go long enough without paying and you will have to pay by doing a mission. the mission difficulty would equal how deep in the negative you are, and how many times you have been in the negative." She said calmly, making me hesitate for some time before speaking.

"then... what if I picked an ability like All Fiction?" I asked, to which Nami shook her head without a second thought.

"That reaches the Super Hex level, you would need a whole universe to pay for such an ability." She said making me frown slightly. All fiction was an ability that allowed one to reject reality. for example with this, I could say Red doesn't exist and it shall not exist.

"Okay... how about the End?" I asked softly, The End was a broken ability that allowed one to learn and master anything instantly to 120%. this ability was mastered to the point that it allowed the user to even learn things she heard from others.

"... I could, but weakened to 100%, instead of 120%. at some point, you with your skill levels can return it to 120%." Nami said to which I thought for a moment before I nodded taking this ability.

"then... the last one is the 6 eyes along with the limitless," I said making Nami's eyes narrow slightly. the 6 eyes were 2 pairs of eyes, other than the fact they were extremely beautiful, that gave one absolute protective energy control to the atomic level. this made it so that they had a seemly endless amount of energy, as they recovered energy faster than they could use it. it also boosts their eyesight and many other stuff.

adding this with the limitless which is a technique that could only be used to its fullest power with the 6 eyes, which gave them the energy control needed. it made this combo extremely overpowered. 

Adding the End, I will be able to instantly master the Limitless, and even master the 6 eyes. hopefully, I could bypass the drawback the 6 eyes brought. 6 eyes greatly improved one sense, to the point that one brain would slowly be overwhelmed by the information. so one had to keep their eyes covered if not in battle. of course, one could see through things with these eyes.

"Alright... it would drop you to 100,000,000 SP (System Points.) 1 SP is equal to $1,000. are you sure? there is also interest of 15% for every month that goes by without a minimum payment of 1,000 SP." Nami said calmly, making my body freeze... I now understood why the A.I. took the form of Nami. it was out to steal my money. Nami was from One Piece, well known for her love of money, she was a schemer above anything else.

"$100 billion so the original prince would have been 10 billion? just so you know, if the dollar value drops, it would also drop in my eyes." I asked, to which Nami nodded slightly,

"Also, if you go more than 10 months without paying the system. you will be slapped with the mission." She said making me think deeply about how I could get the money. where can I get $1 million?

"... with the limitless, would I be able to use curse techniques? also, are you able to take gold" I asked as I got an idea, Nami nodded slightly, her eyes filling with interest as she realized I had a plan.

"then do it," I said with a smile, She nodded for a moment, before she floated into my lap. I took a deep breath, ready for this to hurt like hell... but to my relief. I felt a warmth swallowing me. I felt this warmth swallowing my whole body, mining my eyes, brain, mind, and soul.

after a few minutes, I opened my eyes. my mind filled with information that I fully understood inside and out. it was almost like I was the one that created such things. my once black eyes were now a beautiful blue, and my senses were countless times better. you could be several km away, and I could still make you out.

I played around with my eyes for some time, before I controlled them, and limited my senses to a point where they would not slowly overwhelm my brain. I could only do this because I have 100% mastery of these eyes.

"alright. let's pick your 3 anime worlds" the system said, to which I shook my head while getting out of the car. so it was still running, but the rain which was falling couldn't touch me. it was almost like an invisible barrier was around me, causing the raindrops to slowly drip to my sides.

this was the first technique of the limitless, Infinity. Infinity is the base state of the Limitless and is essentially the power to stop. The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. This is because the technique takes a finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times.

In mathematics, no matter how many times someone divides a number it will never be reduced to zero. Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye. The Limitless brings this concept into reality, so anything that attempts to penetrate this infinitely divided space will slow down to the point of appearing to stop completely.

The level of energy control needed for this was great, only those with the 6 eyes could do such a thing.

"Are you able to search the internet and give me a map of where lost ships which have sunk to the bottom of the sea are? with the wall of infinity. I should be able to go to the bottom of the sea." I said stunning Nami at my plan.

"haha... so smart... from my findings. some say there are billions, while others say there are trillions." she laughed while giving me the locations, allowing me to use Long-Distance Teleportation

A Limitless user can use spatial manipulation to teleport long distances under certain conditions. This is achieved by compressing the space between the user's location and their destination, but they can teleport anyone they're touching as well...

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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