96.47% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 136: Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...

บท 136: Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...

Scene Break - Location: Schatteninsel Docks

Yhwach stood at the edge of the docks on Schatteninsel, his reddish-brown eyes narrowing as he peered into the distance. The foggy horizon slowly revealed the silhouette of a brig, its sails billowing in the wind as it made its way toward the island. Yhwach's keen senses picked up on the myriad of reikaku signatures aboard the vessel, each one a potential recruit for Nachtüberfall.

As Yhwach focused his Reikaku, he could sense a significant number of strong individuals aboard the approaching brig. Each presence held its own unique energy signature, indicating their potential and strength. However, something else caught his attention beneath the surface of the water—a massive sea king lurking just below the brig.

Before Yhwach could react, the sea king surged upward, its enormous form creating a wave that threatened to capsize the brig. But in an instant, a small figure darted from the sky, descending with incredible speed. It was Zaegar, the tiny dragon, who swooped down and with a single gulp, devoured the sea king whole.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, filled with amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) It looks like Zaegar is enjoying himself. Even the Sea Kings aren't safe from his appetite.

Yhwach ignored Ginjo's comment, his focus remaining on the brig as it continued its approach. The sight of Zaegar's impressive display of power had drawn the attention of the crew on board, and a sense of anticipation filled the air.

The brig finally reached the dock, and the gangplank was lowered. A group of individuals began to disembark, each one exuding an aura of strength and determination. Zaegar was at the forefront, his wings folded neatly as he landed gracefully on the dock.

Zaegar: Yhwach Big man, we've got quite the haul. Some real heavy hitters among them. even though they're all fucking weaklings.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting to the new arrivals. They were a diverse group, each one radiating power and confidence. He could see the potential in their eyes—the desire for strength, purpose, and a place to belong.

One of the newcomers, a tall and muscular man with a scar across his face, stepped forward. His eyes met Yhwach's with a mix of curiosity and respect.

Prospective Recruit: I'm Rhys. Heard a lot about you, Yhwach. We're here because we want to be part of something bigger. Something that can make a real difference.

Yhwach nodded, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd with a discerning eye. He stepped forward, addressing the newcomers with a commanding presence that left no room for doubt.

Yhwach: Welcome to Schatteninsel. You have come here seeking power, purpose, and a place where your talents can thrive. In Nachtüberfall, we offer you all of that and more. But know this—strength alone will not be enough. It is your resolve, your loyalty, and your willingness to fight for our cause that will determine your place among us.

His eyes swept over the assembled recruits, his gaze intense and unwavering.

Yhwach: To prove your worth, you will be tested on the battlefield. Some of you may fall, while others will rise to the challenge. Only those who demonstrate true strength and dedication will earn their place among us.

With a swift motion, Yhwach signaled to the First and Third Kings, who stepped forward to guide the newcomers.

First King: Follow us. We will show you to your living quarters and provide you with the attire that signifies your allegiance to Nachtüberfall.

The First and Third Kings led the recruits through the bustling camp, eventually reaching a series of well-maintained barracks. Each recruit was handed the signature uniform of the Wandenreich—a long, white, double-breasted trench coat with shoulder straps and a white, button-down bib, paired with white trousers and trench boots. For those of higher rank, additional pieces such as capes or cloaks were included to distinguish their status.

As the recruits changed into their new uniforms, Yhwach turned and began to walk away, his thoughts already shifting to other matters. A Revolutionary Army worker approached him, bowing respectfully.

Worker: Moria has been buried, as you requested.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the worker's words.

Yhwach: Good. Continue with the construction. Schatteninsel must become the stronghold we envision.

Leaving the worker, Yhwach made his way to his headquarters, a newly constructed building that stood as a testament to the rapid progress on Schatteninsel. Entering his room, he quickly changed out of his battle-worn clothes, opting for a fresh set of garments. As he did so, Ginjo's voice echoed in his mind, filled with a hint of amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You know, Yhwach, you could use a bit more variety in your wardrobe. It's like you're always wearing the same thing.

Yhwach's lips twitched in the faintest hint of a smile.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Functionality over form, Ginjo. The uniform serves its purpose.

Leaving his quarters, Yhwach made his way to the training grounds, where the newly recruited members of Nachtüberfall were beginning to gather. Most of them wore their new uniforms with a sense of pride, though a few unruly individuals had yet to comply. Yhwach ignored these outliers for the moment, focusing instead on the larger group.

As he approached the platform at the center of the training grounds, Yhwach's presence immediately commanded attention. He stepped onto the platform and, with a mere thought, released a wave of his reiatsu, a tangible pressure that weighed down on everyone present, except for the Four Kings and Zaegar.

The recruits staggered under the weight of Yhwach's spiritual pressure, their knees buckling and breaths coming in strained gasps. Yhwach's eyes bore into them, assessing their reactions.

Yhwach: This is but a fraction of the power you will need to withstand. In the days to come, you will face challenges that will test your limits. Prove to me that you are worthy of Nachtüberfall, and you will find a place among the strongest.

With that, Yhwach retracted his reiatsu, allowing the recruits to catch their breath. He then addressed the unruly individuals who had not yet donned their uniforms.

Yhwach: You will wear the uniform of Nachtüberfall, or you will leave this place. There is no room for defiance in our ranks.

The rebellious recruits, seeing the unwavering resolve in Yhwach's eyes and feeling the lingering weight of his reiatsu, begrudgingly complied, quickly changing into their uniforms. Satisfied, Yhwach turned his attention back to the entire group.

Yhwach: Training begins now. Show me your strength, your resolve, and your loyalty. Prove that you are worthy of Nachtüberfall.

Yhwach turned away from the recruits, his back to them as he addressed the training grounds. The tension in the air was palpable, the weight of his reiatsu still lingering, a reminder of the power he wielded. As he began to speak, the eyes of every recruit were fixed on him, a mixture of fear, respect, and awe.

But not all eyes were filled with reverence. Among the crowd, one recruit's gaze burned with an intensity that went beyond mere defiance. His hand slowly reached for the dagger concealed at his side, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the hilt.

First King, noticing the recruit's movements, muttered under his breath.

First King: That idiot, what is he doing?

The recruit lunged forward, dagger in hand, his steps quick and silent. The crowd around him gasped in shock, the air filled with the murmur of disbelief. He aimed for Yhwach's back, his eyes filled with a fiery determination.

But Yhwach sensed the attack long before the recruit reached him. He remained motionless until the last possible moment, then sidestepped with a fluid grace, causing the recruit to stumble forward. Before the attacker could regain his balance, Yhwach grabbed him by the collar, effortlessly slamming him to the ground. With a swift motion, he placed his boot on the recruit's neck, pressing down just enough to immobilize him.

Yhwach's voice was calm, yet it carried a deadly seriousness as he spoke.

Yhwach: Are you a spy? Or someone foolish enough to think you can claim a bounty on my head? If you believe you can leave this place alive after such an attempt, you are gravely mistaken.

The recruit's eyes blazed with an unimaginable hatred as he glared up at Yhwach. 

Rebellious Recruit: Go to fucking hell, you monster!

Gasps echoed through the crowd, the tension rising as the recruits realized the gravity of the situation. Rhys, recognizing the impending doom, muttered to himself.

Rhys: Oh shit, he's done for.

Zaegar, watching the scene unfold, let out a dark, amused laugh. 

Zaegar: He's got guts, I'll give him that.

he said, his voice dripping with a diabolical glee.

Yhwach, however, was not angered. He looked down at the recruit with a curious expression, intrigued by the intensity of the hatred directed at him. 

Yhwach: What are you mad at?

he asked, his tone almost contemplative. 

Yhwach: What drives you to such desperation?

The recruit struggled against the pressure of Yhwach's boot, his face contorted with fury. 

Rebellious Recruit: You destroyed everything! My home, my family... everything I ever cared about! You think you're some fucking god, but you're nothing more than a monster!

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly as he listened, the recruit's words striking a chord deep within him. He leaned in closer, his gaze piercing. 

Yhwach: I see. So you seek vengeance. Tell me, what is your name?

The recruit spat at the ground, his voice shaking with rage. 

Jarek: My name is Jarek. And I will see you dead, even if it means my own life.

Yhwach studied Jarek for a moment, then slowly lifted his boot from the recruit's neck, stepping back to allow him to stand. 

Yhwach: Very well, Jarek. Your hatred and desire for vengeance are clear. But know this—strength alone will not bring you the justice you seek. If you wish to kill me, you must become stronger. Much stronger.

Yhwach turned to the rest of the recruits, his voice commanding their attention once more. 

Yhwach: Let this be a lesson to all of you. In Nachtüberfall, strength and resolve are paramount. Only those who prove themselves worthy will find a place here.

As Jarek stood, rubbing his neck and glaring at Yhwach, the recruits watched with a mix of fear and respect. They understood the message clearly—this was not a place for the weak or the faint of heart.

Yhwach watched them for a moment longer before turning to the First King.

Yhwach: Keep an eye on that one.

Yhwach said quietly. 

Yhwach: He may prove to be more valuable than we realize.

The First King nodded, understanding the implicit trust Yhwach placed in his judgment.

As Yhwach approached the observation deck where Zaegar lounged, the dragon swirled a coconut cocktail in his clawed hand, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Zaegar grinned as he noticed Yhwach's approach.

Zaegar: Well, well, look who decided to join the party. Care for a drink, big man?

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on the training grounds below, where the recruits stood still, confusion evident on their faces. Jarek, still clutching his neck, glared up at Yhwach with undisguised animosity.

Ignoring Zaegar's offer, Yhwach continued to observe the scene below, his expression unreadable. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, his voice carrying a commanding tone.

Yhwach: It's time to begin the test.

Zaegar raised an eyebrow, setting aside his drink as he watched Yhwach with interest.

Zaegar: Oh? And what kind of test do you have in mind, Best buddy?

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on the recruits as he spoke, his voice echoing across the training grounds.

Yhwach: This will be a test of strength, skill, and determination. Each recruit will face off against another in a one-on-one battle. The winner will be rewarded, while the loser will be expected to learn from their defeat.

As Yhwach outlined the rules of the test, he signaled to the Second and Fourth Kings, who moved to distribute weapons to the recruits. Meanwhile, the Third King stepped forward, taking on the role of the announcer for the matches.

Yhwach: Third King, you will oversee the matches and ensure fairness.

The Third King nodded in acknowledgment, his expression serious as he prepared to fulfill his role.

With a wave of his hand, the Third King signaled the start of the first match, and two recruits stepped forward to face each other in the center of the training grounds. Yhwach watched with keen interest as the battle unfolded, his eyes narrowing in assessment.

As the recruits clashed, Yhwach's attention briefly shifted to Zaegar, who lounged nearby, sipping on his drink.

Yhwach: Zaegar, you killed his family, didn't you?

Zaegar chuckled darkly, swirling the liquid in his coconut cocktail as he spoke.

Zaegar: That brat Jarek? Yeah, his family met their end at the war. Collateral damage, you know how it goes. Plus it's not like I care about some insignificant human's vendetta. Let them fight amongst themselves. It's all the same to me.

Yhwach's lack of reaction seemed to catch Zaegar off guard momentarily, but he quickly brushed it aside, refocusing on his cocktail.

Yhwach: Surprised I'm not angry?

Zaegar shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip of his drink.

Zaegar: Meh, you've got bigger things to worry about than some kid's vendetta. Besides, it's not like he stands a chance against you anyway.

Yhwach's lips twitched in the faintest hint of a smile, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his eyes.

Yhwach: Surprising. I expected him to hold a grudge against you.

Zaegar shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip of his cocktail.

Zaegar: Guess he's directing all his rage at you instead. Lucky me, I suppose.

Yhwach continued to watch the matches unfold, his eyes sharp and calculating. Despite Zaegar's dismissive attitude, there was a glint of curiosity in Yhwach's gaze—a curiosity that hinted at a deeper understanding of the events unfolding before him.

As the matches progressed, each recruit displayed varying degrees of skill and determination. Some fights were short-lived, with one combatant quickly overpowering the other, while others were more evenly matched, resulting in intense back-and-forth exchanges.

But as the time came for Jarek's match, the atmosphere seemed to crackle with tension. Jarek entered the ring, his gaze locked on the observation deck where Yhwach stood. With a defiant glare, he spat in Yhwach's direction, his expression filled with hatred.

Yhwach's reaction shifted slightly at the unexpected gesture, his lips quirking up in a faint smirk. Zaegar, noticing the change, let out a dark, amused laugh.

Zaegar: Look at that, Yhwach. Looks like the kid's got some real balls, huh? Or maybe you're into that kind of thing?

Ginjo chuckled in agreement, adding his own commentary.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Never thought I'd see the day when Yhwach finds pleasure in a little rebelliousness. Maybe he's getting soft in his old age.

Yhwach ignored their banter, his attention fully focused on the match below. Jarek's opponent was a formidable fighter, landing blow after blow with precision and force. But Jarek refused to back down, weathering the storm of attacks with grit and determination.

As his opponent moved in for another strike, Jarek saw an opening and seized the opportunity. With a swift movement, he dodged the incoming punch and countered with an uppercut of his own, catching his opponent off guard. The blow landed with a satisfying thud, sending his opponent staggering backward.

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on him, a sense of intrigue stirring within him. Perhaps there was more to this recruit than met the eye—a potential he had yet to fully uncover.

As Jarek emerged victorious from his match, the crowd erupted into a mixture of cheers and murmurs. Yhwach watched with keen interest, his gaze locked on the rebellious recruit below. There was a flicker of something in Jarek's eyes—a hint of surprise, perhaps, at his own success.

Meanwhile, Rhys stepped forward for his match, his expression calm and composed. Instead of wielding his weapon, he had chosen to wrap it in cloth, opting instead to rely on his fists alone. His opponent, a cocky young recruit with a smirk plastered across his face, wasted no time in taunting Rhys.

Opponent: What's the matter, Rhys? Too scared to use your precious weapon? Or maybe you're just too weak to handle it!

Rhys simply grinned in response, his eyes gleaming with confidence. Without a word, he launched himself forward, his fist flying through the air with incredible speed. The taunting recruit barely had time to react before Rhys's punch connected squarely with his jaw, sending him crashing to the ground in a heap.

The unexpected turn of events drew a mix of gasps and laughter from the crowd. Even the Fourth King, who had been watching from the observation deck with a bag of popcorn in hand, couldn't help but express his disappointment.

Fourth King: Boo! Shitty fight!

With a dramatic flourish, he tossed his bag of popcorn at Rhys, the kernels scattering across the ground as he voiced his displeasure. Zaegar, who had been lounging nearby, let out a dark chuckle of agreement.

Zaegar: Looks like someone needs to step up their game.

But just as the crowd began to recover from the shock of Rhys's victory, Zaegar suddenly leaped to his feet, a mischievous glint in his eyes. With a flick of his clawed hand, he summoned a living bear from thin air, sending it hurtling toward Rhys with a roar.

The audience gasped in horror as the bear charged toward Rhys, its massive form barreling through the training grounds with terrifying speed. But to everyone's surprise, Rhys remained unfazed, his expression calm and composed as he faced the oncoming beast.

With a swift motion, Rhys sidestepped the bear's attack, his movements fluid and precise. As the bear lunged past him, Rhys spun on his heel and delivered a powerful blow to its side, sending it tumbling to the ground with a roar of pain.

The crowd erupted into a mixture of cheers and applause as Rhys emerged victorious once again. Even the Fourth King, who had been skeptical of Rhys's abilities moments before, couldn't help but express his admiration.

Fourth King: Not bad, Rhys. Not bad at all.

But Rhys simply grinned in response, his eyes gleaming with confidence as he prepared for the final match.

As the final match between Jarek and Rhys began, the tension in the air was palpable. Both recruits faced each other with steely determination, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze.

Jarek gripped his dagger tightly, his knuckles white with tension. Rhys, on the other hand, remained calm and composed, his expression unreadable as he faced his opponent.

But before the match could begin, Rhys spoke, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

Rhys: Jarek, I respect you.

Jarek's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected declaration. Respect was not something he had anticipated from his opponent, especially not from someone like Rhys.

Jarek: What do you mean?

Rhys's expression softened slightly, a hint of sincerity in his eyes.

Rhys: I mean that I understand your desire for vengeance. I've seen the darkness that consumes a man's soul when he loses everything he holds dear. But revenge won't bring you peace, Jarek. It'll only lead to more pain and suffering.

Jarek's grip on his dagger tightened, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Jarek: And what would you know about pain and suffering?

Rhys's gaze remained steady, unwavering in the face of Jarek's hostility.

Rhys: More than you realize. But that's not important right now. What matters is that we're both here, fighting for something greater than ourselves. We may have different reasons for being here, but we share a common goal—to become stronger, to find purpose, to make a difference in this world.

Jarek's expression softened slightly at Rhys's words, a flicker of doubt creeping into his eyes.

Jarek: And you think you can find that here? In Nachtüberfall?

Rhys nodded, his gaze unwavering.

Rhys: I do. And I believe you can too, Jarek. But first, you need to let go of your hatred and embrace the strength within you. Only then can you truly find the peace you seek.

Jarek's grip on his dagger loosened slightly, his gaze flickering between Rhys and the weapon in his hand. For a moment, he seemed lost in thought, grappling with the weight of Rhys's words.

But as the moment passed, Jarek's resolve hardened once more, his gaze hardening with determination.

Jarek: Enough talk, Rhys. Let's settle this once and for all.

With that, Rhys began to pull his weapon from the cloth wrapped around it, his movements slow and deliberate. The audience watched in anticipation as the gleaming blade of his axe began to emerge, the metal catching the light in a dazzling display.

As Rhys revealed his weapon, he also ripped off his shirt with a swift motion, revealing his muscular, toned upper body. His action elicited gasps and murmurs of surprise from the audience, but Rhys remained unfazed, his focus solely on Jarek.

Rhys: My name is Rhys, known as Rhys the Blue Bolt of the North, the Bounty Hunter from the North Blue. And today, I have proven myself worthy of Nachtüberfall.

Jarek's gaze narrowed at the declaration, his grip tightening on his dagger. He had heard of Rhys the Blue Bolt of the North—a high-ranking bounty hunter known for his prowess in battle and his relentless pursuit of justice. But he had never expected to face him in combat, let alone as an ally.

Jarek: So, you're the famous bounty hunter, huh? Guess that explains why you're here.

Rhys nodded, his expression calm and composed.

Rhys: That's right. But today, I'm not here to collect bounties. I'm here to test my strength against yours. To see if you have what it takes to stand beside me in Nachtüberfall.

With a swift motion, Rhys twirled his axe in his hand, the blade gleaming in the sunlight. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to his years of training and experience.

Jarek eyed Rhys warily, his grip on his dagger tightening even further. He knew that facing Rhys in battle would be no easy feat. The man was a seasoned warrior, skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and the use of his weapon.

But Jarek refused to back down. He had come too far to give up now, to let his hatred consume him. He would face Rhys head-on, with all the strength and determination he could muster.

With a defiant shout, Jarek charged forward, his blade flashing in the sunlight as he aimed for Rhys's chest.

Rhys met his attack head-on, bringing his axe up to block the incoming strike with a resounding clang. The force of the impact sent shockwaves reverberating through his arms, but Rhys stood his ground, his expression unwavering.

The two combatants exchanged blows at high speeds, each strike calculated and precise. Rhys's movements were fluid and agile, his axe dancing through the air with deadly accuracy. Jarek, fueled by his burning hatred and desire for revenge, fought with a ferocity that bordered on reckless abandon.

Rhys saw an opening and seized the opportunity. With a swift motion, he launched himself forward, his axe swinging through the air with incredible speed.

Jarek barely had time to react before Rhys's blade connected with his dagger, knocking it from his grasp. With a quick follow-up strike, Rhys delivered a powerful blow to Jarek's side, sending him crashing to the ground with a grunt of pain.

Jarek spat out blood, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. But despite the pain coursing through his body, he refused to give up. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he forced himself to his feet, his muscles screaming in protest.

Rhys watched with a mixture of admiration and respect as Jarek rose from the ground, his gaze unwavering even in the face of defeat. There was a fire in Jarek's eyes—a burning intensity that refused to be extinguished.

Rhys grinned, his expression one of genuine amusement as he watched Jarek's defiant stance.

Rhys: Come on then, Jarek. Let's see what else you've got.

With a swift motion, Rhys retrieved his fallen axe, twirling it in his hand with practiced ease. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to his skill and experience.

But Jarek was not deterred. With a primal roar, he lunged forward, his hand reaching for the fallen katana at his side. In one swift motion, he grabbed the blade, the metal gleaming in the sunlight as he charged toward Rhys with reckless abandon.

Rhys met his charge head-on, his axe swinging through the air with deadly accuracy. But Jarek was quick, his movements fueled by adrenaline and determination. With a deft leg move, he knocked Rhys's axe away, sending it skittering across the ground.

With Rhys momentarily disarmed, Jarek seized the opportunity, his grip tightening on the katana as he closed the distance between them. But Rhys was ready, his grin widening as he faced his opponent head-on.

Rhys: Come at me, Jarek. Let's finish this.

As Jarek rushed forward, his katana raised high, Rhys prepared himself for the incoming strike. But just as Jarek's blade was mere inches away from connecting, Rhys swiftly grabbed his arm, halting his attack in its tracks.

Jarek gritted his teeth in frustration, his muscles straining against Rhys's iron grip. But before he could react, Rhys delivered a swift kick to his groin, sending shockwaves of pain coursing through his body.

Jarek's face contorted in agony as he doubled over, clutching his crotch with white-knuckled hands. His breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to regain his composure, his mind clouded with pain and rage.

Rhys watched with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction as Jarek writhed on the ground, his laughter ringing out across the training grounds.

Rhys: Looks like you're not quite as tough as you thought, eh, Jarek?

But Jarek refused to back down. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he forced himself to his feet, his muscles trembling with effort.

Jarek: You... you bastard!

His voice was hoarse with pain and anger as he glared up at Rhys, his fists clenched in defiance.

Jarek: I'll... I'll kill you!

Rhys simply grinned in response, his gaze unwavering as he faced his opponent head-on.

Rhys: You can try, Jarek. But you'll have to do better than that.

With that, Rhys lunged forward, his axe swinging through the air with deadly precision. Jarek braced himself for the incoming strike, his grip tightening on the katana at his side.

As the battle between Jarek and Rhys reached its climax, Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, accompanied by a phantom pain in his crotch.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ouch! What was that for? Did you have to feel that too?

Zaegar's laughter reverberated through their mental link as he chimed in with his usual irreverence.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Ha! Looks like someone's feeling a little tender down there. Maybe next time, don't let your imagination run wild with phantom pains, Ginjo.

Yhwach remained focused on the battle below, his eyes fixed on the clash between Jarek and Rhys. Despite the distraction in his mind, his attention never wavered from the unfolding spectacle.

As Jarek's katana shattered upon contact with Rhys's massive axe, Yhwach's lips quirked up in a faint smirk. The sound of metal rending echoed through the training grounds, a testament to the sheer force of Rhys's blow.

Seeing his weapon broken, Rhys threw his axe to the ground with a resounding thud, his expression one of calm resolve. Meanwhile, Jarek's expression twisted with disbelief, his eyes widening in shock.

Jarek: Is he stupid?

The question hung in the air, a mixture of confusion and frustration evident in Jarek's voice. But Rhys simply grinned in response, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Rhys: No, Jarek. I'm not stupid. I'm just confident in my abilities.

With that, Rhys raised his fists in a defensive stance, his muscles tense and ready for whatever Jarek had in store. But instead of launching another attack, Jarek simply stood there, his expression a mixture of anger and uncertainty.

Jarek: What the hell are you waiting for? Finish me off already!

Rhys's grin widened, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes as he faced his opponent head-on.

Rhys: I could finish you off, Jarek. But where's the fun in that? I'd much rather see what you're made of.

Jarek's brow furrowed in confusion at Rhys's words, his mind struggling to process the unexpected turn of events. But before he could react, Rhys stepped forward, his fists flying through the air with incredible speed.

The force of Rhys's blows sent shockwaves reverberating through the training grounds, each strike calculated and precise. Jarek did his best to defend himself, his muscles straining against the onslaught of attacks.

But Rhys was relentless, his movements fluid and agile as he pressed the attack. With each blow, he pushed Jarek further and further back, his grin widening with each successful strike.

As the battle raged on, the crowd watched with bated breath, anticipation hanging thick in the air. Even Zaegar, who had been lounging nearby with his coconut cocktail, found himself drawn into the intensity of the fight.

Zaegar: Well, would you look at that? Rhys isn't holding back, is he?

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on the battle below, his expression unreadable as he watched the two combatants clash. 

Rhys's thoughts raced as he saw Jarek grab the dagger and rush towards him. The audience gasped in shock at the unexpected turn of events, their eyes wide with disbelief. Even Zaegar and Yhwach watched with keen interest, their gazes fixed on the unfolding spectacle.

As Jarek closed the distance between them, Rhys's instincts kicked in. While most people would've tried to escape, he rushed at Jarek instead. And as he did, everyone watching must've thought that he'd gone mad. After all, running head-first into an opponent with a knife wasn't really a mark of sanity.

But Rhys wasn't thinking about his own safety. Instead, his mind was filled with a single, unwavering thought—victory. He knew that if he could endure the pain, if he could weather the storm of Jarek's attacks, he would emerge victorious.

As Jarek's dagger descended towards him, Rhys raised his hand, not in an attempt to grab Jarek's hand or avoid the blow, but to let it pierce through his palm. The sharp pain shot through his hand like a bolt of lightning, but Rhys refused to flinch. Instead, he focused on his opponent, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Jarek's eyes widened in shock as his dagger pierced through Rhys's palm, the metal gleaming in the sunlight. But before he could react, Rhys lunged forward, his fist connecting squarely with Jarek's jaw.

As Jarek staggered back, blood spilling from his injured jaw and mouth, his eyes bloodshot and wild, he struggled to comprehend the sheer audacity of Rhys's actions. Meanwhile, Rhys stood before him, still gripping the dagger embedded in his palm with a calm expression that belied the pain coursing through his body.

Rhys glanced down at the dagger in his hand and then back at Jarek, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

Rhys: Oh, this? 'tis but a scratch. Nothing to worry about.

With that casual remark, Rhys reached out with his free hand and firmly grasped the hilt of the dagger embedded in his palm. With a swift, determined motion, he pulled the blade free, causing a torrent of blood to spill from the wound.

As the crimson droplets splattered onto the ground below, several members of the audience recoiled in horror, a few even fainting at the gruesome sight. But amidst the chaos, Yhwach remained stoic, his gaze fixed on the two combatants as they prepared to clash once more.

Yhwach: Such tenacity... Impressive.

His voice held a hint of admiration as he watched Jarek and Rhys run towards each other, their movements mirroring the intensity of their emotions. The tension in the air crackled with anticipation as they closed the distance between them, their fists raised in preparation for the final showdown.

With each step, Jarek's vision swam with dizzying flashes of light, his senses overwhelmed by the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. But despite the pain and exhaustion weighing heavily on his body, he refused to back down.

As he locked eyes with Rhys, a fierce determination burned within him, fueling his resolve to see this battle through to the end. He knew that victory was within reach, that all he had to do was muster every last ounce of strength he possessed.

With a primal roar, Jarek lunged forward, his body moving on instinct as he unleashed a barrage of attacks against Rhys. Meanwhile, Rhys met his onslaught head-on, his movements fluid and precise as he deflected each blow with ease.

Their fists collided with thunderous force, each strike resonating with the weight of their shared determination. The intensity of their battle reached a fever pitch as they exchanged blow after blow, their movements blurring into a frenzied dance of violence and resolve.

As the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded into the air, Jarek and Rhys stood locked in a fierce embrace, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they struggled to catch their breath. But despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on their bodies, neither of them showed any signs of surrender.

As Jarek and Rhys ran towards each other with all the speed they could muster, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, they yelled each other's names, their voices echoing across the training grounds. With every step, their determination burned brighter, driving them forward in a desperate struggle for victory.

As they closed the distance between them, their fists collided with thunderous force, each blow resonating with the weight of their shared resolve. Their cheeks began to bruise and bleed from the impact of their punches, but still, they pressed on, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze.

But as the battle raged on, Rhys noticed something in Jarek's eyes—a glimmer of exhaustion, a flicker of doubt. He knew that Jarek was reaching his limit, that he was on the verge of collapse. And as much as Rhys wanted to emerge victorious, he couldn't bear to see Jarek suffer defeat.

With a sudden burst of determination, Rhys threw himself forward, his head colliding with Jarek's with a sickening thud. Blood streamed from the wound on Rhys's forehead, mingling with Jarek's own blood as they both staggered back, their bodies swaying on unsteady legs.

Rhys's eyes locked onto Jarek's, a silent understanding passing between them. He knew that Jarek was about to fall unconscious, his body unable to withstand the relentless onslaught of their battle. But Rhys refused to let him face defeat alone.

With a swift motion, Rhys allowed himself to fall to the ground, his body collapsing in exhaustion at the same time as Jarek's. As they lay there, side by side, neither victorious nor defeated, a sense of camaraderie washed over them, binding them together in a shared moment of mutual respect.

Meanwhile, the Third King watched the scene unfold with a mixture of awe and disbelief, his gaze fixed on the two combatants as they lay on the ground before him. He knew that no matter how hard he tried, he could never fully comprehend the depth of their resolve, the strength of their will.

But as Yhwach's piercing gaze bore down on him, the Third King knew that he couldn't remain silent any longer. With a deep breath, he stepped forward, his voice ringing out across the training grounds.

Third King: It appears that neither combatant is capable of continuing. Therefore, I declare this match a draw.

His words hung in the air, a solemn acknowledgment of the incredible display of strength and determination that had unfolded before him. And though the outcome was not what anyone had expected, there was a sense of respect and admiration in the crowd's reaction.

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Jarek and Rhys, his expression inscrutable as he watched them from the observation deck. Beside him, Zaegar chuckled darkly, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Zaegar: Well, would you look at that? Seems like neither of them was willing to back down.

Yhwach's lips quirked up in a faint smirk, a glimmer of satisfaction shining in his eyes.

Yhwach: Indeed. They've both shown remarkable resilience and determination.

Ginjo's voice echoed in their minds, his curiosity piqued by the display of strength and resolve.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) So, what do you think of the recruits, Yhwach? Impressive bunch, aren't they?

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Jarek and Rhys, his thoughts racing as he considered Ginjo's question.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo. They've shown potential, each in their own way. But potential alone is not enough. They must prove themselves worthy of Nachtüberfall if they wish to earn their place here.

Ginjo nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful as he watched the recruits below.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Agreed. It'll be interesting to see how they develop in the days to come.

As Yhwach watched the scene unfold below, he gave a subtle nod to the First King, who understood his signal immediately. With a knowing look, the First King stepped forward, his voice carrying authority as he addressed the crowd.

First King: Attendees, it seems our brave combatants have reached an impasse. Let us ensure they receive the necessary medical attention. Workers, tend to their wounds immediately.

The workers, though initially hesitant, quickly sprang into action at the First King's command. However, one of them voiced their concerns.

Worker: But sir, we're construction workers, not doctors!

Before the situation could escalate further, the Fourth King intervened, landing on the worker's head with a dramatic thud.

Fourth King: Well, if you don't want us to snitch on you and tell Yhwach, you'd better do as you're told, or else! Pronto!

With a swift nod, the workers complied, hurrying to assist the injured recruits as the Second King addressed the rest of the group.

Second King: Recruits, return to your quarters and rest. You will hear from Yhwach tomorrow regarding your performance and future assignments.

As the recruits dispersed, Rhys couldn't help but think about Jarek, who was being carried away for treatment. A sense of camaraderie had developed between them during their intense battle, and Rhys couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was far from over.

Scene Break - Location: Yhwach's Office

Zaegar lounged in Yhwach's office, perched on the coconut tank he had commandeered. He leaned back, casually sipping from a coconut as he turned to Yhwach with a curious expression.

Zaegar: Say that again, Yhwach. What war?

Yhwach regarded Zaegar with a serious expression before explaining the situation.

Yhwach: Blackbeard and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, led by Marco the Phoenix, are currently engaged in conflict. It seems our attention may be required sooner than anticipated.

As Zaegar leaned back, casually sipping from the coconut, he tilted his head and, with a mischievous grin, decided to put his entire head into the coconut tank. The coconut juice sloshed around as he submerged his head completely, looking rather pleased with himself.

But his satisfaction was short-lived. With a sudden movement, Zaegar jerked his head up, splashing coconut juice all over Yhwach's office. Yhwach raised an eyebrow at the spectacle, his expression unreadable as he watched the coconut juice fly.

Zaegar, now dripping with coconut juice and looking slightly sheepish, shot Yhwach a defiant glare.

Zaegar: So what if there's a war? Instead of recruiting a bunch of weaklings and fighting some sweet officer nonsense, you could've just sent us to take fuck Blackbeard and his crew up!

Ginjo, chiming in from within Yhwach's mind, couldn't help but interject with a polite reminder.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Phrasing, please.

But Zaegar simply rolled his eyes and retorted.

Zaegar: fuck you, Ginjo. I say what I want.

Meanwhile, Yhwach's mind fixated on one particular phrase that Zaegar had mentioned—"sweet officer."

Yhwach: Sweet officer?

He echoed the words, a flicker of interest sparking in his eyes as he processed the information. Before he could delve further into the matter, Zaegar continued his tale of accidental chaos.

Zaegar: Oh, you'll love this one. So, We were sailing along with the recruits, I was minding my own business, when I saw this massive ship belonging to Big Hag—

Yhwach: Big Mom.

Zaegar: Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I got annoyed because the ship was getting too close for comfort, so I decided to teach them a lesson.

Yhwach listened intently as Zaegar recounted his encounter with Charlotte Oven, the Sweet Commander of Big Mom's crew.

Zaegar: Long story short, I crashed into their ship, accidentally slapped one of their Sweet officers unconscious, and now he's sitting in the brig. probably nursing a headache. And speaking of which...

Just then, a commotion erupted outside Yhwach's headquarters, drawing their attention. Through the window, they could see Charlotte Oven engaged in a fierce battle with some of the recruits.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his curiosity piqued by the unfolding scene.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, this certainly took an unexpected turn. What do you make of it, Yhwach?

Yhwach observed the scene outside his office window with a measured gaze, his mind calculating the implications of Zaegar's actions and the ensuing confrontation with Charlotte Oven. While he was not one to shy away from conflict, he preferred to approach such situations with a strategic mindset.

With a subtle nod, Yhwach rose from his seat, his presence commanding the attention of those in the room. He turned to Zaegar, his expression unreadable yet tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Yhwach: Zaegar, your... enthusiasm has certainly stirred the waters, so to speak. However, it seems our current predicament requires a more delicate touch. We cannot afford to escalate tensions unnecessarily, especially with Big Mom's crew.

Zaegar responded with a casual flip of his middle finger, a grin spreading across his face as he crashed through the window. Shards of glass scattered everywhere as he plummeted towards the docks where Oven and the recruits were fighting.

In mid-air, Zaegar released a loud fart directly in Oven's face, causing the Sweet Commander to recoil in disgust.

Oven: You fucking scum! My family will murder you for this! Do you think this is a jo—

Before he could finish, Yhwach appeared using Hirenkyaku, his speed blurring as he landed beside Oven. Without hesitation, Yhwach slapped Oven with such force that he tumbled to the ground, nearly falling into the sea.

Yhwach: You are a pirate. You are in no position to speak to me using any kind of tone. From now on, you only talk when asked, or I will deliver you to your family in pieces. Understood?

Oven's eyes burned with anger and humiliation, but he remained silent, the threat in Yhwach's words clear and undeniable.

Yhwach's attention shifted from Oven to the lifeless bodies of some of the recruits scattered across the training grounds. His gaze then fell upon the Revolutionary Army workers, who stood in a tense and uneasy line, awaiting his command.

Yhwach: Inform the Four Kings that they are in charge of the base in my absence. Zaegar and I will personally ensure that Oven is delivered home.

The workers nodded quickly, understanding the gravity of Yhwach's words and not wanting to test his patience. Without another word, they dispersed to relay the message to the Four Kings.

Yhwach then turned his attention back to Oven, who was still recovering from the slap. Grabbing him by the neck with a vice-like grip, Yhwach effortlessly threw him into the brig. As Oven collided with the bars, Zaegar, lounging nearby, couldn't help but voice his disdain.

Zaegar: Can we, like, not use the ship? I fucking hate vehicles.

Ginjo's laughter echoed in Yhwach's mind, adding a layer of levity to the situation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) He does have a way with words, doesn't he?

Ignoring the comment, Yhwach grabbed Zaegar by the collar and threw him into the brig beside Oven. Zaegar's protests filled the air as he crashed into the cell.

Zaegar: Fuck you, Yhwach!

Settling down with a sigh, Zaegar donned a pair of shades and sprawled out on a hammock, clearly resigned to his fate. Yhwach, maintaining his stoic demeanor, began steering the ship out of the Floridan Triangle. The ship cut through the water with ease, the waves parting before its prow as they set course for their destination.

As Yhwach steered, he cast a piercing glance at Oven, who had been glaring defiantly. The intensity of Yhwach's gaze was enough to break through Oven's bravado.

Yhwach: Where is your base located?

Oven hesitated for a moment, his pride urging him to resist. But the unyielding stare of Yhwach, cold and merciless, made it clear that defiance would lead to dire consequences. Swallowing hard, Oven relented.

Oven: It's on Whole Cake Island, in the New World. Our main base is there.

Yhwach nodded, satisfied with the information. He redirected the ship's course, navigating with precision and purpose. The journey was silent, save for the rhythmic splash of the waves against the hull and the occasional creak of the ship.

Yhwach: Good. You'll guide us there. Any attempt to mislead us will be met with swift retribution.

Oven nodded reluctantly, understanding the implicit threat in Yhwach's words. As the ship sailed on, the tension in the air remained thick, but there was a sense of grim resolve among those on board.

Zaegar, still lounging in his hammock, glanced over at Yhwach.

Zaegar: So, what's the plan when we get there? Just drop him off and leave, or are we making a statement?

Yhwach's lips curved into a faint smile, a hint of something dangerous in his eyes.

Yhwach: We'll see, Zaegar. For now, let's ensure our message is clear.

The ship cut through the waves, the eerie silence of the ocean surrounding it. Yhwach steered the vessel with precision, the tension in the air palpable as they navigated towards Whole Cake Island. The stillness was suddenly shattered by a massive disturbance in the water.

A colossal Sea King, its scales shimmering under the sunlight, burst from the depths of the ocean, heading directly for the ship. Before anyone could react, Zaegar vanished and reappeared in the blink of an eye, his hand gripping the Sea King's massive form. With effortless strength, he tossed the lifeless creature towards Oven, who barely managed to catch it, stumbling back from the impact.

Oven glared at Zaegar, his frustration boiling over. 

Oven: What the hell are you doing, you lunatic?

Zaegar shrugged nonchalantly, a smug grin on his face. 

Zaegar: What? Your name is Oven, and you have a devil fruit very well suited for this. For the rest of this journey, you are this ship's designated cook.

Yhwach, steering the ship with one hand, nodded in agreement. 

Yhwach: Zaegar is correct. We need someone to prepare meals, and you are uniquely qualified.

Oven looked between Yhwach and Zaegar, a mix of anger and resignation in his eyes. He wanted to yell, to fight back, but he knew better than to challenge Yhwach's authority. With a heavy sigh, he accepted his fate, muttering under his breath about the absurdity of the situation.

As he began to prepare the Sea King for cooking, Oven couldn't help but feel a wave of despair wash over him. This was not the life he had envisioned for himself, a once-proud Sweet Commander now reduced to a ship's cook. He glanced at Zaegar, who was lounging in his hammock with an air of smug satisfaction, and then at Yhwach, whose cold, calculating gaze was fixed on the horizon.

Yhwach and Zaegar's Reikaku picked up on an approaching presence, causing both of them to turn their attention toward the horizon. Their expressions shifted from calm to alert as they sensed the incoming threat. Oven, in the middle of preparing the Sea King, noticed the change in their demeanor and followed their gaze. His eyes widened in shock as he saw a large ship approaching, its figurehead a menacing giant mammoth head. It was unmistakably a ship of the Beast Pirates.

Scene Break - Location: Beast Pirate's ship

On board the ship, Jack, the Drought, one of the All-Stars of the Beast Pirates, stood at the prow, laughing heartily.

Jack: Hahahaha! I can't believe that dog, Heavenly Yaksha is paying so much for a single fucking pet lizard!

Jack was a man of large stature, towering over all of his crewmates even when sitting down and drinking from a barrel.

Jack was a giant grouper fish-man. Unlike most fishmen, his pale skin is identical to that of a human. He was immensely muscular, but his limbs were disproportionately small when compared to his enormous torso.

He was wearing a metallic jaw mask and had a pair of horns on each side of his head. His blond hair was worn in a ponytail and a pair of long braids.

The giant man had decided to go after Zaegar's head after Zaegar and the four kings decided to mess around with doflamingo, and he and his crew had been after Zaegar for around two weeks by this point.

They had happened to be in the area and decided to look for him and claim the bounty that the Heavenly Yaksha, which is Doflamingo's nickname in the underworld, had placed on his head.

Doflamingo had contacted them directly when realizing that they were in the area for some business related to the Smile Fruits.

Jack instantly accepted the contract when hearing that they only had to deal with an overgrown lizard. The giant man didn't seem to care about him being a part of Dragon Slayer's little crew.

Without much warning, a storm started kicking up. Jack wasn't really worried though, his ship was extremely sturdy and could survive any storm.

In the distance, he could see a group of newbie pirates being destroyed by the harsh weather of the New World. He laughed out loud at that, finding joy in their suffering.

But out of nowhere In an instant, Zaegar appeared in the Mammoth's figurehead, looking at the crew with a calm grin.

Zaegar: Well, well, well, what do we have here? A bunch of oversized, overgrown sea creatures pretending to be pirates? Hah! You call yourselves tough? Please, I've seen kittens with more bite than you lot!

Jack's crewmates exchanged wary glances, some murmuring about Zaegar being suicidal and crazy. But Zaegar paid them no mind, his gaze fixed on Jack with a gleam of challenge in his eyes.

Zaegar: So, Jack, the Drought, huh? More like Jack the Draught—'cause you're about as dry and boring as the desert! What's the matter, can't handle a little rain?

Jack's laughter faltered, replaced by a scowl as he glared at Zaegar. His crewmates braced themselves, knowing that Zaegar's words were like sparks in a powder keg.

Jack: You talk big for someone with a death wish, Zaegar. You're either brave or foolish to face us alone. Or perhaps a little bit of both.

Zaegar's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he leaned forward, his posture daring and defiant.

Zaegar: Oh, I'm more than just brave or foolish, Jack. I'm downright insane. But you know what they say about insanity—it's the mother of all brilliance.

Jack's scowl deepened, his patience wearing thin as he clenched his fists.

Jack: I don't care about your delusions, Zaegar! You're a dead man walking!

With a thunderous roar, Jack charged forward, his crewmates following suit as they rushed toward Zaegar with weapons drawn. The air crackled with tension as the two opposing forces hurtled towards each other, the clash of metal and the sound of battle echoing across the sea.

But just as Jack and his crew were about to reach Zaegar, he let out a loud, thunderous fart that echoed across the ship. The foul odor filled the air, causing Jack and his crewmates to recoil in disgust.

Zaegar: How's that for a greeting, you oversized sea slugs?

As they staggered back, overcome by the stench, the ship rocked violently, the force of Zaegar's flatulence causing it to shudder and groan. With a deafening crack, the ship split in two, sending Jack and his crewmates flying backward with the force of the explosion.

The water churned and roared as the ship began to sink beneath the waves, the debris scattering across the ocean like confetti. Jack and his crewmates struggled to stay afloat, their shouts of panic drowned out by the raging storm.

Zaegar, still perched on the figurehead of the ship, watched with a satisfied grin as Jack and his crewmates flailed in the water, their fate sealed by his unexpected attack.

As Jack glared at Zaegar, his rage building to a boiling point, he began to undergo a monstrous transformation. His muscles expanded, his skin hardened, and his features contorted into those of a mammoth, the manifestation of his Devil Fruit power.

But before Jack could fully complete his transformation, Zaegar launched himself forward with astonishing speed. He grabbed Jack by the horns, his grip like iron as he propelled them both forward with incredible force.

The sheer velocity of Zaegar's movement caused the planet to rotate around them, the momentum of their flight altering the very fabric of space and time. They streaked across the water's surface, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake as Zaegar forced Jack down into the churning depths.

As they continued their dizzying journey, Zaegar's speed increased exponentially, his movements blurring into a whirlwind of motion. With a final burst of energy, he soared into the sky, hurtling towards the distant moon with Jack in tow.

When they reached the desolate surface of the moon, Zaegar deposited the barely conscious Jack before the astonished gaze of Enel, the self-proclaimed god of Skypiea. Enel, recognizing Zaegar from their earlier encounter, accepted the unexpected gift without question.

With a triumphant grin, Zaegar vanished into thin air, leaving behind a bewildered Enel and a defeated Jack. As he reappeared in Yhwach's brig, Ginjo couldn't help but voice his curiosity.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) What in the world did you just do, Zaegar?

Zaegar chuckled mischievously, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he settled back into his hammock.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Oh, just a little detour to deliver a message to our friend Jack. You know, the usual.

Ginjo raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by Zaegar's cryptic response.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) And what message would that be, exactly?

Zaegar's grin widened, a flash of mischief dancing in his eyes as he leaned forward conspiratorially.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) That when Zaegar says "jump," even the so-called rulers of the New World have no choice but to ask, "how high?"

Ginjo's laughter echoed in Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident as he considered Zaegar's unconventional approach to dealing with Jack.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Fair enough. I suppose Jack will have plenty of time to reflect on his choices while he's... elsewhere.

Yhwach nodded in agreement, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watched Zaegar lounging in his hammock, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos he had caused.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed. And in the meantime, we have other matters to attend to.

As Oven watched the surreal scene unfold before him, his mind reeled with disbelief. He had witnessed Zaegar's incredible display of power, from his unexpected appearance on the ship to his astonishing speed and strength in dispatching Jack. But what puzzled Oven the most was the realization that Zaegar's bounty was listed as negative 1 berrie.

Oven's expression shifted from shock to confusion as he struggled to comprehend the implications of such a bounty. Negative bounties were virtually unheard of in the world of pirates, where higher bounties typically indicated greater threats to the World Government and its allies.

Turning to Yhwach, who was observing the aftermath of Zaegar's actions with a measured gaze, Oven couldn't help but voice his incredulity.

Oven: How is that even possible? Zaegar's bounty... it's listed as negative 1 berrie. That's... impossible!

Yhwach regarded Oven with a calm demeanor, his expression unreadable as he considered the question. Though Zaegar's negative bounty was indeed unusual, Yhwach knew that there was more to Zaegar than met the eye.

Yhwach: Indeed, it is an anomaly. But Zaegar's true strength lies not in conventional measures like bounties or titles. He is a force unto himself, beholden to no authority but his own.

Oven frowned, his confusion deepening as he struggled to reconcile Zaegar's seemingly insignificant bounty with the incredible power he had just witnessed.

Oven: But... how? How can someone with a negative bounty possess such immense power?

Yhwach's gaze softened slightly, a hint of respect shining in his eyes as he considered Zaegar's enigmatic nature.

Yhwach: That is a question for which there may be no simple answer. Zaegar is... unique, to say the least. His strength defies conventional logic, as does his bounty. But one thing is certain—he is not to be underestimated.

As Yhwach spoke, Zaegar lounged in his hammock with a smug grin, seemingly unfazed by the discussion unfolding around him. His aura of confidence and mischief was palpable, a testament to his unconventional approach to life as a pirate.

Oven, though still perplexed by Zaegar's mysterious nature, nodded in acknowledgment of Yhwach's words. He knew that there was much he had yet to learn about Zaegar and his role in the grand scheme of things.

Meanwhile, Zaegar couldn't help but overhear their conversation, and with a chuckle, he decided to interject.

Zaegar: Ah, don't mind me, you bitches. Just enjoying the show. But if you're really curious, I'll tell you my secret—it's all in the shades.

With a playful wink, Zaegar adjusted his sunglasses and reclined further into his hammock, leaving Yhwach and Oven to ponder his cryptic words.

Timeskip - Location: Totto Land

And so after a while of traveling, Oven, Zaegar, and Yhwach stepped on Big Mom's main island, Totto Land which was also said to house a Road Poneglyph, one of the four scripts necessary to access Raftel and catch a glimpse of the fabled One Piece. 

Yhwach knew that their arrival was bound to be a bumpy one, but the people within the territory were seemingly going on with their lives normally, civilians willingly living under a temperamental Emperor's rule.

After all, no one would dare to attack the main territory of Big Mom herself, so this was one of the safest places on earth for them.

Yhwach knew that this was the case for a lot of Yonko-ruled islands, mainly the ones under Whitebeard's control, Kaido was more of a tyrant than anything and Shanks was a bit of an unknown quantity when it came to territory.

As Zaegar lounged on Yhwach's shoulder, his mischievous grin widened as he glanced at Oven, who was glaring daggers at him.

Zaegar: Gotta say, overgrown furnace, I was expecting a warmer welcome.

Oven's scowl deepened at the nickname, but he refrained from lashing out, knowing that Yhwach was watching them both with a keen eye.

Oven: It's Oven, you insolent fool.

Zaegar chuckled, unfazed by Oven's hostility as he adjusted his sunglasses with a casual flick of his finger.

Zaegar: Tomato, tomato. Anyway, where's the nearest ice cream parlor? I could use a sweet treat after that exhilarating swim.

Yhwach, who had been observing the exchange with a faint smile, decided to intervene before Oven could respond with more hostility.

Yhwach: Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? We're here to deliver Oven and ensure that our message is received.

Zaegar rolled his eyes theatrically but nodded in agreement, his playful demeanor shifting slightly as he refocused on the task at hand.

Zaegar: Fine, fine. But after we're done here, I'm definitely getting my ice cream. No arguments.

Oven felt someone approaching them, someone that he recognized. A man that was around 5 meters tall, his hair was short and crimson, same as his eyes. 

Two distinct scars were present on each side of his face, looking as if someone had tried to stitch his mouth shut.

He wore a massive light ragged scarf that covered his mouth, a torn leather vest with "CHARLOTTE" written on the back that exposed most of his heavily muscled torso, a pair of dark gloves and pants, a belt with a skull-shaped buckle and spiked boots with spurs.

Oven seemed excited when seeing his brother, Charlotte Katakuri's reaction was a bit different though... 

Katakuri: Who did this to you... Oven?!

Katakuri appeared well and truly angered.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, and so did Zaegar.

Oven's heart pounded in his chest as he locked eyes with Zaegar, who innocently met his gaze with a sly grin. But as Oven stared into those mischievous eyes, a chilling memory flooded his mind—a memory of Zaegar grabbing him by the neck, his voice dripping with malice as he issued a dire threat.


Zaegar's grip tightened around Oven's neck, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint as he leaned in close, his voice low and menacing.

Zaegar: You listen to me, You fucking overgrown furnace. If you even think about fucking snitching on me to your family, I'll make sure you fucking regret it for life. I'll make you suffer in ways you never thought was possible. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING YOU STOOPID MOTHERFUCKING BITCHBOY!!!

Oven, his eyes wide with fear, nodded frantically, unable to speak as Zaegar's grip constricted around his throat.

(End of flashback) 

As the memory faded, Oven's hands trembled with fear, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts and emotions. He knew better than to cross Zaegar, to betray the trust of someone so unpredictable and dangerous.

With a shaky breath, Oven turned his gaze away from Zaegar, his expression a mask of fear and submission. He couldn't afford to anger Zaegar, not when the consequences were so dire.

Yhwach, sensing Oven's distress, regarded him with a cool detachment, his eyes betraying nothing as he observed the tense interaction between the two brothers.

Yhwach: Is there a problem, Oven?

Oven shook his head quickly, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to compose himself.

Oven: N-No, Dragon Slayer. Everything is... fine.

Yhwach's gaze lingered on Oven for a moment longer, his expression unreadable as he considered the implications of their encounter. But before he could delve further into the matter, Katakuri stepped forward, his eyes blazing with anger.

Katakuri: Oven, who did this to you? Tell me, and I'll make sure they pay for what they've done.

Oven hesitated, torn between his loyalty to his family and the fear of retribution from Zaegar. But as he glanced at Zaegar, who watched the exchange with a playful smirk, Oven knew that he had no choice but to keep silent.

Oven: It... it was no one, Katakuri. Just a minor... misunderstanding.

Katakuri's expression softened slightly, his concern evident as he studied Oven's trembling form.

Katakuri: Are you sure? You don't seem yourself.

Oven forced a shaky smile, his hands clenching into fists as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Oven: I'm fine, Katakuri. Really. Let's just focus on the task at hand.

Katakuri regarded Oven with a lingering gaze, his concern evident in his eyes. But ultimately, he nodded in agreement, trusting his brother's judgment.

Katakuri: Very well. But if you need anything, Oven, you know where to find me.

With that, Katakuri turned and looked at the emperor in front of him with a wary gaze. At this point, there were very few people that didn't know who Yhwach was.

Katakuri: Let us continue to the Chateau, Mother is expecting us.

Yhwach didn't seem to care for Katakuri's cold look, he figured he'd be able to clear things up when he got to speak with Big Mom.

The four of them reached the Chateau rather quickly, but no one approached them. They had run into a few of Oven's siblings, but they didn't approach, as Katakuri was also there, escorting what they assumed was a prisoner.

Still, Yhwach had seen quite a few siblings look at Oven with worry in their eyes, signifying that the Big Mom Pirates might've been a bit closer to one another than Yhwach had initially expected.

Yhwach could feel that all of the higher-ranking members of the Big Mom Pirates were waiting inside what he assumed to be the 'throne room'.

So, the three of them walked silently towards it. Upon entering, Yhwach was finally able to see her in person...

Big Mom, a round, obese old woman. She had an enormous physique, standing at 8.8 meters or just shy of 29 feet tall. Round, orange eyes, with prominent eyelashes, and wore thick purple eyeshadow.

She had a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick. She also had long, curly, and wild pink hair that fell halfway down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose.

Big Mom wore a large pink bicorne hat bearing a Jolly Roger on the front. She also wore a pink dress with red polka dots and white ruffles, with a wide white cape attached to its back that fell to the ground.

Yhwach studied her for a bit, she didn't really look that intimidating, and she surprisingly seemed to be in a good mood.

As Yhwach observed Big Mom, Ginjo and Zaegar's voices echoed in his mind, their commentary bordering on irreverence.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Good grief, she's even uglier up close.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Seriously, Yhwach, are we sure she's not a walking disaster zone?

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he mentally chided his companions for their lack of decorum.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Enough, both of you. Show some respect. Big Mom may not be the most conventional ruler, but she commands considerable power and influence.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Yeah, yeah, sure thing, Your Highness. But can we at least come up with some nicknames for her? I mean, "Big Mom" just doesn't do justice to her... unique appearance.

Ginjo chuckled inwardly at Zaegar's suggestion, his amusement evident in his mental tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) I suppose we could entertain ourselves with that while we wait. How about "Jolly Jowls" or "Pink Nightmare"?

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Ooh, I like "Pink Nightmare"! But what about "Giant Gobbler" or "Obese Ogre"?

Yhwach sighed inwardly, his patience wearing thin as he listened to their banter.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) That's enough, both of you. Let's maintain some semblance of professionalism here.

Zaegar and Ginjo exchanged amused glances, their mental connection buzzing with suppressed laughter.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Aw, come on, Yhwach. Where's your sense of humor?

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yeah, lighten up a little. We're just having some fun.

Yhwach's expression softened slightly, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes despite his attempts to maintain a stern demeanor.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Fine, have your fun. But keep it quiet. We have a meeting to attend.

The Quincy King tilted his head a bit as he saw both Katakuri and Oven bow and greet their mother. He didn't bother with that, only looking around the room a bit. 

Big Mom: Now... I wasn't expecting the replacement of Newgate to come all the way here... Let alone bring along a pet.

Big Mom said as she licked her lips with a hungry look.

As Yhwach narrowed his eyes at Big Mom's words, Zaegar's demeanor shifted dramatically. His usual mischievous grin vanished, replaced by a look of pure rage as he glared at the emepror with undisguised contempt. Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone tinged with concern as he remarked on the situation unfolding before them.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh crap, she pressed the pet button.

Yhwach sighed internally, fully aware of the impending explosion that Zaegar's anger was about to unleash. Sure enough, Zaegar's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he seethed with rage, his voice rising to a furious crescendo as he unleashed his wrath upon Big Mom.


The room turned deadly silent, as every gaze turned back to Zaegar in an instant. This time, even Big Mom looked pissed off.

Oven trembled a bit, and Katakuri just raised an eyebrow.

Katakuri: (In thought) I understand your grievances... But did you really have to do that?!

Katakuri thought to himself as he scratched the back of his head.

Big Mom: A rather bold dog you have there Dragon Slayer... Coming here and barking in my castle!

Big Mom said as she rose from her seat, anger obvious in her features.

Big Mom: I was going to just take two of your limbs... But now I'll also take both your lifespans, maybe you'll be a bit less arrogant if you only had a few years left in you!

Big Mom said as a sadistic smile rose to her face. Most of her children also seemed to mirror her smile, while Yhwach just shrugged.

Zaegar: Enemies, who talk too much, and are bored as hell. And now, just when I thought this day couldn't get any fucking worse, this oversized, candy-obsessed, two-faced, so-called "Emperor" has the fucking audacity to call me a pet?! I'll have you know, you oversized sack of sweets, that I am not now, nor will I ever be, anyone's goddamn pet! So you can take your insults and shove them right up your candy-coated ass!

Yhwach winced inwardly at Zaegar's outburst, fully expecting Big Mom to react with fury at his insolence. But to his surprise, Big Mom merely chuckled in response, her expression one of amusement rather than anger.

Big Mom: My, my, such passion from a mere pet. I can see why Dragon Slayer has taken an interest in you.

Her words only served to further incense Zaegar, who clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Zaegar: Interest? More like fucking obsession! That crazy nazi jesus just can't keep his filthy hands off me, always dragging me into his fucking messes and treating me like his personal goddamn errand boy! Well, I've had enough of his bullshit! From now on, I'm done playing nice. I'm gonna tear that asshole a new one and make him regret ever crossing paths with me!

As Zaegar ranted, Yhwach watched with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, his expression tinged with resignation as he listened to Zaegar's colorful language. Ginjo, meanwhile, couldn't help but interject with a word of caution.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Uh, Yhwach, maybe we should try to calm him down before he starts a war?

Yhwach nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with plans to defuse the situation before it escalated further.

Zaegar: Yhwach, I've had it with playing by their rules. It's time to show these bastards what happens when you mess with the wrong hollow. We're going to fucking war, and I'm leading the charge.

Ginjo's laughter echoed in Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident despite the gravity of the situation. But Yhwach's expression remained calm and composed as he regarded Zaegar with a measured gaze.

Yhwach: Zaegar, let's not be hasty. War should always be a last resort, especially against an Emperor like Big Mom. We need to consider the consequences of our actions before we proceed.

But Zaegar's resolve was unshakable, his determination unwavering as he shook his head defiantly.

Zaegar: I've made up my mind, Yhwach. I'm not backing down this time. These assholes need to learn that they can't just walk all over me and get away with it. It's time to make a stand and show them what happens when they mess with Zaegar the Great!

Before Yhwach could respond, Zaegar's fist lashed out with lightning speed, striking Big Mom across the face with a resounding smack. The force of the blow sent her flying out of the castle, her massive form crashing to the ground with a deafening thud.

The rest of her children stared in pure shock, their mouths agape as they processed the sudden turn of events. But Zaegar paid them no mind, his focus solely on Yhwach as he awaited his response.

Zaegar: Yhwach, you deal with these waste of sperm. I've got a score to settle.

Ginjo's laughter faltered, his amusement giving way to a sense of apprehension as he realized the gravity of Zaegar's actions. 

As Big Mom's enraged bellow echoed through the castle, Zaegar simply grinned and flashed a peace sign before disappearing in a blur of motion. Yhwach watched with a mixture of amusement and concern as his unpredictable companion vanished, leaving chaos and confusion in his wake.

Meanwhile, Big Mom's children began to rally, their expressions shifting from shock to anger as they prepared to confront Yhwach. But before they could make a move, Yhwach stepped forward, his presence imposing and commanding as he regarded them with a cool detachment.

As Charlotte Cracker lunged forward to attack, Yhwach merely raised an eyebrow, his expression one of mild annoyance as he effortlessly intercepted the blow. With a flick of his wrist, Yhwach sent Cracker hurtling through the air, his body crashing into the ground with a resounding thud.

The other members of Big Mom's crew looked on in disbelief as Yhwach's reiatsu washed over them, overwhelming them with its sheer power and intensity. With a dismissive wave of his hand, Yhwach continued forward, his gaze fixed on Big Mom's throne as he addressed her children with a voice that brooked no argument.

Yhwach: I have no time to waste on weaklings. If you value your lives, stand down and let me pass.

As Yhwach activated his Schrift H, the heat, waves of scorching energy emanated from his body, enveloping the area in an oppressive heat. With a focused gaze, he summoned burner finger flame clones, each one crackling with fiery intensity.

As the clones formed a single cohesive entity, Yhwach's mind raced with strategic precision. He directed the clone to search for the Road Poneglyph, a crucial piece of their puzzle in uncovering the secrets of Raftel and the One Piece.

But before Yhwach could fully concentrate on the task at hand,Suddenly A deafening crash echoed through the throne room as Big Mom came crashing down from above, her massive form causing the island to shake.

Yhwach regarded her with a cool detachment, his expression one of mild annoyance as he prepared to face her head-on. But before he could make a move, Zaegar's voice echoed in his mind, his tone tinged with amusement as he addressed Yhwach with characteristic irreverence.

Zaegar: Hey, Yhwach, hate to break it to you, but I've got some business to attend to back in Schatteninsel. You're on your own with this one, best buddy.

Yhwach's gaze narrowed at Zaegar's words, his expression one of mild irritation as he regarded his unpredictable companion with a steely glare.

Yhwach: Zaegar, this is not the time for your games. We have a mission to complete, and I expect you to fulfill your obligations.

But Zaegar merely shrugged, his demeanor unapologetic as he flipped Yhwach off with a casual gesture.

Zaegar: Sorry, Yhwach, but duty calls. Besides, I'm sure you can handle Big Mom on your own. After all, you're the mighty Dragon Slayer, right?

With that, Zaegar disappeared in a blur of motion, leaving Yhwach to face Big Mom alone. Yhwach sighed inwardly, his frustration evident as he prepared to confront the formidable Emperor.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, isn't this just typical? Looks like it's just you and Big Mom now, Yhwach. Good luck with that.

Yhwach sighed inwardly, his mind already racing with plans to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With a determined glint in his eyes, he squared his shoulders and prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Yhwach: (thought) Typical Zaegar, always leaving me to clean up his messes. Well, I suppose I'll have to handle this situation myself. But first, I need to deal with Big Mom and her children.

As Big Mom rose from the ground, her enraged bellow echoing through the throne room, Yhwach braced himself for the inevitable confrontation. With a calm demeanor, he regarded her with a cool detachment, his expression betraying none of the turmoil roiling within him.

As Big Mom's gaze swept over the scene before her, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief at the sight of her children lying unconscious on the ground. With a furious snarl, she turned her gaze on Yhwach, her expression one of pure rage as she demanded answers.

Big Mom: Where is that insolent lizard?! Where is Zaegar?!

Yhwach met Big Mom's furious glare with a steady gaze, his tone calm and composed as he addressed her with measured precision.

Yhwach: Zaegar has left. He's taken responsibility for the damages caused and is prepared to face the consequences of his actions.

Big Mom's eyes narrowed at Yhwach's words, her anger simmering beneath the surface as she contemplated her next move. With a predatory smile, she licked her lips and advanced towards Yhwach, her imposing presence filling the room with an oppressive aura.

Yhwach: I understand your anger, Big Mom. But Zaegar's actions were his own. I had no control over his actions, nor could I have predicted the extent of his rampage.

Big Mom's eyes narrowed with suspicion, her gaze piercing as she studied Yhwach with an intensity that sent a chill down his spine. With a slow, deliberate motion, she licked her lips, her voice low and dangerous as she issued her ultimatum.

Big Mom: I will be taking the majority of your lifespan as compensation for the damage that has been done. And if Zaegar ever sets foot in my territory again, I will make sure that he suffers a fate worse than death.

Big Mom's smile widened into a sinister grin, her eyes alight with sadistic pleasure as she prepared to exact her vengeance upon Yhwach.

She knew that he was decently strong, so she was rather excited to taste his soul. But first, she decided to take a look at it.

She had seen many souls, and she had had the pleasure of tasting most of them. Either Pirates, Bounty hunters, or even her own children. To her, all souls looked the same. 

But what she saw made her stop in her tracks completely. Her gaze became stony, almost looking petrified.

It wasn't something natural, Linlin simply couldn't understand what she was looking at.

It was strange, but the second she tried to stare at Yhwach's soul, she felt odd... She realized it rather quickly, Yhwach simply had no soul.

No life energy to speak of, it was as if she was looking at a corpse, but that corpse was moving around perfectly and seemed to be able to talk too...

The more she looked at the enigma in front of her, the weirder she felt.

She was about to open her mouth and ask Yhwach where his soul was, but then she felt as if something else was looking at her, something that slightly unnerved her.

She felt that she could see another pair of eyes right on Yhwach's shadow, red eyes that stared at her with disinterest as if she were an insect.

She raised an eyebrow at first prideful as she was an Emperor of the Seas. Her Conquerer's haki flared up at that gaze, as she imposed herself.

Her children around her seemed to react to that all of them stepping backward hoping to not get caught up in her rage. Yhwach also raised an eyebrow at the outburst, he was getting a rather strange feeling as well.

Big Mom was confident in herself, but the more defiantly she stared at Yhwach's shadow, the larger it became, and the pair of eyes seemed to become more bloodshot as if finally acknowledging her.

More and more eyes started appearing inside the enlarged shadow, tentacles seemed to be extending towards her, trying to grasp at her. She could feel them, not on her body, but on her soul...

She had never felt that insignificant before, this was the first time since her childhood that she had felt so panicked, that she had felt she was no longer in control of anything.

Big Mom: (In thought) ... What the hell is this... Thing?

Was all that she could think of.

She quickly took her gaze away from him, no longer trying to find Yhwach's soul as cold sweat filled her back.

She could feel it, if she was any weaker, that gaze that had stared back at her would've broken her will completely.

She couldn't understand it, but one thing was pretty clear to her, his soul was almost certainly off limits... If he even had one.

Big Mom: W-what...?

Big Mom herself was shocked by how weakened her tone was. And her children now also noticed that something was wrong.

They all rushed to her side as she fell backward on her ass, she rubbed her forehead in pain.

Yhwach: ...What?

Yhwach could also feel something strange, it was as if there was someone else standing behind him.

Oven and Katakuri had also rushed to their mother. Even if she was callous and uncaring toward them, they were still fiercely loyal to her.

Yhwach didn't bother stopping them, he was still frozen there and some sweat appeared on his brow as well...

Big Mom: Yhwach... Was your name, right?

Big Mom said as she was slowly starting to get up. She was still clearly weakened, which was shocking to all of her children.

Katakuri looked toward Yhwach with anger in his gaze. 

Katakuri: (In thought) What did he do?!

He knew that Yhwach didn't move at all, he had been keeping a close eye on him. 

Yhwach: Yes... That is my name.

Yhwach said as he started regaining his bearings. Whatever that thing's motivations were, Yhwach knew that he now had to deal with them. 

Big Mom: ... I don't know what you've gotten yourself into, but I don't want you anywhere near me or my children...

Big Mom said as a serious look reached her eyes.

Yhwach: ... What did you see Women?

Yhwach had realized, to some extent, what had happened. It wasn't that hard for him to piece it together.

A few minutes of silence passed by, no one spoke a single word, and no one even bothered to address the fact that Yhwach called her women.

Big Mom: I don't know... But I don't think I want to know either. Some things are better left unknown in this world.

Big Mom answered, at this point, she seemed to have recovered her strength.

Her children looked shocked at the weird turn of events. They also didn't stop Yhwach when the latter turned around and simply started leaving in a hurry.

Perospero and Smoothie were about to follow Yhwach, to make sure that he wouldn't escape. But Big Mom reached out her arm and stopped the two of them.

This made the others even more confused, as they had never seen their mother act like that. 

Oven: Mother... What happened?

Oven asked, the concern in his voice was evident as he looked in the direction Yhwach had retreated.

Big Mom: That Man... called Yhwach has no soul.

Big Mom ended up saying after another period of silence. The Emperor was still trying to make out what had actually happened, her thoughts were all jumbled up as her mind seemed to be unable to forget the gaze that had stared her down. 

She didn't bother telling them about it though, to her, they had no need to know that. As she had said, some things were better left unknown.

This made the eyes of everyone in the room widen, as they saw their still flabbergasted mother sit on her throne with a loud thud.

Persospero: T-that must be a mistake, right? Even if he was a resurrected corpse, he'd still have one...

Persospero said as he grasped at his hat.

All of the people within the Big Mom Pirates had a lot of knowledge when it came to souls. Big Mom herself was supposed to have complete control over souls.

No one, not one of them had heard of a soulless human before. All living beings had souls, there shouldn't have been an exception to that rule. Anything other than that was simply unnatural.

Big Mom: I know what I saw. There is no mistaking it. Don't get involved with him, if you encounter him in the future just run.

Big Mom seemed to not budge one bit on this issue, so none of her children insisted on that line of questioning.

Persospero: U-Understood mother... Let us get you some sweets! We wouldn't want to dampen your mood like this...

Perospero, being the oldest son, was quick to recover and try to placate his mother. The last thing he needed was for their mother to throw a tantrum and destroy the Chateau again...

Big Mom: No. That won't be necessary. All of you can leave, for now, I want to be alone.

But Oven looked at his mother weirdly. He knew that something else had happened, most of his siblings were likely aware of that too.

He had also noticed how Yhwach had turned around in that exchange. Nothing was behind him, but he had simply never seen that much panic in Yhwach's gaze...

Not once during their journey was he that confused, and never did his face turn such a pale color.

Whatever their mother had felt inside of Yhwach, it managed to scare the both of them somehow. And Yhwach was apparently just as unaware of it as his mother...

To Be Continued.

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