30.3% Ero Academy / Chapter 140: Chapter 142 – This is a Date II

บท 140: Chapter 142 – This is a Date II

"What should we eat now?"

Even though I hadn't done anything, the hamburger I ate in the morning had completely disappeared from my stomach. I looked around, searching for a place to go. It was somewhat disheartening that my mental map of favorite restaurants had been reset.

"What about you, Sang-hyuk? Is there anything you'd like to eat?"

"Me? I…"

Hmm, where should I take her? Yuuna gazed at me with wide eyes.

"Korean beef omakase?"


What's going on? Are there no cows in this world?

"Ah, sorry… What's with the sudden Korean beef? Sang-hyuk, do you have a lot of money?"

"It seems like I have a lot."

"Wow, an onahole collector with such wealth! A student going on a date and having Korean beef, huh?"

Since it was our first date, it might be acceptable to splurge a little. Yuuna giggled and continued speaking.

"You're like an old man!"


She's right… Seeing my deflated expression, Yuuna hurried to clarify her statement.

"No, I don't mean that I dislike beef. Don't get the wrong idea, okay? Phew. Otherwise, you might end up being caught by a mean girl and get ripped off big time."

"So, what do you want to eat after skipping the Korean beef omakase?"


Yuuna's comment made me burst into laughter this time.

"Ha ha ha."

Skipping beef for tteokbokki?

"What! Are you looking down on Tteokbokki? Huh?!"

"He he… You're like a child."

"Tteokbokki is so delicious!"

Even students at the academy are still students.

"Do you also like fried food and sundaes?"

"I do!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"Why do you keep laughing?!"

Rice cakes, fried and pure, are all good. I decided to go along with Yuuna.

"Over there. Let's go in there."

We enter the tteokbokki restaurant Yuuna chose and sit facing each other at the table.

"I've been coming here often since I was in middle school... The mashed potatoes and rice cakes are really tasty!"

"Oh, really?"

I play along with the excited Yuuna while waiting for our food to arrive.

At the next table, I see a group of younger students who don't seem to belong to the academy eating together.

Then, some students stealthily approached our table.

"Excuse me… Could you take a picture with me just once?"


A picture? Out of the blue?

"Do you know who I am?"

Three small, pale, and soft-looking girls approached, nudging each other to speak up, resembling a group of baby puppies.

"Are you the Jelly Man?"


…Jelly Man?

Unable to understand their words, Yuuna stepped in and explained for me.

"It seems like they're your fans."

"I have fans."

"Sang-hyuk, you made it onto the real-time trends list. You're still quite popular right now, you know?"

Real-time trends? Seriously?

I had heard from the student council president that my image had improved.

But I had no idea that these delicate and soft girls would ask for a photo with me, claiming to be my fans.

"Oppa, you're so handsome."

"You look even more amazing in person."

"Could you please take a picture with us?"

Let's say, for argument's sake, that I gained fans by making some concessions.

Should the age range of fans who admire my personality be this low? What has the world come to?!

"I'll take a picture with you. But…"

Searching for words to say,

My voice trembled with embarrassment.

"Such things are harmful, so don't search for them too much."

"…Ah! Kyaaak!"

"Yes! Oppa!!"

"It was so cool to defeat the twin villains with jelly magic!"

… I corrected the misunderstanding by taking a picture together.

"They're not villains."

"But they tormented you, didn't they?"

"I couldn't help it because of the exchange event rules."

"I see… I didn't know since I saw them in shorts."

It might have been posted with a title like "How Jelly Men Defeat Twin Villains."

After taking the picture together,

My self-proclaimed fans eagerly tapped their phones and heated up the Dunstar uploads.

I felt a little dizzy when I saw the hashtag with personality excretion.

"Are you Oppa's girlfriend?"

"Uh, yes. Why?"

"You two complement each other so well!"

"You're beautiful!"

"Thank you…?"

The soft-spoken trio continued, "Enjoy your meal," and after bowing politely at a 90-degree angle, they left the store chattering away.

At times like that, the kind and innocent ones who never asked questions became my fans after seeing "that."

"Children shouldn't see things like that."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"The shameless personality discharge was disguised with the cute name of Jelly Magic. I was a little shocked."

"Since everyone likes it in its refined form, isn't it okay?"

Is that so?

It might be. I should bury the crude truths known only to me deep within my heart.

If there's a fanbase that adores me and calls me Jelly Man, I don't want to shatter their fantasies.

"Ah, it's here!"

The tteokbokki set made its appearance.

The mesh potato that Yuuna mentioned was shaped like a freshly scooped ice cream, adorning the red sauce and rice cakes.

It looks delicious.

"What's the occasion today for bringing your boyfriend? He's quite handsome, huh?"

The aunt glanced at me as she placed the dish on the table.

"Ah, thank you."

"Enjoy your meal. You're tall, so you must eat a lot. Let me know if it's not enough."

So Yuuna was a regular here.

After the aunt stepped away, I asked Yuuna directly.

"Why are we at our usual spot?"

"Well, I wanted to introduce you to this place. It's delicious, after all."

The garaetteok was soft, and the sauce was spicy.

It had the exact tteokbokki flavor I knew. No more, no less...

"Mmm. It's delicious! Why don't we try eating it with these mesh potatoes?"

Who you share a meal with is quite important, too.

"It's delicious."

These words came from my mouth effortlessly.

"Right? After eating this, let's go watch a movie."

"Did you choose anything?"

"Well, right now we have these two options."

Yuuna was browsing her smartphone, choosing which movie to watch, when time suddenly froze.

… It's En-chan time.

En-chan swiftly took the empty seat beside me.

"Not at all."

The petite blonde goddess protested.

"This date isn't vulgar at all, Mr. Sang-hyuk."

Even with time paused, I can still eat tteokbokki.

I munched on a piece of rice cake as I spoke.

"Did you catch some disease that would kill you if you weren't vulgar?"

"It's only natural that a soft, warm pussy is better than rice cake."

"Don't compare it to food."

Now the taste of rice cake seems strange.

I know that pussies are good too, but it's not something to say in front of a dating couple.

"Isn't your libido acting up? It can't be, because the protagonist has unlimited stamina."

"I'm just not acting on my sexual desires."

Every time Yuuna felt lovely, my cock would harden too.

but I just wouldn't act on it right away.

"It's truly bizarre. We don't have sex, even though we're both exuding these intensely heated, perverted pheromones."

"Here, you eat too."


I handed En-chan a thick rice cake.

As she took a mouthful, the munching reminded me of a hamster enjoying its food.

"Is it good?"

"It's delicious, although it's a bit spicy."

"Alright. One more."

I gave her another rice cake to eat.

"Umung!? Even if you try to cover my mouth with food,

"Sigh. You eat well."

As if playing with a young niece, I gently stroked En-chan's hair.

"Can you handle the pervert?"


Taking her time to finish chewing the rice cake, I gulped down the glass of water I had poured for her to drink.

"I don't know what's so good about a wholesome date like this... Haa…"

"A date is when a man and a woman who like each other spend time together, like eating meals. Just like me and En-chan."

"A man and a woman who like each other? Sang-hyuk and I?"

"Don't you like it?"

En-chan's cheeks turned red.

"I do like you... but I like the perverted sex with Sang-hyuk the most, you know?"

"We do that too. We're just taking a break now."

"There's no time for a break. There are so many heroine's pussies in this world."

"How many are there?"

I asked, suddenly curious.

How many beautiful heroines with unbelievable appearances like Serena and Yuuna exist in this world?

"Um, there are at least 400 just in Korea right now."

"… Are you insane? When will you ever seduce them all?"

"So, we have to engage in some perverse intercourse quickly! Just imagine how many heroines are waiting for Sang-hyuk's decision."

"It's truly a mindless sex game. This."

400 people… How did they even manage the character balance?

Wasn't the number of people on the game board fewer than that?

As soon as it reaches the level of a "heroine of the hidden," the numbers should decrease a bit.

"Why did they set Quintia up with such a powerful backstory?"

"Well, she could have been subdued. Quintia is a heroine with a beautiful tear-streaked face, which made her ripe for a proper emotional breakdown."

"Reduce her to tears through rape? Ugh. What a waste of effort. Let's just get to it."

As I was about to proceed with the third round, Enn grabbed my arm.

"Why…! Can you really do this to Enn, the rape fairy goddess of supreme beauty, all for Sang-hyuk's sake?"

"A rape fairy..."


What am I going to do with this twisted goddess?

"Alright, do it."


"This is how you receive a good dicking from your boyfriend in a pure love story. Got it?"


Enn smiled happily as she devoured my cock like it was sweet rice cake.

"Delicious… Umung…"

"Now, go on. I'll play with my girlfriend."

"Hmph. Don't think that this marks the end of En-chan's surveillance of the perverted crackdown team."

En retreated with a cute exit remark.


Yuuna tilted her head as she looked at the bowl containing my portion.

"When did you finish eating all of that?"

"It was so delicious that I devoured it in no time. I'll have to order another bowl."


I must have moved too noticeably during the time stop.

"Then, I'll share some of my rice cake with you."

"Put it directly into my mouth."

Yuuna was taken aback.

"It's embarrassing…"

"No one is watching. Hurry up."

The one feeding seems to be more embarrassed.

Yuuna mumbled as she placed the rice cake in my mouth.


Yum yum.

The tteokbokki I had for lunch was both spicy and sweet.

"It's the fork I used... Is that okay?"

"If it's not, then should we skip the kiss?"

"Fine, I will."

The movie Yuuna and I watched hand-in-hand in the couple's seats was a war film with a poignant love story at its core.

As I left, two women wept beside me.

"Ugh… it's so… It's just so sad."

"Hueeng… Sang-hyuk… How can the male lead come back after being given away like that? Uehhh."

Because this guy kept toggling the time stop on and off, intruding all the while, I felt as though I were simultaneously dating two people.

"Pure love is nice too, right? So maybe take it easy with the perverted talk."

"Huhhh… But… Such heartbreaking and sad things happen in reality... Sang-hyuk, you must lead the world in the right direction!"

"What do you mean, lead it in the right direction?"

"By making sure there are no heroines who are sad or parting ways and turning them all into your exclusive collection after giving them a good pounding!"


This is serious.

I knew very well that Enn-chan was not the embodiment of a heartless pervert without blood or tears. I had thought she might be a psychopath, mass-producing sinister content that altered personalities.

All because the male lead and the heroine broke up without engaging in perverted sex, and that was just too heartbreaking.

As she wept, it was clear that her values were somewhat peculiar, but she wasn't a wicked goddess.

Regardless, the date went on.

"Yuuna, will you be sad if I die?"

"Sang-hyuk is going to die."

This time, it was Yuuna who cried!

She wasn't sobbing, but it was extremely disconcerting as thick teardrops streamed down her face. Her eyes were completely moist, and her shoulders trembled, prompting me to embrace her tightly.

"I won't die! Why would I die? I'm alive."

It was strange. Even though it was natural to want to see my girlfriend happy,

Yuuna's tear-streaked face moved my heart deeply.

"You mustn't die."

"What reason is there for me to die?"

Yuuna clung tightly to me in my embrace.

I didn't care who saw us. I also pressed myself against Yuuna, as if craving physical contact, and kneaded her buttocks.

… ….

It was simply too irresistible a spot to touch.


Why wasn't she responding?

"Since becoming a hunter... I've seen so many dead people... I just imagined it too vividly."


You've seen a deceased person before, haven't you?

I often forget that the academy girl I'm dating, Yuuna, is a professional hunter.

From the perspective of a stranger who has been possessed by OnaAka for a mere two weeks, the fact that the beautiful and young Yuuna risks her life venturing into dangerous situations is quite unfamiliar.

"Next time, even if Quintia attacks, I will protect Sang-hyuk."

"Wouldn't that be difficult?"

"I realized I couldn't win with a single sword style. That's why I'm using two swords. I'm trying to learn a new swordsmanship."

"Wouldn't it still be difficult, even with a thousand blades?"

Yuuna glared at me.

"Take your hands off my hips."

"Of course, Yuuna can defeat Quintia! Long live the dual wielder!"

I thought she hadn't noticed.

"Hmm, you can touch more."

… Thank you.

I fondled Yuuna's buttocks. The suppleness of her rear, conveyed through her denim hot pants, brought joy to my hands.

"We have some time left before dinner."

"Oh, so?"

Yuuna spoke hesitantly, from within my embrace.

"Shall we find a place to rest and continue?"


EXTRA 150+ CHAPTERS and ARTS!!!!!!

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