I probably should've added this a while back.
"Text" = talking
'Text' = thinking
[Text] = system
<Text> = Message through system (it'll make sense later)
Welp, me and mom finally got past all of that tsunami of information, that felt more surprising than it should've been. Though there was one last thing on my list of topics to discuss with mom, and it honestly feels a bit silly to talk about after everything we talked about.
"Hey mom, I have one last thing to ask you before I leave."
"Hm? What is it dear, does it have to do with your siblings or your future wives?"
"No, it has to do with- future wives? Wait, no, I wanted to ask if you could give me a new last name, since we are family, we should have a family name."
I also didn't want to use my old one, or Himi's, since they don't exactly have the best history behind them. Though, what did she mean by future wives, does she think I'll follow in those footsteps of hers (which I probably will)?
"Oh! Hm, well whatever name I give will become Himiko's surname too, so it'd have to be fitting for both of you."
She placed a hand on her chin while she thought of a good surname for Himi and me, which, even though, she's a very pretty goddess, it did make her look cute with that contemplative look. Hm, you know the more I look at her the more I can't help but see some similarities in her body with Mirko, even if mom's muscles seemed to be more condensed giving her a more filling and soft figure than Mirko.
It didn't help that they both have white hair, red eyes, and caramel skin. If mom didn't have those symbols in her eyes, the lines around her mouth, or an overall more motherly vibe I could have easily confused the two for twins.
And now that I'm thinking about it, if I ever meet Mirko I'm definitely going to accidentally call her mom at some point.
"Oh, how about Kieran, it means little dark one, so it fits both of you!" A big warm smile grew on her face.
[Ooh~ Evangeline and Himiko Kieran does have a nice ring to it!]
Even without seeing her face I could tell from her voice that Himi had a giddy smile, but I couldn't help but agree with her, it does sound nice for us both to have the same last name like that.
"I like it! From here on out I'm Evangeline Kieran!" I wonder was Veldora this happy when Rimuru chose the surname Tempest for them? Cause now it truly feels like I have a family and people I belong with.
"Well, it seems like your new brother just died, so our time has come to an end. It was wonderful meeting you again dear, I can't wait to see what you'll do to your world!"
I could myself smiling, almost uncontrollably, at her words because even if I won't get to see her for a while, I know that during that time she will give me more siblings who will bring some fun and chaos into other worlds. Maybe, when I become a god she'll let me see their stories too, so I can see what my siblings are like, and who I can expect to be added into the family through them. Because if they are anything like us, they will find people that will make them desire to destroy an entire universe just to see them happy and close by.
"Bye mom, I'll make sure to meet the conditions to become a god before you know it!" With those words, and my smile that began to look demented, both me and mom knew that the fun is just beginning, and that many people will die in my pursuit.
With those words said, my vision slowly started to turn dark again, just like when I arrived to meet mom, and the next thing I knew I was back in my hotel room. The clock now showing 12:01 AM, and I now had a new goal.
But, to reach that goal I'll first need to train my quirks more, and see what new quirks I'll get from the gacha ticket from that earlier quest, and the one from when I got Dual Processing (which I totally didn't forget about till now).
[Want me to use the tickets for you, Eve?]
"Sure Himi, please do!" Heh, I just realized I now have my own Raphael, in a sense, like Rimuru. Fuckin nice.
[Congratulations host you have won:
Technopathy (C Rank)
Telepathy (D Rank)
Let the path you carve be full of chaos]
Well damn, looks like RNGesus is not exactly on my side today, but I can make it work. "Himi, can you please show me the description of these quirks?"
[On it!
Technopathy (C Rank): The user now has the ability to place their consciousness in the internet for as long as they desire, but they will only be able to view inside the internet instead of truly interacting with it at this current rank. The user will also be able to control up to three pieces of technology at a time at this current rank.
NOTICE while the user's consciousness is inside the internet they will not be able to control their body whatsoever, it is advised to have someone watching over their while inside the internet.
Telepathy (D Rank): The user will be able to communicate via their thoughts with one other person at the current rank. The amount of people that can be communicated with at once will increase with the rank.
NOTICE unlike the weaker variant of this quirk, communication will be able to go both ways.]
"Hm, even though the ranks aren't that good the abilities themselves are actually pretty decent, and due to the weakness of the first one they actually go pretty well together." Looks like even without RNGesus granting me a godlike quirk I'll still be able to find some use for these two.
[Hey Eve] Himi said with an almost questioning tone.
"Yeah Himi, what is it?"
[I just found some messages attached to a couple of your quirks]
Wait what, why are there messages attached with the quirks, did mom put them there?
"Please show them to me Himi."
[Okay, this one's attached to Blood Manipulation
<Sup bitch, your VERY fuckable milf of a mom asked me to add a power in this weird ass system for you to use. So, in exchange for letting you control blood like me, I asked her to one day send you to my world.
'Cause if you grow up to be anything like her, you will be one crazy powerful bitch that'll be entertaining as fuck to hang around. Now I'll be off, this girl and I just made a contract, and I am definetly going to annoy the shit out of her. -signed, The Crimson Fucker>]
[Umm, Eve are you okay?]
Himi asked me in concern because I haven't responded for the last couple of minutes. But, I couldn't help because...
Blood Manipulation from THE fuck mothering vampire himself, and he wants to meet me, ME!! How can I not be anything but shocked!? Even though he called my mom fuckable and a milf, this is still awesome as fuck!!