
ตอน 36: Dark Secrets

Year 25 BC <Ax Island>

Ainz's POV

'This is getting out of hand' I thought to my self as I walked along the settlement with my ring activated [Perfect Unknowable].

Angels and Humans alike are enjoying their tea with a intricately designed tea set made out of wood.

The [Principalities of Nature] really did serve tea and the whole population loved it!

'I guess them being most inclined to nature amongst my anchored angels made it possible for them to grow and create their own tea at an unbelievable rate!'

That along with the refreshing taste, made it so popular and high in demand.

What makes it even better? It's free!

'All they need to do now is to laugh oh so dramatically like some haughty nobles of old. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!'

'This could definitely be a huge booming business. Especially in the Asian counterparts of this world, Yi Ti!'

As I thought of the many business ideas that could enrich my future kingdom, I received a [Message] from one of the [Principality of Observation].

Akin to their name, they are keen in their level of observation. They are able to buff allies as long as they remain 'still' and 'observe' them.

Hence, I ordered all of them to lead some of the [Principalities of Nature], [Elder Sages], and [Angel Guardians] to observe the whole continent for what I may have missed on my initial reconnaissance. While I tasked the other Angels of the Hierarchy to continue the work of the previous ones.

I named the leader amongst them, AlexanderXiel. In honor of a friend of mine in my past life. He is quite observant and is quick to correct me when I commit mistakes with my writings and always pushes me to write more so I could improve my hand writing.

'Peace be with you, AlexanderX. For I have surely failed you in that part. My hand writing stays the same unfortunately'

"Milord, may you grant me the grace of a little bit of your time? I may have found something that is worthy of your attention" spoke the Angel.

"Speak. What is it that you have found?" I asked him curious to what he may have found in interest.

"We have found an underground lair beneath the ruins of Yeen. It may have been connected to as how these darkness came to be, Milord" He answered.

"Very well, I shall be there. Ensure that no traps or enemies remain." I spoke as I was intrigued.

"Of course, Lord Ainz. It will be done." He ended the message with a subservient voice.


'Just as I was about to enjoy my walk, now I'll have to go do work' I thought to myself as my site seeing was cut short.

I looked around once more to the relaxing crowd near the shore then teleported myself to Yeen.


<Ruins of Yeen>

I arrived at the outskirts of the dark ruins of the lost city of Yeen.

Long gone were the tribe of giant apes that used to inhabit its surroundings, I have moved them further south, near the mountain ranges.

I saw it fit that my new human-eating friends be placed away from the settlement lest they become their meals instead of friends.

As I set my sight once more to stand witness to the dreary ambiance of Yeen, the angel, AlexanderXiel, came forth.

"Lord Ainz!" He bowed in greeting.

"Arise, child. Now where is this lair you speak of?"

"It is here, Milord! Beneath this circular engraved rock! I was able to find it as I was clearing up the rubbles of the ruins." He answered as he pointed me the direction.

I checked on where he was pointing at and found a large circular slab of rock, almost like a manhole that was moved to the side revealing a series of dark steps leading to who knows where.

"What have you found inside that warranted my presence? [Luminous Light]" I asked him as we started slowly venturing down the steps, guided by the spell I just evoked.

"I have found quite a complex space, Milord. It seems to be to be a naturally formed underground cave that has been converted into quite a large space and numerous rooms. Though what I found interesting is that it actually has has an altar of sorts with a magic circle engraved at the base. I'm afraid I was not able to decipher what it meant or what for, Milord. It does not seem to be bound by our Magic's rules" he told me as we continued on the steps.

"We also found a room filled with empty cages along one of its sidewalls and... tools. Also, a few hidden rooms filled with some 'leathered' books that unfortunately we could not comprehend its context" he told me sadly as if disappointed in himself.

"There are no living creatures standing guard nor any traps being implemented on the area. But there is one room that I wish for you to see. The humans were trying to play... gods, Lord Ainz" he ended his report with evident disgust on his tone.

"Playing gods, you say? Hmmm... Interesting" I spoke regally but in my mind all I could think of is...

'What the fuck?! Playing gods? What does he mean by that?'

"So the area is devoid of life the same as the surface then?"

"Not... exactly, Milord. There is one room that I would like for you to see"

"Very well, lead the way" I told him as I kept my majestic stride as we continued down the dark steps.

After a short while going down, I was welcomed to a large space.

The walls and floors, made out of the same black and slimy blocks at the structures of the surface. Although the stalactites at the ceiling seems to be ones that are naturally formed, grayish in color and not black and slimy unlike the others.

'Think of a cave with stalactites at the ceiling, all ready to stab whoever is unfortunate enough to stand below with just a little bit of shaking'

And the floors and walls were smoothen up, too look like cobblestone.

It was wide and spacious, only occupied by an altar at its center. With a mysterious and ominous statue standing before it.

It was tall. Faceless with some type of large mask in a form of an arc, where its edges reaches down to its hips. But the parts where the face are shown seems to be crude veins in form, including its torso that is bare except for the chest with some kind of breast plate. Its arms and legs are also plated into some kind of exoskeleton.

'Sheeesh~ I wonder who this one could be?'

The statue and the altar was made out of entirely the same black slimy stones.

At its base is a huge magic circle for some kind of ritual and it still gives off some kind of Negative Energy, though not much that could harm me and my angels but I have no doubt that it could greatly harm the weak humans in the settlement if they dare to venture in here, including the apemen, that's for sure.

The magic circle that is etched at the stone floors are some kind of runes that are completely unknown to me.

Surrounding it are mummified corpses clothed on some cloth that would seem to turn into dust at a simple touch.

'I don't know what happened here but the spell either worked and used these people as a sacrifice to fuel the spell or it failed and claimed their lives... Better investigate it more in depth later'

Besides, whoever that statue is, it sure seems to be inviting, with her arms opened wide as if beckoning you to come close.

'Is this some type of [Charm] Spell? Glad it doesn't work on me' I told myself as I silently shrugged.

Eerie as the atmosphere may be, it was peaceful. Deathly peaceful.

I was lead by the Angel towards the other hidden rooms that were filled with numerous items. Some with shelves filled with books, that have somehow survived the test of times, along with piles of broken debris, perhaps the furniture.

I observed the books for a while and carefully took one from the top most shelf.

It was indeed leather bound but it has long passed its glory days. With faded marks and brittle pages, I opened it only for the part I touched to break apart.

'Ooops! Sorry! {[Silent Magic]: [Cleanse], [Reparo]}'

With those spells evoked the book was clean and was slowly fixing itself and turning back to its original form.

As it finished in restoring itself, only then did I realize that the leather used in the book was no ordinary leather. It's made out of human skin.

'Eww disgusting'

I tried to keep myself from gagging out loud and kept my composure, lest my angels see my face and think of me as fickle.

I've got a reputation to keep, you know.

I opened the book once more only to be disappointed by what I saw.

It's written in an unknown language... What did I expect? Well this is going to be a hassle to decipher. Though it seems familiar. It looks like Chinese but at the same time not.

"Hmmm... Interesting" I say out loud for the Angel to hear.

I had my expectations that maybe my [All Speak] spell would have enabled me to decipher the words written, but it is unfortunate that it is only limited to 'Speaking' and not 'Reading'.

Do I have those translating glasses that OG Daddy has though? Let me check real quick...

After a while of scanning through my Inventory.

'Tsk! Damn it! I don't have them. Well guess we gotta do it the hard way. I hope my High Sage Job Class could help me boost my learning rate if the Job Class description is reliable.

"Have the Angels collect all the books, scrolls and existing papers in this area and have them cleaned and restored. Send it all to my office after, understood?" I turned around and instructed AlexanderXiel.

"Yes, of course. It will be done, Milord"

"Good. Now where is this 'peculiar' place you wanted to show me?"

"It's right beside this room, Milord. It doesn't have the simple opening mechanism like the others. This one is properly sealed by a reinforced steel door. We breached it, disregarding the key holes since we were unable to find the needed keys to open them.

"That is fine. It's a good thing this place didn't collapse on itself when you opened it"

"You need not worry, milord. The [Angel Guardians] has steady hands, they were able to gently open the sealed door with the help of some of the [Archangel Flame] to melt down the steel, with no mishaps"

"Though we did notice, Milord that the steel used in the creation of the door was indeed durable compared to the steel that the humans in our settlement possess"

"Good to know. But durable you say? Make sure you are able to extract them for further experiments and investigation. Who is to know it might prove useful"

"Very well, Milord. I shall inform the others of your will and I shall see to it that it will be done."

"Thank you, child. You've truly wor—Oh"

I stopped my praise as I saw the insides of the of sealed room once I passed through the entrance. And all I can say is that the ancient people of Yeen has truly out done themselves.

Cause inside the room seems like an ancient laboratory of a mad scientist that has been wrecked in havoc.

Filled with the results of the arrogance of humanity in creating life where it shouldn't be.

'What in the world is that?!'



It's been a while. Missed me? (≧▽≦)

I know it's been a week since my last update. I was enjoying my free time daydreaming lol ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)

I wonder what he found in that ancient laboratory. Any guesses? (◕દ◕)

Anyways, would like to congratulate our Unpaid Actor for today's Chapter.... AlexanderX! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

Thank you so much my friend for all the corrections that you have done throughout my work! I truly am grateful and appreciate you ( ˘ ³˘)♥

I of course would like to thank everyone that are still continuing to support this fanfic! Truly I love you guys (~ ̄³ ̄)~💕

See you in the next update!

Have a great day!

Reyviel_Faesly Reyviel_Faesly

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