23.68% Harry Potter with Technology System / Chapter 62: Serpent of the Crown

บท 62: Serpent of the Crown


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Hey everyone,

I've seen your questions about why Harry picked Slytherin, especially since it seems like Dumbledore wanted him in Gryffindor. It's a great point, and I totally get where you're coming from. Let's break it down a bit, remembering that in our story, Harry's still just an 11-year-old kid, smart as he might be.

First off, Harry isn't 100% sure Dumbledore's the one behind those compelling spells on Ron and Hermione. We, as readers, might see more than Harry does because of the extra info we have. But remember, this isn't a story where our hero knows everything from a past life or something. He's figuring things out as he goes.

So, why Slytherin? Well, for one, Harry wanted to see what kind of reaction he'd get by choosing Slytherin – it's a way for him to test if Dumbledore really is behind those spells.

Also, Harry found out he's from a Slytherin bloodline. But here's the thing – he doesn't know how to claim that inheritance. It kind of makes sense for him to think being in Slytherin House might be part of it, right?

And I know some of you think that going against Dumbledore is just playing into his hands, but Harry wants to be a player in this game, not just a chess piece. One of his goals is to challenge the stereotypes about Slytherin House.

I just wanted to clear up those points. I totally get it if some of you aren't thrilled with these choices, but that's the direction I'm taking this story. I'm really excited to see how it all unfolds and I hope you are too! Thanks for sticking with the story and sharing your thoughts – it means a lot.

Have fun!


Then the prefect took a step back, allowing room for another figure to step forward. The crowd instinctively parted, creating a clear path to the center of the room. A striking girl, with sharp, intelligent eyes and an air of refined confidence, emerged into view. On her chest, a unique badge materialized, depicting a crown entwined with a serpent. Her presence commanded immediate respect and attention.

"Welcome to Slytherin," she began, her voice carrying a tone that demanded respect without the need for volume. She was tall, with an elegant posture that spoke of noble upbringing. Her hair was a rich, dark brown, cascading in waves down her shoulders, and her eyes, a piercing green, scanned the room with an analytical gaze. "I am Selena Rosier, the current Serpent of the Crown of Slytherin House." (Check for pics)

Selena Rosier's presence in the Slytherin Common Room was commanding, a combination of her noble lineage and an intrinsic aura of power that seemed to radiate from her. As she addressed the new Slytherin students, her voice was confident, resonating with a sense of purpose that instantly drew their attention.

"None of you know what it is, even if your parents were previous Serpent," she began, her gaze subtly shifting towards Draco Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass. The movement was so slight, almost imperceptible, but Harry caught it. His curiosity piqued, he activated his Observe function discreetly.

[System Message: Selena Rosier - Exceptional magical talent, particularly in spellcasting and political strategy. Strong leadership qualities. Current holder of the Serpent's Crown in Slytherin House.]

"Now, let me explain what this title holds," she said, her voice clear and resonant.

"The Chamber of the Serpent's Will," Selena began, "is an integral part of Slytherin's legacy. Beyond the known hierarchy of Hogwarts, this chamber, a creation of Salazar Slytherin himself, is embedded with his wisdom and insight. It is not merely a room but a sentient entity, capable of assessing and evaluating the worthiness of Slytherin students."

The students listened, rapt with attention as Selena continued. "Each year, the Chamber awakens to perform its mystical selection. It magically evaluates us based on our strengths, ambition, cunning, and potential to lead. The most suitable among us is then chosen as the Serpent of the Crown."

Harry, intrigued by this revelation, found Nigel's voice echoing in his mind. "Fascinating, isn't it? A chamber that picks the cream of the crop. Slytherin's ways are indeed mysterious."

Selena spoke of the Elders' Council, known as the Shadows of Slytherin. "This council comprises former Serpents of the Crown. Bound by the Chamber's magic, they remain impartial, their identities shrouded in secrecy. In the Chamber, they speak only the truth."

"The duties and powers bestowed upon the Serpent of the Crown are significant," she emphasized. "They receive enhanced magical abilities, a gift from the Chamber. Their role is to uphold our traditions, protect our house's interests, and mentor younger members."

Nigel's commentary added depth to Selena's words. "It's like having a magical board of directors, with the past leaders guiding the present."

"The Chamber ensures all decisions within are made with honesty and fairness," Selena explained. "Its enchantment compels truth and fairness. Additionally, the Serpent can summon magical avatars of past Slytherin legends for counsel."

Harry pondered over this, his mind racing with the implications. "A magical hierarchy within a house," he thought. "Slytherin is more than just a house; it's a legacy."

Selena concluded, "Our house's unique structure fosters respect for ancient magic and enriches our cultural identity. The Serpent of the Crown often influences inter-house relations and Hogwarts politics, extending our reach beyond these walls."

She finished with a smirk, "I am telling you all these because you won't be able to tell anyone out of this house. That is why none of you knew about it, even if your parents were the former Serpent of Crown." Harry was amazed by the depth and secrecy of Slytherin's traditions. At this moment, the door opened, and in walked Professor Snape, his cape billowing behind him, his gaze hard and penetrating. He looked first at Selena, then turned his attention to the first-years.

"You are all informed, I hope," Snape began, his voice carrying an edge that commanded attention. "In my house, unity is paramount. We do not tolerate in-fights outside of these walls. Do not lose points for foolishness, or you will answer me. Slytherin's reputation is built on our solidarity and cunning, not pettiness or lack of discipline."

His gaze locked onto Harry, lingering for a moment longer than on the others. "Remember, we are Slytherins. We uphold our house's honor with intelligence and strategy, not rash actions. Any behavior that tarnishes our image will be dealt with swiftly."

With these stern words, Snape left as abruptly as he had entered, his cape trailing behind him. The room remained silent for a moment, the weight of his words hanging in the air, before the prefect led the first-years to their respective rooms.

In Slytherin, every student had a personal room, a luxury that spoke of the house's regard for individuality and privacy. Entering his room, Harry saw his luggage had already been delivered. Most of it was empty, as he kept the majority of his important belongings in his Enchanted Haven Briefcase. He opened Hedwig's cage as soon as he entered.

"Sorry, girl. I couldn't come earlier to release you," Harry apologized. Hedwig, perched on his shoulder, nibbled on his ear, her way of showing mild displeasure. Harry chuckled, taking out some snacks he had snatched from the Great Hall for her. As Hedwig began to eat, Harry softly called, "Misty."

To his surprise, Misty appeared promptly. "Master Harry! What can Misty do for you?" she asked eagerly.

Before Harry could respond, another house-elf appeared in the room, eyeing Misty with a noticeable hostility. Harry activated his Observe function:

[System Message: Tweak - Slytherin House Elf. Duties: Maintenance and upkeep of Slytherin common room and dormitories. Traits: Loyal, proud of Slytherin House, wary of outsiders, particularly other house-elves entering Slytherin territory.]

Harry remembered the name from Dumbledore's opening speech, which had included the words 'Tweak' among a string of seemingly nonsensical terms. Nigel had initially suggested it was a rumor, but now, with Tweak's presence confirmed, the reality was much clearer.

Tweak, the Slytherin house-elf, looked curiously at Misty, then back at Harry. "Sir Potter, is she be your house elf?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Harry nodded affirmatively. "Yes, Tweak. I summoned Misty. Is there any issue with that?" he inquired, his tone polite yet firm.

Tweak, his eyes widening slightly, responded with a sense of newfound respect. "Sir Harry know of Tweak? Tweak is honored." His voice conveyed genuine surprise and a hint of pride.

Harry chuckled softly, a friendly smile playing on his lips. "You were the one who delivered food to the Slytherin table, right? Thank you for your service," he said, acknowledging Tweak's hard work.

Tweak's expression transformed into one of sheer delight, his eyes glistening as if he was on the verge of tears. "Tweak is just doing his duty. Sir Harry no need to thank Tweak," he replied, his voice quivering with emotion.

He then glanced at Misty, his expression becoming slightly more serious. "Misty can enter if Sir Harry summons but not without it. Hogwarts do not allow," Tweak explained, reaffirming the rules regarding house-elves within the castle.

Harry then turned to Tweak, his curiosity piqued about the possibilities within the Slytherin dormitories. "Tweak, I was wondering if it's possible to expand my room. Could Misty assist with that?"

Tweak, looking momentarily insulted, quickly reassured Harry. "Sir Harry no need to call Misty. Tweak is here to assist." With a snap of his fingers, the room magically enlarged, its interior expanding while maintaining the same external dimensions. "Only Hogwarts elves be able to alter Hogwarts. Outsiders be not," Tweak explained, emphasizing the unique capabilities of Hogwarts house-elves.

Harry, impressed by the swift transformation, nodded in understanding. "Can I count on you then, Tweak?" he asked, appreciating the elf's dedication.

Tweak, visibly overwhelmed with emotions, responded earnestly, "Always, Sir Potter."

Harry chuckled softly, turning to Misty. "Sorry to bother you this late, Misty. You can return now."

Misty bowed gracefully, her voice warm. "No bother, Master Harry. Good night." And with a soft pop, she disappeared.

As Misty left, Tweak snapped his fingers again, and an array of snacks and juices appeared on Harry's table. "Good night, Sir Harry. Be always call Tweak if Sir Harry needs anything," Tweak said, his voice filled with pride and loyalty.

Harry, feeling a sense of comfort in his new environment, thanked Tweak before the house-elf too disappeared with a final pop.

Nigel added its own perspective. "Quite a day, Master Harry. Slytherin, the house of serpents and secrets, seems to suit you well."

Harry smirked slightly. "It does, doesn't it? Slytherin offers opportunities and challenges that I didn't anticipate."

He then gazed at the snacks Tweak had brought, his mind wandering to the possibilities that lay ahead. "I suppose being in Slytherin will require a blend of cunning and caution."

Nigel responded, "Indeed, and a healthy dose of skepticism wouldn't hurt either. Slytherin is not just a house; it's a game of chess where every move counts."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, his eyes glinting with determination. "Well then, let the game begin."

As he lay back on his bed, his gaze fell on Hedwig, perched quietly on her cage. He opened the window, ushering her out. "You're free to go, Hedwig. Explore the castle, but be careful."

Hedwig hooted softly, spreading her wings and gliding out of the open window into the night sky.

Harry's thoughts then turned to the Chamber of the Serpent's Will and the Elders' Council. "Nigel, what do you make of this Chamber and the council Selena mentioned? It sounds like an intricate part of Slytherin's history."

Nigel's voice resonated with intrigue. "A chamber that selects the leader based on qualities beyond mere academics or blood status – that's quite progressive for a house often misunderstood. As for the council, it's a fascinating concept – guidance from those who have walked the path before."

Harry considered this. "It adds a layer of depth to Slytherin, doesn't it? It's not just about ambition but also about leadership and legacy."

"Exactly," Nigel agreed. "And with your unique abilities, you might find yourself more involved with these aspects than you initially thought."

Harry's mind was already racing with plans and strategies. "I need to understand the dynamics of this house, the players involved, and where I fit in."

"Patience, Master Harry," Nigel advised. "Observe, learn, and when the time is right, make your move. Slytherin is a house where patience often rewards the cunning."

Harry nodded, his thoughts aligned with Nigel's advice. He stood up, deciding to take a brief tour of the common room before retiring for the night. As he stepped out of his room, the cool, damp air of the dungeons greeted him, a stark contrast to the warmth of his room.

The common room was now quieter, with only a few students engaged in hushed conversations. The greenish light from the serpent-shaped lamps cast an eerie glow on their faces. Harry moved silently, his senses heightened, taking in every detail of his new surroundings.

Harry paused, a tinge of disappointment in his voice. "Not even a library," he mused, his eyes scanning the room.

Nigel chuckled. "Oh, I forgot to mention. A new function has been activated in the Technology System. You can now access a map of Hogwarts."

Harry was taken aback. "When did this happen?" he inquired, curious.

Nigel explained, "It activated when you stepped into the castle. I withheld this information during the sorting; didn't want to distract you with too many details at once."

"Show me, please," Harry requested, intrigued.

A holographic screen materialized in front of Harry, with a detailed map of Hogwarts. He stood at the center, clearly marked. The room he was in was labeled "Slytherin Common Room," with the current password 'Ambition and Pride' displayed alongside.

"This is quite amazing," Harry remarked, his eyes wide with wonder. "Is the password there because I know it, or is it one of the functions of the map?"

Nigel's voice contained a hint of amusement. "A bit of both, I'd say. The map integrates your knowledge with the System's database, providing real-time information. Quite handy for navigating this ancient castle, don't you think?"

Harry nodded in agreement, still fascinated by the map. "It's incredible. It'll be a valuable tool for exploring Hogwarts."


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