100% Overlord: A new journey / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

บท 6: Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The next morning, as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, the sky transformed into a vibrant canvas. The sun , which was solwly emerging, looked like a golden orb that glowed warm lights, illuminating everything it touched. Arthas, Malenia and the others cotinued on their way. They intended reaching the city tomorrow. After traveling 5 hours, they finally left Nos plain. Along the way, they saw a small village surrounded by golden wheat fields swaying gently in the breeze. The farmers working in the fields looked at them with curious eyes. Meanwhile, the children were bolder. They approached the group and gave them admiring looks. As the day progressed, the terrain and landacape began to change, giving way to a dense forest teeming with wildlife. They followed a path leading them through the forest. The air was filled with sounds of birds and rustling leaves. The path ahead was both challenging and inspiring, with each new vista offering a glimpse of the natural beauty that surrounded them. Despite the serene surroundings, they remained alert, knowing the danger could lurk around any corner. The deeper they into the centre of the forest, they more wildlife they saw. The giant deers were darting, a orge was angry because their inrush,..... The group moved cautiously, respecting the untamed inhabitants of the land and maintaining a safe distance to avoid any potential conflicts.

As night fell, they made camp, setting up a secure perimeter and taking turns keeping watch throughout the night. In the afternoon of the next day, they finally reached Thedas city. The city was located on a very large hill. It was protected by the huge walls that could be seen from afar. Arthas silently admired the view. Althought he had seen many impressive scenes in YGGDRASIL, they were only computer data. But this city, it was real. It was built by the efforts of countless people, which would make the city be remembered as home of thousand people. Once they were near the city, they retrieved Shadow Catchers back into their invetory. As they approached, its magnificence gradually increased. Arthas could see many sentinels standing in front of the giant city gate. They seemed not to be humans because of their appearence. They were humanoid with a wolf head, standing on two legs. Their body was adorned with sparkling armors. Their appearence was a blend of human and wolf, creating fascinating combination of strength and primal beauty. They held spears as their weapons. When they reached the city gate, they were told to stop by the guards.

"Welcome to Thedas city, travelers. Sorry for bothering but we have to verify everyone before letting you enter." One of the guards said to them.

Thoros and his family were checked first. Next was Red Eye group. Anyone entering the city would be given a small registration book. Red Eye and Thoros had been to this city before so the guards required to see theirs. Arthas and Malenia were a bit different. This was their first time coming to this city. The guards asked them to take off their helmet to write something in their books. Arthas realized that these were only sketchy notes about their appearances . In the end, they all have to pay a fee ro enter the city. That was when he realized his problem. He had YGGDRASIL coins but he didn't know if he could use them in this world. Fortunately, Thoros offered to pay the fee for him. He said that was his thank for saving their lifes. Then they all entered the city smoothly. Thoros and his family then said goodbye to the rest and paid Red Eye the wages.

"We have to say goodbye here. Thank you for the past 3 days. Hope we will meet again." Old merchant said touchingly.

"We should be the ones to say thank you. The money you offered was too big to refuse. If you need someone to escort you in the future, just call us." Kain replied.

"Haha, of course. I will definely call everyone". Thoros said happily.

The group stood and watched the carriage getting farther and farther away. Lyanna turned to ask Malenia and Arthas.

"So, where will you guys go? "

" Maybe we have to separate here. We intend to walk around the city then find a place to spend the night." Arthas answered.

"Why don't you go with us? You guys have just arrived here and still don't know the ways in this city. I can recommend a good inn. The onwer is my friend, she will give you two a discount." Kain conviced.

The offer sounded quite attractive, but Arthas stood by his dicision. He want to explore this city himself. The thought of exploring a city in a fantasy world sparked his adventurous spirit. As if sensing his intention of refusing, Malenia spoke.

"The city looks very big. I don't think we will have any trouble fiding accommodation."

"She is right. I don't want to bother everyone any longer. We can take care of ourself." He said.

"There is no trouble at all. But if that is what you want, we have nothing to complain about." Kain replied.

"Thank you for saving us." He held out his hand.

Arthas nodded and shook his hand.

"So sad to say goodbye to you two. We will be staying at The Bear's Hand inn. Go there if you have time." Lyanna said to them.

"We will." He replied.

After the two groups had split up, Arthas and Malenia walked slowly on the streets of Thedas city. They watched the scene filled with countless races. Human, Dwarf, Elf, Minotaur, Birdman, Rabbit man,.... they all camly walked around the city. The farther they went from the city center, the fewer stone paved road there were. The stall on both sides of the road were bustling with the calls for customers. Arthas looked the stall owners mouth, combined with what he observed from Red Eye group, he came to the conclusion that they didn't speak his language. In some way that he didn't know, the spoken words were automatically translated for the listeners, regardless of their language. It seemed to be a rule of this world.

Walking on the dirt road, Arthas noticed something at that moment. No matter where they went, people kept staring at them. He gazed at himself and suddenly understood the cause. Since coming to this world, he noticed that the level of equipment in this world was very low. For example, Red Eye's equipments. If they were viewd according to YGGDRASIL's standards, they were nothing more than a bunch of trash. Only newbies used such equipments. It seemed like the World Champion armor had caused unnecessary attention.

"We are causing too much attention. I think i should change my armor. What about you Malenia?" Arthas asked.

"No, I'm fine with these." She answered and show her outfit.

They stopped at a small alley. The alley was deep between two buildings, sunlight couldn't reach it, making it pitch black. There, he changes his armor for another outfit he had in his inventory. He wore a long, dark blue coat with intricate silver designs and a high collar. Under his coat was a black vest that had layers of armor arranged in V shapes. He also wore black trousers and knee-high boots. His Oblivion's Edge sword was carried in his back. Those were his spare equipments that he hadn't used for a long time. He never thought he would use them in the situation like that.

After changing, they went to the city's market area. It was a crowded placeThe market is filled with a diverse array of vendors selling everything from exotic spices and rare artifacts to handcrafted jewelry and delicious street food. Noisy sounds crowded each square meter. The air was thick with the smells of different cuisines. As they wandered through the market, Arthas and Malenia came across a stall selling beautifully crafted wooden carvings. The vendor, a four-eye woman with a kind smile, greeted them warmly and invites them to browse her wares.

As they continued to explore the market, Arthas wqs attracted by eye-catching foods. Thanks to the supernatural senses of this body, he could fully appreciated them. He bought some grilled meat skewers from a stall owner with an YGGDRASIL coin. Thinking about his confused face when recieving the coin made him funny. From what he observed, the number of coins he carried was enough to live carefreely. Malenia initially refused when he offered her delicious skewers, but in the end she was the one who ate most of them. He was amused by her cold outside and hot inside look. He tried to remember the word used to call people like her on internet but he couldn't.

As passing by a weapon store, they went inside. The owner welcomed them enthusiastically. He was a human, a muscular old man with huge beard.

"Welcome, you two have chosen the right place to buy weapon. There is no store sell better weapons than mine." He said.

"We just want to take a look at this place" Arthas replied.

" Enjoy yourself, but if you buy something here, you wont regret." He affrimed.

They walked around the store but saw nothing worthy. These weapon were good only for this world.

"He dares to admit these iron rods are good weapon." Malenia said.

Unfortunately, those word was heard by the owner.

"Hey girl, I have been selling these for my life. Even champions of this city buy weapons from me. Can you tell this old man what a good weapon is?" He replied displeasedly.

"You are type of person who gets angry when hearing the truth you don't want to hear huh". She said.

"You are touching the pride of a blacksimth. How can i believe if you don't prove it?." He replied.

"Follow me" He added.

He led Malenia and Arthas to a locked room. He opened the door and three of them stepped inside. In the middle of the room was a big warhammer on a shelf. The warhammer was about 5 feet long. The warhammer head was designed sophisticatedly with mysterious letters engraved on it. The entire body of the warhammer radiated gentle magical light.

"That is masterpiece of my life. The hammer was made from alloy of adamantite and orichalcum. The runes were carved by the only runesmith in this city. In addition, it was also enchanted with three fourth tier magic." He said with pride pouring out of his nostrils.

That was indees a not bad weapon by this world's standards. Even though he didn't have the ability to accurately appraise items, he could still say that it was superior to the weapons of this world that he had seen so far.

"Not bad, but not good either" Malenia smirked.

She was right. If it was viewed according to the players standards, it was still a low level weapon.

"You are still just going to say it girl? No action to prove your words ?" He asked.

"You wil regret old man" She answered.

" Oh, I won't. I will give it to you if you can convince me." He affirmed.

Malenia smiled and drew her katana. The air crackled with an almost palpable energy as the sword was fully unsheathed, revealing its full glory. The blade itself seemed to hum with power, resonating with an otherworldly aura that filled the room. The edge was keen and flawless, reflecting the surroundings like a polished mirror. As it caught the light, it cast shimmering patterns across the walls, adding an ethereal quality to the space.

"OHHH Th—this sword...." Old man eyes shaped like A, mouth shaped like O.

"How did you get this sword? It is such an art work." He admired.

"Now do you know what a good weapon is?" She asked.

"oh.hh....I..I" Old man was speechless.

Arthas laughed at the old man's expression. Perhaps having regained his composure, the old man stammered in response.

"I -I- I admit it is a good sword, but my hammer is not bad either."

"You're really stubborn , old man." She said.

Then , she approached the wahammer with her sword.

"Wh—What are you doing?" Old man asked.

"You said you would gave me that hammer right.I cut it with my sword to prove my words. Are you afraid? " She asked.

"I- I am not. J- Just do what you want. My hammer is unbreakable." He said.

Malenia smirked and rose her sword. Arthas could see drops of sweat running down old man's head. The moment she was about to slash down, he spoke in panic.

"Wait wait wait wait. I have thought again. You don't have to do it. What if your sword is broken? I just said those words for fun, you don't need to take it seriously."

"Oh, thanks for your care. But you don't need to worry" She replied. After finishing speaking, she intended to swing the sword.

"WAIT wait, you must be hungry. Let me treat you two a meal hahah" he said.

"Stop teasing him, Malenia. He is going to cry." Arthas told her.

"He should learn to be humble." She said and sheathed her sword.

The old blacksmith breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled out a towel and wiped away the sweat on his face.



"So you have come this city today. No wonder why i find you two so strange. I have never seen anyone with eyes like you." He placed three cups of tea on the table.

"Thanks" Arthas said.

"You come to this city for a purpose or just traveling." He asked .

"We got lost. A mercenary group took us here." He asnwered.

"Sorry about my rudeness earlier. Oh , I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Goda, blacksmith." He said.

"I'm Arthas and this girl is Malenia. We should also apologize." He replied.

"My arrogance made me embarrassed in front of you two hahah" Goda laughed.

"She shouldn't be so rude, right?" He turned to Malenia. She shrugged her shoulders as response.

" Hahaha Let's not talk about it. Can i ask you this? Who made that sword?" he asked.

" A master of swords. But he is dead." Arthas answered.

"What a pity, I really want to meet that person. I have never seen such an amazing sword. "

"Oh, finally you admitted defeat old man." Malenia spoke.

" Haha, you don't miss any opportinity to tease me. Yeah, that sword is most beautiful thing i ever seen. Can I see your sword young man. " He asked Arthas.

"Sure,here." He pulled out Oblivion's Edge and gave to Goda.

The blacksmith stood up, his weathered hands gently cradling the hilt of the mighty sword . His keen eyes traced the intricate patterns of the blade, marveling at the rippling waves and fine lines that seemed to dance under the flickering light of the forge. The weight of the weapon felt perfectly balanced in his grip, a testament to his skill and dedication to his craft.

"What a sexy girl" He admired.

Arthas was startled by his exclamation, wondering if the old man in front of him was a pervert. After a long while of looking, Goda gave the sword back to Arthas carefully.

"Any death by this blade is an honor. You should use it often so everyone can admire this masterpiece." He said.

" Thanks for your compliment." He replied.

Looking at the sun going to sleep, he said to his partner.

"We should leave Malenia, the night is coming."

"Oh, there is an inn nearby. I have a map, wait a minute." He hurriedly went to get it.

Standing in front of the door, they said goodbye to Goda.

"See you later, old man. Will visit if we have time. And thanks for the map." Arthas said.

"This store always welcomes you two." Goda said happily.

Arthas and Malenia turned to leave, but Goda's words stopped them.

"Hey, i know you two have just come here but... There is a tournament being held in arena next week. If you are interesting in taking part in, I wil definely go cheer for you two." He said.

"Thanks for the information". He nodded. They walked out the weapon store and headed towards the inn.


Following the map's direction, they finally arrive at the destination. The inn was quite big. It was located on the main street and from the noisy sounds coming from the in, he could tell it was pretty crowded. Opening the door and stepping inside, he was greeted by a bustling scene.

As expected of a multi-racial city, many people with different looks were drinking inside. Many of them have fierce and cunning appearence. Ignoring everything, they approached the receptionist. She was a very cute rabbit girl. Her swinging rabbit ears made her look friendly. Many people would be fooled by her appearence but not Arthas and Malenia. They could see the intrigue and danged beneath her eyes. After all, she worked in an enviroment that filled with mercenaries, lawless people.

"You two want to book a room?" The receptionist asked.

"Yeah, can you tell me the price?" He asked.

"Oh we have new juniors. Hey we can share our room witj you. We just need that girl to share a litlle "kindness" to repay our favor" A caddish voice towards Arthas.

Malenia intended to walk towards the voice but he signaled her to stop. He could feel the whole inn watching them and also understood the purpose of these people. He was conscious enough to know what to do.

"Can you tell me the price?" He asked again.

" Not answering the question is very rude" that voice came again.

"The price per night is 8 copper coins. The food fee is 3 coins, plus 4 coins if you have a horse." The receptionist answered.

"Two rooms. No food and horse."

" I'm sorry but we only have one room left." She said.

"Then one room." He said an placed an gold YGGDRASIL coin on the table. The receptionist opened her eyes and checked the coin carefully.

"Is it okay?" he asked.

"O-oh yes. Here is the key. The room is located on thư third floor with the room number on the third key". She said.

"Looks like we have a young master renting this room"

"He uses gold coin, so envious".

"Why did he want te rent two room? It is possible that his bird has problem. "



Laughter echoed throughout the inn.

"Haizz where is the owner who lets dogs bark at customers like this?" Malenia said loudly.

"Hey bitch, what did you just said. "

Arthas looked at people who were causing trouble with him. They were humanoid. There were 6 of them sitting around a table near them. They looked like human, elf , some have few horns on their heads while the rest had 4 arms.

" Oh, I didn't know dogs could speak." Malenia looked at them.

" A bitch put on armor and think she is knight". One of them said.

"Hey receptionist, seems like your dogs are due for mating season. Do you need help to castrate them? She asked the rabbit girl.


Hardly had one of them stood up and wanted to approach Malenia when he screamed in pain as he realized his groin was drenched in blood and his balls the pant leg.

"Ahhhh.hhhhhhh" he screamed in agoni.

"You—You attacked him." One of them accused her.

"Oh, did you see me attack it?" she asked.

A four-hand holding 4 maces rushed towards Malenia. Arthas gave him a kick that sent him flying out of the inn, crashing into the pillar of a house opposite. The whole inn fell in silence.

"Can you testify they attacked us first? " He asked the receptionist.

"O-oh y yes..."

"Let's go Malenia."

They walked upstairs under the gaze of people in the lobby. Closing the door, Arthas sighed after a long day.

"It has been hard for you, Mal" he said.

"You should have let me teach them a lesson" she replied.

"Oh ,I did. You cut off his balls. Wasn't that a lesson." He asked.

"That was just warning"

He smiled and flopped on the bed.

"Hope you wont be dissapointed at sharing this bed" he had a smiled on his face. Fatigue quickly pulled him to sleep. Malenia took off her helmet, approaching the bed. She looked the man sleeling with a gentle smile.

'I won't.'

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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