71.42% As a Scum in the Fantasy World / Chapter 10: CH: 10 Sex and Life

บท 10: CH: 10 Sex and Life

Time Skip.

3rd Person Pov.


In the tranquility of the fading daylight, the guards bustled with the task of loading the peculiar bags onto the horse carriage. The younger guard, Palu, broke the silence, curiosity etched on his face.

"What do you think the young lord will do with these, Brother?" he inquired, a sense of wonder lingering in his voice.

"To tell you the truth, Palu, I don't know. Nobles do some weird things, but it was nothing like that," replied the older guard with a touch of mystery, his eyes reflecting an air of uncertainty.

Palu couldn't resist the allure of the unknown. His fingers grazed the bags as he pondered their contents. A swift slap interrupted his exploration, the older guard sternly asserting authority.

"Do you have a death wish, Palu?" he chided, the sting of the slap lingering.

"Ouch, Ouch, come on! Aren't you curious to know what the young lord drew on that page and had it specially made by the blacksmith?" Palu protested, his enthusiasm undeterred.

"No, I am not. I don't want to disappear just like many of my peers. Let me tell you something, Palu, when a Noble tells you to do something, you do it, or there won't be anybody looking for what remains of you," the older guard cautioned as they finished loading, heading towards the looming County Castle.

"I know they aren't weapons, and that is all that matters to me. Even if they were, we won't be able to do anything," he continued, a tinge of caution in his voice.

"I know, I know. One bag is full of odd-shaped somethings, and one is full of a sand-like substance," Palu admitted, his voice a whisper against the backdrop of their journey.

"Shut up, Palu. Haven't you seen him in the training grounds? Best not delve into it; if the young lord catches wind of what you are trying to do, we both are saying goodbye to the world," warned the older guard, a sense of finality in his words.

An hour later, the massive gates of the Castle opened, guards converging as the carriage came to a halt. Suspicion lingered in the air, and one of the guards questioned their cargo.

"What is it?" asked the guard.

"Just the motherly dietary supplement, you know, grain, corn, braid, rice," the older guard nonchalantly replied, a well-practiced cover for the mysterious contents.

After a thorough examination, they were allowed to proceed. With a sigh, both guards delivered the enigmatic cargo to the maids within the castle.

As the night cloaked the Castle in shadows, Maxwell found himself in meditation, the crackling of electrons surrounding him. A knock disrupted the electric symphony, and he snapped back to reality, every spark retreating into his body.

Opening the door, he faced his trusted guards, skipping formalities with a direct question, "So, did you bring the things I asked?"

"Yes, my lord, we did," affirmed Number 2, producing two sacks of varying sizes. Placing them before Maxwell, anticipation hung in the air.

Kneeling down, Maxwell touched the bags, causing sparks to dance within. A smile played on his lips as he extracted himself. With a telekinetic pull, a pouch of golden coins flew into his hand.

Throwing two coins to each guard, he expressed his gratitude, "Great work, and this is a reward for your efforts." Their eyes sparkled with appreciation; the unexpected generosity far surpassed their monthly wages.

After a brief exchange and words of motivation, Maxwell closed the door. Alone with the mysterious bags, he first laid the pouch of gold coins on the table, ensuring his mother, Olivia, was in a deep sleep. Appreciating the view he was unable to look away Dressed in a night made of see through materials that left little to the imagination.

He always found his eyes automatically glued to the beautiful woman dressed vigorously,

And then as she sided with him, his eyes automatically locked on to her chest, her voluptuous chest that stretched out the front of her nightly deliciously. Her breasts were huge, just like most women in the castle yet despite their size, beautifully perky and the way the silver pendant that he gifted she wore around her neck dangled between the twin mountains just drew the eyes all the more.

And it didn't end there. Full mouth watering hips, long, luscious toned thighs and a belly so flat he could play chess on it.

No Spoiler

His mother was an utter babe.

But after a few minutes of staring he calmed down his raging hormones and returned to his meditation place, he opened the first bag, revealing an assortment of small iron toys—human-shaped, animals, and anthropomorphic. Then, his hand plunged into the second bag, retrieving a fistful of iron sand that began an enchanting dance as electricity coursed through Maxwell's touch.

Maxwell walked happily into his room. He knew the days after today wouldn't be easy, but at least they won't be as boring as my previous life.

As time passed and the days turned into months, in a blink of an eye 5 years had passed.


Maxwell Manager was standing in an Arena, with a few guard's bodies in the crowd watching.

In front of him, Knight Dean, possibly the strongest and most experienced Knight under the count Magnus with his sword drawn clad in full armour standing in a fighting position, his eyes locked in on Maxwell's positioning, studying and anticipating his first move.

As for why they're in an arena about to fight each? The answer is simple, it was their daily sparring session. And it was the fourth round of the day as the sun was disappearing into the horizon. Not many guards were watching the battle as they were busy with the special event.

Max, who casually had a sword resting on his shoulder, had no expression on his face. His eyes just stared into Dean's awaiting for the match to begin.

Number One, who was the the temporary referee for today could be seen on the side holding a small bell which will announce the start of the competition

"Dear participants, do your best while upholding the virtues of a spellsword. And please be mindful of injuries my lord.

As Number One sopoke, the whole crowd started to whisper while some even bet their savings.

"Wooooah! Go Young Lord, I put a big chunk on your win so you have to win just like the last three rounds!"

"You can win this sir Knight!"

"Win! Win! Win!"

Max and Dean just continued to stare at each in the eyes, ignoring the shouts of the crowd and as they started Dean made the first move. He enhanced himself with his magic and shot himself towards Max kicking up dust in the process.

Max didn't even move, he just continued to look him in the eyes, without any change in his expression. To the untrained eyes it would just look like Dean is too fast and Max isn't quick enough to react.

When Dean swung his sword the sound of metal clashing reverberated throughout the entire arena, sparks flew due to the contact of their sword.

Dean's eyes remained firm as he knew how young Max casually defend his strike which could split boulders apart, after all it was now daily occurrence for him, seeing that his first attack failed he didn't relent, he kept swinging his sword in a fast manner, with each strike the more sparks flew. And more of the Arena got destroyed which was just repaired a few hours earlier.

Max unexpectedly kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying back as it left a mark on his armor. Due to the force he had to insert his sword into the ground to slow himself down.

As he knelt, he stood up withdrawing his sword from the ground and got into a fighting position once again

'He used more strength this time, he thought while examining his armor and seeing the print of Max foot!, so he held back in the last three rounds due to me not wearing any protection. He is exaggerating. This is going to be fun…' he thought while looking at Max with an excited expression.

The next he blinked, Max disappeared from his view and reappeared in front of him with a small smirk and casually swung his sword.


Due to how fast and unexpectedly he appeared Max managed to create a slash mark in arm as his sword easily cut through all the protection. "Your moves are getting old, Old Man," said Max with a cheeky grin.

Swing went and swung again but this time he was able to react and managed to block it. "So does your insults young Lord" answers Dean without taking any offence as by now he knew this was the way Max causes his opponents to anger up and he has gotten used to his petty insults after clashing with him thousands of times.

Max kept Swinging and Swinging and Swinging and Swinging, And Swinging his sword at him, with each swing becoming faster and faster.

Multiple marks kept appearing all over his body. 'He has gotten too skilled!, am I seriously going to lose to my student again?' He thought to himself while trying and successfully blocking some of Max's attacks.

Seriousness and determination grew in his eyes 'NO! There's no way I'm going to lose, Not after wearing all this armor and making a fool of myself.'

'What is going to teach her today?' Max thought while swinging his sword and watching Dean defend himself.

Dean then started to enhance himself with even more Magic using more and more magic and went into the assault, he parried one of Max's sword strikes and started trying to attack him.

But Max was able to block all of them, Max's expression then grew serious.

Dean seeing his seriousness smiled and thought to himself 'Good, it looks like he's taking me seriously and is having trouble defending'

'Little freak learns fast, It's been a while since I taught her something good. I haven't really taken the time to enjoy our tutor time then her stories. I don't think I know any good stories for today.'

Dean tried to kick Max but he managed to grab his leg and flung him across the arena to the other side.

'Ooo the little demon is here with her succubus mother' Maxwell thought when he noticed the two new presence in the place.

'Let's see if I can make her learn anything in just a short amount of time…' Max thought and looked at Dean with a playful smirk. As he was going to be sacrificed for it.

"Little Ana you should now focus here" Max said a little louder which was heard by everyone.

When Dean landed he adjusted his positioning and looked towards Mac, when he saw his playful expression he lowered his posture and started charging his Magic Power.

While Max just lowered his head slightly for theatrics. They both shot towards each other and meant towards the middle where their swords clash.

Dust and pieces of stone blasted everywhere due to their force and magic while they just stared at each other while pressing their swords together trying to gain an advantage… or at least that's what it looked like to everyone else.

'He's is gotten too strong too fast and now he's

not… he's not taking this seriously!' and if he doesn't take these matches seriously why he always challenges me'

His eyes grew wide when a small tear escaped from them and as he felt his old bones were being grind by his own student in their usual confrontation.

He looks at Max with their swords pressing against each other to see if he has anything to say about it but he just continues smirking while giving him a wink.

Max breaks their confrontation and starts attacking all of his blind points. With each sword strike Dean was forced to change his sword's style and how he used swordplay which created more and more blind points. As he using his swrod in ways he never used before.

This shocked every watcher and even Dean as Max never used this testis in their sparring sessions and now learned to guard his weak points even if they took a few tries. And the longer the fight goes the more he can sense what is going on.

'Is he… Is he trying to teach me?' He thought while looking at everything that was going on objectively. As to how fast tables have turned and their relationship has switched.

After a few move exchanges, his breathing got heavier.

With every swing, cuts and marks appeared on their clothes and skin, especially Dean as his heavy armor literally shredded testament to the intensity of their confrontation.

Throughout all this time Max never stopped making eye contact with Dean, as he kept track of every movement made by him. which was something he picked up.

Their steps shattered the ground, swirling dust marked their lightning-fast maneuvers, and the clash of metal echoed, captivating the spectators.

Both charged at each other again, their swords meeting with a resounding clang. The ground collapsed, and an explosive cloud of dust erupted.

Amidst the chaos, they remained locked in the middle, pressing against each other with immense force, each determined to emerge victorious in their confrontation.

As their swings intensified, their speed became too much for the onlookers to follow.

As their aggression peaked, both combatants simultaneously leaped back and began channeling immense elements into their swords, the concentration of magic materializing around them.

Max's sword radiated a blue hue as lightning sparks could be seen around, while Dean's glowed crimson, their elements intensifying.

The ground quaked as they charged towards each other, pouring all their strength and elements into their swords, which clashed in the center with a blinding impact.

One's their swords clashed it created shock waves which spread around the battlefield as red and blue glow intensified with blue glow taking a victory just after a few seconds due to the overwhelming amount of it.

While both fighters were still inside the dust and debris that created after the clash with red and blue lights covered them fully. Nobody saw how Max then backed away slightly, he dropped down and swept his feet completely catching him off guard and making him drop to the ground.

He goes and disarms him, puts a foot on his hand where his sword previously was and points his sword under his chin and right on his neck.

Dean was tired and was breathing heavily as sweating profusely on the ground. He looked up at Max who was just looking down on him with a small smile, the sun shining directly behind him, making him look dazzling.

"You lose and with this it's 7857 mine and 3945 yours." Max said while reminding him the cursed gospel as to how many times he had lost.

"Sign… yes I did now can you pull me how long are going to keep this old man in the ground."

Signing, he admitted he had lost and grabbed Max's hand and got up as a little girl came running up while holding a towel in her hands.

A large smile appeared in her face when she saw Max as she saw the match ended and practically ran towards his direction. When she was in front of him she gave him a towel and started waving her arms around frantically describing the fight she just witnessed.

"That was amazing brother! YOU were amazing out there! The way you both swing your swords at each other"

Young girl brought her arms together and pretend she was wielding a sword while making noises with her mouth

"You went like whoosh whoosh bam!, but then your opponent also went whoosh whoosh bam, but your whoosh whoosh bam! Was stronger and then you went block, block, block"

Ana then let out a dreamy sigh "Sighhhhhhhh your were amazing and so strong brother, it's a shame I can't do something like this"

"Phttt" Max covered his mouth and turned his head to the side 'How cute' he thought. As her cuteness never ceases to amaze him.

Hearing Max trying not to laugh brought her out her dreamy state and grew red with embarrassment.

She covered her face with both her hands and crouched down, trying to bury herself into the ground.

"How embarrassing" Ama squeaked out.

Max smirked and crouched down to her level and let out a small smile "Don't worry about it, that was adorable"

As she heard Max her face got so red she almost fainted. She then quickly shot up completely straight causing her to almost blank out but Max shot up quickly and grabbed her as she was falling backwards.

He put a hand on her waist and held her by the hand with one of her legs sticking out in the air, like a scene from a rom-com.

"Brother!!" Ana mutters as the background around them turns pink with flowers everywhere, with Max's face turning overly handsome in her eyes.

Their moment was interrupted by a voice clearing her throat a few feet in front of them. "Ahem, what are you two doing? And Ana you shouldn't run around in field when your brother is fighting"

Ana let out a small whimper and spun around from Max's grasps "Ah! Mother, I forgot you were there for a minute"

Maria just signs looks at her teasingly "Yeah you and to this when comes to your brother and

I like everyone else can see that… It looks like it's true what they say. As soon as your daughter finds a boy they simply forget all about their surroundings "

Ana then starts pouting while looking at her mother "UmU, stop teasing me mother, Aren't we here for a reason.."

Maria then shook her head as he let out a small chuckle "Yes yes, it can always come later when compared to teasing my young daughter, right my little fairy?"

A look of realization came across Ana's face as she just realised her mother was just teasing her.


Maxwell was in his room after getting fresh up. but he was not the same as before, he was a much bigger one. His father even provided him with servants but he rejected them.

The reason was simple. Max lowered his head to watch a beautiful black-haired woman in her 25s sucking his penis.

She was Maria !!

After the events of 5 years ago, Max was viewed in a much more favorable light by his father. what he took advantage of to pretend that he loved being with Maria. like a simple 5-year-old boy who didn't think things through.

Maria fully cooperated in his performance and whenever they were in front of someone else, she treated him like her own child. something that they all gradually got used to.

What they didn't know was that when they were left alone, they had crazy sex. Maxwell was extremely happy. Maria was very cooperative and they tried every position in every place in the castle he could remember.

During these 5 years Maxwell's statistics had increased a lot thanks to her and little training.

[Maxwell Magnar]

Age: 11 Years

Strength: 8

Agility: 26

Resistance: 28

Vitality: 31

Intelligence: 52

Mana: 1567

Arcane Tempest Mastery: 110

Element: Lightning

Achievements: 3…

Element: Lightning

Sexual Points: 567

Max grabbed Maria by her hair and pushed hard, making her gag and look at him with tears streaming from her eyes.

Maxwell smiled in anticipation at her expression. Silly as he sounds, what Maxwell prided himself most on was not the increase in his stats ... it was the growth of his penis.

His penis right now was about 6.5 inches tall and 2.4 inches thick. Maxwell couldn't help but smile at the thought that he was only 11 years old, and he wanted to see how big his little brother would be.

Max pulled his cock out of Maria's throat, prostrated her on four sides in front of the bed, spread her buttocks and thrust his big throbbing penis into her anus.

"Ahhhhhhhh !!" Maria screamed ecstatically.

To which Max accelerated his piston movement, rattling Maria's buttocks in what seemed like a short applause. He grabbed her by her hair and pushed hard.

The room was filled with the happy cries of Maria.

Max stopped grabbing Maria's hair and grabbed both of her buttocks tightly and hit them every so often.

"Oh yeah iiii !!!!" Maria yelled as she climaxed from him and came. she was about to fall due to lack of energy in the bed.

But Maxwell kept thrusting his huge cock inside her, causing her to flinch every few seconds with her eyes rolling and her tongue hanging out drooling.

Max also felt that he was reaching the climax of her and began to accelerate even more and forcefully spank Maria's already red buttocks.

When Max felt that he was about to ejaculate, he pulled his penis out of Maria's firm but, grabbed her by the hair and brought her in front of his penis and ejaculated on Maria's ecstatic face.

Maria even stuck her tongue out and licked with pleasure.

This scene brought a smile to Maxwell's face. He pulled Maria onto the bed and spread her legs wide. He looked down at her with his penis fully erect after all he had more stamina then ten men and asked, "Ask me."

Maria was already mad with pleasure and long ago she had already surrendered to Maxwell and his demands.

"Please, Lord Maxwell, put your big and spectacular cock in me. Make me yours and use me as you please. Fill me with your thick milk and do whatever you want with me."

Max smiled with delight and thrust his cock hard, making Maria jump briefly. Max put his cock in and out of Maria's vagina and with each repetition Maria's big tits rose and fell with rhythm.

Maria couldn't even think straight. she could only think of how her insides were completely filled and that she felt like she was going to break with such a monster inside her.

But as great as the monster was, so was the pleasure, and she couldn't help but surrender to it.

When Maria approached her climax she could feel a warm liquid fill her completely inside her as she let go.

"OH YESSSSS !!!!!!!!!"

large amounts of fluid began to gush from Maria's vagina. her body shuddered as a goofy smile invaded his face.

{+100 Sexual Points}

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

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