57.14% As a Scum in the Fantasy World / Chapter 8: CH 8. Some Plot

บท 8: CH 8. Some Plot


If you can't tell from the smut and r18 tags, this is going to mainly be a story about sex, adventure and goblins with the story being 60 to 70% smut with the 30-40% being story.

There's still a story but there's a lot of sex, I mean after all it's a story about power of sex literally and the only way to do that is with gratuitous amounts of sex right.

But as the synopsis said, Nobody is out of reach of sister mother queen's Nobles ladies as well so I wonder what an overly horny daughters will do when the only man around is their own father hmmm?😉



When I said not everyone possesses mana wasn't quite right what I meant is not everyone possesses magic.

Mana is an energy field created by all life and everything in it, mana bound everything in the universe together. It was known by a variety of names throughout world history but it's most commonly known as mana.

This energy what allows even normal humans if this world without magic do superhuman things it's naturally makes their bodies stronger faster harder it's what allowed them to live past neutral expediency life of 100 years which around 150 to 170 here.

And nobles with a good amount of mana in their bodies could live past 300 years. This magical energy allows their bodies to grow faster and mature at tender ages especially for females of this world and even more especially for nobles.

This energy fuels their bodies for it to remain in their prime like my father who looked like in his 20s but he is forty and going to look like this for the next sixty years. Same with Maria, this is not going to lose her beauty and charms for the next 90+ years due her gender being female.

It's like natural selection flavours the female. And I won't be the one who's complaining. As it's just great for my holy sword and my mind.

Only expectations to this rule are the one with a huge amount of mana.

So the more mana one possesses the slower they age. It's like the older we get slower we age.

But if everyone is special no one is. It's superhuman feats for me but for them it's just the most normal thing in the world.

And after seeing the power of of fire of my second brother I immediately thought of the second law of Thermodynamics which states that the state of entropy of the entire universe as an isolated system will always increase over time The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative.

Why is it that when you leave an ice cube at room temperature, it begins to melt? Why do we get older and never younger? And, why is it whenever rooms are cleaned, they become messy again in the future? Certain things happen in one direction and not the other, this is called the "arrow of time" and it encompasses every area of science.

The thermodynamic arrow of time (entropy) is the measurement of disorder within a system. Denoted as ΔS, the change of entropy suggests that time itself is asymmetric with respect to the order of an isolated system, meaning: a system will become more disordered, as time increases.

But in this world with the existence of mana and power of magic this problem can easily be solved and this is even more impressive than the invention of the perpetual motion machine.

So in a way I could judge that there is no heat death for this universe at least not for a Over time span you might as well call forever life could flourish here. As due to the existence of mana which is countering the exception of Dark energy.

The decay of the universe.

One could think of it in terms of food. Foods are just molecules, and everything has molecules. But you can't just eat everything. You can only eat things in which those molecules are arranged in very particular ways. In any other, 'disordered' arrangement, energy simply isn't very useful.

And across the universe, energy is constantly transitioning from an ordered to a disordered

form, causing a loss of useful energy. This sort of a progression also implies that at

at the start of the universe, energy was probably very ordered. But what must have got it there?

Was it just a fortuitous ordering of particles? And what happens if this process keeps going on? Well, the most likely outcome is what is known as the heat death of the universe.

As the arrow of time pushes us forward, each day the universe inches closer to maximum

entropy. A state of no thermodynamic free energy. It doesn't necessarily mean that

the universe will be hot, or that it will be cold. It just means that once everything has equalized to disorder, there will be no temperature difference to motivate a thermodynamic

process to occur. "Nothing" changes, nothing "happens." Time ceases to have any meaning.

This gradual process is inevitable, but it is nonetheless hard to see.

Decay. It's all around us. Fading memories,

aging, death, and the ultimate impermanence

of our existence repeatedly remind us of

But the existence of positive energy that could transform into any form that is constantly regenerating is stopping all that from happening.

On the other note Regrettably, my exhaustive search through the vast repository of knowledge yielded a disheartening truth—it lacked any semblance of information pertaining to distant lands, continents, or neighboring kingdoms. In the expanse of literature, not a single tome unveiled the mysteries beyond our own shores, for this singular continent stood solitary in its kingdomhood.

My disappointment deepened as the absence of records extended to other humanoid species, mythical beasts, and monsters. The lacuna in knowledge left me yearning for insights into the existence of elves, dragons, demons, succubi, catgirls, and fox females—dreams now seemingly crushed beneath the weight of a metaphorical road roller.

A pang of frustration arises, compounded by the unsettling reality that there's nary a mention of humans beyond the scope of what appears to be a singularly homogenous populace. After all, what is a fantasy world without any Diverse Beauties? The desire to explore every inch of the rich tapestry of diverse races, a hallmark of fantastical realms, now appears elusive.

Yet, amidst the melancholy of dashed expectations, a flicker of hope perseveres. If gods indeed grace this world with tangible presence, then, by the same token, the specter of demons looms. In this equation, the very fabric of fantasy races—elves, dragons, and all the enchanting beings between—should find manifestation. Thus, in the shadow of my disappointment, a glimmer of optimism persists, fueled by the potential revelation that gods and demons may yet guide me to the realms of fantasy that elude my current understanding.

This continent is bigger than the whole of Indiana land. That's why it was more shocking to find that no other spices exist in such a huge place. Maybe it was just my family had no idea of it or they were just that clueless.

Or maybe everyone is just as clueless as me

Glancing at the boundless land and the sea, I couldn't help but feel that this world is really strange!

Possibly no one knows how big it is, and there are gods and so on, as if the people in this world are very convinced.

Nothing is absolute here these all are just my theories that I came up with while doing experiment what is absolute though is

In this world, the strong are respected and feared.

This planet is at least 3 to 4 times bigger than earth. I am sure about this because of the gravity of this planet.

The only extraordinary element in this world was the evolution of horses into carnivores, consuming only meat and surpassing the speed of horses from my previous world. Despite their carnivorous nature, they abstained from human flesh just like most carnivorous species of Earth. Unless no other food source was available, yet they retained the name "horse."

Whatever it may be, I still have some hope.


Omni POV.

I truly feel a surge of nerves whenever I think of this. 'Will I ever be able to find, do they really exist? What if this is just like my old world and Gods are a by-product of human existence and horses are a by-product of evolution taking another course? What if they really don't exist?

Can I truly find them, or are they merely echoes of my mind? The unsettling question lingers: What if these fantastical beings are nothing more than elusive dreams?

Suddenly, Max smacked both of his cheeks in an attempt to calm his nerves. The sudden action startled everyone who saw him still lost in his thoughts while still drawing the weird human Anatomy, catching everyone off guard. He was drafting human Anatomy writing in unknown languages.

'I can't let doubt cloud my thoughts. If magic literally counters the entropy, And God's statues and sculptures are so detailed that it's only possible that people have seen them, there are even miracles, the existence of mythical beings—elves, dark elves, angles, up Nymphs, dwarves, mermaids, Nature Spirits, succubus, fairies, giants, dragons, demons. I am sure this world harbours creatures of legend, and I will find me. With magic and my own system it should be easy... But if not, they won't be able to keep me from reaching them. One way or another, they will be mine. Once I find them, They will love me like I love them,' Max thought darkened, his eyes reflecting his inner turmoil as they clouded with a touch of madness.

"MAXWELL!" Ajex shouted, shaking Max and bringing him back to the present.

"Huh?" Max responded, looking around in confusion.

"What? Why are you shouting? I'm right here. There's no need to raise your voice," Max said, still looking at the older man in confusion.

"No need to raise my voice? I've been calling your name for a few seconds, but you didn't respond. Is everything alright?" asked the teacher, his tone laced with anger as he looked at Max who looked like he was lost in his own world.


Just Little Earlier

Omni POV

It's the arithmetic class next.

Ajax, The Arithmetic Teacher

Ajax is also one of the Count's trusted men, who is in charge of the finance and materials of the Magnar family.

He has been in this position for over 20 years. The Count and Countesses aren't that good at finance and so value Ajax a lot, making him more arrogant.

What happens to the area of a triangle if its base is three times larger and its height six times smaller?

Although Ajax is rated as the no.1 master of arithmetic in — city, what he teaches is really simple at least for Max who dealt with maths in his whole life so in most class he was always seems to be lost in not just this class but all the classes doing his own things either always lost in his own head, writing or sleeping in front of all the teachers.

'What the hell are they teaching? I knew that when I was ten.' These were Max's thought's when he came to these classes for the first time.


He stares at Max who seems to be lost in his own thoughts while continuing to write and in a way that whoever looked at it couldn't understand anything; it looked so complex that when someone glanced at it might as well be pages full of gibberish. Or even if the speed he was writing was beyond 5 years, it looked at least 4 times faster than average human writing speed.

So they just thought he was doing the children's things again just like all the classes.



Unlike Max, who was lost in dreams like the other children of the Count, his reverie was distinct—lost in a waking dream with eyes wide open, continuing to draw and write in an unknown language.

Fed up with the antics of the 12th Child of Count, who was no more than another low-born kid in the household, weary of a destiny that deemed him nothing more than a pawn. Destined to either bolster the power and influence of the next Count or be sold like chattel to a Noble Lady, becoming nothing more than a plaything pet boy toy in her opulent world, a fate far removed from any semblance of autonomy or respect.

He is going to account for nothing more than a piece of meat to be sold.

So he has enough of him.

Walking towards him he called him out "Maxwell"

When he called him out Maxwell didn't show any signs that he heard it. As he continues to write and draw while lost in thoughts, how he was doing itself was a big mystery.

Ajex seethed with frustration, wondering how on earth this insufferable brat could remain oblivious when standing merely two feet away. Was the lad deliberately feigning ignorance to insult him?

"Maxwell," he called again, this time with heightened volume, jolting every dozing student awake. They hastily grabbed items, pretending to be engrossed in Bentley to avoid acknowledging their lack of slumber.

Repeating the call, even louder now, yielded no response from Maxwell, escalating Ajex's anger to the point of losing all composure.

"MAXWELL!" Ajex bellowed, vigorously shaking Max to snap him back to reality. The effect was evident as Max halted his writing.

"Huh?" Max responded, bewildered, scanning the room to find everyone staring at him like he was a fool. Looking up, he met the gaze of his infuriated furious teacher, with a red face full of anger but did he care of course not. his own expression is indifferent.

"What? Why the shouting? I'm right here. No need to raise your voice," Max said nonchalantly, oblivious to the teacher's anger. Neither he cared enough enough for a man's anger to affect him.

"No need to raise my voice? I've been calling your name for seconds without a response. Have you lost your mind?" the teacher inquired, his tone now tinged with frustration, observing Max lost in his own world.

"Now you didn't listen to me! reach out. you'll get ten slaps on your palm!" said Ajex with a stick in his hands. While he gazed at Maxwell with fury in his eyes.

'I'm not the only one who was lost in his thoughts, at least my eyes were open, but you only punished me. Did I offend him?' Maxwell questioned in his own mind.

"What are you waiting for? reach out!" said Ajex while glaring at him while forcefully grabbing Max hand as he maintained a piercing stare at Max, as he spoke again. "How can you sleep in my class? you are really good-for-nothing 12th son!"

"These ten slaps are just a warning to you." Ajex said while preparing to strike him but Max had enough so he just pooped his hand with enough speed that it was easily released from Ajax grip.

"I was zoned out because I know everything you taught." Max told him while clearly returning a piercing stare with evident irritation.


First Ajex was shocked with the sudden moment from Max then he started to laugh like he heard a joke "HAHAHA! Good! Good! Now here's another good reason!" He said with a red face. As lifted his hand while showing 3 fingers as he spoke again "You'll get 30 slaps more! and kneel in front of the statue of the Goddess Razellia for six hours!"

"I'm sorry I can't, I won't" Max said on the face of Ajax making him even angier. And his reply caused nearly everyone to be shocked.

The clash of words echoed, captivating the spectators.

Whispers among onlookers arose, questioning the spectacle before them.

"My respect, Maxwell"

"He dares to go against Ajax's order! impressive"

"The old guy must be pissed off! Maxwell is going to regret this He will be in distress for a long time"

"Heehee finally some drama in the class"

"Yes this was getting very boring"

Ajax intensified as his anger grew and jaws tensed. Gripping his stick tighter, Ajax retorted, "Well, well! you are indeed an unadvisable and ignorant fool! How arrogant you are! How wilful you are!"

"LET'S SEE HOW THE COUNT WILL PUNISH YOU! JUST YOU WAIT!" Ajax screamed at the top of his lungs as he held his stick so tight that it broke up with a snap.


"12th, you are toast. I guess you'll get at least 30 spanks. better take care of your butts, 'cause you may stay in bed for at least half a month! After Father showed up."

"Why do you have to offend him?!" Said the tenth son of Count who was just a few years older then Max.


"Your lordship, I can't teach him anymore. I have never encountered such an uncivilised and arrogant person before!" Said Ajax while the Count and his most trusted man followed him as both reached the teaching grounds.

"The virtue we most value in our /Your Magnar dynasty is respect for heaven, earth, monarchs, parents, and teachers." Ajax said as all three men entered into the classroom.

"However, Maxwell Mangnar is completely untamed. He's so disrespectful!"

"You're setting a bad example for other students, which will ruin the reputation of the Magnar family." He said while pointing at Maxwell with a red face full of anger while Maxwell stood in the place he was standing a few minutes ago.

"If all your children all learn from him, the academic atmosphere of our school will be destroyed! And your children won't be able to learn anything" He said while turning around as bow down in front of Count as he spoke again

"Please, your lordship! punish Maxwell severely!"

While this was happening some of the other children of the count were having nightmares, especially the 9th and 11th Son.

'Oh, no. Maxwell will be beaten up. Whenever there is a conflict between a student and the teacher, the father always beats the student first without asking for the cause of the conflict. In which we were also dragged in caurse you Maxwell.' Thought both sons while covering their heads as they were feeling they were also going to be dragged into this conflict.

<They were sons who were always beaten>

"Maxwell, I can forgive you when you act wild outside the court. but how could you also be unruly at home?!" Said the Count which shocked everyone as they never thought they would hear such words from Count's mouth. But what they could do.

But the next words that came out of Count's mouth caused a grin on Ajax's face. "If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I will punish you as the teacher requests!

'WHAT?! FATHER IS ASKING FOR THE CAUSE!' thought every son in the room.

"Sir Father Mr. Ajax is our arithmetic teacher, and I naturally respect him very much." Maxwell said while he didn't display any signs of that he was afraid of this man.

"Yet what he or any teacher teaches is very simple, and I have already mastered them all." Now this sentiment shocked everyone as he said all this on the face of Count what came next was even shocking "If I pretend to be listening carefully, wouldn't that be a waste of time? I believe that it will be the greatest disrespect to you!"

"Simple?! What I teach is simple?!" Asked the man while suppressing his heightened rage.

"Yes, way too simple." Maxwell replied with a calm straight face.

"Haha, you have achieved nothing after the past few days of studying, and you have never tried to learn anything or even pretend that you are trying to learn anything about arithmetic. but you said it was simple?!" Said Ajex while laughing with a red face as turned to look at Max "HOW DARE YOU! AND HOW RIDICULOUS OF YOU" said Ajax this time in an unusually loud voice.

"Well, since you have mastered them, I'll give you ten questions. If you can answer even three of them correctly, I'll admit that you do master what I taught, and I won't punish you." Said Ajex while a smirk appeared on his face replacing all the anger as this was going according to his plans. "But If you can't, you will have to receive 30 lashes!"

"If you can't answer any of my questions correctly, it'll prove that you know nothing about arithmetic and that you are a liar. Also, you'll have to receive 100 lashes. How about that?" Said Ajax while the smirk on his face got deeper.

'I bet no teachers in the city could solve any questions I will give him in arithmetic!'

There are probably only a handful of people in the entire city who truly understand arithmetic. Or had deep knowledge of it. This little brat who just came out of his mama's womb doesn't have anyone who can teach him! there's no way he's an arithmetic master!

'I'LL SURELY WHIP YOU TO DEATH! For all the insults you throw at me and young lord surely awards me.' Thought Ajax as he could already imagine the gold coins he would get from 1st son.

"I'll be fine if i can answer three correctly, right?" Max asked as if want to confirm the man's words.

'IDIOT!' Thought as if the fish was caught in the trap "Yes, three correct answers will prove you have learned everything I taught in class." Answered Ajax but the next words that came out of Max's came next even shocked him and brought back the anger he had.

"What if I answer ten correctly?" Asked Max.

"That's impossible! wake up from your daydream! arithmetic is vast and profound, while you are just an ignorant boy!" Replied Ajax with anger in his voice. But he soon realised that Count was still here; he controlled his anger with a smile clearing his throat he spoke.

"Ahem, five will be enough to prove that you don't need me and that you have mastered arithmetic. And if you answer even seven of them I will consider you to know all that other teachers could teach you and consider you graduate. And on top of that I'll apologize to you in public."

'I can't scare him away now. if he runs away now, it'll be troublesome. And I can't have that.'

"Ok, then it's a deal!"

"Lord father, Mr. Alex, and my fellow brothers, bear witness to this, please."

'I thought you were smart enough not to stick yourself in this situation, Maxwell!

I know you have an extraordinary memory, but without years of immersion in arithmetic, you can learn nothing.

Ajax has a deep understanding of arithmetic. competing with him, you're like an egg against a rock!' Thought lord Magnus.

'I need to nip this in the bud and prevent it from escalating any further.' Thought lord Magnus as he was planning to interfere as he spoke "I don't allow internal conflict to take hold within the court."

"What about…" But just before his voice was heard someone beat him to it.

"Ok. I will bear witness." Said the Old man who was following one of the advisers of Count as he had a wide smile on his face he was Alex.

Mr. Alex, —-'s teacher, and also count of city's teacher

"Mr. Alex," remarked Lord Magnus, concern etched on his face, "do you not consider yourself beyond such matters?" As he fears involving yourself in this may lead to enduring repercussions. If young Max fails to answer these three questions, it won't be a fleeting issue; it'll linger, a stain on his reputation akin to blood on pristine white cloth, a mark not easily erased.

"Mr. Ajax, the ten questions, please!" Asked Max which just infuriated the Count.

'Ugh, this little brat, Maxwell! don't you understand my expression?'

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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