85% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 85: Chapter 85 - Embodiments of the Universe and their Avatars

บท 85: Chapter 85 - Embodiments of the Universe and their Avatars


"Elite Mutant Force, don't let him toy with you!" Onslaught said while growling.

The Elite Mutant Force's powers, once formidable under Onslaught's control, proved to be insufficient against Sharky's versatile defense. The battlefield echoed with the clash of icy resilience and the frustrated efforts of those manipulated by Onslaught.

"I won't let your manipulation harm them." Sharky said, while calculating each move showcased not only his mastery over his powers but also his unwavering determination to resist and protect those under Onslaught's influence.

As the controlled forces of Avengers, X-Men, Elite Mutant Force, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man continued their relentless assault, Sharky recognized the need for a decisive move. With determination in his eyes, Sharky unleashed two more facets of his icy arsenal.

He released white pollen from his hand by activating Sleep Dust Manipulation. Tiny, glistening particles, imbued with the power to induce slumber, cascaded from Sharky's outstretched hands. With a deep breath, he exhaled a powerful gust of wind, utilizing Wind Breath to disperse the sleep-inducing particles with precision.

The hypnotic breeze enveloped the area, transforming the battlefield into a dreamlike realm as the heroes succumbed to the seductive embrace of sleep.

Yet, three figures remained unaffected. Sue Storm, Jean Grey, and Vulcan, shielded by their energy barriers stood defiantly against the sleep-inducing assault.

"Nice try, Sharky, but your tricks won't work on us. You think you can stop Onslaught that easily?" Vulcan, Jean Grey and Sue Storm said together.

Undeterred, Sharky activated his Intangibility, passing through Sue Storm's shield with ease. He strategically employed Sleep Dust Manipulation, catching Sue, then Jean, and finally Vulcan off guard. One by one, they succumbed to the soothing influence of slumber.

Now, only Sharky and Onslaught stood face to face in the silent battlefield, surrounded by the sleeping forms of once-battling heroes.

"It's just you and me now, Onslaught." Sharky looked towards the Onslaught.

"You can't harm me, because I have Psionic Armor on me, which will save me from your sleep dust pollen" Onslaught said while grinning.

The stage was set for the ultimate confrontation, a one-on-one showdown between Sharky and the malevolent force that orchestrated this chaotic dance. The air was heavy with anticipation as the icy hero faced the embodiment of Onslaught, each prepared for the final clash.

In a climactic move, Sharky tapped into a hidden facet of his abilities, unleashing the power of Sleep Dust Phasing. Extending his phasing ability to the sleep-inducing particles, Sharky phased through Onslaught's psionic armor effortlessly, leaving a trail of sleep-inducing dust in his wake.

"What... what is this?" Onslaught asked while struggling to keep awake himself.

As the particles enveloped Onslaught, the malevolent force began to succumb to the irresistible call of slumber. Although Onslaught was a villainous amalgamation, Sharky's empathy for the origins of this formidable entity, born of Charles Xavier and Magneto, stayed his hand from inflicting harm.

"Time for some peaceful dreams, Onslaught." Sharky said while he noticed, once Onslaught had fallen asleep, Sharky tapped into another unique ability – Oneirokinesis. Manipulating dreams, Sharky gained influence over the dream realm, creating a bridge between consciousness and the ethereal world of dreams.

"Let's put an end to this nightmare." Sharky muttered while projecting himself into the dream realm.

Inside the dream, Sharky found himself face to face with the amalgamation of Charles Xavier and Magneto – the foundations of Onslaught. Their dreams, once twisted and tormented, mirrored the chaos they had faced in reality.

"It's time to let go of the rage, both of you." With a gentle touch of Oneirokinesis, Sharky transformed the nightmarish dreams into serene landscapes. He diffused the anger and turmoil that fueled Onslaught, allowing both Eric and Charles to recover from the inner conflicts that birthed the malevolent force.

As Sharky's Oneirokinesis works its magic within Onslaught's subconscious, the deep-seated rage and anger born from the fusion of Magneto and Charles Xavier begin to unravel. The dreamscape crafted by Sharky guides Onslaught through a journey of reconciliation.

In a serene moment within the dream realm, the intense emotions give way to a profound transformation. Onslaught undergoes a metamorphosis, and the imposing figure dissolves into the distinct personas of Charles Xavier and Magneto.

As the dream realm shifted from chaos to calm, Onslaught dissolved, the amalgamation fading away. The once-fused entities now separated while sleeping.

Each bearing the essence of their original selves. Charles Xavier, the telepathic visionary, and Magneto, the master of magnetism.

The sleeping forms of heroes and allies around the battlefield rested peacefully. With a quiet victory, Sharky stood amidst the slumbering heroes, a guardian of dreams. While the heroes and villian were peacefully asleep, Sharky started his Interstellar Harley and continued his journey for the Universe 12041.

As the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the battlefield, the heroes and allies slowly stirred from their peaceful slumber. One by one, they awoke to find themselves surrounded by the aftermath of a battle that had transcended reality itself.

"What happened?" Peter asked while rubbing his eyes.

Captain America, surveying the scene, answered, "Looks like we won, but where's Sharky?"

As the realization set in, the heroes and allies looked around, only to find an emptiness where Sharky had once stood.

"He's not here. I can't detect him." Reed Richard answered by checking his devices.

Amidst the confusion, a sense of gratitude filled the air. The heroes exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the bravery of Sharky in facing the enigmatic force of Onslaught.

"We owe him a lot. He saved us. And also saved the Processor and Magneto," Storm nodded followed by all of X-Men.

As the heroes dispersed to their respective realms, the aftermath unfolded with a sense of adjustment. Reports were filed, damages were assessed, and alliances were forged anew.

In the quiet aftermath, a message resonated among the heroes: the universe was vast, and even the most enigmatic heroes could have destinations beyond the stars. The legacy of Sharky Tennyson lingered in the memories of those he had saved, a guardian of dreams who vanished as mysteriously as he appeared.

And so, in Universe 1295, life returned to a semblance of normalcy, but the heroes, forever changed by the encounter with Onslaught and the enigmatic Sharky Tennyson, continued their vigilant watch over the cosmos.


Oblivion and Death were now standing with two other abstract entities. One is the being which looks like the body being made of the Universe itself, some parts filled were stars, some were planets. His two horns extracts from his face while two other extracts from his both shoulders. He was Eternity.

While the other one is a girl with a yellow body, with a cosmos line all over her body it makes her starry body complete. She wears black colour clothes, which hides her private parts and she also wears shoes, gloves, hoodie and cape. She is the Infinity. With four abstract entities gathering together, they now make each other the whole Embodiment of the Universe.

So each Embodiment of Universe works their own, for example Oblivion created the two avatars Chaos King and Knull, later Chaos King named as Amatsu-Mikaboshi.

They have only a simple mission given, their goal was to put an end to creation and bring about a new age of chaos and void.

Just like Knull, Mikaboshi began seeking out the legendary Grasscutter sword to aid him in his war with the Kami. He managed to obtain the sword and with it, was able to bring The Shinto Pantheon to its knees, which caused quite a stir amongst the other Pantheons and the Skyfathers who ruled over them.

While Oblivion gave his duty to Knull and Mikaboshi, and from time to time sent other beings, like Annihilus, Maelstrom. On the other hand Death has not created any Avatar.

She has instead chosen the people who court her to continue her goal. One of such examples was Thanos, he does everything in order to get love from Death. And like the same, she sometimes has Silver Surfer, sometimes Deadpool and sometimes Ghost Rider.

And just like Death and Oblivion were busy in completing their goal, Eternity is just the opposite of Death. Since he himself was the Universe, his goal was to birth the lives and maintain the continuity of the Universe. He typically only manifested when there was an imminent threat to the universe. And just like Death he also does not have any Avatar.

And finally comes the Infinity, Infinity is the sister of Eternity. As Eternity's counterpart is Death, Infinity's counterpart is Oblivion. Infinity works to stop every plan of Oblivion, because of this Infinity and Oblivion were fought from time to time, and if they were not fighting. Then the fight between their Avatars.

When Quasar with the Quantum Bands entered into the Quantum Zone. It was revealed that Infinity is the source of Quasar's Quantum Bands. When Maelstrom as the avatar of Oblivion attempted to destroy the universe, Quasar stopped him by becoming the avatar of Infinity.

And these Embodiments of the Universe of the Universe 275, which never see each other face to face. But today they have gathered together, just to find out about Sharky's history.

Because the more they knew about Sharky Tennyson, the more interesting they became. And they have gathered some key points together.

"So, he first appeared in the Universe 613," Eternity comments as he points to a cosmic display, which shows Sharky appearing mysteriously there.

"Yes, and before it, we don't know where he comes from," Infinity nodded.

"We have only known whatever happened after it," Death agreed as a cosmic display started showing whatever Sharky had done.

First it shows, he created a portal towards another Universe easily, which not many strongest entities are able to do. Then how easily he killed the Apocalypse.

Followed by he travelled to many other Universes and while solving their problems. Then in the Ultimate Universe 606, he even killed Mephisto, the ruler of hell itself and even killed the Galactus.

He killed the two Thanos and Cosmic Ghost Rider, while taking the Interstellar Harley of Cosmic Ghost Rider for himself, making it his vehicle for travelling.

Then he continued travelling in the other Universe till he reached the and started leaving his copies in the different Universe. While his main body is continuously traveling.

And finally it stopped in Universe 275, where he killed the Knull. From here on the Oblivion interest is gone on Sharky, and now they were even amazed by Sharky.

"So, it looks like we need to invite him," Death smiled, while she was most interested in Sharky, his feat of killing the strongest entities.

"But, first we need to find his current update, because he never stops himself in one place," Eternity comments. Seeing that Sharky was going somewhere at a fast speed, he only stopped if the Universe was in danger.

"I know how to stop him," Oblivion replied, as he gave a mysterious smile. Seeing the smile, Infinity understood what Oblivion minds were working on.

"You can't think of releasing the Mikaboshi, or you?" Infinity asked him.

"Yes, you are right, I am thinking of giving the job of stopping Sharky to Mikaboshi," Oblivion smiled and agreed.

"No, you can't release him, he can destroy the Universe itself." Eternity declined it.

"Well whatever, we are not releasing it in our Universe, we will release it in the other Universe, and it was their duty to save their Universe. And it also shows, can Sharky be able to defeat the Mikaboshi." Oblivion explained that if anything wrong goes, it was the duty of other Universe Abstract Entities, while everyone did not agree with this, but they also wanted to see Sharky's power, while they were also able to meet him.

"Ok," Death nodded followed by Infinity and Eternity. And they connected the Cosmic Screen to different Universes. The screen splits into three parts, showing the three powerful figures sitting in their own dimension.

One was Knull, the other one was a black dust like person, it black colour shows that he was a demonic person. He was a thin, naked, bald-headed demonic-like entity with tendrils coming out of his head like strands of hair and sticking out the sides of his body like spikes. He was the Mikaboshi.

Last one was a completely black colour faceless person. Only wears white colour shoes, gloves and a cape, while in his hand was a black colour stick on the upper side it was crossed by S type letter. He was Deathurge. These three of them were Oblivion avatars, and he has plans to send all of them to fight Sharky.

"What's your order, my master?" Three of the figures asked at the same time.

"Go to the Universe 1395, and fight Sharky Tennyson," Oblivion commands while showing the photos of Sharky Tennyson in Interstellar Harley.

"Do we only need to fight him or kill him?" Maelstrom asked.

"If you are able, then kill him," Oblivion comments, while Eternity and Infinity open a portal towards Universe 1395. With it first the three figures go to find Sharky Tennyson and kill him, while the Abstract Entities also travelled towards the Universe 1395.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi was, for ages, believed to be The Japanese God of Evil and Chaos. But they don't know, he was just the Avatar of Oblivion. It was one of the events when Mikaboshi, with the legendary Grasscutter sword, was able to bring The Shinto Pantheon to its knees, kidnapped Ares's son, Alexander.

Maimed Achilles, slaughtered Zeus and nearly killed Hercules, Apollo, Ares and Athena, had Zeus not helped them with the last remnants of his power. When Zeus removed Alexander's brainwashing, Alexander quickly used the Grasscutter blade to defeat the malicious deity. Though presumed slain, Mikaboshi had survived.

Mikaboshi then killed the Skrull Goddess Sl'gur't in a vicious shape-shifting contest, and replaced the Skrull Gods as the Master of their Slave Army. He and his armies stormed The M'kraan Palace and slew The Shi'ar Gods Sharra and K'ythri along with the rest of the Shi'ar Pantheon.

Mikaboshi then returned to Everinnye, the Dream Dimension, and tore Nightmare's heart out and crushed it, and took Nightmare's power for himself.

Mikaboshi is later seen following Hela and her armies into Pluto's realm as she tries to warn the Greek God of Death of Mikaboshi's approach. Pluto freed all of his prisoners and granted them full pardon from his realm if they agreed to fight Mikaboshi's Slave Gods in his name.

But it all was a futile attempt, Mikaboshi awakened and enslaved every single soul who had kept The Underworlds connected to one another since the Dawn of Humanity and added them to his army, signaling his final victory over The Underworlds.

With his dominion over the fallen realms of the dead, Mikaboshi sent Zeus, Ares, Hera and his armies to Earth to herald his arrival. Using Zeus' corpse like a puppet to convince Hercules to reveal the location of the Skyfathers and the doorways to their respective realms.

After finding out, Mikaboshi stormed the Heaven, with frightening speed and accuracy. He ended the lives of the Skyfathers, the Kami's leader and sun goddess, Amatsu-Amaterasu and began destroying the Egyptian, Mayan, Celtic and Shinto pantheons with little effort.

With the death of each pantheon and the destruction of the realms they inhabited such as Celtic Otherworld/Avalon, Mikaboshi's powers grew astronomically, as did his size until finally he had become so massive that Hercules and his God Squad ended up lost in Mikaboshi's very being and were incapable of being sensed.

Athena, his most intelligent and faithful servant as she called herself, then told Mikaboshi to focus only on destroying Hercules and Amadeus Cho. In truth, Athena had actually been banking on the notion that the Universe would restart once Mikaboshi had destroyed it and that this time around the Universe would finally "get things right."

In response, Mikaboshi consumed Athena, adding her limitless wisdom to his. Mikaboshi continued onward with his quest and consumed almost 99% of his Universe and then turned his attention to Universe 616.

As the planet died, Mikaboshi savored the death of Gaea, Hercules grew to Mikaboshi's size and literally decided to punch the Chaos King, hoping his plan from earlier would work. Followed by, Amadeus Cho and Galactus opened a portal to the reality Hera had built as a trap for her stepson.

With the aid of Hercules and the rest of The God Squad, they managed to force Mikaboshi through the Continuum and seal him within the prison universe forever without him even realizing it. But they didn't know, here he found out about his origin, that he was Avatar of Oblivion and forever waiting for his command.

Little is known about Deathurge, besides the fact that he served Oblivion and has had a very special relationship with Craig Hollis. Deathurge is a wraith-like superhuman entity, whose origin is unknown, who appears to be a messenger of death.

Deathurge can fly at great speeds, become intangible at will, and draw forth from his non-reflective ebony body a variety of simple weaponry such as spears, axes, and bows and arrows. These weapons, also non-reflective black, appear to be made of the same unknown substance as Deathurge's body.

When these weapons strike Deathurge's target, the target dies, a blackness spreading from the spot where the weapon bloodlessly struck and passed through the target's body. Deathurge's targets are apparently only those who have at least to some degree craved death and oblivion.

Deathurge is able to access the Darkforce dimension, allowing him to travel over large distances in relatively short periods of time. He is also nearly immortal and can only be seen by the dead, or people with a special connection to death. Deathurge was previously able to manifest a pair of skis that allowed him to traverse the Astral Plane.

And Knull was of course God of Symbiotes. Together the three go towards the Universe 1395.

Meanwhile, Sharky was travelling towards Universe 12041 on his Interstellar Harley, unknown if someone was waiting for him in the middle of Universe 1395.

Recently he has passed the Cancerverse, it was the Universe where all the people were harmed by cancer. And the cancer was so strong that even Galactus, Thanos and many big entities, no one was spared from the disease. Seeing it Sharky used the Gutrot to erase the disease.

The cosmic winds whispered through Universe 1395 as Sharky Tennyson, astride his Interstellar Harley, came to an abrupt halt. Before him stood an imposing trio – Knull, Deathurge, and Mikaboshi. The universe held its breath in the pregnant silence that ensued.

Sharky, eyeing the cosmic beings with a mix of caution and curiosity, spoke up. "What are you guys waiting for? What's the grand welcoming committee for?"

"Someone wants us to send you in the Void." Knull said, while his voice resonating with a dark undertone

Deathurge, with a looming presence, "Entropy stirs in response to your foreign essence. The cosmic dance falters."

Mikaboshi, ever-shifting, observed with a gaze that hinted at ancient malevolence.

"So, you guys are disturbing my journey," Sharky said, while he got off from the Interstellar Harley.

Deathurge, a whisper in the cosmic winds, "The dance of life and death falters at your presence. It hungers for resolution."

"I have faced gods and slaughtered pantheons, yet you dared to stand in front of me. How?" Mikaboshi asked.

Sharky gives a mocking smile to them, "Maybe, you have slaughtered pantheons and gods, but I am Sharky Tennyson, you can't even break a hair from my head."

The astral expanse held its breath as the cosmic beings and the hero locked eyes, each silently probing the other's essence. In that timeless moment, the universe itself seemed to pause, caught between the ordinary and the extraordinary, as the cosmic entities and Sharky engaged in a silent exchange that transcended words.

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