"Now that all the documents are here, Miss Doll, let's go through these—Oh." Evan paused mid-sentence, glancing at the digital wall clock. "It's still lunchtime."
"Yes, it is, Sir Holz," Jakob confirmed, as he finished placing on the table the documents he was carrying.
Evan hummed thoughtfully, his gaze lingering on the towering stack of documents as he considered his next move. After a moment, he shifted his attention to Eternity and Jakob.
"Eter—" Evan stopped himself, coughing to cover his slip. "Miss Doll, it's still lunchtime. Go take your lunch and come back when office hours resume."
"I already ate lunch, sir." Eternity said. "Since I'm not doing anything, I might as well be productive with my time."
Evan gave her an amused look.
"Although I appreciate your hardworking nature, Miss Doll, I do hope you know that working during your break time is a wasted effort that will not give you any monetary incentives or praise. Now."
Hi, everyone! I'm thankful to everyone who's still waiting for an update. No worries, once my graduation is finalized, I promise to give a more consistent update!
What can you say about the latest chapter? Did you expect that small shopping fiasco to be something more that meets the eye? Comment down below!