The first planet along the path that the 1st Fleet traveled was Welsh. As soon as they neared the planet's defensive fleet, there was a constant barrage of weapons being fired at the group. The 1st Fleet's superior firepower was able to easily demolish the planet's defense, leaving a giant cloud of debris and having several ships fall from the atmosphere and crash down below.
"We got it from here. You guys can head on to the next target," Selene told the rest of the fleet over comms
The other ships didn't stay for long, fearing that their attack would allow the others to mount a better defense. They each continued down their path toward the other planets, allowing for the first detachment to do as they pleased with Welsh.
"We're going to perform an orbital bombardment on the key locations that the prisoners so graciously gave us," Selene informed her officers. "We will also deploy a ground force here," she pointed at a certain place on the globe. It was an abandoned city that would provide protection against artillery fire and would allow them to set up a beachhead. "We will take it from there depending on how the situation escalates."
"Yes, Your Majesty!" the officers responded before getting to work
The fleet began to spread out around the planet, firing down on the military bases that they were able to get the locations of. The ships also worked to prevent any large ships from getting airborne, thereby preventing the Welsh from performing any interceptions as the landing group started to descend on the city.
The Dragons and Drakes dropped off thousands of Imperium Soldiers and Knights as well as a few hundred Astartes and few dozen Witches. Besides the infantry, that were deployed, various Rhino variants.
The Rhino was a standard troop transport that every Legion used but it could be easily customized thanks to the various STCs around it that supported a variety of roles. There were artillery versions, heavy tanks, anti-air, etc.
Selene deployed mostly the Predator and Whirlwind variants that were the heavy tank variant and artillery variant respectively. With their presence, defending the city until Selene was ready to launch her attack would be much easier.
Selene was not the only one preparing for the upcoming battle however.
"They landed in Winchester! Mobilize all the vehicles and in the nearby area. We shall rain down hell on those dogs!" a man shouted at his officers. Supreme Commander Wilson was the supreme commander of the Welsh military and dictator of the planet.
The fact that their fleet had been wiped out in such a sudden attack was already enough to enrage him and strike fear into his heart but the precise orbital strikes on most of their bases had nearly crippled them. He was ready to unleash as many nukes as they could only the fleet.
"Commander," a woman wearing the same blue uniform as the other officers stepped forward. "The reports state that the air vehicles that the enemy are using are unlike anything we have seen before. They have already shot down nearly 50% of our air force and we have yet to take down a single one of theirs due to some type of shielding. We should surrender..." but the moment the last word left her mouth, a hole appeared in the middle of her forehead before the woman collapsed the ground, blood flowing out of the small hole.
"Does anyone else wish to die like a dog or do you wish to die like men?" Supreme Commander Wilson asked the other officers
"We shall die like men!" the officers shouted as they ran off to get commands to the various nuclear weapon sites
Missile silos and nuclear subs began to activate all over Welsh, each one ready to fire as many weapons as it took for a single one to reach Winchester.
"We are getting signals all over the place, Commander. The enemy is planning on launching around 50 nukes," the captain of Selene's flagship reported down on to the ground forces.
"Scramble the Drakes and Pantheras to destroy them all. If a single missile reaches 10 miles of us, you will be punished!" Selene warned
"Yes, Ma'am. None of those missiles will even make it a mile out of their silos!" the captain responded, understanding just how dangerous it would be
The Drakes and Pantheras began to fly in certain directions, no longer focused on ensuring air superiority. All of them began to make their way to different locations where the nuclear signals were coming from.
Whether they used the lascannons, bombs, or missiles to detonate the warheads, few of the nukes could even leave their silos, the few that did being shot out of the air almost as soon as they left them.
The large number of explosions created pockets of radiation all over the planet, each about a mile in diameter. But considering the scale of the planet, this was a very low percentage that made waging war on the surface of the planet still worth it.
"Dammit!" Wilson cried out as his men reported that their nukes had been taken out so easily. "Deploy the tanks! Deploy the troops! Deploy whatever you must to bring their heads to me!"
The armies of Welsh were quickly deployed, at least what was left of them. Each deployed force was attacked by Selene's air force but they were limited by what they could do. Against a few air foes, the attack craft of the Feluc army was more than enough to take care of them. But against the countless firearms and missiles that the entire armies could unleash, the Drakes and Pantheras could only attack from a great distance before pulling back.
"Ma'am. You are being approached by 9 armies from different sides, each one numbering between 2 and 20 thousand members in total. They are also accompanied by tanks, light vehicles, and transports. Our air force have attacked as much as they can but if they get too close they will be shot down," the captain reported the situation from above, fearing that their ground forces would be overwhelmed. "Should we perform orbital strikes?"
"No," Selene denied. "We can't afford the destruction that such attacks would cause. But if their main armies are on the way here, that makes it easier for us.
Target the largest cities and send in some Dragons once the battle begins. Aim for the civilian locations, not where the heads of military are located. Let them know that we are willing to kill their people the longer that they fight. Put pressure on them.
They will eventually surrender or the leaders will be overthrown and the new ones will surrender. We can last longer than they can if it comes to a drawn out battle. Just make sure the Drakes and Pantheras keep pestering them so they can't put their full attention on us."
Selene gave her orders while standing on one of the ruined buildings. All of her witches and several of her officers stood around her, ready to execute any orders that she gave. Selene looked out into the distance and saw the clouds of dust that were kicking up from the armies that were approaching them.
"May this be the last battle that your people have to endure," Selene whispered to herself before turning to the others. "Have the Whirlwinds target that group first. Let them know that our range far exceeds their own."
"Yes, Commander!" the officers replied before rushing off to give command to the Whirlwinds.
"And us, Coven Master?" one of the young women asked nervously. This was their first major battle, being deployed to the front lines. They usually stayed on the ship or engaged in small skirmishes, never something of this level.
Selene turned and walked over to the girl, giving the gentlest smile that she could.
"Stay close to me," she told her while cupping her cheek. "You are my precious daughters as the Astartes are my husband's sons. I will not let you die a pointless death."
The young woman nodded, feeling reassured with Selene's words. Even if it did not guarantee survival, she let them know that she cared for them which was something that seemed even more important at that time. Dying was scary but dying for something that you did not believe in was even scarier.
The Witches put on their black helmets that matched the rest of their power armor while Selene put on her silver helmet. With her daughters by her side, she watched as countless rockets flew out from the streets beneath them and into the closest army.
The explosions that struck it created a beautiful scene of fireworks that most would admire as long as they did not know what the true cause of those were.
"Fire another round," Selene spoke through her comms, causing another round of missiles to fly toward the smoke where the first ones had landed. The heavy smoke obscured their vision but Selene knew that there were still survivors.
'Hopefully, this will send a message that ends this pointless war sooner,' she thought to herself