= 821 M30, Feluc =
Baldur sat upon the Iron Throne, made up of the weapon of choice from each previous ruler. Countless swords, spears, and axes decorated the throne, giving off a very intimidating feeling to all who saw it. As the king of the Feluc System, he was the only one allowed to sit on the throne.
Baldur was listening as various mayors and representatives of nobles from all around the system came to discuss issues that their territories were going through or the progress of improvements that Baldur had implemented.
Baldur was listening to Lord Bardley, the son of the man whose territory he had landed in when his vision landed on a figure in the back of the room. It was a large man, taller than even Baldur himself who was covering his body with a large black cloak and hood that obscured his face.
Someone like that should have obviously been stopped and questioned but there was no such thing. It was as if the guards and the nobles in the room couldn't even tell he was in the room.
Baldur held up his head, stopping Lord Bradley from continuing. Everyone who was daydreaming or having small conversations stopped, noticing that Baldur had made a move.
"Everyone except for Grimes Triplets, Dogan, and my mother. Leave," Baldur commanded
The nobles, representatives, and guards all walked out of the room. They were practically rushing out of the room but when it came to the hooded figure, they moved around him perfectly, never even touching a piece of his clothing.
"Yes, your majesty?" Dogan asked when everyone had left the room
"I want to introduce you all to the man that sent me flying through space and caused me to land here," Baldur held up his hand and pointed past them
The others turned around and finally noticed the large, hood figure. The man took off his hood and revealed his face, stunning them all. He looked like he was literally carved and painted by the finest artists. The man removed his robe and revealed his golden armor, nearly blinding those in the room except for Baldur who had grown used to his father's armor.
The 5 people immediately bowed down to the Emperor, unable to resist his aura. Baldur frowned when he saw his people and mother bow to the Emperor but he didn't say anything. He knew that the man was something normal humans found hard to resist.
"So you've finally come, Father," Baldur spoke to the man directly
The Emperor walked forward and stood before Baldur's iron throne, looking his son in his real eyes for the rest time since he was a child.
"Is that all you have to say?" The Emperor asked
Baldur frowned. He knew what he was supposed to say but he hated that the Emperor was just waltzing in and making him submit himself and the 7 worlds that he had conquered.
"The Feluc System and the Noble Houses within it shall join the Imperium in exchange for the 2nd Legion serving under me and full authority of the Feluc System given to the ruler of it," Baldur was willing to submit to the Imperium since he knew he couldn't beat them. A single Legion of Astartes wouldn't be too bad but if they had to fight 2 or 3, they would become overwhelmed.
"Fine. But you must conquer at least 100 worlds or 10 systems every 10 years as you lead your Legion to battle," the Emperor knew that Baldur didn't truly care about the Great Crusade. He saw himself as a mercenary who was simply being paid to join the war.
"Fine. Is that all?" Baldur asked, ready for his father to leave and to meet his sons for the first time
The Emperor wanted to continue speaking with his son but he stopped himself. He knew how Baldur felt about him and that Baldur knew of their true purpose. There was no point in him trying to smooth things over immediately. He would have to do that slowly.
"Yes," The Emperor nodded. "The 2nd Legion, the Grey Knights, is currently in orbit as well as the remaining members of the Thousand Sons. They will start deploying themselves to the location that you have designated over the next few days."
Baldur had built a base for the Grey Knights since this would be called their location homeworld. They would recruit Grey Knights from Feluc and the surrounding worlds from now on, allowing the various citizens of the planet to join under the Legion and become demi-demi-gods.
The Emperor left the planet soon after he arrived, ready to join the battlefield once more with Horus and his 6th son, Leman Russ whom he had found 2 years prior.
After he left, the Grey Knights and Thousand Sons began to descend down to the planet in drop ships where they slowly began to fill the base while countless military officers, technicians, and knights were aboard the ships in orbit to join the serfs aboard the ships and learn how to operate them.
Baldur planned on merging his Grey Knights, Imperial Knights, and plain knights into one large fighting force. Though he was not allowed to have his own private army, he could have serfs who acted as crew for their ships, support on the bases, and a defensive militia for their home world. Baldur was going to have them also join his forces in battle since they had all the training needed to be of assistance with the wars they were going to join.
But before he could do that, he had to earn the respect of his new Legion as well as ensure that they respected the humans that would be working alongside them.
When all the Grey Knights and Thousand Sons reached the base on the planet, Baldur called them all to the spectator arena along with all of his best sorcerers, knights, and witches.
"Welcome, my sons and nephews. Feluc shall be your home from this day forward," Balur spoke normally, using his psychic powers to amplify his voice to reach everyone in the arena. "I want to call the best duelist besides the first captain to fight my 5 best knights. Who dares to step into the arena?"
The Grey Knights were shocked when this challenge was issued. None of them had expected that Baldur would summon them there to challenge them, not even himself. He was sending humans after them.
"I shall take up the challenge!" a Grey Knight stood up, with a sword in his hand. "I am Eratus Berikus, Chapter Master of the 8th Chapter!"
Eratus jumped down from the stands and into the arena below. Baldur could already feel his Psyker energy rippling off of his body.
'He's powerful. Needs a little tuning but not bad,' Baldur could sense the man's strength was pretty impressive, surpassing most of the sorcerers and witches under him. But that was only the case with most of them. Not his elites.
5 individuals walked up to the arena, reach was armed with a simple sword and laspistol. Out of all of them, 3 were the Grimes Triplets, 1 was Dogan, and the last was their strongest witch, Selene.
When Eratus saw that they were all lightly armored and armed, he felt his blood boil. At first, he thought his Primarch was truly testing him. But with how they appeared, it seemed more like he was trying to humiliate them.
Eratus threw his bolter to the side, only holding onto his blade with both of his hands.
"Come at me with the best you have!" he shouted while unleashing a wave of psychic energy, causing the triplets to back away. Dogan and Selene stood their ground however at they pointed their swords at the Astartes.
Eratus let out a roar and tried to charge forward but as he tried to move his legs, he realized that it felt as if his armor had gotten much heavier around one leg while the other felt completely numb. He could barely move a step, let alone rush ahead.
Dogan and Selene both had viscous smiles on their faces. Each was the best of the Sorcerers and Witches, with each having mastered 2 elements of magic.
Dogan was a master of Fire and Metal magic, having used a metal spell just then which caused the armor around Eratus's left leg to become 10 times heavier.
Selene on the other hand was a master of Death and Shadow magic. Her spell was a common but powerful one that caused opponents to lose feeling in one of their limbs for several minutes.
The Grimes brothers saw an opening and pulled out their pistols before firing on the Chapter Master. In his defense, Eratus did not panic. Instead of trying to force his way forward, he created a shield of energy to defend against the shots. Even if the weapons barely did anything to his armor, his pride would not allow him to simply stand there and get shot.
But as he was focusing on his shield, Eratus felt something come over his mind. It was like a slow poisoning or a rotting feeling. Either way, his shield began to become unstable as he was unable to focus his mind, trying to fight off whatever was attacking his mind.
The blasts from the pistol fired in a concentrated manner, striking near Eratus's right shoulder. This continued to heat up the metal as he was unable to move his body.
Once the armor was heated enough, Dogan made his move and fired a bolt of fire that attacked the heated metal. Thanks to its high heat and magical piercing ability, it was able to strike through the already-weakened metal and pass through Eratus's shoulder. This meant that it exploded within his armor as it was unable to pierce through the rear, causing the Chapter Master to be set ablaze within his own armor, his once greatest defense becoming a trap that would harm him.
"I yield!" Eratus yelled through his helm, ready to admit his loss. He had already been set on fire within his armor and was unable to put it out himself while also resisting whatever else the group had planned.
Baldur nodded before his eyes began to glow for a moment and extinguished the flame. They soon returned to the same iron color as before, few even noticing the change.
"Good. These 5 are my Chapter Masters. Each one is skilled and has learned much of their skills but is still eager to learn more.
Just as you will help teach the next generation of the Grey Knight, they will teach the next generation of Psykers and Knights, as well as teach you what they know as well.
They are each veterans of at least 50 battles with the oldest only being 40. Respect them as you would any other officer and they won't hang you by your balls.
I want all the men and women under me to understand one thing. If I have allowed them to serve under me, then they are useful, even if you do not see it.
The Grey Knights will not be like the other legions I have heard about. We are the 2nd Legion because we will be 2nd to none. During these 2 years that the Emperor has given us a grace period, I will turn you all into the best knights possible. If I can't, that means you died along the way.
Let's get started."
This is why most 40k does not focus on Psykers. They are very powerful