50.81% Sex Stories: Mr. LarsBar's Nut Factory / Chapter 30: Bleach - Yoruichi's Whims (Part 1)

บท 30: Bleach - Yoruichi's Whims (Part 1)

Summary: Aiko was an everyday man in Karakura Town. His destiny was never intended to be that of greatness—until he encountered a black cat on his way back. Smiling thinly, he decided to take care of the stray cat, not knowing that the pet was in fact the Flash Goddess: Yoruichi Shihouin. Petting it, feeding, and giving it love, the cat takes a strong liking to the young man. On a whim, she decides to reward the exhausted young worker.

Theme: Vanilla, Bath, Blowjob, Handjob, Loving


It started on a whim. One day, while coming back from work, a normal young man from Karakura Town saw a black cat prancing on the street. He was puzzled by its presence and the dignified way in which it walked. Even its brief glance was like that of a creature devoid of instincts and full of rationality. It was such a fleeting yet meaningful exchange that he thought about it even as he entered his home. 

'It's really chilly out since it's almost midnight,' Aiko thought. 'Isn't that dangerous for a stray cat?' 

Karakura Town was a small city near the center of the Greater Tokyo Area. Aiko's home was in the same neighbourhood as Kurosaki Clinic and the Arisawas in Minamikawase, close enough for sociability yet ways away from his office. He wore a typical Japanese working suit complete with a red tie and charcoal grey blazer. He was quite handsome, though certainly no model, with pleasant facial features, short black hair, and wonderful grey eyes which were unintentionally emphasized by the bags underneath. Everything about him was pleasing and uniform. He opened the door to his home, sighed, and kicked off his shoes. He collapsed on his sofa and turned on the television. 

'That cat…' Aiko thought. 'Should I give it food next time?' 

He rolled over and buried his face in the red pillow. He was damn tired. He could barely think and he fell asleep right then and there.

The next time he saw the black cat was in the exact same manner. It was midnight, chilly, and it walked on the road with uncanny dignity, black tail raised high. Aiko blinked and stopped. The cat, in turn, also stopped, almost curious. "Uh, hey there little guy." He kneeled down. He didn't know whether to pet it or lift it and ended up speaking normally, "Want to head to my place? It's getting pretty chilly."

The cat tilted its head, yellow eyes in two eerie slits. Aiko blinked and laughed. "What am I talking to a cat for?" He felt a bit foolish for talking to a cat, but then again, there was something about this particular feline that intrigued him. It wasn't just its sleek black fur or piercing yellow eyes, but the aura of intelligence and mystery that seemed to surround it.

Without waiting for a response, Aiko stood up and started walking towards his home. To his surprise, the cat followed him, trotting along with confident strides. "Hey," Aiko greeted softly. He was a self-described herbivore man: relatively thin though not unhealthy with black hair and a clean shave. The cat followed him all the way home, which brought a smile to his face. He headed to his kitchen and rummaged through his pantry, searching for something to offer the stray feline. Finding a can of fish meant for human consumption, he hesitated for a moment before deciding it would have to do. Along the way, the cat had disappeared. 

Returning to the living room, Aiko poured the contents of the can into a bowl and placed it on the floor. He watched intently as the black cat emerged from the shadows, its yellow eyes fixed on the food before it. To Aiko's surprise, the cat didn't hesitate to approach the bowl, sniffing at the fish before devouring it eagerly. Aiko couldn't help but smile at the sight, feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had helped provide a meal for the hungry animal. Leaning down to its level, he spoke softly, as if sharing a secret between them.

"Hey there, little guy," Aiko began. "I hope you enjoyed the fish. It's not much, but it's the least I could do."

The cat paused mid-lick, its amber eyes meeting Aiko's gaze. There was a moment of silent understanding between them. As if sensing Aiko's sincerity, the cat approached him cautiously, rubbing against his leg in a silent gesture of gratitude. Aiko smiled, feeling a warmth spread through his chest.

"Looks like we're both looking for a little company," Aiko mused, tempted to stroke the cat's fur but pulling back. "Well, you're welcome to stick around as long as you like. I could use the company, too."

With that, the cat leapt onto the couch. "H-huh…?" Before he could say anything, the cat walked in circles and plopped down. It was going to sleep, it seemed. 

'Er…should I…I mean…it's a stray…!'

Suddenly, a blast of wind struck his window. The sheer noise made him shiver. "Well, I guess you can stay," Aiko said with a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. "Just this once, mind you."

The cat settled comfortably on the couch, Aiko decided to take a quick shower before heading to bed. As he stood under the warm water, he couldn't shake the feeling of strangeness that had settled over him since the cat's arrival. Didn't stray cats bring diseases? Was it a boy or a girl? A young adult or an older cat? He didn't know. He had never kept a pet before. Finishing his shower, Aiko slipped on black shorts and a white t-shirt and stepped out into the living room. The cat was still curled up on the couch, its rhythmic breathing a comforting presence in the otherwise silent apartment.

Aiko paused, considering whether to shoo the cat away once more or to let it be. But as he looked at the peaceful expression on the cat's face, he decided to leave it undisturbed.

"Guess you're staying the night, huh?" Aiko murmured with a small smile, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, as long as you behave yourself."

That morning, Aiko woke up and groggily made his way to the living room. He expected to find the black cat still curled up on the couch. However, as he entered the living room and scanned the area, he realized with a pang of disappointment that the cat was nowhere to be found. The couch lay empty, the cushions bearing no trace of the feline visitor from the night before.

Aiko's brow furrowed in confusion as he searched the room, half expecting to find the cat hiding in some corner or beneath a piece of furniture. But the apartment was silent and still. Shaking his head to dispel his thoughts, Aiko sighed softly and made his way to the kitchen to prepare his morning coffee.

The twenty-six-year-old man failed to notice the gleaming yellow eyes outside his kitchen window.


Aiko made his way home from work that evening, his thoughts were consumed by work. He didn't hate it but like most men did not relish in it either. He worked as a lawyer in a small firm at the Karakura Shopping District. He was the least experienced and struggled to gain cases. Most of his time was spent helping his two bosses. Again, he wasn't treated horribly but he was definitely treated more like a clerk than a bona fide lawyer.

Lost in his thoughts, Aiko rounded the corner and nearly stumbled when he saw a familiar figure waiting for him on the sidewalk. There, sitting with its tail neatly wrapped around its paws, was the black cat, its amber eyes fixed on Aiko with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. For a moment, Aiko stood still, blinking, unsure if he was imagining things or if it was the same cat from last night. But as the cat rose to its feet and approached him with a confident stride, Aiko knew that it was the same cat. It had to be.

"Hey there," Aiko greeted the cat. "I didn't expect to see you again."

The cat blinked at him with those piercing yellow eyes, as if acknowledging Aiko's words before trotting alongside him as he continued on his way home. Aiko laughed and started walking. As they reached Aiko's apartment building, the cat paused at the entrance, as if waiting for an invitation to enter. 

"Ha." Aiko smiled and opened the door, gesturing for the cat to follow. "It's cold out here, and I could use the company."

Sure enough, as soon as Aiko fed it, the cat wasted no time in making itself at home on the couch, curling up into a tight ball as if it had never left. "Ha…" This time, he didn't immediately go for a shower and sat down beside it. He turned on the television and stole a couple glances. "You are tired, huh?"

In response was a long sigh. What a guy. Tentatively, he reached out to stroke its head. The cat began purring loudly from the small strokes of his fingers. He kept going. Eventually, Aiko bid the cat goodnight. "I have work tomorrow," he whispered. As if hearing his words, it let out a sigh. Its eyes were closed and it was half-way into dream-land. With a smile, Aiko retreated to his bedroom, hoping that this time, the cat would still be there when he woke in the morning.

However, the next morning, Aiko woke to find the cat gone once again, the couch empty save for a few stray tufts of fur. He couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at its sudden departure.

"I really want to see him again." Heading to the kitchen, he glanced at his empty cabinets. "Maybe I can stock up on some cat food too."


As the days passed, Aiko's encounters with the black cat became a regular occurrence. Every evening as he returned from work, he would find the cat waiting for him on the street corner, its yellow eyes gleaming in the fading light. At first, Aiko was surprised by the cat's persistence. But as time went on, he couldn't help but marvel at its intelligence and resourcefulness. Despite being a stray, the cat seemed to have a keen understanding of Aiko's routine, always appearing at just the right moment to join him on his walk home.

There was something almost uncanny about the way the cat would fall into step beside Aiko as if it were a loyal companion rather than a mere stray. It would trot alongside him with confident strides, its sleek black fur glistening in the glow of the street lamps. When they walked, Aiko found himself sharing his thoughts and worries with the cat, as if it were a trusted confidant. He would talk about his day at work, his hopes and dreams for the future, and even the occasional mundane detail of his life.

To his surprise, the cat seemed to listen intently, its ears perked and its eyes focused on Aiko's face. It didn't offer any words of wisdom or comfort, but its silent presence was enough to ease Aiko's burdens and make him feel less alone in the world. And when they were home, the cat would sometimes jump in his arms and rub its head against his chest.

He remembered one night when the cat was in his arms and he was petting it to the point that it wagged its long black tail left and right. "Huh," Aiko said, smiling, "you're a girl." The cat's tail stiffened. Then, abruptly, the female cat turned in her seat and started wagging her tail in his face. Aiko laughed and said, "It's almost like you can hear me, haha."

Once something became common, it became a routine. Every night, he saw the black cat. Every night, he would take it inside, feed it, and give it some affection. Petting its head, rubbing its belly, and stroking the side of its head.

Tonight was no exception. As Aiko walked home from work, he found the black cat waiting for him as usual. Smiling at the familiar sight, he greeted the cat warmly.

"Hey there, Koneko-chan," Aiko said, crouching down to pat the cat's head. "Ready to head home?"

The cat meowed in response, rubbing against Aiko's leg before falling into step beside him. As they walked, Aiko couldn't help but talk to the cat, sharing the events of his day as if it were an old friend.

"You wouldn't believe the meeting we had today. Two of our clients wanted to switch lawyers." Aiko chuckled, shaking his head. "It was a complete disaster. But hey, at least it's over now." He glanced at the cat who walked with dignity and looked on ahead. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm going crazy, talking to a cat," Aiko admitted with a smile. "But you're a good listener, aren't you?"

Yesterday, before Aiko went to work, he purchased a variety of cat food options, hoping to find something that would satisfy the feline's appetite. Tonight, he opened a can of cat food and placed it in a bowl on the floor, watching expectantly as the cat approached. But to his surprise, the cat sniffed at the food curiously before wrinkling its nose in apparent distaste.

Aiko frowned. "Really? No cat food?" To his surprise, the cat actually shook his head. He blinked. "Oh, uh…"

The cat meowed. It really didn't seem to like the cat food. It seemed almost…human. Remembering how much the cat had enjoyed the fish meant for humans, he fetched a can from his pantry and opened it, preparing a fresh serving for his feline guest.

The moment he placed the bowl of fish on the floor, the cat's eyes lit up with excitement. It approached eagerly, sniffing at the food before digging in with gusto, devouring every last morsel.

"Well, I guess you're not a fan of cat food, huh?" Aiko remarked with a smile, watching as the cat licked its lips in satisfaction. Like always, the cat headed to the sofa and waited for him. She expected him to pet her. "Not today, Koneko-chan," Aiko said. "I did a lot of errands today so I'm going to take a bath first. See ya."

He didn't notice the way the cat perked up or how it stared into his back as he unbuttoned his shirt. Aiko closed the door behind him, ignorant, and stripped himself of his clothes. He was an average man in many ways and that included his nether regions. It was nothing special, especially in its flaccid state. Paired with his balls which were heavy and loaded after months of withdrawal and the man standing in the mirror could be best described as lean, virile, and healthy. A handsome albeit meek Japanese male with potential limited by his immense workload. He often washed his face throughout the day to get rid of the bags under his eyes. Recently, ever since the cat had been visiting him, the dark bags had become less and less pronounced. He wondered if it was a coincidence.

Aiko sighed, scratching his stomach, and turned on the bathtub. It took a while, but eventually, it was full and warm. He dipped a toe in, sighed in satisfaction, and submerged the rest of his body. He stood at five-foot-seven and a half, the average for a man of his country and perfect for the bathtub.

"Ah…" Aiko leaned back, sighing. He temporarily drowned his head in the water and popped back out with his hair wet. Black and silky, he noticed they had gotten a bit long. Two of his fingers were nearing his eyebrow. "I should get a haircut soon," he told himself. He lowered himself again, though this time kept his eyes above surface level. He made bubbles, trying to have fun as he relaxed.


Suddenly, the door opened and Aiko broke from the water to see what was up. "Oh, it's you." The black cat had pushed open the door and was walking in, yellow eyes focused on him. Aiko laughed and put his arms on the edge of the bathtub, facing the cat. "Hey, Koneko-chan." Koneko-chan meant kitten; an affectionate nickname. "Try not to jump over, there's water and I know that—"


Smoke flooded the bathroom and Aiko coughed. As soon as he recovered, he looked up to see mist and a shadowy figure inside it. The mist dissipated and his eyes widened, his body freezing up. "H-h-huh? W-who are you? The cat—"

The figure in the mist was the sexiest woman Aiko had ever seen. Her figure—nude—was perfectly proportioned with a slight curvature of her hips. The smoke cleared further and the censorship on her tits dissipated. The woman's complexion was dark and smooth, outlining an athletic and slender body with boobs that were simply….exquisite. Large and melon-sized yet not ridiculously large. They were just…sublime. A pair of tits that a man wished in their dreams for their woman to have. 

No, not just her tits, her thighs and legs—and her tummy too. Everything about her was sublime. Perfect. An hourglass figure only seen in manga and anime. Aiko didn't know who he was looking at but what he did understand was that she was a bombshell. 

"They're double-Ds."

Aiko's gaze had been glued to her tits up until that remark. "W-what?" He looked up and saw a sly smile now sitting on the woman's lips. She was hot and she knew it. She was alluring and she owned up to it. Hands on her hips, she exuded a kind of sex appeal that instantly brought his cock to life. He was so damn lucky that he was so close to the edge of the bathtub like this! 

"After all you've done for me, I figured I should pay you back." Her voice. Fucking hell, it was deliciously erotic and smooth. Low and sultry without having to try. She was making a statement yet it seemed like an invitation to fuck. Her smile widened, devolving into a smirk, one hand still on her hip.

She walked.

Aiko's eyes went down to the slit of her cunt, then back up to her face. He backed away, letting her step inside the bathtub, eyes unable to tear away from the perfect pussy directly in front of him. Aiko swallowed, his back hitting the wall. Yoruichi sighed as she sank into the tub and spread her arms. 

"Having a little trouble?" 

'Yeah, because your tits are bouncing on the water. Or, err, floating.'  Again, her tits were round and perfect on her figure. Not overly gigantic yet certainly above anything he had seen in his life. Plus, there was her complexion. He didn't want to come off creepy but it was a sharp contrast to his own pale skin. 'Is she even Japanese—?'

The dark-skinned woman continued from her previous remark, smirking at him. "Girls these days are all talk and no muscle, I know, but trust me, I'm the real deal." 

"R-right…" Aiko didn't know what to do. Where should he put his arms? How much of his skin should he show? If he sat upright, then…

"The name's Yoruichi Shihouin." Okay, the name sounded Japanese. That was…well, her being a foreigner wasn't the issue.


Yoruichi pointed at herself, grinning. "What? Surprised that little Koneko-chan is a hot babe?"


Yoruichi blinked and she grinned. "Huh, actually hearing you say it is pretty nice!" 

"A-are you like a Kaibyō or a goddess…?"

"Goddess? Heh, let's go with that." Yoruichi removed her arms from the bathtub perimeter and swam toward Aiko. The young Japanese man blinked twice, panicking in his head, and wondered what she would do next. She raised her hand and…

"Hmm…I thought maybe you were getting a fever."

…put it to his forehead. Aiko was growing hot red, her touch overwhelmingly soft. She was close, less than an inch away as she checked him. Her golden-coloured eyes shamed the riches of the world. It was like peering into a woman that went beyond such notions. Money, fame, power, none of that mattered when looking into the gorgeous eyes of Yoruichi Shihouin. 

She smiled, then pulled away. "I guess you're just red in the bath, huh?"


"Hey, I…hm?" There was a stir in the water. Aiko failed to hear it but Yoruichi's sharpened senses did not. She looked down and blinked twice. 

Juuust peeking out from the surface of the water was Aiko's throbbing erection. Freshly awakened, it was tall and hard and very eager to touch the potential mate in front of him. Aiko followed her gaze and his cock lurched forward from the sudden embarrassment. He looked up and tried to say something. Alas, Yoruichi's smile grew bigger and she reached for his cock, her soft fingers twitching and curling in temptation. 

"Oh-ho~! Are you hiding a Zanpaktou or are you just happy to see me?" Yoruichi licked her lips and embraced his cockhead with her soft, slender fingers. Once again, his cock fucking lurched upward. His balls were tingling, relishing in the touch of a woman. "I'm not an easy lady to impress either."

"U-um…" Aiko inhaled sharply. With every passing second, his cock was going crazier and crazier. Like a wild animal demanding to be unleashed, it begged for Yoruichi to move. To fuck. To get fucked. The rest of the male's body followed suit, his fingers clenching tightly as his gaze kept track of the droplets of water falling from her purple hair. Loose, long, silky, and huddled behind her over the water, he was tempted to grab her by the back of the head and shove her down his cock.

He found himself looking at her thin lips and listening to her sultry voice. "I did say I wanted to pay you back…" Yoruichi trailed off and met his gaze. Those eyes of hers flickered with desire. Her hand slipped from his cock and leaned forward to grab his shoulder. Her touch was electric. Her tits were dangling in front of him. Her eyes were closed and her lips opened—

"Massage time!"

With unreal strength, Yoruichi spun him over and promptly began massaging his shoulders. Aiko couldn't react. This woman, this goddess, had the muscles of ten women put together. At that moment, as he sat there, he realized Yoruichi really was a goddess. That if she could turn him like this, then she could do anything else she wanted with him. 

Soft pillows pressed his back. "Just sit back and relax…" Yoruichi whispered. "I'm something of an expert." First, she massaged his shoulders. Her fingers pressed down on the weight on his shoulders beautifully, with effort that was both cool and effective. Slowly, Aiko began to melt. Then her hands went down his biceps. The lower she went, the deeper she pressed her breasts against his back.

To describe Yoruichi's breasts was to describe nirvana. Soft, large, and probably better than the shoulder massage. Aiko was a herbivore man. He didn't dislike romance but he did not believe intensely in the power of romantic relationships. Today, he stood incorrect. If the woman and her tits were blessed enough, then any man could be defeated. Yoruichi Shihouin with her big tits rubbing against his back did just that.

Her arms made a sharp turn and came together towards his chest. She massaged his upper pecs, going in circles and caressing them lovely, and then going down. Down, down, down, to his obliques and finally his cock. 

His steely member was trembling. Pre-cum leaked out, his size at full capacity and nearly ready to explode. Aiko held his breath as she tucked her chin on his shoulder and peered down at his angled member. 

"Looks like someone needs a hand," Yoruichi said with a sly grin, wrapping her fingers around Aiko's throbbing shaft. He let out a low groan, his eyes closing in pleasure. He had never felt anything quite like this before. A woman's touch---goddess's touch. It was too much. Yoruichi's touch was electric, sending shivers down his spine and making his balls ache. "Mm, so hard…!" 

Too hard. The aching sensation in his balls was growing unbearable. Oh fuck—


Spurt, spurt, spurt!

He came hard and he came fast. This was his first orgasm in months and it was wasted away on the water and the walls of his bathroom. He exploded in a frenzy of pleasure, his body convulsing as he came hard. Yoruichi was surprised but very eager to contribute, vigorously stroking him to milk his load and watch his cumshots shoot out in thick ropes. Aiko moaned and shuddered with each spurt.

"Haaah…haaa…" Aiko was exhausted. Drained. Empty. The first load in months, the first unpacking of all the sperm in his balls…man, it was a doozy. Glancing down, panting, he saw Yoruichi's ebony hand was covered in white.

Even as his cock trembled and twitched, tiny beads of cum leaving the tip, Yoruichi kept jerking him off. Her hands were wet and glossy and yet she kept going. In response, Aiko's cock remained rigid.

"So fast," Yoruichi muttered. "I hope you're not a quickshot, love."

'Boobs, boobs, boobs!' They were still hugging his back, still a presence for his body. The heat and affection she gave must have been why his cock refused to wilt. This sultry woman was too great a mating candidate to pass up. If his balls didn't empty their seed inside her, then who else?

"Y-you said your name was Yoruichi," Aiko said, gulping. "Why…how are you here?"

"Are you questioning your goddess?"

The adrenaline and sheer absurdity of the situation led him to answer instantly. "Yes."

A beat passed and she snickered. "You're honest, I like that. I'll let you know what you want to know…if you last thirty seconds." 

MrLarsBar MrLarsBar

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