
chapter 8: promised growth

As I awoke in the familiar confines of my room, the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains, I noticed my little twin brother still peacefully asleep in his bed. A sense of tranquility settled over me as I decided to start my day with the newly acquired Harmony Breath meditation technique.

Kousei: Harmony Breath... in, and out.

I took a deep inhalation, allowing the Qi to flow through my body like a gentle stream. As I exhaled, I could sense the release of tension and a subtle connection with the ambient energy around me.

The system voice echoing in my mind

Harmony Breath initiated. Qi circulation optimized.

I continued the rhythmic breathing, feeling the Qi harmonizing within me. My status screen flickered into view, revealing the effects of the meditation.


- **Harmony Breath Level:** Intermediate

- **Qi Flow:** Balanced

- **Mental Clarity:** Enhanced

Kousei: Enhanced mental clarity, balanced Qi flow... the system's rewards are already making a difference.

I could feel myself getting stronger especially within me

My meridians were in full circulation

You've broken through qi condensation second stage

You've broken through qi condensation third Stage

- **cultivation Points:** 60/300

- **Physical Stats:**

- Strength: 15(+8)

- Agility: 16((+5)

- Endurance: 17(+7)

- **Cultivation Stats:**

- Cultivation Level: qi condensation stage (third level)

- Cultivation Physique: divine Ascendant body

- Elemental Affinity: all elements

- **Skills:**

1. Qi Control - Level 3

2. Martial Arts - Level 3

3. Elemental Manipulation - Level 1

4. Meditation Mastery - Level 2

- **Equipment:**

- none

As I continued the meditation, a warmth spread through my limbs, and a sense of calm enveloped my being. It was as if I had tapped into a wellspring of inner energy that had long gone unnoticed.

The Harmony Breath is a foundation, Kousei. Embrace its flow, and it shall guide you towards greater mastery.

With the encouragement of the system, I focused on deepening my connection with the Qi. It was a subtle dance between breath and energy, a communion with the forces that surrounded me.

Kousei: I wonder how this will influence my daily life, both in and out of combat.

The benefits extend beyond battle, Kousei. Harmony Breath can bring balance to your daily experiences, fostering resilience and clarity in the face of challenges.

I opened my eyes, feeling revitalized and centered. My little brother stirred in his sleep, and I couldn't help but smile, appreciating the newfound sense of harmony within.

Kousei: Thank you, system. I'll carry this balance with me throughout the day.

As I rose from my bed, I couldn't help but wonder how the integration of Harmony Breath would shape not only my martial journey but also the everyday moments of my life. The echoes of the system's voice lingered, a guiding presence as I embraced the day ahead.

As Issei observed the changes in my demeanor and the newfound techniques, he couldn't help but express his curiosity.

Issei: Kousei, something's different. What's going on?

Kousei: Just a little something I picked up during my recent training.

Issei: Training? You usually tell me about that stuff.

I decided to choose my words carefully

Kousei: This was a bit... unconventional. I stumbled upon a unique challenge that involved facing monsters in a dungeon.

Issei: A dungeon? Like a fantasy game?

Kousei: Sort of. But what's interesting is that it came with its own set of rewards.

Issei: Rewards? What did you get?

He cutely tilted his head

Kousei: (grinning) A new meditation technique called Harmony Breath and an attack technique called Swift Gale Palm.

Issei: that sounds amazing! How did you find this place?

He said with excitement

Kousei: It's a bit complicated. Let's just say it was a unique experience.

Issei: And you didn't invite me? Rude.

He pouted before folding his arms

Kousei: It wasn't intentional. But hey, we can train together. I'll show you these techniques.

I chuckled

As Issei's excitement grew, I decided to keep the details of the system to myself, not wanting to overwhelm him with the complexities of my mysterious martial journey.

Issei: Sounds like a plan. Let's get started!

He said with a grin

Morning sunlight filled the room as Miki and Garou Hydohou, my parents, energetically entered, ready to assist Issei and me in getting ready for school.

Miki: Rise and shine, you two! What's the plan for today?

Kousei: Morning, Mom. Just gearing up for school, and maybe some martial arts practice later.

Garou: (enthusiastically) Martial arts in the morning! That's the spirit.

Issei: Kousei learned some cool moves from a training session. It was intense!

Miki: (smiling) Well, it sounds like you boys are keeping things interesting.

As they helped with the morning routine, my thoughts wandered to Akeno, a mysterious acquaintance from my recent adventures.

Kousei: By the way, I met someone interesting during the trip to the grocery store, a girl named Akeno. She's got a unique vibe.

I mused

Issei nodding

Issei:Kousei thinks she might become a great friend!

Miki: Oh, really? Well, we'd love to meet her sometime.

Garou: Just make sure she's not leading you into trouble.

He said playfully

Our family banter continued, a comforting backdrop to the morning rush. However, the weight of looming challenges, particularly the enigmatic Himejima massacre, pressed on my mind.

Garou noticed my serious expression

Garou: Something bothering you, Kousei?

Kousei: Yeah, Dad. I can't shake the feeling that tougher times are ahead. I need to get stronger, especially for what's coming.

Miki: Strength comes in many forms, sweetheart. We're here for you, no matter what.

She said in a supportive tone

Garou: You've got the support of your family. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

Issei: And we'll train together, right, Kousei? The Hydohou duo is unstoppable!

As we headed off to school, the air filled with a mix of excitement and determination. The promise of growth, the mystery of Akeno, and the unspoken challenges awaited, creating a chapter in our lives that would unfold in unexpected ways.

Issei: Hey, Kousei!

He said with joy. The school bell chimed, signaling the end of the second-grade class. Issei and I, being typical energetic kids, quickly made our way out to the schoolyard. Our friends, Muryama and Katase, were waiting by the large oak tree, a familiar meeting spot.

Issei: Hey, Muryama! Katase!

Muryama: Waving You guys are late, as usual. What took you so long?

Kousei: Laughing Blame it on the captivating world of multiplication tables.

Katase: Rolling her eyes Seriously? You guys need to get your priorities straight.

The banter was effortless, a reflection of the camaraderie we had built over the years. As we strolled through the schoolyard, memories of our younger selves flooded back.

Issei: Reflecting It's crazy to think we've known each other for so long.

Muryama: Smirking Yeah, we've survived each other's weird phases.

Katase: Nodding Like the time Kousei tried to convince us he could talk to ants.

Kousei: Defensive Hey, I was just exploring the possibilities of communication.

Laughter echoed through the schoolyard as we reminisced about our shared adventures and peculiar childhood endeavors.

Kousei: Thoughtful You know, meeting you two years before the plot thickens is kinda surreal.

Muryama Raising an eyebrow

Muryama: Plot thickens? Are you reading too many comic books again?

Katase: yeah why do you always talk funny

She asked curiously I replied with a grin

Kousei: Let's just say life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

My gaze wandered idly around the schoolyard, scanning the familiar faces engaged in various activities. Amidst the lively scene, my eyes were drawn to a solitary figure on a swing – a girl with raven black hair and striking purple eyes. Akeno.

Ignoring the calls from Muryama, Katase, and even Issei, curiosity surged within me. What was she doing alone? Without a second thought, I made my way towards her.

Kousei: Hey, Akeno!

Akeno looked up, her purple eyes meeting mine. A small smile played on her lips as I approached, leaving the background chatter behind.

Akeno: (softly) Kousei, isn't it?

Kousei: (nodding) Yeah, that's me. Mind if I join you?

Akeno: (gesturing to the swing next to her) Not at all. Swing's free.

I took a seat beside her, the rhythmic creaking of the swing filling the air as we swayed gently back and forth.

Kousei: (curious) What brings you here, all by yourself?

Akeno: (gazing into the distance) Sometimes, it's nice to have a moment alone. Clears the mind.

Kousei: I get that. So, what's on your mind?

Akeno: Secrets, mysteries, the usual.

Kousei: Secrets and mysteries? You've piqued my interest.

Akeno: Everyone has their share of secrets, Kousei. Some just hide them better than others.

She leaned in closer

Kousei:True. But there's something about your aura. It's like you're surrounded by an enigma are you alright akeno

Akeno: Observant, aren't you? Maybe I like to keep people guessing

She said with a raised eyebrow

The conversation flowed effortlessly between us, as if we were unraveling threads of intrigue in the quiet corner of the schoolyard. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over our secluded spot.

Kousei: You know, there's something refreshing about our talks. It's like peeling away layers of a mystery.

Akeno: Mysteries have a way of keeping life interesting, don't they?

She said with a smirk

Kousei: (nodding) Absolutely. And if you ever want to share those secrets, I'm all ears.

Akeno: (softly) Maybe one day, Kousei.

As the school bell rang, signaling the end of our clandestine conversation, I couldn't help but feel a newfound connection with Akeno. The mysterious allure of her presence lingered, promising more intriguing moments and secrets to be uncovered in the days to come.

In the quiet moments of introspection, my thoughts involuntarily drifted to the tumultuous chapters of my past. My father, a powerful fallen angel, marked the beginning of a narrative intertwined with complexities. I vividly recalled how my Shinto priest mother had once healed him, their worlds colliding in a fleeting moment of shared vulnerability.

Father... that bastard. Injured and seeking solace, he found my mother's healing touch. And then, there was me.

My mind retraced the fragile threads of a connection that had swiftly frayed. Once I came into existence, his visits became scarce, gradually dwindling until he vanished completely, abandoning my mother and me.

Once he discovered I was born, his visits waned until they ceased altogether. Abandoned.

As the weight of solitude settled, my thoughts shifted to the present, to the one constant in my life – Kousei. Brown hair that framed a face with hazel eyes that held a warmth transcending the layers of my past.

Akeno: Kousei... my only friend.

In the silence of unspoken emotions, Kousei approached, sensing the currents of my contemplation.

Kousei: Everything okay, Akeno?

Akeno:Just reminiscing about the past, the echoes of choices made and paths taken.

Kousei: We all have our stories, Akeno. What matters is the present.

He said with a smile

You're right, Kousei. And you've been a steady presence, my only anchor.

Kousei: Well, I'm not going anywhere. Friends stick together, no matter what.

Akeno:Friends... it's a word I cherish. You're my only one.

In the hazel depths of Kousei's understanding gaze, I couldn't help but wonder about the unspoken questions lingering between us.

Will he ever see beyond the facade? Would he still accept me if he knew the truth about my heritage?

As the uncharted territories of emotions lay open before us, Kousei and I shared a moment where the unsaid held its own resonance, and the promise of friendship weathered the storms of our pasts.

As the echoes of my reflections lingered, Kousei, attuned to the unspoken currents, broke the thoughtful silence.

Kousei: You know, Akeno, no matter what you're thinking, I want you to know that it doesn't change a thing for me. You're my friend, and that's what matters.

Akeno: Kousei...

His words, like a soothing balm, reached places within me that had long yearned for acceptance.

Kousei: Seriously, Akeno, you could be a monster or an alien from outer space, and it wouldn't change a thing.

Akeno: That's quite the imagination you've got there, Kousei.

Our conversation flowed, a gentle current of camaraderie that wrapped around us like a comforting embrace.

Kousei: You know, Akeno, life is filled with mysteries, and I don't need all the answers. I'm just glad you're my friend.

I feel the same way, Kousei. Your friendship means more to me than you can imagine.

As we continued chatting, the serenity of our moment was interrupted by the arrival of Issei, Kousei's twin brother, and our other friends, Muryama and Katase.

Issei: Hey, you two! What's the hot topic?

He said excitedly

Kousei: Akeno here was pondering life's mysteries.

She said with a smirk

Muryama: Mysteries, huh? Like what?

Akeno: Oh, you know, Monsters and outer space aliens.

She said playfully

Katase: That's a new one.

Issei: (grinning) Well, we're all friends here, no matter what dimension or planet you come from.

The banter among friends continued, weaving a tapestry of shared laughter and camaraderie that transcended the uncertainties of our individual stories.

Kousei: Speaking of friends, here come the reinforcements.

Issei, Muryama, and Katase joined our circle, each contributing their unique energy to the lively conversation.

Muryama: monsters and aliens, huh? You guys have the most interesting chats.

Katase: I wouldn't expect anything less from this crew.

Issei: Well, let's keep this intergalactic friendship going, shall we?

As the day unfolded with the laughter of friends echoing around us, the worries and complexities that had haunted my thoughts began to fade. In the embrace of friendship, we forged a bond strong enough to withstand the mysteries of our pasts and the adventures awaiting us in the future.

As we made our way home, I noticed Akeno walking towards a very very beautiful woman who looked like akeno it was Shuri himejima. It was a chance encounter, and I seized the opportunity to introduce myself to her mom, Shuri.

Kousei: Hi, Mrs. Shuri! I'm Kousei, Kousei Hydohou. Akeno and I are good friends.

Shuri: Oh, Kousei! Akeno has mentioned you. It's lovely to finally meet her friend.

After exchanging pleasantries, I couldn't help but reflect on the connections we shared and the unspoken promise that had quietly taken root within me.

Akeno, Mrs. Shuri, I promise you both. I'll protect you. I swear it.

As the three of us continued our walk home, the neighborhood bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, a sense of responsibility and determination welled up within me.

Shuri noticing my contemplative expression

Shuri: Everything okay, Kousei?

Kousei: Yeah, Mrs. Shuri. Just thinking about how much Akeno and our friendship mean to me.

Shuri: Akeno is lucky to have a friend like you, Kousei.

She said with a bright smile

Kousei: The feeling is mutual, Mrs. Shuri.

Our conversation continued, filled with the simple joys of shared moments and the comfort of knowing we had each other's back.

Akeno, Mrs. Shuri, I might not have all the answers, but I promise to be there for both of you. No matter what challenges come our way.

As we approached our respective homes, the camaraderie among friends and the bond with Akeno's family became threads in the tapestry of my life, weaving a story of friendship, protection, and the unspoken vows that held us together. The promise echoed in my thoughts, a silent oath that would guide my actions in the days and challenges ahead.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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