7.69% Elden Monarch [Dark Souls 2 SotFS X Elden Ring Crossover] / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - An Accord

บท 2: Chapter 2 - An Accord

"What kind of accord?" I asked, still pointing the blade in her direction. 

"Ever heard of the Finger Maidens? They serve the Two Fingers, offering direction and help to the Tarnished, but I'm afraid you don't have a maiden. I can play that role." The woman said calmly

A woman I've never seen before offering me a deal, and again this talk of maidens. Why are they so important?

You know what? Enough! I've been manipulated by Shanalotte and Nashandra; I won't fall for that trick a third time! 

"I'm not interested!" I said, leaving the woman behind, but I could hear Melina calling me.

"Wait! I can turn runes into strength!" 

No, I'm not falling for that "I'm strong enough! Thanks!" 

 "But I can help you in your search for the Elden Ring!" She kept yelling.

Again this Elden Ring. Why is it so important? Varré was not clear. "I have no interest in getting this Elden Ring; all I want is to find my stuff!"

Suddenly Melina disappeared from where she was and appeared in front of me "Just take me to the foot of Erdtree. You're looking for something, aren't you? I can help you, all I ask you to take me along." 

I thought about it, and I have no doubt that I will end up being put on another impossible journey, full of people with plans and ambitions, and I will probably be a key part of those plans. 

On the other hand, having someone help me look for my stolen equipment can be useful. Hm… I might end up regretting that decision "Okay, I'll take your accord." 

I swear Melina heaved a sigh of relief.

We went back to the site of grace and sat down "What's your name my tarnished?" 

I'm getting tired of being called tarnished "Alden, and I'm not a tarnished, I'm an Undead" 

Melina stared at me for a few seconds "Nice to meet you Alden, back to our agreement I need you to take me to the foot of Erdtree" Melina said with a small smile.

Sounds simple enough "Erdtree is that bright tree in the distance, isn't it?"

Melina cocked her head to the side, she is not the first one to notice my lack of knowledge of these lands "Yes, and the way to it is surrounded by many dangers." 

I take back what I said, this is going to be hell "But it would be unfair if only I benefit from this accord, tell me, Alden. What are you looking for?"

Well, time to dictate my terms "Let's put it this way, before I arrived in these lands, I went through a little adventure, so to speak, and in that adventure, I amassed a nice collection of equipment and magic items, weapons, armor, that sort of thing. But when I arrived at the Lands Between, some of them were stolen; the most important are four crowns, a sword, a shield, and a bow, with the crowns as a priority" 

I took a sheet of paper and pencil out of my bag; I drew the mentioned items and handed it to Melina.

"If you see any of these items let me know right away." 

She stared at the drawings for some time "If I may ask, what is so important about these crowns?" 

Better, not tell the complete truth "These crowns are enchanted, each of them has a special effect, like increasing my defense, magic, that kind of thing. I like to use them to prepare myself for all kinds of situations; you never know when you're going to need a power boost."

Melina nodded and tucked the paper away "I intend to honor my end of the bargain if you honor yours."

Fair enough "Likewise."

"Now extend your hand to me, I will transform your runes into strength." 

Nothing new, I've done this a lot in Majula. Melina took my hand, her eyes widened and she went silent "Melina is something wrong?" 

She looked straight into my eyes and spoke slowly "Alden, where did you come from exactly?" 

I was surprised no one asked this before "I come from Drangleic, why the question?"

"You've fought before in your life, haven't you?" 

Where is she going with this? "Yes" I replied slowly

"And during those fights was there anyone to strengthen you?" 

Hm... "Yes."

"I see." Melina said seriously "Then it's settled, invoke me with grace to turn runes into strength. Oh! Another thing." Melina handed me a golden ring, and I placed it on my middle finger on my left hand. 

"Use it to cross great distances, it will summon a spectral steed called Torrent, Torrent has chosen you, treat it with respect" 

A steed? This can be a problem, I've never ridden a horse before, and Drangleic terrain isn't exactly favorable.

"Is there a problem Alden?" 

I think it's better to say it already "I've never ridden a horse before."

Melina looked at me strangely "Aren't there horses in Drangleic?" 

I thought for a moment about what could be considered a horse in Drangleic "A giant skeletal horse with two heads pulling a chariot with a skeleton holding a scythe count?" 

Melina looked at me as if I was crazy. 

"And this horse runs around a circular track trying to run you over while necromancers summon skeletons to attack you?"

Melina shook her head. 

"And horses made of ice that comes out of a blizzard to trample you, can fly and shoot lightning at you?" 

This time she didn't react, she just had a faraway look on her face. 

"That was weirdly specific," Melina said.

"Then no, there are no horses in Drangleic." I shrugged if there's nothing else to talk about I'll leave "It was nice to meet you Melina, but I need to continue my journey, see you later."

"Well, I wish you good luck." Melina disappeared in blue particles. 

Now, how do I summon Torrent? I looked at the ring on my finger. There was a small hole in the ring. It was some kind of whistle. I blew on the ring and out of nowhere, Torrent appeared.

"Hello Torrent, nice to meet you! It seems that we are partners now; let's go back to the church, tomorrow I intend to explore this region."

Let's see. How do I get on Torrent? First, the left foot, then the right foot, it wasn't difficult, and then I held the reins. Now what do you say to make horse move? 

"HA!" What I didn't expect was that Torrent would shoot at full speed. 

"Torrent stop!"


I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Alden and Torrent leave. What a strange tarnished, strange, but powerful, so much stronger than all the other tarnished that came before. 

Where did he say he was from? Drangleic? Yep, Drangleic, never heard of this place, judging from what I felt, he is a veteran fighter and was helped by a maiden at some point.

Fire, darkness, holy, and sorcery that is unknown to me, that's what I felt in his being. Not to mention of course its strength, it seems I picked the right Tarnished. Alternatively, would it be Undead? I don't understand why he prefers to be called that, he doesn't look like he's dead. Moreover, what is an Undead anyway?

Speaking of appearance, he dresses strangely, his equipment doesn't match each other and each of them is enchanted, every piece of clothing on his body and rings in his hands. 

I could tell, that staff didn't come from Raya Lucaria, it may be just me, but I feel like terrible things were done to create that staff, the chime that Alden hangs on his belt is not of any that I know. 

Alden doesn't seem to be a worshiper of Marika or any of the other demigods, the chime looked alive as if it had a soul. Nevertheless, it can't be true. What kind of monster would use souls to make weapons?

But something worries me, I felt a darkness in these items, trying to consume me, trying to corrupt me, but at the same time, it brought me calm as if all my problems were going to disappear, then I felt a flame, a violent flame trying to change my being, trying to turn me into something I'm not.

Who are you, Alden? You carry such terrible things but I feel no malice. I left those thoughts behind; it's time to fulfill my end of the bargain. I looked at the drawings on the paper, a sword, a shield, a bow, and four crowns. Let's see what I can find.


"AHHHH!" I was thrown into the ground when Torrent suddenly stopped.

I fell flat on my face, grass, and dirt getting into my mouth; I got up immediately spitting out the dirt. I hope Kalé didn't saw this, talking about Kalé. Where is he? There he is! In the usual place. 

"Hey Kalé, you didn't saw what happened, or did you?" 

He didn't answer me.

"Kalé?" I put my hand on his shoulder and Kalé fell to the side. Was he dead? No. I saw his chest moving, he was sleeping. 

"Kalé wake up!" I said, shaking him, but Kalé didn't wake up. Looking around I realized that something was wrong, it was quiet again, very quiet. I prepared my staff, lit my flame, and looked around.


I cast a Dark Orb towards the voice, the orb flew at high speed hitting the place where the voice came from and ripping part of the church wall.

"Why the need for such violence?" 

The voice came from behind me, when I turned around I came face-to-face with a blue-skinned woman with four arms and wearing a witch outfit, her most notable feature being the ghostly face protruding from the right side of her head.

She was a ghost, like Chancellor Wellager. "Sorry, but you didn't exactly make a good first impression, bewitching Kalé, trapping the church in total silence, and appearing out of nowhere. Where I come from this means a trap."

She went silent for a while. "I suppose I didn't make a friendly impression."

Seriously? Do you suppose? 

"But how about we put that little misunderstanding aside and introduce ourselves properly? What is your name tarnished?" 

Again, this tarnished talk. 

"Alden." I said, taking a few steps back. I put my staff away but was ready to use my flame. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Alden, I am the witch Renna. I had heard of a tarnished..."


Renna stared at me "What did you say?"

"I'm no tarnished, I'm an undead." 

Renna tried to recompose herself, it looks like she had rehearsed this speech and I interrupted her. Clearing her throat Renna continued "I heard of an undead riding a spectral steed, and on examining the matter, I suppose they're talking about you." 

Was she watching me the whole time? Because it hasn't even been half an hour since I got Torrent. 

"You have the power, don't you? To summon the spectral steed called Torrent." 

What should I say? Yes or No? Let's see what happens. 

"Yes." I prepared myself.

"Oh. As I expected. This was entrusted to me for you. By Torrent old master. It is a bell to summon spirits, summons them with it, from the ashes not returned to the Erdtree. The spirits will obey your command, but briefly, as they recall past battles." 

Renna gave me a little bell, so it's a kind of summon, but without the sign 

"Now it's yours. To do what you want." Renna said, walking away. 

"Forgive my intrusion, Alden. I doubt we'll meet again, but even so, learn a lot about the Lands Between. How long will it take, I wonder... before the tarnished gets tired of bowing to the Two Fingers?" 

Then Renna disappeared, the silence in the church gone too, and Kalé woke up. 

"What happened?"

"Nothing Kalé, nothing." Why would she give me that bell? Renna said it was sent by the Torrent's old master. She knows Melina? Moreover, this thing was mentioned again, Two Fingers, at some point I need to research the history of this place. 


It was morning, time to explore! I blew the ring, calling Torrent "Hello again Torrent, let's go for a walk!" 

Torrent gave a neigh of confirmation, I mounted it and we continued our exploration. We were riding for a while until I reached the dilapidated gate from before, and new guards occupied the area.


I stabbed the first guard in the eye with the ornate blade, while I was mounted on Torrent, before I could continue, the remaining soldiers surrounded me. Let's test a new weapon. I took the Golden Halberd from my bag and ran towards the soldiers. 

In a move, two soldiers had their heads cut off, one tried to attack me from on my left; I swung the halberd and cut him in the chest. There was one more soldier, this one was better equipped, with a great shield, a spear, and a wolf at his side, the wolf was the first to move. 

"HA!" Torrent ran towards the wolf and the wolf jumped, trying to bite my neck, but it was pierced by the spike at the tip of the halberd. However, the soldier prepared to impale me with the spear as I approached.

"Torrent jump!" Torrent jumped over the soldier's blow and taking advantage of the fall, I impaled the soldier on the ground; it looked like it was over.

Exploring the soldiers' camp, I found a staircase leading down. How did I not notice this before? Going down the staircase, I entered a room with a chest; I approached it and gave it a blow with the ornate blade, but nothing happened. 

It wasn't a mimic. Opening the chest I found a knife and some kind of ash, I'm sure that it was magical, as it formed the shape of a person stomping the ground; I put it in my bag. 

Coming out of the underground and looking around, I saw something near some kind of tombstone, getting closer I saw that it was a piece of a map "Limgrave" so that's the name of this region. 

I took the map and continued towards the south of the camp, in the middle of the way I found another site of grace; I touched it and went on my way.


I've been riding for a while; I think it's time to follow the golden rays of grace. I stopped in front of the ruined gate, and further on, I could see the defenses put up by the soldiers. Barricades with wooden stakes, archers and a ballista. 

"Are you ready Torrent? We'll have to run" 

Torrent gave a neigh, that's all I needed to hear. 

"HA!" Therefore, Torrent shot forward.


I didn't have time for this, I felt the wind of the arrows passing over my head, and something heavy falling behind me, I didn't turn to look, but the soldiers fired the ballista. 

"Torrent jump!" 

Torrent jumped over the shot, and judging by the screams of pain, the soldiers behind me were hit. Torrent jumped through the second barricade, just one more to go, and a soldier in front of me started blowing a war horn. 

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, punching him in the face, Torrent jumped the third barricade and we found ourselves in some kind of hill.

Following the golden rays, we arrived at a hut, I touched the grace, and entered the building, there was a man wearing armor. 

"I haven't seen you before. My name is Bernahl. Tarnished, just like you. Let me ask you something. Are you here in the Lands Between to take on the fight? Does your faith in the guidance of grace hold firm despite the collapse of the Golden Order?" 

Great, I'm being asked if I believe in whatever religion rules these lands. In addition, what is the Golden Order? I think I'd better say yes, it sounds like that's what he wants to hear. 

"Yes" Let's see what happens now. 

"Yes, you are a tarnished though. It brings back memories, but that's a quality needed now more than ever. Any interest in carrying the torch of my battle arts? All I know is the sword. I also learned some tricks. Now is the time to pass them on. For a good and proper tarnished like you."

Bernahl showed me his wares for sale; they were ashes like the one I found in the chest. 

"Can you tell me what those ashes are?" I said, showing the ashes that I found. Bernahl looked at me confused. 

"Those are the ashes of war, special abilities that you can equip on certain types of weapons."

Now I'm interested. 

"And how do I equip these ashes?"

"You found a knife by those ashes, didn't you? Use the knife to equip the ashes into the weapon of your choice, you need to do this in a site of grace, another way would be to find a blacksmith who knows how to use the ashes." 

I think I get it, I don't see the logic behind it, but he is the specialist, not me.

"Let me see what you have." Interesting skills, some of them I can do normally, but others are useful. 

"I'll want the War Cry and Quickstep ashes."

"1600 runes." Bernahl answered.

I handed the runes to Bernahl. 

"There are a plethora of battle arts in these lands I have yet to discover. Memories of all the warriors who raised their arms in battle lost and died. A beautiful tale, all told, of a true romance of chivalry. That's how I fell in love with the sword and the arts of combat. It even gives meaning to the fall in battle, to death itself."

He reminds me of Benhart, always looking for adventure and telling tales of honor and chivalry. I hope he's okay. "It was nice to meet you Bernahl, but I have to go." 

"Well, until we meet again."


Following the grace, I arrived at another hut; there was another site of grace there, so I touched it. Next to the hut, on top of a wooden platform, there was a corpse with something in its hand. It was a type of stone key with something written on it. As I jumped of the platform, someone called me. 

"Hello? Is anyone there?" 

Looks like the noise caught someone's attention. I entered the hut, and on the floor, a woman wearing a red hood

"Everyone... has been grafted. Everyone who came with me crossed the sea for me and fought for me. Only to have their arms ripped off, their legs ripped off. Even their heads... ripped off. Taken and grafted in the spider. Did you know? If you are grafted by the spider, you become a chrysalis. It's a big joke when you think about it."

Well, she is talking to herself, deep in her thoughts, as she still hasn't noticed me yet.

"Miss, are you alright?" 

She looked at me with watery eyes.

"You're alone, aren't you? And going to Stormveil Castle? Attracted by the one in the white mask, I suppose. Oh, did you come to be one with the spider? Well, that makes us two peas in a pod. However, I don't have your courage. It's scary, you know. Having your arms cut off, or legs, or your head. I want to be like everyone else, but I'm too scared. I'm nothing but a coward" 

I sat down in front of this woman "Yes, I'm going to the castle. Is the man in the white mask called Varré?" 

She looked straight at me "Yes! That's his name, I'm a tarnished like you, Varré guided us to the castle, but the men who came with me were killed, their limbs taken to the spider." 

Spider and human limbs, remind me of the monster I found on the island "What is this spider?"

The woman shuddered in fear "Godrick the Grafted, he sends his soldiers to get human limbs, and grafts them into his body, a mass of twisted arms and legs." 

So it's something like The Rotten, having your arms and legs cut off, is not a good experience, I say this because I experienced it in firsthand "Tell me, what's your name? My name is Alden."


"Roderika I'm heading towards the castle, it looks like I'll have to face Godrick, but I don't think it's a good idea to leave you here, I think you better go to a safe place." 

Roderika thought for a moment "But where would I go?"

I walked towards the grace "Melina, are you there?" 

In a shower of particles, Melina appeared "Did you call me Alden?"

"Yes, her name is Roderika, her friends were taken by Godrick, and she has nowhere to go. Could you take her to the church where Kalé is?" I said, pointing at Roderika. The red-hooded woman got up and came towards us. 

"Roderika, this is Melina; she will take you to a safe place." I said to her.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Melina." Roderika said, introducing herself to Melina

"Likewise." Melina replied with a nod. 

"Well Roderika, I need to continue my journey, see you later." As I was going to summon Torrent again, Roderika called me. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Alden. Oh! Can you pass a message for me? If you see the little chrysalis in Stormveil Castle? Tell them I love them. I will join them soon. I'm finally getting the hang of this whole "pain" thing, you know." 

Now I feel bad for leaving her. "Okay, I'll deliver your message."

"Oh, I know. Can you take this little one with you? The poor thing deserves someone braver than me... And the spirits look kindly on you, she'll be happy with your company, I think." 

Roderika gave me some ashes; these ashes formed the image of a jellyfish. 

"Thank you." I replied before calling Torrent and riding away.


"He's a kind person, isn't he?" Roderika said to Melina. 

"Maybe, but he is a strange tarnished."

"Oh! Are you his maiden?" Roderika asked, surprised. 

"Yes, but he doesn't seem to like it very much, leaving that aside, come with me, let's go to a safe place." Melina said, taking a blade from her cloak, Roderika followed her right after.


I was riding the road towards the castle. A group of soldiers was in my way, so I lit my flame and threw a Chaos Fireball at them. They were all burned by the fire and lava. 

On the way, Torrent trampled a beetle and I ended up getting a new ash of war. I could see the gates of the castle right ahead, and in front of the gate a soldier with a ballista, he fired it, but I pulled torrent to the left, away from the shots. 

Jumping from Torrent back, I drew the ornate blade and lit my flame; there were two soldiers beside the ballista. The one on the right received a Great Combustion to his face. He dropped dead with his head completely burned. The one on the left had his throat cut before he could react. 

I drew the ornate blade with my right hand and stabbed the guard who was shooting the ballista, piercing his heart.

It seemed that it was over, I entered the stone tunnel leading to the castle, and there I found a site of grace. I touched it and ran forward, reaching a stone bridge with several weapons stuck on the ground. 

A battle happened here. Halfway across the bridge I heard a voice, and the excruciating pain came back, my vision turned red, my eyes and heart felt like they were going to jump out of my body, but the voice kept going. 

"Foolish Tarnished." 

Where was the voice coming from? Amidst the blurred vision, I saw a golden light on one of the castle towers, there was someone there.

"Looking for the Elden Ring, emboldened by the flames of ambition." The person jumped off the tower and landed on the bridge. 

"Someone needs to extinguish thy flame." 

The pain was fading away and I could see the man in front of me. He was tall like The Fume Knight, with white hair, and horns protruding from the right side of his face and head, he wore a yellow cloak and carried a kind of staff. 

"May that someone be Margit, The Fell Omen!"

I drew my staff, the rings whirling with darkness, and the blade shining in the sunlight. 

"Hm..." Margit stared me with his one visible eye. 

"You're not tarnished. What are you?"

Finally, someone realized "I'm an undead!"

Margit was thinking for a few seconds "I've never heard of a creature like you, you doesn't look dead to me, at least not yet." 

Margit advanced towards me, I wasted no time and I launched a Dark Orb towards him, he widened his eye and jumped over the orb. 

"What cursed sorcery is this?!?" 

Oh! What an interesting reaction "Abyss Magic! You've heard of it!" 

I launched more orbs towards Margit; he jumped sideways, dodging the spells. As the last one flew past him, Margit jumped towards me, with his staff ready to crush my head. 

I rolled back, dodging the blow, and as Margit recovered from his attack, I cast Dark Fog followed by Affinity, five orbs of darkness floated above me.

Margit coughed when the mist enveloped him, poisoning his body. "What is this cursed thing?!?" 

Well, he doesn't like Hexes, I'm sure of it now. I ran towards Margit, and the orbs of darkness shot towards him. Margit dodged most of the orbs, but was hit in the chest by two of them.

"ARGH!" Margit screamed in pain.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I cut Margit with the ornate blade; Margit quickly created a golden knife in his left hand and slashed me in the stomach and chest. 

"AH!" This hurt more than it should. Is this knife holy? 

Wasting no time, I cast Dark Hail right in front of Margit; he was pushed back by the shards of solid darkness piercing his body. I took the chance to get away from him, as I was about to drink a flask of estus, a golden knife came towards me piercing my hand and flask.

"Don't think I'll give you any chance to heal." Margit exclaimed

Shit! These flasks are hard to find!

Margit ran towards me, unleashing a flurry of strikes. I did my best to block and dodge, but as he finished his attack, Margit created a golden knife again, and kept his relentless attack. 

I received small cuts all over my body, when he stopped, I cast Whispers of Despair. Margit braced himself for some kind of pain, but nothing happened. 

"Should that have done something?" He asked scornfully. 

"Believe me, it did!" I used Dark Greatsword, the blade of darkness made a deep cut in Margit belly, followed by an explosion of darkness. Margit fell to the ground but got up quickly. 

"Well, you have exceptional skill; warrior blood must run through your veins undead."

Margit created a Warhammer and in a burst of speed, hit me in the chin, flinging me backward towards the stone tunnel. My vision darkened for a moment and I think I lost some teeth. 

I need to avoid dying as much as possible. I don't have the crowns. I risk becoming Hollow with each death. What should I do? I know! I took the bell that Renna gave me out of my bag and rang it; three wolves appeared in front of me and ran towards Margit.

 "Hm... You know how to summon spirits, but that won't help you."

While Margit was fighting the wolves, I used my flame to cast Warmth and took two life gems out of my bag, I was healed slowly. I can't risk breaking another flask. Margit is strong; he is poisoned, and with his defense reduced, but still fighting. 

Time to change weapons, I put away my staff and sword, and took out the Golden Halberd, I could feel it, this halberd has an ash of war. Come on Alden, focus! 

I raised the halberd and a golden symbol formed in front of me. I felt stronger, but I didn't stop there. Using my flame, I cast Flaming Weapon, enveloping the halberd in flames.

 "Are you done with your pathetic attempts? Just accept your fate." Margit said, dispatching the last wolf. 

Rude! "Believe me, I'll end this soon!"

"You fool!" Margit ran towards me, exactly what I wanted, I cast Flame Swathe, a small fireball appeared between Margit and me, he tried to stop his run, but it was too late. 

The fireball spun and exploded in his face. I ran through the smoke of the explosion. With the halberd in flames, I pierced the spot where I thought Margit was.

Suddenly I stopped; I saw Margit's hand holding the halberd's hilt. For a moment, I thought my plan failed, but when the smoke cleared, I saw that the spike of the halberd pierced Margit through his heart.

Then Margit began to disappear in golden particles "I will remember you, undead, you and your cursed sorcery. Burning with your scanty flame, cower in fear of the night. The hands of the Fell Omen will not tolerate you." 

He disappeared, I received runes and a bag, but I didn't feel any soul entering my body, Margit still lives, and the castle is just ahead, let's see what awaits me.

I touched the grace on the bridge and walked the staircase to the castle, the place was a mess. There was another site of grace at the castle gates, I touched it. I think I'll get some rest.


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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