45.42% Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts / Chapter 129: Chapter 128 "The History of Walpurgis Knights"

บท 129: Chapter 128 "The History of Walpurgis Knights"

Dumbledore maintained a stoic silence, fixing his gaze directly into Skyler's eyes. After a pregnant pause, he posed a question, "Skyler, have you ever come across the 'Knights of Walpurgis'?"

Skyler's response was instantaneous; he froze for a moment before nodding in understanding. A testament to his discernment, he had quickly grasped Dumbledore's intended meaning.

"Professor, what do you imply?" Skyler inquired. "Are you suggesting a connection between the Hohenheim family and the Knights of Walpurgis?"

Dumbledore's eyes gleamed with a certain intensity. "You are acquainted with the Knights of Walpurgis, I see," he acknowledged. "I have been monitoring this organization for an extended period. Initially, I suspected it to be a faction allied with Voldemort due to its intricate ties with the pure-blooded families of Great Britain. However, my intelligence network revealed a different narrative."

"The Knights of Walpurgis predates Voldemort's existence and has left its mark on significant global wizarding conflicts, including the tragic war that swept the wizarding world led by Grindelwald at the turn of this century," Dumbledore continued.

"I diligently pursued their trail and discovered that their influence extended beyond Britain. Many pivotal international events in the past century, and even earlier, bear their clandestine involvement – from the goblin rebellion in the eighteenth century to the Italian civil war in the seventeenth century and the genocide of the blood-sucking royal family in the fifteenth century. They operate like a venomous serpent lurking in the shadows, poised to strike at opportune moments."

"While concrete evidence may be elusive, my conviction is rooted in numerous compelling reasons," Dumbledore declared in a grave tone. "The pure-blood families of Great Britain merely scratch the surface; I believe that many ancient pure-blood families across Europe, North America, and even Africa may count themselves among its members. Among them," Dumbledore paused significantly before stating with solemnity, "the Hohenheim family and the Moreau family are implicated."

Enough of this! Skyler felt like he didn't want to keep everything to himself anymore, so he decided to share what's been bothering him toward Dumbledore.

The pursuit of power and the six intriguing books we've discussed are merely appetizers. The real focus of our conversation is the reason the old man with the white beard finds himself in this situation today.

Skyler responded with a disdainful snort, "Professor, are you familiar with the 'Ghost Society' at Hogwarts? They're the clandestine student organization carrying on the legacy of the Walpurgis Knights. And, just so you know, they have a bit of unfinished business with me. Consider it a small holiday gift!"

A shadow crossed Dumbledore's eyes at the mention of the "Ghost Society," triggering memories of Voldemort. Originally known as the Knights of Walpurgis at Hogwarts, this organization served as a breeding ground for quasi-Death Eaters under Voldemort's influence.

However, it underwent a transformation, renaming itself the Ghost Society after the suppression of Armando Dippet and his two lieutenants. Despite its disappearance over the years, it had clearly resurfaced without Dumbledore's notice.

He sighed, a tangible sign of the weariness settling in. Perhaps he truly was growing old. The realization hit him like a wave. Harry's development fell short of expectations—was it wise to continue placing all his hopes on the prophecy?

"I haven't dealt with them yet. I didn't think they'd resurface..." Skyler's tone turned icy. "Since they've dared to come knocking, I might as well use this opportunity to remind them that the Malfoy family is not to be trifled with."

In Skyler's mind, he was almost certain that these two formidable female warriors were after him. After all, the prominent adversaries in the original book were undeniably Victor Krum and Fleur Delacour!

And he happened to be the most significant variable in this world. Unless there are other unknown transversers in this realm, it is solely oneself capable of dismantling the original plot.

The lingering question is: what is the purpose of the Knights of Walpurgis for themselves?

The Ghost Society had targeted him, but he refrained from retaliating. Gemma initiated the attack in the initial encounter, yet her actions were marked by evident mercy. She deliberately disclosed a wealth of information before striking—despite the severed friendship, Skyler harbored no genuine desire for revenge.

As for Hogwarts, the Knights of Walpurgis scattered across Europe had never laid a finger on the institution.

The perplexing aspect was the sudden reappearance of these two dormant, discreet, and enigmatic families. What had they done to incur such vehement animosity?

He considered a possibility.


For Skyler, understanding the motives of the other party was paramount at this juncture. An embryonic conjecture had already taken root in his mind.

"Skyler, exercise caution," Dumbledore warned. "The involvement of how many pure-blood families lurk behind Walpurgis and the extent of their power has always been shrouded in mystery. The Global Wizarding War of that year implicated, at the very least, pure-blood families from Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria..."

"Had it not been for the affluent families contributing funds and manpower, the war wouldn't have escalated into a protracted conflict, spanning across all of Europe and even reaching North America..."

"Just as the saints suffered defeat, I anticipated that Walpurgis would be severely weakened, yet they resurfaced in the conflict led by Voldemort mere decades later..."

"Their power's background is likely more formidable than we initially assumed," Dumbledore remarked, his eyes flashing with insight. "Even if, one day, its historical roots trace back to an era predating Hogwarts, I wouldn't consider it an accident."

"But, more crucially, you must comprehend the current situation," Dumbledore emphasized. "Now that you're acquainted with the details of the other two warriors, I can rest easy. Exercise caution and refrain from unnecessary bravado. If you find yourself in peril during the game, extricate yourself promptly to ensure your safety..."

"Don't fret, Professor," Skyler assured with a smile. "Leave it to Potter! I believe he needs to grasp this more than I do."

Dumbledore didn't pursue the topic regarding Potter, maintaining a poker-faced expression that concealed his thoughts.

He blinked. "Returning to our earlier discussion," Dumbledore resumed. "Most of the other six books are missing..."

"The crucial volumes vanished with the passing of the revered," Dumbledore continued, "with the 'revered' mainly denoting the magic of the [omitted] school. I suspect that this particular tome is in the possession of the [omitted], a clandestine organization surviving underground. They exclusively recruit wizards proficient in [omitted] magic, and a significant portion of their membership consists of [omitted]."

"Abatel is comprised of eight volumes. Apart from the one in my possession, the whereabouts of the other volumes elude me. However, rumors suggest that the Prewett family, an elusive lineage concealed from the world for centuries, supposedly holds two volumes of Abatel. It appears they adhere to some ancestral precepts, aiming to complete the entire set of eight volumes."

"The [omitted] is in the possession of the [omitted], constituting the core inheritance of [omitted]. This inheritance is the linchpin that enables [omitted] to [omitted]."

[Omitted] is a wizard renowned as the sole practitioner of [omitted] in the magical world. This unique status is pivotal for various undisclosed reasons.

"As for the last book, [omitted], I've been unable to locate it, but a significant suspicion lingers in my mind. I suspect it is [omitted]. Regarding how this individual acquired the book, I'm genuinely clueless..."


Are there new forces at play? Have new families emerged?

[Omitted] Family... Prewett family... [Omitted]...

Perhaps accustomed to such revelations, Skyler found it challenging to be stirred. The well-informed Skyler understands that the realm of wizardry boasts families with extensive legacies beyond the Holy 28 pure-blood families.

He has long been aware that some discreet and mysterious wizarding families exist, evading widespread recognition. While these families may not be in the limelight, their heritage is nothing short of remarkable.

Much like the obscured heritage of [omitted], the envy and jealousy surrounding it are palpable. Skyler, well-versed in the plot, understands that Dumbledore may still harbor undisclosed information—[omitted] 's inheritance goes beyond what meets the eye. In the second part of the Fantastic Beasts movie, Dumbledore explicitly mentioned that [omitted] Bloodline inheritance gives birth to individuals with the ability to [omitted], encompassing potent [omitted] as well as those with unique but seemingly weaker abilities.

(Note: [Omitted] is the author's private translation.)

Take, for instance, the Potter family, tracing their lineage back to Linfred in the twelfth century. Ostensibly known for inventing the bone-revitalizing elixir, the flu-curing effervescent potion, and the hair-smoothing lotion (the one Hermione used at the prom), these patents have accrued significant wealth for the family.

Despite the impression that their success relies solely on these patents—either sold or already expired—the truth is different. Linfred's eldest son, Hardwin Potter, discreetly married the granddaughter of the third brother of Peverier, thereby acquiring the inheritance of the fabled invisible cloak of death.

Hence, the existence of hidden families in the wizarding world is not surprising.

"Alright," Dumbledore handed the book to Skyler. "Accept it, my boy! You need it, and I need you to trust your headmaster—"

Dumbledore playfully blinked and added, "Consider this book the inception of our mutual trust-building!"

Skyler accepted the book. "Abatel" had been an invaluable aid, and the first three volumes alone had significantly elevated his current strength. This was especially pertinent given his current focus on Transfiguration and how to deal with Metamorphosis, with "Abatel Change" proving timely in his studies.

["Abatel Volume Four" acquired!]

"I've delivered what I needed to share with you today," Dumbledore stated, concluding the meeting. "Do you have any questions for me?"

After a moment of contemplation, Skyler spoke, "Professor, I want to inquire if there's any way to crack it."

Dumbledore paused briefly before responding, "Yes, unless you [omitted], you will never be able to crack it. Why this sudden interest?"

Skyler replied earnestly, "I've uncovered the truth about Meredith's abduction. The Shadow Dragon is, in fact, an organization established by the black witch Morgan Le Fay in the 10th century. I've learned that Morganna practiced Animagus magic, ensuring her soul's persistence. Meredith, strictly speaking, belongs to her descendant bloodline, serving as a potential vessel for her resurrection."

Dumbledore's brow furrowed deeply. "Resurrection magic? This..."

"This sounds rather intricate!" Dumbledore declared solemnly. "There are numerous dark arts involving possession, but most can only attach to a container for a short duration due to the inherent repulsion between the container and the soul. As far as I know, there is only one method to truly merge the soul of the host—"


Skyler urgently inquired, "So, Professor, what happens after the fusion? Will Meredith's soul still endure?"

"Sorry, Skyler," Dumbledore's eyes betrayed a hint of distress, his voice softening as he replied, "The stronger soul will engulf the weaker one. If your information is accurate, and the other party is indeed the Black Witch from a thousand years ago—there's no doubt that Meredith's soul will be consumed."

Despite being mentally prepared, Dumbledore's response hit Skyler like a bomb. His heart felt as if it had plummeted into an ice-cold cellar.

Observing Skyler's visibly distressed expression, Dumbledore couldn't help but exhibit a complex gaze. He saw through the facade and was confident in his assessment.

Though Skyler maintained a stoic demeanor, a fleeting glimpse of genuine sorrow betrayed his eyes. This child wasn't Voldemort. Regardless of his remarkable abilities, he was just a child.

Simultaneously, doubts lingered in Dumbledore's mind about how Skyler took that decisive step. Could it be that he completely misunderstood... that Skyler hadn't severed the soul's ties at all?

An even more ludicrous notion surfaced involuntarily. Had this kid trodden a different magical path altogether? Was it possible?

"The silver lining," Dumbledore softly comforted Skyler, "is that **** magic is an inherently time-consuming process. It necessitates two distinct phases of **** and ****..."

"To **** signifies a process of ****. During this stage, the body undergoes continuous transformations, gradually resembling the appearance of the resurrected person. However, it won't be an exact match but an intermediate stage between the resurrected and the host. The **** phase is crucial, requiring the resurrecter to engage in ********, borrowing the power of *** to ********."

Skyler struggled to voice his query, "Professor, please be direct. How much time do I have?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "I'm afraid I cannot provide a definitive answer. It depends on how long Meredith's will can withstand her—" As if unable to witness Skyler's anguish any longer, he diverted his gaze toward the small lamp on the ceiling. "But I fear, you may not have much time left!"

Skyler didn't recall how he bid farewell to Dumbledore or how he retraced his steps to the dormitory room.

Always composed and shrewd, he now appeared soulless, lost in a fog of confusion. He didn't change his clothes, lying on the bed with unblinking eyes fixed on the ceiling.

He dared not close his eyes, apprehensive that shutting them would expose him to Meredith's heartbroken visage.

Suddenly, his magical power surged, coursing through his mind, infusing it with a chilling clarity that jolted him awake. Skyler marveled at the self-awareness and protective nature of his magical power.

It had the capacity to safeguard and alert the host, a trait he had experienced before when Merlin attempted to amplify his greed and entice him with magical artifacts.

He tightened his fist, muttering to himself, "What am I doing? There is still hope for Meredith, I can't give up here!"

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he deduced that Meredith's likely location was Shafiq's old house, a place seemingly impenetrable unless the secret was divulged—an assertion both Dumbledore and Voldemort corroborated.

Unable to infiltrate, Skyler resolved to lead people out. Three known members of the Shadow Dragon exist: Moody, Mrs. Shabini, and Mrs. Selwyn. Moody, however, was off-limits due to his potential involvement in Voldemort's plans, complicating matters.

"In that case," Skyler's eyes gleamed, "that leaves Mrs. Shabini and Mrs. Selwyn..."

A plan crystallized in his mind, but before executing it, he needed assurance that his strength could contend with unknown adversaries. After all, enhancement of strength was imperative!


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