74.16% The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows / Chapter 200: Chapter 199 *R18*

บท 200: Chapter 199 *R18*

[Third Person's PoV] 

"You know, ever since we've started you've been trying to oppose me. If I didn't know any better I would have thought you wanted us to pledge ourselves to this Shadow Person." Akira said narrowing his eyes towards Cid, "You just appeared out of nowhere, no one truly knows your background, who says you aren't here to convince us to service this 'Shadow'" 

Cid just rolled his eyes, "Accuse me all you want dude, it doesn't change the fact of what I said was correct. Go on, prove me wrong. Prove that you aren't just trying to accuse me to change the subject so people don't realize how much of a moron you truly are" 

"YOU!" Akira said, standing up abruptly gritting his teeth.

 Cid stepped closer, a wisp of his mana escaping from his mana, "Me what. Did someone forget how to use their words properly too" 

"Alright! That's enough out of you two!" Captain Haitani said in an authority voice, "I know everyone is on edge with all that is occurring, but we still have 7 days to come to a conclusion. Everyone can go back and rest and think about this subject at your own pace. Everyone is dismissed!" 

Everyone began standing up and walking about the room. Akane turned towards Cid and said, "don't worry about my brother, I'll try and convince him that you aren't with them. He'll listen to what I have to say" She said before chasing after her brother. 

Once everyone left, Cid was walking through the halls looking at Zeta in confusion, "Where's the real you at? Why are you here as a shadow clone?"

"I'm secretly following Lambda and her group, I'm going to be spreading our lord's divine teachings, to the lost souls that she finds…" 

"Ah huh… You don't need to keep the shadow clone, I'll cover for you…" Cid sighed. 

Zeta nodded and melted into a shadow, Cid shook his head and went towards his room. When he entered and closed the door his shadow expanded and out came Alpha. 

However, upon seeing Alpha he froze, Alpha was sitting on her knees, her stomach bulging and looking towards Cid with a smile, "Master… Your breeding Slut is here to please you…" 

"Alpha… What are you doing… and why are you naked?" 

"A week has passed in your shadow already, we missed you… Especially me… You're cruel Master, leaving your pregnant hormonal wife alone with her desires. So to get Your attention I'm doing this" 

"Right… Sorry about that, just one thing. Why Is your stomach already growing so large?" 

"Its suppose to be smaller so that's what happens when you're having twins" 

Cid almost choked upon hearing that, "Twins!?" 

Alpha held her stomach affectionately, "I can them inside of me…" 

'Holy shit she's right…' Cid thought sensing the two life-force. However before be could say anything else Alpha began to crawl towards Cid. 

Cid saw the lust in Alpha's eyes as she sent and pushed Cid towards the bed. "But right now… My insides are feeling really tingling, missing you." Alpha muttered with heated breath as she went and pulled down his pants. 

Cid wanted to at first protest, but seeing her look of hunger, he decided to let her continue. 

Alpha went and grabbed Cid's cock, it was still hard and ready. She gave it a few light pumps before she licked from the bottom all the way to the top. Then she proceeded to take all of it in her mouth and down her throat, then slowly bobbing her head.

Cid groaned feeling her warm moist mouth.

Alpha took it out and began licking all around his balls, gently sucking each one. She then took him back in her mouth and sucked harder and faster,

Cid went and grabbed her hair putting in a ponytail, then pushed her head down deeper.

Alpha gagged at the action, but continued nonetheless, going as deep as she could and taking him in her throat.

She looked up towards Cid's eyes, making sure he was watching her as she worked on his member.

Cid stared at her, her face red and her mouth filled. He couldn't help, but get turned on by her actions. Cid had his hand on her head, guiding her and pushing her to go further down his shaft.

Alpha began moaning sending vibrations to Cid's cock. She then used her free hands to start massaging his balls.

Cid felt her tongue swirl around his shaft, licking every inch of him. Cid couldn't help, but moan feeling Alpha's tongue swirl and lick his balls and shaft, he felt himself reaching climax.

Alpha was enjoying herself and was pleased that Cid was getting turned on. She could feel her own pussy getting wetter and wetter as she was giving her master a blow job.

Soon after, Cid grabbed her head and thrusted his cock into her mouth and shot his load straight into her throat.

Alpha happily swallowed all his cum and pulled his dick out of her mouth, cleaning it off. Once finished, she then stood up and crawled on top of Cid. Her pussy dripping with her love juices.

She then slowly and sensually climbed on top of Cid's still erected penis.

She moaned, feeling the familiar length stretch her, she then started rocking her hips. Cid groaned as his cock was squeezed and stroked by her pussy. Her pussy was wet, slimy, and sticky, due to how turn on she was.

Alpha began increasing her speed, going up and down his length, while rubbing her breasts.

She began panting, moaning, and squealing, as her body rocked on his cock. She felt Cid's dick, hitting her deepest spots, the pleasure was overwhelming.

Feeling Alpha's pregnant stomach against his turned him on even more, he then sat up, wrapping his arms around her and began fondling her breasts.

Alpha yelped in surprise, but then began moaning louder as Cid began kneading and massaging her breasts.

He then began sucking on her nipple and biting gently. Alpha moaned feeling her breasts being toyed with, she began to move her hips more wildly and roughly.

Cid could feel Alpha's juices covering his cock, he then switched to her other breast.

He then felt Alpha's vagina tighten around his penis, squeezing and pulsing.

Alpha was going crazy with the stimulation, her pussy was burning up and she was starting to see white.

Cid continued to suck on her breasts and then moved down to her stomach, rubbing her pregnant belly. This sensation made Alpha even hotter, she couldn't take much more.

Alpha began moving her hips up and down as fast as she could. She was now screaming at the top of her lungs. Alpha then suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs as her orgasm came. Her body trembled, her hips shook, and her legs gave out, if it weren't for Cid holding her up, she would have fallen.

Her juices spilled out and covered his penis and legs. However, they were far from finished, Cid then laid her down and got on top.

Alpha was breathing heavily, her mind hazy and her vision blurry. But she knew what was about to happen and was excited for it. Cid grabbed her legs and put them over his shoulder and thrust into her,

Alpha gasped and screamed, she could feel him so much deeper inside of her. Cid didn't hold back and began pounding her relentlessly, her pussy was gripping his cock so tightly.

Her vagina was squishing and squeezing, her juices spilling out and staining the bed sheets. Alpha's stomach was bouncing, her breasts following along, the stimulation was too much for her.

She was now screaming her lungs out, her tongue was hanging out, her face was flushed, her eyes were rolled up, her body was trembling, and her hips were shaking.

Alpha couldn't think, the only thing in her mind was her master's penis. Cid was now pounding her like a wild animal, he could feel her pussy squeezing his cock.

Suddenly Alpha's walls began to tighten even more and she felt another orgasm approaching. She screamed out in ecstasy, her body was shaking and trembling. Her pussy tightened up even more and she could feel Cid's cock swell and throb.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her, his cock going as deep as possible. With one final thrust, Cid exploded inside of her and Alpha screamed in pleasure, as her pussy was filled with his cum.

บท 201: Chapter 200

A/N: 200 chapters... We have made it to 200 chapters...

(In Toby's, from Naruto, voice) : "I can't believe it!"

Really proud of myself for not quitting on this story and making it to 200 chapter, I want to thank everyone that's been here and stuck throughout everything ❤


[Third Person's PoV] 

Cid and Alpha lay in bed, Alpha as the little spoon and Cid as the big spoon. Cid had his hand on Alpha's stomach, while Alpha rested her hand on his, leaning back toward him with a contented smile.

"Twins, huh?" Cid asked again, making Alpha chuckle.

"You've asked me that like a million times already. Yes, they're twins," Alpha laughed, unable to hide her amusement at Cid's surprised expression.

"Yeah, but we're talking about twins here. That's a big deal... What would we name them? Who gets to name which one? What if it's a boy and a girl, or two boys, or two girls?"

Alpha shifted, turning to face Cid and cupping his face in her hands. "Are you going to be this nervous for all the kids you have with everyone?"

"Absolutely. Just because I'll have many children doesn't mean I won't care for every single one of them."

Seeing Cid's serious expression, Alpha squealed softly, her elven ears twitching with happiness. She leaned forward, stealing a kiss from his lips. "You're simply the best..." She then pressed her forehead against his. "I'm really glad you're the one who's going to be the father of my children..."

Cid closed his eyes and gave her forehead a quick peck before resting their foreheads together again. "And I'm glad you're going to be their mother, someone they can really look up to. A woman among elvenkind."

Alpha blushed, smirking. "You smooth talker..."

Cid gently made Alpha look him in the eyes. "Alpha, I love you," he said, his face serious and full of affection.

"Wha—what's that all about?" she mumbled, a smile spreading across her face as her eyes sparkled.

"I just feel like even though I have these feelings for you, I don't express them enough. And you don't hear it as much as you deserve," Cid shared.

"Hehehe~" Alpha giggled happily and placed her hand on her stomach once more. "You don't have to worry about that. I have the physical manifestation of your love growing inside me. In fact, it was so large it managed to split into two."

Cid couldn't help but chuckle at her words, kissing her again. Their kiss slowly grew more passionate, as they held each other's faces, though it was filled with love, not lust.

After the kiss, their lips remained connected for a while before Cid felt something wet on his hands. Opening his eyes, he saw tears streaming down Alpha's face.

"Is everything okay?" Cid asked, wiping away her tears.

"These are tears of joy, don't worry," she said, half-laughing, half-crying, making Cid let out a sigh of relief. Alpha wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.

Cid ran his fingers through Alpha's hair, comforting her as she let out all her happy tears. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her. Even though he didn't need sleep, he still found comfort in it. So, Cid used his God rune to stop time and happily slept with Alpha in peaceful silence.


After a good rest, Alpha sat at the edge of the bed, putting on her bra and panties, while Cid watched her, resting on his arm, laying flat on the pillow.

"Does watching me change entertain you that much?" Alpha teased.

"When does it not?" Cid teased back, and they both chuckled.

Alpha stretched her arms as her slime climbed up her body, forming her usual dress—now altered to accommodate the bump around her belly.

She leaned down toward Cid, holding her stomach, and tucked her glistening blonde hair behind her elven ears. She gave him one last kiss, smiling. "Bye, love you."

"Love you too. I'll be coming down there more often now, so expect to see me a lot."

Alpha pressed her hands together as she smiled, her shadow swirling around her. "Then your breeding slut will be happily waiting for her master to return so he can fill all her holes!"

Cid choked on his next words as Alpha vanished into her shadow, disappearing into the shadow realm.

"Where the hell is she learning these things from? Who is teaching my pure, innocent Alpha such words..." Cid grumbled as he got up from bed. 

"So, what did he say?" Aurora asked, looking at Alpha in amusement.

Alpha giggled. "You should have seen the look on his face—he was speechless. Hehehe, teasing Master is so much fun..."


Cid sat at the edge of his bed with his hands at his sides and sighed. With a quick snap of his fingers, he was refreshed and dressed in pants and a black muscle shirt.

'I wonder if Akane's gotten kidnapped yet,' Cid thought with a small smile as he got up and began heading out.

He was casually walking through the halls of the school when he came to a corridor by the large windows and looked out toward them in amusement. 

As he looked out the window, Cid stuck both his fist out and mimed rolling that he was reeling in something, before flipping his middle finger as if it were a joke. He covered his mouth in mock shock, but not even a second later, the windows shattered, and Cid's body was riddled with bullet holes, blood spraying everywhere as the force of the bullets knocked him to the floor.


"Arrogant prick," one of the snipers muttered, coughing.

"Tell me about it," another one scoffed.

"It was freaky when he looked in our direction, not gonna lie," the third sniper added.

"Are you sure you got him, though? You guys should check, just in case," an unfamiliar voice chimed in with amusement.

"That's what we were gonna do—" the sniper stopped mid-sentence, freezing as he realized he didn't recognize the voice.

They slowly turned toward the source and saw Cid standing behind them, wiggling his fingers in a casual greeting, one hand in his pocket.

"You... but, how?" the second sniper stammered.

The first sniper slowly stood up, gripping his gun tightly. Meanwhile, the third sniper aimed his weapon at Cid's head and fired without hesitation, sending blood and brain matter flying everywhere as Cid hit the floor with a thud.

"He really *was* an arrogant prick—UGH!" The third sniper coughed up blood, grunting in pain. He looked down to see a hand coming out of his chest, clutching his still-beating heart.

He dropped his weapon, vomiting blood, and slid off the hand to see Cid standing there, holding his heart in his hand.

"Look at that. And here I was wondering if you guys even had a heart," Cid said teasingly.

The first sniper abruptly stood up and aimed his gun at Cid, but before he could fire, Cid's figure distorted slightly and he vanished.

The second sniper stood frozen in fear, watching as Cid reappeared behind the unaware first sniper, his eyes glowing ominously in the dark. With a sickening crunch, Cid twisted the man's neck, dropping him lifeless to the ground.

Cid then drummed his fingers on his thighs, pursing his lips. "Well, I guess it's just you and me now..."

The second sniper immediately turned and bolted, but Cid casually held up a finger gun, supporting it with his palm beneath.

Cid stuck his tongue out to the side and closed one eye as he aimed. "Pew!" he mimicked the sound of a gun, and an air bullet sailed through the air, striking the sniper's neck and severing his head clean off, blood erupting from the wound.

Cid chuckled to himself, clearly amused. "That was actually kinda fun..."

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