14.76% The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows / Chapter 39: Chapter 39

บท 39: Chapter 39

[Cid's PoV]

It has been a week since classes officially started. And for the most part it has been relatively normal with nothing extraordinary going on.

I would most like leave a clone of myself here in the future since I could be doing something better with my time.

It was now past lunch time and I was in the training hall, where sword classes are taking place. For the past week I was mostly practicing the basics, and just the basics. But I was secretly surrounding my insides with gravity making this basic work out even more of a challenge.

Today it would appear that people are pairing up with each other for practice. Well I'll just continue to practice on my own.

When I went off to practice I felt a tap on my shoulders. Turning towards the person that tapped me, I find out that it's none other then the youngest princess of the Midgard Kingdom Alexia Midgard.

(Pic of Alexia)

[Third Person's PoV]

While Cid was practicing by himself Alexia tapped him in the shoulder.

Irritated from being disturbed, he turned towards her and asked "What do you want?"

Alexia taken aback by his attitude said "That's rude, I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Well ask your question and be done with it" Cid said as he resumed his previous exercise.

"Tch, you think you're so good don't you, well what I wanted to know was why do you only do the basics. I have been watching you for a week, I thought for certain that someone of your strength would be practicing flashier moves"

Cid while still practicing just side-eyes her before he says "Because they're the most important"

Alexia's eyes widen a bit at that "Why do you think they're the most important"

Cid's shoulder slump slightly as he mutters "So annoying"

Alexia clearly hearing him started getting annoyed but all she did was clench her sword slightly still awaiting his answer.

"The basics are the foundation to any and all swordplay, the more honed these bases are the stronger that foundation is going to be.

Sword fighting is like building a structure. If the foundation is all wonky then the entire thing can easily collapse and it'll get you nowhere. But if that foundation is strong and just gets stronger, no matter what anyone does, they wouldn't be able to even chip any side of the structure.

So the more I hone my basics the stronger my fighting style is going to be. And the more i can build my way around it, without having to worry about anything falling apart."

Alexia's eyes widen even further not expecting to hear of something so profound. "I see" she softly whispered.

She then walked a bit closer and demanded "Let's spar"

Cid just completely ignored her existence as if she wasn't there anymore.

Seeing him not responding, Alexia clears her throat and demanded once again "Let's spar"

Once again, to Cid it was like her existence wasn't registering in his head. He would just continue to swing his sword in perfect arcs without any wasteful movements.

Alexia, seeing the way Cid moved his sword was almost entranced with it. 

"Lets spar" Alexia demanded with more vigor.

Cid just closed his eye and breathed out "Just leave me alone, you're being a bother. You're supposed to be a princess so act like it. Go and be a pest somewhere else"

"Tsk. Stop being such a jerk, there is no reason for you to be acting like this. Just cause your sister taught you how to fight doesn't mean you can act like this with everyone you meet"

Cid stopped what he was doing and slowly turns his head towards her direction. And in a voice devoid of any emotions he asked "What did you just say?"

Alexia started to get goosebumps when she heard Cid but wanting to stand her ground she replied with "You heard what I said"

Cid just looked into her eyes, which freaked out Alexia even more. Cid then turned his body with his wooden sword still in hand towards her direction "Get in position"

"What" Alexia asked nervously

"Get. In. Position"

"Yes sir" she squeaked out as she got into her fighting position, separating a respectable distance between them.

Cid didn't give her a chance to attack first, he just casually swung his sword in her direction a bit but due to the force she was sent sliding back.

Cid then reappeared again infront of her and swung his sword with a bit more force making her drop her sword.

Cid just pointed his own sword at her while he just coldly said "Pick it up"

Alexia got more shaken up when she heard his cold voice and carefully picked up her sword. She then notice almost everyone stopped what they were doing and were now looking at her.

She slowly gulped when she saw all those eyes at her as she got into position.

Cid not caring about her predicament started attacking again.

Whether it was a forward slash or a sideways swipe, Cid didn't stop on his assault until both of their sword were broken.

When they broke he look directly into her eyes as he said "Don't assume things you don't know, my sister didn't teach me anything, my own skill and power come from my own efforts. I was the one that taught my sister. Not the other way around."

And with that Class soon ended and Cid started making his way towards his next class leaving Alexia with a broken sword in her hands with alot to ponder about.

While walking towards his next class a pair of students came up and blocked his way.

"Hey I heard you were Claire's little brother."

Cid didn't bother to listen to them.

He grabbed both of their head and slammed it onto each other completely knocking them out. Cid just walked around them like nothing ever happened and went about his day.

The next day....

Cid was seen sitting down just eating his lunch alone in the cafeteria.

Due to how he mostly beats up anyone that gets close to him. He has become somewhat of a loner. Not that he minded, he liked being alone.

While eating Alexia suddenly appears out of nowhere with a long tray of many different types of food.

"Mind if I sit here" Alexia asked with a smile.

Cid just ignored her as he continued eating.

Alexia seeing him not responding just sighed before sitting down infront of Cid and start lining up her food infront of herself.

Alexia then started to eat her food with her noble etiquette. While cutting her meat she just said "I'm sorry"

Cid stopped what he was doing and just raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry for spitting on your hard work. I shouldn't have said that even if it was true."

"Okay you're creeping me out. What is it that you want" said Cid putting down his own fork and knife.

A tick mark then formed on Alexia's head "What?, I can't apologize for my mistakes"

"With the way you were acting yesterday I would have thought you would throw around your title and demanded to be forgiven"

"What? Just how low is your opinion of me"

"Almost none existence, I barely know you, I literally just met you yesterday for the first time. Why would I have any opinions of you"

Alexia's cheeks then turned slightly red as she muttered "fair point"

She then adjusted her sitting position to appear more presentable. "I want to ask you for a favor"

"Of course you do" Cid said rolling his eyes

Alexia pretending she didn't see that just continued "Please teach me what you taught your sister, I know that you taught your sister because she's blood related and since I have no relation with you I have no right.

But I want to get stronger, so please help me"

Cid just looked at her for a bit longer "Why should I help you. Like I previously said I barely even know you."

Shadow_D_Monarch3 Shadow_D_Monarch3

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/YPVeBJKj

บท 40: Chapter 40


I was bored so I made a chapter hope you enjoy.


[Third Person Pov]

"I thought you would ask me that, that's why I brought this" Alexia said as she proceeded to take out a large bag of coins and put them infront of Cid on the table.

"I heard you guys come from a low noble household, so I would like to hire you to teach me what you know" Alexia said rather smugly, pleased with herself for thinking of something so smart.

Cid just looked at her unimpressed. "I'm not broke"

"What" Alexia asked in a stunned expression.

"I said I'm not broke, I can make good money so what you are offering is virtually something worthless in my eyes"

"But... but.... you come from such a small noble family, I thought that you were in need of funds. And thanks to my help you would be forever grateful that I would be helping you out with your money problems, that you would happily teach me"

"Sighhh, you really need to stop assuming things about me. You, yourself know that I'm strong, strong enough that you want me to teach you. Why would you think I am in need of money. Since I'm strong what makes you think I can't just go out and hunt rare creatures and sell their parts for money."

"I never really thought about it, I just thought you were one of those swords obsessed hermits, the ones that didn't have a life and only live by the way of the sword. And human interactions was like your worst enemy."

"How the hell you want me to teach you and then start insulting me to my face"

Alexia flinched slightly as soon as Cid said that and while blushing says "Sorry... but it's true"

Alexia then started getting fidgety in her seat "So what do you want"

Cid just went back to eating "what? I don't really want anything, you can't possibly have anything that I would want"

"So what is it that you want, I'm a princess, I can give you practically anything that you desire. I'm even willing to make the sacrifice of just going on one date with you"

Cid just looked at her in disgust "Ew" as he just went back to eating.

Alexia then slammed her hands on the table and stood up "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN EW?!"

Alexia's face then grew red when she noticed she grabbed the attention of everyone in the lunch room.

Her face grew even redder when she heard them start talking about them.

"Wow look, it looks like the princess and the Dark Prince are sitting alone together"

"Dark Prince? Why is that his nickname"

"Its due to his personality and looks, I mean look at him. He's so beautiful, ahhhh, I wish he would just take me and choke me against the wall."

"The hell is wrong with you, just continue what you were saying about his personality, I was really interested on why they would call him the dark prince"

"Huh? Oh right, he beats up anyone that bothers him, its only been a week since this semester started and I heard he already sent more than 20 people to the nurses office. Thats why people are too scared to even go and talk to him.

I mean I totally would go and talk to him. Maybe if I go and talk to him now he would grab me by the neck, slam me across the wall and tell me to stop bothering him *bites lip*"

"*sighhh* why am I even friends with you MacKenzie"...

Alexia sat back and with a red face asked "What do you mean ew, I'll have you know it would be an honor for you to even be in my presence. Just so you know, even though the week of this semester just started I have been already asked out by more than 10 people.

So me willing to sacrifice my time to go on a date with you should be something you should be extremely pleased about."

"The more you talk the more I just don't want to help you"

Alexia at this point starts panicking slightly seeing none of her plans working and so she resorts to her very last trick up her sleeve. Something she really doesn't want to do but since none of her previous actions weren't working, she has no choice...she pleaded.

She bowed her head just slightly "Please help me"

"What?" Cid asked not expecting Alexia to lower her pride for something like this.

"Please help me get stronger, I know you are strong, like really strong. I saw the way you delt with Zenon, I was there during the test. I saw just how easily you delt with him. You weren't even trying. After fighting him you said that he wasn't even trying but the way I saw it, you weren't even trying either."

"Sigh, why do you want to get stronger"

Alexia looked up and with a determined expression said "I want to win against my sister" Alexia's fist then tighten "I'm always being compared to her, no matter what I do. I hate it. So I'm going to grow stronger and defeat her infront of everyone and show them that I'm not just her sister I'm my own person as well"

Cid just closed his eyes and sighed. "Very well, but here's the thing I won't teach you anything specific. We would be sparring everyday in class and if you manage to pick something up from them good job towards you I guess.

But if you don't pick up anything, it's not my problem. You just suck and aren't meant to use a sword. Deal?"

Alexia hearing him pumped her fist "Yesssss"

"You seemed confident, that's good I guess"

"Please I'm great, of course I'm going to pick somethings up from our sparring sessions. Well what are you waiting, classes are about to start and I want to get started already"

Cid stood up and put away his tray and started following Alexia "I'm regretting this already"

Alexia walking ahead just scoffs "Oh please you're going to spend the rest of the afternoon with me, what more could you possibly want"

"To spend it by myself away from you"

"I'm fun to be around you don't know what you're talking about"

The two of them soon reached the training hall, and went and got changed onto their fighting uniform.

They both then stood at a respectable distance. "Enhanced your sword with magic so it doesn't break that quickly"

Alexia nodded and enhanced her sword. She then ran towards Cid and swung her sword towards him which he masterfully deflected, making a counter attack

Alexia seeing his counter attack tried to block it as well but got pushed back due to the force. She fixed her stance copying how he was standing and took off running towards Cid once again.

Cid didn't even attack using his sword, he used his leg and use a sweep under her feet knocking her down.

"Don't copy me, use a stance you are most comfortable with, using something you don't know while in the middle of a fight is suicide"

Alexia hearing him just smirked and offered her hand to help her up "I thought you said you weren't using words to teach me"

Cid just teased her back "Well I realize you were too dumb to understand actions and needed words to make you understand"

"Wha-" Alexia not expecting to get teased got stunned for bit before smirking once again and getting back into a fighting position she was most comfortable with.

While Cid did the same and they resumed their earlier sparring.

Whether it was on how to properly hold a sword, to how to use a proper footwork. Cid started teaching her all the basics she had previously messed up.

After a few minutes of sparring, more people started coming inside the room due to class starting but Cid and Alexia just ignored them.

With a smile on her face Alexia started absorbing everything Cid was throwing at her.

What Alexia didn't notice but Cid did however was the teacher Zenon watching them with narrowed eyes. Watching their every move carefully and what Zenon didn't notice however was a pair of purple glowing eyes watching him from the shadows.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 Shadow_D_Monarch3

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/W8h2tAKX

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