First and Foremost, I would like to offer a sincere apology for last chapters mishap and accidentally destroying and confusing the character personality.
As for the voting it was 110 No and 80 Yes, so unfortunately that means she isn't getting revived and turning into his exclusive maid....
~Omni pov~
"Wait so you're telling me, you have been making them stronger and stronger but you didn't do anything for me, I'm literally your sister I should have been your first choice when you decided to make them stronger" said Claire with her expression getting angrier by the second.
"Although they're very strong, you yourself have much more skill than them, I have been training you since we were little and I've been training them since I was 10, so yeah you are much more skilful. And you don't have to worry about not having the same upgrades as them, I was planning on doing it to you as soon as I told you about my other identity.
We could do it right here and now, if you want to that is" Cid said shrugging his shoulder.
"Of course I want to do it right now, what do I have to do?"
"Just sit down crossed legged on the floor"
Cid then proceeded to explain everything about how to form a mana core and it's functions. Claire was amazed of the ingenuity of it and couldn't believe Cid came up with something like that.
"Did you seriously come up with something like that, that is amazing and almost unbelievable"
Cid just gave her a confident smirk as he said "I know I know I'm amazing, you don't have to keep telling me that"
Claire then proceeded to start forming her own mana core, then when it formed into a crystal ball, she proceeded to bite down on her thumb and draw blood but before she could apply it Cid stopped her.
"Wait before you do that there's something you need to know. You see thanks to my powers and ability I'm technically immortal"
Claire hearing him went wide eyed and with her mouth wide opened she looked towards the girls looking for confirmation. Seeing all of them nodding their head reassuring her, she turned her head back at Cid looking at him in disbelieve.
Cid then continued "You see I can also share my immortality with people if I wanted too, and as you can guess the girls are immortal as well. So I'm going to be sharing my immortality with you as well"
Cid then proceeded to make a finger gun and puncture a hole in his chest right where his heart is a drew a drop of blood that was glowing faintly purple with power. As he did, the hole in his chest and heart quickly close leaving only the drop floating infront of him.
Cid then took and controlled the blood that came from Claire's finger and mixed it with his own and shot it towards her stomach.
After the mana explosion Claire kept looking at her hands and clenching her fist "I feel amazing"
Alpha and the girls just nodded their head, as Alpha said "Husband's power would do that to you"
Claire hearing her just closed her eyes and tilted her head as she grew a tick mark on her head.
"We're not done" Cid said
Due to their powers being connected when ever the girls store something in their shadow Cid has unrestricted access to it, since its connected to his shadow dimension.
And so with just a thought Cid pulled the corpse of the dragon and presented it to Claire.
"Aww man you hunted a dragon and I didn't get to watch, now that's seriously unfair." Claire pouted.
Cid just rolled his eyes as he finger gunned the chest of the dragon as blood started flowing out and on a cup he quickly made using magic.
Once he was done he put the dragon away and presented her with the cup of blood.
"Why would I need to drink this, that seems disgusting" Claire said while looking at the cup offered to her in disgust.
Cid's eye's then turned into dragon slits as he said "For power"
Claire then nodded and close her eyes, she then took a deep breath before chugging the thing whole.
After she was done she licked her lips and said "It wasn't that bad". Her eyes suddenly widen before she started rolling on the floor screaming in pain.
When the pain stopped Claire was just on the floor breathing heavily and said "Seriously *huff* you could have warned me *puff* that it was going to be that painful"
Cid just gave her a smile as he said "Nope"
And with that they finished her upgrade and quickly dropped her off close to the house where Cid proceeded to pretend he was always there.
As soon as she appeared the guards quickly called for the madam who proceeded to run outside and give Claire a big hug.
"How did you escape?" Asked the mom while looking all over Claire to see if she has any injuries.
Claire just came up with a bullshit excuse and said "Oh that, I just killed all the bandits."
The mom believing her just continued just hugging her.
Claire just backed away slightly and said "I have to get dress, since I have to go to school in the capital now"
The mother nodded her head and let her go.
As Claire passed her mother and then Cid she quietly said "come to my room after a minute"
Confused Cid just nodded and after walking around aimlessly for a few minutes Cid carefully came towards his sister's room.
When he knocked on the door he said "Hey Claire, it's me I'm coming in."
As soon as Cid enter he closed the door behind him and inside Claire was seen with her new school uniform bending over her study table.
Her panties were on the table and her skirt was lifted all the way fully exposing her private part.
As soon as Cid enter, Claire started shaking her hips as she said "Come let's have a quicky before I leave"
Cid stood there stunt for a bit before he proceeded to take a hold of his pants and walk towards Claire.
Cid came out of Claire's room with a satisfied expression as he adjusted his pants and strutted his way outside where everyone waited to say goodbye.
After waiting for a few minutes Claire came outside with a skip in her step and a satisfied expression.
The mother and father then started hugging Claire and wished her save travel. Which was followed by Claire hugging Cid and whispering in his ear "You better visit me secretly, I know you can, after all you built an organization and took down bad guys mostly across city's in a single night so you must have a teleportation ability"
Cid just smiled and nodded and with that Claire got on the carriage and as it drove away Claire stuck her head out and started waving goodbye.
Cid just shook his head and just as he was about to turn around and leave he heard something that caught his attention.
"Have you seen our granddaughter, she works in the estate as a maid and after her shifts she always comes home. But after yesterday she hasn't returned and we're worried about her"
Cid quickly looked towards where he heard the conversation. He saw an elderly couple hugging each other with tears in their eyes as they asked the guard that was guarding the front gates.
The guard just shook his head as he said "I don't know much but I heard there was a maid that went missing since yesterday and haven't heard from her. But she's only been missing for a day so maybe it's nothing to worry about"
The old man just nodded as they went away and as they started walking away the elderly woman broke down into tears as the old man comforted his wife while holding back tears of his own.
Cid just watched everything with an emotionless face hiding his true feelings on the matter and with his hands in his pockets started walking towards his room.
Once he arrived infront of his room he put his hand on the doorknob to open it but froze in place.
He then closed his eyes and softly exhaled while lowering his head before muttering "What have I done"
He then turned turned his head to the side and saw the apparition of the maid he mercilessly killed.
The maid was next to the door sitting down hugging her legs and her head in between them sobbing silently.
"Seriously what the fuck is wrong with me?"
Cid let go of the doorknob and crouched down infront of the girl he then wrapped his arms around her ghostly figure and sincerely apologize.
"I know apologizing isn't going to undo my previous actions and undo all the harm I caused you but I'm really really sorry"
Cid then sighed as he broke away the hug and put a hand on the girls head.
He then jokingly said "This is my first time so bear with me."
He then started using his power alongside his life magic reconstructing her body and brought her back alive.
When he was done he was still holding her head and said "You shouldn't be burden with the trauma of your death". He then started to erase her memories bit by bit of everything that happened previously.
Now the maid stood by his door with a pile of sheets on her hand and her head down still slightly unconscious.
Cid then went into his room and as he close the door to his room the maid slowly opened her eyes.
After blinking a bit she just tilted her head in confusion before just shrugging her shoulder and walking towards where she was previously going.
Cid was just laying in bed with a hand stretched out into the sky.
"Why did I do that" Cid said while looking at his hand.
He then summoned a black flame and started playing with it.
"Since when did I start seeing peoples life as something that can easily be disposed off and played with"
He then clenched the hand into a fist extinguishing the flame.
"I have become arrogant. My power has made me look at people's life like it's something I could do whatever I want with.
I seriously almost destroyed a family because of my childish whims.
Did I still see this world as just something of my imagination.... No, I new right from the start, This is a real world and not just some fantasy.
Man, the old man would have been disappointed with what I done.
This should be the first and last time I ever do that to someone so innocent" Cid said outloud and in all seriousness
Cid then put his arms down and just went to rest due to his mental exhaustion.
How do y'all think I did?
I am unfortunately a peoples pleaser,
So I decided to comprise... 🤷♂️kinda
I revived her, I used this as a type of character development, and from this moment forward the maid won't ever appear so it's like she's dead.
My own genius sometimes scares me.
A/N: This one's for you @Beamingkangaroo
[Cid's pov]
It's been 2 years since Claire has gone to school and alot of things have happened during the years.
For one Claire has become a full fletch member of Shadow Garden, raising through the ranks and becoming more powerful and skillful. With her strength coming to par with the 7 main members.
She started to get along with everyone in Shadow Garden and started to respect them as well once she saw the changes they were doing around the world.
One thing I didn't expect, which came off as something really unexpected and uncharacteristic was the amount of respect she gained towards Alpha.
Due to learning under Alpha for a bit, Claire saw her strength, her leadership skills, her charisma, and intelligence being constantly used. I mean it's not really unexpected that Claire came to respect her now that I think about it. My wife is great after all.
When Claire learnt that I was the one that came up with their name she demanded one too and to just get it over with I just named her Adelfi... sister, the literal definition of it is sister, am I ashamed of naming her that, no, no I'm not.
Apart from Claire, my relationship with the girls has been progressing smoothly and we have even crossed the line and it was a very good time.
I remember the time, when they had to leave for the capital the next day of Claire leaving, they all started crying and saying how much they would miss me.
They were all on top of me just bawling their eyes out, I had to constantly remind them that they could just as easily shadow travel to me whenever they miss me.
But to them it didn't matter, that they were still going to miss me. And so that they don't miss me they asked me to sleep and do it with every one of them, so it was a night to remember and cherish.
And so in that night they all lost their virginity. But that's a story for another time.
Now that I'm 15, it's time for me to go to the Capital and go to school as well.
Infront of the gates of the estate, mother is crying literal rivers of tears.
Okay now she's taking it too far.
"C'mon mother, you're embarrassing me"
Mother then let me go from her long hug and wiped her tears with her napkin.
The balding old man then came and patted me on the shoulder with tears glistening in his eyes as he said "Take care of your sister over there alright and go show them what it means to be a Kagenou"
I just rolled my eyes at that "Yeah, yeah, I got it old man don't worry. Anyways I better hurry before it's too late"
They both nodded and with a nod back I went and enter the carriage that arrived for me.
As soon as I entered and sat down, the driver got started and off we went towards the capital.
Half way towards the capital my shadow started moving, slowly Delta crawled out from under it and got on her knees infront of me.
"Delta honey, what are you doing?"
"Umm Delta got hungry, and Delta always gets full when she gets to drink your meats juices."
Delta then closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and stucked out her tongue in anticipation.
I shook my head at her antics, as I lowered my pants and took out my dick and brought Delta's mouth closer.
As soon as my dick touched her tongue it grew even more erect than it already was, when looking at Delta's previous actions.
When Delta felt my dick in her tongue her tail started wagging showing her emotion.
She closed her mouth slowly and started to slowly lick all around my shaft while bopping her head back and forth.
*slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp*
I had to but a sound-cancelling barrier due to the noise she was making.
"Ahhh, really Delta you really know how to use your tongue" I said while petting and playing with her head and ears.
"Hehehe *slurp* thank *slurp* you *slurp* booooosssuuu *ssssllluuuurrrppp*"
Damn Delta really started picking up the pace I could just feel how her tongue is coiling around my dick.
Delta who is very hungry goes even deeper and I start to feel the back of her throat wrap itself around my tip making it even more sensitive.
*Gulk* *Gulk* *Gulk* *Gulk* *Gulk* *Gulk* *Gulk*
Shit, she really is good, I'm close. I grab her head and push my dick even further down her throat and say "I'm cumming Delta, here take it all, like the good girl you are"
*Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt*
*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*
As my dick slowly escaped her mouth Delta let out a satisfied sigh "Aaaah, Delta alway satisfied after bosses milk. Delta wants just one more."
Unfortunately we are close to the capital so I have to stop her with a kiss on the forehead.
"Sorry Delta, I'm about to get off"
"But, but, but, what is Delta supposed to do" she said giving me the puppy dog eyes.
I just chuckle and shake my head at her antics. "If you're still hungry you can always go hunting."
Delta's ears and tail then droop down as she gain a downcast expression.
Seeing this I just sigh as I grab her chin and lifted her head "We can always finish this later"
"Promise?" She asked while pouting
I kiss her as I say "Promise"
Delta then nodded as she sank on her shadow leaving me alone with my dick out in the open.
I quickly re-adjust myself which was soon followed by a knock on the window by the driver. "Young master we have arrived".
I look out the window and see that, that was indeed the case the carriage has stopped right infront 'Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy'.
Seeing that I arrived I slowly step out and as soon as I did I seem to attract the attention of everyone due to my height and good looks. I'm 6'3 pretty tall for a guy my age.
The girls slowly went and started whispering into each others ears "Who's that" "I don't know but he's so hot" "does he belong to an influential family" "you think he's single"
While the boys just kept staring daggers just wishing I go explode and die.
'Well this is it, the beginning of my school life in this world.'
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