75% The Never Ending Market. / Chapter 32: Emil...

บท 32: Emil...





[W5 (HOTD]

 [Uluru, Australia]

As the helicopter's rotors slowed to a halt in the vast expanse of the Australian desert, the door opened, and a man in a sleek suit emerged. Flanked by a pair of equally well-dressed bodyguards, he was approached by another sharply dressed individual who bowed slightly.

"He is waiting for you, sir," the greeter said, gesturing towards the natural wonder that doubled as a meeting place.

"I know," the man replied curtly. He proceeded towards a hidden passage within the iconic rock, the natural red hues of Uluru giving way to a dimly lit tunnel that led deep into a secretive chamber.

Navigating through the maze-like pathways, he arrived at a heavily guarded room. The guards, recognizing him, immediately opened the door, revealing a sophisticated setup inside, a long table dominated the center, surrounded by high-backed chairs, with a giant screen positioned strategically at the back of the room.

"You're late, Wilson," called out one of the figures seated at the table, a slight edge to his tone.

Wilson grumbled under his breath as he walked towards the one vacant seat. "Calling us all here, including me from the other side of the globe. This better be important, Morgan," he said, addressing the man at the head of the table as he settled into his chair.

A chuckle came from across the table. "Oh, you just don't want to leave your bed, admit it," teased a woman with a sharp gaze, drawing a smirk from some of the others.

"What are you trying to imply, Alessia?" Wilson retorted, narrowing his eyes. "I'll have you know that I'm ranked higher than you."

She shot a glare at the man "Just because you are above me in the ranks, doesn't give you the right to call me by my first name." 

"That's enough, both of you," intervened Morgan, his voice silencing the burgeoning squabble. "We have a matter to discuss."

Morgan clicked a few keystrokes on a keyboard, causing the screen to flicker before it displayed a paused video. Without answering directly, he pressed play. The footage, shot from a cameraman's point of view, jittered alarmingly as it captured a tall creature charging across a bridge. The camera shook violently, mirroring the operator's terror before the feed cut to black.

He paused the video at the moment of chaos. The room fell silent, the members absorbing the gravity of the scene. Wilson, clearly agitated, stood abruptly, his chair scraping harshly against the floor. He slammed his hands down on the table, leaning forward menacingly. "So? You're telling us about a mutation? I've already seen this, Morgan." His voice was laced with frustration, echoing around the room, his eyes narrowed in clear displeasure at what he perceived as a waste of his time.

Another figure at the table, who had been quietly observing the proceedings, shifted in his seat. With a disapproving frown, he interjected, "If you wanted it handled, you could have just sent orders directly to me instead of dragging us all here." Knowing the video was captured in his territory.

A third member, a woman with sharp features, leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed, and added, in a cold tone, "We traveled all this way just for you to highlight flaws in our operations."

The room's atmosphere thickened with tension, and several members began to rise from their seats in a mix of irritation and readiness to depart.

Sensing the rising tension, Morgan stood up and raised his hand, signaling for silence. "Wait," he commanded, his voice steady and demanding. The room fell silent, all eyes on him. He scanned the faces before him, each irritated on their own. "This isn't just about the mutation. There's a deeper reason for this assembly," he said, pausing to ensure he had everyone's full attention.

The room fell into a hushed anticipation as he continued. "In four days, we will be graced with the presence of the one we all ultimately answer to," Morgan revealed, the gravity of his words drawing a collective intake of breath from the group.

"What? It couldnt be."

"Is he really coming here?"

Morgan leaned back in his chair, his eyes sweeping across the room, capturing the reactions of his audience. The initial shock morphed into serious contemplation as everyone reassumed their seats, their focus sharpened, and all earlier distractions were set aside.

He waited for the murmurs to subside, ensuring he had the undivided attention of every participant. "I received a red envelope on my desk yesterday," he continued, his voice now steady and commanding. "I was instructed by those higher up to review the contents critically and prepare accordingly."

"Then, that creature is something Father is looking for?" One member said.

"Most likely." As Morgan replayed the footage, a sense of urgency settled over the room. The grainy image of the creature charging through the barricades and later ended abruptly as the cameraman retreated in fear, plunging the room into silence with the video's conclusion. The mysterious nature of the creature and its implications kept the attendees on edge.

"Father's interest in such anomalies is not without reason," Morgan continued, tapping a button to freeze the frame at a particularly revealing moment of the creature. "This mutation could be pivotal. Whether it's a threat or an opportunity is yet to be determined."

Whispers snaked through the room as the implications sank in. A member leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying through the hushed room. "If Father is taking personal interest, then that creature may hold something valuable within its being."

Another member, her voice tinged with concern, added, "Or a new phase of the cleansing plan. Whatever it is, it's big."

The room buzzed with speculation and a palpable tension as they pondered their next moves. Morgan raised his hands, beckoning for calm. "Let's not waste anymore time," he advised, "Our job is to gather all possible data on this and prepare a comprehensive report. Which is why I've given the order to the analyst team to deduce the video."

With a few keystroke clicks, the screen then shifted to display three distinct profile images "Adam Williams, Akemi Uchinaga, and Asahi Uchinaga. These individuals were present in the footage," Morgan explained as the room leaned in, studying the faces.

"Children?" someone murmured from the back, incredulity lacing their tone.

Morgan nodded slightly. "Yes, surprisingly young to be involved in such a critical incident, don't you think?"

"What are you trying to say, Morgan?" They raised a brow at the unexpected image.

As the screen zoomed in on Adam's image, Morgan continued, "Notice the body language here, this isn't mere fear. There's an element to his posture. It suggests familiarity, possibly repeated interactions with the creature."

The room fell into a contemplative silence, processing the implications. A member finally spoke, "Are we considering the possibility that these children might have insights into the creature's intelligence or even motives?"

A hushed murmur swept through the room as the implications settled. One of the members chimed in, her voice measured, "If they have indeed developed an understanding with the creature, it might suggest a level of intelligence or sentience in the mutation we hadn't anticipated."

"That's the angle we need to explore," Morgan affirmed. "Their firsthand experiences could prove invaluable. Unfortunately, their current whereabouts remain unknown, which brings us to the urgency of this gathering."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before adding, "Mr. Hanamura, given that the last known location was within your jurisdiction, your insights and resources will be crucial. We're also mobilizing additional teams to assist in the search of these individuals."

"It will be done," Mr.Hanamura nodded, his voice low but resolute.

"And the rest of you," Morgan continued, his voice amplifying to encompass the entire room, "are to assist him at all costs."

The assembled group responded with collective nods, signaling their agreement as they all rose from their seats.

As the room began to clear, Morgan turned his attention back to the giant screen; his fingers were busy rewinding, pausing, and playing the footage several times. He studied the expressions and movements of Adam, Akemi, and Asahi, the individuals at the center of this unfolding mystery.



[W9 (Pokemon)]

 [Kanto region, Team rocket HQ]

In the dimly lit office of Team Rocket's headquarters, three figures, clearly subordinates, entered hesitantly, their footsteps echoing slightly in the spacious room. As the door closed with a soft click, the only sound was the rhythmic tapping of the secretary's heels as she positioned herself by the impressive mahogany desk.

Seated behind the desk was the enigmatic leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni. His presence dominated the room, and the Persian perched regally on his lap only added to his imposing image. The Pokémon's eyes followed the subtle movement of the newcomers as Giovanni's hand moved methodically, grooming its silky fur.

Giovanni's gaze was piercing as he addressed the trio. "These images you sent," he began, his voice deep and measured, "what can you tell me about them?" His question was direct, cutting through any pretense as he sought to gauge their level of understanding of the phenomena.

Jessie was the first in the trio to speak. "S—sir! We stumbled upon it during our surveillance on those kids. We suspected it to be a new sort of Pokémon species that has not yet been cataloged. We believe it possesses significant abilities."

Standing slightly behind Jessie, James added with an urgency note, "Yes, and it was observed on Route 11. It seemed... different, as those children went inside of it."

Giovanni leaned back in his chair, stroking the sleek fur of his Persian. "Hm? So, you suspect it's a Pokémon?" he queried,

"M— Most likely!" Meowth declared, his eyes darting between Giovanni's penetrating gaze and the complacent Persian.

This information elicited a rare smirk from Giovanni, who pondered the strategic implications. "Well done for bringing this to my attention," he praised, 

"Thank you, sir!" Jessie, James, and Meowth chorused, their faces lighting up with pride.

Giovanni turned his gaze to the secretary, who stood poised at the side of the room. "Matori, arrange a video conference for all of Team Rocket members. We need to discuss a new operation," he instructed.

"Understood, sir," Matori replied efficiently, her hand reaching for her glasses to adjust them meticulously.

Returning his attention to the trio before him, Giovanni's expression turned serious. "As for you three, I have a special assignment. You, along with selected members, are tasked with capturing those three at all costs," he declared, underscoring the urgency of their new mission.

Jessie, James, and Meowth exchanged glances; their expressions were that of uncertainty. To think they would change from capturing pokemon to kidnapping children was unexpected.

"Dismissed, all of you," Giovanni stated. The finality in his tone underscored the seriousness of the mission. "Ensure you are prepared. This mission will not tolerate failure." His words sharpened towards the end, sending a chill down their spines.

Nodding stiffly, the trio turned and hastily exited the office, their steps quickening as they moved away. The secretary followed them out, her heels clicking rhythmically against the polished floor, leaving Giovanni alone with his thoughts and the serene purring of the Persian on his lap.

As the door closed, Giovanni's attention shifted back to the large screen dominating the back wall of his office. He leaned forward, a smirk curving his lips as he scrutinized the images displayed. The screen showed a picture of three children and a Pikachu standing before a mysterious door that seemed to lead nowhere, standing oddly in the middle of a trail.

"There's no doubt about it," he murmured. "You left so soon, and now you show your face once again." His eyes narrowed, not on the children or the Pokémon, but on the enigmatic door.



[W4 (Deathnote)]

 [Tokyo, Japan]

 [Yagami's residence]

In the dimly lit room, the constant hum of the computer filled the silence. Light Yagami, his focus sharp, knitted his brows in concentration as he typed relentlessly. The screen displayed numerous tabs open with articles about mystical portals, gateways, and liminal spaces. Behind him, Ryuk, the Shinigami, hovered as his gaze was on to the screen aswell.


+Light POV+


Light's gaze shifted briefly to catch Ryuk's reflection. 'It's been two days since it disappeared...' he thought, mulling over the events with unease. Speaking aloud seemed futile with Ryuk, who offered no insights or comments, only his typical, unsettling silence ever since he left through that door.

His eyes intensely scanned the data, searching for valuable leads amidst the overwhelming myths and folklore. Despite his growing fatigue, his resolve didn't waver; the mysteries he chased seemed ever elusive but all the more critical to unravel.

'Nothing but myth and folklore,' Out of all the articles, one of them stood out as the descriptions slightly fit the anomaly, a vague reference to the 'Gates of Giza'. Although the details were sparse, making it seem less credible, something about mentioning an ancient entryway piqued his interest. He clicked on another tab to review the images. The image of an arch in the middle of the desert with engravings of hieroglyphs was translated as a 'Place of Nourishment.' It seemed almost too coincidental as the texts mentioned gateways and endless realms. The origins are unknown as it was claimed to be a gift from the gods based on the old texts.

Just as he was about to dive deeper into the lore, Ryuk's gravelly voice sliced through the silence. "I'll tell you how to return to that place," he declared as it jolted Light out of his thoughts before slowly turning in his chair to face him. "And in exchange, you let me pass through."

Light's mind raced, analyzing the sudden shift in Ryuk's demeanor. "What's your catch, Ryuk? Why now?" he asked sharply, his instincts on high alert. It's been a few days since they last spoke, something wasn't right.

The answer given was more than enough to shock Light. After a brief pause, ryuk replied, "I want to meet an old ally of the Shinigamis."



[W8 (Cars)]

 [Radiator springs, Flo's V8 cafe]

In the usual afternoon, a group of cars gathered at the gas station, and a debate was ongoing among them. 

"But it's true!" Mater insisted as he gestured to a fancy can he had placed beside him. "I bought this can from that old garage outside of town, and I swear, a whole market was inside it!"

Ramone adjusted his paint job with a quick buff from his side mirror. "I don't know about that, man. The story itself sounds off."

Flo, who was refilling oil, chimed in with a touch of reason. "Mhmm, saying a whole darn market could fit inside that garage is waaayy out there."

Luigi stopped sipping from his fuel can and laughed at the notion, his accent adding flair to his skepticism. "Just say you bought this from someone off the highway, it will be more believable to what you say." Guido, beside him, nodded clearly in agreement.

Mater, undeterred by the disbelief, swung his hook animatedly. "No, no, no! Y'all gotta believe me! It was like somethin' outta one of them magic storybooks. There were stalls and lights and all kinds of things sellin', just inside that little garage!"

"That's enough, all of you," Doc commanded, instantly silencing the crowd. The old race car's presence always commanded respect, "Whatever it is you have going in that garage, keep to yourself, Mater," Doc continued. "I pass it every now and then. That garage is nothing but an old shell."

Just then an elderly Ford Model T, rolled up to the group, her body vibrating slightly from her old age but her spirit undiminished. "Actually, boys, Mater's not spinning tales this time," she declared, causing a ripple of surprise.

Mater perked up, his headlight brightening. "See! I told yall it was real!"

"And how exactly is that, Liz?" Doc aquired.

Lizzie faced the group, "Did you all forget who built this town? 

Murmurs of "Stanley?" filled the air as the group recalled the Radiator Springs' founder.

"Exactly!" Lizzie affirmed

"And what does that have to do with the garage?" Luigi chimed in, slightly annoyed that this conversation wasn't going anywhere.

Lizzie chuckled, a soft, gravelly sound. "Hold your horsepower, Luigi. I ain't finished yet." She turned her attention back to Mater. "Say, you bought a drink from that place?" She eyed the fancy fuel can on the ground beside mater. 

Mater nodded vigorously. "Yup! There was more to it too!"

"You don't say?" Lizzie's tone was playful. "Because all I know is that a bar took place in there. What more can a bar offer other than drinks?" She chuckled, amused by Mater's notion that there was more to the story.

"A bar?" Flo interjected,

"Yes," Lizzie confirmed. "Without that bar, Stanley would have never been able to build this town from the ground up."



[W10 (Naruto)]


Inside the cavernous system, an elderly man sat on a rock carved and shaped into a throne. Behind him, shadows played across the contours of the imposing Gedo statue.

"A door?" the elder questioned, his voice echoing slightly off the ancient stone.

"Yes, we're sure of it," replied a subordinate. "Moreover, It was attached to a tree, "

"And you mentioned engravings? Carved with the symbol of a scale?" The elder's interest was evident, his brow furrowing as he considered the implications of such a symbol.

"Yes, Lord Madara," the subordinate affirmed, the name resonating with a weighty reverence.

A hushed silence lingered in the cavern; Madara's chuckle shattered it as it reverberated softly, an eerie sound that seemed to blend with the shadows around him. "How long has it been?" he murmured, a rare smirk curling the corners of his lips.

Struggling against the burden of age, Madara pushed himself up from the stone throne. His movements were slow and measured. He turned to face the Gedo statue, his gaze intense as he studied its stoic form. Then, from his robe, he pulled out an empty vial. "What are you up to this time?" he spoke quietly to himself as his eyes lingered on the empty glass.

A specific something or someone within him felt uneasy at the prospect of the phenomenon.



[W11 (HP)]

 [Outside Hagrid's residence.]

As they stepped out of the mysterious ground-anchored door, Dumbledore and Hagrid paused to watch it close behind them and vanish, leaving no trace of its existence. The dark sky suggests it was still the same as when they left.

"I reckon we'll be alright," Hagrid mused aloud. He watched the spot where the door had been," Mr. Fujii did say that envisioning it will summon it back."

Dumbledore paused as he pondered the heavy implications. "That may be the case for now, Hagrid, but I suspect this phenomenon won't linger for long," he said, his voice carrying a weight that hinted at deeper concerns.

"Why would you say that, Professor?" Hagrid asked, his brow furrowed in confusion as he leaned against the frame of his hut.

Dumbledore adjusted his spectacles, a habitual gesture when deep in thought. "Hagrid, how much do you know about the history of the Muggle world?" he inquired, his tone gentle yet probing.

Hagrid shrugged, his massive shoulders lifting in a brief, dismissive gesture. "Can't say I keep up much with it, Professor. What's that got to do with our little mystery?"

Dumbledore clasped his hands behind his back, beginning to pace slowly. "There's a precedent in history," he began, his voice taking on the timbre of a lecturer. "During the reign of the Roman Empire, a gate appeared, much like what we have experienced. It became the center of annual celebrations due to the wonders it purportedly offered, wonders beyond the comprehension of the time."

Hagrid nodded, his interest piqued as he followed Dumbledore's movements.

"But then the gate vanished as mysteriously as it appeared, leaving behind nothing but buildings dedicated to it and stories of its marvels. Feeling abandoned by whatever powers had gifted them the gate, the Romans faced decline soon thereafter. For what remains of it are the ruins of a square dedicated around the gate." Dumbledore stopped pacing and looked directly at Hagrid, ensuring he grasped the gravity of the comparison. "That spot, Portae Emilae, otherwise known as 'The Gate of Emil,' marked the empire's rise and fall."





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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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