50.56% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 45: The Dance

บท 45: The Dance

~Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise~

~Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday~

~You got mud on your face, you big disgrace~

~Kicking your can all over the place, singin...'~


"So these people live solely to just raid the villages of other people?" Ais asked as she leaned into her boyfriend on the love seat while she listened to his story.

"They exist for that very purpose." Steve said. "Their skin is ashen grey and they have these massive bushy eyebrows with large crooked noses. Wherever we used to find a village, we'd many a time travel a little further and find an outpost full of these bastards sharpening their arrows and whipping their war beasts to get ready to invade at some point."

"And what did you do with them?" Ais asked as she stroked Albie's head.

"They were brigands and bandits Ais. What else did we do but kill them wherever we found them? Bear in mind that they were not friendly people either. If they saw any person of any race besides their own, their first reaction would be to grab their crossbows and snipe us between the eyes. Over the years my friends and I have gotten way better at countering them. Ari would go and set explosives beneath the outpost under their noses, then we'd pull the trigger. I tell you, fireworks have nothing on the kind of displays she could make."

"...They sound more like monsters than humans." Ais murmured.

"I personally don't think they are humans. I've never seen one with normal coloured skin. Most likely they're some form of human shaped locusts; they invade, pillage and then destroy all what's left so it becomes uninhabitable or irrecoverable." Steve tutted. "And it's no form of racism on my part, but I'm glad that they are always the ones to attack first. Gives us good reason to kill them off. Still, you do get plenty of good loot from them if you can find it."

"Loot? Like drop items?"

"I suppose it's comparable. Yes." Steve nodded. "When they don't build outposts, then they build these great mansions we call Woodland Mansions. Haunted mansions, as in haunted by legitimate ghosts and maniacal sorceresses. As a matter of fact, it puts a big question mark on my head as to what they do with those witches in the mansion...but it is in the mansions where you find the best loot. There is one specific class amongst these people that drops the most valuable kind of loot of all in these places."

"What kind of loot?" Ais tilted her head.

Steve paused to look around his seat to see if anybody was looking their way. Fortunately they were both alone on that part of the balcony and nobody before he turned back to the girl on his lap and held out a hand. 

In his palm dropped what looked like a little Aztec idol, only it was made out pure gold. Steve had always wondered what the 'Totem of Undying' would look like in real life. And to be honest, it was not that grand or complicated. It merely depicted a bald man with a very large nose, crossing his arms, so the hands were not visible, into the sleeves over a very long robe which hid even his feet from view. Out of his back sprouted a pair of very small wings and there was laden emeralds for the eyes.

"This is what is called a Totem." Steve said. "I'm not really too sure what the purpose of these were amongst them. Because what it does for us certainly does not happen for them."

"Something it does for you? Is it a magic item?"

"You could say that." Steve said as he quickly dismissed the item. "But my guess is that perhaps these people worshipped these small things or something like that. Because you will only find the magic users amongst them carrying this thing."

"I don't understand how you carry so much gold Steve. How much do you carry with that special storage magic? Are you not afraid of being robbed?"

"Have you forgotten who I am my dear?" Steve said in mock-pompousness. "I'd like to see anybody try and steal from me, let alone take it out of my inventory which even my own god can't do. Come on Ais, of course I'm not just showing it all off everywhere. I don't like any sort of nuisance no matter how small and insignificant it may be. And I am well prepared if there are any who are stupid enough to attempt."

"Hmm." Ais looked down as Albie slowly closed his eyes and nestled in her palm, trying to get to sleep. "Tiona has started to read one of those books."

"She has? How's she getting along then?"

"I don't know. She disappeared into her room and I haven't seen her since."

"Right." Steve said as he shifted in his seat.

As a man, due to a very particular reason, he could not stay in one seating position for long periods of time.

He put a hand on Ais's back to balance her as her body moved with his legs. But he then paused as one of his fingers slipped through her hair and touched bare skin. Curious, he moved her hair aside to reveal that the dress she was wearing actually exposed her back. The reason why he hadn't seen it was because her long hair had been in the way.

"What's wrong?" Ais asked him.

"I'm just wondering if Halter Neck dresses are your thing Ais. Every outfit I see you in almost always seem to have no back to them."

"It's...cooler." She said before she noticed his wandering eyes. His eyes took in her full appearance, from the exposed flesh of her back to the enticing softness of her pale neck. His eyes transfixed on the muscles in her neck as they rolled under her skin during a little gulp. A singular vein bulged out of the skin a tiny bit. "What's wrong?"

Steve looked at her, then back at her neck. He then looked at the sky, looking to be in deep contemplation of his next words before he just shrugged and came out with it.

"I have a sudden urge to kiss your neck." He confessed.

"...huh?" Ais cheeks gained two very pronounced red spots as she heard him say that. "Why?"

"I just...I'm a man. I cannot control my urges but I can control when I act on them. I've said since even before we got together that I am doing nothing ahead of your pace...but I also said that we should be upfront and honest with one another. Also that dress just amplifies everything." He then cast a look at her outfit. "Forget I said all that."

Ais's face remained flushed as they both looked away from each other a little shyly. Ais's eyes flicked to the side to stare at him for a few moments. It was clear he'd been quite embarrassed to admit it aloud. But for some reason, even as the very notion of such an act made her stomach tingly...her heart fluttered. For once more, something about this boy resurfaced which both she and Tiona agreed was what was perhaps the most endearing thing about him...his sincerity.

The little incident with Ishtar earlier contributed as even more of a concrete statement than anything else. The Goddess was famous for being able to snare any man despite her whorish background. Even men who would be disgusted to the point of throwing up at her habits would cast away all those reservations upon just seeing her beauty.

But Steve had held onto HER hand, and threw the goddess's advancements back into her face along with some sort of cruel insult clearly, though she didn't understand exactly what it meant (she was far too innocent). 

If Steve was even able to deny the power and charms of a goddess in favour of his affections for her, then...he truly was her hero.


She leaned closer to him and tilted her neck to the side, stretching it out for him as he raised an eyebrow at her.


"We can...try." She said, her face reddening further as she refused to look at him.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Mhm." She said as she cupped Albie a little tighter. "If you want to. There's no harm in trying right?"

"...Okay." Steve said as he hesitated, the consciousness of the introverted Stephen Hewer holding him in place. But then the bravado and courage of Minecraft Steve took over as all those emotions washed away, replaced by an interest in the act.

He leaned downwards, his lips coming ever so closer to her neck. She could feel his nasal breaths hit her exposed collarbone and it made her shiver as the part of her neck he was approaching began to tingle in her anticipation. He stopped just a hair's breadth from her skin to breathe for a moment. His breath was hot, almost as hot as furnace which made her shiver with feelings she couldn't understand.

He then closed the gap by planting his lips on her neck, between her apple and the prominent muscle. She gasped as the sensation of his lips sent a jolt through her body, like an electric spark. From the roots of her hair down to her toes, she trembled as her body was racked with a completely foreign feeling, as ever so slightly did she notice her body begin to heat up.

Steve took notice immediately and pulled away.

"Not ready huh?" He smiled wryly.

She nodded her head slowly, not out of dislike of what he'd done but that new sensation had been to quick and too strange for her to be comfortable with just yet. Steve nodded back in complete understanding before he put his arms around her and pulled her into a light hug. She folded into him gratefully as the embarrassment returned full swing, and she hid her burning face. Steve was also not completely cool in the face but he had a gleeful smile on it as he had been satisfied.


Not too far away from them on another lovers' seat, an old couple of retired adventurers whose children happened to be in the Ganesha Familia, thereby extending to them an invitation as well, gazed fondly at the sight of the two with nostalgia.

"Aaaah, young love." The old woman sighed before she leaned into her husband's chest and looked up at him. "How long ago was it when we were at the same awkward stage ourselves?"

"Over sixty years ago dear." The old man smiled down at her. "Time does fly, huh?"

"Yes. I don't know where all those years have gone." The old woman admitted as she looked at Steve and Ais with a twinkle in her eye. "They make such a cute pair. Although, the boy certainly has more guts than you did."

"You were an entire two levels ahead of me, plus you had quite the temper. I was afraid that even asking you out was going to risk me getting a black eye." The man said fondly to his wife.

"That was because every boy I came across would compare me to a banana just because of my hair colour." The woman grasped at her grey strands, the once vibrant yellow hair now long gone. "You can only have so much patience with men when all they want to do is tease you apparently."

"Well too bad for them. They don't know what they missed." The old man laughed as he kissed her on the head before he looked back at the two younglings. "I wish them a happy life together."


On a building a couple hundred metres away from the balcony, a fuming man pulled back a bowstring, the poisoned arrow tip levelled straight at the back of Steve head, right above the nape where it would penetrate the skin easiest and lodge itself in the brain steam. He smiled gleefully as he cocked the string once more, ready to fire and strike his enemy down.

But suddenly, a cold feeling of dread washed over him as a haunting whistle echoed behind him. It was both shrill, yet low and hauntingly melodious, like a foretelling of something extremely anonymous. Had Steve heard it, he would have immediately recognised the tune.

Death's whistle...

The vagrant trembled as he looked behind to see a cloaked figure standing there. Upon a closer inspection, he realized there were two large lumps sticking out of the top of the head. Beast-man ears. And judging by the triangular shape of the ears, and the tail sticking out of the back, it was undoubtedly a werewolf. A mask in the shape of a woman's hips covered the man's face.

From behind his back, he pulled out two khopesh and brandished them, the light of the full moon glinting on the sharp edge. The vagrant's face went white as a sheet as a terrible amount of bloodlust fell upon him, and he knew nothing he did would help him escape.

He was silenced before he could even make a peep.


The music swelled along with the laughter of people as Steve and Ais danced and twirled together, releasing each other's hands for a few moments before Ais span back into his arms and he held her up in the melodious and jovial orchestra music.

"Where did you learn to dance Ais?" Steve asked as they both stepped back into tune.

 "By watching people at these parties." Ais answered. "It's not too hard to figure out."

"I don't suppose it is. Considering your footwork during battle, a dance like this must be a piece of cake."

"What about you? Where did you learn?"

"I just watched some of the people here. Add in my super strength and you're lighter than a feather, and that I process things at far greater speeds than even the best adventurers when I'm concentrating, it's not too hard"

"Hm." Ais smiled as she bent backwards over his arm. "It's fun dancing with you."

"Well I'm glad I make a good dance partner." Steve said. "It's my first time."

"Huh? I had your first dance?" Ais asked, surprised.

"Well yes. I never was able to dance with other women or girls. I hid as soon as they began. I guess this is not your first?"

"No. I've danced with Loki before."

"...I'm assuming it was because Loki chased away all the people that tried dancing with you before."


"Well, let's see her try it with me." Steve said. "That said, where is she? Haven't seen her for a good minute."

"Don't know." Ais said as she shrugged her shoulders before looking in another direction. "Your god is there though."

"Huh?" Steve looked behind him to see Ptah standing on the side-lines, clapping along to the music. He followed the little god's line of sight and found Hephaestus also dancing as she joined hands with another god as they too danced to the music. Quickly, the gamer began formulating a plan. "Hey, Ais."


"The time to switch partners is coming up. How about we push closer to Hephaestus. I'll take Hephy and you pull my stupid god into a dance with you. And then when the next time we have to-"

"The next time we have to switch, we put Lady Hephaestus and Lord Ptah together." Ais cut him off.

"...yeah. How'd you catch on?"

"It feels like something you'd do." Ais said, and Steve felt a smile stretch across his face as he thought for a moment his girlfriend was catching on to his wily matchmaker plan. "You like pranking other people, especially people who annoy you like I'm sure your god does." Steve's smile dropped at that.

Oh well, you couldn't get it right all the time.

"You bet." He said to Ais as he directed their dancing figures to step closer to the diminutive god and Hephaestus. "Don't give him a chance to pull back or refuse. Just grab him and reel him in." Steve told her and she nodded.

The music stopped and the dancing circles stopped as the dancers took heavy breaths, their faces flushed red with slight exhaustion, delight or embarrassment as all the other party-goers clapped for them. Steve and Ais looked at each other and nodded. They let go of each other's hands, though both had the simultaneous urge to grip onto one another's fingers for as long as possible, parting only when their fingertips disconnected, conveying to each other their small disappointment of having to let go of one another.

But they had a mission to fulfil. 

He walked a little faster than her to reach Hephaestus first. As long as he had the goddess in his hands, he could control when she would be released mid-dance and he could control who she joined with next. Hephy was just finishing up bowing her head in thanks to the god who had danced with her before she caught sight of him.

"Steve." She greeted with a smile. "I caught sight of you and Ais dancing. You make the finest couple I've seen yet on this dance floor."

"Thank you my lady." Steve put one hand behind his back and bowed to her while holding out his other hand. "Now would you grace me with 'this' dance?"

"Of course." Hephaestus smiled as she took his hand in a lady-like manner, just as the violinist stroked the first note and encouraged the band to dive into the next orchestra, this one was even more bouncier than the last, the kind of dance it would be directing would be one that had people change partners multiple times. He and Hephaestus held each other's hand out to the side while he put a hand on the small part of her back while she put her free hand on his shoulder. Soon they started swaying, slowly becoming faster as the pace of the music began to speed up.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ptah stumble as Ais pulled him by the hands into the the dance circle as the flustered god bumbled about stuttering, yet could do nothing as he was forced to follow Ais's guidance as she forced him to move along to the music. He grinned at his girlfriend before Hephaestus coughed at him.

"Excuse me sir." Hephaestus smiled at him although hers was more coy. "I understand the relationship between you and miss Wallenstein, but it is good manners to give your undivided attention to the lady you are dancing with, especially when you were the one to ask her."

"My apologies." He turned back to her. "I just wanted to make sure my idiot god did not put my girlfriend into an awkward situation by messing up the dance steps."

"I doubt Ptah of all people would fail at that." The smith goddess said.

"Why do you say that?"

"In heaven, Ptah was famous for being a prolific wanderer and gadabout." Hephaestus grinned as she reminisced the old days. "Ever a great traveller, he frequently abandoned the lands of his pantheon, and travelled to many others including my own. Amongst us he learned many things, such as music, art and even our cultural dances. He is well versed in many of them. I very much doubt this simplistic mortal tangle will be much of an effort for him."

"Seriously?" Steve raised his eyebrow before looking at Ptah. Sure enough, despite the god's earlier excuses and his size, he was keeping up with Ais quite well, even managing to lift her over his head at certain notes. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised, especially since the little god was able to lift up large statues of solid rock. "Then why the hell is he such a lazy gimp at home?"

"I'm afraid that might be something that happened as a result of stopping his travels, and literally staying in one spot." Hephaestus said. "So many years of being active may have just tired out his traveller's spirit and he was just consumed by spiritual fatigue...still, you are quite lucky to have him Mr Hewer."

"People keep telling me that. But why?" Steve asked. "What about him is so special compared to other gods? Besides that he is a Primordial of course."

"Ptah's heart is very large. It casts a shadow over heartlessness altogether at times." Hephaestus praised her old teacher before she sighed sadly. "Unfortunately, large things tend to have a lot of blindspots. Easy to get hurt that way. Such is the way with Lord Ptah."

"Someone hurt his heart?" Steve asked, confused. "Who? And how?"

"Honestly, I don't understand it myself Steve. Though I have strong suspicion." Hephaestus eyes were not trained on him at that moment, which was why he did not see her look pointedly at a silver haired woman dancing with a large Boaz in a suit, in the very midst of the circle. Her radiant beauty distracted many of the men and women as they fixated on her more than they did on the dance and their partners. "But it is a past in a bygone age Steve, older than even the mortal races altogether. Please do not dig it up with him if you can help it."

"I will not promise that." Steve said. "If it ever comes to it that this troublesome past interferes with the cohesion and ministrations of the Familia, then I will insist on every detail. I find that the open problems of the past are always such a pain because you never bothered to close them."

"Perhaps." Hephaestus conceded before she looked down as her covered eye throbbed. "But some problems can never be closed, no matter how much you search for a solution and no matter how much you try. Not everyone can just get over or get rid of their baggage."

"Maybe." Steve admitted. He himself certainly had plenty of baggage but in his opinion, they had pretty much been closed because his affairs with his old world was closed. He had no business with Earth anymore, so why dwell on it?

"I would say that you have so much more to worry about in the coming few days." Hephaestus said. "How do you think you will be able to resolve the issue of your unique status?"

"If you think it's a problem, you're awfully eager to be involved in it." Steve commented. "I wonder why."

"It's merely a chance to grab at the benefits of allying with a powerful adventurer." Hephaestus said. "Ptah was only ever going to have a great Familia. I am more intimate than anyone else with his ways and his work ethics. You are a proof of that belief of mine. Once the truth comes out, and you demonstrate yourself as you truly are, there will be much rush from other Familia to ally themselves with the most powerful adventurer. I am simply making sure that I grab one of the first seats of your favours before you close off your doors to all others. And with the things you make, I'm sure many will be lusting after good terms with you."

"Let them lust then." Steve said. "Those with lust in their eyes, have already committed themselves as adulterers in their hearts, and I do not align myself with such people. Those that seek my treasures for easier power shall never know the blessings of one. Only those who are truly worthy of such tools will get to use them."

"Am I an adulteress then?" Hephaestus asked slyly.

"Ptah possesses a peculiar and preferential partiality pertaining to you."


"He seems to regard you with a special liking. Basically if I shut you out, I would not have heard the end of his nagging. And anyway, I was talking about adventurers."

"Well Ptah could have such a favouritism towards me and it would be understandable. I was his student after all." Hephaestus said. "An apprentice of sorts. To my knowledge, he'd never taken another besides me. I was always special to begin with."

"Just how much older is he than all of you?" Steve asked.

"Pfffffff...I don't know. He was old news even when I was young. The only person in our pantheon besides me who knew him on a personal level was Ouranos amongst a couple others. But that age is indicative enough of how old he potentially is."

"I guess." Steve said as he noticed that the music had come to a point where the notes were about to change, and therefore partners had to be changed. He quickly made sure to direct both his body and hers over to Ais and Ptah. As soon as the note changed, both women let go of their respective partners.

Ais joined with Steve, and Ptah joined with Hephaestus. It was only after that they had grasped hands and Ptah looked up did the Egyptian god realize who he was with and he cast a glare at Steve. Steve only gave him a cheeky thumbs up before turning his back on his god as he span away with Ais. Ptah's face blushed red a little as he looked up at the woman.

"H-hey Hephy."

"Hey Ptah." She said as she pulled him along to get started. "Enjoyed your dance with your future daughter-in-law?"

"I suppose." Ptah grunted. "She's quite forceful though...but then again my child is a complete arse, so I guess they go together like figs and Shedeh."

"Mmm." Hephaestus hummed. "Shedeh. It's been ages since I've had some of that to drink...I hear they press it in Israfan."

"I'm never going there." Ptah said as he held her hands awkwardly. "I-I'm not bothering you because of how short I am, right?"

"Of course not." Hephaestus gleamed. "You never lost the talent Ptah. Own it." The music began to speed up and the goddess became playful as she encouraged her old teacher to dance faster. Ptah sighed as he was made to jump a little to match the taller woman. His heart was pounding and his cheeks were burning...but he assumed he owed Steve a thanks later on.


As the dance session stretched on, the musical notes changed multiple times and both Steve and Ais found themselves separated and reunited again as they switched partners again and again. When it came to the last round of switches, Steve let go of the chienthrope he had joined hands with. She gave him a thankful smile for the dance before she grabbed the hand of the next man.

Steve turned to greet his new partner but they had already grasped his hands before he could identify and pick them out himself and had brazenly pulled him into another dance. There they were in the typical embrace, his hand on her hip and her hand on his shoulder as their other arms were raised with her other hand resting in his own.

Steve raised both brows at the silver hair and violet eyes as a woman of unparalleled beauty entered his vision, a tantalizing scent flowing off of her as she smiled up at him, her brilliant white front teeth shining at him as she spoke in a voice that sounded like music of angels. 

"At last, I have ahold of you, you marvellous and mysterious soul." She leaned up towards him. "What experiences will you provide me? What sweet dreams shall you give me tonight, oh wonderous stranger?"

The eminent goddess before him opened her eyes further as at last she had gotten close to his soul and now had the opportunity to look upon it. All it would take for him was to be enthralled by her beauty and freeze up as every other mortal did long enough so she could hold him still and unravel the walls hiding the true image of his soul. 




"And to whom do I owe this concern?" Steve asked dryly, which half-shocked her. There was no starlit gaze in his eyes, nor was he addled by lust and delirium as most people were upon seeing her.

Not only was he resisting her beauty and her unwilling charm, but it was like he was absolutely unaffected by it through some kind of immunity. He was just looking at her like some sort of nuisance had just stepped in his way, or maybe as some overbearing woman showing interest in him that he just did not wish to entertain in any way. Like she was some sort of liability.

And that just enticed her all the more.

"Why, I am surprised. Few enter this city without knowing who I am." The woman took her hand of his shoulder and put it on her left breast. "I am the goddess Freya, patron of the Freya Familia, the most powerful in all of Orario. And from hearsay, I gather that your are quite the alleged threat to the upholding of that position on our end." Freya smiled at him, her cool beauty ever enticing. 

He had to admit, between her and Ishtar he'd definitely take this one if he were forced into the choice with no free will of his own. But he was the type to think with the head on his shoulders...and it was firing small alarm bells at the moment. So he did the one thing he knew best to do, to avert those sudden purple glowing eyes from looking upon the hidden parts of himself he believed she had no right to see.

To be an asshole.

"You're Freya?" He said inquisitively as he looked up and down her perfect proportions. Truly she was a woman of perfection given shape, endowed with hips that even Ais or Tiona could not compete with.

"I am." She replied as her eyes glowed an even brighter purple as the soul before her came into view and a shower of beautiful colours filled and intoxicated her senses as she caught a mere taste of its complex radiance. 

Whatever typical, physical aspect a man could like of a woman, Freya had it better than any mortal woman and so was the moon of delight for anyone. But...

"You need to lose some weight..." Steve said.


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