35.95% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 32: Tiona and Ais

บท 32: Tiona and Ais

A.N. The long awaited chapter has arrived! And it's an early release so you can thank me later.

Shoutout to my new patron:


You are a bloody legend!


~All these other girls are tempting,~

~But I'm empty when you're gone~

~And they say~

~"Do you need me?"~

~"Do you think I'm pretty?"~

~"Do I make you feel like cheating?"~

~And I'm like, "No, not really" 'cause...~


It was pretty much noon by the time Steve reached the Twilight Manor. There he waited outside of the gates, feeling a little nervous for what was coming. It would have been so much easier to settle this if everyone had not had a nose into this. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so open about his intentions after all.

Well he got himself into this mess, it was up to him to get himself out of it. It was time to man up and face the music. He leaned against the wall by the gate, thumbing the iron sword he had strapped on his back. It seemed as if people had at this point heard about him, so the notice must have been posted on the Guild's board.

Seeing as illustrations of adventurers came with their notices, people must have been privy to one because people were pointing at him and whispering things to one another. Other people just stood at looked at him in awe, like some godsent wonder to the Earth that they never thought they would have the privilege of ever seeing.

Other people just gave him dirty looks and sneers. One certain group of people even tried to make a move towards him and block his path. But as he usually did, he gave them a hard stare which had them shitting their pants and they backed off from the pressuring intent he was giving off.

After that, he decided it would be best if he carried a weapon in plain view to ward troublemakers off. Even if it was just an iron weapon, his swords were quite well made and good looking. Plus carrying a weapon the way he did gave the clear message he'd be the first to violence and considering what people had heard about him, they weren't willing to take the risk.


A few mins later, he saw the doors to the Manor open and the two girls he'd been expecting exited their Familia home. They were both dressed as they usually were, except that Ais was wearing her armour plates and carrying Desperate at her side. They both caught sight of him and their eyes widened in surprise.

He waved at them and they both trotted over to him enthusiastically and opened the gate.

"Hiya Steve!" Tiona cheered. "I thought we were going to meet at Babel?"

"Meh, just thought it was best if I met you here. You live at literally one end of the city, so I figured I might as well meet you here and we begin from one end of the city and continue along until we reach the other end. All the fun stuff is in the north part of the city anyway."

"Oh...I didn't think of that." Tiona looked off to the side as she contemplated this. "That makes so much more sense."

"It's cool." Steve waved it off before looking at Ais.

"Hey." He said.

She just nodded and smiled at him while saying. "Mhm."

"...Why are you geared up?" Steve questioned.

"You promised we'd spar and I promised to show you a good sparring place." Ais said. "That's why I brought my sword with me. Isn't that why you brought one too?" She pointed to the iron sword on his back.

"Actually, no." Steve answered. "But no matter, I'm sure we'll find some time and place to do that today. So...where are we going first?"

"To my favourite place!" Tiona threw her arms up with a smile. "The library!"

"Yes, I do remember you love reading books." Steve said as he thought back to the the books at home he'd put aside for her. "Say Tiona, do you like fictional stories?"

"Huh?" Tiona thought about it. "I mean, yeah. I like them too, as long as it's a good one and it's got heroes in it, then I'm perfectly happy with fiction. It's my favourite thing right after real life hero stories."


"Well, our time is waning fast." Steve ushered them along. "Let's get going." He began walking away back to the middle of the city where he supposed the library was.

Behind his back, Tiona and Ais shared a look. Tiona nodded to the blonde and Ais nodded back in acknowledgement and understanding as she remembered what they had talked about the night prior. Immediately they both stepped up to either side of him and wrapped themselves around an arm each, Ais on his right and Tiona on his left. He stared at the both of them in slight shock as they did so.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked.

"Of course." Tiona said. "We wouldn't want you getting lost now do we? And on the off-chance that one of us loses hold of you, at least the other will still be gripping you."

"Yeah right." He scoffed. "You're just doing this to get a rise out of me."

"Precisely." Tiona said mischievously before looking to her friend. "Isn't that right Ais?"

"I guess so." Ais said.

"...Fine. Show me the way." Steve sighed and shook his head as both girls pulled him along to where they wanted to go.


What they didn't catch though was a hooded figure peering over the walls of the Twilight Manor, watching Steve as he walked off with a girl on each arm. As soon as they were sure that all three were out of earshot, the hooded person dropped down from the wall amongst another few cloaked people who had their hoods up.

The first cloaked character came before someone whose cloak was a little bit longer than the rest but this one had another thing that set him out from the rest. On their face, as a further measure of concealment was a wooden mask...carved to look like a woman's hips with the kneecaps missing for eye-sockets.

"Report." The masked one said.

"Our Glorious Leader and Founding Father has made off with the Haunchly ones on their very first date, sir." The first individual said. "It would appear that they intend to first take their date to the library where our First Lady frequents and loves to spend much of her time, presumably to introduce him to the pastime of book reading."

"Excellent." The apparent leader of this group said. "At last, our leader has seen this time fit to make his move and take the heavenly ladies as his own." He then looked over at the couple dozen cloaked figures crouched beneath the wall alongside him. "Hear me my brothers in Haunches, our founder seeks to make Lady Ais and Lady Tiona his own through means of gradual endearment. This first date will be critical in the assurance of that success. Undoubtedly there are those who will aim to interfere or get in the way. We must make absolute certain that such heathen scum are dealt with right away!"

"Aye!" They cheered.

"We cannot let anything go wrong with this date whatsoever. If even the slightest mishap takes place, then we have failed in our mission and we will no longer be worthy of following in our leader's footsteps. The only penance suitable for such failure would be to impale ourselves on our own swords. Therefore, I authorize the use of lethal force...if only absolutely necessary."

""Yes, First Brother. We will not fail!""

"As followers of the Faith of the Hips, we will deliver these two beautiful women into his love and care as seamlessly as possible. And we will persist in converting the ignorant to our creed all in the hope of our ultimate goal...delivering these perfect angels into his arms under the fold of Holy Matrimony!"

""For the Father!"" The cloaked figures chorused.

"For Stephen Hewer! And the Glory of the Hips!"


(Finn's Office)

"Sooooo...are you going to do anything about them?" Gareth asked as he raised a brow while watching these proceedings go on from the window in Finn's office.

"Let them have their fun." The Pallum chuckled as he flipped through the last of his paperwork. "It's just a passing fad that young people all go through at some point. They'll get over it and will return to normal in time."

"I'm not so sure." Gareth drawled as he looked at his old friend. "They seem pretty committed to this in my opinion."

"What I am more concerned about, and what you should be worried about too Gareth, is whether or not our girls are coming home heartbroken or happy and not single anymore." Finn said. "If we are to predict what is to happen by their track records, then I guarantee you Tiona is pulling Ais along on some sort of plan to wrench Steve's affections for them out of him. My only concern is how he receives those attempts and how he would treat them if he takes them both. Because there is no way Tiona would take him for herself if she knew it would make Ais upset."

"Mmmm, you got that right." Gareth crossed his arms and thought hard. "That is something Tiona would do."

"I guess we will find out when the time comes." Finn said as he stood up. Gareth watched the Pallum hold out a hand and flex his fingers. Fleinn'leptr which had been standing upright in a corner flew to Finn's hand as he grasped on it tightly. "In the meantime, I am paying a visit to our old friend Tsubaki to assess how good this weapon is and what kind of magic is upon it."

"You know, I will never get used to how you're just able to call it and it goes to you like that." Gareth shook his head. "It goes against everything I know about weapons."

"Which is why I want to take it to the experts." Finn said as he held his spear aloft and marvelled once again at the beautiful craftsmanship. Even now he was still finding new details and features on this spear even though he'd had it for about three or four days now. "I want to see how his weapons compare to others. Remember when he said he was only doing stuff for us that was on the lower end of his talent? I want to see how that stands up to some of amazing stuff your contracted smith has made in her lifetime."

"Tsubaki has made some pretty amazing stuff over the years." Gareth grinned. "If anybody can accurately determine the value and quality of Steve's handiwork, it's her."

"Yep." Finn said as he opened his door and looked back at Gareth. "You wanna come or what?"

"...Yeah sure, why not? I guess it'll be interesting."



"And this one here is my favourite!" Tiona said excitedly as she shoved yet another book in his face.

Steve was forcefully ripped from his concentration on reading other books she'd put down before him in favour of concentrating on this new one she was gushing about.

"Your favourite? Why?"

"Because it's the first hero story I ever read!" Tiona said happily. "It's the story of the Argonaut. Surely you've heard of him! It's my favourite one!"

'Of course it's your favourite one you silly goose. YOU'RE the one that wrote it...'

The one who had written the story of the Argonaut had been Olna Garof, one of the Three Great Poets. And that poet, who had also been one of the princesses of Lakrios if he remembered correctly, just so happened to be Tiona's previous incarnation.

"Yes, I have heard of him. But I never have actually read his story."

Well that was technically a lie since he had read about the Argonauts who had accompanied Jason in his quest to find the Golden Fleece. But of course he'd never read the specific story of this world's Argonaut.

"How?!" Tiona exclaimed. "What have you been doing in your precious time?"

"Exploring new lands, taming different wildlife, mining new materials." Steve began listing off as Ais listened intently. "Learning how to make magic weapons and armour, meeting new people, learning how to do trade and how to build complex machines etc etc. Quite a lot of things really. I did love reading, but I didn't have the time to read every book out there Tiona. My time was occupied with other things, mainly to do with survival."

No pun intended...

"You've explored a lot, right?" Ais asked.

"I have."

"Did you, have anybody with you?"


"Did you have any companions?" Tiona clarified. "Any party you used to travel with?"

"Sure I did." Steve said as he thought back to his earlier contemplations. "In fact, you might get to meet some of them soon."

"Really?" Tiona's eyes brightened. "Are they coming to Orario?"

"Don't know yet." Steve shrugged. "But I do plan on inviting them."

"Are they strong?" Ais asked.

"...Why is that always the first thing on your mind Ais?" Steve shook his head with a small smile. "Yes, I suppose they would be strong."

"As strong as you?"

"...I wouldn't estimate that they be AS strong as me. But nearer to me than you are."

This caused Tiona's brow to scrunch up in confusion.

"There's something I really don't understand Steve. You said that Lord Ptah's Familia is the first you ever joined. But if that's the case, shouldn't you have been level one when we met you? That's how it always works."

"Yes, I know." Steve said. "But you see, my friends and I...we are quite different to other humans."

"How?" Ais put down her own book, because this was a topic she was very invested in. This phenomenon hadn't occurred to her yet, and she wanted to to know how Steve had become that high a level outside a Falna.

"Well to begin with, we are physically superior to most other humans. Naturally by ourselves, before any sort of formal training, we were able to lift thousands of pounds easily." Steve explained. "We don't get thirsty, we don't really get sick. We can go for days at a time without sleep. As a matter of fact, sleep is a luxury for us because we don't actually need it. And we have the highest performing physiques too."

"I can see that." Tiona said as she made a show of running her eyes over his visible muscles that bulged out from the tight parts of his shirt.

"Cheeky." Steve grunted. "Anyway, we found a way of increasing our skills and becoming stronger than we already were. It empowered us just like a Falna, so when I did eventually get around to having one, I'd already accumulated enough power to be the equivalent of level 9 apparently, though I suspect the Falna multiplied my strength over and over again. I'll need to meet with my friends to find out."

"And how long did you spend doing that?"

"About six to thirteen years of our time. It depends on what point of my journey you want to begin."

"What I don't understand is how though." Tiona said. "You need Excelia to qualify for any stat increase, let alone level-ups."

"That is our secret Tiona." Steve winked. "I don't think my friends and I are quite ready to have that out in the open just yet."

"...Fine. Keep your secrets." Tiona said and Ais drew back, a little disappointed. Tiona then smirked a little. "As long as we eventually discuss today what you promised to discuss yesterday."

"...Yes, yes, I know. Just...let's enjoy our day first." Steve then looked at Ais hands. "What are you reading Ais?"

Tiona leaned over to read the title of Ais's book. "The Mercenary King. Oh, that's the guy who took one of the eyes from the black dragon!" Tiona said in more of a hushed voice. "That's another really good story! It's about-"

"Albert Waldenstein, yes I know." Steve said, while examining Ais's reaction carefully. The girl appeared to have emotionally retreated as now there was no visible or readable expression on her face. "Brave man. I'm sure he was one of a kind, a hero in his own right if he was able to drive off that beast and force it into hiding instead of it doing its usual rampages."

A hint of a smile appeared on Ais's lips but it quickly faded again. It did not escape Steve's senses though.

"Anyway, let's finish up here soon. I'm sure Ais also has places she wants to be. Where do you want to go Ais?"

"...The potato snack stands." The girl answered.

"Why did I think that was going to be the answer?" Tiona shook her head while giggling a little.


A little ways off, an angry adventurer looked upon the group of three with oozing venom in his demeanour. He was mainly focused on the boy who was a supposed level 9 and even with the oath of truth by the Loki Familia and the Guild upon his information, the adventurer couldn't believe it.

He was also especially angry because of the expensive entry fee he had to pay to get into this damn library! But it would be worth it when he showed up this fraudster in front of those girls. That would teach him to go spreading these lies ever again.

The adventurer began sauntering towards them, intent on beating Steve up and perhaps in the process impress the Sword Princess for standing up for truth. Maybe that would be a way to secure her feelings and he would be the very first she'd accept to court her! Just the fantasy of it made the man pant in happiness and delirium.

But as he passed an aisle of books, a cloaked figure suddenly hopped out and grabbed him from behind while shoving a cloth onto the man's nose. The adventurer struggled for a bit before he smelled something on the cloth and immediately his vision went dark as he was knocked out.

Unseen by anybody, the cloaked figure dragged the body away from anybody's point of view to an undisclosed location. The man would later wake up to find himself tied upside down over a roaring fire while a couple dozen cloaked figures played ring-around-the-rosies around him.



"And here we are. The food stands of the market place." Tiona gestured around them. "It always is nice coming here. The snacks are just delicious!"

"I can tell that. If the smells are any indication of the taste, then I might just come here more often." Steve said. He was used to food stands like this but the smells were truly tantalizing. "So Ais, where-"

He paused seeing that Ais wasn't at his side anymore, and looking around for her, he saw her standing at a potato croquette stand already making orders. He then looked at who was serving her and did a double-take as he recognised the familiar twin tails.

"Should we go join her?" Tiona asked.

"No, I can hear her ordering in bulk from here. Let's just wait."

"But I know she's not carrying money." Tiona face-palmed. "Oh Ais, always doing stuff before she thinks."

"Not to worry." Steve said as he patted a strap on purse that was strapped to his thigh. "I made sure to carry some money with me today. Let's just wait for her to realize and then have her come asking for some."

"That's just mean Steve!"

"She has to learn. No pain, no gain."


On a rooftop above them, a smarmy looking man who was a member of the renowned simp brigade dedicated to Ais Wallenstein held aloft a fishing rod and he was slowly lowering the line in hopes of snagging that money bag that could be visible in Steve's purse from this angle.

The man assumed that if Steve didn't have any money, then he would embarrass himself in front of the two girls and he'd never go out in public again. He didn't care about the flat one, Amazons were whores anyway in his opinion. He'd never let any member of that filthy race ever even touch him.

But what would matter is that he would succeed in staining the image of this supposed level 9 in the eyes of the Sword Princess. It would be the perfect win! And once this interloper was out of the way, then he could push his plans forwards in ensnaring and taking the girl for himself. It didn't matter if she had rejected him before, he would have her anyway.

Snickering to himself, he lowered the hook even further, just trying to see if he could fix it on the money-bag.

But across the street from him, on another rooftop, a cloaked individual lifted what looked to be a stick of bamboo to their lips. One quick poof and a dart flew across the street and impaled itself in the man's head. His eyes rolled back as he started foaming at the mouth, dropping the fishing road as he fell backwards on the roof and started convulsing violently before going limp.

He'd fallen right by a hatch that led to the inside of the top floor. Quick as a flash, the hatch opened and a gloved hand reached out and snatched the body, dragging it inside. It was akin to how wolf spiders would jump out of their holes and snatch a passing insect as they went by. The hatch closed again, leaving the fate of the body ambiguous.



"These are all quite amazing." Steve said as he knelt before a window displaying some of the wares of the Hephaestus Familia. "They really are great smiths you know. Though I wonder if the quality are as good as the aesthetics they put into it."

"It depends on which smith you go to." Ais said. "Some are good and some are just very dishonest."

"Personal experience?"

"Mhm." Ais nodded.

"Right. Speaking of, how's your Desperate holding up?" Steve said.

"I haven't had the chance to use it yet." Ais replied. "I don't want to accidently set someone on fire."

"Right, Fire Aspect. I forgot that I put that on your sword." Steve said. "Well, if we have time when all is done, let's go to the Dungeon and relieve ourselves. Knowing you, you're probably trembling to get back in."

Ais nodded. "Yes, let's."

"Okay. By the way, I remember Gareth saying that you had to commission that from the Goibniu Familia. Why do that if the Hephaestus Familia make the best weapons?"

Ais suddenly looked off to the side not saying anything. Steve raised his eye brow.

"It's probably best if we don't say anything about that." Tiona said. "Let's just say that those particular smiths aren't too happy with any of us."

"...Should I be worried for myself then?"

""No."" They both shook their heads.

"Uh-huh." Steve questioned while giving them the exaggerated eyebrow from a popular meme.


A little ways down the corridor, a hooded figure dragged away a burly adventurer by way of a cord tied around his neck. The man struggled and flailed as he tried to stab backwards in his assailants face with a cursed dagger. But unfortunately, such was the dedication of the cloaked man to his purpose that he cared not for the weapon and focused on dragging his quarry away from his leader's date.

The guy had bad aim anyway.


"Is this the sparring place you were telling me about?" Steve asked Ais.

"Yes, this is a good place for training. It's quiet and nobody will disturb us." Ais said.

"Ais, we're on the city wall! My strength will at the very least crack this thing and probably bring the whole thing down at worst."

"I doubt you would let that happen, not when you're able to control your strength the way you do." Tiona said as she sat cross-legged on the edge. "And Ais is right, this is a good place to get practice in when you want privacy."

"Fine. Let's get it over with." Steve said as he drew his iron sword.

"Where is your other sword?" Ais asked. "The heavy purple one?"

"I have it. But I don't think it's necessary. And besides, a weapon as heavy as that WILL break this wall if my strength doesn't do it."

"But that's just iron." Ais said. "My Desperate is a Durandal."

"I'll be just fine. I can conjure up an infinite supply remember?"

"Oh yes, I do remember that!" Tiona exclaimed as stars lit in her eyes. "How do you do it? How did you find out how to do that?"

"It's another secret Tiona."

"Aww, you're no fun." Tiona pouted.


"Steve." Ais said, catching his attention. "Please get serious with me this time. Last time you just played with me. This time, I want you to use your real power."

"Ais, when I got serious, I knocked every executive out in your Familia and that includes you too. That's when my attention was divided on several fronts. Are you really asking me to focus all that on you now?"

"Yes." She replied firmly.

Steve sighed heavily. "Alright fine. But the condition is that going serious means you only have one chance. You fail this and we're not having any more spars today."

"...Agreed." Ais said, assured that she knew his moves at this point at least somewhat and she could predict him coming this time.

"Your choice." Steve said as Ais got into her stance.

"Ready." Tiona said. "Begin!"

Ais was the first to move as she blurred towards Steve using zig zag motions again. But this time instead of leaping to him, she went around behind and tried to run him through his back. And it looked like it worked since he hadn't even turned around to meet her with his own sword.

But just as the tip of Desperate was a centimetre away from making contact with his skin, Steve vanished from that spot and Ais stumbled forwards, wondering where he went. She only just barely registered him reappearing behind her and swinging his iron sword towards her head. 

The only thing she registered was that blade coming closer and closer to her in slowed down time, like she was living her last moments before everything went dark.


She woke up again and quickly sat back up, flinching as sudden headaches hit her from getting up too fast. When she'd shook her mind clear of those, she glanced around to see Steve sitting with Tiona against the wall talking with one another.

"Oh, she's woken up." Tiona said.

"You okay Ais?" Steve gave her a worried smile. "You took quite a nasty hit."

"...Did I lose that quickly?" Ais then touched the side of her head and her neck where she thought his sword had made contact. "I thought you cut me."

"No I didn't. I wouldn't have anyway, but as a reflex, you put up Desperate just in time. My iron sword shattered but Desperate's flat side basically smashed into your temple and you were left with a nasty bruise. I had to heal you afterwards and you've been out for about fifteen minutes now."

"Right." Ais looked down at her hands and then Desperate. "I still lost so quickly."

"Don't feel so bad Ais." Tiona cheered. "As an improvement, you actually managed to block this time instead of being hit. The downside is you were not strong enough to completely stop it but it's an improvement from last time, wouldn't you say?"

"I don't think that's exactly encouraging." Steve whispered to the Amazon.

"Maybe, maybe not." Tiona admitted before a strange look came over her face and she looked at Ais. 

Ais recognized what Tiona was trying to convey and came over to sit on Steve's other side yet in front of him as both girls sat before him with expectant looks. He sighed as his heartbeat sped up; the time had come.


"I suppose this is where we're supposed to discuss 'that'." He said tentatively.

"Of course." Tiona smiled. "So Steve, let's just keep it simple, exactly the way you like it. How do you feel about the two of us?"

"...I like both of you." Steve said, simply as expected. "I have no trouble admitting that. But as I said, I don't want to be forced to choose between you two. You profess such sincerity to me, I feel bad when I have to say no to either one of you."

"But it's no secret you've been approaching me more than Ais." Tiona said as she gestured to the girl beside her. "Could you explain why that is the case if you like us both, for her sake if not yours?"

Steve turned to Ais as she looked at him expectantly.

"It's...hard for me to handle your feelings Ais." Steve said. "You also have high expectations of me. You seem to think I'm sort of Hero, Ais. But that couldn't be further from the truth. I am an extremely selfish person by nature. I don't do nothing for no-one for nothing. I don't act generously and I don't just give out charities for good will. And I've done some things in my life which I hide even now. There are things about me that I never want you to know about me. I am everything opposite of what a hero is with the exception of being a dedicated villain. And it's hard for me to tell what you're feeling at times. I handle people based on the emotions they project. How will I be able to do that if you're not more expressive?" 

Steve's head tilted down as he finished off. Tiona looked at Ais from the side, as if to say 'Told you'. Ais, now hearing those points upfront realized now more than ever how right Tiona had been and how right she was now.

"Well we've gone through why you find it difficult tying the knot with one of us." Tiona said cheerily. "So let's go down the other side. Why do you like us? What is it about us you like?"

"Beyond just your looks?" Steve looked up. "I love the effort you put into making everyone around you happy Tiona. I love how outgoing you are and how much you smile and laugh, and you make sure to do more of it whenever somebody's feeling down. Your energetic nature also keeps me up and awake and on my toes, and it encourages me to do more." Steve paused as he thought more. "I love how you always have some sort of positive view no matter the situation and I love how you always have a kind word for anybody, how you somehow see the good in people wherever others do not see it. You trust your heart Tiona, and that in itself means a lot in my eyes. Because I can always count on you being sincere. You seem to live for love Tiona, and you love giving it to people with the pure intent of making them happy. But it also saddens me as well in some ways."

"Saddens you?" Tiona asked.

"My grandmother used to say something to me. She said that 'those who smiled and laughed he most, are also the ones who have suffered the greatest pains'. I will not even start trying to look into why that is the case, or if it even is the case in the first place. And you are a strong woman well capable of protecting yourself, but a part of me wants to be a place of comfort for you, wants to make sure that you don't carry that pain alone." Steve's words genuinely stumped Tiona as she had not been expecting that at all. Nor had she been expecting him to be so accurate. "That's what I aim to get in the end of all this. You ask children of me Tiona, you are an Amazon so it's in your nature that that is a priority with you. But I would be more than happy to fulfil that request because I know with how closely your guard everyone's happiness and their well-being, you would be a good mother to any child we had together. And that is why I like you."

As he finished off, he left Tiona with a lot to contemplate and a lot to think about as she hadn't expected his thoughts and his feelings about her to run that deep.

"And as for you Ais, I really love how determined you are to become strong, the dedication you put into it. Judging by the fact it is not a yearning for power in itself as a motivation for you, it must means that there is another, more personal reason behind it. And seeing how closely you hold your Familia, there can only be a couple guesses as to what those motivations are. But yet again, it is not my place to pry just as much as I don't want you prying into my past. But it is clear to me with how much you push away emotions that you too suffered some trauma in your past. And I want to protect that, to be a shoulder for you to lean on. I also admire how honest and upright you are. You are not led by personal delusions and you do not hesitate to give the truth where it is needed. And I love how you put such monumental trust in my words alone, I feel almost guilty under that weight."

Ais listened carefully, her expression still the same but inside she was trying to work out what his words were doing to her. Tiona had questioned her last night on the basis of her proclaimed feelings, and even though she still couldn't figure it out, she knew that what he was saying made her feel more and more that she was right.

"But more than anything is your sincerity Ais." Steve added. "I lived a life where I was not surrounded by much sincerity. So many broken promises, so many betrayals. Your honesty practically shines out of you and you really calm me down Ais. Whenever I feel riled up, if you're nearby then I calm down immediately. It's like you just have some sort of effect on me that quells my rage. The incident with Lefiya was a different matter because I was personally slighted and insulted with shameless audacity. I am honoured by your feelings Ais, I really am. But for you to hold me to such a high standard, I feel like I betray you every second by just simply being myself, especially concerning my past. But regardless, you keep me calm and cool and serene. In fact, that's why it's so hard for me to choose properly."

He gestured to them both.

"One of you is like the Sun, always bright and full of life, encouraging me to be active, to do something with myself that's worthwhile, bringing life and happiness to those near to me. You keep me alive. And the other is the Moon, the one that keeps my night still and quiet and clear. It gives me singular focus in times where my mood is dark and it guides me out of that mindset. I find solace in it, and more than that fulfilment. It makes up in some small way of the guilt that plagues me when I think of my own hypocrisies and my own shortcomings." Steve paused before giving a strained smile and putting his hand to his face. "God, that sounds so soppy. I'm literally cringing inside."

Tiona and Ais shared a look with one another before Tiona started giggling and a wider smile appeared on Ais face as they took enjoyment out of his embarrassment.

"Stop laughing at me!"

"Sorry." Tiona said. "It's just so fun to see you squirm like that for once." She wiped a tear away. "But it was beautiful in its own way. Nobody's ever taken the time to describe me so poetically." Ais nodded in agreement as she twiddled her fingers. "Now then Steve, we've heard you, now you hear us."


"Ais and I have been talking and we've settled on some things as to why we like you. We're still ironing out all the details but we have found common things." Tiona paused before starting herself. "It goes without saying that your strength is one of your most attractive points. I'm an Amazon so it's a given and Ais values power in general. But you also have a lot of sincerity and honesty, regardless of what your past is. We all have things we're ashamed of."

"But you're careful and respectful." Ais said. "You stand up for the weak. When Bete was picking on the weaker members of our Familia, you defended them."

"...I actually body-slammed him Ais. And then mocked HIM for being weak afterwards."

"Well being able to shut Bete up when he's running his mouth off is an attractive trait by itself." Tiona giggled.

"And you're not a perv." Ais said.

"...The bath?"

"Accidents happen Steve." Tiona said. "But we know you didn't really look at us. And we know it's our fault since we got in there. But you maintained eye contact the whole time and forced yourself not look anywhere one shouldn't without a lady's permission. That shows standards and a respect for women that most men in this city don't have. I personally wouldn't have minded anyway but Ais on the other had, she appreciated it."

"I did." Ais said. "And you are kind Steve. Very kind. Just the way you talk is full of kindness."

"Anybody can have a nice and gentle voice Ais. It's how predators lure their victims."

Tiona frowned and pulled on his hair. It didn't do anything to him, not even so much as move his head but it got her frustration across. 

"And that's probably the only bad thing about you Steve. Why are you so pessimistic? Take a compliment when you're given."


"The point is, both of us like you Steve." Tiona grabbed his hand as Ais grabbed the other. "And Ais and I don't want to be at odds with one another over you. I'm never letting you go, that's for certain. So we both came to a compromise. I'm sure you know what it is. Everybody's practically been screaming it at you by now."

"...How am I going to do just by the both of you? How could you possibly trust me that much? What if I end up neglecting one of you in favour of the other?"

"It's not about trust Steve." Tiona said.

"It's faith." Ais followed.

"And we both have faith in you. Now if we have it in you, shouldn't you have it in yourself? It's not like we're leaving it up to you Steve, we'll help you too. We'll tell you what we need and what we want." Tiona smiled. "And in return, you must tell us where you think you're going wrong or where we are going wrong. Then we can fix it together."


"And there's one more condition." Ais said.


"We are the only two that will matter to you." Tiona said. "It's not for my sake but it's for Ais. She was willing with me because I show just as much resolve as she does and we have known each other long. But you can bet, if anybody else tries to come for you, we are chasing them away and you will not say anything about it. And although we know you aren't the type, you will not go chasing anybody else."

"I would never!"

"Then it's settled."

Tiona and Ais lifted the respective hand of his they had clasped to their chests and looked at him.

"I will go ahead and explore all there is with you Steve. Ais will go at her own pace since she still has much to learn and I will teach her what I learn from my time with you." Tiona said. "We're unanimously agreed on that so don't worry about it. What do you say?" 

Steve paused for a moment, an excruciating silence settled between the three, and for a moment the girls were afraid he'd bottle it after all. But he soon sighed and a smile broke over his face, accompanied by a nod. The redness in his face indicated he was still too shy to say it directly but they got the message all the same.

The girls let out sighs of their own. They then shared a look with one another and Steve saw Tiona's nod this time. Instantly he knew something was up.

"What's going on?" He asked them.

""Close your eyes."" They both said.


"Just do it." Tiona said.

"Fine." Steve acquiesced as his heart began pumping even harder in anticipation.

A moment later his suspicions were answered as he felt two warm and soft sensations on his cheeks, and he opened his eyes to see both girls with their lips gently planted on either side of his face, their own eyes closed. Ais's face was completely flushed red out of pure embarrassment, but Tiona's was in glee as he noticed the way her body was shaking.

Steam began rising out his head as a weird smile broke out over his face. But inside his head was a completely different sentiment.

'I really am one lucky bastard.'


On a rooftop far from the scene yet close enough for the trio to be seen at a safe and observable distance, a group of cloaked figures watched as this went on. As soon as the girls moved into kiss him, the figures started blowing confetti and cheering in happiness while the masked leader pumped his fist in the sweet taste of success.

Their holy mission was fulfilled. Now it was time for them to move onto the next phase...


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