36.23% Dungeons and Devils / Chapter 25: Caledfwlch

บท 25: Caledfwlch

Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc



System Text

'Ddraig Mental'

"Ddraig Vocal"

"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

[Starting Split]

"Rias. It has been a while." I smile as I stand across from a girl in a vibrant glittery red dress, her eyes light up.

"Gaius!" She cheers. "Where have you been for the past couple of days?"

"Sorry about that." I smile slightly, now in a simple black suit. "I went to Poland to take care of some things and have spent the last couple of days toiling over a hammer and anvil."

I lift a simple bag with some festive paper in it, hiding the gift within. "Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy your gift."

She takes the bag, and quickly looks inside, pulling out... another bag.

She gives me an amused look. "Another bag?"

She hefts it slightly. "It's heavy... what's in it?"

She looks to the fairly small pouch and reaches inside, arm going further and further, eventually it reaches her elbow, causing her to blink as her arm practically disappears in the bag.

She reaches further and further, the bag is now up to her shoulder.

The red haired girl slips her arm out of the bag with a pout, then flips it over.

"I wouldn't-"

I wince as hundreds of gold coins flow from the bag, covering the table in front of the red haired girl, coins and gemstones quickly filling her lap as well.

As the coins cease falling from the bag as four large white apples land atop the coins a moment later.

"Err..." I slowly "Sorry about that."

She grabs an apple and lifts it. "YES!"

She seems to be completely ignoring the coins, focusing entirely on the apples. "Thank you so much, Gaius! I have been wanting to try one of these for ages!"

"I didn't exactly know what to get you, so I thought I might as well give you some gold so you could reasonably get whatever you want."

"Hm?" The girl hums as she looks around to large number of coins and gems. "Oh. Right. That's nice."

She takes a bite of the apple and lets out a quiet moan of enjoyment.

I calmly walk away, spying Sona nearby.

"Sona." I greet. "it has been a while."

"It has." She slowly nods.

"Did you manage to get into the student council? If I remember correctly that was your goal, right?"

"It was, but I haven't quite yet... I don't want to use magic to grant myself a position. In a couple of weeks they will be allowing a few first years to join, at that point, I'll join and begin learning the duties of the student council. Then, in the coming years I may attempt to get the rest of my peerage in it."

"Smart." I slowly nod.

"What have you been doing, Gaius?"

"Oh, I just found a long dead dragon's hoard and have spent the past couple of days trying to figure out how to fix a shattered magic sword."

"Oh, that sounds annoying." The girl mutters.

"Believe me. It's like trying to fix a broken plate." I agree.

I look to two other women who step over to Sona and I.

I give them a brief smile. "Ah, Seekvaria, Latia, it has been even longer since I have seen either of you. How have you been?"

"I have been well." The green haired glasses wearing woman smiles.

"Did you figure out that mech suit yet?"

"Not yet." She sighs. "Bringing human technology to that sort of level will take a lot of time."

"I have also been well." The blonde woman with blue tips to her hair nods slowly.

"I am glad to hear that."

My eyes catch sight of someone I actually haven't personally met yet, a young man in a two-piece suit, he is extremely muscular and has short black hair and purplish eyes.

He notices me as I swiftly approach and smiles. "You must be Gaius Decarabia. I've heard a lot about you."

He reaches out a hand, and I take it. "And you must be Sairaorg Bael. Pretty good grip."

"I heard you managed to beat a high-class devil and his entire peerage, that true?" He questions.

"Perhaps." I state as we stop shaking hands.

"Want to fight?" He suddenly asks.

"I'd rather not fight at Rias' birthday party." I state with a calm smile. "But maybe one day."

"I see... I'll look forwards to it." He grins.

I look over to Rias who is lost in her own world, completely ignoring the fact she is covered in gold and gemstones, and focusing entirely on the apple in her hands.



Two figures blur about my Kuoh mansion's training field, dull training swords within hand, Artoria has seriously improved in the past week or so. It's incredible.

"Artoria!" I call out to the two sparring pendragons.

Their blades clash one final time before they both leap backwards, Artoria's eyes trailing towards me. "Yeah?"

"I need some of your blood!" I call out.


"What?" She slowly blinks.

"I need your blood to remake Caledfwlch to be as best as it can possibly be!"


"What?" She questions again.


I let out a long breath as I lift a blade from an elaborate magic circle sat on the table.

I bring my head into my hands and let out a quiet scream.


I peer out between my fingers at the blade.

It's finally done.

Three months of working on the blade... off and on, only taking breaks to visit with my Fiancee, potential peerage members- as in Le Fay and Meredith- and my current peerage members... Primarily Artoria and Valerie.

Forging it was the easy part.

Dear god forging it was the easy part.

This would have taken... eighteen hundred days to enchant if I didn't blatantly cheat. Nearly five years.

Luckily I have Mythic Craft Arms and Armor due to my father's clan trait, and with a use of mythic power I can be treated as working for eight hours- or sixteen if I 'rush'. Then with my 'amazing tools of manufacture' I can do sixteen hours of work in an hour.

I have several sets of those.

But it's FINALLY done.

All it took was several million worth of my wealth to get enchanting materials, then a payment of about one thousand electrum to buy the several sets of 'Amazing Tools of Manufacture', but that's more of an investment for future me, so I won't be counting it.

I lift a fine cloth rag and wipe it down the side of the blade that hums with UNIMAGINEABLE power.

Dark red runes glow down the center of the blade as I smirk down at it.

This blade is... stunning...

It has a simple T shaped guard with a red jeweled cross imbedded in the very center of it. The blade is what draws the most attention however, it is blacker than night with red veins cascading throughout. It's as if you broke something made of glass then fixed it with colored glue. Then there's the brutal red runic lettering that promises pain and destruction...

Yep. This is my magnum opus.

I won't be able to make anything on this level for a looooong time.

Now I just need to name it... can't have it just be named Caledfwlch after all, that'd leave basically no trace of myself on it... I need to mark it... change its legacy...

I think to a certain aspect of the blade and smirk. "Ohoho, that'll do nicely..."

"I dub thee... Caledfwlch Dusk!"

I stand up and smirk down at the blade.

Now all I need to do is give it a cool sheath.

'Do you plan to spend ANOTHER three months locked in this detestable room?'

I sharply inhale through clenched teeth, then slowly exhale.

"Err... no?"

I observe my blade with a prideful grin. "But I can't just leave this with no sheath, can I?"

+5 Caledfwlch (Dusk)

A blade once broken, now reforged with the blood of king Arthur him- Herself. With their blood, this blade was pushed far beyond even what the lady of the lake intended, and now, as it is fully enchanted at a STAGGERING +30 enchantment bonus, the creator can only look on in awe at the blade that rivals that of the strongest magic weaponry.

Blooded Fey Magic: This blade may be enchanted to +30 instead of a mere +10

Beyond Morality (Greater): (+8) A 'Beyond Morality' weapon is special, it has an extremely flexible enchantment that allows it to shift in response to its wielder, with 'Evil' wielders, it is treated as an 'Unholy' weapon, and for Good wielders, it is treated as a 'Holy' weapon. Granting 4d6 additional damage to the opposing alignment of each. Note: this damage is multiplied on a critical hit unlike most other enchantments.

Magically Keen (+2) This enhancement functions much like the 'Keen' enchantment, however, instead of simply doubling the weapon's threat range, this also increases the crit multiplier by 1.

Magically Enhanced (+3) This blade has been enhanced with magic, the weapon's base damage is doubled, as are any damaging magical effects, finally, the weapon adds an additional .5 times the wielder's strength modifier on attacks.

Blade Beam: (+2) This blade can be infused with magical power to launch powerful slash attacks at range dealing damage as if the wielder had struck the target.

Blade of Legend: (+10) This blade bestows incredible power to its wielders, enveloping them in its magical aura, granting the wielder DR 25/- and resistance to all elemental effects equal to 30. it also grants the wielder a Spell resistance of 25. Finally, all other magical effects of the blade are doubled.

Impervious: (3000 GP) A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus.

Hardness: 135

Health: 600

Weight: 2 Lbs

Damage: 16d8+80+Str*9 +(16d6 Holy/Unholy)

Crit Range: 15-20. (x4)

"heheheh hahahah AHAHAHAHAHAH!" I cackle as I heft the blade.

You know, I sort of don't want to give this to Artoria because of how utterly powerful it turned out...

But I sort of have to or my 'I'm going to give it to a Pendragon' statement to the exorcists becomes a lie.

Plus it would be pretty good to have someone on my side which could solve my problems- of the stabbing people variety- while I am away without me having to worry about it.

"Fuck it." I sigh only to freeze

Mythic Trials have been completed:

Reforge a blade created by the Lady of The Lake: 1 Mythic Trial

Create a world-class weapon: 1 Mythic Trail

You are now Mythic Tier 4.

"Hoo boy."

Due to your mythic power seeping into Caledfwlch during its forging process, it has gained a Mythic trait.

Caledfwlch has gained status as an Inteligent weapon.

'wait... wh-'

The black sword begins glowing brightly as it frees itself from my hands.


I blink slowly and feel a sudden weight in my lap.


This is such a fucking cop out.

I look down to see a small child with long black hair and red eyes looking back up at me. She has a small frilly black dress with red ribbon on it.

She giggles and presses her tiny hands against my face.

I silently stare down at the black haired five-ish year old as she squishes my cheeks.

The door is dramatically flung open. "GAIIII-TAAAA-eh?"

I look over to the black haired magical girl who slung the door open, I know for a fact I have dark circles under my eyes, the girl sitting in my lap certainly isn't helping my image as she pokes and prods my face.

"Yes, Sera-Tan?"

The child in my lap slowly looks over to the newcomer, her eyes lighting up with a slightly mischievous glint.

"Kyaa!" The child cheers as she raises her hands.

"Well who's this little cutie, Gai-Tan?!" Serafall asks with wide eyes. "I didn't know you babysat!"

The little girl clambers out of my lap and waddles over to Serafall and holds her hands up to the magical girl. "Up! Up!"

Serafall's heart seems to melt as she reaches down and picks up the girl.

The sword child slowly seems to be mischievously reaching up towards Serafall's hair-


The girl promptly transforms into a light blue haired girl with bright golden yellow eyes, she's wearing a baby blue dress with white ribbon.

Serafall looks at the transformed girl who presses her face into the satan's shoulder abruptly and closes her eyes, a moment later Serafall gives me a confused look.

"Who... is this?"

"Oh, that's Caled..." I announce with a small shrug, a devious thought coming to mind. "She's my daughter."



"What do you mean a sword?!" The Satan beside me mutters.

"Oh, I just made a blade so good it gained sentience and became a loli..." I deadpan over my shoulder.

We quietly walk throughout the mansion as I let out a large yawn.

"oh, you know..." I sigh as I wipe my eyes. "Just a regular... whatever today it..."

"Gai-Tan... are you pranking me?" The Satan pouts

"So what brings you here today, Sera-tan?" I ask, not answering her question at all.

"I wanted to grab the stuff for So-Tan's party!" The magical girl grins. "I've scoured the underworld for the best bakers, and greatest cake decorators.

"Oh... right... that is coming up soon, hm? If we are still using the dew tree as the base cake, you won't need it baked, by the way." I lowly hum. "Anyways, I've sort of lost track of time while I was reforging a broken magical sword over the past three months."

She looks to the girl and frowns. "I can tell that she's not a normal kid... but a sword, Gai-tan? That's a little hard to believe."

"Oh? Is that so?" I ask with a small smirk.

We are slowly approaching my outdoor training field, already we can hear the sounds of combat.

Artoria ducks a slash from Arthur as she rapidly backpedals, she suddenly lunges towards the side and slashes upwards while placing her arm on the ground to steady herself as she crouches low.

With a sudden leap and a twist, she flips over Arthur's head, her training blade flashes out and blocks an attack.

They both seem to notice my presence as they abruptly break apart.

Artoria turns to face me with a beaming smile. "Ah, Gaius, what can I do for you today?"

"Oh, nothing much, I just wanted to drop off something for you." I shrug. "Also. Serafall, meet Arthur, Arthur, meet Serafall Leviathan, perhaps the strongest female devil in our entire race and also the head of foreign affairs."

His eyes widen slightly as he takes in her appearance, she gives him an impish smile and a wave.

"Caled." I call out as I snap my fingers.

The girl in Serafall's arms looks over and with a dull flash she turns into a warm light and flies towards me. Suddenly the blackened blade that the small child was before appears in my hand.

"This is Caledfwlch Dusk." I announce as I take the blade in both hands and hold it out to the gender bent King Arthur.

"She really WAS a sword?!" The Satan gasps.

"You turned my ancestor's weapon into a small child?" Arthur blinks.

I hold up a hand as I shift my grip once more. "To be completely and totally fair, I didn't MEAN to turn Caledfwlch into a little girl, but I made it so powerful it made itself sentient then proceeded to become a small child."

"Why Caledfwlch... Dusk?" Artoria mutters.

"You'll see if you actually took the blade I have been trying to give you for the past thirty seconds.

She blinks then carefully takes the sword.


The blade transforms, the metal takes on a blue hue as golden veins go throughout, the cross on its hand guard which was once blood red is now a brilliant gold.

Serafall flinches as a holy aura begins radiating from Artoria.

"Say hello to Caledfwlch Dawn."

Artoria looks up slowly. "Wh-"

"I made it change depending on who wields it. You now have a sword with multi-personality disorder just like you!"

"Gai-tan." Serafall slowly mutters. "Where did you get a holy sword."

"It's not a holy sword... it's a holy demonic sword." I smile. "And I made it... from basically nothing. Every single enchantment on that blade came from me... except the first one which allowed the blade to be really receptive to enchantments... but, I made that better than it was originally, so I'd like to say that's on me too."

I step over to Artoria and casually smooth out her Ahego, her hair becomes a pale blonde as her eyes turn yellow, her white dress turns to black, the blade in her hand now looking like it was when I held it.

An oppressive feeling falls on the entire training field, Artoria slowly blinks at me as killing intent slowly radiates off the blade.

I lift the piece of hair I just flattened, causing the blonde girl to return to her earlier white-dressed appearance.

"See. Holy and demonic." I smirk. "As for its effects, weeeell"

Artoria looks down at the now blue blade with a slow blink.

I suddenly whirl around and with a small hop, smash my heel into Artoria's nose, causing her to flinch back and slide across the training field for a few feet.

She appears stunned for a moment as a yellow aura crackles around her. "It also protects you from damage."

The girl looks over herself and lets out a low hum. "Huh... that's pretty neat."

"Anyways, take care of Caled and she'll take care of you?" I wave. "Now, I have to go gather some things for Sera-tan, I'll see you later."


I silently gaze at the large 'Arthur's Legacy' quest.

I wasn't aware it even had bonus objectives.

Reforge Caledfwlch: [x]

Make Caledfwlch better than ever: [x]

Rewards: 6000 Electrum, Blessing of the Lake.

Blessing of the Lake: when creating magical arms and armor, your maximum level of enchantment is +15.

Worth it.

Achievement: Gain the attention of the lady of the lake.

They fey have long since checked out of the mortal plane, sticking to their own realm and refusing to speak with humans or any supernatural race for hundreds of years, apparently being offended by the church sometime in the distant past... however something has changed. An annoying devil made something that blows all of the creations of the legendary fey sword smiths out of the water... and to add insult to injury, it was made out of one of THEIR creations deemed nothing more than a failure due to human error!

Rewards: 500 Electrum, The Lady of the lake is now actively looking for you.

'That isn't a fucking reward. The fey are scary.'

'You are afraid of the fey? Seriously?'

'from what I've heard of them, they are even worse than devils... if they ask for your name and you give it to them, they can just like, make you forget your name, right?'

'That's true, but their power isn't absolute. And even then, it's typically only the stronger ones that can do that... and to normal non-supernatural humans at that!'

'like the famed lady of the lake?'

'Are you a human? No. You aren't. Stop worrying. Merely by being a devil, you'd have an incredible resistance to Fey deal nonsense, far surpassing what someone near your strength should have, then if you consider the aura of the boosted gear? You'll be completely and totally immune.'

"Hm. Dragon Pep Talk... Neat." I mutter to myself.

'I won't have my wielder act like a little bitch, regardless of how temporary this situation may be.'

'Well, well, well, you're lucky I ripped you out of Issei, then, because you would have been called the breast dragon emperor before even a year was up.'

'Tch. Honestly, better you than the pervert. But I still don't see you as a true wielder of the boosted gear.'

Speaking of dragons, I have that dragon corpse in storage... then the skeleton that Arthur's spear was stabbed in... and the church has refused to give me a response.

Ah well, they had their chance. I'll probably touch them up with 'Restore Corpse'- that has been modified to work on creatures larger than medium size, and sell them in the auction for a quick buck.

Wait... with repair corpse... couldn't I make limitless dragon leather armor? I can't do much with the bones, as I'd need all of them to restore the corpse, but I could definitely make a killing in the dragon leather market.

Food for thought.

Maybe I could even give one to Ajuka for his Devil Cards or something?

Perhaps. Perhaps.

But first I need to finish up Sona's birthday present.


Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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